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My parents, Alan and Kari had 5 miscarriages. I so very wanted siblings. I recall
imagining them in heaven – beautiful pearly white robes and golden halos. I talked
about them a lot with my mom. I gave them names off of Spongebob Squarepants:
Patrick, Sandy, Squidqard, Mr. Krabbs, and – of course – Spongebob. My mother
is a teacher. One day, after school, I asked my mom if we could adopt (I had seen
an episode of my then favorite show Arthur where Binky – one of the characters –
adopted a baby sister from China) Mom said “We’ve been thinking about it but it’s
mostly in the back of our minds”. I disappointedly returned to whatever I had been
doing. I sort of forgot about it but I still was a little lonely. About a year later, I
asked again in early fourth grade. This time I had asked “Have you brought
adoption to ‘the front of your minds’ yet?” She replied with “Yes. We think we’re
going to do it. We might fill out the application tonight!” I was so excited! Finally,
after 10 years, I was going to be a brother! My father is a carpenter. My mom and I
picked up dinner from Subway and went to his current worksite. He was in the
middle of building an elaborate house In his small business. He had only one
business partner. Sometimes they would hire a new employee, but only
temporarily. My mom and I sat in lawn chairs and ate as we watched dad finish the
garage. When he came and sat down with us by his tool trailer, mom told him that I
was going to help her fill out the application. We rushed to finish and then we
drove home. We found an adoption agency from our friends at church – Building
Blocks. We searched their website and filled out the form. I watched mom type
and “helped” her with the things I knew of. We sent it off. I felt so excited!


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