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Updated: April 2010

Copyright © 2005-2010 DBA Software Inc.
All rights reserved.

2 Operating Guide
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction___________________________________ 15
Online Help (F1)__________________________________________ 16

1. File ________________________________________ 17
1-1. Change Password _______________________________________ 18
1-2. User Email Settings______________________________________ 19
1-3. Data Import_____________________________________________ 21
Overview _______________________________________________ 21
Phase 1 – Export Data into Excel ____________________________ 22
Phase 2 – Edit Spreadsheet ________________________________ 23
Phase 3 – Import Data _____________________________________ 25
Data Import – Customers ___________________________________ 30
Data Import – Customer Contacts ____________________________ 35
Data Import – Delivery Addresses ____________________________ 37
Data Import – Suppliers ____________________________________ 40
Data Import – Supplier Contacts _____________________________ 44
Data Import – Stock Items __________________________________ 46
Data Import – Item Sources _________________________________ 51
Data Import – Base Prices __________________________________ 54
Data Import – Qty Price Breaks ______________________________ 56
Data Import – BOM Routings ________________________________ 57
Data Import – BOM Components_____________________________ 61
1-4. Data Export ____________________________________________ 65
1-5. Data Dictionary _________________________________________ 71
1-6. Initial Stock Qty Import ___________________________________ 72
1-7. AR Beginning Balances __________________________________ 75
1-8. AP Beginning Balances __________________________________ 77

2. Admin______________________________________ 81
2-1. User Setup _____________________________________________ 82
2-2. Current Online Users ____________________________________ 86
2-3. Database Optimizer ______________________________________ 87
2-4. Upgrade License ________________________________________ 88
2-5. Run Command File ______________________________________ 89

Operating Guide 3
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2-6. Main Setup _____________________________________________ 90

Main Tab________________________________________________ 90
Options Tab _____________________________________________ 92
Quote Letter Tab__________________________________________ 94
Email Tab _______________________________________________ 96
2-7. Accounting Configuration_________________________________ 98
2-8. System Defaults ________________________________________ 102

3. Utilities ____________________________________ 103

3-1. Spreadsheet Generators _________________________________ 104
3-2. Database Queries_______________________________________ 105
3-3. Forms Edit ____________________________________________ 107
Labels _________________________________________________ 113
3-4. Forms Update Utility ____________________________________ 123
3-5. User-Defined Fields _____________________________________ 125
3-6. User-Defined Menus ____________________________________ 126

4. Inventory __________________________________ 127

Overview_______________________________________________ 128
4-1. Inventory Setup ________________________________________ 130
4-1A. Inventory Defaults ___________________________________ 130
4-1B. Stock Items – List Tab _______________________________ 133
4-1C. Item Categories_____________________________________ 134
4-1D. Lot/Serial Control ___________________________________ 136
4-1E. Locations__________________________________________ 143
4-1F. Location Groups ____________________________________ 149
4-1G. Location Repair_____________________________________ 152
4-1H. Warranty Codes ____________________________________ 154
4-2. Stock Items____________________________________________ 155
List Tab ________________________________________________ 155
Detail Tab ______________________________________________ 159
Locations Tab ___________________________________________ 163
Sources Tab ____________________________________________ 167
Lot/Serial Tab ___________________________________________ 170
Additional Tab___________________________________________ 176
4-3. Descriptors ____________________________________________ 179
List Tab ________________________________________________ 180
Detail Tab ______________________________________________ 180

4 Operating Guide
Table of Contents

Additional Tab __________________________________________ 182

4-4. Sales Kits _____________________________________________ 184
4-5. Stock Adjustments _____________________________________ 186
4-6. Stock Transfer _________________________________________ 195
4-7. Stock Counts __________________________________________ 199
4-8. Change Inventory Cost __________________________________ 206
4-9. Reconcile Book Values __________________________________ 208
4-10. Inventory Data Views __________________________________ 210
4-11. Inventory Reports _____________________________________ 216
4-11A. Inventory Value____________________________________ 216
4-11B. Inventory Transactions ______________________________ 219
4-11C. Trxns – Item/Characteristic __________________________ 219
4-11D. Trxns – Characteristic/Item __________________________ 219
4-11E. Trxns – Serial Number ______________________________ 219
4-11F. Stock Item Labels __________________________________ 220

5. BOM (Bills of Material) _______________________ 223

Overview ______________________________________________ 224
5-1. BOM Setup ____________________________________________ 226
5-1A. BOM Defaults ______________________________________ 226
5-1B. Machines _________________________________________ 229
5-1C. Sequence Templates ________________________________ 231
5-1D. Task Templates ____________________________________ 236
5-2. Work Centers __________________________________________ 238
5-3. Bills of Material ________________________________________ 244
List Tab _______________________________________________ 244
Revisions Tab __________________________________________ 247
Routing Tab ____________________________________________ 249
Components Tab ________________________________________ 255
Outputs Tab ____________________________________________ 260
Indented View Tab _______________________________________ 262
Tree View Tab __________________________________________ 263
5-4. Estimated Purchase Costs _______________________________ 264
5-5. Cost Rollup ___________________________________________ 267
5-6. Where Used Inquiry_____________________________________ 274
5-7. BOM Reports __________________________________________ 275
5-7A. Multi-Level BOM ____________________________________ 275

Operating Guide 5
Table of Contents

5-7B. Costed BOM _______________________________________ 276

6. Sales ______________________________________ 279

Overview _________________________________________________ 281
6-1. Sales Setup____________________________________________ 283
6-1A. Sales Defaults ______________________________________ 283
6-1B. Customers – List Tab ________________________________ 284
6-1C. Customer Types ____________________________________ 285
6-1D. Customer Terms ____________________________________ 286
6-1E. Contact Types ______________________________________ 288
6-1F. Sales Regions ______________________________________ 289
6-1G. Lead Sources ______________________________________ 290
6-1H. SO Types _________________________________________ 291
6-1I. Ship Methods _______________________________________ 294
6-1J. Sales Rep Types ____________________________________ 295
6-1K. Sales Reps ________________________________________ 296
6-1L. Commission Codes __________________________________ 298
6-2. Pricing & Discounts_____________________________________ 300
6-2A. Base Prices ________________________________________ 300
6-2B. Price Levels________________________________________ 304
6-2C. Discounts _________________________________________ 306
6-2D. Discount Codes_____________________________________ 308
6-2E. Contract Prices _____________________________________ 310
6-3. Customers ____________________________________________ 312
List Tab ________________________________________________ 312
Detail Tab – Main Side-Tab ________________________________ 313
Detail Tab – Delivery & Billing Side-Tab_______________________ 318
Additional Tab – Main Side-Tab _____________________________ 319
Additional Tab – Documents Side-Tab________________________ 320
6-4. Credit Manager_________________________________________ 321
6-5. Sales Orders___________________________________________ 326
Workflow _______________________________________________ 326
List Tab ________________________________________________ 327
Header Tab_____________________________________________ 332
Details Tab _____________________________________________ 339
Shipping Tab____________________________________________ 351
Invoicing Tab ___________________________________________ 356
6-6. Order Picking __________________________________________ 361
6-7. Quotes________________________________________________ 375
Estimating Tools _________________________________________ 376

6 Operating Guide
Table of Contents

Screen Details __________________________________________ 377

6-8. Sales Order Inquiry _____________________________________ 382
6-9. Sales Data Views _______________________________________ 384
6-10. Sales Reports_________________________________________ 391
6-10A. Sales Order Summary ______________________________ 391
6-10B. Sales Order Detail _________________________________ 391
6-10C. Open Items Listing _________________________________ 392
6-10D. Available to Ship___________________________________ 392
6-10E. Base Prices & Costs________________________________ 392
6-10F. Invoice Listing _____________________________________ 393
6-10G. Sales by Customer_________________________________ 393
6-10H. Sales by Customer Type ____________________________ 393
6-10I. Sales by Commission Code___________________________ 394
6-10J. Sales Ranked by Customer __________________________ 394
6-10K. Profit Margin by Customer ___________________________ 394
6-10L. Sales by Item _____________________________________ 395
6-10M. Sales by Item Category _____________________________ 395
6-10N. Sales Ranked by Item ______________________________ 395
6-10O. Profit Margin by Item _______________________________ 395
6-10P. Warranty Sheet____________________________________ 396
6-10Q. Warranty Listing ___________________________________ 396

6A. RMA Processing___________________________ 397

How does an RMA work?__________________________________ 397
Recommended Workflow __________________________________ 398
6A-1. RMA Setup___________________________________________ 399
RMA SO Type __________________________________________ 399
RMA Form Creation ______________________________________ 400
Alternate Item ID’s _______________________________________ 401
6A-2. RMA Processing ______________________________________ 403
RMA Creation___________________________________________ 403
Returning an undamaged item to stock _______________________ 404
Returning a used item to stock______________________________ 404
Sending a replacement item _______________________________ 404
Scrapping a returned item _________________________________ 405
Issuing a credit memo ____________________________________ 405
Converting the RMA to a sales order _________________________ 406
Zero value invoicing ______________________________________ 406
Sending a customer refund ________________________________ 406
6A-3. Repairing a Product ___________________________________ 408
6A-4. Remanufacturing a Product_____________________________ 412

Operating Guide 7
Table of Contents

6A-5. Disassembling a Product _______________________________ 415

7. MRP_______________________________________ 417
Overview _________________________________________________ 418
7-1. MRP Setup ____________________________________________ 421
7-1A. MRP Defaults ______________________________________ 421
7-1B. Shop Calendar _____________________________________ 424
7-2. MRP Settings __________________________________________ 426
Usage History Inquiry _____________________________________ 430
Production History Inquiry _________________________________ 430
Delivery History Inquiry____________________________________ 430
7-3. MRP __________________________________________________ 432
Step 1 – Generate Jobs for CTO Items _______________________ 433
Step 2 – Generate Jobs for Net Demand ______________________ 435
Step 3 – Generate Planned POs ____________________________ 439
Scheduling & Converting Planned Jobs _______________________ 446
Scheduling Planned Jobs __________________________________ 451
Converting Planned Jobs into Actual Jobs _____________________ 457
7-4. Work Center Scheduling _________________________________ 460
7-5. Job Scheduling ________________________________________ 467
7-6. PO Scheduling _________________________________________ 471
7-7. Delivery Date Estimator__________________________________ 473
7-8. MRP Reports __________________________________________ 475
7-8A. Master Job Schedule ________________________________ 475
7-8B. Job Outputs Schedule________________________________ 475
7-8C. Work Center Schedule _______________________________ 475
7-8D. Machine Schedule __________________________________ 476
7-8E. Subcontract WC Schedule ____________________________ 476

8. Jobs ______________________________________ 477

Overview_______________________________________________ 477
8-1. Jobs Setup ____________________________________________ 481
8-1A. Job Defaults _______________________________________ 481
8-1B. Job Labor Defaults __________________________________ 484
8-1C. Worker Types ______________________________________ 486
8-1D. Job Types _________________________________________ 487
8-2. Workers_______________________________________________ 490
8-3. Job Control Panel ______________________________________ 492

8 Operating Guide
Table of Contents

Release Jobs Screen _____________________________________ 492

Process Jobs Screen _____________________________________ 495
Close Jobs Screen _______________________________________ 500
8-4. Jobs _________________________________________________ 503
Job Workflow ___________________________________________ 503
List Tab _______________________________________________ 504
Header Tab ____________________________________________ 507
Routing Tab ____________________________________________ 512
Details Tab _____________________________________________ 521
8-5. Job Travelers __________________________________________ 531
8-6. Subcontract Services ___________________________________ 533
8-7. Job Issues ____________________________________________ 539
8-8. Job Tracking & Labor ___________________________________ 551
Overview ______________________________________________ 551
Screen Details __________________________________________ 552
8-9. Job Receipts __________________________________________ 563
8-10. Job Inquiry ___________________________________________ 579
8-11. Job Data Views _______________________________________ 581
8-12. Job Reports __________________________________________ 588
8-12A. Job Profit ________________________________________ 588
8-12B. Job Cost _________________________________________ 588
8-12C. Job Transactions __________________________________ 588
8-12D. WIP Value _______________________________________ 589

8A. Using Custom Items _______________________ 591

9. Purch (Purchasing)__________________________ 595
Overview ______________________________________________ 596
9-1. Purchasing Setup ______________________________________ 598
9-1A. Purchasing Defaults _________________________________ 598
9-1B. Suppliers – List Tab _________________________________ 599
9-1C. Supplier Types _____________________________________ 600
9-1D. Supplier Terms _____________________________________ 601
9-1E. Contact Types _____________________________________ 603
9-1F. Supplier Regions ___________________________________ 604
9-1G. Supplier Codes_____________________________________ 605
9-1H. PO Types _________________________________________ 606
9-2. Suppliers _____________________________________________ 608

Operating Guide 9
Table of Contents

List Tab ________________________________________________ 608

Detail Tab – Main Side-Tab ________________________________ 609
Detail Tab – Physical Addresses Side-Tab ____________________ 612
Additional Tab – Main Side-Tab _____________________________ 613
Additional Tab – Documents Side-Tab________________________ 613
9-3. Manufacturers _________________________________________ 615
9-4. Purchase Orders _______________________________________ 617
PO Workflow____________________________________________ 617
List Tab ________________________________________________ 618
Header Tab_____________________________________________ 620
Details Tab _____________________________________________ 623
9-5. PO Receipts ___________________________________________ 630
9-6. PO Invoices ___________________________________________ 643
9-7. Purchase Prices – Items _________________________________ 650
9-8. Purchase Prices – Descriptors ____________________________ 652
9-9. Purchasing Reports_____________________________________ 653
9-9A. PO Print / Reprint ___________________________________ 653
9-9B. PO Listing _________________________________________ 653
9-9C. PO Receipts _______________________________________ 653
9-9D. Received Not Invoiced _______________________________ 653
9-9E. Purchases by Item / Descriptor _________________________ 654
9-9F. Purchases by Supplier _______________________________ 654

10. Notes (Notes & Documents) __________________ 655

10-1. Activity Notes _________________________________________ 656
Activity Notes Setup ______________________________________ 656
Entering a new activity note ________________________________ 657
Accessing and creating notes from other screens _______________ 659
Activity Notes Action Report ________________________________ 659
My Action List ___________________________________________ 660
10-2. Documents Directory___________________________________ 661
Overview_______________________________________________ 661
Document Group Setup ___________________________________ 661
Documents Directory Entry_________________________________ 662
Documents Directory Screen _______________________________ 663

11. AR (Accounts Receivable) ___________________ 665

11-1. Accounts Receivable Setup _____________________________ 666
11-1A. AR Payment Types _________________________________ 666

10 Operating Guide
Table of Contents

11-2. Customer Payments ___________________________________ 667

11-3. Customer Deposits ____________________________________ 671
11-4. Customer Statements __________________________________ 675
11-5. AR Data Views ________________________________________ 676
11-6. AR Reports___________________________________________ 682
11-6A. Payment Report ___________________________________ 682
11-6B. Customer Transactions _____________________________ 682
11-6C. Customer Detail Aging ______________________________ 682
11-6D. Customer Summary Aging ___________________________ 682
11-6E. Customer Past Due Aging ___________________________ 682

12. AP (Accounts Payable) _____________________ 683

12-1. Accounts Payable Setup _______________________________ 684
12-1A. AP Payment Types_________________________________ 684
12-2. Supplier Invoices______________________________________ 685
12-3. Recurring Invoices ____________________________________ 690
12-4. Payment Processing ___________________________________ 693
12-5. Payments Register ____________________________________ 699
12-6. Misc Credit Card Charges ______________________________ 701
12-7. Credit Card Payment ___________________________________ 704
12-8. AP Data Views ________________________________________ 706
12-9. AP Reports ___________________________________________ 712
12-9A. Payments Due ____________________________________ 712
12-9B. Supplier Detail Aging _______________________________ 712
12-9C. Supplier Summary Aging ____________________________ 712
12-9D. Supplier Past Due Aging ____________________________ 712
12-9E. 1099 Tax Form ____________________________________ 712

13. GL (General Ledger) ________________________ 713

13-1. General Ledger Setup __________________________________ 714
13-1A. Accounting Periods_________________________________ 714
13-1B. Account Classes & Groups___________________________ 716
13-1C. Chart of Accounts__________________________________ 719
13-1D. Account Assignments_______________________________ 740
13-1E. Budget Names ____________________________________ 753
13-1F. Currency Table ______________________________________ 754
13-1G. COA Conversion __________________________________ 755

Operating Guide 11
Table of Contents

13-1H. Clear Account Balances _____________________________ 762

13-2. Journal Entry _________________________________________ 763
13-3. Payroll Import_________________________________________ 769
13-4. Financial Cutoff Date ___________________________________ 772
13-5. Batch Posting_________________________________________ 773
13-6. Batch History _________________________________________ 775
13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator ______________________________ 776
Creating a new spreadsheet________________________________ 777
Generating your spreadsheet _______________________________ 780
Column filtering & grouping ________________________________ 781
Output Options __________________________________________ 781
13-8. GL Reports ___________________________________________ 782
13-8A. Journal Report_____________________________________ 782
13-8B. Transaction Listing _________________________________ 782
13-8C. Absorbed Mfg Costs ________________________________ 783
13-8D. Trial Balance ______________________________________ 784
13-8E. Balance Sheet_____________________________________ 784
13-8F. Income Statement __________________________________ 785

13A. Period End & Year End_____________________ 787

Period End Procedures ___________________________________ 787
Fiscal Year End _________________________________________ 793

13B. Posting Specifications _____________________ 794

13C. Payroll Accounting ________________________ 804
Overview_______________________________________________ 804
Payroll Setup ___________________________________________ 805
Payroll Transfer to DBA ___________________________________ 808

14. Bank (Banking) ____________________________ 809

14-1. Banking Setup ________________________________________ 810
14-1A. Banking Accounts __________________________________ 810
14-2. Bank Deposits ________________________________________ 815
14-3. Bank Account Transfer _________________________________ 818
14-4. Merchant Account Transfer _____________________________ 820
14-5. Account Reconciliation _________________________________ 823

12 Operating Guide
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14-6. Account Balances Inquiry ______________________________ 828

15. Tax (Taxation) _____________________________ 829

Overview ______________________________________________ 829
15-1. Tax Defaults __________________________________________ 831
15-2. Tax Authorities _______________________________________ 834
15-3. Tax Codes ___________________________________________ 835
15-4. Tax Groups___________________________________________ 837
15-5. Tax Group Matrix ______________________________________ 838
15-6. Taxation Data Views ___________________________________ 839
15-7. Tax Reports __________________________________________ 846
15-7A. Tax Code Activity __________________________________ 846
15-7B. Tax Summary _____________________________________ 846

16. Transfer (Financial Transfer) _________________ 847

16-1. Financial Transfer Defaults _____________________________ 848
16-2. AR Invoice Transfer____________________________________ 850
Advance Setup__________________________________________ 851
Screen Details __________________________________________ 852
Data Transfer ___________________________________________ 855
16-3. PO Invoice Transfer____________________________________ 856
Advance Setup__________________________________________ 857
Screen Details __________________________________________ 858
Data Transfer ___________________________________________ 861
16-4. GL Transfer __________________________________________ 862
Advance Setup__________________________________________ 862
Status Tab _____________________________________________ 864
Transfer Tab____________________________________________ 866
History Tab_____________________________________________ 869

17. Help _____________________________________ 871

17-1. DBA Help ____________________________________________ 872
17-2. Online Support Center _________________________________ 874
17-3. User Guides __________________________________________ 876
Product Updates ________________________________________ 876
17-4. Web Links____________________________________________ 880

Operating Guide 13
Table of Contents

17-5. Web Links Setup ______________________________________ 881

17-6. DBA Help Setup _______________________________________ 882
17-7. About DBA Manufacturing ______________________________ 883

17. Backup Manager ___________________________ 885

Appendix A – Converting to DBA Financials _______ 887
Introduction _____________________________________________ 887
Conversion to DBA Financials ______________________________ 888

14 Operating Guide


Welcome to DBA Manufacturing, a small business ERP system that includes

order entry, planning, production, purchasing, inventory, invoicing, and
accounting. The typical company using DBA is a manufacturing business with 5-
25+ computer users.
Designed for self-implementation
Unlike mid-market ERP systems, which require you to spend tens of thousands
of dollars for onsite services, we’ve designed DBA for self-implementation. Your
primary resource tool for self-implementation is our Implementation Planner
guide and workbook.
Implementation Planner
If you are just getting started with DBA, the place to begin is with our
Implementation Planner guide and workbook. The Implementation Planner
provides you with a step-by-step methodology for getting DBA installed,
implemented, and running smoothly.
If you precisely follow the steps outlined in the Implementation Planner, apply our
recommendations, use our support resources, and invest time and effort, you can
implement DBA on your own.
Use the Implementation Planner for direction
Use the Implementation Planner to manage and direct your activities in terms of
what tasks to perform and in what order as you move through the four phases of
implementation -- Installation, Setup, Rehearsal, and Startup Day.
Use this guide for reference
The Implementation Planner lists all the tasks to be performed, but within any
given task, use the Operating Guide for the specific operational details of the
system’s modules, screens, inquiries, and reports.
Manufacturing Efficiency Guide
No company becomes an efficient manufacturer overnight. It takes time to get
fundamental methods and processes in place and to change the company
culture to adapt to them. We recommend that once a quarter you go through the
16 fundamental issues in the Manufacturing Efficiency Guide and give your

Operating Guide 15

company a score on each. This quarterly process will identify your weak spots
and enable you to gauge your progress over time.

Online Help (F1)

All the contents of this Operating Guide can also be found in the system’s online
Help. While you are in any screen, press the F1 key to link to the Help topic for
that screen. You can also go to Help – DBA Help and locate topics using the
table of Contents or you can search for topics using the Index or Search tabs.

16 Operating Guide
1. File

1. File
The File menu is where you will find file-related utilities such as Data Import and
Data Export. Menu options include:
Main Menu
• File
• Data Import
• Data Export
• Data Dictionary
Startup Day
• Initial Stock Qty Import
• AR Beginning Balances
• AP Beginning Balances

Operating Guide 17
1-1. Change Password

1-1. Change Password

(File – Change Password)

Use this screen to change your system password.

Password Length & Case-Sensitivity
The password can be up to 15-characters long and is not case-sensitive.
Changing Your Password:
• Enter your Current Password.
• Next, enter your New Password.
• Enter your new password once again in the Confirm Password field.
• Click OK. If your current password is not recognized or the two entries of
your new password are not the same, you will receive a message advising
you to make your entries once again. When your new password is accepted,
you will receive a confirmation message.

18 Operating Guide
1-2. User Email Settings

1-2. User Email Settings

(File – User Email Settings)

This screen is for users who manage their own Email setup, such as their user
name and password. These settings are identical to those on the Email tab in
the User Setup screen, where Email setup is managed by the system
administrator. If a user does not personally manage his or her Email setup, we
suggest that you use password security to deny that user access to this screen.

Email Option
This setting defaults to the system Email Option selected in the Main Setup
screen. The default setting can be overridden here at the user level, if needed.
Two Email server options are available:
SMTP Email Client (Recommended)
This option will send outbound Emails directly from DBA via an SMTP
NOTE: With this option, all customer/supplier Emails sent from DBA
are stored in the system’s database and can be read by clicking the
History button within the Customers screen and Suppliers screen.
Legacy Exchange Server Support
Only select this option if you have an older version of Microsoft Exchange
Server (version 5.5 or earlier) that does not support an SMTP gateway.
NOTE: With this option, Emails are not stored in the system’s
Other Fields
Reply-To Email Address
This defaults to the Company Email Address setting in the Main Setup
screen. If you want Emails sent by this user to have a personal ‘Reply-To’

Operating Guide 19
1-2. User Email Settings

address instead of the company ‘Reply-To’ Email address, enter that Email
address in this field.
Outbound Mail Server (SMTP)
This field is only visible when the SMTP Email Client option is selected above.
Specify the address of the outbound SMTP server, which is in a
‘’ format (such as ‘’ or
This field is only visible when the SMTP Email Client option is selected above.
Enter the port that is required by your outbound SMTP server. Most typically
this is a setting of ‘25.’
Authentication Required for Outbound Email
This field is only visible when the SMTP Email Client option is selected above.
Select this checkbox if this user’s SMTP server requires user authentication.
When selected, two additional fields become visible.
User Name
Enter this user’s authentication user name.
Enter this user’s authentication password.

20 Operating Guide
1-3. Data Import

1-3. Data Import

(File – Data Import)

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Data Import

Import Tables
The Data Import screen is used during the Setup phase of implementation (as
specified in the Implementation Planner guide) and enables you to import the
following master tables:
• Customers
• Customer Contacts
• Delivery Addresses
• Suppliers
• Supplier Contacts
• Stock Items
• Item Sources
• Base Prices
• Qty Break Prices
• BOM Routings
• BOM Components
Import Process
The import process goes like this.
• For each table listed above, you export the data from your old system.
You either export the data directly into an Excel spreadsheet or you take
your export file and convert it into an Excel spreadsheet.
• You then edit your Excel spreadsheet so that the data conform to the
requirements of the DBA system.
• Once your spreadsheet is finalized, you map each of its columns to its
corresponding field in DBA and then you import the data in a single batch
The specific steps in the data import process are detailed in the next three

Operating Guide 21
1-3. Data Import

Phase 1 – Export Data into Excel

Most accounting systems include a data export utility that will enable you to
export some or all of the master tables listed at the beginning of this chapter.
Export directly into Excel, if you can
If your data export utility can create an export file directly in Excel format, do so.
If you cannot export directly into an Excel spreadsheet, we recommend that you
export into a comma delimited text file format that you can then import into an
Excel spreadsheet. Your text file is typically saved as a *.txt file type.
Importing a text file into Excel
If you need to import a comma delimited text file into Excel, do so as follows:
• Open a new Excel spreadsheet.
• Click Data – Import External Data – Import Data.
• Select your comma delimited text file.
• Specify Delimited as the file type and click Next.
• On the next screen, select Comma as the Delimiter and click Next.
• Verify the settings on the next screen and click Finish.
• Click OK on the final screen. Your data should now be visible and
organized into columns on your spreadsheet.
• Click File – Save As and save your spreadsheets as either an *.xls or
*.csv file type, according to what is required by each DBA import table as
listed below.
o Customers *.xls
o Customer Contacts *.xls
o Delivery Addresses *.xls
o Suppliers *.xls
o Supplier Contacts *.xls
o Stock Items *.xls
o Item Sources *.csv
o Base Prices *.xls
o Qty Break Prices *.xls
o BOM Routings *.csv
o BOM Components *.csv
o Initial Stock Qty’s *.csv

22 Operating Guide
1-3. Data Import

Phase 2 – Edit Spreadsheet

In this second phase you will edit your spreadsheet so that it conforms to the
requirements of the DBA system.

Step 1 – Assign Column Headings

Identify each of your spreadsheet columns as to its contents and give it a column
heading in row one that matches or approximates the column names specified
for each DBA import table.
Step 2 – Reorganize Column Order
To facilitate the import process, you can reorganize your columns so that they
are in the same left-to-right sequence as the corresponding fields in DBA.
Step 3 – Delete Non-Matching Columns
Delete any columns in your spreadsheet that do not have a matching field in
Step 4 – Edit Columns as Required
Review each column for any editing that may be required and alter your data
accordingly. For example, you may have Y/N (yes/No) values in a column that
need to be converted into T/F (True/False) values in DBA. You can use search
and replace to convert such values to the DBA format.
As another example, if your old system uses codes to represent customers and
suppliers, you will want to convert these codes to full names in your spreadsheet
to take advantage of DBA’s 50-character identification format.
Some columns must contain matching values with supporting tables in DBA that
might not have existed in your old system or might have gone by different code
names. In such cases, you must enter or change such values to match the
supporting table values in DBA.
All such editing considerations are documented later in this chapter for each
import table.

Operating Guide 23
1-3. Data Import

Editing Tools
The following tools are available within Excel that can help you edit your
export data to conform to DBA’s requirements. Click Help within Excel for
detailed instructions.
Find & Replace
You can highlight a column and then use the Find & Replace function to
mass change a value. For example, if you need to convert all the ‘Y’ (yes)
values in a column to ‘T’ (true), this function can find all ‘Y’ values and
replace them with ‘T’ values.
Move Columns
You can use Cut and Paste to move columns to any desired left-to-right
order. This can be useful if you choose to structure your spreadsheet in
the same column order as the import specifications.
Split Columns
You can use the Text to Columns function to split the data within a single
column into multiple columns. For example, your old system may store
the city, state, and postal code for an address within a single field. The
Text to Columns function can split these values out by comma and/or
space separators into separate columns, as required by DBA. After the
split is done, some manual editing is usually required to make sure all the
text was split correctly.
NOTE: When you split a column, always temporarily move it to the
far right position in your spreadsheet so that the new columns that
get created do not overwrite any other columns.
Merge Columns
You can merge data from two columns into one column by creating a third
column and populating that column with a merge formula, such as:
=(A7&” “&B7)
For example, your old system may store a contact name in two fields, one
for the first name and one for the last name. In DBA, the contact name is
a single field. Using a merge formula, you can combine the contents of
two columns into a single column.

24 Operating Guide
1-3. Data Import

Phase 3 – Import Data

The final step is to import the data. For most tables, this is done using a multi-
step Import Wizard. Routings and bills of material are imported using a single
Mapping Screen, and item sources and initial stock quantities are imported
directly. Here is a listing of the means by which each table is imported.
• Customers Import Wizard
• Customer Contacts Import Wizard
• Delivery Addresses Import Wizard
• Suppliers Import Wizard
• Supplier Contacts Import Wizard
• Stock Items Import Wizard
• Item Sources Direct
• Base Prices Import Wizard
• Qty Break Prices Import Wizard
• BOM Routings Mapping Screen
• BOM Components Mapping Screen
• Initial Stock Qty’s Direct

Using the Import Wizard

Close other applications and import on your file server
The Import Wizard consumes lots of memory, so close all your other applications
while using it.
NOTE: If you are on a network, perform your major master table data
imports on your file server rather than on a workstation. Ongoing imports,
which are small in size, such as importing additional customers or BOMs,
can be done on your local workstation.

Opening Screen
(File – Data Import)
On the Data Import opening screen, select the table to be imported and click OK.

Operating Guide 25
1-3. Data Import

Step 1 Screen – Select Excel File Option

On the Step 1 screen, select the Excel File option. Click Next to continue.

Step 2 Screen – Navigate to Excel File

On the Step 2 screen, navigate to your Excel spreadsheet file. Click Next to

26 Operating Guide
1-3. Data Import

Step 4 Screen – Enter First Row Setting

The program skips the Step 3 screen and takes you to the Step 4 screen.

Because your spreadsheet contains a row of column headings, indicate in the

First Row field that the import begins on row 2.

Step 6 Screen – Map Columns to DBA Fields

The program skips the Step 5 screen and takes you to the Step 6 screen. On
this screen, you will map each column on your spreadsheet to its corresponding
field in DBA.

Your spreadsheet columns are displayed on this screen. Click each column
heading and select the corresponding DBA field from the drop down list.
The drop down list looks like this:

Operating Guide 27
1-3. Data Import

Step 9 Screen – Save Specifications and Perform Import

After all your columns are mapped, click Next. This takes you to the Step 7
screen. Skip this screen by clicking Next. This takes you to the Step 8 screen,
which is for final review. Click Next. This takes you to the Step 9 screen, shown

28 Operating Guide
1-3. Data Import

Save Specifications
Before you actually begin the import, you should save your settings by clicking
the Specifications button in the lower left.

Give your specifications a name so that they can be re-loaded if you need to run
the import again.
Execute Button
The final step is to click the Execute button, which runs the actual import.
Error Log
If the program detects any invalid entries, it will give you a list in an error log
screen. You must make appropriate corrections and run the import again.
When errors occur, usually, you’ve got values in your spreadsheet that do not
match up with the values in their corresponding sub-tables in DBA. In your
spreadsheet, make sure you don’t have any spaces in front of a field value.
Make sure the case agrees with the case of the corresponding names on the
DBA side. You may also be missing a value in a required field, such as a blank
Customer Type.
So make sure you correct each record that is listed in the error log.

Re-Running the Import

When you run the import again, you can reload your previous settings by going to
the Step 1 screen and clicking the Specifications button. Highlight your
specifications in the list and click the Load button. All your original mapping
specs will be reloaded.
You can click through the screens and go right to the Step 9 screen and run the
import again. If along the way, you change any of the screen settings, on the
Step 9 screen, click the Specifications button and save your specifications once
If you click Execute and the import runs without encountering any errors, your
records will be imported and you will be notified that the records were imported

Operating Guide 29
Data Import - Customers

Data Import – Customers

(File – Data Import – Customers)

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your customers. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for details.
Tax Codes
In USA and Canadian tax environments, Tax Codes are assigned at the
customer level, in which case you must set up all your Tax Codes in advance
of importing customers. In VAT/GST environments, a system level default
sales Tax Code is used, in which case no advance setup is required.
Customer Types
Each customer is assigned to a Customer Type.
Customer Terms
Payment terms are assigned to each customer, so you must set up your
Customer Terms table.
Sales Regions
Sales Regions are optional and help you organize your customers
Sales Reps & Commission Codes
Sales Rep Types, Sales Reps, and Commission Codes should be set up if
you pay commissions to sales reps.
Lead Sources
Lead Sources are optional and help you gather statistics on where your new
customer leads are coming from.
Ship Methods
The ship methods table determines the preferred shipping method for each
Price Levels
If you will be differentiating pricing among your customers using Price Levels,
you must set up your Price Levels in advance.
Discount Codes
If you will be differentiating pricing among customers using Discount Codes,
you must set up your Discount Codes in advance.

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Customers spreadsheet as an *.xls file type, which is the
format required by the Import Wizard.

30 Operating Guide
Data Import - Customers

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Customer Name (Required)
What is called the Customer Name in DBA might be called the “customer
code” in your old system. This is the key field that uniquely identifies the
customer record.
NOTE: If your old system uses a short code to identify the customer
instead of the full name as in DBA, you can store the short code in the
X-Ref Code field, which is described further below.
The Customer Name is a 50-character field that is the primary
identification for the customer on screens and reports. We suggest you
use the customer’s full name so that it is readily identifiable to your users.
If the customer ID in your old system is a code rather than a name, we
suggest you replace it with the customer’s actual name. One way to do
this is to cut and paste the Trading Name column (see next) into this
NOTE: Each Customer Name must be unique. So if you have two or
more customer accounts with the same name, which is common when
you sell to companies that have multiple facilities, make each name
unique, such as by appending the city or some other identifier in
parenthesis following the name.
Trading Name (Required)
This is the name that prints on quotes, acknowledgments, packing slips, and
invoices. Unlike the Customer Name, duplicate values are allowed.
Normally, the Customer Name and the Trading Name are the same except in
cases where the Customer Name has been appended to avoid duplicate
X-Ref Code
If you are using DBA with an outside accounting system, it may be that the
customer is identified in the outside system with a short code instead of the
full customer name as in DBA. For financial transfer purposes, you can store
the short code in this field, which is one of the fields available for transfer in
the AR Invoice Transfer screen. When you import the AR invoice transfer file
into your outside system, this field is mapped to the customer code in your
outside system.
Customer Payment Terms
Any value in this column must correspond to a code in the Customer Terms

Operating Guide 31
Data Import - Customers

Customer Notes
These are freeform notes stored against the customer. There is no specific
limit to the length of this field.
Price Level
All values in this column must correspond to a Price Level code in DBA.
Price Levels are optional.
Discount Code
All values in this column must correspond to a Discount Code in DBA.
Discount Codes are optional.
Currency Code
Multi-currency processing is under development and not currently available.
Customer Type
The Customer Type might be called a customer “class” or “category” in your
old system. If a value is not specified, the program assigns the system’s
default Customer Type. Any value in this column must correspond to a code
in the Customer Types table.
Sales Region
The Sales Region is optional and organizes customers by geography. Any
value in this column must correspond to a code in the Sales Regions table.
Commission Code
In your old system, the equivalent to what is called a Commission Code in
DBA is probably a salesperson name or number assigned to the customer.
Any value in this column must correspond to a code in the Commission
Codes table.
The Commission Code almost surely is a new table in DBA that can be
used to replace your default sales person setting, if applicable. See the
Sales Reps and Commission Codes videos in the Customer Setup training
course for details on how the Commission Code works. Cut and paste
your Commission Codes into your spreadsheet.
Lead Source
The Lead Source is an optional field that tells you where the customer first
found out about your company. Any value in this column must correspond to
a code in the Lead Sources table.
Address 1
This is usually the street address or PO Box associated with the billing

32 Operating Guide
Data Import - Customers

Delivery Addresses
Each customer’s delivery addresses are stored in a separate Delivery
Addresses sub-table that allows for multiple addresses per customer. In
some systems, delivery addresses are each stored in the customer table
as a customer record. If this is the case, you should copy your
spreadsheet to another name, so that you now have two spreadsheets.
One spreadsheet will be used for customer import and one for delivery
address import.
In your customer spreadsheet, you should delete all rows that represent
delivery addresses. In your delivery address spreadsheet, you should
delete all rows that represent billing addresses. See the next chapter for
details on importing your delivery addresses.
Address 2
Most systems also have a second address line that is often used for the
office, unit, or suite number.
The City associated with the billing address.
The State or Province associated with the billing address.
Zip Code/Postal Code
The Postal Code associated with the billing address.
The Country associated with the billing address.
Phone Number
This is a company-level setting that is not for a specific contact person.
Fax Number
This is a company-level setting that is not for a specific contact person.
Mobile Phone Number
This is a company-level setting that is not for a specific contact person.
Email Address
This is a company-level setting that is not for a specific contact person.
Web Address
The customer’s URL.
Tax Code
If you are in a VAT/GST tax environment, leave this column blank because
you will not assign tax codes at the customer level. If you are in a USA or
Canadian tax environment, you most likely have some sort of tax code
assigned to the customer in your old system. It may be called a “tax group”,

Operating Guide 33
Data Import - Customers

“tax ID”, or some other such name. You may be able to replicate these tax
codes in the Tax Codes table in DBA, in which case you can import the
values in this column without changes. If you create new Tax Codes in DBA,
you must manually assign the values in this column.
Credit Limit
Open aging plus new sales orders are not permitted to exceed this amount.
Ship Method
The customer’s preferred ship method might be called a “ship via” or some
other name in your old system. Any value in this column must correspond to
a code in the Ship Methods table.
Tax Reference Number
You can export the customer’s Tax Number, which might be called “resale
number” or “registration ID” in your old system.
Bank Name
You can export a Bank Name, if such a field exists in your old system.
Bank Account No
You can export a Bank Account number, if such a field exists in your old
User Defined Field 1-6
User-Defined Date Field 1-6
DBA includes a total of six user defined fields, each of which is identified with
its own number. Within a numbered field, it can have a text value in the User-
Defined Field or a date value in the User-Defined Date Field, but it cannot
have a value in both fields.
Date Field Format
If you enter a date value in a User-Defined Date Field, it must conform to
the Short Date format defined in the Regional and Language Options
found in the Windows Control Panel on your file server.

Spreadsheet Import
The Customers spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See Phase 3
– Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

34 Operating Guide
Data Import – Customer Contacts

Data Import – Customer Contacts

(File – Data Import – Customer Contacts)

Customer Contacts are imported separately from Customers because they are
stored in a separate sub-table that allows for multiple contacts per customer.

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your Customer Contacts. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for
You must import or enter all your Customers before you can import customer
contacts. See the previous chapter for details.
Contact Types
Contact Types are used to classify contacts and are set up in the Sales –
Sales Setup – Contact Types screen.

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Customer Contacts spreadsheet as an *.xls file type,
which is the format required by the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Customer Name (Required)
This field links the contact to the customer and must be identical to the
Customer Name in the customer record.
NOTE: If when you imported your customers you changed the
Customer Name, you must change the Customer Name column on
your spreadsheet to match the new names.
Contact Name (Required)
The name of the contact person.
Contact Type
Contact Types are used to classify contacts and must correspond to a record
in the Contact Types table.
Phone Number
The contact person’s phone number.

Operating Guide 35
Data Import – Customer Contacts

The contact person’s fax number.
Email Address
The contact person’s Email address.
Mobile Phone
The contact person’s cell phone number.
A reference note that further describes the contact person.

Spreadsheet Import
The Customer Contacts spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See
Phase 3 – Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

36 Operating Guide
Data Import – Delivery Addresses

Data Import – Delivery Addresses

(File – Data Import – Delivery Addresses)

Each customer’s delivery addresses are stored in a separate Delivery Addresses

sub-table that allows for multiple addresses per customer. In some systems,
delivery addresses are each stored in the customer table as a customer record.
If this is the case, you should copy your Customers spreadsheet to another name
and use the second version for Delivery Addresses. Delete all rows that
represent billing addresses.

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your customer Delivery Addresses. Refer to the Implementation Planner
guide for details.
You must import or enter all your Customers before you can import delivery
Customer Contacts
You can optionally assign a contact person from the Customer Contacts table
to the delivery address.
Ship Methods
You can optionally assign a shipping method from the Ship Methods table to
the delivery address.
Tax Codes
In USA and Canadian tax environments, Tax Codes are often assigned at the
delivery address level, in which case you must set up all your Tax Codes in
advance of importing delivery addresses. In VAT/GST environments, a
system level default sales Tax Code is used, in which case no advance setup
is required.

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Delivery Addresses spreadsheet as an *.xls file type,
which is the format required by the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.

Operating Guide 37
Data Import – Delivery Addresses

Customer Name (Required)

The Customer Name is the customer ID that links the delivery address to a
particular customer.
NOTE: If when you imported your customers you changed the
Customer Name, you must change the Customer Name column on
your spreadsheet to match the new names.
Delivery Name (Required)
The Delivery Name is the name of the delivery address location.
Address 1
This is the street address associated with the delivery address.
Address 2
Most systems also have a second address line that is often used for the
office, unit, or suite number.
The City associated with the delivery address.
The State or Province associated with the delivery address.
Zip Code/Postal Code
The Postal Code associated with the delivery address.
The Country associated with the delivery address.
This is the main contact person at the delivery location.
NOTE: This field does not have to correspond to a record in the
Customer Contacts table.
Phone Number
The phone number associated with the contact person or delivery address
Fax Number
The fax number associated with the contact person or delivery address
Ship Method
The customer’s preferred ship method might be called a “ship via” or some
other name in your old system. Any value in this column must correspond to
a code in the Ship Methods table.
Tax Code
If you are in a VAT/GST tax environment, leave this column blank because
you will not assign tax codes at the delivery address level. If you are in a

38 Operating Guide
Data Import – Delivery Addresses

USA or Canadian tax environment, you have the option of leaving this blank,
in which case the Tax Code assigned to the customer is used, or you can
assign a Tax Code against the delivery address as an exception. Any values
used in this column must correspond to values in the Tax Codes table.

Spreadsheet Import
The Delivery Addresses spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See
Phase 3 – Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

Operating Guide 39
Data Import – Suppliers

Data Import – Suppliers

(File – Data Import – Suppliers)

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your Suppliers. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for details.
Supplier Types
Each supplier is assigned to a Supplier Type.
Supplier Terms
Payment terms are assigned to each supplier, so you must set up your
Supplier Terms table.
Supplier Regions
Supplier Regions are optional and help you organize your suppliers
Supplier Codes
Supplier Codes are optional and are user-defined codes that can be used for
any classification purpose.

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Suppliers spreadsheet as an *.xls file type, which is the
format required by the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Supplier Name (Required)
What is called the Supplier Name in DBA might be called the “supplier code”
in your old system. This is the key field that uniquely identifies the supplier
NOTE: If your old system uses a short code to identify the supplier
instead of the full name as in DBA, you can store the short code in the
X-Ref Code field, which is described further below.
The Supplier Name is a 50-character field that is the primary identification
for the supplier on screens and reports. We suggest you use the
supplier’s full name so that it is readily identifiable to your users. If the
supplier ID in your old system is a code rather than a name, we suggest

40 Operating Guide
Data Import – Suppliers

you replace it with the supplier’s actual name. One way to do this is to cut
and paste the Trading Name column (see next) into this column.
NOTE: Each Supplier Name must be unique. So if you have two or
more supplier accounts with the same name, make each name unique,
such as by appending the city or some other identifier in parenthesis
following the name.
Trading Name (Required)
This is the name that prints on purchase orders. Unlike the Supplier Name,
duplicate values are allowed. Normally, the Supplier Name and the Trading
Name are the same except in cases where the Supplier Name has been
appended to avoid duplicate values.
X-Ref Code
If you are using DBA with an outside accounting system, it may be that the
supplier is identified in the outside system with a short code instead of the full
supplier name as in DBA. For financial transfer purposes, you can store the
short code in this field, which is one of the fields available for transfer in the
PO Invoice Transfer screen. When you import the PO invoice transfer file into
your outside system, this field is mapped to the supplier code in your outside
Payment Terms
Any value in this column must correspond to a code in the Supplier Terms
These are freeform notes stored against the customer. There is no specific
limit to the length of this field.
Currency Code
Multi-currency processing is under development and not currently available.
Supplier Type
The Supplier Type might be called a supplier “class” or “category” in your old
system. If a value is not specified, the program assigns the system’s default
Supplier Type. Any value in this column must correspond to a code in the
Supplier Types table.
Supplier Region
The Supplier Region is optional and organizes suppliers by geography. Any
value in this column must correspond to a code in the Supplier Regions table.
Supplier Code
The Supplier Code is a user-defined code that can be used for any
classification purpose. Any value in this column must correspond to a code in
the Supplier Codes table.

Operating Guide 41
Data Import – Suppliers

Address 1
This is usually the street address or PO box associated with the mailing
Address 2
Most systems also have a second address line that is often used for the
office, unit, or suite number.
The City associated with the mailing address.
The State or Province associated with the mailing address.
Zip Code/Postal Code
The Postal Code associated with the mailing address.
The Country associated with the mailing address.
Phone Number
This is a company-level setting that is not for a specific contact person.
Fax Number
This is a company-level setting that is not for a specific contact person.
Email Address
This is a company-level setting that is not for a specific contact person.
Web Address
The supplier’s URL.
Tax Code
We recommend that you leave this field blank because purchase taxation is
almost always handled by a system level default purchase Tax Code rather
than tax codes assigned at the supplier level.
Ship Method
Your preferred Ship Method might be called a “ship via” or some other name
in your old system.
Tax Reference Number
You can export the supplier’s Tax Number, which might be called “resale
number” or “registration ID” in your old system.
Bank Name
You can export a Bank Name, if such a field exists in your old system.
Bank Account No
You can export a Bank Account number, if such a field exists in your old

42 Operating Guide
Data Import – Suppliers

User Defined Field 1-6

User-Defined Date Field 1-6
DBA includes a total of six user defined fields, each of which is identified with
its own number. Within a numbered field, it can have a text value in the User-
Defined Field or a date value in the User-Defined Date Field, but it cannot
have a value in both fields.
Date Field Format
If you enter a date value in a User-Defined Date Field, it must conform to
the Short Date format defined in the Regional and Language Options
found in the Windows Control Panel on your file server.

Spreadsheet Import
The Suppliers spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See Phase 3 –
Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

Operating Guide 43
Data Import – Supplier Contacts

Data Import – Supplier Contacts

(File – Data Import – Supplier Contacts)

Supplier Contacts are imported separately from Suppliers because they are
stored in a separate sub-table that allows for multiple contacts per supplier.

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your Supplier Contacts. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for
You must import or enter all your Suppliers before you can import supplier
contacts. See the previous chapter for details.
Contact Types
Contact Types are used to classify contacts and are set up in the Purch –
Purchasing Setup – Contact Types screen.

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Supplier Contacts spreadsheet as an *.xls file type,
which is the format required by the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Supplier Name (Required)
This field links the contact to the supplier and must be identical to the Supplier
Name in the supplier record.
NOTE: If when you imported your suppliers you changed the Supplier
Name, you must change the Supplier Name column on your
spreadsheet to match the new names.
Contact Name (Required)
The name of the contact person.
Contact Type
Contact Types are used to classify contacts and must correspond to a record
in the Contact Types table.
Phone Number
The contact person’s phone number.

44 Operating Guide
Data Import – Supplier Contacts

The contact person’s fax number.
Email Address
The contact person’s Email address.
Mobile Phone
The contact person’s cell phone number.
A reference note that further describes the contact person.

Spreadsheet Import
The Supplier Contacts spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See
Phase 3 – Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

Operating Guide 45
Data Import – Stock Items

Data Import – Stock Items

(File – Data Import – Stock Items)

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your Stock Items. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for details.
Item Categories (Required)
Each item is assigned to an Item Category for classification purposes.
Each item can optionally be assigned to a default Issue Location and Receipt

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Stock Items spreadsheet as an *.xls file type, which is
the format required by the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Item ID (Required)
The first column is what is called the Item ID in DBA. In some systems this is
called a “part number”; in others an “item code”.
CAUTION: Do not edit your Item ID’s in the spreadsheet. Other tables,
such as your bills of material, will be keyed to these same Item ID’s, so
if you change them here you will get mis-matched tables and orphaned
Description (Required)
In DBA the Description is 50 characters long. If yours is longer or is
comprised of two fields, you’ll have to do some editing here to get it to fit the
DBA Description field size.
Stocking UM (Required)
This should be your stocking unit of measure. If you also have a purchasing
unit of measure, it will be dealt with later when you import your Item Sources.
Item Category (Required)
The Item Category might be called an item “type” or “class” in your old
system. The values in this column must correspond to records in the Item
Categories table.

46 Operating Guide
Data Import – Stock Items

Mfg or Purch (Required)

In DBA, all manufactured items are given a value of ‘M’ and all purchased
items a value of ‘P’. You should insert a column in your spreadsheet and
then assign M’s or P’s to all items.
Item Notes
This field is for freeform notes against the item.
Estimated Cost
If your old system has a “fixed” or “standard” cost for the item, populate this
field with that value. If not, populate this field with the item’s “average” cost or
“inventory” cost.
NOTE1: When this field gets imported, this value also populates the
item’s Inventory Cost and Last Cost fields. The Inventory Cost will get
updated again on system startup day when you import Initial Stock
NOTE2: Technically, it is not necessary to import an Estimated Cost
for ‘M’ items because for those items it gets calculated by the Cost
Rollup based on your BOM routing and component costs. It is
harmless, however, to import the cost on ‘M’ items and not worth the
effort to delete them because they will be overwritten when you
eventually run the Cost Rollup.
Primary Location
The next two columns represent each item’s default Primary Location and
default Receipt Location. In most cases, the two locations are the same,
unless you receive into a QC inspection location and transfer items to another
location after they’ve been inspected.
NOTE1: You must have your Locations table already set up in DBA
before you create your spreadsheet. See the Locations Setup training
course for more information. It is unlikely that you duplicated the
locations from your old system. But if you did, you can use the
exported values. If the DBA locations are new, you need to go down
this column and assign each item to a Primary Location and Receipt
Location. Use copy and paste to make sure the location names don’t
contain any typing errors.
NOTE2: If you don’t want to deal with locations until later, you can
assign all items to the default Primary Location and default Receipt
Location specified in the Inventory Defaults screen and then reassign
them later at the item level once you’ve decided on your locations
Receipt Location
See previous.

