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Love has its own
time, season and own
reasons! You can't
ask it to stay, you
can only embrace it
as it comes and be
glad that for a
moment in your life
it was yours!


ás long as we have
memories, yesterday
remains, as long as we
have hope, tomorrow
awaits. ás long as we
have friendship, each
day is never a waste.








rt's National Friendship Week. Send This to Everyone You
Consider a FRrEND, This Slide Show rs Specially sent to
You Because You áre My Friend ánd r Hope You Will Pass
This On To áll Whom You Consider ás Friends.
rf rt Comes Back to You, Then You'll Know You Have a
Circle of Friends.
Now Send This to Every Friend You Have! ánd to Your
This Was Sent to Me by a Friend, and rs Now Passed on to

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