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Email with Kacey

From: mary barnfield <>

Subject: RE: Media
To: "kacey semmes" <>
Date: Sunday, 27 March, 2011, 15:57

So Kacey how did you think our Media project went? xxx

Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 16:28:33 +0100

Subject: RE: Media

I am quite disappointed actually, the amount of effort put it in really doesn't show. It''s a
shame because if Kerry did more stuff then it could potentially look a lot better. (N) What
do you think?
(btw, we'll have to upload the video to youtube again, i did all my annotations and
they've ended up on the final piece (N) So i'm worried that Matt and Kerry are just going
to claim it as theirs)

From: mary barnfield <>

Subject: RE: Media
To: "kacey semmes" <>
Date: Sunday, 27 March, 2011, 16:56

Yeah same, but its also one of those things if we had thought about this earlier and
planned a lot better then I think the first version would have worked out better and the
second one would as well :/ You are right about Kerry, if she did some editing then it
would have looked a lot better I think, just because she has a eye for that kind of stuff,
but she just listened to music in the lessons. Maybe we didn't let them do anything, but
we didn't have long left to get it finished and if we hadn't taken control the video
wouldn't have got finished. Its annoying that it was only us two who did anything in
terms of editing and filming. There was one bit during filming where Matt did come up
and ask if he could film this one bit, but i was literally in position and about to press
record so I said no as I'm right in positition but you can do some after this. He didn't. I
should have let him film that bit looking back so he did some filming. I also wish we came
up with another idea, even though I love ours, it's just so complictaed and too much
for an opening, the opening idea we have would last at least half the film if a proper film
company filmed this. But Kerry wouldn't have it any other way, she was determined to
keep this idea even though we said it was too complicated, and that really showed in the
first version. I'm proud of our efforts, but I wish the rest of the group helped a bit, it's a
shame how much our efforts don't show.
(same, I think they will though especially Matt :/) xxx

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