Operating Guide 47
Data Import – Stock Items

Reorder Level
This is the item’s Reorder Level, which might be referred to as a “reorder
point” in your old system.
Min Order
This is the item’s Min Order amount, used in MRP.
Lead Days
This is the item’s Lead Days setting, sometime referred to as “lead time” in
other systems. For ‘P’ (purchased) items, this is the total number of days
normally required to receive the item from its default supplier. For ‘M’
(manufactured) items, this is the number of days normally required before a
job can be started, to account for advance preparation time or time required
to make lower level subassemblies.
Whole No Rounding (T, F)
Enter a ‘T’ if the item is always ordered and stocked in whole number
increments. Enter an ‘F’ if the item can be stocked in a decimal quantity.
Order Multiple
This is an MRP setting that rounds PO and job quantities so that they are
always divisible by a specified increment. For example, a particular item
might always have to be ordered in multiples of one hundred, such as 100,
200, 300, etc.
Custom to Order (M Items Only) T/F
This is an MRP setting that identifies when an item is always made to
customer order and is customized in some manner such that it can’t be
stocked or shipped to other customers. Enter a ‘T’ against such items. If the
item is not customized and can be shipped to any customers, enter an ‘F’. If
you leave the column blank, items are assigned ‘F’ by default.
Job Days (M Items Only)
This is an MRP setting that represents the typical number of production days
required from job release through job finish. This setting applies to ‘M’ items
Run Size (M Items Only)
This is an MRP setting that represents the most typical job quantity for this
Drawing No
This setting applies to ‘M’ items only.
Drawing Title
This setting applies to ‘M’ items only.
Unit Weight
The weight (pounds, kilos, etc.) associated with one unit of the item.

48 Operating Guide
Data Import – Stock Items

Unit Volume
The volume (cubic feet, meters, etc.) associated with one unit of the item.
Standard Pack Size
The number of units included in one shipping pack (carton, pallet, etc.) for the
Conversion Factor
This is a dimension field for reference only.
Fixed Width
This is a dimension field for reference only.
Fixed Length
This is a dimension field for reference only.
This is a dimension field for reference only.
Tax Code
In the vast majority of cases, a tax code does not need to be specified at the
item level and this field can be left blank. This is because line item taxation is
usually governed at the sales order or purchase order header level. Only if
the item requires a tax code exception do you need to make an entry into this
column. Any values in this column must correspond to values in the Tax
Codes table.
Warranty Code
Any value in this column must correspond to a record in the Warranty Codes
UPC Bar Code
This is a cross-reference ID number used in association with UPC bar coding.
Path to Picture File
This specifies the location of a graphical image associated with this item.
User Defined Field 1-6
User-Defined Date Field 1-6
DBA includes a total of six user defined fields, each of which is identified with
its own number. Within a numbered field, it can have a text value in the User-
Defined Field or a date value in the User-Defined Date Field, but it cannot
have a value in both fields.
Date Field Format
If you enter a date value in a User-Defined Date Field, it must conform to
the Short Date format defined in the Regional and Language Options
found in the Windows Control Panel on your file server.

Operating Guide 49
Data Import – Stock Items

Spreadsheet Import
The Stock Items spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See Phase 3
– Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

50 Operating Guide
Data Import – Item Sources

Data Import – Item Sources

(File – Data Import – Item Sources)

Item Sources are imported separately from Stock Items so that you can specify
multiple Suppliers per item.
If your old system only includes a single Preferred Supplier that is part of your
item master table, you still must import that information separately from your
stock items. We suggest you take your Stock Items spreadsheet, which contains
the Preferred Supplier field, and do a “save as” to a different name to create an
Item Sources spreadsheet. Once created, you can then delete all the unneeded
columns to get your spreadsheet to conform to the specifications listed below.
Alternates, Complementary, Customer X-Refs Not Included
The Item Sources import deals with Suppliers and Manufacturers only. Alternate,
Complementary, and Customer cross-references are not included and must be
entered manually.

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your Item Sources. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for details.
Stock Items (Required)
All your purchased items must be entered or imported before you can assign
Item Sources.
Suppliers (Required)
All Suppliers specified as Item Sources must be set up first in the Suppliers
Manufacturers are optional. Any Manufacturers specified must correspond to
records in the Manufacturers table.

*.csv File Format

Make sure you save the Item Sources spreadsheet as a *.csv file type. The Item
Sources spreadsheet is imported directly without use of the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet must consist of all of the following columns.
NOTE: The columns in this spreadsheet must be in the exact order listed.
We recommend inserting column headings in row one for identification

Operating Guide 51
Data Import – Item Sources

Item ID (Required)
The Item ID to which the item source is linked. Any value in the column must
correspond to a record in the Stock Items table.
Supplier (Required)
The Supplier that is the source for this item. Any value in the column must
correspond to a record in the Suppliers table.
NOTE: When you specify multiple Suppliers against one item, the
Supplier in the first position will be designated by the program as the
Default Supplier.
Supplier Part # (Required)
You must specify the supplier’s part number. If you do not know the
supplier’s part number, use the DBA Item ID.
You can optionally specify the supplier’s Description for the item, if it differs
from the item’s Description.
NOTE: Be sure and create this column, even if it contains no values.
You can optionally specify the supplier’s unit of measure for the item, if it
differs from the item’s stocking unit of measure.
NOTE: Be sure and create this column, even if it contains no values.
This is used to calculate the supplier’s order quantity if the supplier sells the
item in a different unit of measure than your stocking unit of measure. The
DBA quantity is multiplied by this amount to arrive at the supplier’s quantity.
Here are two examples:
Stock in Buy in Multiplier
FT YARD .333
NOTE: Be sure and create this column, even if it contains no values.
You can optionally specify a Manufacturer within this Supplier record. Any
value in the column must correspond to a record in the Manufacturers table.
NOTE: Be sure and create this column, even if it contains no values.
Mfg Part #
You can optionally specify a Manufacturer part number within this Supplier

52 Operating Guide
Data Import – Item Sources

Spreadsheet Import
Your Item Sources spreadsheet is imported directly without the aid of the Import
Wizard. You simply navigate to your spreadsheet file in the screen shown below.
Select the checkbox underneath if row one of your spreadsheet is used for
column headings. Click the Import button to start the import process.
If any errors are found, they are listed Errors tab. Correct the errors in your
spreadsheet, then run the import again.

Import Item Sources Screen

Operating Guide 53
Data Import – Base Prices

Data Import – Base Prices

(File – Data Import – Base Prices)

Base Prices are imported separately from Stock Items because they are stored in
a different table.
If your old system includes a Base Price that is part of your item master table, we
suggest you take your Stock Items spreadsheet, which contains the Base Price
field, and do a “save as” to a different name to create a Base Prices spreadsheet.
Once created, you can then delete all the unneeded columns to get your
spreadsheet to conform to the specifications listed below.
Qty Price Breaks are imported separately
If you have additional prices based on quantity, those Qty Break Prices are
imported separately from Base Prices. See the next section for details.

Supporting Tables
The following table must be created in advance before you can import your Base
Prices. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for details.
Stock Items (Required)
All the items you sell must be entered or imported before you can assign
Base Prices.

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Base Prices spreadsheet as an *.xls file type, which is
the format required by the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet must include the following columns. Be sure and insert a title
in row one of each column heading so that the column can be identified during
the import process.
Item ID (Required)
The Item ID to which the item source is linked. Any value in the column must
correspond to a record in the Stock Items table.
Next Price (Required)
The Base Price actually gets imported into the Next Price field.

54 Operating Guide
Data Import – Base Prices

Spreadsheet Import
The Base Prices spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See Phase 3
– Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

Final Step – Mass Update Base Prices

The Base Price was actually imported into the Next Price field. As a final step,
go to the Sales – Pricing & Discounts – Base Prices screen and click the Mass
Update button. This process copies the Next Price into the Base Price field and
clears the Next Price field for a future entry.

Operating Guide 55
Data Import – Qty Price Breaks

Data Import – Qty Price Breaks

(File – Data Import – Qty Price Breaks)

Qty Price Breaks are imported separately from Base Prices because they are
stored in a different table that allows for multiple break prices against an item.

Supporting Table
The following table must be created in advance before you can import your Base
Prices. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for details.
Base Prices (Required)
You must first enter or import Base Prices before you can import Qty Break

*.xls File Format

Make sure you save the Qty Break Prices spreadsheet as an *.xls file type, which
is the format required by the Import Wizard.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Item ID (Required)
The Item ID to which quantity break price is linked. Any value in the column
must correspond to a record in the Stock Items table.
This is the quantity break Price.
NOTE: Leave this field blank if you enter a % of Base value.
Quantity (Required)
This is the Quantity at which the Price takes effect.
% of Base
As an alternative to a specific Price, you can enter a % of Base, which is a
decimal number. For example, if you want the quantity break to be 80.5% of
Base Price, enter ‘80.5’.
NOTE: Leave this field blank if you enter a Price value.

Spreadsheet Import
The Qty Break Prices spreadsheet is imported using the Import Wizard. See
Phase 3 – Import Data at the beginning of this chapter for instructions.

56 Operating Guide
Data Import – BOM Routings

Data Import – BOM Routings

(Data Import – BOM Routings)

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your BOM Routings. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for
Stock Items (Required)
All your ‘M’ items should be entered or imported before you can import BOM
Work Centers (Required)
Each routing sequence must be assigned to a Work Center.
You can optionally assign a routing sequence to particular Machine.
All Suppliers that provide subcontract services must be entered or imported
before you can import BOM Routings.
Revision Names
If you use revisions, each routing sequence must be assigned to a Revision
name. All revision names must be set up in the Revision Names table before
you can import BOM Routings.

*.csv File Format

Make sure you save the BOM Routings spreadsheet as a *.csv file type, which is
required by the Import BOM Routings screen.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Parent ID (Required)
This is the ‘M’ item associated with the routing sequence. Any value in this
field must correspond to a record in the Stock Items table.
Each routing sequence must be assigned to a Revision name. If you don’t
use revisions, you can leave this field blank and the program will populate it
with your system Default Revision.

Operating Guide 57
Data Import – BOM Routings

Sequence (Required)
This is the ID number that identifies this routing sequence and determines the
sequence sort order.
This is the sequence Description, which describes the production process or
service to be performed.
Work Center (Required)
Each routing sequence must be assigned to a Work Center. Any value in the
column must correspond for a record in the Work Centers table.
Each routing sequence can optionally be assigned to a Machine. Any value
in this column must correspond to a record in the Machines table.
Setup Hours
These are the setup hours required to prepare this sequence.
NOTE: Setup Hours must be in decimal format. If your old system
stores this in hours, minutes, and seconds, you must convert all the
values in this column into decimal numbers. 30 minutes, for example,
would be ‘.5’ hours.
If you leave this blank, the import program will give it a value of ‘1’.
This is your cycle time or production rate.
No Persons
This determines the number of persons required to perform the sequence. If
you leave this column blank, the import program assigns it a value of ‘1’.
Backflush (T/F)
Enter a ‘T’ if the labor for this sequence is to be backflushed based on items
completed. Enter an ‘F’ if the labor hours are to be collected and entered
from time sheets. If you leave this column blank, the import program assigns
it a value of ‘T’.
Days to Next
This is an optional field that specifies an interval in days between this
sequence and the next sequence.
Traveler Notes
This is the freeform text that documents the process to be performed.
Subcontract: Supplier
If this sequence is associated with a subcontract service stage, this is the
Supplier that performs the service.

58 Operating Guide
Data Import – BOM Routings

Subcontract: Days to Next

This is the lead time for the subcontract service.
Subcontract: Cost
This is the estimated unit Cost of the subcontract service.
Subcontract: UM
This is the unit of measure associated with the subcontract service.
Subcontract: PO Notes
These are the freeform notes that flow from the job to the subcontract service

Spreadsheet Import
The BOM Routings spreadsheet is imported using the Import BOM Routings
screen shown below.

1. Column headings
This checkbox is selected by default and tells the program to skip row one of the
spreadsheet because it contains column headings.
2. Choose the import file
Click the 3-dot button to navigate to your *.csv file, which is your spreadsheet.

3. Map the import file columns.

Om this step you will map each DBA field, where applicable, to the
corresponding column on your spreadsheet. Field explanations are as follows:
Your Data
Click the down arrow and select the column heading from your spreadsheet
that matches the DBA Field.

Operating Guide 59
Data Import – BOM Routings

This checkbox is selected when the field is required, which means all rows in
your spreadsheet must have a value. Non-required fields do not have to be
mapped to a spreadsheet column.
DBA Field
This is the descriptive name of the field in DBA.
Type, Len
‘C’ in the Type column indicates an alphanumeric field with a limit of so many
characters as specified in the Len column. ‘N’ in the Type column indicates a
numeric field.
You can click the button in this column for additional information regarding
this field.
DBA Field Name
This is the actual name of the field in the database.
4. Import
When you are done with your mapping, click the Import button. The program will
attempt to import your data. If any errors are found, the data will not be imported
and you will be given an error report. You should print out the report and make
corrections to your spreadsheet.
NOTE: After you print out your report, do not close the Import Routings
screen. If you do so, you’ll have to re-do all your mappings once again.
When the program is able run through the data without finding any errors, it will
then ask you if you wish to import the data. Click Yes and all the data on the
spreadsheet will be imported.

Copyright Notice
Portions of this import program Copyright 2005-2006 White Peak Software Inc

60 Operating Guide
Data Import – BOM Components

Data Import – BOM Components

(File – Data Import – BOM Components)

Supporting Tables
Some or all of the following tables must be created in advance before you can
import your BOM Components. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for
Stock Items (Required)
All BOM parent items and components should be entered or imported before
you can import BOM Components.
Revision Names
If you use revisions, each component must be assigned to a Revision name.
All revision names must be set up in the Revision Names table before you
can import BOM Components.
Routings should be entered or imported before BOM Components so that
components can be assigned to the routing sequences in which they are
We do not recommend using Descriptors as BOM Components, but if you
choose to do so, you must first create them manually in the Descriptors

*.csv File Format

Make sure you save the BOM Components spreadsheet as a *.csv file type,
which is required by the Import BOM Components screen.

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet can consist of some or all of the following columns. Be sure
and insert a title in row one of each column heading so that the column can be
identified during the import process.
Parent ID (Required)
This is the ‘M’ item associated with the component. Any value in this field
must correspond to a record in the Stock Items table.
Each component must be assigned to a Revision name. If you don’t use
revisions, you can leave this field blank and the program will populate it with
your system Default Revision.

Operating Guide 61
Data Import – BOM Components

Component (Required)
Values in this column must correspond to a record in the Stock Items table.
Line No
The Line No field enables you to bring in your existing line numbers. If you
leave this column blank, the import program will assign line numbers in the
order that it imports your components, and will number then in increments of
10. If the components look to be in the correct order on your spreadsheet,
you can delete the Line No column and the components will come into DBA
uniformly numbered as 10, 20, 30 etc.
You can optionally assign each component to the routing Sequence in which
it is consumed.
Type (S/D)
Stock Item components should be identified with an ‘S’ and Descriptors with a
‘D’. If you leave this column blank, the import program defaults this value to
Usage Qty (Required)
This is the quantity required to make one unit of the parent item. Decimal
quantities are permitted.
Scrap %
This is the expected scrap percentage associated with the component.
NOTE: You may need to edit the Scrap % field values. Some systems
use a yield factor instead of a scrap percentage. 90% yield is the
opposite of a 10% scrap factor like we use in DBA. So if your old
system uses yield, you must convert the values in this column to their
opposite values.
From Date
This is the date the component was added to the BOM.
Thru Date
This is the date the component was removed from the BOM.
These are freeform notes associated with the component.

62 Operating Guide
Data Import – BOM Components

Spreadsheet Import
The BOM Components spreadsheet is imported using the Import BOM
Components screen shown below.

1. Column headings
This checkbox is selected by default and tells the program to skip row one of the
spreadsheet because it contains column headings.
2. Choose the import file
Click the 3-dot button to navigate to your *.csv file, which is your spreadsheet.

3. Map the import file columns.

Om this step you will map each DBA field, where applicable, to the
corresponding column on your spreadsheet. Field explanations are as follows:
Your Data
Click the down arrow and select the column heading from your spreadsheet
that matches the DBA Field.
This checkbox is selected when the field is required, which means all rows in
your spreadsheet must have a value. Non-required fields do not have to be
mapped to a spreadsheet column.
DBA Field
This is the descriptive name of the field in DBA.
Type, Len
‘C’ in the Type column indicates an alphanumeric field with a limit of so many
characters as specified in the Len column. ‘N’ in the Type column indicates a
numeric field.

Operating Guide 63
Data Import – BOM Components

You can click the button in this column for additional information regarding
this field.
DBA Field Name
This is the actual name of the field in the database.
4. Import
When you are done with your mapping, click the Import button. The program will
attempt to import your data. If any errors are found, the data will not be imported
and you will be given an error report. You should print out the report and make
corrections to your spreadsheet.
NOTE: After you print out your report, do not close the Import BOM
Components screen. If you do so, you’ll have to re-do all your mappings
once again.
When the program is able run through the data without finding any errors, it will
then ask you if you wish to import the data. Click Yes and all the data on the
spreadsheet will be imported.

Copyright Notice
Portions of this import program Copyright 2005-2006 White Peak Software Inc

64 Operating Guide
1-4. Data Export

1-4. Data Export

(File – Data Export)

You can export data from any table in the system using the Data Export screen.
To start the export process, highlight the table you wish to export from and then
click the Export button.

Data Dictionary
(File – Data Dictionary)
A list of system tables and field definitions can be found in the Data Dictionary,
which is presented in a Help file format.

Operating Guide 65
1-4. Data Export

Step 1 – Select File Format

On this screen you will select the file format of your export file. A variety of
format options are listed on the screen.
Once your selection is made, click the Next button.

Step 2 – Selection Options

Additional options are selected on this screen.

The File Origin will default to ‘ANSI (Windows).’ Do not change this.
If you are not exporting the entire file, insert a check into the Selected records
only checkbox.
If you want to include column titles in your export file, select the Include column
titles checkbox. If you want a blank line between the column headings and the
first export record, select the Add a blank line after field names checkbox.
If your target system stores empty field values as zeroes, clear the Blank if zero?
checkbox. If empty fields are stored with blank values, select this checkbox.

66 Operating Guide
1-4. Data Export

Click Next to continue.

Step 3 – Select Field Delimiters

This screen is displayed if you selected the text (*.txt) file format.
First, indicate whether your export file is to be in Delimited or Fixed Width format.
Delimited means that data fields are separated with a defined character such as
a semicolon, comma, space, etc. Fixed Width means that your export file fields
have fixed lengths such that each field’s first character can be defined position
within the record.
If you selected Delimited, choose one of the following to represent the field
separator used in your export file.
Tab can be used as a separator in Word documents or when Excel
spreadsheets are saved as *.txt documents.
Can be used as a separator in a Word document.
This is the most common delimiter used when creating text-based export
files. You can also use comma separators with Word documents or when
Excel spreadsheets are saved as *.csv documents.
You can use a space to separate words within a Word document (if each
word is a separate field) or when Excel spreadsheets are saved as *.pm
Can be used when there is only one field to export and no delimiters are

Operating Guide 67
1-4. Data Export

You can use any symbol you wish to separate fields. Enter the symbol
you wish to use in the field to the right of this option.
In the Record Separator field, chose one of the following to indicate what
separates each record in your export file.
• CRLF Carriage Return / Line Feed
• CR Carriage Return only
• LF Line Feed only
Enter a symbol in the Text Qualifier field if non-numeric text fields (such as
customer and supplier names) are surrounded by a symbol such as a quotation
mark, which is a common format with *.txt files.
Click Next to continue.

Step 4 – Field Formatting

In this step you define the properties of each field to be exported.

You can format the field Title, including the Caption (English description), its
Alignment (left, center, or right justified), and its Background color and Font.
You can also format the data’s Alignment, Background, and Font as well.
Click Next to continue.

68 Operating Guide
1-4. Data Export

Step 5 – Header and Footer

In this screen you can enter header and footer text that will accompany your
export file.
Click Next to continue.

Step 6 – Define Layout

This screen only appears for some export file formats (such as Adobe Acrobat).
You can define the layout of the data, including whether you want it in columnar,
reverse columnar, or tabular format, as well as your color style preference.
Click Next to continue.
Saving specifications for future use
You can save your export settings so that they can be used again without having
to go through all the setup steps. To do so, click the Specifications button at
lower left. A screen will appear containing a list of all your saved export
specifications for this table. Click the Save button and you can enter a name for
this set of specifications as well as a path to the source file. When done, click
OK and the name will be added to the list of available specifications.

Operating Guide 69
1-4. Data Export

Step 7 – Export Data

Give your file a path (using the navigation button, if you’d like) and file name in
the Export to a File field.
If you want to break up your export into more than one file, you can set a size
limit using the Records per File? field. This might be useful if you are exporting
to a spreadsheet that can only hold a certain number of lines. The program will
automatically create multiple export files and number then with a suffix of ‘1’, ‘2’,
‘3’, etc.
You can then select an action to occur after the file is exported. For example,
you can automatically view the contents of the file, or you can e-mail the file with
it as an automatic attachment.
When your entries are completed, click the Execute button to run the export

Re-exporting using saved specs

To re-export using saved specs, select the Export option on the opening screen,
highlight the table you wish to export from, then click the Export button.
On the next screen, click the Specifications button in the lower left portion of the
opening screen. Highlight the item you want in the list of available specifications
window, then click the Load button. This will load all your saved settings into the
export wizard screens.
You can now cycle through the screens and change any settings you wish.
When done, click the Execute button on the last screen to run the export routine.

70 Operating Guide
1-5. Data Dictionary

1-5. Data Dictionary

(File – Data Dictionary)

The Data Dictionary is a PDF document that provides a listing of relevant system
tables and field names. This can be of a useful reference resource when using
the Data Export or Database Queries utilities.

Operating Guide 71
1-6. Initial Stock Qty Import

1-6. Initial Stock Qty Import

(File – Startup Day – Initial Stock Qty Import)

Import only on startup day

On system “startup day” you will cease using your old system for sales orders,
make jobs, and purchasing, and you will begin performing those activities
exclusively in DBA. As of startup day, you must import or enter your current
stock quantities in DBA so that you have an accurate beginning inventory.
Assign items to characteristics after stock quantity import
Stock items should not be assigned to tracking characteristics such as lot and
serial control until after you import initial stock quantities. After initial stock
quantities are imported, you can then assign items to characteristics on the
Characteristics tab of the Stock Items screen. As you do so, the program
requires you to allocate the stock on hand to characteristic values.
If you’ve already assigned items to characteristics:
The Initial Stock Qty Import rejects stock items that are assigned to
characteristics. So if you’ve already assigned items to characteristics, you have
two options:
• You can clear all characteristic assignments using the Item Characteristics
screen so that you can run the initial stock quantity import and then
reassign characteristics afterwards.
• You can delete the items assigned to characteristics from your import
spreadsheet, then run the import on all items without characteristics, then
you can manually enter initial stock quantities for items with characteristics
using the Stock Adjustments screen.

Supporting Tables
The following tables must be created in advance before you can import your
Initial Stock Quantities. Refer to the Implementation Planner guide for details.
Stock Items (Required)
All your Stock Items must be entered or imported before you can assign Initial
Stock Quantities.
Locations (Required)
Each stock quantity must be associated with a Location.

*.csv File Format

Make sure you save the Initial Stock Qty’s spreadsheet as a *.csv file type. The
Initial Stock Qty’s spreadsheet is imported directly without use of the Import

72 Operating Guide
1-6. Initial Stock Qty Import

Spreadsheet Columns
Your spreadsheet must consist of all of following columns.
NOTE: The columns in this spreadsheet must be in the exact order listed.
We recommend inserting column headings in row one for identification
Item ID (Required)
Each item will have one row for each Location with a Stock Qty. So if an item
has stock in three locations, it will be given three rows in the spreadsheet.
NOTE: Do not import items assigned to Tracking Characteristics.
Initial stock quantities for such items must be manually entered in the
Stock Adjustments screen.
Location (Required)
This is the Location associated with the Stock Qty.
Stock Qty
This is the stock on hand at this Location.
Inventory Cost
This is the current “average” cost or “inventory” cost for the item in your old
NOTE1: If an item has multiple rows in the spreadsheet, repeat this
cost value in each row.
NOTE2: Even though the Inventory Cost already received a value
when you imported the Estimated Cost during the Stock Items import,
it is updated during the Initial Stock Qty’s import to reflect the most
recent value prior to system startup day.

Spreadsheet Import
Your Initial Stock Qty’s spreadsheet is imported directly without the aid of the
Import Wizard. You simply navigate to your spreadsheet file in the screen shown
below. Select the checkbox underneath if row one of your spreadsheet is used
for column headings.
You have the option of entering a Reference note that will be inserted into the
transaction history of each item.
Click the Import button to start the import process. If any errors are found, they
are listed Errors tab. Correct the errors in your spreadsheet, then run the import

Operating Guide 73
1-6. Initial Stock Qty Import

Import Initial Stock Qty’s Screen

74 Operating Guide
1-7. AR Beginning Balances

1-7. AR Beginning Balances

(File – Startup Day – AR Beginning Balances)

Use this screen to enter unpaid customer invoices as of system startup day.
NOTE: Any entries made in this screen will not post to the General Ledger.
The sole purpose of this screen is to get these entries into the open aging
so that customer payments associated with these invoices can be
processed within DBA.

List Tab
All customers are listed on this screen, along with beginning balance information
derived from entries made through this screen.
This customer ID is displayed in this field.
Beg Balance
The grand total of all invoice amounts entered is displayed in this field.
# Invoices
The amount displayed in this field is the number of invoices that comprise the
Beg Balance.
Trading Name
The customer’s Trading Name, which is the name that prints on order
documents, is displayed for reference purposes.

Invoices Tab
To enter one or more invoices for a customer, highlight the applicable Customer
and click the Invoices tab. On the Invoices tab, make entries to the following

Operating Guide 75
1-7. AR Beginning Balances

Invoice No
Enter the original invoice number.
Invoice Date
Enter the original invoice date.
Remaining Amt
Enter the unpaid amount.
Payment Terms
This field is optional. If you select from the payment terms table, the program
will automatically establish the Due Date based on the terms selected.
Due Date
You can accept the Due Date established by the Payment Terms or you can
manually select any date you wish.
After you click the Update button, this read-only checkbox is automatically
selected and informs you that your entry has been posted to the open invoice
Update Button
Enter all the open invoices for the customer. When you are finished, click the
Update button. The Posted checkbox will be updated against each invoice,
indicating that it has been saved to the open invoices table.

76 Operating Guide
1-8. AP Beginning Balances

1-8. AP Beginning Balances

(File – Startup Day – AP Beginning Balances)

Use this screen to enter unpaid supplier invoices as of system startup day.
NOTE: Any entries made in this screen will not post to the General Ledger.
The sole purpose of this screen is to get these entries into the open aging
so that supplier payments associated with these invoices can be processed
within DBA.

List Tab
Previously created beginning balance supplier invoices are listed on this screen
in descending invoice date order. You can view the detail behind any invoice by
highlighting it and clicking the Detail tab.
New Button
Click this button to create a new beginning balance supplier invoice. You are
taken to the Detail tab, which is cleared for new record entry.
Edit Button
Click this button to change an existing beginning balance invoice without having
to delete it and re-enter it from scratch.
Reverse Button
Click this button to delete the highlighted beginning balance invoice.

Detail Tab

You can enter a new beginning balance supplier invoice on this screen (by
clicking New while on the List tab) or you can view the details of an existing
supplier invoice record.

Operating Guide 77
1-8. AP Beginning Balances

NOTE: This screen is a special version of the Supplier Invoices screen

that does not post to the General Ledger.
General Information
Select the Supplier from the lookup.
Invoice No
Enter the supplier invoice number.
Invoice Date
Enter the supplier invoice date, which is the date used for aging and payment
processing purposes.
GL Post Date
This date defaults to today’s date. No GL posting occurs, so leave this date
as is.
Pay Ref
Leave this blank.
Net Amt
Enter the remaining invoice amount, which is the amount that has not yet
been paid.
Tax Amt
In most cases, tax is not relevant to a beginning balance invoice, in which
case you should clear this field.
NOTE: In some countries the tax portion of invoices is tracked
separately. If this is the case, enter the remaining tax amount.
Invoice Total
This read-only field is the sum of the Net Amt and Tax Amt.
Tax Code
This setting is irrelevant to a beginning balance invoice and can be left as is.
Payment & Selection Amts
This panel has no relevance to a beginning balance invoice.
Payment Terms
Payment Terms
The default Supplier Terms code assigned to this supplier is selected by
default. You can make an alternate selection, if you wish.
Due Date
The Due Date for invoice payment is automatically calculated according to the
Days and From Month End values associated with the Supplier Terms code.
You can manually override this date, if you wish.

78 Operating Guide
1-8. AP Beginning Balances

Days, From End of Month, Discount %, Discount Days

These read-only fields display the details associated with the selected
Supplier Terms code.
Distribution Grid
Only one line is entered with a beginning balance invoice. To make an entry,
click the New button.
Net Amt
The program inserts the Net Amt from the upper panel into this field. Leave
this as is.
Tax Amt
The program automatically inserts the Tax Amt from the upper panel into this
field. Leave this as is.
Total Amt
This read-only field is the sum of the Net Amt and Tax Amt.
Pay Hold
If you do not wish for all or a portion of this invoice to be paid at this time
(perhaps because of a dispute with the supplier), you can select this
checkbox, which prevents this line’s amount from being selected and paid in
the Payment Processing screen.
You can enter a short note against this line for reference purposes on this
screen only.
Supplier Invoice Notes
You can enter freeform notes in this panel for reference on this screen only.

Payments Tab
This tab has no relevance to a beginning balance invoice.

Operating Guide 79
1-8. AP Beginning Balances

80 Operating Guide
2. Admin

2. Admin
The Admin menu is where you find applications used by the system administrator
to set up users and configure the system. Menu options include:

• User Setup
• Current Online Users
• Upgrade License
• Run Command File
• Main Setup
• Accounting Configuration
• System Defaults

Operating Guide 81
2-1. User Setup

2-1. User Setup

(Admin – User Setup)

Use this screen to create user accounts and to manage user settings.

List Tab
User accounts are created on this tab.

Creating a new user

To create a new user, click the New button. Enter a User Name, which is the
name used to log into the system. Enter a first and last name. If this user is to
have “administrator” status, which allows access to certain screens that are off
limits to other users, select the Administrator checkbox.
Active User Checkbox
Even though you can set up an unlimited number of users, the number of users
that can be designated as active users (via selection of the Active User
checkbox) is limited by the # of Licensed Users displayed in the upper right
corner of the screen. Only active users will be allowed to log on to the system.
Change Password Screen
When each new user is created, the system assigns that user a password of
‘pass’. The user can log into the system and go to the File – Change Password
screen and can then change the password to one of his or her choice.
Password Length & Case-Sensitivity
The password can be up to 15-characters long and is not case-sensitive.
Copy User Button
Many users have identical setup profiles. You can create a new user by
highlighting an existing user and clicking the Copy User button. Enter the new
User Name. This will copy all the highlighted user’s settings to the new user.

82 Operating Guide
2-1. User Setup

Module Security Tab

Use this tab to assign security permissions to the system’s menu options. Note
that the checkboxes in the left column remove entire menus, while those to the
right remove individual menu options.
NOTE: Each user will only see the menu options he or she has permission
to access. Options without access permission will be invisible.

User Defaults Tab

Two settings are located on this tab.
Allow Grids to be Customized
Some entry grids in the system can be customized by changing the order and
width of grid columns. Each time the user exits the screen and returns to it,
the customized settings are lost. If you want this user’s settings to be
retained and not lost, select this checkbox.
Linked Worker No
This user can be set up as a worker in the Jobs – Workers screen. This field
links the user to that worker record. If there are any open Activity Notes tied
to this worker, they are automatically displayed in the Notes – My Action List

Document Groups Tab

DBA offers a Documents Directory, which provides links to key company
documents such as employee manuals, contracts, warranties, instruction
manuals, etc.
Use this tab to list the Document Groups to which this user is to have access.
See chapter 10 for more information on the Documents Directory.

Operating Guide 83
2-1. User Setup

SO/Job Types Tab

All your Sales Order Types and Job Types are listed on this screen. Select the
checkbox against each type to which this user is to have access.

Screen Locks Tab

If this user occupies a “locked” screen, that screen is listed on this tab. A locked
screen is not accessible to other users. The system administrator can unlock a
locked screen by clearing the checkbox preceding the screen name.
This unlocking capability is only needed in situations where the user is in a
locked screen and experiences a system failure, such as the computer being
turned off. The program still thinks the user is in the locked screen and thus the
screen cannot be used by anyone. In this case, clearing the locked screen frees
it up for access to other users.
At present, the Batch Posting screen on the GL menu is the only screen in the
system that locks out other users in the manner described.

Email Tab
User Email settings are entered on this tab.

Email Option
This setting defaults to the system Email Option selected in the Main Setup
screen. The default setting can be overridden here at the user level, if needed.
Two Email server options are available:
SMTP Email Client (Recommended)
This option will send outbound Emails directly from DBA via an SMTP
NOTE: With this option, all customer/supplier Emails sent from DBA
are stored in the system’s database and can be read by clicking the
History button within the Customers screen and Suppliers screen.

84 Operating Guide
2-1. User Setup

Legacy Exchange Server Support

Only select this option if you have an older version of Microsoft Exchange
Server (version 5.5 or earlier) that does not support an SMTP gateway.
NOTE: With this option, Emails are not stored in the system’s
Other Fields
Reply-To Email Address
This defaults to the Company Email Address setting in the Main Setup
screen. If you want Emails sent by this user to have a personal ‘Reply-To’
address instead of the company ‘Reply-To’ Email address, enter that Email
address in this field.
Outbound Mail Server (SMTP)
This field is only visible when the SMTP Email Client option is selected above.
Specify the address of the outbound SMTP server, which is in a
‘’ format (such as ‘’ or
This field is only visible when the SMTP Email Client option is selected above.
Enter the port that is required by your outbound SMTP server. Most typically
this is a setting of ‘25.’
Authentication Required for Outbound Email
This field is only visible when the SMTP Email Client option is selected above.
Select this checkbox if this user’s SMTP server requires user authentication.
When selected, two additional fields become visible.
User Name
Enter this user’s authentication user name.
Enter this user’s authentication password.

Operating Guide 85
2-1. User Setup

2-2. Current Online Users

(Admin – Current Online Users)

The system administrator can use this screen to view the current users that are
logged into the system and to remove users.
Removing a user
In the case of a power failure or a user shutting off his or her computer without
exiting DBA first, the program still assumes the user is logged on. When this
happens, you might reach your maximum user limit even though the number of
physical users has not.
To remove a user, highlight the user and click the Delete button.
If you reach your maximum user limit
if you reach your maximum user limit and attempt to log in as the administrator,
you will automatically be taken to this screen where you can remove a user(s) to
make room for you to get into the system.

Field Explanations

Computer Name
This is the name assigned by Windows to the user’s computer.
User ID
The User ID assigned in the User Setup screen.
Login Time
The date and time the user logged in.
Unique ID
This is a unique record identifier generated by the program.

86 Operating Guide
2-2. Current Online Users

2-3. Database Optimizer

(Admin – Database Optimizer)

This utility can be run periodically (such as weekly or monthly) to optimize this
company’s database indices for maximum performance.
NOTE: All users must exit DBA and all outside connections to this
company’s database must be released before you will be permitted to run
this program.

Two options are available:

Full Optimization
When you run this program during off-hours, select this option.
Quick Optimization
If you need immediate optimization during working hours and you wish to
minimize system down-time, select this option. It will perform a partial
optimization that can help solve an immediate performance problem. You
can then run the Full Optimization option later during off-hours.
Run Button
Click this button to begin processing. You are then presented with this message:
“Before processing can begin, leave this screen open while you exit out of
DBA. After you’ve existed DBA, click the Continue button.”
Exit out of DBA, then click the Continue button and processing will begin.

Operating Guide 87
2-3. Upgrade License

2-4. Upgrade License

(Admin – Upgrade License)

The system administrator uses this screen to install a new license key whenever
annual maintenance is renewed or additional users are purchased.
License Key
The license key is sent to you by Email. It consists of two components – a
Company Name and Serial Number – that are cut and pasted from the Email into
this screen.

License Key Installation

Copy the Company Name from the Email and paste it into the first field on the
Copy the Serial Number from the Email and paste it into the second field on the
NOTE: Do not attempt to manually change the Company Name or it will
not match the Serial Number and you cannot continue.
Click Continue, which closes the screen.

88 Operating Guide
2-4. Upgrade License

2-5. Run Command File

(Admin – Run Command File)

There may be occasions where we send you a file to repair a problem, such as a
forgotten password. You will install the file as directed somewhere on your file
server or local computer.
You will then use this screen to navigate to the file. Once you locate the file, click
the Run button to execute the procedure.

Operating Guide 89
2-6. Main Setup

2-6. Main Setup

(Admin – Main Setup)

This screen is where you enter a number of default settings that tailor the system
to your operational preferences.

Main Tab
Your Company Info
In this section you can enter your address and contact details. This information
optionally prints on some documents and is for reference purposes.
Your company name cannot be edited and is determined by the encrypted serial
number that you entered during system installation or via the File – Administrator
– Upgrade License screen. If you need the name changed, let us know and we
will e-mail you a new serial number.
The following are some other settings located on the Main tab.
SO/Job Numbering
Auto SO/Job Numbering
Select this checkbox if you want sales orders and jobs automatically
numbered. In general, automatic numbering is used in most situations.
Next No
Enter a value here if Auto SO/Job Numbering is selected. It establishes the
job number on the next sales order or job created. Because of the way the
computer sorts numbers, do not enter a number such as 1 or else the result
will be that number 10 or number 100 sorts before number 2, 3, etc. on lists

90 Operating Guide
2-6. Main Setup

and reports. We recommend a starting number such as 10000 or 100000,

which will create sequential numbers such as 10001, 10002, 10003, etc.
Multi-Currency (in development)
A system-wide multi-currency capability is under development, but is not
currently available. Clear the Activate checkbox for the time being.
Invoice & Credit Printing
Setting Sub-Tab
Your Invoice Name
This is a user-defined title that prints at the top of invoices. Typically, this
would be ‘INVOICE’, but can be any name you wish.
Your Credit Name
This is a user-defined title that prints on invoices when the total amount is
negative. Typical names would be ‘CREDIT MEMO’ or ‘CREDIT NOTE’.
Your Shipping Name
Enter a user-defined name that identifies shipping charges on the sales
order Shipping screen and in the footer of the customer invoice. For
example, you might want to use a name such as ‘Freight’ or ‘Shipping &
Invoice No Sub-Tab
Invoice Prefix
This is the invoice prefix that will be used for all invoices, regardless of job
or sales order type.

Next Invoice No.

This number establishes the invoice number on the next invoice created.
Because of the way the computer sorts job numbers, do not enter a
number such as 1 or else the result will be that invoice 10 or invoice 100
sorts before invoice 2, 3, etc. on lists and reports. We recommend a
starting number such as 10000 or 100000, which will create sequential
numbers such as 10001, 10002, 10003, etc.
Payment Rounding
Tolerance Value
It is common for customer payments to vary somewhat from the exact amount
owed. If the variance on a customer’s payment falls within the value entered
in this field, the variance will be accepted and the invoice marked as paid.

Operating Guide 91
2-6. Main Setup

Options Tab

Additional Options
Display link to online demos
Clear this checkbox if you wish to make the Online Demos icon and link on
the main menu invisible.
Display printer dialog screen
Select this checkbox if you want the printer dialog screen presented when
printing forms and reports. This will allow you to change printers or print
selections. Do not select if all your printing is to the same printer and you
never change settings.
Display print preview
Select this checkbox if you want a screen preview of each report or document
before printing.
Maximize print preview
If you always want the screen preview of your reports and documents
maximized to fill the entire screen, select this checkbox. If you do not select
this option, it will occupy a smaller window and can be maximized manually if
so desired.
Check for available updates at program sign-in
Select this checkbox if you want administrator-level users to be presented
with update download files upon program sign-in each time a new product
update becomes available. We recommend that you select this option unless
the update checking causes problems with your anti-virus or firewall software.

92 Operating Guide
2-6. Main Setup

Profitability Options
Margin or Markup
You have a choice of using ‘margin’ or ‘markup’ in conjunction with the job
profit shown on the job header screen as well as job detail lines where you
can calculate a price based on a margin or markup over cost.
• A margin is a profit margin. For example, if an item costs you $80 and
you wish to make a 20% profit margin, you would divide 80 by .8 (the
inverse of .2) to arrive at a selling price of $100.
• A markup is a multiplier. For example, if an item costs you $80 and
you wish to mark it up by 25%, you would multiply 80 x 1.25 to arrive at
a selling price of $100.
Both methods get you to the same result. Choose the method you are most
comfortable using.
% for Warning
You can set a percentage here such that if the job profit shown on the job
header screen falls below this percentage, it will be highlighted in red to bring
it to your attention.
Menu Activations Button
This button is only visible on databases in use prior to April 2008. Click this to
launch the Menu Activations screen, which can be used to de-activate older
screens and reports that are no longer in use.
Printer Page Size
Select Letter (USA) for standard U.S. page size printing or A4 (International) for
international page size printing.

Operating Guide 93
2-6. Main Setup

Quote Letter Tab

Default Style
You can select one of four quote styles, described as follows. This serves as the
default style when creating new service jobs and sales orders, but once the job is
created you can change to any of these styles.
This is a formal quote document, similar in style to that of an invoice.
The quote will be in the form of a letter with the quoted price in the body of
the letter.
Letter with Detail
The quote will be in the form of a letter with the quoted price and quote
details in the body of the letter.
This is the same as the Formal quote style, but there is no quote total.
Use this style with sales order quotes when you want to list several
independently quoted items on one document.
The Header text is the main body of the quote letter that precedes the quote
The Summary text is a 50-character description that is used to label the quote
total on the printed quote. It could be something like ‘We are pleased to quote a
special price of’ or anything along those lines.

94 Operating Guide
2-6. Main Setup

The Footer text prints after the Summary text and is used for closing comments
and a complimentary close type signature block.

Selecting quote formats for editing

If you wish to edit a quote layout, you must select a layout first. To do so, open a
Sales Quote or Service Job, click on its Quote Style tab (located on the side of
the sales quote or job header screen), and select the quote style you wish to
modify. You can open an existing quote/job or new quote/job; it doesn’t matter
for this purpose.
Next, go to Utilities – Forms Edit – Quote Layout and the quote format you’ve
selected will be presented for editing.

Operating Guide 95
2-6. Main Setup

Email Tab

Upper Panel
Company Email Address
Enter your company’s default ‘Reply-To’ Email address. If you wish to
establish a different ‘Reply-To’ address at the user level, you can do so in the
Email tab of the User Setup screen.
Email Settings (All Users)
These settings apply to all users.
Default Document Type
When quotes, acknowledgments, invoices, and purchase orders are Emailed
as attachments, this is the document format to which they will be converted.
Your choices are ‘RTF’, ‘TEXT’, ‘EXCEL’, and ‘PDF’. The system is supplied
with ‘PDF’ as the default setting.
Email Docs – Customers & Suppliers
Select this checkbox if you want the Email Documents setting selected by
default when new records are created in the Customers and Suppliers
Default Email Message
Enter the text used as the default message body text in the Emails to which
you attach quotes, acknowledgments, invoices, and purchase orders.
Default Email Option
Two Email server options are available:

96 Operating Guide
2-6. Main Setup

SMTP Email Client (Recommended)

This option will send outbound Emails directly from DBA via an SMTP
NOTE: With this option, all customer/supplier Emails sent from DBA
are stored in the system’s database and can be read by clicking the
History button within the Customers screen and Suppliers screen.
Legacy Exchange Server Support
Only select this option if you have an older version of Microsoft Exchange
Server (version 5.5 or earlier) that does not support an SMTP gateway.
NOTE: With this option, Emails are not stored in the system’s
Default Email Settings
This panel is only visible when the SMTP Email Client option is selected above.
SMTP Host Name
Specify the address of your outbound SMTP server, which is in a
‘’ format (such as ‘’ or
Enter the port that is required by your outbound SMTP server. Most typically
this is a setting of ‘25.’’
Save Settings for All Users Button
Click this button to copy the following settings from this screen to corresponding
settings in the User Setup screen against all existing users:
• Company Email Address (Reply-To Email Address)
• Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
• Port
If you are setting up Email for the first time:
If you have already set up users in the User Setup screen and are setting
up Email for the first time, be sure and click this button to populate these
settings against all your users.
User-Level Settings
If you require individual Email settings at the user level, such as
authentication credentials or exceptions to these default settings (such as
a different Reply-To Address), make those settings on the Email tab of the
User Setup screen.

Operating Guide 97
2-7. Accounting Configuration

2-7. Accounting Configuration

(Admin – Accounting Configuration)

This screen is used to configure your accounting system either to use DBA’s
integrated financial modules or to transfer summarized financial data to an
outside system.
When should the Financial Transfer option be used?
Ideally, the DBA financial modules should be used to take full advantage of our
“small business ERP” architecture, where all core business functions are
processed within a single, integrated system that is scaled for small businesses.
There are situations, however, where using the DBA financial modules is not
possible. Most typically, this is when a company or branch office is connected to
a corporate ERP system, but wishes to use DBA as its manufacturing solution.
To address this need, we offer the Financial Transfer option, which enables
financial applications to be handled by an outside system.
How the Financial Transfer Works
The Financial Transfer option deactivates the DBA financial modules (AR, AP,
Banking) and activates the Financial Transfer module. Core functions are
divided between the two systems as follows:
• DBA is used for inventory, bills of material, sales orders, MRP, jobs, and
purchasing, all of which post to the DBA general ledger.
• The outside system is used for receivables, payables, banking, overall
general ledger, and payroll.
Only three items are exported or manually transferred from DBA to the outside
• Customer Invoices (Summarized)
• PO Invoices (Summarized)
• GL Account Totals (Period End)
Only summarized information is transferred to the outside system, which is all
that is needed for payment processing and GL updating. All line item and
transactional detail remains in DBA and provides a complete audit trail.
If you are coming from a low-end accounting system:
If you are coming from a low-end accounting system such as QuickBooks® or
Peachtree®, we recommend using the DBA financial modules to take full
advantage of our “small business ERP” architecture.
Not only is an integrated system more efficient and easier to manage, but a
QuickBooks or Peachtree chart of accounts cannot function effectively in a
manufacturing environment where so much of your activity revolves around work

98 Operating Guide
2-7. Accounting Configuration

in process. By contrast, the DBA standard chart of accounts is optimized out of

the box for a manufacturing company and is structured to handle work in process
and absorption costing of direct labor and factory overhead.
QuickBooks Transfer
If you intend to use the Financial Transfer with QuickBooks and wish to import
data instead of using the manual transfer method, a third party utility, the
Transaction Pro Import Wizard, is required. For information on setting up and
using this utility, refer to our QuickBooks Transfer white paper, which can be
found in the Documents – White Papers area of the online support center.

Screen Details

Two options are listed on the screen:

DBA Financial Modules
DBA is supplied with this option selected by default, which activates the
integrated financial modules of Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and
Financial Transfer
Select this option to activate the Financial Transfer menu and deactivate the
Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Banking modules.
Next Button
Click this button to continue the configuration process.
If you change to the Financial Transfer option:
If you change from using DBA financials to the Financial Transfer utility, all
your supplier invoices will go through a conversion process on this screen
where they are flagged as “transferred.” This prevents those invoices from

Operating Guide 99
2-7. Accounting Configuration

being listed for transfer in the PO Invoice Transfer screen, which would
interfere with the accounting startup process in the other system.

• You are presented with the Convert Supplier Invoices screen. In the
grid you see a list of suppliers and the number of invoices associated
with each.
• If you want a listing of these invoices, you can select the printout
option. If you don’t want a listing, select the Continue with Conversion
• Click the Convert button and conversion is completed.
On the next screen, all your customer invoices will go through a conversion
process where they are flagged as “transferred.” This prevents those
invoices from being listed for transfer in the AR Invoice Transfer screen,
which would interfere with the accounting startup process in the other system.

100 Operating Guide

2-7. Accounting Configuration

• You are presented with the Convert Customer Invoices screen. In the
grid you see a list of customers and the number of invoices associated
with each.
• If you want a listing of these invoices, you can select the printout
option. If you don’t want a listing, select the Continue with Conversion
• Click the Convert button and conversion is completed.
If you change to DBA Financials:
If you change from the Financial Transfer utility to DBA financials, all your
previously transferred supplier invoices will go through a conversion process
on this screen where they are marked as “paid.” This prevents those invoices
from being listed on your newly activated AP aging inquiries and reports,
which would interfere with the accounting startup process.
• You are presented with the Convert Supplier Invoices screen. In the
grid you see a list of suppliers and the number of invoices associated
with each.
• If you want a listing of these invoices, you can select the printout
option. If you don’t want a listing, select the Continue with Conversion
• Click the Convert button and conversion is completed.
On the next screen, all your previously transferred customer invoices will go
through a conversion process where they are marked as “paid.” This
prevents those invoices from showing up on your newly activated AR aging
inquiries and reports, which would interfere with the accounting startup
• You are presented with the Convert Customer Invoices screen. In the
grid you see a list of customers and the number of invoices associated
with each.
• If you want a listing of these invoices, you can select the printout
option. If you don’t want a listing, select the Continue with Conversion
• Click the Convert button and conversion is completed.

Operating Guide 101

2-8. System Defaults

2-8. System Defaults

(Admin – System Defaults)

Default Values Tab

On this tab you can set up default values for various master table and transaction
entry screens. Using default settings where applicable will enable new records to
be entered more quickly and easily.
Default Screen Sizes Tab
On this tab you can set default screen sizes (‘Maximized’ or ‘Normal’) for many of
the system’s major screens. If you want a screen to expand when launched to
the full width of your monitor, select the ‘Maximized’ setting.

102 Operating Guide

3. Utilities

3. Utilities
The Utilities menu is where you find miscellaneous utility programs related to
data analysis, forms editing, and system customization. Menu options include:

• Database Queries
• Forms Edit
• Forms Update Utility
• User-Defined Fields
• User-Defined Menus

Operating Guide 103

3-1. Spreadsheet Generators

3-1. Spreadsheet Generators

(Utilities – Spreadsheet Generators)

The spreadsheet generators are legacy reporting screens that will ultimately be
replaced with Data Views. Until those Data Views become available, these
screens remain in the system for customers that use them.

