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Technology Training Opportunities
Summer time is a great time to relax and play with some new technology tools and
ideas. Join Tracy Harris, Technology Integration Specialist 2011-2012, this summer for
new ideas and great fun! Register by emailing Tracy-

July 6, 8:30-3:00 p.m. How to do 11 Techy Things in the New School


Get ready for the next school year. Why not try something new? This
workshop will give you a quick-start to using more technology in your
classroom, even if you aren't sure how or where to start. This session is
great for teachers who want to enhance their School Fusion page or are
new to blogs, video making, Twitter, podcasting and more.

July 7, 8:30-3:00 p.m. Twelve Essentials for Technology Integration

There are many tools on the internet that teachers can use in classrooms.
Figuring out the good ones or appropriate ones to use can be challenging
and possibly disappointing. This workshop will provide you with a
selection of tools that can be used in most classroom settings regardless of
content area. Teachers will learn about creating documents and
presentations using Google and Animoto. Use tools like blogs , websites,
and your School Fusion page to properly communicate with parents. Learn
about sites to place and create collaborative projects, and alternatives to
You Tube.

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