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En-men-dur-ana (also Emmeduranki) of Sippar was an ancient Sumerian king, whose

name appears in the Sumerian king list as the seventh and penultimate pre-dynast
ic king of Sumer (before ca. 2900 BC).
His name means "chief of the powers of Dur-an-ki", while "Dur-an-ki" in turn mea
ns "the meeting-place of heaven and earth" (literally "bond of above and below")
.[1] En-men-dur-ana's city Sippar was associated with the worship of the sun-god
Utu, later called Shamash in the Semitic language. Sumerian and Babylonian lite
rature attributed the founding of Sippar to Utu.[2]
A myth written in a Semitic language tells of Emmeduranki, subsequently being ta
ken to heaven by the gods Shamash and Adad, and taught the secrets of heaven and
of earth. In particular, Enmedurank was taught arts of divination, such as how
to inspect oil on water and how to discern messages in the liver of animals and
several other divine secrets.[3][4][5][6][7][8]

En-men-dur-ana was extremely significant to the Sumerians, as he was the ancesto

r from whom all priests of the sun God had to be able to trace descent.[citation

He is sometimes linked to the Biblical patriarch, Enoch due to cultural associat

ions between Enoch in the Genesis genealogies and En-men-dur-ana in the Sumerian
King List.[9] Both people are the 7th name in a list of ante-deluvian patriarch
s with long lifespans. En-men-dur-ana is associated with Sippar (which was assoc
iated with sun worship) while Enoch's lifespan is 365 years which is parallel to
the number of days in a solar year (365 days).[10]

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