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Anastasia Peer-Drake

Hour 3
Gothic Short Story
The Illusion

Every year Elsie and Izily take a trip to Shinestone Campground for a camping
weekend. Shinestone is a beautiful place surrounded by forest and vegetation
everywhere. Both girls very excited Elise a beautiful girl with long flowing brown hair
and deep blue eyes like the sea. Izily not as beautiful, just average with shoulder length
blonde hair and brown eyes has always envied Elise. The sisters were very close, at least
that’s what Elsie thought. But that was all a façade that Izily put out, she truly envied
Elsie yet still loved her.
The girls got to the camp and set up their tent and gathered firewood for later on.
Elsie was the one who set up the tent and when Izily saw where she put it she decided to
start a fight, and yelled about how she put it on the wrong side of the fire pit. So they
yelled at each other and eventually Elsie just yelled, “I can’t stand this, you’re always
picky over the littlest things!” Izily replies, “Whatever, I wish you’d just disappear!”
“Fine I will, you’ll never have to see me again.”, said Elsie of course not meaning it, and
ran into the woods. Izily felt like she was a bit harsh and for once felt a bit of remorse,
she realized how much she truly loved her.
Although the sisters had been coming to these campgrounds for years, they didn’t
know the woods very well. Soon it grew darker because a storm was approaching

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