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4 oz (or 125g or one stick) butter or margarine

1 tablespoon sugar (note that US tablespoons are 20% smaller than the
UK so if you are in N America, use more for this and other tablespoon
measures below)
2 tablespoons drinking chocolate
1 tablespoon golden syrup
2 tablespoons raisins
8oz (250g) Rich Tea or plain or digestive biscuits (crackers/cookies in
6oz (170g) good quality milk chocolate

Melt the butter and sugar with the syrup in a large pan. Add the raisins
and drinking chocolate and bring to the boil. Allow to bubble gently
for two to three minutes to thicken a little.

Crush the biscuits (crackers) with a rolling pin (putting them in a

plastic bag beforehand cuts down on the mess). Don't leave the biscuit
pieces too large, however, or the finished slab will tend to break up
when cut. Mix the crumbs well into the melted mixture, coating
thoroughly. Press into a lined 8 inch by 11 inch (28cm by 20cm)
shallow Swiss roll tin and level out, pushing down the mixture well.

Melt the chocolate carefully (avoiding getting it boiling) and spread

over the top. Leave to set in a cool place then cut into 15 or 24 pieces
with a sharp knife. You can cut it into squares or rectangles or (as in
the picture above), into triangles.

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