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4 September Dea pen-frerd i's me agan! Leer rurber free ahead! Ths 3 big ere. Lhave got los fo say to you! Fest of al, since I last wrote have boon thrkrg that 1 shoul ell you serve things for yeu to enjoy when you come to “Thal! So here are my ks of exciting treaswes with some great cravings by my brolter, Me Artist Frag NATURE THINGS THAT WE HAVE GOT 1 Big mountains and rain fests with monkey, clephonts tigers, snakes (Some as larg 28 hose pipes, gant insects, spiders (sze of dire platest, beds, lovers, al kids! D warm seas al suring with octopes, turtles, sharks, squids fying fishes and much, much aes mare. Lepr, mast of @> them wil not hurt youl 3 Tropecal weather. Defritely no need to bing your big overcoats We are hot all the year, but with quate «lot of very bg rain in some marth. swe do get alle bit of coo! ~ bu His i enly in the North when the dry season s en ~ so den't worry about 4) Thousands of fields full oF water and hard-working ‘arm people wih big hats and water buffaloes (ometines with big fish also. These are rice packies where we grow aur delicious Thalard rice. De yeu eat 2) Chidan, mum, dad, grav, grandad, aunties, uncles, cousin, al lvng together nthe compound houses to make one big happy fay tke mined. Ard people Iaving Sanuk fur allover the placel Parades, ccolabrations, games, partes and festivals reorly all the fine in Thalord. We 2 fun mal 3 Beauhiful Buddha statues and also works cares 4) Lovely big temples called wats in nearly every ullge, re than 30,200 altagetter. The marks le in thar and we sik 5) Mouth watering things for 5, vmntice everyone fo eat. All sorts very ‘fresh from our forests ard gardens: bananas (7 ksh, ak ect eesrost pgs SPS cocery cream, picy 4 preapples, melons pieces with’ i ap sled ice, barbecue

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