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Ford Motor Company

1. Lay off: to set

Buyout: an act or instance of buying out, especially of buying all or a controlling percentage
of the shares in a company.
Early retirement: the practice of ending regular employment beforethe official retirement age.
Shift work: is an employment practice designed to make use of the 24 hours of the clock. The term "shift
work" includes both long-term night shifts and work schedules in which employees change or rotate
2. Ford is taking a great plan to return to profitability. They workforce they are paying for will
really raise the bar of the profits that Ford has. What is interesting, that Ford Motor is buying
new workers which may be a problem later if the workforce began to slack or doesn’t earn their
rights of payment. There is a very low chance that the company might take a downturn where
Ford has to take in account when they are making a finical act. However the measures Ford is
making are effect, efficient and a great way to raise the profit of the company and to enhance
the work speed making the product manufacture a more professional way for the workforce to
work in.
3. The short run and the long run of employee motivation are plenty. The best motivation theory
for Ford motor company is the Abraham Maslow. The Ford company has many employees each
year therefore the employees needs to be working well together One model of motivation that
has gained a lot of attention, but not complete acceptance, has been put forward by Abraham
Maslow. Maslow’s theory argues that individuals are motivated to satisfy a number of
different kinds of needs, some of which are more powerful than others.

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