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College of Technology Department of Information & Logistics Technology

Laboratory 1
Study of Accepted Use Policies

Accepted use policies (AUP) are the contractual basis of behavior for employing information systems and services. To
use the information systems of the University of Houston, students, faculty and staff must agree to accept and observe a
set of rules for conduct with regard to their use. For this assignment, review the University of Houston College of
Technology AUP and then sign and date the final sheet. This sheet must be turned in at the beginning of the next class
period along with the lab report.

The Lab Report

In this assignment, you are required to write a 1000-1500 word essay on accepted use policies for information services.
Read carefully the University of Houston policy and then find three similar policies. Examples may be from Internet
Service Providers, webmail services, other colleges and universities and corporate or organizational networks. You
must then compare and contrast those AUPs with that of the University of Houston College of Technology. What I
am looking for is a brief description of each type of organization or service you are reporting on, the parameters of the
use agreement (including a word count of the agreement – required) and an inventory of forbidden activities. Tell me
what you believe the strengths and weaknesses of each AUP are as well as items that you feel to be missing and that
should be rectified. Finally, after completing this analysis, please specify at least one area of improvement for the UH-
College of Technology AUP.

ITEC 2337 1 Spring 2009

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