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I started wearing braces at a very late age of 21.

Having well-aligned teeth not only boost my self-esteem and confidence, it also make it easier to clean
my teeth. I had crooked teeth which make it very hard for proper brushing and as we all know poor oral
hygiene will lead gum diseases. Therefore having well-aligned teeth make it and are thus less likely to
develop gum diseases. Having an ugly and diseased set of teeth is akin to having permanently unkempt

I was hesitant about the idea of wearing braces after hearing the horrifying stories and painful
experiences of friends who have had prior experiences of wearing braces. I will often hear how people
describe their experience as miserable and the discomfort they felt especially during chewing, soreness
and ulcers of the lips and cheeks.

And because of severe crowding of my teeth, extraction of some teeth may be needed to create the
space needed for alignment. In the end I extracted a total of 8 teeth, in which 4 are the wisdom tooth.
To make things

There are several sacrifices I made I also had to adjust my dietary habits. Heavy chewing and hard food
must be avoided to prevent breakages of the braces.
And often food will be stuck between the teeth which is ugly and unglam.
Despite the above mentioned inconveniences, it was definitely worth the trouble and I can’t wait for the
day for my braces to be removed to see my new and improved smile.

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