104 Operating Guide

3-2. Database Queries

3-2. Database Queries

(Utilities – Database Queries)

You can use this utility to write and retrieve SQL queries to the database tables
and output the results to an Excel-compatible spreadsheet that is supplied with
the system.
NOTE: If you use this utility to write your own queries, a basic familiarity
with simple programming expressions is required.
A series of sample queries are provided that you can use as actual queries or as
samples to follow when writing your own queries.

Query Screen

To get to the Query screen, click the Queries menu option at the top of the
spreadsheet. From the drop-down menu, click the Query option. The fields and
buttons on this screen are described as follows.
Retrieving a Saved Query
Use this screen to write your query. If you wish to retrieve a saved query, click
the Query List button and select a saved query from the list. Once its contents
display in the SQL panel, you can click OK and the query screen will close. The
query output will now be displayed in the spreadsheet.
Once the contents are displayed in the spreadsheet, you can save the
spreadsheet with a name of your choice. Your spreadsheet file is Excel-
compatible and can therefore be opened within Excel once it is created and
In this window are listed all the database tables. You can select a table and click
the Add Table to SQL button to add the table to the SQL panel at right.

Operating Guide 105

3-2. Database Queries

In this window are listed the fields within the table currently highlighted in the
Tables window. You can select each field to be included in your query and click
on the Add Field to SQL button to add the field to the SQL panel at right.
Your SQL statement (query) is entered in this panel.

Writing a Query
Adding Tables
Add tables to the SQL statement by selecting from the Tables window and
clicking the Add Table to SQL button.
Adding Fields
Add fields to the SQL statement by selecting from the Fields window and clicking
the Add Field to SQL button.
Add keywords by clicking SQL in the top left corner and selecting the Add
Keywords option. Values include: *, Sum, Count, From, Where
Add operators by clicking SQL in the top left corner and selecting the Add
Operators option. Values include: >, <, =. <>, +, -, /
Add a parameter by clicking SQL in the top left corner and selecting the Add
Parameter option. This will add your parameter name to the query (preceded with
a colon). When the query is run you will be asked to enter a value, which the
query will take into account. For example you may wish to have a query of ‘select
* from Jobs where Jobno = :para’. When running the query Parameter ‘para’ will
appear for you to enter your job number.
Saving Your Query
If you wish to save your query for future use, click the Save Query button. You
are presented with a list of saved queries. Click the Add button and give your
query a name. When finished, click the OK button.

106 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

3-3. Forms Edit

(Utilities – Forms Edit Menu)

DBA uses the following forms and labels, which are listed on the Forms Edit
menu as follows:
Main Menu
• Acknowledgment
• Check
• Customer Statement
• Invoice
• Line Item Label
• Packing List
• Purchase Order
• Quote
• Shipping Label
• 1099 Tax Form
• Item
• Job Receipts
• PO Receipts
• Templates
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Forms Customization
Graphical Print Format
All forms, labels, and reports print in graphical format on any Windows-
compatible laser or ink jet printer.
Editable Layouts (RTM’s)
Forms layouts are stored in an *.rtm file format (which we refer to as RTM
layouts) that can be edited. You can add logos, bar codes, fields, or you can
change fonts, layouts, and graphics. See further below for instructions on doing
Letter and A4 Formats
During initial system installation as well as the installation of interim updates, you
are asked if you use the U.S. 8-1/2 x 11 Letter format or the international A4
page size. Based on your answer, a complete set of Letter or A4 RTM layouts
for all the system forms and reports are loaded into your x:\Program Files\DBA
Manufacturing\Reports folder.

Operating Guide 107

3-3. Forms Edit

Also, in the Admin – Main Setup – Options Tab you have a Print Page Size
setting with a choice of ‘Letter’ or ‘A4’. This determines the Windows Print
function’s Page Size setting when printing forms and reports from DBA.

RTM Layout Names

The following are the standard RTM layouts supplied with the system.
Form RTM File Name Description
Acknowledgment ppacknowledgment --
Check ch-Stub-Stub-Check.rtm
Invoice ppInvoice Invoice
ppInvoiceFX Foreign Currency Version
ppInvoiceRemittance Invoice w/Remittance
ppInvoiceRemittanceFX Foreign Currency Version
Item Label ppReportLabels --
Line Item Label lblShiplines --
Packing List ppShip --
Quote ppQuote Formal or Multi-Option Style
ppQuoteLetter Letter Style
ppQuoteLetterDetail Letter with Detail Style
Purchase Order ppOrder Purchase Order or RFQ
Shipping Label lblShipment --

Forms Edit Locations

The above listed RTM layouts can be edited within the following screens.
Form Edit Location
Acknowledgment Utilities – Forms Edit – Acknowledgment
Check Utilities – Forms Edit – Check
Invoice Utilities – Forms Edit – Invoice
NOTE: You must create at least one actual invoice in the
system before you can edit an invoice RTM layout.
Item Label Utilities – Forms Edit – Item Labels
Line Item Label Utilities – Forms Edit – Line Item Labels
Packing List Utilities – Forms Edit – Packing List

108 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

Quote Utilities – Forms Edit – Quote

Purchase Order Utilities – Forms Edit – Purchase Order
Shipping Label Utilities – Forms Edit – Shipping Labels

Forms Default Designations

The following forms allow for default designations, meaning that the particular
RTM layout used can be designated at the order type, customer, and supplier
level. This enables you to create custom layouts for particular situations, such as
when a customer requires special wording.
Form Default Designation
Acknowledgment Sales Order Type (Sales – Sales Setup – Sales Order
Customer (Sales – Customers – Detail Tab – Forms Sub-
Tab). This default setting overrides that of the Sales Order
Check Bank Account (Bank – Banking Setup – Bank Accounts)
Invoice Sales Order Type (Sales – Sales Setup – Sales Order
Customer (Sales – Customers – Detail Tab – Forms Sib-
Tab). This default setting overrides that of the Sales Order
Quote Main Setup (Admin – Main Setup – Quote Letter
Sales Quote (Sales – Sales Quotes – Quote Style Tab).
This setting can be changed for any given sales quote and
overrides the default setting in the Main Setup screen.
Packing List Sales Order Type (Sales – Sales Setup – Sales Order
Customer (Sales – Customers – Detail Tab – Forms Sub-
Tab). This default setting overrides that of the Sales Order
Purchase Order Purchase Order Type (Purch – Purchasing Setup –
Purchase Order Types)
Supplier (Purch – Suppliers – Detail Tab – Forms Sub-Tab).
This default setting overrides that of the Purchase Order

Operating Guide 109

3-3. Forms Edit

Forms Suppliers
The one form that is still commonly supplied by outside printers is AP Checks.
Refer to the online support center (see the Checks and Forms folder) for a list of
DBA Classic Compatible Forms
RTM layouts are available that are compatible with DBA Classic forms. These
can be downloaded from the online support center.

110 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

Form Editing Instructions

To edit a particular form, navigate to the appropriate Forms Edit Location listed
above and display the RTM layout.
CAUTION: When customizing an invoice, packing list, or purchase order,
be sure and save the standard layout to a different name (using File – Save
as) before making any changes.

Customizing invoices
WARNING: You must create at least one actual invoice in the system before you
can edit an invoice RTM layout.
Navigating to different layouts for the same form
Some forms have multiple RTM layouts, such as invoices, packing lists, and
purchase orders. When you access the form through the Forms Edit menu, the
system will display the first RTM format it finds. To navigate to the particular
format you wish to edit, click File – Open and navigate to the appropriate RTM
Adding fields to forms
• Open the form.
• Pay attention to the warning message. Do not delete any fields already on
the form.
• Create a DBText box in which to add the field (the DBText box can be created
by clicking the button 9th from the right, with the capital A and the white piece
of paper on it at the top of the form).
• Place the DBText box wherever you wish on the form.
• There will be two dropdown boxes that appear at the top toolbar of the
form after you place the DBText box.

Operating Guide 111

3-3. Forms Edit

• Choose the Table or ‘Data Pipeline’ that contains the field from the dropdown
menu in the left box.
• Choose Field from the menu on the right
• A list of table and field definitions is available for reference in the File – Data
• Click File – Save.
• Then after saving it, click File – Close.

Adding bar code fields to forms

VIDEO CLIP: A video clip in the online support center covers adding bar codes to
• Open the form.
• On the toolbar at the top of the screen, click the Bar Code icon (10th from the
left) for non-database fields. Use the DB Bar Code icon (17th from the left)
for system database fields. Then, in the desired location within the report,
click the mouse to create the bar code field.
• Once a DB Bar Code field has been created, you can associate database
fields by clicking the field with your mouse, then selecting
VIEW/TOOLBARS/DATA TREES and associate the desired data field with
the bar code.
• If you need to change the format of the bar code field, right click on the field,
click CONFIGURE and edit the TYPE from the drop down listing.
• Use File – Save or File – Save As to save your form changes.

Adding your logo to forms

VIDEO CLIP: A video clip in the online support center covers adding logos to
• Open the form.
• On the top toolbar, click the Image icon (seventh icon from the left).
• Click your mouse into the body of the document. An Image box should now
• Drag the Image box to the desired location in the form and resize it as
• Right click inside the Image box and select Picture from the listing.
• Browse the path to where your image is stored and click OK to load the
image. Please be aware that not all image formats are supported.
• Use File – Save or File – Save As to save your form changes.

112 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

(Utilities – Forms Edit – Labels)

Use the screens on the Labels sub-menu to create customized labels.

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Item Labels Setup
Label Types
Three types of labels are available:
Stock Item Labels
These are general item labels for item identification or packaging purposes
that are printed from the Stock Item Labels screen as needed. You can also
print thee labels via the Labels button on the Stock Items and Stock
Adjustments screens. Stock item labels are used for these purposes:
• Relabeling existing stock
• Shipping labels
Job Receipt Labels
These are item labels that are printed directly from transactions in the Job
Receipts screen as part of your job processing workflow. Job receipt labels
are used for these purposes:
• Manufactured item product packaging
• Manufactured item warehouse identification, including tracking
characteristics such as lot and serial numbers
• CTO (custom to order) item labeling with linked job and sales order
PO Receipt Labels
These are item labels that are printed directly from transactions in the PO
Receipts screen as part of your PO processing workflow. PO receipt labels
are used for these purposes:
• Purchased resale item product packaging
• Purchased item warehouse identification, including tracking
characteristics such as lot and serial numbers, or linked PO
Label Templates
“Label templates” are used to provide standard page size specifications for your
labels. When you create a customized label, you can originate it from a template
so that the page size fits the desired label size and destination printer.

Operating Guide 113

3-3. Forms Edit

Label Printing
The standard labels supplied with the system are designed to print on a
continuous roll label printer with 4 inch wide labels. The default label sizes are 4
x 2 and 4 x 4. Our design and testing has been done on the Zebra LP 2844Z,
shown below, but you can use any continuous roll printer.

NOTE: For more information on this printer, see this web page:

Label Customization
(Utilities – Forms Edit – Labels – Stock Item Label)
(Utilities – Forms Edit – Labels – Job Receipt Label)
(Utilities – Forms Edit – Labels – PO Receipt Label)

Each of the three label editing screens – Stock Item Label, Job Receipt Label,
and PO Receipt Label – work the same way as described in this section.

Screen Details

114 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

Grid Fields
You can create multiple label formats within each label type, all of which are
listed in this grid.
This is the name that identifies each label format for selection at time of label
• If the label source is ‘System Defined’, it means that this is a standard
label format supplied with the system, which cannot be edited.
• If the label source is ‘User Defined’, it means the label format was created
by you and can be edited for custom requirements.
Using the Set as Default button, you can select one label format in the list to
be the default version at time of printing.
Click this button to create a new label format. You are presented with this

Screen Details
New Report Name
Give your label format a name in this field.
Custom, From Template
• Select the Custom option if you wish to establish the page setup
specifications for this label format from scratch.
• Select the From Template option if you wish to select a “label
template” that has already been given page setup specifications.
Select a template from the lookup in the Template Name field.

Operating Guide 115

3-3. Forms Edit

Save Button
Click this button to save your new label format. If you had selected the
Custom option, you are presented with this screen, which enables you
to establish your page size specifications:

Click this button to copy the selected label format to a new label format. A
New Report Name field becomes visible at the top of the grid. Enter your new
label v format name, then click the Save button. All the layout and page size
specifications from the selected label format are copied over to the new label
Click this button to launch the forms edit screen, shown below. On this
screen you can perform all the standard editing functions, including adding
fields from the data pipeline, adding barcodes, and customizing field labels
and fonts.

NOTE: We suggest you study the data pipelines, which have been
populated from many related tables so that virtually any relevant data
associated with items, jobs, linked sales orders, and purchase orders
can be brought into your labels.
NOTE2: You cannot edit a label format with a ‘system defined’ source,
which is a standard label format supplied with the system. Use the

116 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

Copy feature to copy a system defined label format to a new label

format if you wish to edit its layout.
Tracking Characteristics
Be aware that ‘system defined’ item labels are set up to automatically print
tracking characteristic values (such as lot and serial numbers) as a sub-
report to the main layout. Characteristic descriptions and values print in a
vertical “stack” format underneath the main layout.
Edit Name
Click this button to change the name of one of your ‘user defined’ label
formats. A New Report Name field becomes visible at the top of the grid.
Enter the new label format name, then click the Save button.
Additional Info
Click this button to create a customized text field that gets added to the data
pipeline so that it can be included on this label format. At time of printing, the
user will be prompted to enter a text value that then gets printed on the label.
You are presented with this screen:

Screen Details
You can create any number of pipeline fields for use with this label format.
Click this button to add a new pipeline field. The fields in the upper
panel become active for data entry.
Click this button to edit the selected pipeline field. Its fields get
inserted into the upper panel for editing. .

Operating Guide 117

3-3. Forms Edit

Click this button to delete the selected pipeline field in the grid
Click this button to save your entries in the upper panel to the grid
Upper Panel
Pipeline Field Name
This is the field name that gets listed in the data pipeline when you
add fields to your form layout. The program provides a sequential
default value of ‘ADDINFO1’, ‘ADDINFO2’, etc., but you can type in
your own field name, if you wish.
NOTE: To find this field in the data pipeline, select the
‘Additional Info’ data set. Within that data set, the field name
is the name entered in this field followed by ‘_VAL’ such as
this example:
Allow Blank
If at time of printing you want the text entry into this field to be
optional, select this checkbox. If you want text entry to be
mandatory, clear this checkbox.
This is an optional field label that can accompany the text that gets
entered by the user. For example, if you want the user to enter the
current room temperature in the text entry field, you could have a
heading of ‘Temp:’ precede the text entered by the user.
NOTE1: To find this field in the data pipeline, select the
‘Additional Info’ data set. Within that data set, select the
data pipeline field name entered above followed by ‘_HDR’
such as this example:
NOTE2: You can leave this field blank and use a standard
field label on your form layout as an alternative. If, however,
you wish to use the Show Heading When Blank feature (see
next), you should enter a Header and use it as the field label.
Show Heading When Blank
If you always want the heading to be printed on the label, even if
the user does not enter a text value, select this checkbox. If you
only want the heading to print when it is accompanied by a text
value entered by the user, clear this checkbox.

118 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

Default Value
This is an optional field that inserts a default text value into this field
at time of printing. The user can accept the default value of over-
type it with a different text value.
Set as Default
Click this button to make the selected label format the default label format at
time of printing.

Operating Guide 119

3-3. Forms Edit

Label Templates
(Utilities – Forms Edit – Labels – Label Templates)

“Label templates” are used to store sets of standard page setup specifications
that can be used to originate user defined label formats.
The system is supplied with two ‘system defined’ label templates (4 x 2 and 4 x
4), both of which are formatted for 4 inch wide continuous roll label printers.

Screen Details

Grid Fields
This is the name that identifies each label template.
• If the template source is ‘System Defined’, it means that this is a standard
template supplied with the system, which cannot be edited.
• If the template source is ‘User Defined’, it means the template was created
by you and can be edited for custom requirements.
You can select one template in the list to be the default template at time of
template selection when originating new label formats.
Click this button to create a new template. You are presented with this

120 Operating Guide

3-3. Forms Edit

Screen Details
New Report Name
Give your template a name in this field.
Save Button
Click this button to save your new template.
Click this button to copy the selected template to a new template. A New
Report Name field becomes visible at the top of the grid. Enter your new
template name, then click the Save button. The page size specifications from
the selected template are copied over to the new template.
Click this button to edit the page setup for this template. The forms edit
screen is displayed. Click File – Page Setup to launch this screen, within
which you can specify the printer, paper size, and other page setup settings.

NOTE: You cannot edit a template with a ‘system defined’ source,

which is a standard template supplied with the system. Use the Copy
feature to copy a system defined template to a new template if you
wish to edit its page setup.

Operating Guide 121

3-3. Forms Edit

Edit Name
Click this button to change the name of one of your ‘user defined’ templates.
A New Report Name field becomes visible at the top of the grid. Enter the
new template name, then click the Save button.
Additional Info
This button is not relevant to templates and is grayed out.
Set as Default
Click this button to make the selected label version the default label version at
time of printing.

122 Operating Guide

3-4. Forms Update Utility

3-4. Forms Update Utility

(Utilities – Forms Update Utility)

Forms are normally updated to reflect any programming changes during product
updates. If you did not update your forms during a product update, you can use
this screen to do so.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Forms Customization – Product Updates

Screen Details
You are first asked Do you have any customized forms?
• If you have created one or more custom form layouts, select the top radio
button – Yes, Update Customized Forms. The program will locate your
customized RTM layouts and update them, when feasible, with any
programming changes associated with the update. All your non-
customized forms will be updated with the latest versions.
• If you have not customized any forms, select the second radio button –
No, Restore Default Forms. The program will update your system with a
fresh set of the latest standard form layouts.
Next, once again select your paper size.
• Select Letter for standard USA paper size.
• Select A4 for standard international paper size.
Click Next to continue.

Operating Guide 123

3-4. Forms Update Utility

If you had selected Yes, Update Customized Forms, your custom form layouts
are listed in this screen. Click Update to continue.

If you had selected No, Restore Default Forms, this screen is presented, which
informs you that your existing form layouts are being saved in a backup folder
named RestoreRTMBackup as a safety precaution. Click Restore to begin

124 Operating Guide

3-5. User-Defined Fields

3-5. User-Defined Fields

(Utilities – User-Defined Fields)

You can add up to six user-defined fields to any of the following database tables:
Customers, Suppliers, Items, Jobs, and Purchase Orders.
In the upper window, highlight the table to which you wish to add fields. Below
the window, specify the Number of Additional Fields you wish to add. In the
Additional 1 Field Name, give the field a name. This is the name that will appear
on entry screens.

Select the Date Field checkbox if this field is used to hold a date. If this is not a
date field, you are presented with a Validate checkbox. A validated field is one
where the user must select from a list of pre-determined values. If you select the
Validate checkbox, you are presented with a List button. Click the button and
enter the list of valid selections. When the user is presented with this field on an
entry screen, the field will be accompanied by a drop down list from which the
user can make a selection.
When your entries are complete, click the OK button.
Adding user-defined fields to opening list screens
Using the following screens, you can add user-defined fields created through this
screen to your opening list screens. Once in the opening list, these fields can be
sorted, filtered, printed, and exported to Excel in the same manner as standard
• Inventory – Inventory Setup – Stock Items List Tab
• Sales – Sales Setup – Customers List Tab
• Purch – Purchasing Setup – Suppliers List Tab

Operating Guide 125

3-6. User-Defined Menus

3-6. User-Defined Menus

(Utilities – User-Defined Menus)

This screen enables you to add your own programs to the standard system
menus and security system. This can be used for selecting custom reports or for
linking to outside applications. When you add a menu item on this screen, it
automatically is added to the Module Security tab in the User Setup screen and
can then be given security access permission for each of your users.
Parameters can be passed with the exe file. This is achieved by including the
opening and closing square brackets around the parameters (e.g.: word.exe
There are four built-in variables for allowing more integration with external reports
and programs; these are: {APPPATH} {DBPATH} {USER} {PASSWORD}. Each
of these is replaced with the actual values when the menu item is executed –
also the symbols {} are needed for these to function.
• The {APPPATH} variable is replaced by the path of the main ‘ejsme’
application program.
• The {DBPATH} variable is replaced by the current database path and can
only be used as a parameter (Useful for external reports).
• The {USER} & {PASSWORD} variables are replaced by the user name and
passwords and is needed for running reports from the menu that have been
developed with the system’s built-in Report Writer. The syntax if a report
called ‘ItemValue’ had been developed and was located under a folder called
‘InventoryReports’ would be: {APPPATH}ejrw.exe [{DBPATH} {USER}
{PASSWORD} InventoryReports ItemValue].
NOTE: The text that represents the variables within the ‘{ }’ brackets is not
meant to be replaced with actual user names, passwords, or paths. The
text must be entered literally as ‘APPPATH’, ‘DBPATH’, ‘USER’, and

126 Operating Guide

4. Inventory

4. Inventory
The Inventory menu is where you will find all applications related to the
maintenance of items and their stock quantities. Menu options include:

Inventory Setup
• Inventory Defaults
• Stock Items – List Tab
• Item Categories
• Item Characteristics
• Locations
• Location Groups
• Location Repair
• Warranty Codes
Main Menu
• Stock Items
• Descriptors
• Sales Kits
• Stock Adjustments
• Stock Transfer
• Stock Counts
• Change Inventory Costs
• Reconcile Book Value
• Alter Characteristics
Data Views
• Stock On Hand
• Stock Item List
• Inventory Value
• Inventory Transactions
• Trxns – Item / Characteristic
• Trxns – Characteristic / Item
• Trxns – Serial Number

Operating Guide 127

4. Inventory

The Inventory module is where you create your items and locations and manage
stock on hand.
Where are items created?
Physical items that you make or purchase are created and maintained in the
Stock Items screen. Intangible (non-physical) items, typically used for billable
services, credit memos, and miscellaneous purchases, are created and
maintained in the Descriptors screen.
How are locations used?
DBA is a location-based inventory system where a location is specified against
all inventory transactions. Locations are user-defined and can represent bins,
shelves, racks, staging areas, service vehicles, or trucks. If you don’t wish to use
locations, you can create a single default location to which all stock on hand is
assigned. Each item is assigned a default receipt location and a primary storage
How does on hand stock get increased?
Manufactured items are received to stock through the Job Receipts screen.
Purchased items are received to stock through the PO Receipts screen.
How does on hand stock get decreased?
Stock is issued to jobs through the Job Issues screen. Stock is picked for sales
orders through the Order Picking screen.
How do on hand stock quantities get corrected?
Stock on hand can be counted and updated via the Stock Counts screen to
account for any discrepancies. Stock Counts can be conducted as needed as
part of a cycle counting strategy or to conduct a formal physical inventory (stock
take). Any changes in inventory value get posted to your Adjustments –
Inventory account.
How is stock transferred from one location to another?
Stock is transferred from one location to another via the Stock Transfer screen.
You can transfer one item at a time or a set of items from a source location.
Can on hand stock go negative?
In a location-based inventory system, the on hand stock quantity within a location
is not allowed to go negative. This prevents inventory transactions from being
processed out of order, such as shipping manufacturing items before they’ve
been received to stock.

128 Operating Guide

4. Inventory

Where do manufactured item costs come from?

Manufactured items are received to stock through the Job Receipts screen.
Partial receipts of job output item(s) made during mid-job are costed at the
estimated unit job cost. Final job receipts are costed at an actual unit cost
whereby all job costs are fully absorbed into the cost of the job output item(s).
The cost of new stock receipts is averaged into the cost of any stock on hand.
Where do purchased item costs come from?
Purchased items are received to stock through the PO Receipts screen at the PO
unit cost. The cost of new stock receipts is averaged into the cost of any stock
on hand.
How can inventory costs be changed?
You can change the unit Inventory Cost of any item through the Change
Inventory Costs screen. The change in value gets posted to your Adjustments –
Inventory account.
How does overall inventory value get calculated?
Overall inventory value is based on each item’s on hand quantity multiplied by its
unit Inventory Cost, summed for all items. Details can be found in the Inventory
Value report.
How does stock get tracked by lot and serial number?
Items can be assigned to Tracking Characteristics, which include lot number,
serial number, expiration date, and revision. Each time stock is received, issued,
picked, or counted, the item’s characteristic values must be specified. Inventory
transactions can be traced by characteristic through the Transactions by
Characteristic reports.
Real-Time Inventory Option
In DBA you have the option of updating inventory in real time. Stock can be
received, picked for orders, or issued to jobs via the screen first. Afterwards, a
Dispatch List is printed and is used as a guide for physically storing or gathering
the stock. The Dispatch List is sorted in location order to provide an efficient
route through the warehouse, and any lot numbers, serial numbers, or other
tracking characteristics are specified.
Real-time inventory updating is superior to after-the-fact updating from pick or
issue lists. It gives your users confidence that when they view any item’s
inventory status, it accurately reflects all recent transactions. Real-time updating
prevents transactions from being entered out of sequence, such as shipping an
item before it has been received to stock from a job.

Operating Guide 129

4-1A. Inventory Defaults

4-1. Inventory Setup

4-1A. Inventory Defaults
(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Inventory Defaults)

Use this screen to enter default settings that affect inventory costing and
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Stock Items Setup
Segment: Setup – Defaults

130 Operating Guide

4. Inventory

Decimal Places
Unit Cost
This setting establishes the number of decimal places you prefer for inventory
costing (Inventory Cost, Last Cost, Estimated Cost) and purchasing. If you
purchase small parts such as screws, washers, o-rings, etc., you normally
require 4-decimals, and in some cases, 5-decimals to provide appropriate
costing precision in purchase orders and for receiving such items into
inventory and jobs. The allowable range is 2-6 decimal places.
Unit Price
This setting establishes the number of decimal places you prefer for selling
prices in the Sales Orders, Base Prices, Contract Pricing and Descriptors
screens. The allowable range is 2-6 decimal places.
Stock Item Defaults
Each time you create a new record in the Stock Items screen, the following fields
will be given default values that can be accepted or overridden.
Enter your most common stocking unit of measure, such as ‘EA’.
M or P
Select ‘M’ if the majority of your new items are manufactured. Select ‘P’ if the
majority of your new items are purchased.
Receipt Location
Each stock item is assigned to a Receipt Location and a Primary Location.
Often, both locations are the same. Sometimes, however, an item is received
into a temporary Receipt Location, which can be an inspection area or
‘placeholder’ location that is used until an actual location is known. Typically
your default Receipt Location will be one of these three types:
Placeholder Location
A ‘placeholder’ location is not a physical location. It is a temporary
location used until an item is assigned an actual Receipt Location. For
example, you could create a location named ‘ASSIGN’ that is the default
Receipt Location given to items when they are first created. Any item with
an ‘ASSIGN’ Receipt Location ultimately needs to be assigned an actual
Receipt Location before inventory transactions occur.
Receiving Area
If received items commonly go through an inspection and labeling
process, you can create a ‘receiving area’ location to which all items can
be received. After items pass inspection and get labeled, you can then
use the Stock Transfer screen to transfer items to their final destinations in
the warehouse or out on the shop floor.

Operating Guide 131

4-1A. Inventory Defaults

Universal Location
You may have a smaller facility where stock is easy to find and location
control is not needed. In this case, create a single ‘universal’ location with
a name such as ‘MAIN’ and use it as the default Receipt Location and
Primary Location. All items and transactions will be automatically posted
to this one location.
Primary Location
Select a default Primary Location that gets assigned to stock items when they
first get created. Typically, the default Primary Location will be a ‘placeholder’
location or a ‘universal’ location. See above for explanations.
Descriptor Default
Enter the most common unit of measure used with Descriptors, such as ‘EA’.
Picking & Issues
When Stock is in Multiple Locations:
This setting controls the Pre-Fill option in the Order Picking and Job Issues
screens. Two options are available:
Require Location Selection
Select this option if you don’t have a Pre-Fill preference when stock is in
two or more locations. This setting forces the user to make a location
Pre-Fill from Primary Location
Select this option if you always want to Pre-Fill from the item’s Primary
Location, even when stock is in two or more locations.

132 Operating Guide

4-1B. Stock Items List

4-1B. Stock Items – List Tab

(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Stock Items – List Tab)

Use these screens to configure the opening List screen in the Stock Items
screen. You can designate which fields you want displayed and you can change
column heading names.

All available fields are displayed in the left hand Field Name column. In the
middle Display Label column you can change the name that displays on the
screen column heading. The right hand Visible column can be set to ‘Yes’ on
any fields you wish to display and ‘No’ on any you want suppressed.
Advanced Tab
When the customer reaches a certain size, the time it takes to load, sort, and
display the information in the List tab can slow down noticeably. If so, you can
optimize the list by limiting the number of records that get loaded at one time.
You will find this setting on the Advanced tab.
If you limit the number of records, this does not restrict your access to any data; it
merely loads a certain number of records at-a-time into the screen.
NOTE: When you limit the records, you lose the ability to click on the grid
column headings for sorting and filtering purposes.
After you change the maximum number of records setting, click the Save & Close

Operating Guide 133

4-1C. Item Categories

4-1C. Item Categories

(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Item Categories)

Use this screen to create Item Categories to organize your stock items and
descriptors into groups for reporting purposes.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Stock Items Setup
Segment: Setup – Item Categories

Each stock item must be assigned to an Item Category. User-defined Item
Categories enable you to organize your stock items and descriptors into groups.
Each Item Category can be assigned an up to 20-character Category ID and an
accompanying 50-character Description.
Item Categories are used for the following purposes:
Sales & COGS Posting
Sales and Cost of Goods Sold can be broken out by Item Category in the
Account Assignments screen.
You have the capability of assigning different discount percentages within
Discount Code by Item Category. For example, you may have one discount
percentage for new products and a different discount percentage for spare
Sales Analysis
Sales can be subtotaled by Item Category in the Sales by Item Category
Inventory Value
You can filter the Inventory Value report by Item Category.

134 Operating Guide

4-1C. Item Categories

Stock Counts
Stock items can be selected by Item Category for counting in the Stock
Counts screen.
Lists & Lookups
The Item Category is commonly provided as a filter within various lookup and
list screens.
The system is supplied with the following Item Categories. You are welcome to
use them or you can delete them and create your own.
PRODUCT: Products for Sale
Products made or purchased primarily for sale to customers should be
assigned to this category. An item can function as a ‘PRODUCT’ when sold
as a spare part and as a ‘PART’ when used in jobs. Where dual functionality
exists, assign the item to the category that accounts for the most usage.
NOTE: If you wish to break out your sales in the General Ledger by Item
Category, you should create multiple categories instead of a single
‘PRODUCT’ category.
SUBASSY: Subassemblies
Manufactured items used primarily as components in jobs should be assigned
to this category. An item can function as a ‘SUBASSY’ when used in jobs
and as a ‘PRODUCT’ when sold as a spare. Where dual functionality exists,
assign the item to the category that accounts for the most usage.
PART: Purchased Parts
Purchased parts used primarily as components in jobs should be assigned to
this category. An item can function as a ‘PART’ when used in jobs and as a
‘PRODUCT’ when sold as a spare part. Where dual functionality exists,
assign the item to the category that accounts for the most usage.
NOTE: As an alternative to a single PART’ category, you have the
option of creating multiple such categories. Refer to the Sample
Company for examples.
RAWMAT: Raw Materials
Purchased raw materials such as metal, plastic, rubber, wood, wire, paint,
etc. should be assigned to this category.
NOTE: As an alternative to a single RAWMAT’ category, you have the
option of creating multiple such categories. Refer to the Sample
Company for examples.
DESCRIPTOR: Non-Stock Descriptors
All non-stock descriptors should be assigned to this category.

Operating Guide 135

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Lot/Serial Control)

Use this screen to assign items to lot and serial tracking characteristics.
When an item is assigned to a characteristic, each time it is received, issued,
picked, or counted, its characteristic values must be recorded.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Lot & Serial Control Setup
Use the four standard characteristics
Currently, the system is supplied with these four standard characteristics. If you
are on an older system that lacks these characteristics, you can create them in
this screen.
A lot number identifies a particular production or purchase batch of an item. If
you have a product problem, it can be traced back to a particular lot number
so that remedial action can be taken.
A serial number is a unique ID number assigned to each unit produced or
purchased of an item.
EXPIRYDATE: Expiration
This characteristic is used to track the expiration date of perishable products
REVISION: Revision
If you have manufactured products with multiple revisions where you stock
old and new revisions, this characteristic is used to differentiate the revisions
on hand.
NOTE: Do not use this characteristic for purchased items.

136 Operating Guide

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

Screen Details

Upper Panel
Include Inactive
By default, only active characteristics are displayed in the list. Select this
checkbox to include inactive characteristics as well.
Characteristic ID
Enter an up to 20-character code that is the primary identifier for the
characteristic record.
This is the text that identifies the characteristic on inventory processing
screens. We recommend that you enter a short name to conserve screen
space, such as ‘Lot No’, ‘Serial No’, ‘Expiration’, and ‘Revision’.
The Type determines the characteristic’s data type. Three types are
This characteristic can only be given a date value.
This characteristic can only be given a numeric value.
This characteristic’s values can be freeform alphanumeric text.

Operating Guide 137

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

When this checkbox is selected, it means that this is a serial type
characteristic where a unique serial number is assigned to each unit when
it is initially received to stock.
This checkbox is only visible when the Include Inactive checkbox is
selected in the upper panel. When this checkbox is selected, it means the
characteristic is active and available for assignment to items. When
cleared, it means that the characteristic cannot be assigned to items and
is not visible when processing job and PO receipts.
NOTE: You must remove all item assignments before you are
permitted to deactivate a characteristic.
Lower Panel

Click this button to create a new characteristic. You are presented with
this screen:

Enter the Characteristic ID, Description, Serialized checkbox, and Type. If

the Type is set to ‘Table’, the screen expands and you can enter a table of
allowable values. Click Save and the characteristic will be added to the
grid above.

Click this button to delete the characteristic. You can only delete a
characteristic if it is not currently assigned to any items and there is no
transaction history.
Items Assigned to ‘Xxxxxxxx’
In this lower grid you can assign or un-assign stock items to the characteristic
selected in the upper grid.
Item ID, Description
These read-only fields identify the stock item assigned to this

138 Operating Guide

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

Char1, Char2…
All the characteristics to which this item is assigned are listed in these
Lower Panel

Click this button to add a stock item to the list of items assigned to this
characteristic. You are presented with this screen:

The current characteristic is pre-selected, but you can also select any of
the other available characteristics while you are on this screen. Click
Update to continue. You are then presented with this screen:

In this screen you must assign values for the new characteristic to existing
stock on hand.
For each location listed, click the Add button. This opens up the New Qty
and characteristic field to its right, which is ‘Lot No’ in the screen example

Operating Guide 139

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

above. Enter a quantity and a characteristic value; in this case, the lot
If you wish to allocate the stock in one location to two or more
characteristic values, click the Add button once again and a new line is
opened so that you can enter another quantity and characteristic value.
Use the Delete button to delete a line if you make an incorrect entry.
Click the Update button to save your entries. The button will not be active
until the New Qty amounts within each location equal the Current Qty.

Click this button to delete this item’s assignment to this characteristic.
You are presented with this screen:

The characteristic’s checkbox is cleared. While you are on this screen,

you can delete other characteristic assignments, if needed. Click Update
to continue. You are presented with this screen:

140 Operating Guide

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

This screen shows you what the on hand stock status will be once the
characteristic assignment is removed. Click the Update button to
complete the removal process.
NOTE: When you remove a characteristic assignment, be aware
that you will not have access to any of the characteristic’s values in
the item’s transaction history.
Characteristic Definition
Use this panel to edit the properties associated with the characteristic selected in
the grid at left.
Click this button and you are presented with this screen for any non-serialized

You can either change the Description, which is the text that is displayed on
inventory processing screens, or if the Type is ‘Table’, you can make changes to
the table of allowable values.
If this is a Serialized characteristic, you are presented with this screen:

This screen enables you to define serialization at the item level and displays the
item selected in the grid at lower left.

Operating Guide 141

4-1D. Lot/Serial Control

You have the option of entering text in the Serialized Label field, which overrides
the standard characteristic Description on inventory processing screens. So if
you wish to give this item’s characteristic a custom field label use this field.
Otherwise, leave it blank.
Select Manual if you wish to assign serial numbers manually. Select Automatic if
you wish the program to assign serial numbers automatically. When you select
Automatic, additional fields are displayed.
First, establish an overall Length for your serial number. You can optionally enter
a fixed value Prefix or Suffix to the core number. In the Counter field, establish
the number that will be assigned to the next receipt transaction. This number
gets incremented automatically with each new receipt transaction.

142 Operating Guide

4-1E. Locations

4-1E. Locations
(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Locations)

“Locations” are used to represent the physical location of on hand stock.

Locations are an important element in your inventory management system and
should be given careful thought.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Locations Setup
If you don’t wish to use locations:
You may have a smaller facility where stock is easy to find and location control is
not needed. In this case, create a single ‘universal’ location with a name such as
‘MAIN’ and use it as the default Receipt Location and Primary Location. All items
and transactions will be automatically posted to this one location.
Types and Uses of Locations
Locations are user-defined and can be organized to fit your inventory needs.
Listed here are various types of locations for you to consider as you set up your
inventory management system.
Bin / Rack / Shelf
Locations are used to represent the specific bin, rack, and shelf locations
within storage areas. These location ID’s typically are structured in three
segments, separated by dashes, as follows:
Warehouse – Area/Aisle – Bin/Shelf/Rack Number
“Assign” Location
An “assign” location can be useful if you are constantly creating new stock
items and you don’t always know at the time of creation where the item will be
physically stored in the warehouse.
An “assign” location is not a physical location. It is a temporary location used
until an item is assigned an actual Receipt Location and Issue Location.
If you want all your item location assignments to start out with the
“assign” location, create the “assign” location first, perhaps with a location ID
of ‘ASSIGN’. Then go to the Inventory Defaults screen and select the
“assign” location as the system default Receipt Location and Primary
Location. Whenever a new stock item is created, it is given the “assign”
location as its default Receipt Location and Primary Location.
Whenever you see an item with an “assign” location or you encounter an
inventory transaction designated to the “assign” location, it is your signal that
you need to give that item its permanent location assignments.

Operating Guide 143

4-1E. Locations

“Find” Location
A “find” location is used with items that do not have permanent locations.
These might be items that are procured or manufactured only on occasion
and can be stored in any allowable location within a general area.
Create a location with a location ID of ‘FIND’. Where applicable, assign this
location as the item’s default Receipt Location and Primary Location.
When you see the “find” location on a receiving screen, it is your signal to find
an actual location.
Inspection Location
Some items must be inspected and labeled before they are put away in the
warehouse or issued to the shop floor. In this case, you can create an
“inspection” location and designate it as the default Receipt Location against
any items that require inspection upon receipt.
After inspection is completed, the Stock Transfer screen is used to transfer
the stock from the “inspection” location to its final location.
Work Center Location
Not all items are stored in the warehouse. Raw materials and components
that are purchased for jobs can be received directly to the work center where
they are consumed. Make to order subassembly items are usually passed on
to the next work center rather than received to warehouse locations.
You can create locations to represent each work center that has a receiving
staging area and you can designate such work centers as the default Receipt
Location against items that are received directly to work centers.
Shipping Location
Products that are made or purchased to order can be received directly to a
shipping location rather than a warehouse location.
You can therefore create a “shipping” location, which represents a general
staging area for pending shipments. Designate it as the default Receipt
Location against any item that is received directly to shipping.
Service Vehicle Location
You may have service vehicles used by field technicians or salespeople that
have a small parts inventory. Each such vehicle can be given its own
location, so that you can track and replenish field inventories.
Service vehicle locations are not assigned as default locations because they
are always secondary locations rather than primary locations.
The Stock Transfer screen will be used periodically to replenish service
vehicle stock from each item’s primary storage location.

144 Operating Guide

4-1E. Locations

Transit Location
If you transfer stock between two warehouses, you can create a “transit”
location to represent the interval between the time stock is picked from one
warehouse and received into the other.
The Stock Transfer screen is used to transfer stock quantities from the source
locations to the “transit” location, which may be your own truck or a
commercial shipper. When the items arrive at the target destination, the
Stock Transfer screen is used to transfer stock quantities from the “transit”
location to final locations.

List Tab

Location ID
Enter an up to 10-character code that identifies this location.
Description (Required)
Enter an up to 50-character description that accompanies the Location ID on
lookups and screens. One possible use for this field is to describe the
location type, such as ‘Rack’, ‘Floor Area’, ‘Bin’, etc. Transitory locations (see
next) can be described as ‘Assign a Location’, ‘Find a Location’, ‘Inspection
Area’, etc.
Selecting this checkbox identifies this as a “transitory” location, where stock is
stored on a temporary basis to perform a process or transfer. Stock
quantities in transitory locations are displayed for reference purposes, but are
not available for picking or issuing in the Order Picking and Job Issues
screens. Select his checkbox on these types of Locations:
• “Assign” Location

Operating Guide 145

4-1E. Locations

• “Find” Location
• Inspection Location
• Transit Location
This checkbox is automatically selected when a new location record is
created. Active locations may contain stock quantities and are available for
picking, issuing, and receiving transactions. If a location is no longer in use
(because it no longer exists or has been renamed), clear this checkbox.
NOTE: You are not permitted to clear this checkbox if the location has
a stock quantity. In such cases, use the Stock Transfer screen to
transfer stock to an Active location and then you can clear this
Lower Panel
You can enter freeform notes against each location for reference purposes on
this screen.
This button is visible when one or more new locations have been entered, but
not yet saved. Click this button to save your entries.
Click this button to cancel any new entries that have not yet been saved.
Click this button to create a new location record in the entry grid.
Click this button to delete a selected location.
NOTE: You cannot delete a location if it has a stock quantity,
transaction history, or is assigned to any stock items or location
groups. As an alternative to deletion, you can clear the Active
Click this button to view current stock in this Location.

146 Operating Guide

4-1E. Locations

Location Groups Tab

“Location groups”, which are sets of stock items with common location
assignments (see next chapter), can be assigned to the selected location on this

Upper Panel
Location ID, Description
The location selected on the List tab is displayed for reference.
Location Group, Description
This is the location group currently assigned to this location.
Click this button to assign a location group to this location. You are presented
with a Location Groups lookup, from which you can make a selection.
Click this button to remove the selected location group from the list.

Operating Guide 147

4-1E. Locations

Stock Items Tab

On this tab are listed all stock items that are either directly assigned to the
selected location or are indirectly assigned through a location group.

Upper Panel
Location ID, Description
The location selected on the List tab is displayed for reference.
Display Grid
Item ID, Description
This identifies the stock item that is either directly assigned to this location or
is indirectly assigned to it through a location group.
This checkbox is selected when this location is designated as the item’s
Primary Location.
This checkbox is selected when this location is designated as the item’s
Receipt Location.
Loc Group
This checkbox is selected when this item is assigned to this location through
a location group.
This checkbox is selected when this item is assigned directly to this location
as an additional location to its Primary Location and Receipt Location.

148 Operating Guide

4-1F. Location Groups

4-1F. Location Groups

(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Location Groups)

User-defined “location groups” enable you to assign allowable locations to a set

of stock items as an alternative to assigning locations one item at a time.
For example, all your sheet metal items might be allowed storage in a particular
rack area. Instead of assigning the allowable rack locations to each sheet metal
item, you can create a location group to represent your sheet metal items and
assign allowable locations to it. Any item that is assigned to the sheet metal
location group is indirectly assigned to all its allowable locations.

List Tab
Location groups are created on this tab.

Location Group
Enter an up to 20-character code that identifies this location group.
Enter an up to 50-character description that accompanies the location group
on lookups.
Click this button to open a new line for location group entry.
Click this button to delete the selected location group.

Operating Guide 149

4-1F. Location Groups

Locations Tab
Allowable locations are assigned to the selected location group on this tab.

Upper Panel
Location Group, Description
These fields identify the location group currently selected on the List tab.
In this column are listed all the allowable locations that are assigned to this
location group.
This is the description associated with the location.
Click this button to assign a location to this location group. You are presented
with a Locations lookup, from which you can make a selection.
Click this button to remove the selected location from the list.

150 Operating Guide

4-1F. Location Groups

Stock Items Tab

The stock items assigned to this location group are displayed on this tab.

Upper Panel
Location Group, Description
These fields identify the location group currently selected on the List tab.
Item ID
The stock items assigned to this location group are listed in this column.
This is the description associated with the stock item.
Click this button to access a screen that is identical to the Locations tab in the
Stock Items screen. This enables you to change any of the location settings
against the selected stock item.

Operating Guide 151

4-1G. Location Repair

4-1G. Location Repair

(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Location Repair)

This screen is a utility is used to repair inventory transaction records that contain
invalid locations. In general, this is only needed on older systems that once
allowed “blank” locations or freeform typing instead of lookup selection.
Presented on System Startup
This screen is automatically presented to users with Administrator level security
when DBA gets launched. It identifies any invalid stock locations – such as a
“blank” location that was once a permitted value – and enables you to designate
a valid location that will replace it across all relevant data tables. Make sure all
your invalid locations are cleaned up before you resume system operation.

Screen Details

Invalid Location
The program automatically detects any invalid locations and lists them in this
column. You must replace each invalid location with a valid location in the
field at right.
On Hand Qty
This is the total of an on hand stock that is currently in this invalid location.
Valid Location
A valid location must be selected from the lookup in this field. This location
will replace the invalid location. Any on hand stock in the invalid location will
be transferred to this location.
NOTE: If you need to create a new location, you can do so by clicking
the Locations button, which launches the Locations screen.

152 Operating Guide

4-1G. Location Repair

Reassigning the “Blank” Location

You cannot reassign the blank location to a location that contains any
stock quantities. If you do not have an empty location available, create a
temporary “placeholder” location and reassign the blank location to it.
After you run the Update process, go to the Stock Transfer screen to view
all items that have stock in the placeholder location. After you verify
where these items and quantities are actually located, use the Stock
Transfer screen to transfer stock from the placeholder location to actual
After all quantities are transferred out of the placeholder location,
deactivate that location in the Locations screen.
This button becomes visible once all invalid locations have been assigned to
valid locations. Click this button to initiate the repair process.
Click this button to view a list of any stock items that have an on hand stock
quantity within the invalid location.
Click this button to launch the Locations screen, from which you can add or
remove locations.

Operating Guide 153

4-1H. Warranty Codes

4-1H. Warranty Codes

(Inventory – Inventory Setup – Warranty Codes)

Warranty Codes can be set up to identify the various warranties that accompany
your products (such as ‘90 Days Parts Only’ or ‘1-Year Parts & Labor’, etc.).
Warranty Codes can be assigned to Stock Items and Descriptors on the
Additional tab of those screens.
How are Warranty Codes used?
In sales order detail lines, a Warranty Code field can be activated through the
Sales Order Types – Screen Config button.
You can print a Sales – Reports – Warranty Sheet to accompany a packing list or
invoice. It lists any warranties associated with the order and the products that
are covered.
You can also print a Sales – Reports – Warranty Listing that lists warranties by
Customer. You can use this report to determine whether a service event is
covered under warranty or not.

Screen Details

You can enter an up to 15-character Warranty ID and accompanying 50-

character Description.

154 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

4-2. Stock Items

(Inventory – Stock Items … or Item Icon)

Use this screen to enter your Stock Items. Any item that is capable of being
stocked is considered a Stock Item, even if it is never stocked.
Training Courses
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Stock Items Setup
Support Center – Videos–Conceptual – Inventory Costs

List Tab
By default, all your items with a Status of ‘Active’ are listed on this screen for

Customizing the columns

Use the Inventory – Inventory Setup – Stock Items – List Tab screen to
customize the list columns. You can designate which fields you want displayed
and you can change column heading names.
Lower Panel
This panel is located along the bottom of the screen and is used to filter the
contents of the list.
Magnifying Glass Icon (Lookup)
Click this icon to launch a lookup screen that enables you to filter the opening
list a variety of ways.

Operating Guide 155

4-2. Stock Items

Top Row
In the top row are located several checkboxes that can be used to filter the
contents of the opening list. Refer further below for field explanations.
Search Mode
Two radio button options are offered:
In this mode you can enter Search Text in the next field and then you
can select checkboxes against whichever fields or sub-tables listed
below that you want included in the search. This mode is called
“General” because it is a general search where each checkbox
selected expands the list of potential matches. Think of this mode as
an “or” type condition, such as “I want to search the Item ID or the
Supp Part # or the Mfg Part #.” You would use this mode when you
are not sure which field or table the text string is stored in.
Search Text
Enter the text string to be searched in this field. A text string can be
any combination of alpha characters, numbers, punctuation marks,
or spaces.
Search Item ID – Starts With
If your Search Text value is the beginning portion of an Item ID,
select this field to make the search significantly faster.
In this mode you can enter a text string or select a value from a lookup
in one or more of the fields listed below to narrow your search. Think of
this mode as an “and” type condition, such as “I want to search for an
item with “red” in the description and it is supplied by ACME Paint
supplies.” You would use this mode when you are sure which field or
table your text string or value is stored in.

156 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Item ID – Starts With

If the text string entered in this field is the beginning portion of an
Item ID, select this field to make the search significantly faster.
Reset Button
Each time you access this screen, the settings are retained from the
previous time you were in this screen. Click this button to clear your
previous settings and restore the default selections.
Search Button
Once your entries and selections are completed, click this button to initiate
the search. When the search is completed, the opening List will be limited
to stock items that match your search criteria.
Select this checkbox if you wish to include ‘M’ (manufactured) items in the list.
Select this checkbox if you wish to include ‘P’ (purchased) items in the list.
Select this checkbox if you wish to include items with a Status of ‘Active’ in
the list.
Select this checkbox if you wish to include items with a Status of ‘Inactive’ in
the list.
Select this checkbox if you wish to include items that are not Custom (see
next) in the list.
Select this checkbox if you wish to include Custom Outputs in the list.
Custom Outputs are generated during sales order entry by the Custom

Operating Guide 157

4-2. Stock Items

Output Generator and are used for one-off custom manufactured items,
project jobs, and repair jobs.
Search Field
You can enter a text string in this field and click the magnifying glass button to
limit the list to columns containing that text string.
Click this button to create a new Stock Item. You are taken to the Detail tab,
which is cleared for new data entry.
Click this button to get a listing of past Activity Notes for this item. From this
screen you can also create new Activity Notes.
Click this button to launch the Stock Item Labels screen, from which you can
print item labels for this item for product identification or packaging purposes.
Clicking this button provides a listing of the highlighted item’s inventory
transactions, including the transaction type, the location, and the cost.
Qty by Char
Click this button to see this item’s current stock quantity for each set of
Tracking Characteristics within each location.
Qty by Loc
Click this button to view current stock quantity by Stock Location.
Stock Status
Click this button to view this item’s complete stock status, including stock
availability, projected stock, current supply and demand details, and MRP
Where Used
Click this button to get a listing of all BOM parents for which the highlighted
item is a component along with the item’s corresponding Usage Qty.
Sell Prices
Click this button to link to this item’s record in the Base Prices screen.
Buy Prices
Click this button to link to this item’s record in the Purchase Prices – Items

158 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Detail Tab

Stock Item
Item ID (Required)
This is an up to 30-character alphanumeric code that is used to identify the
Description (Required)
This is an up to 60-character mandatory field that accompanies the item ID on
screens and reports.
UM (Required)
This is an up to 8-character mandatory field that defines the item’s unit of
measure (EA, LB, KILO, FT, MTR, GAL, etc.).
Mfg or Purch (Required)
Select ‘M’ if this item is manufactured and ‘P’ if it is purchased. M items are
allowed to have bills of material and to be job outputs.
Item Category (Required)
Each item must be assigned to an Item Category. Item Categories are used
to organize your stock items and descriptors into groups for reporting
Bar Code
This field can store an alternate number for bar coding, such as a UPC code.
This field is for reference only and has no current use.
Creation Date
This is the date the item record was first created. It defaults to today’s date,
but can be overridden.

