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My name is Aurora and I live in in a small city called Donostia which is

located in the north of Spain. Here, we speak two lenguages: Basc and
Spanish.I live with my brother Luis who is smaller than me and my parents
Javier and Carmen. My father is economist and my mother is nurse.

In my free time I like going out with my friends, going shopping,

watching good films, listening to music, taking photos and playing the
piano. I really like reading as well. I play the piano, the violin and I also play
in a small orquest. I love doing new things and finding new experiences. I
used to swim but now I usually go to the gym.

I have never been in Boston but I´m looking forward to go there because I
think that is a very interesting city. Although last year I stayed a month in
Ireland with a family, I´m really nervous becouse this is the first time that I
go far away from home. I´m really excited to know you and I think that we
will get along really well. My english isn´t very good but I will take a
dictionary just in case.

Please, write back soon.



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