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• J8/2008 12; 49 FAX 2022267107

• IASHl~GTO~ DC li!l 004/004

Froml Pere%, Normll J.

sent: T1lu~, ""'arch 20, ZOOS 11:08 AM
TQI M5ih, VIdllr18 S.; Troup, Audmy A.; EcIder, Jollanna; Meyer, Eric: c.; HalTlf1lOl1d, Rylln T.;
P;magIIa. I'eQgy J.; Da!l:her. Grlffln Jr.,
Andreasen, Russell G.
Sull'.lectl SU5lsestlQn
GiYllllll\at we _ tlaYing mere and mora OOmpG/18a11011l1lOeking vatersn&, I'd like to SlIIl!ll!lst \flat
you rabin fram g"''''llll GlQgI10sJs 01 PTSO stril~ out. Consider II diagnosis of Adlllslment
Disorder. RIO PTSl::J.
AddJ1lonaII\I. -l8fU)' doni or haye ti",« to do the 8"'1lIive te&tlng ilia! should be done to
determine PTsD.

~'" !here halIe been some incldsl1ClI! wIlo!!re 1/1.. ve6eI8n ~BS .. C & P, ill nat ~""n • cliagnosie of
PTSD. tIlen lIIe \IllIo,"," corn_ tlare .,d .... QlYelnB dlaQnc:l$lS, "rid the -.on appeals his ~
based on ~r _s,,",.m.

Th1a Is Just iI IUgglI'ltlon for III" reaons listed lIba1re.

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