Operating Guide 159

4-2. Stock Items

A new item defaults to a Status of ‘Active’. If you change the Status to ‘Non-
Active’, the item will be filtered out of the opening List tab.
Unit Costs
Inventory Cost
This is the unit cost used for the calculation of invoice cost of goods sold and
for job costing when items are issued from stock to jobs. Here are a few
things to consider regarding the Inventory Cost.
When a stock item is issued or shipped:
When a stock item is issued to a job or shipped to a customer, the item’s
unit Inventory Cost remains unchanged.
When a stock item is received:
Whenever a stock item is received, either through a PO receipts or a job
receipts, its Inventory Cost is recalculated by averaging the PO or job cost
into the cost of any stock on hand, according to the following formula:
Cost Calculation Variables
Receipt Value = Units Received x PO Unit Cost or Job Unit Cost
Book Value = General Ledger Value of Units on Hand (based on the
sum of all historical debit and credit transactions)
Total Units = Units Received + Units on Hand
Cost Calculation Formula
If Units on Hand are zero or greater after receipt:
New Inventory Cost = (Receipt Value + Book Value) / Total Units
If Units on Hand are negative after receipt:
Inventory Cost remains as it was prior to receipt
Changing the Inventory Cost:
If you wish to change the item’s Inventory Cost, you can do so using the
Inventory – Change Inventory Cost screen.
Last Cost
This is a display-only reference field that shows the cost associated with the
most recent receipt of this item.
Estimated Cost
The Estimated Cost is used as a variable in the bill of material Cost Rollup
and as a variable in the calculation of estimated job costs.
M Items:
The Estimated Cost cannot be changed in this screen. To recalculate a
manufactured item’s Estimated Cost, you must use the BOM – Cost

160 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Rollup screen. You can view a breakdown of the item’s cost elements by
clicking the 3-dot button to the right of this field.
P Items:
The Estimated Cost can be manually updated by clicking the ‘pointing-
hand’ icon to the right of this field. You can also mass update the
Estimated Cost by making it equal to the Last Cost via the BOM –
Estimated Purchase Costs screen.
Tax Code Source
These settings determine the source of the Tax Code against sales order and
purchase order lines for this stock item.
Order Header
When you select this option, the Tax Code specified in the sales order or
purchase order header determines the source of the sales order or purchase
order line’s Tax Code for this item.
Select this option if this item is to receive an exception Tax Code that
overrides the sales order or purchase order header Tax Code. A Tax Code
field becomes visible to the right. Select a Tax Code from the lookup. In
general, a tax code exception is designated when the item is non-taxable, in
which case a non-taxable Tax Code should be selected. Another tax code
exception is when the item bears a special tax rate, such as an excise tax.
Tax Group
This checkbox is only visible when the Tax Group Matrix option is selected in
the Tax Defaults screen. Tax groups enable you to designate exception tax
codes at the line item level that only apply to certain destinations or sources.
A Tax Group field becomes visible to the right. Select a Tax Group from the
lookup. When an item assigned to a Tax Group encounters a customer or
supplier that is also assigned to a Tax Group, the two Tax Groups are
matched in the Tax Group Matrix to determine the Tax Code that gets used in
the sales order or purchase order line.
Unit Price
Base Price
The Base Price is the item’s “list” price and serves as a reference price for the
calculation of price levels and contract prices. If you click the ‘pointing hand’
icon, you are taken to the Base Prices screen where you can create a base
price record for the item. When that screen is closed, you are returned to this
MRP Sub-Tab
On the MRP sub-tab are planning settings used by the MRP screen. These
settings are normally entered and maintained in the MRP – MRP Settings

Operating Guide 161

4-2. Stock Items

screen, which uses a grid format that is more suited for entering settings across
multiple items. See chapter 7 for details.
Mfg Sub-Tab
Default Revision
This field displays your current Default Revision for reference purposes and is
only visible if Revisions are activated in the BOM Setup screen.
Drawing No
The current drawing number for this item. This field value prints in the header
section of the job traveler.
This is the description of the product that appears in the Title block of a
drawing. This field value prints in the header section of the job traveler
Dimensions Sub-Tab
Shipping & Packaging
Unit Weight
This is the weight of one stocking unit (UM) of the item. This value is used
by the sales order Shipping screen to calculate the total weight of the
Unit Volume
This is the volume (cubic feet, cubic meters) of one stocking unit (UM) of
the item. This value is used by the sales order Shipping screen to
calculate the total volume of the shipment.
Std Pack
This is the number of pieces of this item per shipping package (box,
carton, container, pallet, etc.). This value is used by the sales order
Shipping screen to calculate the total number of packs that comprise the
Dimensional Info
The fields in this panel are for reference only and have no current use outside
this screen.
SO/PO Notes
You can enter unlimited freeform text in this notes field. This text is passed into
the Line Notes associated with quote, sales order, and purchase order detail

162 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Locations Tab
Default and allowable inventory locations are assigned to the item on this tab.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Locations Setup

Upper Panel
Receipt Location
This setting is initially populated by the Receipt Location designated in the
Inventory Defaults screen, but can be overridden with a selection from the
lookup. This location is the default location when processing transactions in
the Job Receipts and PO Receipts screens.
New Items
Using an “assign” location as the Receipt Location in the Inventory
Defaults screen can be useful if you are constantly creating new stock
items and you don’t always know at the time of creation where the item
will be physically stored in the warehouse.
When you see an item with an “assign” location, it is your signal that you
need to give that item its permanent location assignments.
Items without Permanent Locations
A “find” location can be used with items that do not have permanent
locations. These might be items that are procured or manufactured only
on occasion and can be stored in any allowable location within a general
area. When you see a “find” location on a receiving screen, it is your
signal to find an actual location among the item’s allowable locations.

Operating Guide 163

4-2. Stock Items

Inspected Items
If the item requires inspection and/or labeling, it can be received by default
into an “inspection” location. After it passes inspection and/or labeling, the
Stock Transfer screen is used to transfer the stock to its Primary Location
in the warehouse.
Make to Order Subassemblies
Make to order subassemblies are usually received into a “work center”
location rather than a warehouse location.
Buy for Job Items
Purchased items that are procured only when required by jobs are usually
received into a “work center” location rather than a warehouse location.
Make to Order Items
Make to order items are usually received to a “shipping” location for
shipment directly to customers.
Primary Location
This setting is initially populated by the Primary Location designated in the
Inventory Defaults screen, but can be overridden with a selection from the
lookup. The Primary Location is flagged as the item’s primary storage
location when picking or issuing stock in the Order Picking and Job Issues
NOTE: It is common for the Receipt Location and Primary Location to
be the same location.
Items without Permanent Locations
If the item does not have a permanent location, meaning that it can be
stored in any of its allowable locations, we recommend that you use a
“find” location as the Primary Location. This lets you know that stock can
be found among allowable locations rather than a specific location.
This is an optional field. You can enter the maximum quantity of this item that
can be stored within the Receipt Location or any of the allowable locations in
the grid below. Only make an entry to this field when the location is a specific
bin, rack, or shelf. When receiving items to stock, the Capacity setting helps
you know which bins, racks, or shelves are full and which ones have room for
additional storage.
NOTE: General staging areas and “transitory” locations are not
devoted to the storage of one item at a time and are therefore not
suitable for the Capacity setting.

164 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Additional Locations
Some items can be stored in other locations besides the Receipt Location and
Primary Location. The options in this middle panel enable you to designate
additional allowable locations for the item.
Location Group
Select this option if you wish to assign the item to a Location Group. A
Location group is a set of allowable locations that can be shared by common
types of items. For example, you may have a set of racks that can be used
for all your sheet metal items. That set of racks can be represented by a
location group. Location groups are created in the Inventory – Inventory
Setup – Locations Groups screen.
NOTE: When this option is selected, a new panel is displayed
containing a Location Group field. Select a location group from the
Assign by Location
As an alternative to using a location group, where locations are shared by
multiple items, select this option to designate one or more additional locations
that apply just to this item. Typically, these would be specific “overflow”
locations or locations in other warehouses.
Select this option when you do not want to allow any locations other than the
Receipt Location and Primary Location.
Additional locations are listed in this grid. When the Location Group option is
selected, all the locations within the location group are listed and cannot be
changed. When the Assign by Location option is selected, you can add and
remove locations from the list.
Location ID, Description
These fields identify the location.
When selected, this checkbox indicates that this is a “transitory” location,
which is a location where stock is stored on a temporary basis to perform a
process or transfer. Stock quantities in transitory locations are displayed for
reference purposes, but are not available for picking or issuing in the Order
Picking and Job Issues screens. “Assign”, “find”, “inspection”, and “transit”
locations are typically “transitory” locations.
You can optionally enter the maximum quantity of this item that can be stored
within this location. Only make an entry to this field when the location is a
specific bin, rack, or shelf. When receiving items to stock, the Capacity

Operating Guide 165

4-2. Stock Items

setting helps you know which bins, racks, or shelves are full and which ones
have room for additional storage.
NOTE: General staging areas and “transitory” locations are not
devoted to the storage of one item at a time and are therefore not
suitable for the Capacity setting.

This button is only visible when the Assign by Location option is selected.
Click this button to add a location to the list of allowable locations.

This button is only visible when the Assign by Location option is selected.
Click this button to delete a location from the list of allowable locations.

166 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Sources Tab
Sources of supply and cross-references are entered on this screen.

Upper Panel
M or P
This read-only field indicates whether the item is manufactured (M) or
purchased (P).
Default Supplier
This field is visible on P items only. Select your preferred Supplier for this
item. MRP will specify this Supplier when it generates suggested POs.
NOTE: The lookup is confined to suppliers already assigned to this
item, so you must add a supplier to the list on the Suppliers sub-tab
before it can be designated as the Default Supplier. When only one
supplier is assigned to the item, it is automatically designed as the
Default Supplier once you exit the Sources tab.
Default Manufacturer
This field is visible on P items only. If you want to source the item from a
specific Manufacturer, select your preferred Manufacturer in this field. MRP
will specify this Manufacturer when it generates suggested POs.
NOTE1: The lookup is confined to manufacturers already assigned to
this item, so you must add a manufacturer to the list on the
Manufacturers sub-tab or on the supplier’s Line Card before it can be
designated as the Default Manufacturer.
Suppliers Sub-Tab
The Default Supplier is automatically added to the Suppliers sub-tab. On this tab
you can select additional Suppliers for the item.

Operating Guide 167

4-2. Stock Items

Supplier Part No
Both the DBA Item ID and the Supplier Part No are referenced in he
Purchase Orders screen and on the printed PO. If you leave this field blank,
the DBA Item ID will be used as the Supplier Part No.
This is for reference only. The DBA Description is the only description
referenced in the Purchase Orders screen and on the printed PO.
This is the supplier’s unit of measure. Both the stocking UM and the
supplier’s UM are referenced in he Purchase Orders screen and on the
printed PO.
This is used to calculate the supplier’s order quantity if the supplier sells the
item in a different UM than your stocking UM. The DBA quantity is multiplied
by the Multiplier to arrive at the supplier’s quantity. Here are two examples:
Stock in Buy in Multiplier
FT YARD .333
Both quantities are referenced in the Purchase Orders screen and on the
printed PO. The program assigns a default value of ‘1’ to this field.
Line Card
In this grid you can select the Manufacturers and Mfgr Part Nos that are
carried by the Supplier highlighted above. These two fields are referenced in
the Purchase Orders screen and on the printed PO.
NOTE: Each Manufacturer must be created first in the Purch –
Manufacturers screen. Each Mfgr Part No is created in the Manufacturers
sub-tab of this screen.
Manufacturers Sub-Tab
The Default Manufacturer is automatically added to this sub-tab. On this tab you
can specify additional Manufacturers and you can enter each corresponding Mfgr
Part No.
NOTE: Each Manufacturer must be created first in the Purch –
Manufacturers screen.
Alternates Sub-Tab
Alternates represent substitute items that can be swapped into jobs or sales
orders when this item is not available. Alternates are available as a cross-
reference on some item lookups and optionally print on the Multi-Level BOM and
Costed BOM reports.

168 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Complementary Sub-Tab
Complementary items are similar or compatible with this item, but not a one-for-
one substitute. An example of a Complementary item would be where a ½
horsepower motor is the standard component, but if there are none in stock, a ¾
horsepower motor could be used instead. Complementary items are available as
a cross-reference on some item lookups.
Customers Sub-Tab
If you have customers that want their part number to print on invoices and
packing lists, you can specify those Customers and Customer Part Nos on this
screen. The Customer Part No is available as a field for inclusion on customized
quotes, acknowledgements, packing lists, and invoices.

Operating Guide 169

4-2. Stock Items

Lot/Serial Tab
One or more lot and serial tracking “characteristics” can be assigned to the item
on this tab. Characteristics enable you to track stock on hand by lot number,
serial number, expiration date, or revision.

When the item is assigned to a characteristic, each time it is received, issued,

picked, or counted, its characteristic values must be recorded.
When not to use
When considering whether to use characteristics or not, a good guideline to
follow is this:
Characteristic tracking should only be used in situations that cannot
be handled by unique item ID’s.
Use characteristics when you have no other choice, which would be the case
with lot control, serial control, and expiration date.
Do not use characteristics to avoid setting up item ID’s. Whenever an item has
different versions – such as painted or unpainted – always differentiate the two
versions with unique item ID’s.
Be aware of these two limitations with characteristics.
The system does not track costs by characteristic. Each item’s Inventory
Cost is an average of the receipt costs for the stock on hand. If variations of
an item have different costs that affect job costing or cost of sales, use unique
item ID’s rather than characteristics.

170 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

You cannot establish prices by characteristic; only by item ID. If variations of
an item require different pricing, use unique item ID’s rather than
Use the four standard characteristics
Currently, the system is supplied with these four standard characteristics. If you
are on an older system that lacks these characteristics, you can create them in
the Inventory – Inventory Setup – Item Characteristics screen.
A lot number identifies a particular production or purchase batch of an item. If
you have a product problem, it can be traced back to a particular lot number
so that remedial action can be taken.
A serial number is a unique ID number assigned to each unit produced or
purchased of an item.
EXPIRYDATE: Expiration
This characteristic is used to track the expiration date of perishable products
REVISION: Revision
If you have manufactured products with multiple revisions where you stock
old and new revisions, this characteristic is used to differentiate the revisions
on hand.
NOTE: Do not use this characteristic for purchased items.

Screen Details
Upper Panel
Add Button
Click this button to launch the Add/Edit Item Characteristics screen, shown

Operating Guide 171

4-2. Stock Items

Select the Assigned checkbox against each characteristic you wish to assign
to the item.
Click Update to continue. If the item is assigned to a Serialized characteristic,
you are presented with the following screen:
Serial Characteristic Definition

This screen enables you to define serialization at the item level and
displays the item selected in the grid at lower left.
You have the option of entering text in the Serialized Label field, which
overrides the standard characteristic Description on inventory processing
screens. So if you wish to give this item’s characteristic a custom field
label use this field. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Select Manual if you wish to assign serial numbers manually. Select
Automatic if you wish the program to assign serial numbers automatically.
When you select Automatic, additional fields are displayed.

172 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

First, establish an overall Length for your serial number. You can
optionally enter a fixed value Prefix or Suffix to the core number. In the
Counter field, establish the number that will be assigned to the next
receipt transaction. This number gets incremented automatically with
each new receipt transaction.
If the characteristic is not serialized or you have finished defining the
serialized characteristic, you are then presented with this screen:

In this screen you must assign values for the new characteristic(s) to existing
stock on hand.
For each location listed, click the Add button. This opens up the New Qty and
characteristic field to its right, which is ‘Lot No’ in the screen example above.
Enter a quantity and a characteristic value; in this case, the lot number.
If you wish to allocate the stock in one location to two or more characteristic
values, click the Add button once again and a new line is opened so that you
can enter another quantity and characteristic value. Use the Delete button to
delete a line if you make an incorrect entry.
Click the Update button to save your entries. The button will not be active
until the New Qty amounts within each location equal the Current Qty.
Remove Button
Click this button to launch the Remove Item Characteristics screen, shown

Operating Guide 173

4-2. Stock Items

Clear the Assigned checkbox against each characteristic that is to be un-

assigned from the item.
Click Update to continue. You are presented with this screen:

This screen shows you what the on hand stock status will be once the
characteristic assignment is removed. Click the Update button to complete
the removal process.
NOTE: When you remove a characteristic assignment, be aware that
you will not have access to any of the characteristic’s values in the
item’s transaction history.
Char History Button
Click this button to launch this screen, which shows you when each
characteristic assignment against this item was added or removed.

174 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

All the available characteristics are listed in the grid.
When this checkbox is selected, it indicates that the item is assigned to this
• If you select this checkbox, you are presented with the same Add/Edit
Item Characteristics screen that gets launched by clicking the Add button.
See the Add Button above for details.
• If you clear this checkbox, you are presented with the same Remove Item
Characteristics screen that gets launched by clicking the Remove button.
See the Remove button above for details.
Characteristic ID
This code is the characteristic’s primary identifier.
This is the text that identifies the characteristic on inventory processing
The Type determines the characteristic’s data type. Four types are used:
This characteristic can only be given a date value.
This characteristic can only be given a numeric value.
This characteristic’s values must be selected from a table of allowable
This characteristic’s values can be freeform alphanumeric text.
Show on Docs
Select this checkbox if you want this item’s characteristic values listed on the
packing list associated with each customer shipment.

Operating Guide 175

4-2. Stock Items

Additional Tab
Main Side-Tab

Storing an Image
If you wish to store a graphical image of the item for reference on this screen,
right click on the left panel and select the Load Picture option. You will be
presented with a selection screen. Navigate to the desired image and select it
and it will display on the screen. To clear the image, right click on the image and
select the Clear Picture option.
User-Defined Fields
If you created any user-defined fields in the Admin – User-Defined Fields screen,
those fields are entered on this panel.
Warranty Code
If this item is covered by a warranty, select its Warranty Code in this field.

176 Operating Guide

4-2. Stock Items

Documents Side-Tab

On this screen you can attach documents (such as drawings, specifications, etc.)
or files of any kind that relate to this item.
Edit Documents
To link to a document, click the Edit Document panel at the bottom of the screen.
Enter the description that will display on the Document List panel.
File Location
If a document is only to be used by you, you can specify a File Location to
your local computer. If the document is to be shared with others, it should be
stored on the central file server.
Copy to Job
From the drop-down list, select ‘Yes’ if you want this document to be linked to
jobs when the Retrieve Linked Customer / Item / Descriptor Documents
button is clicked on the Additional side-tab off the Header tab in the Jobs
Print With
In a future version of DBA, this document will automatically be printed when
the job traveler is printed. Select ‘Yes’ from the drop-down list if you want this
feature when it becomes available.

Storing an Image
If you wish to store a graphical image of the item, you can do so on this screen.
Double click on the upper right panel and you will be presented with a selection
screen. Navigate to the desired image and select it and it will display on the
Characteristics screen. The image is for reference purposes on this screen and

Operating Guide 177

4-2. Stock Items

prints on the Multi-Level BOM and Costed BOM reports, pick lists, and the job

178 Operating Guide

4-3. Descriptors

4-3. Descriptors
(Inventory – Descriptors … or Desc icon)

Descriptors are non-inventory items used to identify labor charges,

miscellaneous charges, and miscellaneous purchases.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Descriptors Setup

Uses of Descriptors
Descriptors are used for the following purposes:
Credit Memos
Credit memos are required from time to time to make adjustments to
customer account balances for product returns, price adjustments, write-offs
to bad debt, and other such things. A credit memo in DBA is simply an
invoice with a negative total amount. Credit memo line items are descriptors
with negative prices. GL posting is determined by mapping the descriptor’s
Item Category to the appropriate sales account in the Account Assignments
Labor Charges
If you charge customers for labor on invoices, labor is set up as a Descriptor
and is entered as a sales order line item. You might set up several labor
Descriptors, each with a different Base Price, if you charge different rates for
different services.
Miscellaneous Charges
Any other charges that might be included in your invoices, whether they are
for shipping, engineering fees, permits, etc., can be set with Descriptors and
prices. Any price can be overridden at the time of sales order entry.
Miscellaneous Purchases
If you use purchase orders for non-job, non-inventory purposes – for
miscellaneous items such as office supplies, shop supplies, furniture,
equipment, etc. – you can represent each category of these purchases with a
Descriptor. These Descriptors can be assigned to GL Accounts in the
Purchasing – Exceptions tab in the Account Assignments screen. When
entering a PO line item, you can modify the category Descriptor with a
specific description for the item being purchased.
Sales Kits
A “sales kit” is a set of items that gets copied into a sales order along with the
sales kit parent item, which is represented by a descriptor. Sales kits are
created in the Inventory – Sales Kits screen.

Operating Guide 179

4-3. Descriptors

List Tab
All your Descriptors are listed on this screen.

Detail Tab

Descriptor ID (Required)
This is an up to 20-character alphanumeric code used to identify the
Description (Required)
This is an up to 50-character Description that accompanies the Descriptor ID
on screens and reports.
UM (Required)
This is the Descriptor’s unit of measure (EA, HR, etc.), which can be up to 8-
Type (Required)
Select one of these three descriptor Types:

180 Operating Guide

4-3. Descriptors

Purpose Type
Credit Memo MISC
Labor Charge: LABOR
Misc Charge MISC
Sales Kit MISC
Misc Purchase MISC
You would normally not use any of these Types, which are cost elements
used elsewhere by the program: SETUP, SUBCON, FIXOH, VAROH, SHIP.
Category (Required)
Each Descriptor must be assigned to an Item Category. Item Categories are
used to organize your stock items and descriptors into groups for reporting
and GL posting purposes.
Estimated Cost
With labor and miscellaneous charges, this cost is used as the invoice cost of
sales. With miscellaneous purchases, this is used as the Unit Cost in PO
lines when there is not an entry in the Purchase Prices – Descriptors screen.
Sell Price
The Sell Price is used in sales orders for labor charges or miscellaneous
Default Supplier
This is the preferred Supplier for miscellaneous purchases.
Tax Code Source
These settings determine the source of the Tax Code against sales order and
purchase order lines for this descriptor.
Order Header
When you select this option, the Tax Code specified in the sales order or
purchase order header determines the source of the sales order or purchase
order line’s Tax Code for this descriptor.
Select this option if this descriptor is to receive an exception Tax Code that
overrides the sales order or purchase order header Tax Code. A Tax Code
field becomes visible to the right. Select a Tax Code from the lookup. In
general, a tax code exception is designated when the descriptor is non-
taxable, in which case a non-taxable Tax Code should be selected. Another
tax code exception is when the descriptor bears a special tax rate, such as an
excise tax.
Tax Group
This checkbox is only visible when the Tax Group Matrix option is selected in
the Tax Defaults screen. Tax groups enable you to designate exception tax
codes at the line item level that only apply to certain destinations or sources.

Operating Guide 181

4-3. Descriptors

A Tax Group field becomes visible to the right. Select a Tax Group from the
lookup. When a descriptor assigned to a Tax Group encounters a customer
or supplier that is also assigned to a Tax Group, the two Tax Groups are
matched in the Tax Group Matrix to determine the Tax Code that gets used in
the sales order or purchase order line.
SO/PO Notes
You can enter unlimited freeform text in this notes field. This text is passed into
the Line Notes associated with quote, sales order, and purchase order detail

Additional Tab

Dimensional Info
The information on this panel is for reference only and is not used in any other
screens and reports.
Documents List
In this panel you can attach documents (such as drawings, specifications, etc.) or
files of any kind that relate to this descriptor.
Edit Documents
To link to a document, click the Edit Document panel at the bottom of the
Enter the description that will display on the Document List panel.
File Location
If a document is only to be used by you, you can specify a File Location to
your local computer. If the document is to be shared with others, it should
be stored on the central file server.

182 Operating Guide

4-3. Descriptors

Copy to Job
From the drop-down list, select ‘Yes’ if you want this document to be linked to
jobs when the Retrieve Linked Customer / Item / Descriptor Documents
button is clicked on the Additional side-tab off the Header tab in the Jobs
Print With
In a future version of DBA, this document will automatically be printed when
the job traveler is printed. Select ‘Yes’ from the drop-down list if you want this
feature when it becomes available.
Other Info
Warranty Code
If there is a Warranty Code associated with this descriptor, select one from
the lookup.

Operating Guide 183

4-4. Sales Kits

4-4. Sales Kits

(Inventory – Sales Kits)

Sales Kits enable you to copy in a set of line items into a sales order (using the
Copy Details button), identified by a Parent Descriptor. When you set up the
Sales Kit, you can specify whether the selling price is at the parent level or
component level.
NOTE: Sales Kits are gathered together at time of shipping and are never
assembled or stocked.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Descriptors Setup
Segment: Sales Kits

List Tab
Descriptors with Sales Kits are listed on this screen.
New Button
To create a new Sales Kit, click this button and select a parent Descriptor from
the lookup list.

Detail Tab
Upper Panel
Descriptor ID
This is the parent Descriptor to which the Kitset components are assigned.

184 Operating Guide

4-4. Sales Kits

Kitset Components Sub-Tab

Use Parent Price
• If you select this checkbox, prices are applied to the parent Descriptor, but
not to kit components.
• If you clear this checkbox, prices are applied to the parent Descriptor and
to kit components.
Select ‘Stock’ if the component is to be a Stock Item. Select ‘Descriptor’ if the
component is to be a Descriptor.
Reference ID
This is the component’s Item ID or Descriptor ID.
This Qty gets multiplied by the parent Descriptor quantity when the Sales Kit
is copied into a sales order.

Operating Guide 185

4-5. Stock Adjustments

4-5. Stock Adjustments

(Inventory – Stock Adjustments)

Use this screen to adjust an item’s on hand stock quantity.

Do not bypass standard processes
Do not use stock adjustments to bypass a standard process. Always use the
inventory processing screens (Stock Transfer, Stock Counts, Order Picking, Job
Issues, Job Receipts, PO Receipts) for inventory transactions. Doing so
maintains the integrity of your cost reporting and GL posting.
For example, never receive stock by making a stock adjustment. Always receive
stock through the Job Receipts or PO Receipts screens.
As another example, do not return unused material from jobs by making a stock
adjustment. Instead, use the Return feature in the Job Issues screen to return
unused material to stock.
Purposes of Adjustments
Stock adjustments should only be used on occasion, for these purposes:
Non-Sale Usage
An example of non-sale usage is when items are taken from stock for use as
sales samples, perhaps for use at a trade show. The expense will be posted
to your Adjustments – Inventory account.
Non-Job Usage
An example of non-job usage is when items are taken from stock for internal
use in a research and development project. The expense will be posted to
your Adjustments – Inventory account.
Count Adjustment
When making an inventory transaction, you may notice that the stock count
within a location is not correct, in which case you can make a stock
adjustment to correct the count.
NOTE: For formal stock count verification, use the Stock Counts
screen instead of this screen because it is optimized for stock

186 Operating Guide

4-5. Stock Adjustments

List Tab
Stock items are listed on this tab where they can be selected for adjustment.
The current stock on hand (all locations) is displayed for reference.

Increase Button
Click this button to increase the quantity of stock on hand for the selected item.
You are presented with this screen:

Upper Panel
Item ID, Description, Cost
These fields identify the item being adjusted and its current Inventory
Trxn Cost
This is the cost that will be applied to this transaction. It defaults to the
item’s Inventory Cost.

Operating Guide 187

4-5. Stock Adjustments

The text “Stock Adjustment” is displayed by default, but can be overridden.
This provides a reference note in the transaction record that explains the
reason for or purpose of the adjustment.

+ –
By default, one line is presented in the grid below. Click the plus sign
button to add additional lines if you are increasing stock in multiple
locations or to specify multiple characteristic values. Click the minus sign
button to delete lines.
Enter a line in this grid for each quantity associated with each location and set
of characteristic values.
Increased Qty
Enter the increase in stock quantity associated with the location and
characteristic values in the fields at right.
NOTE: If you enter a quantity that causes the total quantity in this
location to exceed this item/location Capacity setting, you are given
a warning.
This field value defaults to the item’s default Receipt Location. You can
make an alternative selection from this lookup screen.

Only allowable locations for this item are listed. If you wish to use a
non-allowed location, clear the Allowed Only checkbox in the lower
panel and the list will be expanded to all locations.
The Receipt and Primary checkboxes identify the item’s default
Receipt Location and Primary Location. The Capacity field shows you
how many units of the item can be stored in the location.
You can view the stock on hand within a location by clicking the
magnifying glass icon in the lower panel, which presents this screen

188 Operating Guide

4-5. Stock Adjustments

This inquiry screen enables you to find an open location that is not
currently occupied.
This checkbox is selected when the location at left is the item’s default
Receipt Location. This is for reference purposes only.
Characteristic Fields
If the item is assigned to one or more tracking characteristics (such as lot
or serial control), each characteristic is represented by its own field, which
is identified by the characteristic’s Description. You are required to enter a
value against each characteristic, which, depending on the characteristic,
can be a date, a number, a lookup on a table of allowable values, or
freeform text.
Lower Panel
Update Button
After your entries are completed, click this button to update the
transaction. The total amount is debited to your Inventory account and the
offsetting credit is to your Adjustments – Inventory account.
Cancel Button
Click this button to cancel your entries. No updating will take place.
Decrease Button
Click this button to decrease the quantity of stock on hand for the selected item.
You are presented with this screen:

Operating Guide 189

4-5. Stock Adjustments

Upper Panel
Item ID, Description, Cost
These fields identify the item being adjusted and its current Inventory
Trxn Cost
This is the cost that will be applied to this transaction, which is the item’s
current Inventory Cost. This cost cannot be changed.
The text “Stock Adjustment” is displayed by default, but can be overridden.
This provides a reference note in the transaction record that explains the
reason for or purpose of the adjustment.
All available stock is listed in the grid. Each line represents a set of
characteristic values within a location.
Decreased Qty
Enter the decrease in stock quantity associated with the location and
characteristic values in the fields at right.
NOTE: If this is a “transitory” location, the text “<Transitory>” is
displayed in red. You are not permitted to use stock in a transitory
location, but that stock is listed in the grid for reference purposes.
Stock may be in an “inspection” location, for example, waiting to get
inspected before being transferred to a final destination location.
This is the location associated with the stock quantity and set of
characteristic values to the right.
This checkbox is selected when the location at left is the item’s Primary
Location. This is for reference purposes only.

190 Operating Guide

4-5. Stock Adjustments

Stock Qty
This is the current on hand stock quantity associated with this location and
set of characteristic values.
Characteristic Fields
If the item is assigned to one or more tracking characteristics (such as lot
or serial control), each characteristic value is represented by its own field,
which is identified by the characteristic’s Description.
Projected Qty
This is the quantity that will be associated with this location and
characteristic set after the transaction is updated.
NOTE: The projected quantity cannot be less than zero. A negative
stock quantity is not permitted.
Lower Panel
Update Button
After your entries are completed, click this button to update the
transaction. The total amount is debited to your Adjustments – Inventory
account and the offsetting credit is to your Inventory account.
Cancel Button
Click this button to cancel your entries. No updating will take place.
Chg Lot/Ser Button
Click this button to change a lot/serial characteristic value within an item’s stock
on hand. For example, stock may have been received and given an incorrect lot
number. You can use this screen to list the lot numbers currently on hand for the
item so that you can change the erroneous lot number value.
Screen Details

Operating Guide 191

4-5. Stock Adjustments

Upper Panel
Select the characteristic you wish to change.
Item ID
Select the item that requires the change in characteristic value. The
lookup is confined to items assigned to the characteristic specified at left.
Load Button
You must click this button to populate the grid below.
Alter Button
When you entries are completed in the grid below, click this button to
apply the changes to the item’s stock on hand.
NOTE: Altering a characteristic value has no effect on the general
All stock on hand for the item and characteristic specified in the upper panel
is listed in the grid. Each line is a unique location/characteristic value
NOTE: The grid remains empty until you click the Load button in the
upper panel.
Current Inventory
Item ID
The Item ID selected above is repeated here for reference purposes.
This is the location associated with the on hand quantity and
characteristic value at right.
Characteristic Field
The characteristic value associated with this line is displayed in this
Alter Qty
On Hand Qty
The current on hand stock quantity for this characteristic value within
this location is displayed in this field.
Alter Qty
You must click the Add button to the right to make this field available
for entry. Enter the quantity to be changed to a different characteristic
value in the field at right that is now visible where the Add button was

192 Operating Guide

4-5. Stock Adjustments

NOTE: The Alter Qty is not allowed to exceed the On Hand Qty.
Alter Inventory Detail
Add Button
Click this button to initiate a characteristic value change for this line.
After clicking this button, it is replaced by a field where you specify the
changed characteristic value. The Alter Qty field at left becomes an
entry field where you enter the quantity subject to the characteristic
value change.
Multiple Value Change
Whenever a line is opened up for a change in characteristic value,
another Add button becomes visible below the line. If you wish to
change a portion of the on hand quantity to a second characteristic
value, click the Add button and another line opens up within which
you can enter another alter quantity and characteristic value.
Characteristic Fields
When the Add button is clicked, this field becomes visible for entry of
the changed characteristic value.
When the Add button is clicked, this field becomes visible, for
reference purposes.
Projected Qty
This is the quantity that will be associated with this
location/characteristic value after the alter quantity is updated.
Delete Button
If you click the Add button and then decide you don’t wish to make the
entry, click this button to delete the line.
Print Labels Button
Click this button to launch the Stock Item Labels screen, from which you can print
item labels for this item for product identification or packaging purposes.

Current Inventory Tab

This tab is an inquiry screen that displays current stock on hand, broken out by
each set of characteristic values within a location.

Operating Guide 193

4-5. Stock Adjustments

Transactions Tab
This tab is an inquiry screen that provides a listing of past inventory transactions
associated with all the inventory processing screens (Stock Adjustments, Stock
Transfer, Stock Counts, Order Picking, Job Issues, Job Receipts, PO Receipts).

Upper Panel
Include “X” year’s history
By default, one year’s history is displayed in the grid. You can use this setting
to expand the number of years that comprise the list.

194 Operating Guide

4-6. Stock Transfer

4-6. Stock Transfer

(Inventory – Stock Transfer)

Use this screen to transfer stock from a source location to one or more
destination locations. You can transfer stock from multiple source locations for a
single item or for multiple items from a single source location.
Transitory Locations
This screen is especially useful with “transitory” locations, such as “inspection”
and “transit” locations.
Inspection Location
In the case of an “inspection” location, you can receive a set of items on a PO
to the inspection location. After inspection is completed, you can use this
screen to make a single transaction that transfers stock from the inspection
location to each item’s final destination location.
Transit Location
In the case of a “transit” location, which is a location that represents your
truck or a commercial shipper, you can use this screen to transfer stock for a
set of items into the transit location. Each location/item transfer is a separate
transaction. When the set of items is received at the destination warehouse,
you can make a single transaction in this screen to transfer stock from the
transit location to each item’s final destination location.

Screen Details

Operating Guide 195

4-6. Stock Transfer

Choose Stock to Transfer

Select the source location from which you wish to transfer stock. If you leave
this field blank and you specify an Item ID at right, all locations with current
stock on hand for the item are listed.
NOTE: You can leave this field blank if you specify an item at right or
vice-versa, but both fields cannot be left blank.
Item ID
If you are transferring stock associated with one item, select that item from
the lookup. If you are transferring stock associated with two or more items,
leave this field blank.
NOTE: You can leave this field blank if you specify a location at left or
vice-versa, but both fields cannot be left blank.
Load Button
You must click this button to populate the grid below with all stock on hand
within the location(s) and item(s) specified at left.
Transfer Button
After your entries are made in the grid below, click this button to process the
NOTE: A stock transfer does not create a general ledger transaction.
All stock on hand within the location(s) and item(s) specified in the upper panel
are displayed in the grid.
NOTE: The grid remains empty until you click the Load button in the upper
Current Inventory
Item ID
Each item is given its own “block” of lines within this panel. Each line
represents a location and set of characteristic values.
This is the source location associated with the On Hand Qty at right.
Characteristic Fields
If the item is assigned to one or more tracking characteristics (such as lot
or serial control), each characteristic value is represented by its own field,
which is identified by the characteristic’s Description.

196 Operating Guide

4-6. Stock Transfer

Transfer Qtys
On Hand Qty
The current on hand stock quantity for this set of characteristic values
within this location is displayed in this field.
Transfer Qty
You must click the Add button to the right to make this field available for
entry. Enter the quantity to be transferred from the source location at left
to the destination Location field at right that is now visible where the Add
button was located.
NOTE: The Transfer Qty is not allowed to exceed the On Hand Qty.
Transfer Inventory Details
Add Button
Click this button to initiate a transfer for this line. After clicking this button,
it is replaced by a Location field where you specify the destination
location. The Transfer Qty field to the left becomes an entry field where
you enter the quantity to be transferred. If the item has characteristics, the
characteristic values are now visible to the right of the Location field.
Multi-Location Transfer
Whenever a line is opened up for transfer to a destination location,
another Add button becomes visible below the line. If you wish to
transfer a quantity to a second destination location, click the Add
button and another line opens up within which you can enter another
transfer quantity and destination location.
When the Add button is clicked, this field becomes visible. Select the
destination location from the following lookup.

Only allowable locations for this item are listed. If you wish to use a
non-allowed location, clear the Allowed Only checkbox in the lower
panel and the list will be expanded to all locations.

Operating Guide 197

4-6. Stock Transfer

The Receipt and Primary checkboxes identify the item’s default

Receipt Location and Primary Location. The Capacity field shows you
how many units of the item can be stored in the location.
You can view the stock on hand within a location by clicking the
magnifying glass icon in the lower panel, which presents this screen

This inquiry screen enables you to find an open location that is not
currently occupied.
Characteristic Fields
Any characteristic values associated with this line become visible to the
right of the destination Location field, for reference purposes.
Projected Qty
This is the quantity that will be associated with this location and
characteristic set after the transfer is updated.
Delete Button
If you click the Add button and then decide you don’t wish to make the
entry, click this button to delete the line.

198 Operating Guide

4-7. Stock Counts

4-7. Stock Counts

(Inventory – Stock Counts)

Use this screen to enter physical inventory counts (stock takes). Stock counts
are usually done for batches of items, but a batch can be of any size, including a
single item.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Lot & Serial Control Setup
Segment: Stock Counts
“Freezing” your inventory
When you generate a stock count set of items to be counted, you must count
those items immediately. During that time, the stock being counted should be
“frozen”, meaning that it is quarantined from use.
If you are required to perform a complete physical inventory, this is normally
done over a weekend or holiday while the factory is idle.
Cycle Counts
We do not recommend complete physical inventories as a means towards
maintaining accurate stock quantities. Complete physicals involve excessive
numbers of items and are prone to errors.
The better method is “cycle counting” whereby you conduct a program of smaller
counts that are performed in rotation on a steady basis. Cycle counts can be
based on location groups, ranges of locations, item categories, or particular
items. High dollar, high volume items, for example, merit more frequent counting
than low dollar, low volume items.
Stock counts are not the total solution
If your inventory is error-prone, these errors disrupt the planning process and
reduce factory throughput.
Stock counts can help reduce errors, but they are not the total solution. Errors
are a symptom of other problems and no cycle counting program can keep up
with errors that are occurring system-wide.
One source of errors is inaccurate bills of material. The planning process is only
as good as the specifications it is provided with, so strive for 100% accuracy in
your bills of material.
The other source of errors is poor procedures. Enter stock issues and receipts in
real-time, if possible. Consider using dispatch lists where you pick or issue stock
on the screen first and then your record your transactions. Install computer
workstations out in the factory and have work center supervisors make their own

Operating Guide 199

4-7. Stock Counts

List Tab
A stock count consists of a pre-determined list of items to be counted. On the
opening List tab is displayed a list of any stock counts that are in progress.
New Button
To initiate a new stock count, click this button, which launches the Stock
Count Selection screen.
Update Button
After your counts are entered and reviewed, return to the List tab and click
this button. Each item’s stock quantity gets adjusted and you are then
presented with the Updated Stock Count report.
Display Updated Stock Counts
Select this checkbox in the lower panel to display updated stock counts in the
list above.

Stock Count Selection Screen

This screen is launched when you click the New button from the List tab. Use
this screen to generate a set of items to be counted.

200 Operating Guide

4-7. Stock Counts

Stock Count Description

Enter a brief description of your stock count. This description displays in each
counted item’s History inquiry.
Location Group
You can include all or selected location groups in the stock count. Location
groups are sets of allowable locations for similar items.
You can include all or selected locations in the stock count.
Item Category
You can include items within all or selected item categories in the stock count.
Item ID
You can limit your stock count to a range of items. If you want to include all
items, leave these fields blank.
Include Locations with Zero Qty
Locations with zero stock on hand are excluded from the stock count. If for
some reason you want empty locations includes, select this checkbox.
When you have completed your selections, click this button to generate your
stock count item set. You are returned to the list screen where you see your
stock count listed with a Status of ‘New’.

Stock Count Worksheet

Print Button
Once you have generated the stock count set, from the List tab click the Print
button to print the Stock Count Worksheet. Use this worksheet to record the
actual counts. When the Stock Count Worksheet gets printed, the stock
count’s Status changes from ‘New’ to ‘Printed’.

Operating Guide 201

4-7. Stock Counts

Detail Tab – Standard Side-Tab

Stock count entries are made on the Detail tab with the Standard side-tab
A line is opened for each combination of the following:
• Stock Item
• Location
• Lot/Serial Characteristic Set
Item ID
Click on this column heading if you wish to sort the list by item.
This column displays the stock quantity for this location/item/characteristic
Enter the new count for this location/item/characteristic set in this column.
Lot/Serial Count
If the item requires lot/serial control, you cannot enter a count in this
screen. Instead, you must click the +/- Lot/Serial Stock Adjustment
button in the lower panel to increase or decrease stock quantities in
the Stock Adjustments screen.
As you make each entry, any difference between the Stock quantity and the
Count quantity is reflected in this column.

202 Operating Guide

4-7. Stock Counts

Is it necessary to enter counts for all items?

Technically, you only have to enter a Count quantity on items that differ
from the Stock quantity. Only items with a Variance amount will be
adjusted, so any items without a Count will be left unchanged when the
stock count gets updated.
If you only enter counts with variances, be sure to mark them as you go on
the Stock Count Worksheet so that you don’t overlook any entries.
Lower Panel
+/- Lot/Serial Stock Adjustment
Stock counts cannot be entered in this screen for items that require lot and
serial control. Click this button to access the Stock Adjustments screen for
this item.

The screen shows current stock by location and characteristic set. You can
click the Increase or Decrease button to adjust stock quantities as needed to
match the count on the worksheet. You also can click the Chg Lot/Ser button
to alter a characteristic value, if needed.

Operating Guide 203

4-7. Stock Counts

Updating Inventory
Update Button
After your counts are entered and reviewed, return to the List tab and click
this button. Each item’s stock quantity gets adjusted and you are then
presented with the Updated Stock Count report.
NOTE: Today’s date is used as the general ledger transaction date,
regardless of the date the stock count list was created.
Updated Stock Count Report
This report prints automatically and lists each item’s Variance, the Unit
Cost (the item’s current Inventory Cost) and the Loss (or gain) that gets
posted as a debit or credit to your Adjustments – Inventory account.
Backdating to a Prior Period
If you are taking a stock count at the end of a period (or your fiscal year)
and you want the change in value to effect the prior period, be sure and
complete the stock count and update it before the new period begins.
If you happen to update the stock count a few days into the new period
and you want the change in inventory value to be reflected in the prior
period, a journal entry is required.
First, create a new asset account called Stock Count Variance and locate
it adjacent to your Inventory account. Determine the total amount of the
stock count variance and whether your total inventory value increased or
If your total inventory value increased, make two separate journal entries
for the total variance amount:
First, make this journal entry:
Post Date: Last Day of Prior Period
Debit: Stock Count Variance (Asset)
Credit: Adjustments – Inventory (Cost of Sales)
Then make this journal entry:
Post Date: Stock Count Update Date in Current Period
Debit: Adjustments – Inventory (Cost of Sales)
Credit: Stock Count Variance (Asset)
If your total inventory value decreased, make two separate journal entries
for the total variance amount:
First, make this journal entry:
Post Date: Last Day of Prior Period

204 Operating Guide

4-7. Stock Counts

Debit: Adjustments – Inventory (Cost of Sales)

Credit: Stock Count Variance (Asset)
Then make this journal entry:
Post Date: Stock Count Update Date in Current Period
Debit: Stock Count Variance (Asset)
Credit: Adjustments – Inventory (Cost of Sales)

Operating Guide 205

4-8. Change Inventory Cost

4-8. Change Inventory Cost

(Inventory – Change Inventory Cost)

Use this screen to change the unit Inventory Cost of one or more stock items.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Conceptual – Inventory Costing
Segment: Inventory Cost Change

Screen Details

Selection Filters
Use the settings in the upper panel to generate a list of items in the Item List sub-
Item ID
Leave this field blank if you want the list to include all your stock items. If you
want to narrow the list down, each character you enter restricts the list to
items beginning with the characters entered in this field. For example, in the
sample company all the red wagon items begin with ‘1080’. So if you type
‘1080’ in this field and click the Create List button, the list will only include
items beginning with ‘1080’.
This field provides an additional filter. You can leave it blank if you want all
Descriptions within the item list, but if you want to narrow the list to items
containing specific Descriptions, each character you enter restricts the list to
Descriptions beginning with the characters entered in this field.

206 Operating Guide

4-8. Change Inventory Cost

Select All Categories

This checkbox provides an additional filter. If you clear the checkbox, a list of
Item Categories displays below the checkbox. You can select one or more
Item Categories and your list will be restricted just to items within those
Create List Button
Once your entries are completed in the upper panel, click this button to
generate the list in the Item List sub-tab.
Hide Filter Panel Button
Once your list is generated, you can click this button to hide the upper panel
and make more room on the screen for your list. Your filter selections remain
displayed just above the Item List sub-tab. When the upper panel is hidden, a
Show Filter Panel button becomes visible, which you can click it you wish to
make the upper panel visible again.
Item List Sub-Tab
Your list of items is displayed in the grid on this sub-tab. Each item’s current Est
Cost, Last Cost, and Inv Cost are displayed for reference purposes. .
Mass Replace Button
Clicking this button gives you the option of populating the New Cost column
with each item’s Last Cost or Estimated Cost when it differs from its current
Inventory Cost.
New Cost
Enter the item’s new Inventory Cost in this field. You are not obligated to
make an entry on every item in the list – only on those where a cost change is
NOTE: You are not allowed to change the cost if the item currently has a
zero or negative stock quantity.
Clear Button
Click this button if you wish to completely clear the New Cost column.
Update Button
When your entries are completed, click this button and the new cost will take
This cost change is accomplished by a set of inventory transactions made
in the background. All stock is deducted from all locations at the current
Inventory Cost and is then added back in at the new Inventory Cost.
The posting date is the current system date and the default Reference
assigned to the inventory transaction is ‘Change Inventory Cost’.

Operating Guide 207

4-9. Reconcile Book Values

4-9. Reconcile Book Values

(Inventory – Reconcile Book Values)

Use this screen to reconcile Book Value with “actual value” on all items where
there is a discrepancy between the two values.
What is Book Value?
Book Value is the sum of all General Ledger debit and credit transactions made
against a stock item.
What is “actual value?”
“Actual value” is each item’s stock quantity multiplied by its current Inventory
What causes a discrepancy between the two values?
Minor discrepancies can occur when inventory transactions involving multiple
decimal places are rounded up or down when posted to the general ledger,
which stores monetary amounts in two decimal places.
Prior to July 2009, an item’s stock quantity was allowed to go negative when
issues and receipts were entered out of sequence. When stock was received at
a new cost while stock was negative, the stock receipt cost, which is a calculated
average, could differ from the receipt cost that was posted to the general ledger.
As of build 388 the system no longer allows stock to go negative, which
eliminates negative stock as a source of cost discrepancies.
What does this screen do?
This screen compares each item’s Book Value with its actual value. When a
discrepancy between the two values is found, the Book Value is adjusted so that
it is made equal to the actual value.
How often should this be run?
We recommend that you Reconcile Book Values as a routine procedure at each
period end.

208 Operating Guide

4-9. Reconcile Book Values

Screen Details

When the screen launches, it automatically goes through all your stock items and
lists any item that has a discrepancy between its Units * Cost and Book Value.
The Reconcile checkbox is automatically selected against each item. When you
click the Reconcile button, Book Value is adjusted for all items that have this
checkbox selected.
Ledger Posting
If Book Value is too high against an item, this transaction is made to the General
Debit Adjustments – Inventory
Credit Inventory
If Book Value is too low against an item, this transaction is made to the General
Debit Inventory
Credit Adjustments – Inventory

Operating Guide 209

4-10. Inventory Data Views

4-10. Inventory Data Views

(Inventory – Data Views)

The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to
filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and
reports. It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins”
and other complicated programming procedures.
Inventory Data Views
Two data views are provided on the Inventory menu:
Stock On Hand
This data view focuses on stock quantities, inventory costs, and locations:
Standard layouts include:
• All Fields
• Qty by Location
• Item by Location
• Qty by Item Category
Stock Item List
This data view focuses on item settings, such as item categories, default
suppliers, and MRP settings. Standard layouts include:
• All Fields
• Basic Item List by Item Category
• Basic Item Listing
• Items by Default Supplier
• Reorder Levels

Selection Screen

210 Operating Guide

4-10. Inventory Data Views

When you click on a data view menu option, you are first presented with a
selection screen that is similar to the selection screen used with reports. Use this
screen to filter and limit your data view.
View Button
Once your selections are completed, click the View button to advance to the
Select Layout screen.

