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Shopping List for a Newborn Baby

Shopping List for Clothes   Feeding & Bathing Shopping List Bedding & Travel Shopping List

6-8 undershirts / vests 6 - 8 4oz. Bottles Crib

2-4 receiving blankets 6 - 8 8oz. Bottles Crib Mattress 
1-2 double receiving blankets 1 - 2 Bottle brushes Changing Table
4-6 sleepers 1 Sterilizer Kit  Bouncer chair 
1-2 sweaters 1 Bottle Warmer Toy chest or basket
1-2 shawl or cotton blanket 2 - 3 Disposable Bottle Kit Wall shelves
1-2 pairs booties 1 case of formula  Waste Paper Basket
1-2 caps
1 Infant Plastic Bathtub Car Seat / Infant Seat
4-6 pairs socks
1-2 pairs scratch mittens 5 - 6 Hooded towels Front/back Carrier 
2 - 4 Washcloths for bathing baby Stroller
1-2 Side-snap tees
1-2 Bodysuits 1 Bath mat Diaper bag
1 container Bathing baby body wash Child view mirror
2-4 Rompers 
2-4 Bibs 1 Baby Bathing lotion Head support
1 Baby Bathing oil Car seat strap covers
6-8 Hangers 
1 Dozen Cloth Diapers 1 Baby shampoo
Assortment of Bathing Toys

Shopping List for Clothes   Feeding & Bathing Shopping List Bedding & Travel Shopping List

Shopping List for a Newborn Baby

 2 packages of diapers (1 in the smallest size and one in the 2 nd smallest size –
this way you will have one package of the right size and you can send your
husband out to return the wrong one)
 small package q-tips
 Vaseline
 Soothies – 1 package (they are gel inserts for your bra *if nursing)
 nursing pads (if nursing)
 Lanisoh nipple cream (if nursing)
 1 package burp cloths
 nursing bra (bring to hospital)
 nursing gown (bring to hospital)
 nursing pads (bring to hospital)
 starter set of bottles
 infant nail file and clipper
 diaper cream (Triple Paste, Balmex, A&D ointment)
 receiving blankets (for swaddling)
 microwave bottle sterilizer (will save a lot of time rather than boiling water)
 bottle brush
 onesies
 pads with wings in several sizes (you will be bleeding to some extent for at least a
 bassinette/crib sheet
 infant car seat (for arriving home from the hospital)
 Bundle Me or warm blanket (for winter babies)
 baby wipes
 rubbing alcohol
 pacifiers (2) (used for infant to suck or bite on)
 Purell (a few bottles)
 Dreft laundry detergent
 stain spray for laundry
 stain spray for upholstery and carpet
 Extra Strength Tylenol (for you, not the baby) an outfit to wear home from the
hospital (for the baby)
 few cans of formula (if you are not nursing)
 package of socks (for the baby)
 AA, AAA, C, & D batteries. All of your toys, swings, etc. will need them
 Safety pins or velcro attaching strips, and rubber or nylon pants (if you are using
cloth diapers)
 Nappy hanger
 Night lights or soft lighting
 2 Front chain gown
 1 bag
 1 big kettle
 1 water bottle big
 1 Cotton role
 Infant bath tub
 Surma for baby
 Bracelets with black beads
 Huggies

Johnsons & Johnsons

1 Bath mat
Johnsons & Johnsons baby soap
1 Johnsons & Johnsons Baby Bathing lotion
1 Johnsons & Johnsons Baby Bathing oil
1 Johnsons & Johnsons Baby shampoo
1 Johnsons & Johnsons talcum powder
1 dabur lal tail
Mugli ghutti 555
Gripe water
Dabur honey

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