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Febrero, 2011

Chapter 3-4
Perhaps these chapters are the most interesting of the entire
story. The action begins when people who were playing smee
started to feel that something was wrong.
First Violet Sangston felt cold and wanted her jacket, then her
husband went up to their bedroom to fetch it but on the way
he saw a shadow.
I have never seen something unnatural, in my opinion
probable Violet’s husband could have been drunk, is
important remember that was Christmas Eve, but he wasn’t
the only who saw something unusual.
Jackson had heard little shouts and then saw somebody sit in
a corner of one of the window-seats; she was the shy girl who
met in the dinner.
In the next chapter I hope that Jackson and she may have an
interesting conversation.
Cupboard Small closet or cabinet
Corner The place at which two surfaces meet
Damp Stifling vapor or gas
Lord A rich and important man


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