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50 Inspirational One 

By ggw_bach

as coined or paraphrased by ggw_bach

1. you are the POWER

2. all is ONE

3. FEAR nothing

4. be great, be bold, be grand

5. embrace love, and all will be HEALED

6. the universe is infinite in its scope

7. we are here to LEARN

8. WISDOM is the gold refinement of life

9. jealousy and envy … are deadly to the mind

10. eat well, and LIVE WELL, and all will be well

11. sleep rejuvenates the soul

12. seek the greatness in life, ignore the rest

13. old media is dead media, embrace the web!

14. love begins in the heart and radiates out into the whole world

15. commit to change, and opportunities will start chasing after you (unavoidable!)

16. a straight back is a good back

17. what you do with your body is your own business and no-one else’s.

18. smile, and you change the world one little bit.

19. Meditation does STUFF (who knows what?)

20. if you don’t ask, you won’t get

21. violence is the last resort of the stupid

22. begin a conversation, and you don’t know where it will end

23. every day begins anew … provided you slept well

24. spirituality isn’t a con (Honest!)

25. walk fast through dark forests

26. chop wood, carry water is the mantra of life

27. an emotional message spreads faster than any other

28. disasters give people something to talk about

29. siblings treat each other as body punching bags (from personal experience)

30. work is an unfortunate fact of 3d reality

31. GRATITUDE opens the heart to all good things

32. FORGIVENESS leaves the past in the past

33. ACCEPTANCE leads to peace

34. economics is the study of human labor and interchange (the creation of value)

35. never trust a politician, banker, or journalist

36. WE are the change

37. all things are possible given enough time

38. wonder at something NEW each day

39. inadequacy is purely a state of mind

40. embrace PERSONAL POWER


42. learn from your mistakes, don’t just ignore them.

43. everyone has their own path, don’t try to divert others; it’s their journey

44. I am getting better and better, day by day

45. I am happy, joyous, and fulfilled

46. I am a creative self

47. twitter is the telephone line of the 22nd century (yep, I’m an addict)

48. laugh hard, laugh long, laugh merrily

49. a lolcat a day keeps the demons away

50. joy CAN be ours.

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