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Obesity has been defined as an excess of adipose mass, or body fat. It has been
on the risk among the young people especially for children. There are many reasons
why they are obese. One of the reason is young people dread exercising. Without
proper exercise most young people do not work off the extra fat stored and thus
become overweight.

Every problem still has the way to be overcome. Below are some suggestions to
overcome the obesity program. Exercise is the key word in losing weight. One should
exercise at least three or four times a week in order for the person to burn up the fat that
is stored. The easiest exercise is walk. Walking is simple, easy and no need to waste
money. But when you are walking don’t walk slowly, take a brisk walk. Although,
exercise is good and can help us to burn up the fat but do not over exercise.

Another suggestion is reduce the intake of food. One can reduce the amount of
rice. In addition, lowering the intake of food that is high in sugar, such as sweet, cake
and more. This will help one to lose weight.

Lastly, changing eating habits also can help to control one’s weight. One has to
adopt eating habits in order to lose weight. Eating a lot of vegetables and fruits instead
of junk food helps to reduce one’s weight. Eating three meals a day at a fixed time will
also help one to lose weight. Alternatively, instead of having three meals a day, one can
have six small meals a day so not to feel hungry.

Anyway, a young person should not use drugs as an aid to suppress appetite.
This is because drugs causing nausea and drugs preventing gastrointestinal absorption.
For children or young people should not use “formula” diets on the market. Parents
should give support to their child, talk to their child about nutrition and the Biblical
principle of keeping our bodies healthy for Jesus. This spiritual approach may be more
effective than any other.

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