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• Hassan is a chemical engineer
• He supervises workers who is exposed to hot metal 8 hour
per day and 5 days per week.
• He is concerned about workers have a breathing problems
• Hassan ask superior, Charlie about the problem
• He said it was full compliance with Malaysian
Occupational Safety and Helath Act 1994
• He said only worker with 50s year old have this problem
• He refuse to curb this problem as incurred high cost.
• So if they sick just quit.
Question 1
in the above case, do you think the supervisor’s act is ehtical? Discuss
your answer with three reasons using Deontology Theory.
• The action by supervisor’s to not curb the problem is
not ethical.
• According to deontological theories, doing a duty is a
matter of satisfying legitimate claims or the need of
• The supervisor’s and the company have a moral duty
to prevent the workers from having breathing problem.
• Even the cost are high, they have moral duty to keep
other safety working place. If they ignored this, they
are doing immorally.
• The reason why the supervisor should take an action
by reducing the breathing problem is he is the
leader and bind to prevent the consequences from
the problem.
• As the leader he should not let it go easily by saying
‘if they sick,they should quit’.
• He ignore on the duty by not satisfying the need of
• He must not feel that the duty gives trouble to him.

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