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As a conclusion, three topics that were discussed lesson plan, behavioral

objectives and classroom activities mutually related between each other where

teachers as pillars in the conduct of teaching and learning more effective and

systematic to obtain positive results from student with their teaching of students in

the class.

As we know, this lesson plan is very important for a teacher to choose skills

and allows teachers to fill in the syllabus to be ordered. Besides, it allows teachers to

plan prior to the study based on their lesson plan. Then, enabling teachers implement

teaching and learning programs based on the syllabus according to the schedule set.

Teachers must be managing their time here to manage according in the schedule so,

in that case it does not interfere with the learning process of the next class. Time

management is very important for launching the process of teaching and leaning in

the class. Besides that, it allows teachers to determine teaching strategies first and

allows teachers to provide teaching tool for teaching and learning activities.

Teacher also should possess the creative activities of interest in the class. It is

because, appropriate and creative activities to attract more interest to students more

focused and interested to learn. Teachers should always think positively of their

student with instilling the nature of faith to provide knowledge to their students. This

not only facilitates understanding to students but it also easier to teach.

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