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Artist Profile

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Messenger ID

• Skype


• Gtalk

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☐ Caricatures of different styles

☐ Cartoons based on photos
☐ Face drawings and paintings
☐ Full body drawings
☐ Animal drawings
☐ Other ……………(Please specify)
Photo editing:

☐ Funny manipulations (zombie-, cinderella-, vampire style, …)

☐ “Cover model treatment”, eg. retouching, lights,...
☐ Blending images, eg. taking a car from a photo with a “boring” background and putting the
car into a more interesting background
☐ “Glamorizing” photos
☐ Other …………(Please specify)

☐ Banners/headers for personal blogs

☐ Logos for personal use or small companies
☐ Cool wallpapers for pc desktops based on photos of people or places
☐ Other ..................(please specify)
Photo manipulations:
☐ remove background
☐ profile pictures: sharpen face, blur background,...
☐ Other ................... (please specify)

Additional ............... (please specify)

Please answer the following questions

• Do you do person, animal and object equally well?

• Please quote based on the cost structure for the particular product.

• Price per image (standard/ simple design/ simple re-touching)

• Price per image if original photo contains more than one person or animal (families or

• Will you give discount for bulk purchasing, eg. if many photos are to be edited or many
drawings are to be made (eg. a family wants all of it’s members sketched + a family group

• Price for higher standard product (more complicated design, complicated technique)

3. How long will it take for you to work on single product:

• Standard product

• Higher standard product

4. Please specify your product in terms of file format and size (pixels width and height)

• Standard product

• Higher standard product

Link to portfolio:

• Standard

• Higher standard

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