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Prescription Checklist Stefanie Lawson 2B

NHS Prescription

Patient Name, Address and D.O.B

Check Date and Signature.
Check Drug, and Dosage in BNF
Is this drug allowed on NHS.
What do you think this patient is using the drug for?
Check Quantity
Check Label- correct name, quantity, drug, instructions.
Check drug is correct strength.
Check expiry date on drugs.
Ensure the GMC no. is on the prescription.
Recognize the Doctor Surgery??

Private Prescription

Check Name, Address and D.O.B

Date of Script- out of date within 6months.
Is it a repeat prescription?? If first dispense is within 6months this is ok.
If a repeat, make sure you write what repeat this is in register and on
Check Doctors Signature, and Dr Surgery
Write exact copy through private register.
Must have the date of dispense and date on prescription in the register.
Write unique reference number in prescription, and type onto label.
Check Label- correct name, drug, quantity, instructions.
Check Drug is correct strength.
Check expirey date on drug.

Controlled Drug Prescription

Check Name Address and D.O.B.

Date on Script- out of date in 28days
If being dispensed in installments, is there a list of days?
If methadone is it supervised consumption?
Check dose, form, quantity.
If the prescription has been edited in anyway, check with prescriber, unless
you are confident with their initials at the edit.
Write through controlled drug register if required.

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