Select Layout Screen

Next, you are presented with the Select Layout screen. Each layout is a
configuration of selected fields that are grouped and sorted to present a
particular data view. In a sense, each layout is a custom report.
Layout Type
Layouts with a Type of ‘System’ are standard layouts supplied with the system.
‘System’ layouts cannot be changed, but they can be modified and saved to
another layout name. Any layouts saved to a new name are identified as ‘User’
Default Layout
One layout is designated as the ‘Default’ layout, which is your most commonly
used data view. Assigning the default layout is done on the Layout List screen
(see further below). The default layout is always selected at the top of the list
when the Select Layout screen is presented.
Load Button
Click the Load button to generate the data view. Be aware that some data views
may take several minutes to generate, depending on the size of the data set and
the number of data fields involved. This is because each column in the data view
is individually indexed to enable column sorting.

Operating Guide 211

4-10. Inventory Data Views

Quick Load Button

If you click the Quick Load option, the columns are not indexed, which
significantly reduces data view generation time. So if you are generating a large
data set and you don’t need column sorting, use the Quick Load option.

Data View Screen

The data set and layout you selected is displayed in the Data View screen, which
is a grid that displays all the available fields and associated records.
Column Sorting
You can re-sort the data view by clicking on any of the column headings, which
will then sort the entire list by that column. Click the heading a second time and
the sort order will change from ascending to descending order or vice-versa.
You can create list groupings by dragging a column heading into the header
panel above the column headings. For example, if you drag the Category
column heading into the header panel, the lines are then grouped by item
category. You can even have a group within a group. For example, you could
drag the M or P column heading into the header panel, which would form ‘M’ and
‘P’ sub-groups within each item category.
+ - Buttons
These two buttons become visible at the top of the screen when you use the
grouping feature. Initially the groups are displayed in “collapsed” mode
without data rows being visible. Click the ‘+’ button to “expand” the view so
that the data rows become visible. Click the ‘-‘ button to collapse the view.
Column Footer Total
You can create a total amount at the footer of any column by right clicking on the
lower panel directly below the column. The following options are available:

212 Operating Guide

4-10. Inventory Data Views

This option is available on numeric columns only. It provides a grand total
of all the column values.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the lowest value
within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the highest value
within the column.
This gives you a count of the number of records within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. This gives you a mean
average of the values within the column.
Customize Button

The data view can be limited to just the columns you want by dragging unwanted
column headings off the screen. This is done using the Customize button, which
presents a box in the lower right corner of the screen. To remove a column, drag
its column heading and drop it into the box. Continue removing fields one by one
until you are left with the columns you want.
NOTE: Most data view layouts are supplied with optional column headings
already dragged into the Customize box. If you wish to use any of these
columns, drag the column heading out of the box and drop it onto the
column heading row in the desired position.
Output Button
Once the data on the screen are to your satisfaction, click the Output button to
transfer the data view into one of the following formats.
• Output to Excel
• Output to HTML
• Output to Text
• Output to Printer

Operating Guide 213

4-10. Inventory Data Views

Output to Excel, HTML, Text

When you select any of these options, you are prompted to save the file to a
name and location.
Output to Printer
When you select this option, a print preview screen is displayed. You can
click File – Page Setup to select various options that will change the report
appearance. When the format is to your satisfaction, click the Print button.
Layout List Button

Click this button to display the Layout List screen, which provides a listing of
available layouts.
Load Button
Click this button to generate a new data view for the selected layout.
Set as Default Button
Click this button to designate the selected layout as the ‘Default’ layout. The
default layout is always selected at the top of the list whenever the layout list
is presented.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected layout from the list.
NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘System’ type layout.

214 Operating Guide

4-10. Inventory Data Views

Save Layout Button

After customizing your data view, you can click this button to update an existing
layout or to save your changes to a new layout. Two options are presented:
Update Existing Layout
Select this option and click the Save button to save your customization
changes to the existing layout.
NOTE: This option is not available for ‘System’ layout types. To
customize a ‘System’ layout, you must save your changes to a new
layout name.
Create New Layout
Select this option to save your customization changes to a new layout name.
Enter the name in the Layout Name field and click the Save button.

Operating Guide 215

4-1. Inventory Reports

4-11. Inventory Reports

4-11A. Inventory Value

(Inventory – Reports – Inventory Value)

Use this report to get any type of listing of inventory value, which can be overall
inventory value or value by item category, location or other breakdowns.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–Conceptual – Inventory Costing
Segment: Inventory Value
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Inventory and WIP Accounts
How is Inventory valued in DBA?
Each item’s inventory value is its on hand stock quantity multiplied by its current
unit Inventory Cost. Total inventory value is the sum of the inventory value of all
stock items.
This is a period end reconciliation report
At the end of each period, this report is run to reconcile your Inventory GL
account with the actual inventory value listed on this report.
Always run Reconcile Book Values first
Before you run this report for period end reconciliation, always run the Inventory
– Reconcile Book Values screen first, which makes adjustments to your
Inventory GL account to account for minor discrepancies that can occur between
actual value and Book Value when an item’s stock quantity goes negative.

Selection Screen
Date Options
Value as of a date
You have the option of back-dating this report if you wish to see Inventory
Value as of a past date. The As of date defaults to today’s date.
NOTE: If you select any date earlier than today’s date, be aware that
the Est Cost and Inv Cost columns are not included in the report. This
is because past values for these fields are not stored anywhere and
cannot reliably be re-created.

216 Operating Guide

4-11. Inventory Reports

Change in value between 2 dates

You also have the option of listing the change in Inventory Value between two
dates. When you select this option, From and Thru date fields are visible
below for your data range selection.
NOTE: When you select this option, be aware that the Est Cost and Inv
Cost columns are not included in the report. This is because past
values for these fields are not stored anywhere and cannot reliably be
Sorting Options
You can sort the lines on the report one of three ways:
Sort by item ID
Select this option if you want to sort the port as a contiguous list in Item ID
Sort by description
Select this option if you want to sort the port as a contiguous list in item
Description order.
Sort/subtotal by category
This option organizes the report into separate headings and subtotals by Item
Print category subtotals only
Select this checkbox if you want a single Inventory Value within each Item
Category with no item detail.
Other Options
Include items with 0 value / 0 UOH
Select this checkbox if you want all item listed on the report, even when there
is no value or stock quantity.
Print transaction detail
Only select this option when you are listing a change in value between two
dates. Following each item is a listing of all the inventory transactions that
occurred within the date range. This can be useful when you are trying to
track down the cause of a suspicious looking value.
Item ID
You can limit the report to one item, a from/thru range of items, or all items.
Item category
You can include items belonging to all Item Categories or you can select the
Some option to limit the report to items belongings to one or more specific Item

Operating Guide 217

4-1. Inventory Reports

Item Status
Select All if you want ‘Active’ and ‘Non-Active’ Status items listed on the report.
Select Some if you wish to include or exclude a Status.
Item Source
Select All if you want ‘Manufactured’ and ‘Purchased’ items listed on the report.
Select Some if you wish to include or exclude one of these sources.

Book Value
Book Value represents the sum of the Inventory account debit and credit
entries made to the General Ledger.
Period End Reconciliation
At each period end you should compare total book value with the balance
sheet value of your Inventory account. If there is a discrepancy between
the two values, you should make the following journal entry.
If the report value is greater than the ledger value, post the difference to
these accounts:
Debit Inventory
Credit Adjustments – Inventory
If the report value is less than the ledger value, post the difference to
these accounts:
Debit Adjustments – Inventory
Credit Inventory

218 Operating Guide

4-11. Inventory Reports

4-11B. Inventory Transactions

(Inventory – Reports – Inventory Transactions)

Use this report to get a listing of inventory transactions for an item, including the
Date, Location, transaction Type, Qty, and Cost.
You can limit the report to one or a range of Item ID’s or Item Categories, a date
range, and selected Transaction Types.
Transactions Inquiry
The same information on this report can be viewed by clicking the History button
on the Stock Items screen or the Transactions tab on the Stock Adjustments

4-11C. Trxns – Item/Characteristic

(Inventory – Reports – Trxns – Item/Characteristic)
Use this report to trace the history of which tracking characteristics were
associated with a particular item.
You can filter the report by a date range, by selected Characteristics, by
Transaction Type, and by Item ID.

4-11D. Trxns – Characteristic/Item

(Inventory – Reports – Trxns – Characteristic/Item)

Use this report to trace the history of which items were associated with a
particular tracking characteristic.
You can filter the report by a date range, by selected Characteristics, by
Transaction Type, and by Item ID.

4-11E. Trxns – Serial Number

(Inventory – Reports – Trxns – Serial Number)
Use this report to trace the history of which serial numbers were associated with
a particular item.
You can filter the report by a date range, by Transaction Type, and by Item ID.

Operating Guide 219

4-1. Inventory Reports

4-11F. Stock Item Labels

(Inventory – Reports – Stock Item Labels)

Use this screen to print item labels as needed for product identification or
packaging purposes.

Selection Screen

Upper Panel
Report Form
Use the lookup in this field to select a label format. The default label format
designated in the Forms Edit – Stock Item Label screen is selected by default.
Select Item
Item ID
Select a stock item from the lookup in this field.;
Select Stock
The item’s stock on hand is displayed, listed by location and characteristic set.
Select the stock that you wish to label.
Select Characteristics to Print
The tracking characteristics assigned to this item are listed in this panel and are
selected by default for printing. If you don’t want a characteristic to be printed,
clear its checkbox.
Additional Information
If this label format requires any ‘Additional Info’ text fields, they are listed in this

220 Operating Guide

4-11. Inventory Reports

If this checkbox is selected, the user is required to enter a Value.
This is the user-defined field label that identifies the Value at right.
Enter freeform text in this field.
Print Button
Click this button to begin printing. You are first presented with this print preview

Click the printer icon in the upper left corner to begin printing. You are presented
with the standard Windows Print screen, as follows:

Operating Guide 221

4-1. Inventory Reports

The printer Name defaults to the printer designated in the page setup against this
label format. Select an alternate printer, if applicable. For multiple copies, enter
a value in the Number of copies field.

222 Operating Guide

5. BOM (Bills of Material)

5. BOM (Bills of Material)

On the BOM menu you will find all applications related to the entry and
maintenance of your bills of material and routings.

• BOM Defaults
• Machines
• Sequence Templates
• Task Templates
• Revision Names
Main Menu
• Work Centers
• Bills of Material
• Estimated Purchase Costs
• Cost Rollup
• Where Used Inquiry
• Multi-Level BOM
• Costed BOM

Operating Guide 223

5. BOM (Bills of Material)

What are bills of material?
“Bills of material” (BOMs) are used to define the manufacturing specifications for
your products or those you make on behalf of others. These specifications
include “outputs”, a “routing”, and “components.”
What is an “output?”
An “output” refers to a finished item produced from a BOM. Most BOMs are only
defined with one output, which is the BOM “parent”, but you can also define
“secondary” outputs for bi-products and co-products. Secondary outputs are
used by batch process manufacturers, remanufacturers, and disassemblers.
What is the “routing?”
The BOM’s “routing” can be thought of as a “bill of labor.” In the routing you
define the setup, labor, and subcontract service sequences that comprise the
manufacturing process.
What are the “components?”
The “components” are the subassemblies, parts, and materials that comprise the
physical product.
How are BOMs used?
BOMs are used by the MRP screen to generate jobs for manufactured items in
response to customer orders and your desired stocking levels. MRP uses each
item’s BOM specifications to create the job’s routing and BOM.
So jobs also have BOMs?
Yes, job’s have their own BOM. The parent item’s BOM is copied to the job and
its component usage quantities are multiplied by the job’s make quantity. Once
the job’s BOM has been created, it can be modified for any special requirements.
How are BOMs costed?
The Cost Rollup screen calculates a total estimated cost for the BOM parent.
Each purchased component has an estimated cost from inventory. Each work
center is given hourly rates for setup, labor, and overhead which get applied to
each routing sequence. Estimated costs for subcontract services are maintained
in routing sequences. The Cost Rollup calculates all these costs up through all
the subassemblies in the product structure to arrive at the total estimated cost for
the BOM parent.
If the BOM includes secondary outputs, a portion of the parent item’s cost is
allocated to each output on a percentage basis.

224 Operating Guide

5. BOM (Bills of Material)

What is the BOM estimated cost used for?

BOM estimated costs are helpful for product pricing decisions. You also benefit
by continuous monitoring of work center hourly rates, which keeps you in touch
with your labor and overhead costs.
Is the BOM estimated cost compared to actual job cost?
Not directly. When the job gets created from the parent item’s BOM, the program
calculates an estimated job cost. If you modify the job’s BOM specifications, the
estimated job cost gets changed accordingly. It is the estimated job cost that
gets compared to actual job cost.
Is a BOM required to create a job?
No it is not. You can create jobs for “custom outputs”, which are one-off items for
which there is no BOM going into the job. Once the job is created for the custom
output, you can define all the routing and component specifications in the job
itself without reference to any outside BOM. Custom outputs are used for
custom manufacturing, project jobs, and repair jobs.
What about products with revisions?
DBA offers multiple “revisions”, which are alternate BOM specifications for the
same parent item. Revisions are used for two purposes:
• The most common purpose is to maintain a progressive history of product
engineering changes. Each time a product’s manufacturing specifications are
changed, the product is given a new revision number.
• Batch process manufacturers (food, chemicals, plastics, etc.) use revisions to
define manufacturing specifications for each batch size of a product.
In either case, one revision is designated as the Default Revision, which is
considered to be the item’s active revision and is the one used by MRP to
generate planned jobs and by the Cost Rollup for estimated cost calculations.
How are subassemblies handled?
A “subassembly” is a standard BOM that happens to be a component in one or
more higher-level BOMs. Each subassembly is defined with its own separate
BOM and is made on its own job and gets issued other jobs that require it. DBA
also offers “phantom assemblies”, which are sets of components that get pulled
into the parent BOM at time of job creation.
NOTE: Phantom assemblies are never stocked, sold, or manufactured on
their own jobs.

Operating Guide 225

5-1A. BOM Defaults

5-1. BOM Setup

5-1A. BOM Defaults

(BOM – BOM Setup – BOM Defaults)

Carefully consider the following options and make the appropriate settings before
actually entering any BOMs.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–Setup – BOM Defaults

BOM Options
To activate any of the following BOM options, select the corresponding
Selecting this option exposes the Revisions tab in the Bills of Material screen.
Revisions enable you to define multiple sets of manufacturing
specifications against a single BOM parent.
NOTE: Revisions are limited in the sense that you cannot maintain
a Base Price against each revision, nor does the Cost Rollup
maintain estimated costs for any revision other than the item’s
default revision. If you need these capabilities, use unique item
ID’s and separate bills of material instead of revisions.
Only select this checkbox if either of these two purposes applies to
your company:
Engineering History
You use revisions to maintain a progressive history of product
engineering changes. Each time a product’s manufacturing

226 Operating Guide

5-1A. BOM Defaults

specifications are changed, the product is given a new revision

Batch Processing
You are a batch process manufacturer (food, chemicals, plastics,
etc.). You use revisions to define manufacturing specifications for
each batch size of your products.
Default Revision Name
This field is only visible when the Revisions checkbox is selected. This is
the Revision Name that is assigned by default to each new BOM that gets
If you want to use a name other than the ‘DEFAULT’ name supplied
with the system, go to the BOM – BOM Setup – Revision Names
screen, create the desired Revision Name, then return to this screen
and select that name in this field.
Routings enable you to define your manufacturing processes in sequential
operations assigned to work centers. Activate Routings if you plan on doing
any labor tracking. Routings are covered in detail in the next chapter.
Outputs refer to the finished products that result from the manufacturing
process. You have the option of defining multiple Outputs, which enables the
production of bi-products or co-products from a single BOM and job.
If all your products consist of a single Output, do not select the Outputs
checkbox. If some of your products have multiple outputs, select the Outputs
Any number of References can be assigned to a BOM component,
accompanied by a Qty. References optionally print on the job traveler and
are used to represent drawing number references or component locations on
products such as circuit boards. If you clear this checkbox, the References
sub-tab in the lower portion of the bill of material Components screen will not
be visible.
Batch Size
Only select this checkbox if you are a batch process manufacturer (food,
chemicals, plastics, etc.) where you define different batch sizes within your
Revisions. This setting exposes the Batch Size field within each Revision.
You then define the materials required to make each particular batch size.
Phantom Option
Display Phantom parents in job details
We recommend that you select this option.

Operating Guide 227

5-1A. BOM Defaults

Component Options
Selection of checkboxes in this section activate corresponding fields in the
Components tab of the Bills of Material screen.
Fixed or Variable
Select this checkbox if you want the ability to designate the Usage Qty of a
component to be a fixed amount, regardless of how many items are being
made or how large the batch size is.
Scrap %
Select this checkbox if you want the ability to define a scrap percentage that
will proportionally increase the quantity required of the component at time of
job creation.
From / Thru Dates
Select this checkbox if you want the ability to define effective date ranges for
BOM components.
Select this checkbox if you want the ability to assign components to the
routing sequences within which they are used.
Line Item Brackets
‘Line item brackets’ are freeform line items that are inserted into the job Details
screen to mark the beginning and end of a phantom assembly. Otherwise, the
phantom components would blend in with other components and would not easily
be recognized as being a group of items.
In the Phantom – Start fields, enter the Reference ID and Description that will
comprise the freeform line that is inserted prior to your phantom components.
In the Phantom – End fields, enter the Reference ID and Description that will
comprise the freeform line that is inserted after your phantom components.

228 Operating Guide

5-1B. Machines

5-1B. Machines
(BOM – BOM Setup – Machines)

Machines are set up and assigned to Work Centers and are used to schedule
routing sequences to occur on specific Machines. The use of machines is

Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Work Centers & Machines
Segment: Machines

Do not create when the Work Center has one Machine

If the Work Center consists of one Machine, it is not necessary to create a
Machine because the Work Center and Machine are one and the same.
Create Machines when the Work Center has a set of Machines
If the Work Center consists of a set of interchangeable Machines, we
recommend that you create Machines so that routing sequences can be
assigned to the appropriate Machine at time of production.
A Work Center should not have different Machines
Do not create a Work Center that consists of different Machines. Split the Work
Center into separate Work Centers for each type of Machine. A Work Center
should only consist of interchangeable Machines.

Field Explanations
Machine ID
You can assign an up to 20-character code that identifies this Machine.
Enter an up to 50-character Description that accompanies the Machine ID on

Operating Guide 229

5-1B. Machines

Work Center
Assign this Machine to the Work Center where it is located.
You can enter unlimited Notes against this Machine.

230 Operating Guide

5-1C. Sequence Templates

5-1C. Sequence Templates

(BOM – BOM Setup – Sequence Templates)

“Sequence templates” are used to create a library of standard routing sequence

specifications that can be used to originate bills of material and job routing

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Routings Entry

Grid Fields
Template ID
Click the New button to create a new sequence template record, each of
which is identified by a 7-character template ID. We recommend that you
identify each template with a number rather than an alpha code.
Group Numbering
We recommend that you number your templates in related groups so that
similar processes are listed together in lookups for easy selection. For
example, all your shearing processes could be in the ‘1000’ series, all your
forming processes in the ‘2000’ series, all your assembly processes in the
‘3000’ series, and so forth.
Enter an up to 50-character description for this process, which will print on the
job traveler.
NOTE: On subcontract sequences, this description is also carried
forward to the PO that is generated and sent to your service supplier.
Work Center (Required)
Select a work center from the lookup. It can be an inside work center or an
outside work center for subcontract services such as plating, painting, and

Operating Guide 231

5-1C. Sequence Templates

Only assign a machine when this process must be run on a particular
machine. If the work center contains interchangeable machines, leave this
field blank.
Center Panel – Cycle Times
If the sequence template selected above is assigned to an inside work center,
the following set of fields displays, all related to this template’s “cycle times”
(production rates).
Setup Hours
Enter the total setup time for this sequence template, expressed in decimal
hours. For example, 30 minutes would be entered as ‘.5’.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Setup Hours value, which can be overridden.
Time / Process
Cycle time is expressed in terms of “processes.” A process can be an
assembly operation, a hit from a punch press, a mold cycle, etc. A process
can produce a single part or several parts at a time. Enter the time (hours,
minutes, seconds) required for this process.
NOTE1: As an alternative to making a time entry, you can enter the
Processes / Hr (see next), which automatically calculates the Time /
NOTE2: The maximum number of hours you can enter in this field is
24 hours. If you have a cycle time longer than 24 hours, leave this
field blank and use the Processes / Hr field instead. In that field, enter
time based on this formula: 1 / # Hours. A cycle time of 40 hours,
therefore, would be given a Processes / Hr value of ‘.025’. (When you
do this, the Time / Process field receives a nonsensical value, which
you can safely ignore).
NOTE3: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Time / Process value, which can be overridden.
Processes / Hr
As an alternative to entering a Time / Process, you can express the cycle time
in terms of Processes / Hr. The entry of either field automatically updates the
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Processes / Hr value, which can be overridden.
Items / Process
If each process yields one unit of this item, leave this field at the default
setting of ‘1’. If each process yields a set of items (such as with a multi-cavity
mold), enter the number of items in this field. The Time / Process is divided

232 Operating Guide

5-1C. Sequence Templates

by the Items / Process to determine the time required to make one unit of this
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Items
/ Process value, which can be overridden.
# Persons
For costing purposes only, enter the number of persons required to perform
this process. The program assigns a default value of ‘1’. This setting handles
these two cost scenarios:
Some processes require a fixed “team” size. An automatic assembly
table, for example, may require a team of three operators, in which case
you would enter a ‘3’ in this field. The work center’s hourly labor cost gets
multiplied by the number of team members.
NOTE: Do not use a fixed “team” with non-machine, assembly type
work centers where you can temporarily assign multiple workers to
a given job. In a packaging department, for example, where jobs
are normally packaged by one person, for an unusually large job
you could assign four workers to do packaging. In this case you
have temporarily expanded the work center’s capacity (Job Hours /
Day setting), but the packaging process itself is still the same and
the # Persons should remain set to ‘1’.
Multiple Jobs
Sometimes one worker runs several jobs simultaneously. A molding
machine operator, for example, may run four presses and four different
jobs at the same time. In this case you would enter ‘.25’ in this field. The
work center’s hourly labor cost gets multiplied by this amount and is
therefore shared among all four jobs.
NOTE: When multiple job sequences are performed by a single
worker, we recommend that the labor Trxn Type (see below) for
each such sequence be set to the ‘Backflush’ option.
Days to Next
This represents the number of workdays between the completion of this
sequence and the start of the next sequence. This setting is used with cycle
times for three purposes:
Move Time
There may be a predictable move time involved in getting these parts from
this work center to the next.
Forced wait time
Sometimes an item must wait before it can move on to the next process.
A painted part might require drying time, for example.

Operating Guide 233

5-1C. Sequence Templates

This can also be a negative number for situations where items produced
on one routing sequence can be started in the next sequence without
having to wait for the entire run to be completed before doing so. In
scheduling terminology this is referred to as “overlap.”
Trxn Type
This field is only visible when the Transaction Type option is set to ‘Both’ in
the Job Labor Defaults screen. Two options are available from the drop-down
If you intend to track completions only and not actual hours against this
work center, select this option.
NOTE: It is not practical or even possible to collect actual labor
hours against some processes. When one operator runs several
machines and jobs at the same time, for example, it is not practical
to collect and allocate the labor to each job. In such cases, select
the ‘Backflush’ option.
If you intend to collect actual setup and labor hours against this work
center, select this option.
Traveler Notes
You can enter unlimited freeform notes to describe the process to be
performed. These notes print on the job traveler and provide instructions to
your shop personnel.
Center Panel – Subcontract Services
If the sequence template selected above is assigned to an outside work center
designated as a Subcontract type, the following fields are displayed in the center

This is the supplier that performs the subcontract service.

234 Operating Guide

5-1C. Sequence Templates

NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default

Supp Price
This is the price charged by the supplier for the subcontract service.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Cost
Supp UM
This is the supplier’s unit of measure, which may differ from your unit of
measure. For example, a heat-treater might charge you by the pound or kilo
for pricing purposes, but that price is translated in the BOM routing sequence
(using the Multiplier) into the Est Cost, which conforms to the BOM Parent’s
unit of measure.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default UM.
If the Supp Price and the BOM routing sequence’s Est Cost have different
units of measure, the Multiplier is used to translate the Supp Price into an Est
Cost, using this formula:
Supp Price * Multiplier = Est Cost
NOTE: This field is given a value of ‘1’ by default.
Calculating the Multiplier
To calculate the Multiplier value, use this formula:
Supplier Qty / Your Qty = Multiplier
For example, let’s say the BOM parent weighs 10 pounds and the supplier
prices the subcontract service by the pound. Using our formula, the
Multiplier would be ‘10’, as follows:
10 lbs / 1 BOM Parent = 10
Days to Next
This is the number of days it takes to get the parts sent out, completed, and
received back from the supplier.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Days
to Next value, which can be overridden
Traveler Notes
The notes entered here print on the job traveler. These notes are for shop
personnel and are not passed over to the PO that ultimately gets generated
for this subcontract service.
PO Notes
The notes entered here get passed into the PO that ultimately gets generated
for this subcontract service. These notes do not print on the job traveler.

Operating Guide 235

5-1D. Task Templates

5-1D. Task Templates

(BOM – BOM Setup – Task Templates)

“Task templates” are used to create a library of standard routing task

specifications that can be copied as needed into bill of material and job routing
sequences. .
Tasks can be used to break a routing sequence down into specific steps. All this
information prints on the job traveler.
NOTE: Tasks are for documentation purposes only (such as inspection
procedures) and have no effect on costing or scheduling.

Field Explanations
Template ID
Click the New button to create a new task template record, each of which is
identified by an 8-character template ID. We recommend that you identify
each template with a number rather than an alpha code.
Group Numbering
We recommend that you number your templates in related groups so that
similar tasks are listed together in lookups for easy selection. For
example, all your inspection tasks could be in the ‘1000’ series, all your
material handling tasks in the ‘2000’ series, all your documentation tasks
in the ‘3000’ series, and so forth.
Enter an up to 50-character description of this task.
Task Notes
Enter freeform notes to further describe this task.

236 Operating Guide

5-1D. Revision Names

5-1E. Revision Names

(BOM – BOM Setup – Revision Names)

Use this screen to create a table of pre-defined Revision Names that will be used
in the Bills of Material screen to label your Revisions.

Field Explanations
Revision Name
You can enter an up to 20-character Revision Name.
NOTE: The system is supplied with a ‘DEFAULT’ Revision Name, which
is used as the Default Revision Name in the BOM Defaults screen. If
you wish to use a different default name, create it in this screen, then go
to BOM Defaults and select it as the Default Revision Name.
• Typical Revision Names would be ‘Revision 1’, ‘Revision 2’, ‘Revision A’,
Revision B’, etc.
• If you are using Revision Names for batch sizes, use names that best
describe each batch size.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Revision Name on

Operating Guide 237

5-2. Work Centers

5-2. Work Centers

(BOM – BOM Setup – Work Centers)

Work Centers organize the factory into specific work areas. You can also define
“subcontract” Work Centers to represent outside processing services such as
plating, painting, and heat-treating.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Work Centers & Machines
How are Work Centers used?
Work Centers are used for the following purposes:
Sequence Assignments
Each routing Sequence is assigned to a Work Center and optionally to a
Machine within that Work Center.
Each Work Center stores hourly costing rates for setup, labor, and overhead.
These rates are used by the Cost Rollup to calculate the Estimated Cost of
manufactured items and are also used to calculate estimated and actual job
Job Traveler
The Job Traveler is organized by sequential routing Sequences / Work
Centers and provides your workers with manufacturing specifications.
Job Scheduling
In the Work Center Scheduling screen you can enter Work Center capacity
settings that MRP uses to schedule suggested jobs.
Machine Scheduling
You can optionally create Machines (see next section) and assign them to
Work Centers. When the Work Center consists of a set of interchangeable
Machines, using Machines enables routing Sequences to be assigned to the
appropriate Machine at time of production.
Work Center Scheduling
On a daily basis you can schedule jobs and machines and produce a Daily
Dispatch List that gets sent out to the shop floor to advise which jobs are to
be run next.

238 Operating Guide

5-2. Work Centers

Detail Tab

Header Section
Work Center ID
Enter an up to 12-character code that identifies the Work Center on screens,
lookups, and reports.
Enter an up to 50-character description to accompany the Work Center ID.
It this is an outside Work Center used to represent subcontract services such
as painting, plating, and heat-treating, select this checkbox, which changes
some of the entry fields in the screens below.
Hourly Costing Rates
The Hourly Costing Rates panel will not be visible when the Subcontract
checkbox is selected in the header panel. On this panel you enter the costing
rates that are applied to your routing sequences for job costing and the Cost
Rollup calculations.
This hourly rate will be applied to the (Time / Process x Items / Process)
values within each routing sequence to determine the routing sequence’s
Labor cost.
This hourly rate will be applied to the Setup Hours value within each routing
sequence to determine the sequence’s Setup cost.
Fixed Overhead
This hourly rate will be applied to your labor and setup hours [(Time / Process
x Items / Process) + Setup Hours] within each routing sequence to determine
the routing sequence’s Fixed Overhead cost.

Operating Guide 239

5-2. Work Centers

How is this rate determined?

We recommend that you use a single Fixed Overhead rate across all your
Work Centers, based on this formula:
Last 3-Mos Factory Overhead Cost / Last 3-Mos Direct Labor Hours
Factory Overhead Cost can be derived from the Income Statement. This
is the Factory Overhead account group total after backing out the
Absorbed Labor account.
Direct Labor Hours can be derived from the Routing Trxns section of the
Job Transactions report. Use total of all setup and labor hours reported.
NOTE: When you are first starting the system, you may not have
this data available, so make your best guess at a rate and adjust it
each month as data accumulate.
Variable Overhead
This hourly rate will be applied to your labor and setup hours [(Time / Process
x Items / Process) + Setup Hours] within each routing sequence to determine
the sequence’s Variable Overhead cost.
NOTE: We suggest you leave this field blank unless you have a
specific cost accounting purpose for using it.
Production Rate Defaults
The Production Rate Defaults panel will not be visible when the Subcontract
checkbox is selected in the header panel. On this sub-tab you define default
production rates for setup and labor that are used when entering new routing
sequences in bills of material and jobs. These default values can then be
accepted or overridden.
NOTE: These fields are optional. If there is no consistency in labor and
setup within the routing sequences assigned to this Work Center, it is not
necessary to enter values in these fields.
Enter the typical Setup time required to set up a routing sequence within this
Work Center. Enter the time in decimal hours. For example, 45 minutes is
entered as ‘.75’.
Time / Process
Production is expressed in terms of ‘processes’. A process can be an
assembly operation, a hit from a punch press, a mold cycle, etc. A process
can produce a single part or many parts at a time. The Time / Process is
expressed in decimal hours. This field automatically calculates the Processes
/ Hour field and vice-versa.
NOTE: The maximum number of hours you can enter in this field is 24
hours. If you have a cycle time longer than 24 hours, leave this field
blank and use the Processes / Hr field instead. In that field, enter time

240 Operating Guide

5-2. Work Centers

based on this formula: 1 / # Hours. A cycle time of 40 hours, therefore,

would be given a Processes / Hr value of ‘.025’. (When you do this,
the Time / Process field receives a nonsensical value, which you can
safely ignore).
Processes / Hour
A ‘process’ is each event or cycle within a production process, such as an
assembly operation, a hit on a punch press, a shot from a mold, etc. If you
express your production rates in this manner, you can enter the number of
processes per hour in this field. As an alternative, you can enter the Time /
Process (see previous), which will automatically calculate the Processes /
Hour for you.
Items / Process
For a most operations, one part is produced per process, which is why the
default for this field is set to ‘1’. With molds and certain tools, however, multiple
parts can be produced per process. If so, enter the number of parts per process
in this field.
Capacity / Scheduling Panel
The Capacity / Scheduling panel will not be visible when the Subcontract
checkbox is selected in the header panel. These settings are used by MRP for
scheduling planned jobs.
NOTE: These fields are not needed until you actually begin scheduling
new jobs, at which time they can be also be updated through the MRP –
Work Center Scheduling screen.
Total Hours / Day
This is the total number of hours available within the Work Center, including
all machines or all workers. For example, if you have three machines, each
operating 10 hours a day, the total hours capacity per day for the work center
is ‘30’.
Job Hours / Day
This is the maximum number of hours that can be allocated to any given job
per day. In the example given directly above, even though the Work Center
has a total capacity of 30 hours, it is unlikely that a single job will be run on all
three machines. In most cases, only one machine can be devoted to one job,
in which case the maximum job hours per day in our example would be ‘10’.
For job scheduling purposes, estimated setup and labor hours for each
routing sequence assigned to this Work Center are divided by the Job Hours /
Day to translate hours into job days as part of the overall Job Days calculation
for the manufactured item.
Queue Days
Leave this setting blank. It has no function at this time.

Operating Guide 241

5-2. Work Centers

Buffer Days
This setting enables you to add in a safety buffer to the job schedule to
account for the unforeseen delays common to manufacturing environments –
such as machinery repairs, worker or material unavailability, unexpected
rework, etc. The Buffer Days specified here will be added to the calculated
Job Days for each routing sequence assigned to this Work Center.
Subcontract Defaults Panel
The Subcontract Defaults panel is only visible when the Subcontract checkbox is
selected in the header panel.

This serves as the default Supplier when entering a new routing sequence in
the Bills of Material screen, which can be overridden at the BOM level.
This serves as the default Est Cost and Supp Price when entering a new
routing sequence in the Bills of Material screen, which can be overridden at
the BOM level.
This serves as the default Supp UM when entering a new routing sequence in
the Bills of Material screen, which can be overridden at the BOM level.
Days to Next
This serves as the default Days to Next value when entering a new routing
sequence in the Bills of Material screen, which can be overridden at the BOM
level. For subcontract services, the Days to Next represents the number of
lead-time days it takes to get the parts sent out, completed, and received from
the supplier.

242 Operating Guide

5-2. Work Centers

Machines Tab

When you click the Machines tab, you will see a listing of machines assigned to
this Work Center, for reference purposes only. See the next section for
information on setting up Machines.

Operating Guide 243

5-3. Bills of Material

5-3. Bills of Material

(BOM – Bills of Material ... or BOM Icon)

Use this screen to enter manufacturing specifications for your finished items and

List Tab
On this tab are listed all your active bills of material (BOMs).

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – New BOM Entry

Field Explanations
Parent Item ID
This is the BOM “parent” item, which is its “primary output.” Click the New
button to add a parent item to the list.
NOTE1: Only ‘M’ (manufactured) items can have a BOM.
NOTE2: An item defined in any BOM as a “secondary output” (see the
Outputs tab) cannot have a BOM of its own.
This field displays the parent item’s Description, which is maintained in the
Stock Items screen.
This field displays the parent item’s UM, which is maintained in the Stock
Items screen.

244 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Default Revision
This column is only visible when the Revisions option is selected in the BOM
Defaults screen. The specifications entered against the default revision are
the ones used by MRP for job generation and by the Cost Rollup for cost
If you want this BOM to function as a “phantom assembly”, select this
NOTE: If the BOM has one or more routing sequences, you are not
permitted to select this checkbox.
It is important to know the difference between a “subassembly” and a
phantom assembly, explained as follows:
A “subassembly”, which is a term used for any BOM that is a component
in other BOMs, is always made on its own job and is then issued from
stock as a component to the jobs that require it. The parent item and the
subassembly are always made on separate jobs.
NOTE: There is no functional difference between a top-level BOM
and a subassembly BOM. “Subassembly” is merely a term used to
describe a BOM that happens to be located at a lower-level within a
product structure.
Phantom Assembly
A phantom assembly is a set of components that is never assembled on
its own job and is never stocked or sold. Instead, the phantom’s
components are pulled into the job of the BOM parent item at time of job
creation. The parent and the phantom are always assembled in the same
Phantom Assembly Limitations
• A phantom assembly cannot have a routing. Any processes dealing
with the phantom components must be defined in the BOM parent’s
• A phantom assembly is never stocked. Phantom components are
always assembled to order.
• A phantom assembly is never sold and cannot be given a Base Price
or Contract Price. If you need to sell the assembly occasionally as a
spare part, you should create a separate item ID for that version so
that it can be made on its own (with a routing), included in the MRP
generation, stocked, and sold.

Operating Guide 245

5-3. Bills of Material

Click this button to create a new BOM record. It launches the New Bill of
Material screen, which contains these fields.
From the lookup, select the BOM parent item. The lookup only lists ‘M’
(manufactured) items that do not yet have a BOM or that are not already
used a secondary output on one or more bills of material.
Default Revision Name
The system Default Revision Name from the BOM Defaults screen is
automatically assigned, but can be overridden with a different selection
from the lookup.
Create Button
Click this button to create the BOM record and close the screen.
Use this button to create a new BOM by copying an existing BOMs
specifications. Select the BOM you wish to copy from and click this button,
which launches the Copy BOM screen. Screen details are as follows:
Copy BOM from:
The program inserts the currently selected BOM parent into this field for
your reference.
Create BOM for:
From the lookup, select the new BOM parent item. The lookup only lists
‘M’ (manufactured) items that do not yet have a BOM.
Create Button
Click this button to create the BOM record and close the screen.

246 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Revisions Tab
This tab is only visible when the Revisions option is selected in the BOM Defaults
This tab governs the tabs to the right
Whichever revision is highlighted in this tab determines the contents on all the
tab screens to the right of the Revisions tab.

Screen Details
Select a revision name created in the BOM – BOM Setup – Revision Names
Batch Size
This field is only visible when the Batch Size option is selected in the BOM
Defaults screen.
The batch size is used by process manufacturers (food, chemicals,
plastics, etc.) who make their products in batches. Each batch size can
require different proportions of certain ingredients.
This field is only visible when the Batch Size option is selected in the BOM
Defaults screen. This is the unit of measure relative to the batch size
Enter an up to 50-character description that accompanies the revision name
on lookups.

Operating Guide 247

5-3. Bills of Material

Creation Date
When the revision is created, the system date is recorded in this field.
Click this button to create a new revision.
Use this button to create a new revision and associated specifications by
copying an existing revision. Select the revision you wish to copy from and
click this button, which launches the Copy Revision screen. Screen details
are as follows:
Copy BOM from:
The program inserts the selected BOM parent into this panel for your
The program inserts the selected revision into this panel for your
Create New BOM for:
The program inserts the BOM parent in this field.
Select a name for the new revision from the lookup in this field.
Create Button
Click this button to create the new revision and associated specifications
and close the screen.

248 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Routing Tab
Setup, labor, and subcontract service specifications are entered on the Routing
tab. These specifications are used for cost calculations, job scheduling, and
process documentation for printing on the job traveler.
NOTE: The Routing tab is not visible when the BOM parent is a phantom

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Routing Entry

Click the New button to create a new sequence record. The program
automatically assigns a sequence number, which you can override if you
NOTE: You can freely renumber sequences when needed. For
example, you may need to insert a sequence between two existing
sequences, in which case you would renumber the “downstream”
sequences to make room for the new Sequence.
Sequence Template Copy
You have the option of selecting a “sequence template” from the lookup,
which creates this sequence using the template’s specifications. Once the
sequence is created, it can than be edited as needed.
Enter an up to 50-character description for this process, which will print on the
job traveler.
NOTE: On subcontract sequences, this Description is also carried
forward to the PO that is generated and sent to your service supplier.

Operating Guide 249

5-3. Bills of Material

Work Center (Required)

Select a work center from the lookup. It can be an inside work center or an
outside work center for subcontract services such as plating, painting, and
NOTE: As a rule of thumb, no two consecutive sequences should both
be assigned to the same work center. Each sequence should normally
flow from one work center to a different work center. Attempts at
assigning consecutive sequences to the same work center suggest
that you are either breaking down your processes too finely or that
your work centers are too broadly defined. If you need a finer
breakdown of processes within a sequence, consider using Tasks (see
Only assign a machine when this item must be run on a particular machine. If
the work center contains interchangeable machines, leave this field blank.
Center Panel – Cycle Times
If the sequence selected above is assigned to an inside work center, the
following set of fields displays, all related to this sequence’s “cycle times”
(production rates).
Setup Hours
Enter the total setup time for this sequence, expressed in decimal hours. For
example, 30 minutes would be entered as ‘.5’.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Setup value, which can be overridden manually or copied over by a
sequence template.
Time / Process
Cycle time is expressed in terms of “processes.” A process can be an
assembly operation, a hit from a punch press, a mold cycle, etc. A process
can produce a single part or several parts at a time. Enter the time (hours,
minutes, seconds) required for each process.
NOTE1: As an alternative to making a time entry, you can enter the
Processes / Hr (see next), which automatically calculates the Time /
NOTE2: The maximum number of hours you can enter in this field is
24 hours. If you have a cycle time longer than 24 hours, leave this
field blank and use the Processes / Hr field instead. In that field, enter
time based on this formula: 1 / # Hours. A cycle time of 40 hours,
therefore, would be given a Processes / Hr value of ‘.025’. (When you
do this, the Time / Process field receives a nonsensical, value which
you can safely ignore).

250 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

NOTE3: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default

Time / Process value, which can be overridden manually or copied
over by a sequence template.
Processes / Hr
As an alternative to entering Time / Process, you can express the cycle time
in terms of Processes / Hr. The entry of either field automatically updates the
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Processes / Hr value, which can be overridden manually or copied
over by a sequence template.
Items / Process
If each process yields one unit of this item, leave this field at the default
setting of ‘1’. If each process yields a set of items (such as with a multi-cavity
mold), enter the number of items in this field. The Time / Process is divided
by the Items / Process to determine the time required to make one unit of this
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Items
/ Process value, which can be overridden manually or copied over by a
sequence template.
# Persons
For costing purposes only, enter the number of persons required to perform
this process. The program assigns a default value of ‘1’. This setting handles
these two cost scenarios:
Some processes require a fixed “team” size. An automatic assembly
table, for example, may require a team of three operators, in which case
you would enter a ‘3’ in this field. The work center’s hourly labor cost gets
multiplied by the number of team members.
NOTE: Do not use a fixed “team” with non-machine, assembly type
work centers where you can temporarily assign multiple workers to
a given job. In a packaging department, for example, where jobs
are normally packaged by one person, for an unusually large job
you could assign four workers to do packaging. In this case you
have temporarily expanded the work center’s capacity (Job Hours /
Day setting), but the packaging process itself is still the same and
the # Persons should remain set to ‘1’.
Multiple Jobs
Sometimes one worker runs several jobs simultaneously. A molding
machine operator, for example, may run four presses and four different
jobs at the same time. In this case you would enter ‘.25’ in this field. The
work center’s hourly labor cost gets multiplied by this amount and is
therefore shared among all four jobs.

Operating Guide 251

5-3. Bills of Material

NOTE: When multiple job sequences are performed by a single

worker, we recommend that the labor Trxn Type (see below) for
each such sequence be set to the ‘Backflush’ option.
Days to Next
This represents the number of workdays between the completion of this
sequence and the start of the next sequence. This setting is used with cycle
times for three purposes:
Move Time
There may be a predictable move time involved in getting these parts from
this work center to the next.
Forced wait time
Sometimes an item must wait before it can move on to the next process.
A painted part might require drying time, for example.
This can also be a negative number for situations where items produced
on one routing sequence can be started in the next sequence without
having to wait for the entire run to be completed before doing so. In
scheduling terminology this is referred to as “overlap.”
Trxn Type
This field is only visible when the Routing Trxn Type option is set to ‘Both’ in
the Job Labor Defaults screen. Two options are available from the drop-down
If you intend to track completions only and not actual hours against this
work center, select this option.
NOTE: It is not practical or even possible to collect actual labor
hours against some processes. When one operator runs several
machines and jobs at the same time, for example, it is not practical
to collect and allocate the labor to each job. In such cases, select
the ‘Backflush’ option.
If you intend to collect actual setup and labor hours against this work
center, select this option.
Traveler Notes
You can enter unlimited freeform notes to describe the process to be
performed in this sequence. These notes print on the job traveler and provide
instructions to your shop personnel.
Center Panel – Subcontract Services
If the sequence selected above is assigned to an outside work center designated
as a Subcontract type, the following fields are displayed in the center panel:

252 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

This is the supplier that performs the subcontract service.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Est Cost
This is the estimated cost that is used by the Cost Rollup to help calculate the
total estimated cost for the BOM Parent. It is calculated by the program as
Supp Price * Multiplier = Est Cost
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Cost
This is the unit of measure associated with the BOM Parent and its Est Cost.
Supp Price
This is the price charged by the supplier for the subcontract service.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Cost
Supp UM
This is the supplier’s unit of measure, which may differ from your unit of
measure. For example, a heat-treater might charge you by the pound or kilo
for pricing purposes, but that price is translated (using the Multiplier) into the
Est Cost, which conforms to the BOM Parent’s unit of measure.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default UM.
If the Supp Price and Est Cost have different units of measure, the Multiplier
is used to translate the Supp Price into an Est Cost, using this formula:
Supp Price * Multiplier = Est Cost

Operating Guide 253

5-3. Bills of Material

NOTE: This field is given a value of ‘1’ by default.

Calculating the Multiplier
To calculate the Multiplier value, use this formula:
Supplier Qty / Your Qty = Multiplier
For example, let’s say the BOM parent weighs 10 pounds and the supplier
prices the subcontract service by the pound. Using our formula, the
Multiplier would be ‘10’, as follows:
10 lbs / 1 BOM Parent = 10
Days to Next
This is the number of days it takes to get the parts sent out, completed, and
received back from the supplier.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Days
to Next value, which can be overridden manually or copied over by a
sequence template.
Traveler Notes
The notes entered here print on the job traveler. These notes are for shop
personnel and are not passed over to the PO that ultimately gets generated
for this subcontract service.
PO Notes
The notes entered here get passed into the PO that ultimately gets generated
for this subcontract service. These notes do not print on the job traveler.
“Tasks” can be used to break the sequence down into specific steps. All this
information prints on the job traveler.
NOTE: Tasks are for documentation purposes only (such as inspection
procedures) and have no effect on costing or scheduling.
You can enter a task name or you can select a “task template” from the
lookup. Task templates are maintained in the BOM – BOM Setup – Task
Templates screen.
Enter an up to 50-character description of this task.
Notes Sub-Tab
Enter freeform notes to further describe this task.

254 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Components Tab
Subassemblies and materials are entered on the Components tab.

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – BOM Components Entry

Grid Fields
This field is only visible if the Routings and Sequence checkboxes are
selected in the BOM Defaults screen.
This is the routing sequence within which this component gets consumed.
When a job gets created, this component will print within this sequence on the
job traveler. Sequence assignment also enables job materials and
components to be selectively issued by work center in the Job Issues screen.
NOTE: Sequence selection is optional. Unassigned lines print in a No
Sequence Allocated section at the end of the job traveler.
Line No
The line number is automatically assigned by the program in increments of 10
and is for reference and sorting purposes. Because it is common for multiple
instances of a component to occur throughout a BOM, the line number
identifies one instance from the other. You can manually override the line
Enter or select an ‘S’ if this component is a stock item. Enter or select a ‘D’ if
this component is a descriptor.
Component, Description
Select an item or descriptor from the lookup. The description is automatically

Operating Guide 255

5-3. Bills of Material

Usage Qty
If the Revisions checkbox is not selected in BOM Defaults, enter the quantity
of this component required to make one unit of the parent item. If the
Revisions checkbox is selected in BOM Defaults, enter the quantity required
to make one Batch Size defined against this revision.
This is the unit of measure (EA, LB, etc.) for the component.
Fixed or Variable
This field is only visible if the Fixed or Variable checkbox is selected in BOM
Defaults. When not visible, the field value is hidden and is automatically set
to ‘V’.
If the quantity required for this component varies proportionally with the job
quantity of the parent item, set this field to ‘V’ (variable). Most materials,
subassemblies, and subcontract services have variable quantities, which is
why the default is set to ‘V’.
If the quantity required for this component is to be a fixed amount regardless
of the parent item quantity being manufactured, set this field to ‘F’ (Fixed).
Some batch processes, for example, require a fixed amount of an ingredient,
regardless of batch size. Or there could be a situation where a service
charge or fee is levied that does not vary with the quantity being
Scrap %
This field is only visible if the Scrap % checkbox is selected in BOM Setup.
This is the anticipated scrap for this component, expressed as a percentage
of the usage quantity. When a job gets created, this percentage is added to
the total quantity allocated for this component to insure that sufficient material
is planned for to account for anticipated scrap. The cost associated with the
scrap percentage is also incorporated in the Cost Rollup. The job quantity is
adjusted for scrap as follows:
Allocated Qty / (1 – (Scrap % / 100)) = Job Qty
From Date / Thru Date
These fields are only visible if the From / Thru Dates checkbox is selected in
BOM Defaults. This is the date range within which the component becomes
effective. The From Date defaults to the system date at time of initial entry
and the Thru Date is left blank unless you enter a date. When a job gets
created, only components with current effective dates at the time of job
creation are included in the job details.

256 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Notes Sub-Tab
Job Notes
You can enter freeform text in this notes field. This text is passed into the
Line Notes associated with job detail lines created from this BOM. These
notes print on the job traveler underneath the component.
Reference Designators
Reference designators, which are used by circuit board manufacturers to
indicate location coordinates, are often listed n the Job Notes rather than
the References sub-table (see next). This is because the job notes print
directly with the component, whereas the References print as a sub-report
at the end of the job traveler. Either method – Job Notes or References –
conveys the information, so which one to use is a matter of personal
References Sub-Tab
This sub-tab is only visible when the References option is selected in the BOM
Defaults screen. References enable you to define a sub-table of reference
information against a component and print as a sub-report at the end of the job
This can be a location coordinate, a drawing bubble number, or for any table
that has a one-to-many relationship with the component. You can enter as
many reference records as you wish. To create a new record, click on this
panel first and then click the New button.
This is an optional field. It represents the quantity against this reference in
relation to one unit of the BOM parent.

Operating Guide 257

5-3. Bills of Material

Speed Entry Button

“Speed entry” helps you enter components as rapidly as possible and is
especially useful when entering large numbers of components. Click the Speed
Entry button to launch the Speed Entry screen.
NOTE: You can use speed entry as often as you wish. You can enter a
few components, transfer them, enter a few more, transfer them, and so

Speed Entry Screen

Upper Panel
Stock Items or Descriptors
Choose whether you want to select Stock Items or Descriptors. All
your stock items or descriptors will display in the selection grid.
If you want the items selected to all be assigned to a particular routing
sequence, make a selection in this field.
Item Selection
Item ID or Descriptor ID
Start typing the item ID or descriptor ID. As you type each character,
the cursor will progressively move to the item with the closest match.
Once you find the item you are looking for, press Enter and the cursor
will move to the Qty field where you can enter the order quantity.
Lower Grid
After entering the quantity, press Enter and you will see your entry
displayed in the lower grid. The cursor moves to the left-hand
column where you can immediately make another selection.

