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No one dies a virgin. Life fucks us all.

-Kurt Cobain, Nirvana

She died not because of poverty but because she was raped by her own father,
alleges today's news. The girl who committed suicide last November 2 and was
buried November 10, whose diary told of her misery in not being able to go to
school, and whose suicide instantly made her a saint of anti-government groups by
presenting her suicide as the government's fault, has her credibility as a martyr
for the cause of social justice violently shaken.
In an age where surival of the fittest is not a suggestion but the cardinal
rule, a commandment which should have been inscribed in stone, the most that the
public gave for her performance, was a shrug. Somehow people are either too afraid
and unnerved to face the truth or that they really do not care anymore. Apathy had
seeped deep into the bones of the people. So that not even a death this miserable
can move them to tears.
The living feel superior to the dead. The living who control the most
resources, who have the biggest mansions and the fattest bank accounts even feel
more superior to the living who can only muster enough for a day's meal.
Marianette Amper is poor and dead. She is poor and dead and that makes her a
double loser. No one cares about the poor people, so why should they care about a
poor and a dead one?
The cancer has spread deep. And slowly the hope of ever finding a cure
erodes and finally vanishes. We are everywhere. We pride ourselves with being
hardy and able to survive in whatever situation we find ourselves. And this deep
and strong conviction to live and to prosper has made us callous to the ones who
simply said quits and surrendered.

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