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Situation and purpose statement:

The Philippines like music and dance from their nature and our prison start at 2007
to use dancing instead of ever day’s running and gymnastics exercises and we invite
everyone especially the relatives of those prisoners to visit our prison. This is in case
to avoid the violence happens. We do this as the first prison has two main purposes.
First is to help the prisoners gain confidence to build their new life, and show their
relatives that they live well here, it’s also to give them confidence too. Last but not
least is that we want to improve the tourist industry. In this way we can gain more
tourists from all over the world so that to help the government to gain more taxes
income and also we can have more funding to make our prison better.

S: is conducive to the management of prisons, easy to reduce violence
Can cultivate good character of prisoners
W: invest more money,
Waste more labour force and material resources
O: cause the attention of social all circles
Improve visibility of the prison.
Help the local economic development
T: prison management may cause some people unhappy because they think
criminals should be punished their mistakes, rather than through the colorful life in

5. Conclusion:
As we have considered the all the situations and both benefit and risks we decided to
do this and we are not only aiming at Philippines but also the whole world. First we
are going to enter the Asia market first because there is something similar in culture
and then expand to the global. As the world is becoming more and more
international and the economic is getting better so it’s really a good opportunity to
do this and to set a good example to the world.

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