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Hiking accident

Many years ago when I was a freshman in high school, an event happened to me that
changed my life for the better. My friend invited me to go hiking with him and his sister. He
was going to go hiking in Yosemite. The following day I prepared myself mentally and
.physically in order to accomplish this hike
While on the road my friend’s sister and I got to know each other very well. We talked about
how we were doing in school, and many other things. As time went by we could see the
mountains getting closer and closer to us. We could not wait to climb El Capitan. When we
finally arrived, we unpacked and got ready to hike El Capitan. On the way up the hike we had
a great time because as we hiked up we talked about how cool it was going to be up there
.on top of the world
After three hours we arrived at our first break stop. We stopped at a section that was on top
of the waterfall. The view was amazing and spectacular because we had never seen anything
like this. As we continued our hike after several more break stops, and nine more hours of
hiking, we finally arrived at the top of El Capitan. Once we got to the top the view was
amazing. We could not imagine how beautiful it was up there on top of the world. After
about half an hour we started heading back down, when all of a sudden out of no where I
felt someone push me out of the way. A man that was in a hurry to get back down pushed
me so hard, that I lost my balance and fell of a twenty foot cliff. At that moment in time I
could see flashbacks of my life. After a couple seconds of falling I somehow landed between
two rocks which shattered my right foot. After that happen every one that was there tried to
get help but unfortunately cell phones do not work in Yosemite, but the man that pushed
.me over the cliff had a walky-talky and he called for help
After half an hour of waiting, a helicopter came for me to get me out of there. After the
helicopter picked me up and flew me out of there they dropped me of at valley children’s
hospital. After that I was operated and put in a room where I could get whatever I wanted.
When they let me go home on the way back I was thinking on how lucky I was to still be
.alive, and because of that I was grateful for everything in my life

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