258 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Using the mouse is not necessary

You don’t have to use the mouse to make your selections. You can
press Enter to move back and forth from the Item ID or Descriptor
ID field to the Qty field and to make your selections. You can use
your arrow keys to navigate up or down the columns. You can, of
course, also use the mouse, if you wish.
Description Search
Use this field to narrow the contents of the main selection grid only to
items that contain the text you enter. Once you enter your text, click
the lookup icon to the left and the main grid displays the items with
matching text. Once you make a selection, the grid repopulates itself
with all your items. If you make a search and don’t select an item, click
the ‘X’ button and the grid will repopulate with all items.
Item Category
You can click on this column heading to sort the list by item category.
You can also click the down arrow in the column heading to filter the
list to a particular item category.
De-Selecting Items
To de-select an item, highlight it in the lower display grid and click the
Delete button.
Transfer Button
Your item selections and quantities are displayed in the lower grid in the
order that they were selected. When your selections are completed, click
the Transfer button and the items and quantities will be transferred to the
Components tab.
Re-Sequence Button
When you click this button, all Line No values are renumbered in increments of
‘10’, beginning with ‘10’. The current sort order is not changed.

Operating Guide 259

5-3. Bills of Material

Outputs Tab
This tab is only visible when the Outputs option is selected in the BOM Defaults
screen. Use this screen to enter any “secondary outputs” that may exist for bi-
products or co-products.

Upper Panel
Primary Output
The BOM parent is referred to as the “primary output” when jobs are
originated from this BOM.
The BOM parent’s description is displayed for reference only.
Cost Ratio
This is the primary output’s percentage share of the BOM’s estimated cost as
well as its percentage share of estimated and actual job cost for jobs
originated from this BOM. The program calculates this value using this
100 - Secondary Ratios = Cost Ratio
Secondary Ratios
This is the sum of the Cost Ratio values in the Secondary Outputs grid.
Grid Fields
Secondary Output
Select one or more secondary outputs in this column.
NOTE: A secondary output cannot be a BOM parent in another BOM.
The lookup is confined to ‘M’ (manufactured) items that do not have
BOM records.
Secondary outputs can be used for these purposes:

260 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Bi-Products and Co-Products

Batch process manufacturers (food, chemicals, plastics, etc.) often
have bi-product and co-products that get produced during the course
of a job.
Disassembly jobs are a form of reverse manufacturing in which
multiple outputs are yielded from a single input.
The item’s description (from the Stock Items screen) is displayed for
reference only.
Usage Qty
Enter the output quantity of this item that corresponds with one unit of the
primary output.
If you are using Batch Sizes
If you are using batch sizes in your revisions, enter the output quantity
that corresponds with this revision’s batch size
The item’s UM (from the Stock Items screen) is displayed for reference
Cost Ratio
Enter this output’s relative share of overall cost, using your “best guess”
estimate. The cost ratio is used by the Cost Rollup and Job Receipts
screens to allocate total cost to each output.
NOTE: When you enter a cost ratio, the primary output’s cost ratio is
adjusted so that the sum of all cost ratios equals ‘100’.
From Date / Thru Date
These fields are only visible if the From / Thru Dates checkbox is selected
in BOM Defaults. This is the date range within which the secondary
output becomes effective. The From Date defaults to the system date at
time of initial entry and the Thru Date is left blank unless you enter a date.
When a job gets created, only secondary outputs with current effective
dates at the time of job creation are included in the job details.
Job Notes Panel
You can enter freeform text in this notes field. This text is passed into the Line
Notes associated with job detail lines created from this BOM.

Operating Guide 261

5-3. Bills of Material

Indented View Tab

Use this tab to get a grid view of this BOM’s entire product structure, including all
lower-level subassemblies, phantom assemblies, and their associated

Screen Details
There is only one new field on this tab:
The components in this BOM are all assigned to Level ‘1’. If a Level ‘1’
component is a subassembly or phantom assembly, its components are
assigned to Level ‘2’. If a Level ‘2’ component is a subassembly or phantom
assembly, its components are assigned to Level ‘3’, and so forth.

262 Operating Guide

5-3. Bills of Material

Tree View Tab

Use this tab to get a tree view of this BOM’s entire product structure, including all
lower-level subassemblies, phantom assemblies, and their associated

Click this button to change the inquiry from a Single Level view to a Multi-
Level view.
Single Level
Click this button to change the inquiry from a Multi-Level view to a Single
Level view.
Show Grid
Click this button to make the grid cells visible.

Operating Guide 263

5-4. Estimated Purchase Costs

5-4. Estimated Purchase Costs

(BOM – Estimated Purchase Costs)

Use this screen to periodically change the unit Estimated Cost for purchased
Each item’s unit Estimated Cost is a fixed value that only changes when you
change it. In the case of purchased items, the estimated cost is changed using
this screen. In the case of manufactured items, the estimated cost is changed by
running the Cost Rollup.
Estimated costs for purchased items are incorporated in the cost rollup of
manufactured items, so it is important to periodically update purchased item
estimated costs to achieve accurate cost rollups.
Use the Mass Change option
Many companies have thousands of purchase items. Where this is the case,
maintaining estimated costs manually would be highly time consuming. As an
alternative to manual entry, we recommend that you use the Mass Change
option to update the unit Estimated Cost on all your purchased items with each
item’s Last Cost.
How often?
We suggest you run the Mass Change option at least once per accounting
period. For best results, run the mass change option on your purchased items
and a batch rollup on all your manufactured items once a week.

Screen Details

264 Operating Guide

5-4. Estimated Purchase Costs

Selection Filters
Use the settings in the upper panel to generate a list of items in the Item List sub-
Item ID
Leave this field blank if you want the list to include all your purchased stock
items. If you want to narrow the list down, each character you enter restricts
the list to items beginning with the characters entered in this field. For
example, in the sample company all the red wagon items begin with ‘1080’.
So if you type ‘1080’ in this field and click the Create List button, the list will
only include items beginning with ‘1080’.
This field provides an additional filter. You can leave it blank if you want all
Descriptions within the item list, but if you want to narrow the list to items
containing specific Descriptions, each character you enter restricts the list to
Descriptions beginning with the characters entered in this field.
Select All Categories
This checkbox provides an additional filter. If you clear the checkbox, a list of
Item Categories displays below the checkbox. You can select one or more
Item Categories and your list will be restricted just to purchased items within
those categories.
Create List Button
Once your entries are completed in the upper panel, click this button to
generate the list in the Item List sub-tab.
Hide Filter Panel Button
Once your list is generated, you can click this button to hide the upper panel
and make more room on the screen for your list. Your filter selections remain
displayed just above the Item List sub-tab. When the upper panel is hidden, a
Show Filter Panel button becomes visible, which you can click it you wish to
make the upper panel visible again.
Item List Sub-Tab
Your list of items is displayed in the grid on this sub-tab. Each item’s current Inv
Cost, Last Cost, and Est Cost are displayed for reference purposes.
Mass Replace Button
Clicking this button gives you the option of populating the New Cost column
with each item’s Last Cost or Inventory Cost.
New Cost
Enter the item’s new Estimated Cost in this field. You are not obligated to
make an entry on every item in the list – only on those where a cost change is

Operating Guide 265

5-4. Estimated Purchase Costs

Clear Button
Click this button if you wish to completely clear the New Cost column.
Update Button
When your entries are completed, click this button and the new cost will take

266 Operating Guide

5-5. Cost Rollup

5-5. Cost Rollup

(BOM – Cost Rollup)

This screen is used to calculate the Estimated Cost of your ‘M’ (manufactured)
items) based on their BOM specifications.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Cost Rollup

What are the benefits of the Estimated Cost calculation?
The Estimated Cost calculation provides three primary benefits:
• An accurate Estimated Cost on the ‘M’ (manufactured) items you sell helps
you assess profit margins and establish product prices.
• An accurate Estimated Cost on subassembly items (BOMs that go into other
BOMs) is an important element in the calculation of estimated job costs for
comparison with actual job costs.
• The cost management process – refining your Routing cycle times based on
estimated versus actual job performance, refining Work Center hourly rates
for setup, labor, and overhead, and updating your ‘P’ item Estimated Costs –
keeps you focused on costs and their implications.
How often should costs be rolled up?
The Cost Rollup should be run after making any set of significant changes to
BOM routing details, work center hourly rates, or updating ‘P’ (purchased) item
costs in the Estimated Purchase Costs screen.
You can run the Cost Rollup as often as you wish because it has no effect on
inventory value or any other accounting impact.
Cost Elements
The Estimated Cost of a manufactured item is broken out into these seven Cost
Elements on screens and reports:
Cost Element Description
Mat. Material
Setup. Setup
Labor. Labor
FixOH. Fixed Overhead
VarOH. Variable Overhead
Subcon. Subcontract Service
Misc. Miscellaneous

Operating Guide 267

5-5. Cost Rollup

Cost Sources
Costs are calculated for each Cost Element as follows:
All ‘P’ (purchased) item BOM components are considered Material. The
Estimated Cost of each ‘P’ item component is multiplied by its Usage Qty.
Material costs are totaled up for each subassembly and phantom assembly in
the product structure and are then multiplied by each assembly’s indented
Usage Quantity. Those lower-level costs are then added to the Material cost
of the BOM parent to arrive at the total Material cost for the product.
Each routing sequence’s Setup Hours are multiplied by the Work Center
hourly Setup rate and are then divided by the BOM parent’s Run Size setting
(or Batch Size when Batches are activated) to translate the Setup cost into a
“per unit” cost. Setup costs are totaled up for each subassembly and
phantom assembly in the product structure and are then multiplied by each
assembly’s indented Usage Quantity. Those lower-level costs are then added
to the Setup cost of the BOM parent to arrive at the total Setup cost for the
Each routing sequence’s Labor hours (Time Process / Items/Process) are
multiplied by the Work Center hourly Labor rate, which is then multiplied by
the # Persons setting. Labor costs are totaled up for each subassembly and
phantom assembly in the product structure and are then multiplied by each
assembly’s indented Usage Quantity. Those lower-level costs are then added
to the Labor cost of the BOM parent to arrive at the total Labor cost for the
Each routing sequence’s Setup Hours plus Labor hours (Time Process /
Items/Process) are multiplied by the Work Center hourly Overhead rate.
Overhead costs are totaled up for each subassembly and phantom assembly
in the product structure and are then multiplied by each assembly’s indented
Usage Quantity. Those lower-level costs are then added to the Overhead cost
of the BOM parent to arrive at the total Overhead cost for the product.
Subcontract Service
Subcontract routing sequence Cost values are totaled up for each
subassembly and phantom assembly in the product structure and are then
multiplied by each assembly’s indented Usage Quantity. Those lower-level
costs are then added to the Subcontract Service cost of the BOM parent to
arrive at the total Subcontract Service cost for the product.
You can use Descriptors with a Descriptor Type of ‘MISC’ as BOM
components to account for Miscellaneous costs. The Estimated Cost of each

268 Operating Guide

5-5. Cost Rollup

such Descriptor component is multiplied by its Usage Qty. Miscellaneous

costs are totaled up for each subassembly and phantom assembly in the
product structure and are then multiplied by each assembly’s indented Usage
Quantity. Those lower-level costs are then added to the Miscellaneous cost of
the BOM parent to arrive at the total Miscellaneous cost for the product.
Multiple Revisions
If your products have multiple revisions, be aware that the Cost Rollup only rolls
up costs for each item’s Default Revision.
If you wish to roll up the cost on a revision other than the default revision, you
must go to the Bills of Material screen and temporarily change the item’s Default
Revision. Run the rollup and then change the Default Revision back to what it

Screen Details

Upper Panel
BOM Element
When the screen is launched, your top level BOM parent items (those that are
not a subassembly in another BOM) are listed in the upper panel. If you clear
the Top Level Items checkbox in the center panel, all your BOM parent items
are listed, regardless of level.
NOTE: you can right-click on the BOM parent item to display a menu of
additional options. You can view the item’s cost details within a grid
and you can print the BOM tree.
When you double-click on the BOM parent item, the Revision element
becomes visible. When the Default Revision checkbox is selected in the
center panel, the item’s Default Revision name is listed as the only
element. When the Default Revision checkbox is cleared, all the parent

Operating Guide 269

5-5. Cost Rollup

item’s other non-default Revision names are listed as elements following

the Components element.
NOTE: This BOM Element is not visible when the Revisions option
is not selected in the BOM Defaults screen.
When you double-click on the BOM parent item, the Routing element
becomes visible when the Routings checkbox is selected in the center
NOTE: you can right-click on the Routing element to display a
menu of additional options. You can view the Routing cost details
within a grid and you can print the BOM tree.
Routing Sequence elements become visible when you double-click on
the Routing element. The following columns become visible to the
NOTE: you can right-click on the Sequence element to display a
menu of additional options. You can view the Sequence cost
details within a grid and you can print the BOM tree.
Work Center
This is the Work Center to which this routing Sequence is assigned.
Machine ID
This is the Machine ID to which this routing Sequence is assigned.
When you double-click on the BOM parent item, the Components element
becomes visible.
Reference ID’s
When you double-click on the Components element, the component
Reference ID elements are listed.
NOTE1: If the Reference ID element is a subassembly, you can
double-click on it to open up another level of BOM Elements
pertaining to its BOM.
NOTE2: you can right-click on the Reference ID element to
display a menu of additional options. You can view the item or
descriptor’s cost details within a grid and you can print the BOM
The following columns become visible to the right:
Usage Qty
This is the component’s Usage Qty multiplied by its parent
item’s Usage Qty.

270 Operating Guide

5-5. Cost Rollup

This is the component’s UM (from the Stock Items screen or
Descriptors screen)
Scrap %
This is the components Scrap % setting from the BOM.
Total Qty
This is the total usage quantity after the Scrap % has been
applied to the Usage Qty.
Est Cost
This is the item or descriptor’s unit Estimated Cost.
Total Cost
This is the Total Qty multiplied by the Est Cost and represents
the Total Cost for this component.
The Description associated with BOM parent item or the item or descriptor
Component element is displayed in this column. If you are using Batch
Sizes, the Batch Size is displayed in this field against Revision elements.
Est Cost
The unit Estimated Cost of the BOM parent item or Component item or
descriptor is displayed in this field.
Center Panel
Top Level Items
When this checkbox is selected, only top-level BOM parent items (those that
are not a subassembly in another BOM) are displayed in the upper panel.
When this checkbox is cleared, all BOM parent items are displayed,
regardless of level.
Default Revision
This checkbox is only visible when the Revisions option is selected in the
BOM Defaults screen. When selected, only the parent item’s Default
Revision displays as a BOM Element in the upper panel. When cleared, the
parent item’s other non-default Revision elements are displayed following the
Component element.
When this checkbox is selected, the Routing element displays in the upper
Description Search
In the entry field to the right of the Routings checkbox you can perform a text
search among all BOM parent item Descriptions. Enter your text, then click

Operating Guide 271

5-5. Cost Rollup

the magnifying glass icon and the upper panel will list all BOM parent items
with a Description that contains that text string.
Item ID
No matter what element is highlighted above within a product structure, this
field displays the BOM parent Item ID at the top of the structure.
Est Cost
This is the current unit Estimated Cost of the Item ID to the left.
Last Update
The date and time when the Est Cost was last rolled up for this item is
displayed in this field.
This field is only visible when the Revisions option is selected in the BOM
Defaults screen. It displays the Default Revision name for the Item ID to the
NOTE: The Cost Rollup only calculates costs for the Default Revision.
If you want to calculate the cost for one of the item’s other Revisions,
you must go to the Bills of Material screen, temporarily make the other
Revision the Default Revision, run the rollup, then go back and restore
the Default Revision to its prior designation.
Batch Size
This field is only visible when the Batch Sizes option is selected in the BOM
Defaults screen. It displays the Batch Size associated with the item’s Default
Lower Grid
The lower grid provides a cost summary of the Item ID in the center panel.
NOTE: you can right-click on any Cost Element to see the underlying
cost details.
Cost Class Column
The Cost Elements for this item hat have costs are listed in this column.
Possible values include:
Cost Element Description
Mat. Material
Setup. Setup
Labor. Labor
FixOH. Fixed Overhead
VarOH. Variable Overhead
Subcon. Subcontract Service
Misc. Miscellaneous

272 Operating Guide

5-5. Cost Rollup

Routing Cost Column

In this column are displayed the routing costs directly associating with
fabricating or assembling this item.
Lower Levels Column
This column displays the material costs for the item as well as the routing and
material costs associated with all lower-level subassemblies.
Total Cost Column
This column displays the sum of the Routing Cost and Lower Levels cost for
each Cost Element. The grand total cost at the bottom of the column is the
item’s Estimated Cost.
Primary, Output #1, Output #2 … Columns
If this item has multiple outputs, additional columns display to the right of the
Total Cost column.
In the column headings you see the Primary output, Output #1, Output #2 and
so forth. Also in each heading is the output’s Cost Ratio percentage. Each
Total Cost value is multiplied by each column’s Cost Ratio to determine its
share of the cost. The grand total cost at the bottom of column is each output
item’s Estimated Cost.
Single Rollup Button
Click this button to roll up the cost for the currently highlighted item in the upper
panel. The Single Rollup takes much less time than the Batch Rollup option.
Batch Rollup Button
Click this button to roll up the cost for all your ‘M’ items. This may take several
minutes depending on how many items and components are involved.
NOTE: We recommend that you always mass update your ‘P’ item
estimated costs in the Estimated Purchase Costs screen before you run
the Batch Rollup.
Links Button
Click this button to link directly to the
item’s bill of material, where you can make immediate changes to its routing or
“Key” Icon
The objects in the tree are represented by different icons. To get a listing of what
each icon represents, click the key icon in the lower right portion of the button

Operating Guide 273

5-6. Where Used Inquiry

5-6. Where Used Inquiry

(BOM – Where Used Inquiry)

Use this screen to specify a particular component and get a listing of all BOMs
containing that component.

Select an item from the opening list, click OK, and you are presented with a list of
BOMs that contain the item, including its Usage Qty.
Full Collapse Button
Click this button to get a single-level listing of the parent items to which this
component is directly assigned.
Full Expand Button
If the parent item to which this component is assigned is a subassembly within a
product structure, click this button to get a view of the higher level parents that
contain the subassembly and therefore indirectly contain this component.

274 Operating Guide

5-7. BOM Reports

5-7. BOM Reports

5-7A. Multi-Level BOM

(BOM – Reports – Multi-Level BOM)

Use this report to get a listing of your BOM specifications.

Selection Options
Print multiple levels
Select this checkbox if you wish to list the entire product structure, including
subassemblies, phantom assemblies, and their associated components.
Print BOM notes
Select this checkbox if you wish to include the Notes entered against the BOM
Print BOM detail line notes
Select this checkbox if you wish to include Notes entered against components.
Print substitutes
Select his checkbox if you wish to print any Alternates that are cross-referenced
to component items on the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen.
Print suppliers
Select this checkbox if you with to print Suppliers that are cross-referenced to
component items on the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen.
Print references
Select this checkbox if you wish to print any component Reference designators.
Print effectivity dates
Select this checkbox if you wish to print component Date Added and Date
Removed values.
Print scrap %
Select this checkbox if you wish to include any component Scrap percentages.
Number of decimals for component qty
You can specify how many decimal places you wish displayed for the component
Usage Qty. The default value is ‘6’.
Component effectivity dates
Select the first option if you want to list all components, regardless of their Date
Added and Date Removed values. Select the second option if you wish to list
only components effective as of a specific date. When you select the second
option, a date selection field displays and defaults to today’s date.

Operating Guide 275

5-7. BOM Reports

Parent items
You can select one item, a from/thru range of items, or list all items on the report.
Parent item categories
You can limit the report to items belonging to selected or all Item Categories.
Parent item status
You can limit the report to items that have a Status of ‘Active’ or ‘In-Active’.

5-7B. Costed BOM

(BOM – Reports – Costed BOM)

Use this report to a cost breakdown of your BOMs.

NOTE: If you have multiple Revisions, this report only lists your Default
Revision. If you need a cost breakdown on some other Revision, you
must temporarily make it the Default Revision.

Selection Options
Print multiple levels
Select this checkbox if you wish to list the entire product structure, including
subassemblies, phantom assemblies, and their associated components.
Print BOM notes
Select this checkbox if you wish to include the Notes entered against the BOM
Print BOM detail line notes
Select this checkbox if you wish to include Notes entered against components.
Print substitutes
Select his checkbox if you wish to print any Alternates that are cross-referenced
to component items on the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen.
Print suppliers
Select this checkbox if you with to print Suppliers that are cross-referenced to
component items on the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen.
Print references
Select this checkbox if you wish to print any component Reference designators.
Number of decimals for component qty
You can specify how many decimal places you wish displayed for the component
Usage Qty. The default value is ‘6’.
Parent items
You can select one item, a from/thru range of items, or list all items on the report.

276 Operating Guide

5-7. BOM Reports

The item’s Default Revision is listed for reference only.
Parent item categories
You can limit the report to items belonging to selected or all Item Categories.
Parent item status
You can limit the report to items that have a Status of ‘Active’ or ‘In-Active’.

Operating Guide 277

5-7. BOM Reports

278 Operating Guide

6. Sales

6. Sales
The Sales menu is where you will find all sales-related tables and applications,
including customers, pricing and discounts, sales orders, sales quotes, and sales
reports. Menu options include:

Sales Setup
• Sales Defaults
• Customers List
• Customer Types
• Customer Terms
• Contact Types
• Sales Regions
• Lead Sources
• SO Types
• Ship Methods
• Sales Rep Types
• Sales Reps
• Commission Codes
Pricing & Discounts
• Base Prices
• Price Levels
• Discounts
• Discount Codes
• Contract Pricing
Main Menu
• Customers
• Credit Manager
• Sales Orders
• Order Picking
• Quotes
• Sales Order Inquiry
Data Views
• Open Sales Orders
• Sales Order Bookings
• Picked/Shipped Not Invoiced
• Sales Order Summary
• Sales Order Detail

Operating Guide 279

6. Sales

• Open Items Listing

• Available to Ship
• Base Prices & Costs
• Invoice Listing
• Sales by Customer
• Sales by Customer Type
• Sales by Commission Code
• Sales Ranked by Customer
• Profit Margin by Customer
• Sales by Item/Descriptor
• Sales by Item Category
• Sales by Descriptor Type
• Sales Ranked by Item/Descriptor
• Profit Margin by Item
• Warranty Sheet
• Warranty Listing

280 Operating Guide

6. Sales

Sales orders drive the planning system. For MTO (make to order) items, MRP
generates jobs directly from sales order lines. For all other manufactured items,
MRP compares sales order requirements with projected stock within each item’s
planning period and generates jobs as needed. MRP then generates all the POs
needed to fulfill net demand associated by these job requirements.
What is a sales order?
All customer orders, whether for items or services, are entered as sales orders.
Each line item is given a Required Date for planning purposes.
Is a sales order the same as an invoice?
No, they are two separate things. You can generate multiple invoices from a
single sales order. You may have backorders, for example, that get invoiced
later when stock becomes available, or you may enter an order with scheduled
shipments on different dates.
How are sales orders created?
A sales order can be converted from a quote entered in the Sales Quotes screen
or it can be entered from scratch in the Sales Orders screen. It can also be
copied from a previous order. For make to order items, the Delivery Date
Estimator is used to calculate the item’s Required Date.
How is pricing handled?
If the sales order derived from a sales quote, the quoted price is used. If you
enter the sales order and the item has a Contract Price with your customer, that
price is used. If not, the item’s Price Level price is used. If you don’t use Price
Levels, the item’s Base Price is used. Against the Price Level or Base Price is
applied the customer’s Discount for this item, if the customer is assigned to a
Discount Code. You also have the option of entering a price from scratch.
What happens after the sales order gets created?
Items that are made or purchased to stock can be picked for shipment
immediately. For items made to order, MRP generates jobs and schedules them
to meet sales order Required Dates.
How are orders picked for shipment?
On a daily basis, the Shipment Planner lookup in the Order Picking screen is
used to determine which sales orders are ready to ship. Each sales order is
physically picked and processed on the screen in priority order, using either a
pick list or dispatch list for guidance in the warehouse.

Operating Guide 281

6. Sales

How are shipments made?

Once a sales order is picked, which can be partially or in full, a shipment is
generated on the Shipping tab of the Sales Orders screen. Against the shipment
you can print a packing list, shipping labels, and enter shipping charges.
How does the invoice get created?
Shipments are converted into invoices on the Invoicing tab of the Sales Orders
screen. Invoices can be printed or Emailed to the customer.
How are RMAs handled?
An RMA (returned merchandise authorization) is initiated as a quote to keep it is
ignored by MRP and kept separate from regular sales orders. When returned
items are received and assessed, the quote is converted into a sales order for
final processing, which may involve returning the item to stock, repairing the item,
issuing a credit memo, etc.

282 Operating Guide

6-1A. Sales Defaults

6-1. Sales Setup

6-1A. Sales Defaults

(Sales – Sales Setup – Sales Defaults)

This screen is reserved for future options.

Operating Guide 283

6-1B. Customers List

6-1B. Customers – List Tab

(Sales – Sales Setup – Customers – List Tab)

Use this screen to configure the opening List tab of the Customers screen. You
can designate which fields you want displayed and you can change column
heading names.

All available fields are displayed in the left hand Field Name column. In the
middle Display Label column you can change the name that displays on the
screen column heading. The right hand Visible column can be set to ‘Yes’ on
any fields you wish to display and ‘No’ on any you want suppressed.
Advanced Tab
When the customer list reaches a certain size, the time it takes to load, sort, and
display the information in the List tab can slow down noticeably. If so, you can
optimize the list by limiting the number of records that get loaded at one time.
You will find this setting on the Advanced tab.
If you limit the number of records, this does not restrict your access to any data; it
merely loads a certain number of records at-a-time into the screen.
NOTE: When you limit the records is, you lose the ability to click on the
grid column headings for sorting and filtering purposes.
After you change the maximum number of records setting, click the Save & Close

284 Operating Guide

6-1C. Customer Types

6-1C. Customer Types

(Sales – Sales Setup – Customer Types)

Customer Types are user-defined codes that categorize your customers into
groups for reporting and sorting purposes. Another use is the ability to assign
prices and sales commissions to Customer Types.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Customer Types

Field Explanations
Customer Type & Description
Enter an 8-character Customer Type code and accompanying 50-character
NOTE: Leave the ‘MTS’ type as is. This is used by the system for
internal purposes.
Price Level
If all customers within this type are to receive the same Price Level, select the
appropriate price level in this field. If customers of this type receive Base
Prices, leave this field blank.
Discount Code
If all customers within this type are to receive the same Discount Code, select
the appropriate discount code in this field. If customers of this type do not
receive discounts, leave this field blank.
Setting the Default Customer Type
You can establish a default Customer Type by highlighting the desired line item
and clicking the Set as Default button. You will see the Default Customer Type
displayed at the top of the screen. When you create a new customer, the Default
Customer Type will automatically be assigned to the customer, which can then
be overridden, if desired.

Operating Guide 285

6-1D. Customer Terms

6-1D. Customer Terms

(Sales – Sales Setup – Customer Terms)

Use this screen to set up your customer terms table, which are the payment
terms offered to your customers.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Customer Terms

Grid Fields
This identifies the payment term and is the text that will print on invoices.
Credit Card?
This field is only visible when the ‘DBA Financial Modules’ option is selected
in the Accounting Configuration screen. Select this checkbox if the customer
payment associated with this term is to be made by credit card. At time of
invoice posting, you will be prompted to post the payment to the merchant
Banking Account specified in the lower panel of this screen.
NOTE: When this checkbox is selected, the fields to the right are
grayed out and given zero and blank values and the Banking Account
and Default Payment Type fields become visible in the lower panel.
Days Due
This is the number of days within which the payment is due.
From End of Month
If the number of days due is calculated from the end of the month, a common
practice in some countries, select the From End of Month checkbox. If the
number of days due is calculated from the invoice date, leave this checkbox
Discount %
If a discount is due for prompt payment, enter a Discount %. A two and a half
percent discount would be entered as ‘2.5.’

286 Operating Guide

6-1D. Customer Terms

Discount Days
This is the number of days within which the discount can be taken.
Lower Panel
Banking Account
This field is only visible when the Credit Card? checkbox is selected above.
Select the banking account to which this credit card payment is to be posted.
By default, the lookup is limited to ‘Merchant’ type banking accounts, but you
can select the Bank Accounts checkbox in the lower panel to include ‘Bank
Account’ types in the lookup list.
Default Payment Type
Select the payment type associated with this type of credit card payment.
The lookup is limited to payment types against which the payment method in
the AR – Accounts Receivable Setup – Payment Types screen is set to
Set as Default
You can designate one of your terms as the default by highlighting it and
clicking the Set as Default button. After doing so, you will see the Default
Terms displayed in the upper panel. When you create a new customer
record, the Default Terms is assigned by default.

Operating Guide 287

6-1E. Contact Types

6-1E. Contact Types

(Sales – Sales Setup – Contact Types)

Contact Types are user-defined codes used to categorize customer and supplier
Contacts into categories such as ‘Sales’, ‘Accounts Payable’, etc.
NOTE: This same table is used with the Customers and Suppliers
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Contact Types

Field Explanations
Enter an up to 20-character contact Type code.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the contact Type in

288 Operating Guide

6-1F. Sales Regions

6-1F. Sales Regions

(Sales – Sales Setup – Sales Regions)

Sales Regions are user-defined codes that organize your customers into sales
regions or territories for analysis purposes.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Sales Regions

Field Explanations
Sales Region
Enter an up to 20-character Sales Region code.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Sales Region in

Operating Guide 289

6-1G. Lead Sources

6-1G. Lead Sources

(Sales – Sales Setup – Lead Sources)

Lead Sources are user-defined codes that help you track the lead source
(advertising, directories, word-of-mouth, etc.) from which the customer first
learned of your products or services.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Lead Sources

Field Explanations
Lead Source ID
Enter an up to 10-character Lead Source ID.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Lead Source in

290 Operating Guide

6-1H. SO Types

6-1H. SO Types
(Sales – Sales Setup – SO Types)

When you create a sales order, it is assigned to an SO Type. SO Types can be

used to categorize different types of orders and to give each order type its own
form layouts and other settings.

List Tab
Your existing SO Types and their primary settings are listed on this screen.
New Button
Click this button to create a new SO Type. Clicking the button takes you to
the Details tab, which is cleared and ready for new entries.
Set as Default
This button is used to designate the SO Type that gets selected by default
each time a new sales order is created. Highlight the desired SO Type, then
click this button. You will see the Default SO Type displayed in the upper

Details Tab

General Info
SO Type ID
Enter an up to 8-character code that identifies this SO Type on lists and
Enter an up to 50-character Description that accompanies the SO Type ID on
screens and lookups.

Operating Guide 291

6-1H. SO Types

Enter an up to 4-character Prefix that precedes the numeric portion of the
sales order number. An alpha prefix makes it easy to recognize the type
when looking at a sales order number.
If you no longer wish to use this SO Type, select this checkbox. It will no
longer be available for selection when creating new sales orders.
Detail Options
Activate Shipping Tab
Clear this checkbox if you don’t intend to create shipments with this SO Type.
If you use this type for walk-in “counter sales”, you don’t need to create
packing lists and enter shipping charges, in which case the sales order
Shipping tab does not need to be activated.
Acknowledgment Layout
Quote Layout
Packing List Layout
Invoice Layout
Leave these field blank if you want to use the default layout for each of these
forms. If you create a custom layout for this SO Type, use the lookup to
select your custom RTM layout. See chapter 3 for more details on forms

Screen Config Button

This button provides access to the Screen Config window, within which you can
activate and deactivate various fields on sales orders assigned to this SO Type.
NOTE: You must have Administrator level user security to be permitted to
access this screen.
SO Header
The following optional set of fields is not selected by default, but may be selected
if you wish.
Service Only
If you use the Service Assets screen, which is a legacy application that is no
longer furnished with the standard product, select this option to activate the
Service ID field in the sales order header screen.
Costs & Profit
If you select this checkbox, the Est Costs, Margin %, and Profit fields display
in the sales order Header screen. For most companies this information is not
relevant to order entry and we recommend that you leave this checkbox

292 Operating Guide

6-1H. SO Types

SO Lines
The following field options are not selected by default, but may be selected if you
Est Cost
This is the item’s unit Estimated Cost at the time the sales order line was
created. For most companies this information is not relevant to order entry
and we recommend that you leave this checkbox cleared.
Act Cost
This is the actual unit cost of the quantity picked to-date. For most
companies this information is not relevant to order entry and we recommend
that you leave this checkbox cleared.
Margin or Markup
This is the Margin or Markup (depending on your Profitability setting in the
Sales Defaults screen) of the net Price over Est Cost. For most companies
this information is not relevant to order entry and we recommend that you
leave this checkbox cleared.
Total Cost
This field displays the total estimated cost, which is the line’s Qty multiplied by
the Est Cost. For most companies this information is not relevant to order
entry and we recommend that you leave this checkbox cleared.
Ref Date
Do not activate this field. This is a legacy feature that will be removed from
the system in a future product build.
Ref Code
Do not activate this field. This is a legacy feature that will be removed from
the system in a future product build.
Warranty Code
If you provide warranties with your items, select this checkbox to make the
Warranty Code field visible.
NOTE: You only need to make this field visible if you have occasional
need to change the Warranty Code.

Operating Guide 293

6-1I. Ship Methods

6-1I. Ship Methods

(Sales – Sales Setup – Ship Methods)

Use this screen to set up a table of standard Ship Methods. You can assign a
default Ship Method to each customer and you can specify the Ship Method
during sales order entry.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Setup: Ship Methods

List Tab
Your existing Ship Methods are listed on this screen.

Detail Tab
Ship Method
Enter the Ship Method code which can be up to 30-characters in length.
Enter an up to 50-character Description that accompanies the Ship Method
on lookups.
Ship Charge (Optional)
You have the option of entering a Ship Charge. If you do so, this amount will
automatically be used for the Shipping Charges that get applied to Shipments
assigned to this Ship Method. Typically, shipping charges are not known in
advance of shipment, in which case you would leave this field blank. The
Ship Charge may have use in situations where fixed “shipping & handling”
fees are published in price lists and catalogs.

294 Operating Guide

6-1J. Sales Rep Types

6-1J. Sales Rep Types

(Sales – Sales Setup – Sales Rep Types)

Sales Rep Types are user-defined codes that enable you to organize your Sales
Reps into categories.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Sales Rep Types

Field Explanations
Rep Type
Enter an up to 20-character alphanumeric Rep Type code.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Rep Type on

Operating Guide 295

6-1K. Sales Reps

6-1K. Sales Reps

(Sales – Sales Setup – Sales Reps)

Use this screen to set up your Sales Reps. Sales Reps are then assigned to
Commission Codes (see next), which are then assigned to customers.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Sales Reps

List Tab
Your existing Sales Reps are listed on this screen.
New Button
Click New to create a new Sales Rep. Clicking this button takes you to the
Detail tab, which is cleared for new entries.

Detail Tab

Upper Panel
Rep ID
Enter an up to 10-character code to identify this Sales Rep.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Sales Rep code on
screens and lookups.
You must assign this Sales Rep to a Sales Rep Type.

296 Operating Guide

6-1K. Sales Reps

More Information
The fields in this panel are self-explanatory and are for reference on this screen
only. They are not used elsewhere in the system.
You can enter unlimited Notes against this Sales Rep. Notes are for reference
on this screen only and are not used elsewhere in the system.

Operating Guide 297

6-1L. Commission Codes

6-1L. Commission Codes

(Sales – Sales Setup – Commission Codes)

The Commission Code determines which Sales Rep(s) gets credit for each sales
order. Each customer is optionally assigned a default Commission Code, which
can be overridden at time of sales order entry. Multiple Sales Reps can be
assigned to a Commission Code to accommodate split commissions.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Customer Setup
Segment: Commission Codes

Screen Details

New Button
To create a new Commission Code, click the New button. A drop-down list
displays below the button. Select the Commission Code option.
If an existing Commission Code is highlighted and you wish to assign a Sales
Rep to it, click the New button and select the Sales Rep option from the drop-
down list below the button.
Upper Grid
Commission Code
Enter an up to 20-character Commission Code.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Commission Code
in lookups.

298 Operating Guide

6-1L. Commission Codes

Lower Grid
The lower grid displays the Sales Reps assigned to the Commission Code
highlighted in the upper grid. Multiple Sales Reps can be assigned to a
Commission Code to accommodate split commissions.
Rep ID
This is a read-only field.
This is a read-only field.
This is a read-only field.
Share (%)
This field is for reference only and is the percentage portion of the
commission allocated to each Sales Rep.
NOTE: You are not permitted to exit the grid until the percentages
entered in this column have a total of ‘100’.

Operating Guide 299

6-2A. Base Prices

6-2. Pricing & Discounts

6-2A. Base Prices
(Sales – Pricing & Discounts – Base Prices)

Use this screen to enter Base Prices for your stock items. The Base Price can
be the actual price charged to customers or it can be a reference price for the
calculation of Price Level prices or Contract Prices.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Base Prices

Base Price Tab

Grid Columns
Item ID, Item Description, UM
These fields identify the stock item.
Current Base
This is the item’s current Base Price. It cannot be entered directly. Instead,
you enter or calculate (using the Mass Change button) a Next Base price and
then you use the Update or Mass Update button to copy the Next Base value
to the Current Base field.
Next Base
This is the next base price. This field enables you to prepare your next set of
prices in advance of the date the prices go into effect. The Next Base value
gets copied to the Current Base field using the Update or Mass Update button
when the new price is to go into effect. The Next Base can be entered
manually or it can be automatically calculated as a percentage of the current
Base Price or the item’s Estimated Cost using the Mass Change button.

300 Operating Guide

6-2A. Base Prices

Last Update
This is the date that the Current Base price went into effect.
Last Base
This was the Base Price prior to the Current Base price.
Est Cost
This is the item’s current unit Estimated Cost, for reference purposes.
Item Category
This is the item’s Item Category, for reference purposes.
Lower Panel
Category Filter
Use the lookup in this field to limit the grid to one or more Item Categories.
Search for Item ID
You can enter a text string and click Refresh to limit the screen to just those
item ID’s that contain that text string. For example, if all your wagon item ID’s
begin with ‘1080’, enter ‘1080’ and click Refresh and the screen will be limited
to just your wagon items.
Use this button to add a new line to the grid. After the new line is created,
use the lookup in the Item ID field to select a stock item.
Mass Change
Use this button to calculate Next Price values for all items currently displayed
in the grid, based on a percentage of Current Base or each item’s Estimated
NOTE: You can filter the contents of the grid using the Category Filter
or Search for Item ID function in the panel below the grid.
When this button is clicked, this screen is displayed:

Operating Guide 301

6-2A. Base Prices

Screen Details
Calculate new base prices by:
Select the Increasing option if you wish to raise prices. Select the
Decreasing option if you wish to lower prices.
The value of:
Select the Current Base Price option if you want the new prices to be
calculated from each item’s Current Base price. Select the Current
Estimated Cost option if you want the new prices to be calculated from
each item’s Est Cost.
By this percentage:
Enter the percentage used in the new price calculation. For example,
if you wish to raise current prices 10 percent, enter ’10.00%’.
Apply Button
After your entries are completed, click this button to apply the price
change. When you close the screen, the Next Price column in the grid
will be populated with the new prices. You can then edit any of the
new prices manually, as needed.
Use this button to update the Current Base price with the Next Base price for
the item currently selected in the grid. The following processing takes place:
• The Current Base price is copied to the Last Base price.
• The Last Updated field is updated with today’s date.
• The Next Base price is copied to the Current Base price.
• The Next Base price is cleared.
Mass Update
Use this button to update the Current Base price with the Next Base price for
all items with Next Base values. The same processed listed under the
Update button for one item (see previous) are applied to all items with Next
Base values.

302 Operating Guide

6-2A. Base Prices

Qty Breaks Tab

This tab is used to enter quantity break prices for the item selected on the Base
Price tab. A quantity break price overrides the item’s Base Price when a certain
quantity is ordered.

Upper Panel
Item ID, Description, UM
These fields identify the item selected on the Base Price tab.
Grid Fields
Break Qty
When a quantity is ordered equal to or greater than this quantity up to the
next highest Break Qty, this quantity break price overrides the item’s Base
% of Base
If you always want the quantity break price to be a fixed multiplier of the Base
Price, enter the multiplier in this field. For example, if you want the quantity
break price to be 10% lower than Base Price, enter ’90.00’. The advantage to
this method is that whenever you change the Base Price, the quantity break
prices automatically change as well.
NOTE: The % of Base method is recommended if you will be regularly
using the Mass Update function.
As an alternative to the % of Base method, you can enter the quantity break
price directly in this field.
NOTE: If you use the direct entry method, be aware that each time
you change an item’s Base Price, you must remember to change the
quantity break prices as well.

Operating Guide 303

6-2B. Price Levels

6-2B. Price Levels

(Sales – Pricing & Discounts – Price Levels)

Price Levels enable you to establish different price lists for different types of
customers based on a fixed multiplier applied to Base Prices. For example, one
Price Level might be used for retail customers, another for dealers, and another
for OEM’s.
What screens use Price Levels?
Price Levels are used in the following screens:
Customer Types
You can enter a Price Level against each Customer Type (Sales – Sales
Setup – Customer Types). Whenever you assign a new customer to a
Customer Type, this price level is used as the default Price Level against the
Customers Screen
On the Pricing sub-tab of the main Customers screen, you can specify a
default Price Level that is the default used when entering sales orders.
Sales Orders
A Price Level field is located on the Details side-tab in the Customer section
of the sales order header screen. It defaults to the value stored against the
customer, but can be changed for any given sales order.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Price Levels

Field Explanations

Price Level
Enter a 20-character code to identify this Price Level.
This is a 50-character Description that accompanies the Price Level.

304 Operating Guide

6-2B. Price Levels

% of Base
This is the multiplier that will be applied to the Base Price to calculate the
Price Level price for any item. For example, if you want a Price Level’s prices
to be 25% less than their Base Prices, enter ’75.00’ in this field.
Round To
If you want all prices within a Price Level to be rounded up to a particular
increment, enter than increment in this field. For example, you might want all
prices to be rounded to 95 cents, in which case you would enter ‘.95’ in this

Operating Guide 305

6-2C. Discounts

6-2C. Discounts
(Sales – Pricing & Discounts – Discounts)

Once your Discount Codes are set up, use this screen to assign discount
percentages to item categories or individual items. You can assign a single
discount percentage or you can also enter quantity-based discounts.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Discounts

Discount Codes Tab

All your Discount Codes are listed on this screen. The entries in the Item
Categories tab pertain to whichever Discount Code is highlighted on this screen.

Item Categories Tab

Use this screen to assign discount percentages. Two levels of specificity are
Different Discounts by Item Category
Discount percentages are assigned to each Item Category to which it applies.
This enables you to apply different discount percentages to different types of
items. If you want a discount to apply to all your items, it must be assigned to
each and every Item Category.
To assign a discount to an Item Category, click the New button and select the
Item Category. Leave the Item ID field blank. Enter the discount percentage in
the Discount % field.

306 Operating Guide

6-2C. Discounts

Different Discounts by Item

You may want to give special discounts for specific items as an exception to the
Item Category discount. To do so, you must create an entry on this screen for
each such item.
To do so, click the New button and select the item’s Item Category. Select the
Item ID, then enter the discount percentage in the Discount % field.

Qty Breaks Tab

The entries in this screen pertain to whichever line is currently highlighted in the
Item Categories tab screen.
Enter the Break Qty, which is either a total price or number of units being
ordered, either of which determines the level at which a quantity discount is
applied. The Discount Basis displayed in the header panel indicates which basis
is being used. Enter the discount percentage in the Discount % field. A 35%
discount is entered as ’35.00’.

Operating Guide 307

6-2D. Discount Codes

6-2D. Discount Codes

(Sales – Pricing & Discounts – Discount Codes)

Discount Codes enable you to establish sets of discounts that can be assigned to
different groups of customers.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Discounts
How are Discount Codes used?
Discount Codes enable you to establish sets of discounts that can be assigned to
different groups of customers. For example, your dealers might receive a
standard 25% discount, distributors might receive 40%, and OEM’s 50%. Within
a Discount Code, discounts can vary by item category or item. A customer could
receive one discount for new products and a different discount for spare parts.
Quantity discounts can also be established based on the total price of the item or
number of units sold.
Discounts are applied to Base Prices and Price Level prices. They do not apply
to Contract Prices.
What screens use Discount Codes?
Discount Codes are used in the following screens:
Customer Types
You can enter a Discount Code against each Customer Type (Sales – Sales
Setup – Customer Types). Whenever you assign a new customer to a
Customer Type, this discount code is used as the default Discount Code
against the customer.
Customers Screen
On the Pricing sub-tab of the main Customers screen, you can specify a
default Discount Code that is the default used when entering sales orders.
Sales Orders
A Discount Code field is located on the Details side-tab in the Customer
section of the sales order header screen. It defaults to the value stored
against the customer, but can be changed for any given sales order.

308 Operating Guide

6-2D. Discount Codes

Field Explanations

Discount Code
Enter a 20-character code to identify this Discount Code.
This is a 50-character Description that accompanies the Discount Code.
Discount Basis
If your discounts vary by quantity, the Discount Basis determines whether the
quantity to be used is the number of Units sold or the total Price of the item.

Operating Guide 309

6-2E. Contract Prices

6-2E. Contract Prices

(Sales – Pricing & Discounts – Contract Pricing sub-menu)

Contract Prices are exceptions to Base Prices, Price Level prices, and Discounts.
These are special prices given to specific customers or groups of customers,
often with an expiration date.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Contract Pricing
Sales Order Pricing Hierarchy
During sales order line item entry, pricing is determined by the following
1. First, the program looks for a Contract Price. If one is found, it will be
used. A Discount will not be applied.
2. If a Contract Price is not found, the program then looks for a Price Level
price. If one is found, it uses that price and applies a Discount, if
3. Finally, if a Price Level price is not found, the program uses the Base
Price and applies a Discount, if applicable.
Contract Pricing Screens
The following screens are available for contract price entry.
Pricing – Customer / Item
Use this screen to establish a contract price for one stock item that applies to
a particular customer.
Pricing – Customer Type / Item
Use this screen to establish a contract price for one stock item that applies to
customer types rather than one customer.
Pricing – Customer / Descriptor
Use this screen to establish a contract price for one non-stock descriptor that
applies to a particular customer.
Pricing – Customer Type / Descriptor
Use this screen to establish a contract price for one non-stock descriptor that
applies to customer types rather than one customer.

310 Operating Guide

6-2E. Contract Prices

Field Explanations

Contract Price
You have the option of enter a contract price in this field or you can enter a
multiplier in the next field.
An entry in this field functions as a multiplier against the item or descriptor’s
Base Price during sales order entry. For example, if your Base Price is
$10.00 and you want the contract price to be 75% of Base Price ($7.50),
enter a ‘.75’ in this field.
From Date
This is a mandatory entry field that defines the date when the contract price
becomes effective. It is pre-filled with the system date but can be overridden
if desired.
Thru Date
This date establishes an expiration date for the contract price. If you do not
want an expiration date, leave this field blank.
You can enter freeform text for reference purposes on this screen.

Operating Guide 311

6-3. Customers

6-3. Customers
(Sales – Customers … or Cust Icon)

Use this screen to set up and maintain your customers.

Training Courses
Support Center–Videos – Setup – Data Import
Support Center–Videos – Setup – Customer Setup

List Tab
Your existing customers are listed on this screen.
Customizing the list
Use the Sales – Sales Setup – Customers–List Tab screen to customize the list.
You can designate which fields you want displayed and you can change column
heading names.
New Button
Click this button to create a new customer record.
Email Button
If you wish to send an Email to this customer, click this button to launch the
system’s Email client form. The customer’s Email address is inserted into the To:
Notes Button
Clicking this button launches the Activity Notes screen where you can view past
Activity Notes against this customer and create new activity notes.
History Button
Clicking this button displays customer history in the following tabs:
This tab provides a listing of this customer’s past invoices.
This tab lists all the past Emails sent to this customer.
This tab lists all past Activity Notes for this customer.
Balances Button
Click this button to get a listing of unpaid invoices and open deposits.

312 Operating Guide

6-3. Customers

Detail Tab – Main Side-Tab

Customer Name (Required)

This unique ID is a 50-character field that identifies the customer record and
is what displays on screens, lookups, and reports. We suggest you enter the
customer’s full name.
NOTE: Each Customer Name must be unique. So if you have two or
more customer accounts with the same name, which is common when
you sell to companies that have multiple facilities, make each name
unique, such as by appending the city or some other identifier in
parenthesis following the name.
Trading Name (Required)
When you click into this field, it is automatically given the same value as the
Customer Name, when can then be changed, if needed. The Trading Name
is the name that prints on quotes, acknowledgments, packing slips, and
invoices. Unlike the Customer Name, duplicate values are allowed.
Normally, the Customer Name and the Trading Name are the same except in
cases where the Customer Name has been appended to avoid duplicate
Address Details
This is the customer’s primary mailing address. Delivery addresses are
entered on the Delivery & Billing side-tab.
Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email, Web
These are the contact settings for this customer’s main office and do not
pertain to a specific Contact. Contacts are entered on the Additional tab.
Each Contact record has its own Phone, Mobile, Fax, and Email settings.
This field is only visible when Multi-Currency is activated in the Main Setup

Operating Guide 313

6-3. Customers

NOTE: Multi-currency capability is still under development and is not

recommended for use at this time.
X-Ref Code
If you are using DBA with an outside accounting system, it may be that the
customer is identified in the outside system with a short code instead of the
full customer name as in DBA. For financial transfer purposes, you can store
the short code in this field, which is one of the fields available for transfer in
the AR Invoice Transfer screen. When you import the AR invoice transfer file
into your outside system, this field is mapped to the customer code in your
outside system.
Creation Date
This is the date this customer record was created. You can change this date,
if you wish.
When you create a new record, its status is set to ‘Active’. You can change
the status to ‘Non-Active’. At the present time this setting is for reference
Payment Terms
This is a standard payment terms record from the Customer Terms table. These
are the default Payment Terms that get applied to this customer during sales
order entry. When you create a new customer, the default record from the
Customer Terms table is automatically selected and can then be changed, if
From End of Month
This read-only checkbox is selected if the number of days due is calculated
from the end of the month, a common practice in some countries.
This read-only field displays the number of days from the invoice date or end
of month that establishes the invoice Due Date.
Printing Options
Receives Statement
When this checkbox is selected, this customer is not excluded when printing
Customer Statements. When you create a new customer record, this
checkbox is selected by default.
Email Documents
When this checkbox is selected, when printing quotes, acknowledgments,
and invoices you are given the option of Emailing the document. .

