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About Exhibition

Are you gonna apply your issue in your life? How?

Yes I’m gonna apply it in my life by practicing every time.

Are you gonna forget about this exhibition?

No, I’m not gonna forget this exhibition because this is very important learning in my life in school. (I’m
very honest here)

Are you gonna copy it anywhere? Where?

Yes I’m gonna copy it in facebook, my blog, my class blog and etc.

What questions did people ask you?

Why did you choose this issue? (Teacher)

Answer: I chose this issue because I sometimes you know waste my opportunities by not taking the
advice that my father gave me which is read for 30 mins. Write down what I understand in the book and
show him if I’ve done well.

Who is Shakti Gawain? (Y4 or Y5)

Answer: Shakti Gawain is the one who made the positive quote which is “You create
opportunities by asking for them”. She’s also a psychology that means to understand
behavior and mental processes.

What is an opportunity? (Y2 or Y3)

Answer: Opportunity is like if you want to swim better and your father or mother said to
practice all the time then the better swimming is your opportunities.

Who is Edward de Bono? (Y4 or Y5)

Answer: Edward de Bono is the one who made the negative quote which is “If you wait for opportunities
to occur, then you will be one of the crowd”. He’s also provided the methods and tools for this new

Reflection on my Exhibition

What’s the good thing about the exhibition?

The good thing about my exhibition is that we just get on with our work.

What’s the bad thing about this exhibition?

The bad thing about the exhibition is nothing.

What’s the easy part that you did in the exhibition?

The easy part that I did is we got all settled in.

What’s the hard part that you did?

The hard part that I did is getting people to watch my video.

What is your video about?

My video is about telling the story about the positive and negative quote. The positive quote “You
create opportunities by asking them”. The negative quote is “You wait for opportunities to occur, then
you will be one of the crowd”.

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