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1 Assignment 02 PMIS 2011 – SQL injection

Name : Gopal Benakanawari

Roll No : 10IS12F

1. Basic Study on “what is SQL injection?” What are the different ways to do it?
SQL injection is technique of injecting a code

2. List out the basic causes for SQL injection?

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3. Find some sites of importance which are vulnerable to this attack? Genuine and original listing of
sites will fetch more points.

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4. What are the different entry points for SQL injection?

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5. Do you think just skipping of single quotes ( ‘ ) will prevent SQL injection completely? Give reasons.

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NITK, Surathkal.

2 Assignment 02 PMIS 2011 – SQL injection

6. Do you think client side scripting can prevent SQL injection? Give reasons?

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7. Can we do database fingerprinting using SQL injection? Explain briefly.

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8. List some tools to do automated SQL injection Testing. Make criteria and evaluate the tools based
on those criteria. Explain which tool is best for which situation.

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9. List some Developer centric and Maintenance centric solutions against SQL injection?

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10. Can just runtime monitoring methods (like IDS based solution) prevent SQL injection? What do you

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11. Do you think that SQL injection attack can be prevented at an accuracy of 100%? Give reasons.

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12. Anything extra you may need to express on SQL injection. You can list out any interesting findings

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NITK, Surathkal.

3 Assignment 02 PMIS 2011 – SQL injection

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NITK, Surathkal.

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