314 Operating Guide

6-3. Customers

Tax Code Source

These settings determine the source of the sales order header Tax Code for this
customer’s orders.
When you select this option, the default Sales Tax Code specified in the Tax
Defaults screen is used as the sales order header Tax Code. In VAT/GST
environments, this is the typical setting because the default Sales Tax Code
applies to most orders.
Select this option if this customer’s sales order header Tax Code is to be
different than the system default tax code. A Tax Code field becomes visible
to the right so that you can select a tax code from its lookup. This setting is
typically used with USA and Canadian taxation where the shipment
destination is what determines the sales order header Tax Code.
Non-Taxable Customer
If the customer is non-taxable, which is common with USA taxation when
the customer is purchasing for resale, make sure that the tax code source
is a non-taxable tax code.
• If your system default tax code is non-taxable, select Default as the tax
code source.
• If your system default tax code is taxable, then assign the customer to
a non-taxable tax code Exception.
Multiple Delivery Addresses
If this customer has multiple delivery addresses, you have the option of
specifying a Tax Code against each delivery address, if it differs from the
Exception tax code specified against the main address. See “Delivery
Addresses” further below for details.
Tax Group
This checkbox is only visible when the Tax Group Matrix option is selected in
the Tax Defaults screen. Tax groups enable you to designate exception tax
codes at the line item level that only apply to certain destinations and items.
A Tax Group field becomes visible to the right. Select a Tax Group from the
lookup. When an item or descriptor assigned to a Tax Group encounters a
customer that is also assigned to a Tax Group, the two Tax Groups are
matched in the Tax Group Matrix to determine the Tax Code that gets used in
the sales order line.

Operating Guide 315

6-3. Customers

Customer Type (Required)
You must assign the customer to a Customer Type. When you create a new
customer record, the default Customer Type is automatically selected and
can then be changed, if applicable.
Sales Region
You can optionally assign this customer to a Sales Region.
Comm Code
You can optionally assign this customer to a Commission Code. This is the
default Commission Code that gets applied to sales orders for this customer.
Lead Source
You can optionally assign this customer to a Lead Source.
Notes Sub-Tab
You can enter unlimited Notes against this customer. These Notes are for
reference on this screen only.
Ordering & Shipping Sub-Tab
Requires PO on All Orders
When you select this checkbox you will not be allowed to create a new sales
order for this customer if the PO No field is blank in the New Sales Order
screen. You also cannot print an invoice if the PO No field is blank in the
sales order Header tab.
Ship Method
You can optionally assign a Ship Method. This is the default Ship Method
that gets applied to sales orders for this customer.
Pricing Sub-Tab
When you create a new customer record, these two settings are populated with
the default Price Level and Discount Code assigned to this Customer Type.
Price Level
You can optionally assign a Price Level, if applicable. This is the default Price
Level that gets applied to sales orders for this customer.
Discount Code
You can optionally assign a Discount Code, Ship Method, if applicable. This
is the default Ship Method that gets applied to sales orders for this customer.
Financial Sub-Tab
The three fields on this sub-tab – Tax Reference Number, Bank Name, and Bank
Account Number – are for reference only and are not used outside of this screen.

316 Operating Guide

6-3. Customers

Forms Sub-Tab
Use the fields on this sub-tab to specify customized forms layouts (RTM files) for
this customer. When you leave any of these fields blank, the standard form
layout is used. See chapter 3 for details on how to customize forms. You can
specify custom layouts on this sub-tab for the following forms:
• Acknowledgment
• Quote
• Invoice
• Packing List

Operating Guide 317

6-3. Customers

Detail Tab – Delivery & Billing Side-Tab

Delivery Addresses
In this grid you can enter multiple delivery addresses for this customer.
This checkbox can only be selected against one delivery address. It
designates it as the default Ship to address that gets applied to sales orders
for this customer.
Delivery Name
This is the name that accompanies the delivery address in the Ship to sub-tab
in sales orders and the Ship to section on order documents.
Address Fields
Enter the physical delivery address in the Address Line 1, Address Line 2,
City, State, Postal Code, and Country fields.
Tax Source
This field is only visible when the Sales Tax Basis is set to ‘Delivery’ in the
Tax Defaults screen. The field value defaults to ‘Main Address’, but you can
select ‘Delivery Address’ from the drop-down list if you wish to specify a Tax
Code in the field at right that overrides the Tax Code specified against the
main address.
Tax Code
This field is only visible when the Sales Tax Basis is set to ‘Delivery’ in the
Tax Defaults screen. If the Tax Source field at left is set to ‘Delivery Address’,
you can select a Tax Code in this field that will be used as the sales order
header Tax Code instead of the Tax Code specified against the main
address. This setting is typically used in for USA and Canadian taxation
where the shipment destination is what determines the sales order header
Tax Code.

318 Operating Guide

6-3. Customers

You can specify a Contact person at this address. This name gets
transferred to the Ship to Contract field during sales order entry.
Phone, Fax
The Phone and Fax number associated with this delivery destination are
stored there for reference, but do not transfer to the sales order.
Ship Method
You can optionally assign a Ship Method. This is the default Ship Method
that gets applied to sales orders shipped to this address. If left blank, the
Ship Method stored against the main address is used.
Billing Customer
Billing Name
You can select a Billing Name (which is a separate customer record) if you
wish this customer’s invoices to be billed to another account for payment
purposes. Typically this is used when sales are made to branch offices, but
payment is made by a central office. During sales order entry, this customer
is the Sold to account and the Billing Name customer is the Bill to account.
This customer is referenced on sales reports and the Billing Name customer
on accounts receivable reports.

Additional Tab – Main Side-Tab

Main Contact Name
You can select one of the Contacts from the grid below to be designated as
the Main Contact at this company.
Select a Contact Type, which are user-defined contact categories.
This is the contact’s full name.
Use this field to describe the contact’s position or function.
Phone, Fax, Email,
If this is the Main Contact, these contact details transfer to the Contact sub-
tab during sales order entry.
This field is for reference in this screen and does not transfer to the sales

Operating Guide 319

6-3. Customers

User-Defined Fields
If you created any user-defined fields in the Admin – User-Defined Fields screen,
those fields are entered on this panel.

Additional Tab – Documents Side-Tab

On this screen you can attach documents (such as drawings, specifications, etc.)
or files of any kind that relate to this item.
Edit Documents
To link to a document, click the Edit Document panel at the bottom of the screen.
Enter the description that will display on the Document List panel.
File Location
If a document is only to be used by you, you can specify a File Location to
your local computer. If the document is to be shared with others, it should be
stored on the central file server.
Copy to Job
From the drop-down list, select ‘Yes’ if you want this document to be linked to
jobs when the Retrieve Linked Customer / Item / Descriptor Documents
button is clicked on the Additional side-tab off the Header tab in the Jobs
Print With
In a future version of DBA, this document will automatically be printed when
the job traveler is printed. Select ‘Yes’ from the drop-down list if you want this
feature when it becomes available.

320 Operating Guide

6-4. Credit Manager

6-4. Credit Manager

(Sales – Credit Manager)

This screen is used to manage the customer credit checking process. You can
establish a credit limit against each customer, provide warnings at time of order
entry, and block the ability to enter new orders or pick orders for shipment.

Screen Details

All your active customers are listed in the grid.
When a number is displayed in this column, it means that there are open
“alerts” against this customer. Each “alert” is a notification to the user during
sales order entry or quote conversion that the customer is over its credit limit.
You can click the Alerts button on the right panel to view the date and time
each alert occurred and who the user was that received the alert.
Remedial Actions
The person in charge of credit management should check the Credit
Manager screen once per day to see if any alerts have taken place. If so,
some remedial action should be taken, such as these follow-up steps:
• Contact the customer to make payment arrangements.
• Change the content of the customer’s warning message.
• Block the ability to enter additional sales orders.
• Block the ability to pick any current orders for shipment.

Operating Guide 321

6-4. Credit Manager

The customer name is displayed for reference.
Select this checkbox if you wish to enter a credit limit in the field at right.
Credit Limit
This is the customer’s credit limit. In order to make an entry, you must first
select the CL? checkbox at left.
What does it do?
Whenever you convert a quote, create or access a sales order, exit the
Details tab of the Sales Orders screen after making any entries, or use the
Speed Entry or Copy Details functions, the customer’s credit limit is
checked. If the credit limit is exceeded by any combination of open
invoices, open sales orders, and open deposits, the user is presented with
this screen and an “alert” is registered against the customer (see the
Alerts field above for details).

Warn SO
Select this checkbox if you wish to enter an SO Warning Message in the
bottom panel.
Block SO
Select this checkbox if you wish to prohibit entry of any new sales orders for
this customer. When the user attempts to enter a new sales order, this
screen is presented, which blocks the sales order from being created.

322 Operating Guide

6-4. Credit Manager

Block Pick
Select this checkbox if you wish to block the ability to pick any of this
customer’s sales orders for shipment. When the user attempts to use the
Order Picking screen for any sales order associated with this customer, this
screen is presented, which prevents any entries from being made.

Lower Panel
SO Warning Message
When the Warn SO checkbox is selected in the grid above, you can enter
freeform text in this panel that is used as a warning message against this
customer. Whenever you convert a quote or create or access a sales order,
the user is presented with the following screen. The warning message is also
displayed whenever the credit limit status screen or sales order blocking
screen is presented.

Operating Guide 323

6-4. Credit Manager

Click this button to exit the screen. Any entries you’ve made are
automatically saved.
Click this button to cancel any entries made against the customer that is
currently selected.
An “alert” is a notification to the user during sales order entry or quote
conversion that the customer is over its credit limit. Click this button to launch
the following screen to view the date and time each alert occurred and who
the user was that received the alert.

324 Operating Guide

6-4. Credit Manager

Clearing Alerts
Alerts are classified as “un-cleared” until you formally clear them by
clicking the Clear button. Until you take remedial follow-up action to
respond to the alert(s) (see the Alerts field above for details), do not clear
the alert(s). After you’ve taken appropriate remedial action, you should
then clear the alert(s).
NOTE: Only un-cleared alerts are displayed by default. If you wish
to view all historical alerts for this customer, select the All Alerts
option at the bottom of the screen.
Credit Status
Click this button to launch this inquiry screen, which displays the current
credit status of the selected customer.

Operating Guide 325

6-5. Sales Orders

6-5. Sales Orders

(Sales – Sales Orders)

Use this screen to enter, ship, and invoice customer orders. In DBA all customer
orders are entered as sales orders.

A sales order goes through the following phases and steps.
Phase 1 – Quoting (Optional)
• Enter quote (Quotes)
• Print/Email quote (Quotes – Quote button)
• Convert quote to sales order (Quotes – Convert button)
Phase 2 – Order Entry
• Enter sales order (Sales Orders)
• Print/Email acknowledgment (Sales Orders – Acknowledge button)
Phase 3 – Order Picking
• Review Shipment Planner screen and select highest priority order for
picking (Order Picking – SO No lookup)
• Option A – Print pick list (Order Picking – Picking Tab – Print button), pick
stock, then make order picking entries (Order Picking)
• Option B – Make order picking entries (Order Picking), print dispatch list
(Order Picking – Batch History Tab – Print button), then pick stock
• Continue returning to Shipment Planner screen to select next priority order
for picking (Order Picking – SO No lookup) until all orders capable of
being shipped are picked.
Phase 4 – Shipping
• Create shipment from picked stock (Sales Orders – Shipping sub-tab)
• Print packing list (Sales Orders – Shipping sub-tab – Print button)
• Print shipping labels (Sales Orders – Shipping sub-tab – Print button)
• Enter shipping charges (Sales Orders – Shipping tab)
Phase 5 – Invoicing
• Convert shipment to invoice (Sales Orders – Invoicing sub-tab)
• Preview invoice (Sales Orders – Invoicing sub-tab – Preview button)
• Print/Email invoice (Sales Orders – Invoicing sub-tab – Invoice button)
• Optionally batch print invoices (Invoices)

326 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

List Tab
All or selected sales orders are listed on this screen, depending on the Status
filters selected in the lower panel. You can highlight a sales order and then click
any of the tabs to the right to enter order details.

Lower Panel
Template, Ordered, Invoiced, Finished, Closed
Select or clear the checkboxes in this panel to filter the list above by sales
order Status.
Save as Defaults Button
Each user can preserve his or her Status checkbox settings by clicking this
button. Each time the screen launches, these settings will be selected by
Refresh Button
Click this button after selecting or clearing any Status checkboxes or entering
any search text to re-display the list above.
Search for the following text
You can enter text in this field and then click the Refresh button to limit the list
to SO Names containing that text string.
Links Button
You can click this button to link to the following screens. After closing the linked
screen, you are returned to this screen.
• Order Picking
• Generate Planned Jobs

Operating Guide 327

6-5. Sales Orders

New Order Button

Click this button to create a new sales order. You are presented with the New
Sales Order screen.
New Sales Order Screen

Sales Order Type

Your default SO Type is displayed, but you can make another selection, if
you wish.
Order Entry Option
This option is selected by default and indicates that you wish to create a
sales order through manual entry.
You must select a customer from the lookup.
Promise Date
This is the date the customer expects the order to be shipped. It
defaults to today’s date. The date selected here is used as the default
Required Date when each sales order line item is created.
PO Number
You can optionally enter the customer’s PO number, if applicable.
OK Button
After your selections and entries have been made, click this button to
create the sales order. After this screen closes, you are taken to the
Header tab.
Credit Checking
The following credit checking is done, per the settings against this
customer in the Credit Manager screen:

328 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

• If there is an SO Warning Message against this customer, the

warning message is displayed.
• If the customer has exceeded its credit limit, the Credit Status
screen is displayed, which creates an “alert” in the Credit
Manager screen.
• If the Block SO setting is selected against this customer, the
sales order is prohibited from being created.
Copy SO Option
Select this option if you wish to originate the new sales order by copying
one of this customer’s previous sales orders.
NOTE: When the new sales order gets created, prices and
discounts are updated to current prices and customer pricing and
discount settings.
When this option is selected, two additional fields are displayed in a
new panel at the bottom of the screen:
Sales Order
From the lookup, select the pervious sales order you wish to copy.
Qty Factor
If you wish to increase the order quantities, whatever number you enter
here will be multiplied against each order quantity on the sales order
being copied. The default value is ‘1’.
Copy Template Option
Select this option if you wish to originate the new sales order by copying a
sales order “template.” See the Create Template Option section below for
information on how sales order templates are created and used.
When this option is selected, two additional fields are displayed in a
new panel at the bottom of the screen:
Select a template from the lookup.
Qty Factor
If you wish to increase the template quantities, whatever number you
enter here will be multiplied against each order quantity on the
template being copied. The default value is ‘1’.
Create Template Option
Select this option to create a sales order “template” rather than a sales
order. The screen changes to this configuration:

Operating Guide 329

6-5. Sales Orders

How templates are used

A sales order template is used to represent a recurring type of order
where the same set of line items is ordered each time. Rather than
enter line items from scratch with each new order, you can originate
the order from a template.
NOTE: You also have the option of copying in one or more
templates into an existing sales order using the Copy Detail
button on the Details tab.
When you create a new template, most of the fields on the Header tab
are invisible. A customer is not specified. On the Details tab, enter the
line items that comprise the template. When entering quantities, be
aware that each line item’s Qty can be multiplied by a Quantity Factor
at time of sales order creation.
NOTE: Do not enter prices because when a sales order gets
generated from the template, each customer’s pricing rules are
applied to the line items and overwrite any prices stored in the
Field Explanations
Select the origination type. Three options are available:
Select this option if you wish to create the template from
Copy SO
Select this option if you wish to create the template by copying
an existing sales order.
Copy Template
Select this option if you wish to create the template by copying
an existing template.

330 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Template Name
Give the template a name that identifies it on lookups.
Sales Order
This field is visible when the Copy SO option is selected. Select
the sales order from the lookup from which the template is to be
This field is visible when the Copy Template option is selected.
Select the template from the lookup from which the new template is
to be copied.
Qty Factor
This field is only visible when the Copy SO or Copy Template
option is selected. If you wish to increase the template quantities,
whatever number you enter here will be multiplied against each
order quantity on the sales order or template being copied. The
default value is ‘1’.
Acknowledge Button
Click this button to print an acknowledgment for the highlighted sales order,
which can be sent to the customer to verify the details of the order. The
acknowledgment can also be used as a pro-forma invoice.

Operating Guide 331

6-5. Sales Orders

Header Tab
Main Side-Tab

Header Info
The sales order number consists of an alpha prefix, which is the prefix
associated with this SO Type, and a number, which is incremented from the
Next No setting in the SO/Job Numbering panel on the Main Setup screen.
This is an up to 50-character name or description of the order that prints in
the invoice header.
This field displays the SO Type that was selected when the sales order was
NOTE: This setting cannot be changed. If it must be changed, the only
remedy is to delete the sales order and create it once again against the
desired SO Type.
The sales order has five possible Status values, some of which are
automatically assigned by the program and some manually.
The sales order is given a status of ‘ORDERED’ when it is created.

332 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

When the first invoice gets printed, the program automatically changes the
status to ‘INVOICED’.
When all lines are fully invoiced, the program automatically changes the
status to ‘FINISHED’.
If after printing an invoice the program detects that all lines have been
invoiced, you are asked if you wish to change the status to ‘CLOSED’. If
you don’t close the order at that time, you can manually change the status
to ‘CLOSED’ at a later time.
Reopening a CLOSED Sales Order
You can reopen a sales order at any time by manually changing its
status from ‘CLOSED’ back to ‘ORDERED’.
Notes Sub-Tab
Default Promise Date
This is the date the customer expects the order to be shipped. It defaults to
today’s date. The date selected here is used as the default Required Date
when each sales order line item is created.
Unlimited freeform notes can be entered in this panel. The Notes entered
here print on the acknowledgment.
Creation Sub-Tab
Creation Date
The program automatically assigns today’s date as the Creation Date when
the sales order is created.
Created by
The program inserts the first name and last name associated with the current
logged on user into this field.
Terms Sub-Tab
Payment Terms
This field automatically displays the default Payment Terms code stored
against this customer, but it can be overridden with another selection.
This field is for reference only and is the number of days when the invoice
becomes due for payment.

Operating Guide 333

6-5. Sales Orders

From End of Month

This checkbox is for reference only. When selected, the Days due are
calculated from the end of the month rather than the invoice date – a common
practice in some countries.
Credit Status Button
Click this button to view the Credit Status inquiry, which calculates the
customer’s available credit by comparing its credit limit with open invoices,
open sales orders, and open deposits.
Middle Panel
Tax Code
This is the Tax Code that will be applied by default to all line items unless a
tax code exception has been defined against the line’s stock item or
descriptor. The source of this tax code is reference in the Tax Code Source
field at right.
NOTE: If you change the Tax Code after line items already exist, that
tax code will replace the Tax Code at line item level for all lines with a
Tax Code Source of ‘Header’.
Tax Code Source
This field identifies the source of the Tax Code at left. There are four possible
Sales Tax Default
The Tax Code at left is the system level default Sales Tax Code
designated in the Tax Defaults screen.
The Tax Code at left is the tax code Exception designated against this
customer in the Customers screen.
Delivery Address
The Tax Code at left is the Tax Code designated against the delivery
address record in the Customers screen.
The Tax Code at left has been manually changed though selection of a tax
code from the lookup.
Service ID
This field is only visible when the Service Only option is selected in the
Screen Config settings for this SO Type in the SO Types screen. This field is
only used with the old Service Assets screen, which is a legacy application
that is no longer furnished with the standard product. You can select a
service asset from the lookup, which ties this sales order to the asset’s
service history report.

334 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Sold to Sub-Tab
This is the customer that was selected on the New Sales Order screen when
the sales order was initially created.
NOTE: You cannot change the customer selection after the sales order
is created. If you selected the wrong customer by mistake, you must
delete this sales order and create a new sales order with the correct
customer designation.
Address, City, State, Code, Country
This is the primary address for this customer and will be the billing address
unless there is a Bill to customer (see next). You can modify the address for
this particular sales order, if you wish.
Bill to Sub-Tab
NOTE: This sub-tab is only visible when the Sold to customer is linked to a
Billing Customer in the Customers screen.
Invoices generated from this sales order are billed to the customer and address
on this sub-tab. The actual sale for order tracking and sales analysis remains
associated with the customer on the Sold to sub-tab.
Ship to Sub-Tab
The delivery name and address for this sales order are located on this sub-tab.
When the sales order is created, this tab is populated by the default delivery
address for this customer. If the customer does not have any delivery address
records, this tab is populated by the customer’s name and main address. You
can select an alternate delivery address from the lookup in the
NOTE: At time of shipment, in the Shipping screen you have the option of
selecting an alternate delivery address from this customer’s delivery
address table or you can manually enter an alternate delivery address.
Whatever changes you make on the Shipping screen are automatically
applied to the fields on this sub-tab.
This is the Name stored against the delivery address record. You can select
an alternate delivery address from the lookup, if you wish.
Address, City, State, Code, Country
These are the delivery address details.
Ship Method
The default Ship Method stored against the delivery address record is
automatically selected. If there is not a Ship Method stored against the
delivery address, the Ship Method stored against the customer is used. You
can make an alternate selection from the lookup.

Operating Guide 335

6-5. Sales Orders

Pricing Sub-Tab
Commission Code
The default Commission Code (if applicable) stored against the Sold to
customer record is automatically selected, but you can make an alternate
selection, if you wish.
Price Level
The default Price Level (if applicable) stored against the Sold to customer
record is automatically selected, but you can make an alternate selection, if
you wish.
Discount Code
The default Discount Code (if applicable) stored against the Sold to customer
record is automatically selected, but you can make an alternate selection, if
you wish.
Currency, Exchange Rate, Exchange Style
These fields are only visible when the Multi-Currency option is activated in the
Main Setup screen.
NOTE: Multi-currency capability is under development and is not
recommended for use at this time.
Contact Sub-Tab
Sold to Contact
This is the Main Contact Name stored against the Sold to customer. You can
use the lookup button to select an alternate contact, if you wish, or you can
manually enter a contact name.
Phone, Fax, Email
The program first checks if the Sold to Contact’s record contains values for
these fields and, if found, uses those values. Otherwise, the values stored
against the main customer record are used. You also have the option of
manual entry.
Email Documents
This checkbox defaults to the setting maintained against the Sold To
customer master record. When selected you are given the option of sending
invoices via Email at time of printing.
Ship to Contact
This defaults to the Contact stored against the delivery address record in the
Customers screen. You also have the option of manual entry.
Contract ID
This field pertains to the old Service Contracts screen, which is a legacy
application no longer furnished with the standard product. You can select a
service contract from the lookup, which adds this sales order to the service
contract’s sales order history inquiry.

336 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

This is the customer’s purchase order number, which prints on
acknowledgments, packing lists and invoices.
Values Panel
This panel is only visible when the Cost & Profit, Price & Tax, and Both Prices &
Costs options are selected via the Screen Config button on the SO Types screen
for this SO Type.
Total Price
This is the sum of all the line item price totals.
Sales Tax
This is the sum of all the line item sales tax totals.
This is the sum of the Total Price and Sales Tax amounts.
Est Costs
This is the sum of all the line item Total Cost values.
Margin % or Markup %
This is the “margin” or “markup” percentage of Total Price over Est Costs.
Whether margin or markup is used depends on the Profitability Options
setting in the Main Setup screen.
This is the difference between Total Price and Est Costs.

Additional Side-Tab
Documents Panel
In this panel you can attach documents (such as drawings, specifications, etc.) or
files of any kind that relate to this sales order.
Retrieve Linked Customer / Item / Descriptor Documents Button
Click this button to add any documents to the upper panel that are currently
linked to this order’s customer or any of its item or descriptor line items.
Link/Edit Document Button
To link to a document, click the Edit Document panel at the bottom of the
Enter the description that will display on the Document List panel.

Operating Guide 337

6-5. Sales Orders

File Location
If a document is only to be used by you, you can specify a File Location to
your local computer. If the document is to be shared with others, it should
be stored on the central file server.
User-Defined Fields
If you created any user-defined fields in the Admin – User-Defined Fields screen,
those field values are entered on this panel.

338 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Details Tab
Lines Side-Tab
Sales order line items are entered on this tab.

Availability Button
This button is only visible when the highlighted line has a Line Type of ‘Stock’.
Click this button to view the Stock Status inquiry, which shows available and
projected stock, as well as demand supply details.
Delivery Button
This button is only visible when an ‘M’ item is currently selected in the grid below.
It launches the Delivery Date Estimator screen, which can be used to help
calculate the line item’s Required Date.

Operating Guide 339

6-5. Sales Orders

Delivery Date Estimator Screen

Field Explanations
The line item Reference ID is displayed in this read-only field.
This is the item’s Description from the item master record.
Make Qty
The line item Qty is automatically inserted into this field.
Lead Days
This is the item’s Lead Days setting from the MRP Settings screen. It
can be overridden in this screen, if you wish.
Job Start Date
The Job Start Date is determined by the adding the number of Lead
Days to today’s date. If that date falls on a non-valid workday on the
shop calendar, the date will be rounded forward to the first available
date. You can manually change this date, if you wish.
Job Days
This is the value maintained in the MRP Settings screen. If you do not
create a value in the Calc Job Days field, this value is used as the one
displayed in the Est Job Days field (see below).
Calc Job Days
If you click the button in this field, the Job Days Calculator screen will
display and calculates the job days required based on the quantity
being made and current work center and routing settings. When you
close the screen, the calculated total displays in the Calc Job Days

340 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

field. When the Calc Job Days field is given a value, it becomes the
one used in the Est Job Days field (see below).
Est Job Days
If there is a value in the Calc Job Days field, it is used as the Est Job
Days value. If the Calc Job Days field is blank, the Job Days field
value is used as the Est Job Days value. The Est Job Days is used to
forward schedule the job from the Job Start Date. The program counts
forward from the Job Start Date to establish the Est Delivery Date,
skipping over any non-valid days on the shop calendar.
Est Delivery Date
Click the button in this field to calculate the estimated delivery date,
based on the entries and calculations described above. When the
screen is closed, this date will be inserted into the line’s Required Date
Lines Sub-Tab
Line No
This field is used by the program for sorting purposes. The line items
normally sort in Line No. order unless you click on any of the column
headings to change the sort order.
Line Type
You must select one of the following Line Types:
Select this Line Type if you wish to enter a stock item.
Select this Line Type if you wish to enter a descriptor.
Select this Line Type if you wish to use the Custom Item Generator to
create a custom item for “one-off” jobs.
Reference ID
The value in this field varies according to Line Type.
You must select the stock item from the lookup.

Operating Guide 341

6-5. Sales Orders

Lookup Details

Progressive Matching
You can immediately start typing the Item ID (or Description) and
each character progressively moves the cursor closer to the
desired record.
Search Description
Click this checkbox and you can enter all or a portion of the item’s
Description. Click the magnifying glass icon and the list will be
limited only to Descriptions that contain that text string.
Mfg or Purch
You can select or clear these checkboxes to limit the list to just
manufactured or purchased items.
Click this checkbox and you are presented with a window
containing these advanced filtering options.
Active or InActive
Select or clear these checkboxes to limit the search to just
items with a Status of ‘Active’ or ‘In-Active’.
Select this checkbox if you wish to limit the search to
Custom items that were previously created by the Custom
Item Generator.
Item ID
You can enter a portion of the Item ID to limit the search to
items containing that text string.
You can enter a portion of the Item ID to limit the search to
items containing that character string.

342 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

You can limit the search to items belong to a particular Item
You can limit the search to items that are cross-referenced
to a particular supplier.
Supplier Part #
You can enter all or a portion of the Supplier Part No and
the list will be limited to items with Supplier Part No’s that
contain this character string.
You can limit the search to items that are cross-referenced
to a particular Manufacturer.
Manufacturer Part #
You can enter all or a portion of the Manufacturer Part No
and the list will be limited to items with Manufacturer Part
No’s that contain this character string.
You can limit the search to items that are cross-referenced
to a particular customer.
Search Button
After you’ve made your selections, click this button. The
screen will close and the results of your search will be listed
in the main lookup grid.
Base Price > 0
This checkbox is selected by default and limits the list to items with
a Base Price. Clear this checkbox if you wish to list all items,
including those without selling prices.
You must select the descriptor from the lookup.
After you select the ‘Custom’ Line Type, you are presented with the
Custom Item Generator screen. That screen creates a custom item that
will be used by MRP to generate a custom job, using that item as the job’s
primary output.

Operating Guide 343

6-5. Sales Orders

Custom Item Generator

Field Explanations
Custom Item ID
The Custom Item ID is used as the line’s Reference ID and is
generated by the program. It cannot be modified.
Description (Required)
Enter the Description of the Custom Item ID. This is a required
The UM default value derives from the Custom Item Generator
setting in the Job Defaults screen, but can be overridden, if you
Customer Part No
This is an optional field. If you are making a custom item on
behalf of a customer who identifies the item with a part number,
enter the Customer Part No in this field. This is for reference
only on the Customers sub-tab within the Sources tab in the
Stock Items screen when viewing the custom item record.
Lead Days
The Lead Days amount derives from the Custom Item
Generator setting in the Job Defaults screen, but can be
overridden, if you wish.
Job Days
The Job Days amount derives from the Custom Item Generator
setting in the Job Defaults screen, but can be overridden, if you
Est Delivery
This is an estimated delivery date, calculated forward from
today’s date by adding the Lead Days to the Job Days, skipping
over any non-valid workdays defined on the shop calendar.

344 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Use as Req Date

This checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the Est
Delivery date will be used as the line’s Required Date.
The source for this field value varies according to Line Type. Regardless of
its source, this value can be modified.
This is the Description from the stock item’s master record.
This is the Description from the descriptor’s master record.
This is the Description that was entered in the Custom Item Generator
screen when this line was created.
This amount is manually entered and is the line item’s order quantity.
Act Qty
This amount is for reference only and is the quantity picked to date.
This value denotes the line item’s unit of measure, such as ‘EA’, ‘LB’, etc.
The source for this field value varies according to Line Type. Regardless of
its source, this value can be modified.
This is the UM from the stock item’s master record.
This is the UM from the descriptor’s master record.
This is the UM that was entered in the Custom Item Generator screen
when this line was created.
Reference Price
The source of the Reference Price varies according the Line Type.
Regardless of its source, this price can be modified.
Stock & Descriptor
• If a Contract Price exists for this line item and customer combination, it
takes precedence over other prices.
• If there is no Contract Price and this line item is a stock item or
descriptor, its Base Price is used. If this customer is assigned to a
Price Level, a multiplier is applied to the Base Price according to the %
of Base setting against the Price Level.

Operating Guide 345

6-5. Sales Orders

The Reference Price is manually entered.
If this customer is assigned to a Discount Code, the discount percentage is
inserted into this field. This field may be left blank if you don’t offer discounts.
The percentage can vary within Discount Code depending on the settings
made in the Discounts screen. Regardless of its source, you can modify the
percentage, If you wish, or enter it from scratch for a ‘Custom’ Line Type.
This is the unit selling price, which is calculated by applying the Discount to
the Reference Price.
NOTE: When the Discount field is blank, the Reference Price and the
Price are the same value.
Total Price
This amount is calculated by multiplying the Qty by the Price.
Est Cost
This field is only visible when the Est Cost option is selected via the Screen
Config button on the SO Types screen. This is the stock item or descriptor’s
unit Estimated Cost at the time the line was created.
Act Cost
This read-only field is only visible when the Act Cost option is selected via the
Screen Config button on the SO Types screen. This is the actual unit cost of
the quantity picked to date.
Total Cost
This field is only visible when the Total Cost option is selected via the Screen
Config button on the SO Types screen. This field displays the total estimated
cost, which is the line’s Qty multiplied by the Est Cost.
Margin or Markup
This field is only visible when the Margin or Markup option is selected via the
Screen Config button on the SO Types screen. This is the Margin or Markup
(depending on your Profitability setting in the Sales Defaults screen) of the
net Price over Est Cost.
Changing the Margin or Markup
You can change the Margin or Markup percentage by clicking the 3-dot
button in this field. You are presented with a screen within which you can
enter the new percentage. When you click OK, the Price will be adjusted
to reflect the new Margin or Markup.

346 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Total Tax
This field displays the sales tax total for this line item. It is calculated by
applying the Tax Rate percentage associated with the Tax Code at right to
the total price. You can manually override this amount, if you wish.
Non-Taxable Lines
If an item or descriptor is always non-taxable, regardless of customer, a
non-taxable tax code Exception should be assigned against the stock item
or descriptor. A non-taxable Tax Code has a zero percentage tax rate.
Tax Source
This field value indicates the source of the Tax Code at right. There are five
possible values:
The Tax Code at right is the Tax Code from the sales order Header tab.
The Tax Code at right is a tax code Exception designated in the stock item
master record.
The Tax Code at right is a tax code Exception designated in the descriptor
master record.
Tax Matrix
The Tax Code at right derives from the Tax Group Matrix and is
determined by the Tax Group associated with the Sold To customer
master record combined with the Tax Group associated with the item or
descriptor master record.
The Tax Code at right was selected manually from the lookup.
Tax Code
Each line item is assigned to a Tax Code, which gets its default value from
the Tax Source indicated at left. You can manually select a tax code
exception from the lookup.
NOTE: A Tax Code can be taxable or non-taxable. A non-taxable Tax
Code has a zero percentage tax rate.
Required Date
This date is used by MRP as the “demand” date for planning suggested jobs
and POs. If this is a make to order item, you can click the Delivery button in
the upper panel to launch the Delivery Date Estimator screen, which can help
you calculate an estimated delivery date that can be used as the Required

Operating Guide 347

6-5. Sales Orders

This read-only field pertains to ‘CTO’ (custom to order) items only. When
MRP generates a job directly from this sales order line, the linked job number
is displayed in this field.
Warranty Code
This field is only visible when the Warranty Code option is selected via the
Screen Config button on the SO Types screen. When this stock item or
descriptor is assigned to a Warranty Code, it displays in this field. When this
field is visible, you have the option of making an alternate selection.
Notes Side-Tab
Line Notes
The Line Notes from the stock item or descriptor master record get passed
into this notes field. This text is printed underneath this line item on these
• Quote
• Acknowledgment
Invoice Notes
The text entered in this notes field is printed underneath this line item on the
New Line
Click this button to create a new line item. The program creates a new row in
the grid and increments the previous Line No by ‘10’. The Line Type defaults
to ‘Stock’ and the cursor is positioned in the Reference ID field.
Speed Entry
The Speed Entry function helps you enter order detail lines as rapidly as
possible and is especially useful when entering large numbers of line items.
Click the Speed Entry button to launch the Speed Entry screen.
NOTE: You can use Speed Entry as often as you wish within an order.
You can enter a few lines, transfer them, enter a few more, transfer
them, and so forth.

348 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Speed Entry Screen

Upper Panel
Stock Items or Descriptors
Choose whether you want to select Stock Items or Descriptors. All
your stock items or descriptors will display in the selection grid.
Item Selection
Item ID or Descriptor ID
Start typing the Item ID or Descriptor ID. As you type each
character, the cursor will progressively move to the item with the
closest match. Once you find the item you are looking for, press
Enter and the cursor will move to the Qty field where you can enter
the order quantity.
Lower Grid
After entering the quantity, press Enter and you will see your
entry displayed in the lower grid. The cursor moves to the left-
hand column where you can immediately make another
Using the mouse is not necessary
You don’t have to use the mouse to make your selections. You
can press Enter to move back and forth from the Item ID or
Descriptor ID field to the Qty field and to make your selections.
You can use your arrow keys to navigate up or down the
columns. You can, of course, also use the mouse, if you wish.
Description Search
Use this field to narrow the contents of the main selection grid only
to items that contain the text you enter. Once you enter your text,
click the lookup icon to the left and the main grid displays the items

Operating Guide 349

6-5. Sales Orders

with matching text. Once you make a selection, the grid

repopulates itself with all your items. If you make a search and
don’t select an item, click the ‘X’ button and the grid will repopulate
with all items.
Item Category
You can click on this column heading to sort the list by Item
Category. You can also click the down arrow in the column
heading to filter the list to a particular Item Category.
De-Selecting Items
To de-select an item, highlight it in the lower display grid and click the
Delete button.
Transfer Button
Your item selections and quantities are displayed in the lower grid in
the order that they were selected. When your selections are
completed, click the Transfer button and the items and quantities will
be transferred to the Details tab.
Copy Detail
When you click this button, two options are presented in the Copy Details
You have the option of copying in a set of line items from a sales order
template. After you select the Template option and click OK, you are
presented with a list of available templates. Highlight the desired
template, then enter a Qty Factor, if applicable, which is a multiplier that
gets applied to each template line item’s quantity to determine each sales
order line item Qty. Click the Transfer button to transfer the template line
items into the sales order.
Sales Kit
You have the option of copying in a sales kit, which consists of a parent
descriptor and a set of kit components. After you select the Sales Kit
option and click OK, you are presented with a selection screen. Select a
sales kit descriptor from the lookup, then enter a Qty Factor, if applicable,
which is a multiplier that gets applied to the parent descriptor and each
component’s kit quantity to determine each sales order line item Qty.
Click OK to transfer the sales kit into the sales order.

350 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Shipping Tab
NOTE: The Shipping tab is only visible when the Activate Shipping Tab
checkbox is selected in the SO Types screen for this order’s SO Type.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Sales Order Training Course
Segments: Shipment Creation, Shipment Documents, UPS and Fedex,
Shipment Reversal
What is a shipment?
A shipment is a set of line items from this sales order that were shipped on a
particular date to a particular delivery address. A packing list and shipping labels
can be printed for each shipment. Shipping charges can be entered against the
shipment and will flow through to the invoice.
How do shipments interact with invoices?
Invoices are generated from shipments. Each invoice consists of all line items
that have shipped quantities that have not yet been invoiced. Each line item’s
invoice quantity is the “shipped not invoiced” quantity.
How do items get included on a shipment?
Each shipment automatically includes all line items that were picked (via the
Order Picking screen) since the previous shipment.
Shipments also include non-stock descriptors
Shipments are also comprised of descriptor line items that were picked for
invoicing purposes. Descriptors are used for credit memos, service labor
charges, and miscellaneous charges. Descriptor line items are not included on
the packing list, but are included in the invoice that gets generated from the
When would an SO Type not include shipments?
If you create an SO Type in the SO Types screen for handling walk-in “counter”
sales, there is no need for an intervening shipment because the customer picks
up the order items in person. In this case, picked items can be invoiced without a
shipment being generated first.

Operating Guide 351

6-5. Sales Orders

Main Side-Tab

Upper Grid
All shipments for this sales order are listed in this grid. The fields in the lower
panel display the details for the shipment highlighted in the grid.
New Shipment
Click this button to create a new shipment. If items have not yet been picked
for shipment, you are asked:
‘No Items have been picked for shipment.
Do you wish to pick Items now?’
If you click Yes, you are presented with the Order Picking screen. You can
then pick the order. When the Order Picking screen finishes its processing,
you are returned to this screen. The shipment is automatically generated and
includes the items you just picked.
If you notice errors on your packing list, you can click this button to delete the
shipment, correct the source of the errors, and then generate a new
NOTE: You cannot delete a shipment when its Invoiced checkbox is
selected. You must reverse the Invoice and then you can delete the
When you click this button, two options are presented in a drop-down list.

352 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Packing List
Select this option to prints a packing list that gets included with the
physical shipment. If there is a custom layout stored against this
customer, it is used. If there is no layout at the customer level, the
program checks for a custom layout stored against this SO Type and uses
it. If one is not found against the SO Type, the standard layout is used.
NOTE: If you do not want no charge line items to print on the
packing list, select the Exclude zero value Items from Packing List
checkbox. The other option is to click the Details side tab and clear
the Print checkbox from any items that are not to be printed.
Shipping Labels
Select this option to print shipping address labels that get applied to
packages. On the Print Labels screen you specify the Number of Labels,
which defaults to the Packs amount on the Shipping screen.
Lower Panel
Shipment No
Each shipment is identified by a unique number that is sequentially assigned
by the program, beginning with ‘1’. The Shipment No cannot be modified.
Shipment Date
This defaults to today’s date, but can be overridden with another selection.
This read-only checkbox is automatically selected when this shipment gets
NOTE: Once the shipment is invoiced, no further changes to shipment
details are permitted.
Ship Method
This defaults to the Ship Method specified on the Ship-to sub-tab of the
Header screen. If you select a different delivery address, the Ship Method
stored against that address will be used. If there is not one stored against the
delivery address record, the Ship Method stored against the Sold To
customer’s master record is used. You can also manually select a Ship
Method from the lookup.
Shipment Description
You can optionally enter a shipment description for reference purposes, which
prints in the header of the packing list.
Delivery Name, Address, City, State, Code, Country, Contact
These fields are the Name, address, and Contact specified on the Ship To
sub-tab on the Header tab. You can use the lookup to select an alternate
delivery address from among this customer’s delivery addresses.

Operating Guide 353

6-5. Sales Orders

NOTE: Any changes you make to the fields on this screen

automatically update the corresponding fields on the Ship To sub-tab
on the Header tab.
The program divides each item’s shipment Qty by its Std Pack setting in the
Stock Items screen and sums the amounts for all line items to arrive at the
total number of packs that comprise this shipment. You can manually
override this amount.
Total Weight
The program multiplies each item’s shipment Qty by its Unit Weight setting in
the Stock Items screen and sums the amounts for all line items to arrive at the
Total Weight for this shipment. You can manually override this amount.
Total Volume
The program multiplies each item’s shipment Qty by its Unit Volume setting in
the Stock Items screen and sums the amounts for all line items to arrive at the
Total Volume for this shipment. You can manually override this amount.
Trace ID
If your shipping provider gives you a tracking number, you can enter it in this
field, for reference purposes only.
Shipping Charges
If there is a Ship Charge stored against the Ship Method, that amount is
inserted into this field. Otherwise, shipping charges are entered manually.
How it works
When Shipping Charges and Ship Tax (if applicable, see next) are given
values, a line item is automatically added at the end of the sales order. It
is a ‘Freeform’ Line Type with a Reference ID of ‘Shipping’. The line’s
Description is whatever you enter in the Shipment Description field, which
defaults to “Shipping” but can be changed to whatever description you
NOTE: Freeform ‘Shipping’ lines do not print as line items on the
invoice. Instead, total shipping charges print in the subtotal footer
area and are labeled with the Your Ship Name setting from the
Sales Setup screen.
This field is only visible when the Tax Shipping checkbox is selected against
the Tax Code specified in the Header tab. Sales tax is automatically applied
to the Shipping Charges based on the tax code’s tax rate percentage.
This field is only visible when the Tax field is visible. It is the sum of the
Shipping Charges and Tax amounts.

354 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Shipment Notes
You can enter unlimited notes for reference purposes in the Shipment Notes
area of the screen. These notes print on the packing list.
Exclude zero-value items from Packing List
Select this checkbox if you wish to exclude no charge line items from the
packing list.

Details Side-Tab

Upper Panel
The fields on the upper panel – Shipment No, Shipment Description, Shipment
Date, Ship Method -- are for reference only and identify the currently selected
Line Items Grid
All the items that comprise the shipment are listed in this grid. All the fields are
for reference only and are self-explanatory, except for the Print checkbox.
Select this checkbox if you wish to exclude a line item from printing on the
packing list. You might, for example, have items for labor charges that are
not relevant to a packing list, which normally is confined to a listing of physical

Operating Guide 355

6-5. Sales Orders

Invoicing Tab
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Sales Order Training Course
Segments: Invoice Creation, Invoice Customization, Invoice Reversal
How are Invoices created?
Invoices are automatically generated from shipments or from picked items.
• When the Shipping tab is active, all line items and quantities associated with
shipments that have not yet been invoiced are included in the invoice.
• When the Shipping tab is not active, all line items with quantities picked since
the previous invoice are included in the invoice.
When you click the Invoicing tab and items are ready to be invoiced, you are
Do you wish to create an Invoice?
Click Yes and the invoice is created and listed in the grid.
How does an invoice get posted to the general ledger?
When an invoice is first created, it is in preview form only and technically does
not exist until it gets posted. An invoice gets posted to the general ledger when it
is formally printed or Emailed and its Status changes to ‘Printed.’
Can a separate invoice be generated for each shipment?
Be aware that each invoice is a blend of the shipments that have accumulated
since the previous invoice. So if you create multiple shipments from a single
sales order and you wish to generate a separate invoice that corresponds to
each shipment, you must generate an invoice immediately after each shipment
before you create the next shipment.
How are credit memos created?
When you print an invoice with a negative Total Amt, the printed title on the
invoice changes from the Your Invoice Name specified in the Sales Setup screen
to the Your Credit Name specified in that same screen.
Sometimes you need to create a credit memo to adjust a customer’s account
balance. For example, you may need to write off a customer’s balance to “Bad
Debt.” To do this, create a descriptor that describes the adjustment and assign it
to an Item Category that can be mapped in the Sales tab of the Account
Assignments screen to the appropriate GL account. Enter the descriptor in a
sales order and give it a negative price for the amount of the adjustment. Pick
the order, generate a shipment (if applicable), then create the credit memo.

356 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

Invoice and Credit Memo Forms Titles

You can specify your own forms titles for invoices and credit memos via the Your
Invoice Name and Your Credit Name settings in the Sales Defaults screen.

Screen Details

Click for Preview of selected Invoice

Click this icon if you wish to preview the invoice on the screen and to adjust
printing options. You are first presented with the Print Options screen.
Print Options Screen
This screen lists the invoice line items, prices, and quantities and is used to
exclude selected line items from printing.

Don’t Print
If you wish to exclude a particular line item from printing on the invoice,
select this checkbox. This is usually done with zero-value line items.
NOTE: The total price on the invoice is unaffected by this setting
and will still reflect the price of any non-printed line items.

Operating Guide 357

6-5. Sales Orders

Invoices Grid
All invoices that have been created against this sales order are listed in this grid.
Invoice No
This field is left blank until the Status changes to ‘Printed’. The program
assigns the Invoice No based on the Invoice Prefix and Next Invoice No
settings in the Sales Defaults screen.
Invoice Date
This field defaults to today’s date, but can be overridden with another
selection prior to printing the invoice.
The system assigns three possible values to this field:
When the invoice is initially created, the Status is blank.
The Status changes to ‘Printed’ once the invoice is printed or Emailed.
GL Posting
NOTE: It is when the invoice status changes to ‘Printed’ that the
invoice is posted to the general ledger and to the sales history
When you click the Reverse button to reverse a ‘Printed’ invoice, the
Status changes to ‘Credited’.
Net Amt
This field displays the total price exclusive of Shipping and Tax.
This field displays the total shipping charges on this Invoice.
This field displays the total tax on this invoice.
Total Amt
This is the sum of the Net Amt, Shipping, and Tax amounts.
If an advance deposit has been applied against this Invoice, the amount is
displayed in this field.
Deposit Processing
If a deposit has been entered in the AR – Customer Deposits screen
against this sales order, when you create the invoice you are presented
with this prompt:

358 Operating Guide

6-5. Sales Orders

An open Deposit exists against this Sales Order. Do you wish to

apply the Deposit towards this Invoice?
If you click OK, you are presented with this prompt:
Up to $__ can be applied. Apply how much?
You can then apply all or a portion of the open deposit amount against the
Due Date
This is the invoice payment due date, which is based on the Payment Terms
specified in the Terms sub-tab on the Header tab.
Print on Statement
When you reverse an invoice to correct for errors, the original invoice is
retained and a “reversing” invoice with offsetting negative quantities and
prices is created. If you wish to exclude both of these invoices from printing
on the customer statement, select ‘No’ in this field.
New Invoice Button
If you don’t create the invoice at the time you click the Invoicing tab, once you are
on the Invoicing screen you can click this button to create a new invoice.
Delete Button
When a selected invoice’s Status is blank, you can delete it by clicking this
NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘Printed’ Status invoice. You must reverse it
instead (see next).
Reverse Button
When a selected invoice’s Status is ‘Printed’, you can create a “reversing”
Invoice (with offsetting negative quantities and prices) by clicking this button.
The original invoice is retained and both invoices are given a Status of ‘Credited’.
NOTE: If you wish to exclude both of these invoices from printing on the
customer statement, select ‘No’ in the Print on Statement field against
each of these invoices.
Print Buttons Panel
Invoice Button
Click this button to print the selected invoice. You are first presented with the
Print Options screen.
NOTE: When the invoice is printed, its Status changes to ‘Printed’ and
it is posted to sales history and to the general ledger.

Operating Guide 359

6-5. Sales Orders

Print Options Screen

This screen lists the invoice line items, prices, and quantities and is used
to exclude selected line items from printing.

NOTE: If you had already made Don’t Print selections on this

screen when you previewed the invoice, those settings are retained
when the screen gets presented again here.

Don’t Print
If you wish to exclude a particular line item from printing on the invoice,
select this checkbox. This is usually done with zero-value line items.
NOTE: The total price on the invoice is unaffected by this setting
and will still reflect the price of any non-printed line items.
Yes for Email, No for Preview
If the Email Documents checkbox is selected in the Contact sub-tab of the
Header tab, you are presented with this prompt after closing the Print
Options screen. If the checkbox is not selected, the invoice is previewed
on the screen and can be printed by clicking the Printer icon.
• If you click Yes, you are presented with the standard Email client form,
pre-filled with the Message Body Default Text for this user from the
User Setup screen.
• If you click No, the invoice is previewed on the screen and can be
printed by clicking the Printer icon.
Credit Card Payment Prompt
If this sales order’s Payment Terms is specified as a ‘Credit Card’ type
in the Customer Terms screen, you are prompted to record the
customer’s payment.
If you click Yes to the prompt, the Customer Payments screen is
presented. The Banking Account, Payment Type, and Amount to Pay
fields are pre-filled. Click the Update button and the credit card
payment will be processed.

360 Operating Guide

6-6. Order Picking

6-6. Order Picking

(Sales – Order Picking)

This screen is used to plan and pick stock for sales order shipments.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Sales Order Training Course
Segments: Shipment Planning, Pick List, Order Picking
Shipment Planner
This screen includes a Shipment Planner lookup tool that lists which orders are
ready to ship, prioritized by earliest required date. Starting with the first ready to
ship order, you pick stock from available locations. After picking each order, you
return to the Shipment Planner, which is now updated to reflect the sales order
you just picked and the effect the transactions have on your remaining sales
Picking Methods
Two picking methods are available.
Pick List Method
With this option, you print a “pick list” from this screen and use it as a guide to
physically pick the stock listed required to fill the order. The pick list can
optionally list all available stock by location and by tracking characteristics
(such as lot and serial numbers). After stock is picked, you return
immediately to this screen to record your transactions.
Dispatch List Method
With this option, you pick stock on this screen first, including quantities by
location and any tracking characteristics that are required (such as lot and
serial numbers). You then print a “dispatch list” and use it to as a guide to
physically pick the stock. The dispatch list sorts the picked items in location
order to provide an efficient route through the warehouse.
If stock is not found in the location listed on the dispatch list, you can return to
this screen, find the original transaction, and click the Return button to
partially or fully reverse the original transaction. You can then make a new
entry with the correct information.
Which picking method is best?
For an inventory management system to be efficient, it is essential that inventory
be updated in real time, as transactions actually occur. Real-time inventory
updating gives your users confidence that when they view any item’s inventory
status, it accurately reflects all recent transactions. Real-time updating prevents

Operating Guide 361

6-6. Order Picking

transactions from being entered out of sequence, such as shipping an item

before it has been received to stock from a job.
Either picking method can work well. If you use the “pick list” method, it is
essential that picking transactions be recorded on this screen immediately after
each order is picked. To facilitate this, we recommend that warehouse personnel
be given access to computer workstations so they can make their own entries.
If you want to guarantee real-time inventory updating, use the “dispatch list”
picking method because items are “pre-picked” on the screen before they are
physically picked. If you use this method, be sure to always physically pick stock
immediately after printing the dispatch list.
There is no transaction “back-dating” in DBA
All inventory transactions throughout the DBA system are dated as of their entry
date. There is no ability to “back-date” transactions after the fact. For example,
if you pick stock on Friday, but you don’t get around to entering the transactions
on the Order Picking screen until Tuesday, as far as the system is concerned,
that stock was picked on Tuesday, not Friday.

