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Student Name: __________________________

Date: ________________________

Sentence Corrections
Directions: Correct each sentence. Think about capitalization, spelling, verb forms, end marks, periods, articles.

1. the puppie that doris finded somunicated its feelings to her without words. (6 errors)
Correction: ____________________________________________________________________


2. mr coleman thinked that a animal shelter would be a good place to find a pett (7 errors)
Correction: ____________________________________________________________________


Critical Reading: Sentence Completions

Directions: Read each sentence and think about its main idea. Look for key words or phrases that signal contrast, such
as although, unlike, and but.

1. Although Egyptian pyramids may appear to be simple structures, the process of designing and constructing
them was ________________.
a. Curious
b. Complex
c. Identical
d. Focused
e. Definite

2. Unlike the _________________ coloring of female cardinals, male cardinals have ____________ feathers that
attract attention.
a. Concealed…bright
b. Obvious…brilliant
c. Bright…brown
d. Dull….vivid
e. Plain…desperate

3. Before the development of computers, weather forecasting was __________, but now forecasters often can
___________ weather conditions.
a. Precise…guess
b. Incorrect…react to
c. Inaccurate…predict
d. Common…identify
e. Superior…expect

Homework Sheet (3/29)

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