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The Corrin City Containment

Farseer blank of the Saim-Hann Craftworld predicted the destruction of the Imperial world Calissius by
deamons from the warp. The destruction of this world would be detrimental to the craftworld as it acts
as a buffer protecting the eldar form the brunt of chaos attacks. The source of this attack would be
Corrin City. Warp gates opened up spewing deamons of Tzeench into the imperial city. Blank called apon
Autarch Blank to form a containment force and keep the deamons in the city long enough for the Pysker
Council to close the warp gates. Blank waited patiently as the Deamons of Tzeenech devoured the city
and the Imperail guard that tried to protect it. Soon as the deamons attempted to leave the city Blank
commanded his forces to spring form their cover. Prism cannons and scatter lasers ripped in to deamon
princes and flamers tearing them to shreds. Shrukin catapults and cannons cut down horrors and
screamers with amazing efficentcy. Blank was able to hold the cities perimeter long enough for the
Concil to close the gates. Blank then sweep thrugh the city cutting down the remaing deamons.

Warlock that killed the Dp in one shot, 5 bikers killed in one swing, sword in eye.

Eloendel Atraoic: Eldar Warlock

During the Corrin City Containment Eloendel’s Jetbike squad was the only squad that entered the city
before the warp gates were closed. Using his psychic powers to conceal his squad, Eloendel sprung a
surprise attack catching the daemons in crossfire between his squad and the main force. His squad’s
shrukin catapults and cannons ripped in to flamers and screamers only to disappear behind cover as if
they were never there, this caused the enemy to split their forces and go after Eloendel’s bait unit. Out
of nowhere a Daemon Prince of Tzneech appeared, despite being riddled will eldar weaponry its large
eye focused on the eldar jetbike squad. With one swing of its daemonic weapon half of Eloendel’s squad
was gone; Elondel knew they would not survive another attack, he charged full speed into the daemon
thrusting his witchblade deep in to the daemons large eye. The daemon let out a vicious howled as it
melted back into the warp. To this day Elondel wears the title “The Slayer of Daemons”.

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