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Jonice Jackson

Mrs. Field

LNG 322

28 March 2011

True Justice

The constitution states that all men are created equal; however, is this true

when a black man accused of the rape of a white woman cannot get a fair trial,

even though all the evidence and witness statements used by the prosecution has

been put under serious questioning by this defense. Mayella Euwell is an

impoverished white girl, who is not accepted by the white or black community. So

when my client, Tom Robinson, is kind to her, she takes it out of context and

attempts to tempt him. This is seen my by her father, Bob Euwell, who then takes

matters into his and changes the story. Tom Robinson’s trial was rigged; the jury

could not look past the color of Toms’ skin, they did not care about the evidence,

only that their “social code” found him guilty.

Racism is a disease, and many of the citizens in Maycomb County suffer from

it. In this trial many of the jurists put personal beliefs before what is actually right

and wrong. Each one of them took prior experiences with people of Toms’ color into

the jury box and came to the conclusion that all negro men are immoral beings. All

jurists in any court are told to review the case without passion. However, these men

beliefs are so strong that they aren’t able to do so. As soon as Tom’s race is known

everyone knew that he is going to be found guilty no matter what the truth is. For

these men admitting that Tom is innocent is like saying that he is as good as any

white man, which to them is an insult to their way of life. Tom did not stand a

chance against a Maycomb County jury, even if all the evidence was in his favor.

The inconsistencies of the evidence in this trial proves that Tom Robinson is


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