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Decision Making and the Will of

Self guided study assignment for people facing major decisions


What does the Bible say about our decisions? Does God have a plan for your life that resembles
something like a script in a theatrical production? Or has God allowed people the freedom to make
choices within the framework of his revelation? In other words, did God pave the road, paint the lane
markers and post the road signs but leave us free to choose how fast we will drive or where we want to go?

Principle # 1 Life is like a game of baseball. Notes:

If you’ve ever seen a baseball game you’ve noticed that the

field is always referred to as a diamond. This is because the distances between
the bases is dictated by the official rules of baseball. So is the height of the
mound, the number of players on the field and whether a ball is ‘in play’ or a
‘foul’ ball. All of the rules that govern baseball are unchangeable. And yet when
two teams take the field no one knows who will win. No one knows who will
prove to be the most valuable player or make the most spectacular plays. You
see despite the rigid rules of baseball, it is these rules that create the
environment where individual players making split moment decisions can rise
to the apex of victory or slump in defeat. Rules provide the framework for the
game to be played, without them there would be no game.
Reality as defined by the Bible is comparable to this baseball
illustration. God has provided the ‘rules’ by which to ‘play’ the game of life. If
you understand the rules you will understand how to play life well. Life it can
be said is nothing more than the sum total of all the decisions and choices you
have made in life. These following verse will provide you with an introduction
to the rule book so you can begin learning how to make better plays when it
comes to decision making.

A. Seek First His Kingdom…. (Matt.

Read Matthew 6:24-25
In your words what is Jesus trying to teach you
in these verses?

Center for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship. 1020 Tyson Ave, Paris , TN. 38242. (731) 642 – 5585. Visit us at www.center4
B. Delight Yourself in the Lord … (Psalm
Explain the relationship between delighting in
the Lord and your personal desires? Can God
grant you the desires of your heart right now?
Why or why not?

C. Profitable for LIFE and Godliness….(2 Peter 1:3)

Most people tend to think of the Bible as a
‘religious’ book that contains little or no
teaching on how to live life today? Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? If the
Bible is relevant today, can you explain how?

D. Be diligent to present yourself approved to God. (2

Timothy 2:15)
What does it mean to not be ‘ashamed’? What
does it mean to ‘handle accurately the Word of

SUMMARY: In order to make Biblically wise decisions one must

obviously be ‘born again’ unto life in Jesus Christ. The natural heart is
dead and does not comprehend the things of God. A believer,
according to the Bible now lives of the agenda that Jesus has set. Your
are to delight in the Lord by reading the Bible with an aim towards
understanding how its principles can be lived out in your life. As you
learn to ‘play’ life according to God’s ‘rules’ the stage is set for an
amazing and varied experience. Jesus said of himself, “I came so that
you could have life and life more abundantly (John 10:10 my

Principle # 2 You’ve Got to Have the Right Equipment to Play

the Game

Now that you understand the basic rules for the

game, we’ll turn next to understanding the right equipment
you need to perform well. The equipment we are talking
about here are some practical principles you need to
understand to make Biblically informed decisions. Knowing
the rules of baseball doesn’t mean you’ll be a star athlete.
Likewise a star athlete without the proper equipment, say a
baseball bat for instance, cannot perform at his peak. When
it comes to making decisions, the next 6 points will help you
perform at your peak.

A. Talk to God….Prayer and Essential (Proverbs 16:1)

Read this passage and then answer the following
In your words, explain the meaning of this passage.
Why is it important to pray to God?

Do you trust God? Why?

B. Define the Decision
Is the decision a moral one (like whom to marry) or a
practical one (which car to buy or school to attend)?
It is typically easier to discern the will of God in moral
areas because most of the time you can find explicit
direction in God's Word (for example: Do not be
unequally yoke 2 Cor. 6:14). If God has already
revealed his will in Scripture, your only response is to
Non-moral decisions can be more difficult to make
because of the lack of explicit instruction. These
kinds of decisions must still be guided by the
Scripture and the principles found there. Often the
will of God is simply that a person make a decision
after wrestling with the options in light of Gods Word!

Is the decision you need to make a moral decision or

a non-moral decision? How did you decide?

C. Prepare Your Heart to Accept Any Outcome

(Proverbs 3:5-6)
A key understanding Christians have to keep in mind is
that we are called to pursue Jesus’ agenda. When
seeking God’s wisdom about the decisions you need to
make you must be willing to accept any option the Lord
responds with. Remember if you delight yourself in the
Lord He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm

Are you willing an ready to accept any outcome the

Lord has prepared? Why?
D. Obtain Counsel
Proverbs 15:22 says “Without counsel plans fail, but
with many counselors they succeed”
Who are trusted sources of counsel in your life?

Can non Christians be a source of Biblical counsel?


E. Do Your Homework / Weight Your Decision

A pro’s and con’s list is a very helpful tool for you to
evaluate your thinking. After making a list of the
benefits or consequences of a decision think through
what verses speak directly or indirectly to the items on
your list. Important questions to ask yourself are:
• Is God in what you are about to decide?
• Will this decision draw you closer to God or place
impediments in your walk with Him?
• How will your decision impact your Christian
testimony and the witness you have with the World?
• Are your priorities Biblical?

F. Act in Faith (Hebrews 10:38)

After defining the choices before you, praying to God for
guidance, seeking Godly counsel and doing your
homework, it is time to act! Whatever is not of faith is sin
and a clear conscience is to be pursued. Therefore when
you decide to decide ask yourself if the choice you are
about to make is being done in faith or sinful pragmatism.
Is the choice you are about to make going to result in a
quiet conscience or an accusing conscience?
Principle # 3 Play Ball!

Now that you have an outline of the rules for the ‘game’ of
decision making and understanding of the basic
equipment God has provided, we’ll turn next to
understanding how to study your motivations and prepare
your heart for action. These next 6 questions are general
principles that can be used to probe your own heart and
A. Is my Primary Desire to Please and Glorify God? Or

B. Do I Have Any Sinful Desires Involved? If Yes, can

you specifically identify any sinful desires?

C. Do You Recognize that God is Sovereigntly in


D. Will the Decision You Make Cause Another Christian

to Stumble in Their Walk with the Lord?

E. Will Your Conscience be Pure and at Peace?


F. Can I Honor God with the Action my Decision Will


Pro’s and Con’s Worksheet


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