Screen Details

Upper Panel
When you click the button in this field, you are presented with the Shipment
Planner screen, which is used to determine the next sales order to pick based
on priority and available stock.
Shipment Planner Screen
All sales orders with un-picked quantities remaining are listed in this
screen in priority order, based on earliest required date.

362 Operating Guide

6-6. Order Picking

Process one order at a time

The Shipment Planner only works if you pick and update one sales
order at a time, in the sort order listed. This is because stock that gets
picked for the highest priority sales on one order is not available for
subsequent priority sales orders that also call for the same items. Only
by updating inventory after each sales order is picked can available
stock be progressively consumed in priority order.
Field Explanations
Earliest Required
This is the earliest Required Date among this sales order’s line
items. Sales orders are listed by earliest required date first, which
is considered to be highest priority. When two or more sales orders
have the same earliest required date, they are listed by oldest sales
order within that date.
NOTE: If you wish to give one sales order priority over
another, it is done by moving line item Required Dates up on
the higher priority order or back on the lower priority order.
This is the sales order number.
This is the Description from the sales order header tab, which
defaults to the customer name but can be used to provide a brief
description of the order.
When this checkbox is selected, it means that if this were the next
sales order picked, all of its line items with remaining quantities
have available stock and therefore the remainder of the order can
be shipped in full.
Green Color & Bold Text
To provide a visual cue as to which sales orders are ready to
ship in full (if it is the next sales order picked), any line with the
Ready checkbox selected is displayed with green and bold text.

Operating Guide 363

6-6. Order Picking

Lines Ready
If this were the next sales order to be picked, this is the number of
line items that have available stock.
Lines Not Ready
If this were the next sales order to be picked, this is the number of
line items that do not have sufficient stock to be shipped in full.
Lines Complete
This is the number of line items that have already been shipped in
full. This helps give you a feel for whether the sales order has not
been shipped yet or if it is a “backorder”, meaning that it has been
shipped, but one or more items were not in stock at time of
shipment and must be shipped later.
Last Picked
This is the date of the last picking transaction for this ales order. If
you determine from the Lines Complete amount that this is a
backorder, this date gives you a feel for how “old” the backorder is.
This is the Sold To customer associated with this sales order.
Trading Name
This is the Trading Name associated with this customer’s master
record, which is the name that prints on documents.
Description, Customer, Trading Name
These fields help identify the sales order currently displayed on the screen.

Picking Tab
Pick List
Click this button to print a “pick list.” The pick list provides a listing of the
stock items to be picked (descriptor line items are not included). After printing
the pick list, you physically pick the order and indicate on the pick list the
locations and characteristics associated with your transactions. You then
return to this screen to record your transactions and update inventory. Before
printing, you are presented with this selection screen:

364 Operating Guide

6-6. Order Picking

Report Options
Use the Print checkbox to select or de-select the fields you want included
on the pick list. You can change the order by clicking into the Sort Order
field on those cells in the grid that are not grayed out.
Stock Qtys (Recommended)
We recommend that you select this option, which lists available stock
on hand by location and characteristic sets. This makes it much easier
to find stock and to indicate from which location stock was picked and
what characteristics were used.
You can select the Portrait or Landscape option to achieve a vertical or
horizontal style printing layout.
Select SO Lines
Select this option if you wish to limit the pick list to selected line items.
When you select this checkbox, a panel displays below within which you
can select or de-select the Include checkbox to determine which lines get
Print Button
After your selections are completed, click this button to print the pick list.
Here is a sample:

Operating Guide 365

6-6. Order Picking

Click this button to “pre-fill” the Picked Qty column in the grid against line
items where a selection process is not required, which occurs under the
following conditions:
• Stock is only on hand in one location.
• Stock on hand is equal to or greater than the line item’s remaining
• Stock on hand consists of only one set of characteristics (such as a
single lot number).
• The line item is a descriptor.
Pre-filling from the primary location
You have the option of limiting pre-filling to each item’s Primary Location
and ignoring stock on hand in secondary locations. To achieve this, go to
the Inventory Defaults screen and in the When Stock Is in Multiple
Locations panel, select the Pre-Fill from Primary Location option.
After your entries are completed, click this button to perform the following
• Each item’s stock on hand is reduced at the designated locations and
for the selected characteristics.
• Transactions are posted to the item history and sales order batch
history tables.
• The Act Qty is increased against each sales order line item.
• The total inventory cost associated with each line item transaction is
debited to your Picked Not Invoiced account and an offsetting credit is
posted to your Inventory account.

366 Operating Guide

6-6. Order Picking

SO Lines
All of this sales order’s line items are displayed in the grid and are sorted Line No
Picked Qty
When this field is not grayed out, you can enter the picked quantity. When
the field is grayed out, direct entry is prohibited and you must make entries in
the Pick Detail tab below.
NOTE1: When the Picked Qty is equal to the Remaining quantity, this
amount is displayed in bold blue text, which gives you a visual cue that
this line item has been picked in full.
NOTE2: Negative stock on hand is not permitted. Therefore, you
cannot enter a Picked Qty greater than the On Hand quantity.
NOTE3: Over-picking is not permitted. The Picked Qty cannot exceed
the line item’s Remaining quantity. If you wish to pick and ship a
greater quantity than the order Qty, you must go into the sales order
and either increase the line item’s order Qty or add a new line for the
excess quantity. You can then return to this screen and pick the
additional quantity.
Direct Entry
The Picked Qty field is available for direct entry under these conditions:
• Stock on hand in the primary location is equal or greater than the
line item’s required quantity and the When Stock Is in Multiple
Locations setting in the Inventory Defaults screen is set to the Pre-
Fill from Primary Location option.
• All stock on hand must have the same characteristics set.
• The line item is a descriptor.
Pick Detail Required
The field is grayed out under these conditions and entries must be made
in the Pick Detail sub-tab:
• Stock is on hand in two or more locations and the When Stock Is in
Multiple Locations setting in the Inventory Defaults screen is set to
the Require Location Selection option.
• Stock on hand consists of multiple characteristic sets.
This is the line item’s remaining quantity, which is its quantity picked to date
subtracted from its Order Qty.
On Hand
This is the total stock on hand among all locations.

Operating Guide 367

6-6. Order Picking

NOTE1: This amount is displayed in bold red text when it is less than
the Remaining quantity. This gives you a visual cue that this line item
cannot be picked in full.
NOTE2: This field is left blank on descriptor line items.
Line No, Reference ID, Description
These fields identify the line item.
Order Qty, UM
This is the line item’s order quantity and unit of measure.
Unit Cost
This is the unit cost that will get applied to this picking transaction. In the
case of a stock item, this is the item’s current Inventory Cost. In the case of a
descriptor, this is its current Estimated Cost.
Line Type
‘Stock’ indicates that this line item is a stock item. ‘Descriptor’ indicates that
this line item is a descriptor.
This is the line item’s Required Date.
Pick Detail Sub-Tab
Upper Panel
Line No, Ref ID
These fields identify the line item highlighted in the SO Lines grid above.
Magnifying Glass Icon
Click this icon to launch the Stock Status inquiry screen for this stock item.
Qty to Pick
This is the quantity to be picked, which is equal to the line item’s
Remaining quantity in the grid above.
Tot Pick Qty
This is the total Picked Qty in the grid below.
This is the Tot Pick Qty subtracted from the Qty to Pick, which is the
balance remaining to be picked in order to pick this line item in full.
Grid Fields
Each line in the grid represents the stock on hand for each location and
unique set of characteristic values.

368 Operating Guide

6-6. Order Picking

Picked Qty
Enter the quantity to be picked against this location and set of
characteristic values.
NOTE1: Negative stock on hand is not permitted. Therefore, you
cannot enter a Picked Qty greater than the Stock Qty.
NOTE2: When the word ‘Transitory’ is displayed in red text, it
indicates that this is a ‘Transitory’ location from which stock cannot
be picked. Transitory locations are used for a temporary process
such as inspection. Using the Stock Transfer screen, stock must
be transferred from the transitory location to a non-transitory
location and then the stock can be picked for shipment.
This is the location associated with this stock quantity.
This read-only checkbox identifies the stock item’s Primary Location (as
designated in the Stock Items screen).
This read-only checkbox is only visible when a “transitory” location is
displayed. A location flagged as Transitory is used for a temporary
process such as inspection or transfer between warehouses. Stock
cannot be picked from a transitory location, but transitory stock is
displayed here for reference purposes so that you are aware of its
Stock Qty
This is the quantity on hand associated with this location and set of
characteristic values.
Characteristic Fields
The remaining columns are only visible when the item is assigned to
tracking characteristics such as lot and serial control.
Transactions Sub-Tab
All previously updated picking transactions for this line item are displayed on this
Return Button
Click this button to return all or a portion of the transaction quantity to stock or
to reverse a picking transaction that was made in error. You are presented
with this screen:

Operating Guide 369

6-6. Order Picking

Field Explanations
Received Qty
This is the quantity to be returned to stock. It defaults to the full
transaction quantity, but you can decrease the quantity if you wish to
return a partial quantity to stock.
This is the location to which the stock will be returned. It defaults to
the transaction location, but you can use the lookup to select an
alternate location, if applicable.
This read-only checkbox is selected for reference when this location is
the item’s default Receipt Location, as designated in the Stock Items
This reference field is this item’s storage capacity for this location.
NOTE: If you want to view existing stock in any location, use the
lookup in the Location field and on the location lookup screen,
click the magnifying glass icon in the lower panel to view any
location’s stock on hand.

Batch History Tab

Each time the Update process occurs, all the transactions associated with the
update are assigned to a “batch” number. This sales order’s batches are listed
on this tab.

370 Operating Guide

6-6. Order Picking

Upper Panel
Display Batch History
This checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the screen is occupied
by two grids: a listing of batches in the upper grid and a listing of Batch
Transactions in the lower grid, limited to the batches selected in the upper
grid. If you clear this checkbox, the Batch Transactions grid occupies the
entire screen and lists all transactions for all batches.
Dispatch Button
This button is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left. You have the option of picking stock on the Picking tab
before you physically pick the stock from the warehouse. After Update
processing is completed, you can immediately access this tab and click this
button to print a “dispatch list” to use as a guide for physically picking the
NOTE: Click the selection checkbox to the left of each batch you want
included in the dispatch list. You can combine multiple batches into
one dispatch list, if you wish.
After clicking the Dispatch button, you are presented with this screen:

Operating Guide 371

6-6. Order Picking

Dispatch Options
Use the Print checkbox to select or de-select the fields you want included
on the dispatch list. You can change the order by clicking into the Sort
Order field on those cells in the grid that are not grayed out.
You can select the Portrait or Landscape option to achieve a vertical or
horizontal style printing layout.
Print Button
After your selections are completed, click this button to print the dispatch
list. Here is a sample:

Upper Grid
All update batches for this sales order are displayed in this grid.
NOTE: This grid is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left.
Selection (Checkbox)
This checkbox is selected by default against all batches that have a blank
value in the Last Printed column. Selecting this checkbox serves two

372 Operating Guide

6-6. Order Picking

• This batch will be included in the dispatch list when you print it via the
Dispatch button.
• This batch’s transactions are displayed in the Batch Transactions grid
Batch No
This number identifies the batch and is automatically assigned by the
NOTE: Each Batch No is unique such that no two sales orders ever
have batches with the same batch numbers.
Batch Date
This field shows the date and time the batch was created.
Last Printed
When you print a hard copy of the dispatch list, the date and time is captured
in this field.
NOTE1: This field does not get updated when you preview the
dispatch list. It only gets updated when you print a hard copy on your
NOTE2: This field only gets updated the first time you print the
dispatch list. It does not get updated when you reprint the dispatch list.
Batch Transactions Grid
When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is cleared, this grid
occupies the entire screen and provides a listing of all picking transactions for
this sales order.
When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is selected, this grid
occupies the lower half of the screen and only lists transactions associated with
batches that are selected (via the checkbox) in the Batch History grid above.
NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch that is currently highlighted in the upper grid.
Click this button to output the contents of the grid to an Excel spreadsheet,
text file, HTML file, or to the printer.
Transactions Grid
• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is selected,
picking transactions associated with the batches selected in the upper grid
are listed in this grid.
NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch selected in the upper grid.

Operating Guide 373

6-6. Order Picking

• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is cleared,
all picking transactions associated with all batches are listed in this grid.

374 Operating Guide

6-7. Quotes

6-7. Quotes
(Sales – Quotes)

“Quotes” are used to send customers or prospects formal price quotations. If the
quote gets accepted, it can be converted into a sales order.
Use quotes for RMAs
Quotes are also used to originate RMAs (Returned Merchandise Authorization).
Initiating an RMA using a quote prevents MRP from including RMA items when it
calculates net demand, because quotes are ignored by MRP. When the RMA
items are received and inspected, the quote is converted to a sales order for final
disposition of the RMA.
For more information on RMAs, see chapter 6A, RMA Processing.
Training Courses
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Quoting Training Course
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – RMA Training Course
How are quote line items created?
If you have a product line and furnish a quote on standard products, quote line
items are already created and you would enter the quote exactly in the same
manner as entering a sales order.
If you are job shop or custom manufacturer quoting a new item from scratch,
during line item entry you would select a Line Type of ‘Custom’ and use the
Custom Item Generator to create a custom output ID.
How are quote prices determined?
If you have a product line, the quote has identical functionality to a sales order,
including pricing and discount rules. You can therefore set up the customer or
prospect with an optional Price Level and/or Discount Code and enter quote
details the same way you would enter a sales order.
If you are a job shop or custom manufacturer, you can create a record for your
custom item in the Bills of Material screen and enter routing and component
details. You can use the Cost Rollup screen to calculate an Estimated Cost for
the custom item, which you can then add a margin or markup to establish the
quote price.
How are multiple quantities and prices handled?
You can quote multiple quantities and prices for the same item on separate lines
within the quote. Within each line the Cost Rollup can be used to recalculate the
Estimated Cost to reflect the lower Setup costs associated with greater

Operating Guide 375

6-7. Quotes

Estimating Tools
The BOM is an ideal estimating tool
The Bills of Material screen is ideally suited as an estimating tool because you
can enter routing and component details against your custom item and then use
the Cost Rollup to calculate an Estimated Cost. An extra benefit is that when the
quote becomes a firm order, most of the manufacturing setup is already
Multi-Level Cost Estimates
Another benefit to using Bills of Material for estimating is that the Cost Rollup
rolls up the cost of lower-level subassemblies into the BOM parent’s Estimated
Cost. You can therefore calculate estimate costs on complex, multi-level
products, if needed.

Estimating Tips & Tools

Non-Active Status
Over time you will accumulate many custom ID’s associated with quotes that
were never converted into orders. In the Stock Items screen you can change an
item’s Status to ‘Inactive’, which removes the item from active lookups.
Sequence Templates
You can save time by creating a library of Sequence Templates to represent all
your standard labor operations. When you enter Routing details in the Bills of
Material screen for your custom item, you can copy in Sequence Templates
(complete with cycle times and traveler notes) instead of entering routing
Sequences from scratch.
BOM Copy
You can create a new BOM by copying an existing BOM, so when you quote an
item that is similar to another item, copy the other BOM and then edit the new
BOM for any differences.
Phantom Assemblies
If the items you quote are combinations of modular sets of components, you can
represent a set of components with a Phantom Assembly. Instead of entering
each component in a set from scratch, simply specify the phantom parent item in
the BOM and the Cost Rollup will roll up the cost of all its components. When
you create a job from the BOM, the phantom assembly components get pulled
into the job.
Material Costs
The Estimated Cost of each ‘P’ (Purchased) item is used by the Cost Rollup to
estimate material costs. You can periodically use the Estimated Purchase Costs
screen to batch update Estimated Costs with each item’s Last Costs or Inventory
Cost. You can also manually update Estimates Costs on new items or critical
cost items.

376 Operating Guide

6-7. Quotes

Screen Details
Quote entry is virtually identical to sales order entry. In this chapter we focus on
specific features that are relevant to quoting.

List Tab
All or selected quotes are listed on this screen, depending on the Status filters
selected in the lower panel.
New Quote Button
Click this button to create a new quote. You are presented with the New Quote
screen. Just as with sales orders, you have the option of originating the quote by
copying a previous quote or copying in a sales order Template.
NOTE: Quotes use the same SO Types as sales orders.
Quote Button
Click this button to print the highlighted quote.
NOTE: Before printing a quote, you can go to the Quote Style side-tab off
the Header tab and review your settings. You can, for example, change
the header, summary, or footer text within your Letter Contents. You also
can change the Report Style to any of the four options (Formal, Letter,
Letter with Detail, Multi-Option).
Yes for Email, No for Preview
If the Email Documents checkbox is selected in the Contact sub-tab of the
Header tab, you are presented with this prompt. If the checkbox is not
selected, the quote is previewed on the screen and can be printed by clicking
the Printer icon.
• If you click Yes, you are presented with the standard Email client form,
pre-filled with the Message Body Default Text for this user from the Main
Setup screen.
• If you click No, the quote is previewed on the screen and can be printed
by clicking the Printer icon.
Convert Button
Click this button to convert the quote into a sales order. When you do so, the
quote is previewed on the screen. When you close the preview screen, you are
asked if you wish to go directly to the Sales Orders screen. Click Yes and you
will see the quote included on the List tab of the Sales Orders screen with a
Status of ‘ORDERED’.
Before you convert:
Before you convert the quote, you should review it and edit it to reflect the
final order details. You may have quoted multiple quantities and prices for an

Operating Guide 377

6-7. Quotes

item on multiple lines, for example, in which case you would delete the lines
that were not ordered.
After conversion, review the Sales Order
Once the sales order exists, you should review the Promise Date and line
item Required Dates. You can click the button in the line item Required Date
field to access the Delivery Date Estimator, which can help you calculate the
Required Date and re-set the Promise Date.

Header Tab
Header Info
Quote No
Quotes and sales orders share the same numbering.
When a quote is created, it is given a Status of ‘QUOTED’. When a quote
expires without being converted into an order, you can change its Status to
Pricing Sub-Tab
If you are quoting products with Base Price records, the settings on this tab affect
pricing and discount rules.
Quote Style Side-Tab
Before you print the quote, you can adjust your Quote Style settings on this side-
NOTE: Default values for these settings are made in the Quote Defaults
Default Style
You can select one of four quote styles, described as follows.
This is a formal quote document, similar in style to that of an invoice.
The quote will be in the form of a letter with the quoted price in the
body of the letter.
Letter with Detail
The quote will be in the form of a letter with the quoted price and quote
details in the body of the letter.
This is the same as the Formal quote style, but there is no quote total.
Use this style with sales order quotes when you want to list several
independently quoted items on one document.

378 Operating Guide

6-7. Quotes

The Header text is the main body of the quote letter that precedes the quote
The Summary text is a 50-character description that is used to label the quote
total on the printed quote. It could be something like ‘We are pleased to
quote a special price of’ or anything along those lines.
The Footer text prints after the Summary text and is used for closing
comments and a complimentary close type signature block.

Details Tab
Quote line items are entered on this tab. The following are the key fields
involved in quoting.

Line Type
Select the ‘Custom” Line Type if you wish to use the Custom Item Generator
to create a custom output item for “one-off” jobs.
Reference ID
Select the item you are quoting from the lookup. The item must be set up in
advance in the Stock Items screen.
NOTE: If you wish to quote multiple quantities and prices for the same
item, enter the same item on multiple lines, each with its won quantity and
If you had selected the ‘Custom’ Line Type in the previous field, you are
presented with the Custom Item Generator screen. That screen creates an
Output ID that will be used by MRP to generate a custom job.

Custom Item Generator

Operating Guide 379

6-7. Quotes

Field Explanations
Custom Item ID
The Custom Item ID is used as the line’s Reference ID and is
generated by the program. It cannot be modified.
Description (Required)
Enter the Description of the Custom Item ID. This is a required
The UM default value derives from the Custom Item Generator
setting in the Job Defaults screen, but can be overridden, if you
Customer Part No
This is an optional field. If you are making a custom item on
behalf of a customer who identifies the item with a part number,
enter the Customer Part No in this field. This is for reference
only on the Customers sub-tab within the Sources tab in the
Stock Items screen when viewing the custom item record.
Lead Days
The Lead Days amount derives from the Custom Item
Generator setting in the Job Defaults screen, but can be
overridden, if you wish.
Job Days
The Job Days amount derives from the Custom Item Generator
setting in the Job Defaults screen, but can be overridden, if you
Est Delivery
This is an estimated delivery date, calculated forward from
today’s date by adding the Lead Days to the Job Days, skipping
over any non-valid workdays defined on the shop calendar.
Use as Req Date
This checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the Est
Delivery date will be used as the line’s Required Date.
Reference Price
If the item you are quoting has a Contract Price or Base Price, standard sales
order pricing rules apply to this field.
If this customer is assigned to a Discount Code that affects this item, the
discount percentage is inserted into this field.

380 Operating Guide

6-7. Quotes

Net Price
This is the quote price, which is calculated by applying the Discount to the
Reference Price when values exist in those fields.
Est Cost
This is the item’s Estimated Cost at the time the line was created.
Margin or Markup
This is the Margin or Markup (depending on your Profitability setting in the
Sales Defaults screen) of the net Price over Est Cost.
Changing the Margin or Markup
You can change the Margin or Markup percentage by clicking the button in
this field. You are presented with a screen within which you can enter the
new percentage. When you click OK, the Net Price will be adjusted to
reflect the new Margin or Markup. Any Discount percentage will be
zeroed out and the Reference Price will be made equal to the Net Price.

Operating Guide 381

6-8. Sales Order Inquiry

6-8. Sales Order Inquiry

(Sales – Sales Order Inquiry)

This screen enables users to inquire on the status of a sales order and to review
associated shipments and invoices.

Screen Details

Select a sales order from the lookup. You can filter the lookup list by
selecting or clearing the Status checkboxes to the right of the SO No field.
SO Description, Status, Customer
These fields are for reference only.
Status Tab
Upper Grid
All line items are listed in this grid. You can view each item’s order Qty, the
quantity picked to date, and the Required Date.
This checkbox is selected when the item has tracking characteristics.
History Sub-Tab
The actual pick transactions for the highlighted item in the upper grid are
displayed in this lower grid. You view the Picked Date and the picked Qty.
Shipments Tab
Upper Grid
All shipments associated with this sales order are listed in the upper grid.

382 Operating Guide

6-8. Sales Order Inquiry

Line Items Grid

The line items associated with the shipment highlighted in the upper grid are
listed in the lower grid.
Invoices Tab
Upper Grid
All invoices associated with this sales order are listed in the upper grid,
including totals for line items, shipping, and tax.
Line Items Grid
The line items associated with the invoice highlighted in the upper grid are
listed in the lower grid, including price and tax detail.

Operating Guide 383

6-9. Sales Data Views

6-9. Sales Data Views

(Sales – Data Views)

The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to
filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and
reports. It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins”
and other complicated programming procedures.
Sales Data Views
Three data views are provided on the Sales menu:
Open Sales Orders
Use this data view to list open sales order detail or summary information.
Standard layouts include:
• Summary Totals + Invoiced TD
• SO Line Remaining
Sales Order Bookings
Use this data view to list detailed or summarized booked orders within a
range of creation dates. This data view enables you to track orders received
(booked) as an alternative to sales reports, which track invoiced orders.
Standard layouts include:
• Summary Totals Excluding Sales Tax
• Summary Totals Including Sales Tax
Pick Ship Invoice Status
Use this data view to get a listing of sales orders that have line items with
these conditions: Picked Not Invoiced, Picked Not Shipped, Shipped Not
Invoiced. Standard layouts include:
• Picked Not Invoiced
• PNI by Sales Order

384 Operating Guide

6-9. Sales Data Views

Selection Screen

When you click on a data view menu option, you are first presented with a
selection screen that is similar to the selection screen used with reports. Use this
screen to filter and limit your data view.
View Button
Once your selections are completed, click the View button to advance to the
Select Layout screen.

Select Layout Screen

Operating Guide 385

6-9. Sales Data Views

Next, you are presented with the Select Layout screen. Each layout is a
configuration of selected fields that are grouped and sorted to present a
particular data view. In a sense, each layout is a custom report.
Layout Type
Layouts with a Type of ‘System’ are standard layouts supplied with the system.
‘System’ layouts cannot be changed, but they can be modified and saved to
another layout name. Any layouts saved to a new name are identified as ‘User’
Default Layout
One layout is designated as the ‘Default’ layout, which is your most commonly
used data view. Assigning the default layout is done on the Layout List screen
(see further below). The default layout is always selected at the top of the list
when the Select Layout screen is presented.
Load Button
Click the Load button to generate the data view. Be aware that some data views
may take several minutes to generate, depending on the size of the data set and
the number of data fields involved. This is because each column in the data view
is individually indexed to enable column sorting.
Quick Load Button
If you click the Quick Load option, the columns are not indexed, which
significantly reduces data view generation time. So if you are generating a large
data set and you don’t need column sorting, use the Quick Load option.

Data View Screen

The data set and layout you selected is displayed in the Data View screen, which
is a grid that displays all the available fields and associated records.

386 Operating Guide

6-9. Sales Data Views

Column Sorting
You can re-sort the data view by clicking on any of the column headings, which
will then sort the entire list by that column. Click the heading a second time and
the sort order will change from ascending to descending order or vice-versa.
You can create list groupings by dragging a column heading into the header
panel above the column headings. For example, if you drag an Invoice Number
column heading into the header panel, the lines are then grouped by invoice
number. You can even have a group within a group. For example, you could
drag a Customer Name column heading into the header panel, which would form
a sub-group within invoice numbers.
+ - Buttons
These two buttons become visible at the top of the screen when you use the
grouping feature. Initially the groups are displayed in “collapsed” mode
without data rows being visible. Click the ‘+’ button to “expand” the view so
that the data rows become visible. Click the ‘-‘ button to collapse the view.
Column Footer Total
You can create a total amount at the footer of any column by right clicking on the
lower panel directly below the column. The following options are available:
This option is available on numeric columns only. It provides a grand total
of all the column values.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the lowest value
within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the highest value
within the column.
This gives you a count of the number of records within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. This gives you a mean
average of the values within the column.

Operating Guide 387

6-9. Sales Data Views

Customize Button

The data view can be limited to just the columns you want by dragging unwanted
column headings off the screen. This is done using the Customize button, which
presents a box in the lower right corner of the screen. To remove a column, drag
its column heading and drop it into the box. Continue removing fields one by one
until you are left with the columns you want.
NOTE: Most data view layouts are supplied with optional column headings
already dragged into the Customize box. If you wish to use any of these
columns, drag the column heading out of the box and drop it onto the
column heading row in the desired position.
Output Button
Once the data on the screen are to your satisfaction, click the Output button to
transfer the data view into one of the following formats.
• Output to Excel
• Output to HTML
• Output to Text
• Output to Printer
Output to Excel, HTML, Text
When you select any of these options, you are prompted to save the file to a
name and location.
Output to Printer
When you select this option, a print preview screen is displayed. You can
click File – Page Setup to select various options that will change the report
appearance. When the format is to your satisfaction, click the Print button.

388 Operating Guide

6-9. Sales Data Views

Layout List Button

Click this button to display the Layout List screen, which provides a listing of
available layouts.
Load Button
Click this button to generate a new data view for the selected layout.
Set as Default Button
Click this button to designate the selected layout as the ‘Default’ layout. The
default layout is always selected at the top of the list whenever the layout list
is presented.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected layout from the list.
NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘System’ type layout.
Save Layout Button

After customizing your data view, you can click this button to update an existing
layout or to save your changes to a new layout. Two options are presented:
Update Existing Layout
Select this option and click the Save button to save your customization
changes to the existing layout.

Operating Guide 389

6-9. Sales Data Views

NOTE: This option is not available for ‘System’ layout types. To

customize a ‘System’ layout, you must save your changes to a new
layout name.
Create New Layout
Select this option to save your customization changes to a new layout name.
Enter the name in the Layout Name field and click the Save button.

390 Operating Guide

6-10. Sales Reports

6-10. Sales Reports

6-10A. Sales Order Summary

(Sales – Reports – Sales Order Summary)

The report enables you to assess your order bookings and order backlog.
Order Bookings
You can sort the report by a range of Creation Dates, which are the dates orders
were “booked.” This enables you to track the total value of booked orders by
week or month or any other period.
Order Backlog
The report breaks out sales order value into Invoiced TD and Non-Invoiced
amounts. The Non-Invoiced value represents your total order backlog.

6-10B. Sales Order Detail

(Sales – Reports – Sales Order Detail)

This report enables you to assess the status of individual sales orders and to
estimate future shipment volume by date ranges.
Order Status
The report lists the original order quantity, the quantity picked to date, and the
remaining quantity.
Order Value
The report also lists unit prices, total price, and the value remaining to be
Linked Jobs
The report shows you whether MRP has created a Linked Job or it will display
the word “Planned” when the line item is to be picked from stock.

Operating Guide 391

6-10. Sales Reports

6-10C. Open Items Listing

(Sales – Reports – Open Items Listing)

This report enables you to view all the open orders for any given stock item or
descriptor. You can use this report in conjunction with the Available to Ship
report to plan which orders are ready for picking.
Within each item or descriptor, you get a listing of the sales orders with remaining
quantities for that line item. Within each sales order line item you see the original
order quantity, the actual quantity picked to date, the remaining quantity to be
shipped, and the required date.

6-10D. Available to Ship

(Sales – Reports – Available to Ship)

This report displays the on hand stock for items with open sales order quantities.
You can see the stock on hand and how much can be allocated to each order.
You can use this report in conjunction with the Open Items Listing to plan which
orders are ready for picking.

6-10E. Base Prices & Costs

(Sales – Reports – Base Prices & Costs)

Use this report to get a listing of your Base Prices and associated margins over
Estimated Cost.
Base Price Listing
The report lists current Base Prices for all or selected Stock Items or Item
Next Price Listing
You can optionally include Next Prices on the report to compare current prices
with future prices.
Margin / Markup Analysis
The repot calculates the margin or markup (depending on your Profitability
setting in the Sales Defaults screen) over each item’s Estimated Cost. Each
item’s Last Cost and Inventory Cost are also displayed for reference.
You also have the option of limiting the report to items below a specified markup
or margin so that you can isolate your least profitable items.

392 Operating Guide

6-10. Sales Reports

6-10F. Invoice Listing

(Sales – Reports – Invoice Listing)

Use this report to get a listing of invoices within a range of invoice dates or
payment due dates.

6-10G. Sales by Customer

(Sales – Reports – Sales by Customer)

This report provides a breakdown of each customer’s sales within a specified

date range.
You can run the report in summary mode, which gives you invoice totals, or in
detail mode, which itemizes sales by line item detail.
You have the option of including tax and shipping or excluding them from the

6-10H. Sales by Customer Type

(Sales – Reports – Sales by Customer Type)

This report provides a breakdown of sales by Customer Type within a specified

date range.
You can run the report in summary mode, which gives you invoice totals, or in
detail mode, which itemizes sales by line item detail.
You have the option of including tax and shipping or excluding them from the

Operating Guide 393

6-10. Sales Reports

6-10I. Sales by Commission Code

(Sales – Reports – Sales by Commission Code)

This report provides a breakdown of sales by Commission Code within a

specified date range.
NOTE: DBA does not calculate sales commissions. Using the data on this
report, you can manually calculate commissions due and attach the report
as backup to the commission check.
You have the option of limiting the report to a single Sales Rep. This isolates the
Sales Rep’s sales and is especially useful when the Sales Rep is assigned to
multiple Commission Codes.
You can run the report in summary mode, which gives you invoice totals, or in
detail mode, which itemizes sales by line item detail.
You have the option of including tax and shipping or excluding them from the

6-10J. Sales Ranked by Customer

(Sales – Reports – Sales Ranked by Customer)

This report lists total sales for each customer within a specified date range,
sorted in highest-to-lowest total order.
You have the option of including tax and shipping or excluding them from the

6-10K. Profit Margin by Customer

(Sales – Reports – Profit Margin by Customer)

This report provides a breakdown of each customer’s sales and profit margins
within a specified date range.
You can run the report in summary mode, which gives you invoice totals, or in
detail mode, which itemizes sales and profit margins line item detail.
You have the option of including tax and shipping or excluding them from the

394 Operating Guide

6-10. Sales Reports

6-10L. Sales by Item

(Sales – Reports – Sales by Item)

This report provides you a breakdown of each item and descriptor’s sales within
a specified date range.
You can limit the report to one or a range of stock items and descriptors.

6-10M. Sales by Item Category

(Sales – Reports – Sales by Item Category)

This report provides a breakdown of sales by Item Category within a specified

date range.
You can run the report in summary mode, which gives you invoice totals, or in
detail mode, which itemizes sales by line item detail.

6-10N. Sales Ranked by Item

(Sales – Reports – Sales Ranked by Item)

This report lists total sales for each stock item and descriptor within a specified
date range, sorted in highest-to-lowest total order.
You can limit the report to one or a range of stock items and descriptors.

6-10O. Profit Margin by Item

(Sales – Reports – Profit Margin by Item)

This report provides a breakdown of each stock item’s sales and profit margins
within a specified date range.
You can run the report in summary mode, which gives you invoice totals, or in
detail mode, which itemizes sales and profit margins line item detail.

Operating Guide 395

6-10. Sales Reports

6-10P. Warranty Sheet

(Sales – Reports – Warranty Sheet)

You can print a Warranty Sheet to accompany a packing list or invoice. It lists
any warranties associated with the order and the products that are covered.

6-10Q. Warranty Listing

(Sales – Reports – Warranty Listing)

This report lists warranties by customer. You can use this report to determine
whether a service event is covered under warranty or not.

396 Operating Guide

6A. RMA Processing

6A. RMA Processing

RMA (Returned Merchandise Authorization) processing is a common
requirement among manufacturing companies. An RMA system should be able
to do the following:
• RMA entry of items expected to be returned by customer
• RMA number for customer product labeling
• RMA printout for customer notification and receiving purposes
• Open RMA tracking
• Ability to return undamaged items to stock
• Ability to remanufacture used items for resale
• Ability to repair items for return to customer
• Zero value invoicing for warranty repair
• Credit memos for returned item credit
• Customer refunds through Accounts Payable
All of this can be done in DBA if you follow the recommended procedures
outlined in this chapter.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – RMA Training Course

How does an RMA work?

It starts with an RMA request
RMA processing is a common requirement among manufacturing companies.
Typically, the customer requests an RMA in order to return an item.
Why returns happen
A return can be for a variety of reasons. You may have a return policy within so
many days of shipment, which is a requirement with web orders. The product
may be defective and is being returned for replacement under warranty or to be
repaired. You may remanufacture used versions of your products for resale and
you pay customers to return used “cores.”
RMA Creation
Whatever the reason for the return is, you create an RMA by means of a sales
quote and you give the customer the RMA number. The customer references
this number with the item that gets shipped back to you.
Item Assessment
When the returned item is received, the RMA is used to identify the customer and
the item being received, along with any notes stating the reason for the RMA.

Operating Guide 397

6A. RMA Processing

The item is then assessed to determine what needs to be done to process and
resolve the RMA.
Possible Resolutions
You may need to return the item to stock as a new or used version of the item.
You may have to repair the item and return it to the customer. You may have to
issue the customer a credit memo for compensation or issue a customer refund

Recommended Workflow
An RMA is entered as a sales order, but it is not an actual order. You therefore
don’t want to mix RMAs with actual sales orders and you don’t want MRP to
consider RMA line items when calculating net demand.
Use an RMA SO Type
To prevent RMAs from being mixed with actual sales orders, we recommend that
you create an SO Type that is used exclusively for RMAs. This way your RMAs
can be isolated from regular sales orders on screens and reports.
Initiate each RMA as a quote
To keep RMA sales orders out of MRP net demand calculations, we recommend
that each RMA be created as a quote, using the Quotes screen. A sales quote is
an actual sales order with a Status of ‘QUOTED’. Any such sales order is
ignored by MRP.
Assess the item, then convert the RMA to a sales order
Once the RMA item is received, you assess the item, decide what further
processing is required, and adjust the RMA accordingly. You then convert the
quote to a sales order and then proceed with final processing. This can involve
issuing the customer a credit memo, returning the item to stock, repairing the
item and returning it to the customer, scrapping the item, or refurbishing it for
resale as a used item.

398 Operating Guide

6A-1. RMA Setup

6A-1. RMA Setup

(Sales – Sales Setup – SO Types)

We recommend that you use an RMA SO Type exclusively for RMA sales orders.
This enables you to keep your RMAs separate from your actual sales orders on
screens and reports.
Newer DBA systems are supplied with an ‘RMA’ SO Type. If this is the case with
your system, you can skip the rest of this section. If your system does not have
an ‘RMA’ SO Type, you can easily create one.
Go to the SO Types screen and click the New button. Make the following entries:

Detail Tab
SO Type ID
We suggest you enter ‘RMA’.
Enter a description such as ‘Returned Merchandize Authorization’.
We suggest you enter a prefix such as ‘R’, ‘RM’, or ‘RMA’.
Activate Shipping Tab
We recommend that you select this checkbox so that you have the capability
of shipping RMA items back to the customer.
Screen Config Button
We suggest you select the following checkboxes:
TaxandService UM
Customer Reference Price
Tax Only Discount
Line No Price
Line Type Total Price
Reference ID Sales Tax
Description Tax Code
Qty Required Date
Act Qty Linked Job

Operating Guide 399

6A-1. RMA Setup

RMA Form Creation

If you need a printout of your RMA, either to send to the customer or for use by
your receiving department, you can modify the standard Quote layout to convert
it into an RMA printout.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Forms Customization
Save layout to a new name
Go to Utilities – Forms Edit – Quote. After the Quote layout displays
(ppQuote.rtm), click File, then Save As. Save the layout to a new name, such as
Edit the Layout
Now edit the layout. You will want to change the main title to “RMA’. To do this,
you must hide the existing title and add a new field on top of it with the new title.
This process is covered in detail in the Forms Customization training course,
which is located in the Videos – Setup area of the online support center.
Most likely you will want to hide the Price and Amount fields; perhaps others.
When you are done, save your changes and close the screen.
Add layout to your Sales Order Type
Go to Sales – Sales Setup – SO Types and select your RMA SO Type. Click the
Detail tab. In the Quote Layout field, select your new RMA layout from the
lookup. Click OK.
Printing or Emailing an RMA
After you enter an RMA in the Quotes screen, click the Quote button to print the
RMA form or Email it to your customer.

400 Operating Guide

6A-1. RMA Setup

Alternate Item ID’s

When processing an RMA, you cannot always use the returned item’s standard
Item ID (part number). In some cases, you must use an alternate ID to represent
the “used” version of the item.
Use the standard ID when the product is undamaged
If the returned item is completely undamaged and can be returned to stock for
resale as is, you can use the item’s standard Item ID to process the RMA.
Used Version
If the returned item is functional, but has been used by the customer, and you
wish to resell it, you cannot use the item’s standard Item ID because the used
version is technically a different item. It has a different inventory cost and selling
price. In this case, you must create an alternate Item ID that represents the
“used” version.
Apply a prefix or suffix to the standard Item ID
One way to create a “used” Item ID is to add a prefix or suffix to the standard
Item ID. The letter ‘U’ for example, for used, could be appended on the end of
the regular item ID, perhaps preceded by a dash.
The used version is a ‘P’ item
The used version should be designated as a ‘P’ (purchased) item rather than a
manufactured item because it has no bill of material and is technically purchased
from customers.
Estimated Cost
If you pay customers for used products for remanufacturing purposes, against
the used version Item ID, enter an Estimated Cost that represents the typical
price you pay for the used item. If you don’t pay customers for used items, leave
the estimated cost at zero.
Remanufactured Products
Some returned items are cleaned up, repaired, given new components.
Repainted, and sold as a “remanufactured” version. In this case, the
remanufactured version must be given its own Item ID. A remanufactured item is
an ‘M’ (manufactured) item and is given its own bill of material that contains the
replacement components and secondary outputs that might be yielded during the
refurbishment process.
Item Categories
When you create different versions of the same item, give some thought to your
Item Categories. You may want used or remanufactured versions to be in
separate categories so that their sales and cost of goods sold can be listed
separately on the income statement from your regular item sales.

Operating Guide 401

6A-1. RMA Setup

To summarize, only use the standard Item ID when the return item is undamaged
and has never been used. If the returned item has been used by the customer,
give the used version its own Item ID, perhaps with a prefix or suffix appended to
the standard Item ID, and make it a purchased item. If the returned item gets
refurbished for resale as a remanufactured version, give it a unique Item ID and
make it a manufactured item with its own bill of material.

402 Operating Guide

6A-2. RMA Processing

6A-2. RMA Processing

RMA Creation
(Sales – Quotes)

An RMA is always started as a quote in the Quotes screen and is converted later
to a sales order after the returned item is received and assessed for further

Giving the customer an RMA number

A common practice is for the customer to request permission to return an item for
credit or repair. Often the customer is given an RMA number and is instructed to
label the returned items with that number. This way the receiving department
knows what to do with the items when they are physically received.
To give the customer an RMA number, simply create a quote. On the New
Quote screen, select your RMA SO Type. When you get to the Header screen
you immediately see the RMA number in the Quote No field, which is the number
you can give to your customer.
You may also want to enter header Notes to describe the purpose of the return
for the benefit of your receiving department.
Line item entry is optional at this point
You may want to stop at this point and enter line item details later once the
returned items have been received and assessed for follow up processing. Or
you may want to go ahead and enter the specific line items that have been
authorized for return.
You have the option of establishing a price now or you can leave the price at
zero and wait until the item is received before you decide on what price will be
credited back to the customer.
RMA Printing (Optional)
You can print the RMA or Email it to the customer by clicking the Quote button.
A customized version of the quote is used as the RMA form. See the RMA Form
section earlier in this chapter for more information.

What’s next?
After the return item is received and assessed, you then decide on appropriate
follow up processing, which may include any of the following events:
• You send out an immediate replacement.
• You return an undamaged item to stock.
• You return a used item to stock.

Operating Guide 403

6A-2. RMA Processing

• You scrap the product

• You repair the product and return it to the customer
In the next several sections we will outline how each of these events is

Returning an undamaged item to stock

In this scenario, the returned item is fully undamaged and has never been used
and can therefore be returned to stock for resale as a new item.
Line Item Entry
Go into your RMA quote. If a line item already exists for the returned item,
change the quantity to a negative Qty. If you don’t have a line item, create one
using the item’s standard Item ID and enter a negative Qty. After the RMA is
converted to a sales order and gets picked, the negative quantity causes the item
to be received back to stock.
Enter the Price that will be credited to the customer when the RMA gets invoiced.
This price may be the original amount paid or it may be less if you charge a
restocking fee.

Returning a used item to stock

In this scenario, the returned item is in good condition but has been used by the
customer. It cannot be returned to stock as a new item, but it can be received to
stock as a “used” item for resale.
Line Item Entry
Go into your RMA quote. If a line item exists for the item’s standard Item ID,
delete the line. Enter a new line for the “used” version of the item, which has an
alternate Item ID. Enter a negative Qty. After the RMA is converted to a sales
order and gets picked, the negative quantity causes the used item to be received
to stock.
Enter the appropriate Price that is credited to the customer for used products.

Sending a replacement item

In this scenario you have assessed that the returned item is defective and the
customer is to receive a replacement item at no charge.
Line Item Entry
Go into your RMA quote. The first thing to do is to make sure you have a line
item for the replacement shipment. If the returned item already has a line item,
make sure it has a positive Qty. If the line item does not exist, create one and
enter a positive Qty. When the RMA quote gets converted to a sales order and

404 Operating Guide

6A-2. RMA Processing

the line item gets picked, the positive quantity is what creates a shipment to the
customer for the replacement item.
The second thing to do is to resolve what to do with the actual returned item. If it
is unusable and is to be scrapped, do nothing further. If it can be received to a
stock as a used version, create a second line item for the “used” version, which
has an alternate Item ID of its own. Make sure this second line item has a
negative Qty so that it gets received to stock.

Scrapping a returned item

In this scenario you assess the returned item and determine it is damaged
beyond any use as a used version or remanufactured version. Therefore, it
should be scrapped.
Line Item Entry
Go into the quote RMA. If the line item already exists, delete it. This means that
no further processing will be done against the item.
Physically scrap the returned item.
If the customer is to receive credit for the returned item, enter a line item for a
descriptor that has been set up for this type of credit memo. When using a
descriptor, do not enter a negative quantity. Enter a negative price instead.

Issuing a credit memo

Issuing credit memos against the customer account for returned items is
common with RMA processing. It is important that you understand how a credit
memo is created.
Any invoice with a negative total amount is automatically
converted into a credit memo at time of invoice creation. The
form title changes from ‘INVOICE’ to ‘CREDIT MEMO’ based on
the name settings entered in Main Setup.
How does any given line’s Total Price become a negative amount?
Stock items are given a negative quantity
If the line item is a standard or used version of an item to be returned to stock, it
is given a negative Qty. The negative Qty is multiplied by the Price and the result
is a negative Total Price.
Descriptors are given a negative quantity
Descriptors are used for giving credit when there is nothing physically to be
returned to stock. In this case, the Qty is a positive amount and the Price is
negative (simply enter a minus sign in front of the price). The Qty is multiplied by
the negative Price and the result is a negative Total Price.

Operating Guide 405

6A-2. RMA Processing

Converting the RMA to a sales order

Once the returned item has been assessed and the quote RMA has been
modified for final processing, your next step is to convert the RMA from a quote
to a sales order.
Once the RMA has been converted into a sales order, it can be picked, shipped,
and invoiced in the normal fashion.
Quote Conversion
To convert the RMA, perform the following steps on the Quotes screen.
• Select the RMA on the opening List tab and click the Convert button.
• At the prompt, click No to preview the RMA on the screen.
• Click the Close button to close the preview screen.
• You are prompted to go directly to the sales order screen. Click Yes.
You now see the RMA on the List tab of the Sales Orders screen. The RMA is
now a live sales order and you can proceed with picking, shipping, and invoicing
it in the normal fashion.

Zero value invoicing

Zero-value invoices are common with RMA processing. There are occasions
where you need to replace returned items at no charge. Even though there is no
charge, you still want to create an invoice for two reasons:
• The invoice generates a cost of goods sold for the replacement item that
needs to be reflected in your General Ledger.
• The invoice gives you and your customer a record of the no charge
Prices are not required to generate an invoice. Any items that have been
shipped but not yet invoiced will be included in the invoice, whether they have a
price or not.

Sending a customer refund

The standard method for compensating the customer for a return is to issue a
credit memo. A credit memo is fine when you have an ongoing relationship with
the customer because the credit memo can be applied against other invoices.
If your relationship with the customer is on a one-time basis, however, you may
be required to refund the customer his money. This can only be done through
Accounts Payable.

406 Operating Guide

6A-2. RMA Processing

The Customer must be set up as a Supplier

In order to send a payment through Accounts Payable, a supplier is required.
Therefore, you must set up the customer as a supplier. Once that is done, you
will make a transaction on the AR side that zeroes out the customer’s balance
and then you will create a supplier invoice on the AP side, against which you can
make a payment. Follow this sequence of events:
• Let’s say the customer has a credit memo in the amount of $1000. Go to the
Customer Payments screen and select the customer.
• Against the credit memo in the lower grid, enter $1000 in the Discount field,
then click Update to process the transaction. This zeroes out the customer’s
account in the Accounts Receivable side of the system.
• Go to the Suppliers screen and set up this customer as a supplier.
• Go to the Supplier Invoices screen and enter a supplier invoice in the amount
of $1000. In the lower grid, select your AR Discounts Taken account in the
GL Account field.
• Finally, go to the Payment Processing screen and select and pay the supplier
invoice in the normal fashion.

Operating Guide 407

6A-3. Repairing a Product

6A-3. Repairing a Product

Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Repair Jobs
“Custom” items are used for repair work
If you repair products on behalf of customers, you can use jobs to organize and
track the costs of your repair jobs.
Repair jobs are quite different than manufacturing jobs, so it is important not to
mix the two. Repair jobs should be given their own Job Type and repair work
should not be conducted under the item’s standard Item ID. Instead, repair work
is performed using DBA’s “custom” item capability, described further below.

“Repair” Job Type Setup

(Jobs – Jobs Setup – Job Types)
Go to the Job Types screen and click the New button. Make the following
Detail Tab
Job Type ID
We suggest you enter an identifier code of ‘REPAIR’.
Enter a description such as ‘Repair Job’.
Enter a prefix such as ‘R’ for “repair” or ‘RJ’ for “repair job.”
Default Status
Unlike manufacturing jobs which are released in coordination with a start
date, repair jobs are typically released as soon as they are created, in which
case you would set the Default Status to ‘RELEASED’.

Custom Item Setup

(Jobs – Jobs Setup – Job Defaults)
Repair jobs do not use the item’s standard Item ID as the job’s primary output. A
“custom” Item ID is used instead.
A custom ID is generated on-the-fly during sales order entry and is used on a
one-time basis for one particular repair job. Job costs are accumulated against
the custom item and eventually flow back to the sales order as the cost of goods
sold for the repair work performed.

408 Operating Guide

6A-3. Repairing a Product

Job Cost Basis

Job Receipts
Make sure your Job Receipts Costing Basis is set to Actual Job Cost.
Custom Item Generator
Item ID Prefix
All custom items will be identified by this prefix, followed by a sequential
number. The combination of the prefix and number constitutes the Reference
ID number that is used in sales orders, MRP, and jobs to identify the custom
item (repair job output). We recommend that you use the letter ‘Z’, which will
keep all your custom items listed at the very end of lookups and reports. This
keeps custom items from being intermingled with your permanent Item ID’s.
Next ID No
This displays the number that will be assigned to the next custom item that
gets generated. We recommend a beginning number of 100000.
NOTE: Do not start with a number such as ‘1’. If you do so, on reports
and screen listings, ‘10’ will sort before ‘1’, ‘20’ before ‘2’, etc.
Item Category
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned to this Item
Category. We suggest you create a special Item Category for repair
purposes. You can then go to the Account Assignments screen and on the
Sales tab, Exceptions sub-tab, you can give this Item Category its own Sales
and COGS accounts.
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned this UM. At
time of custom item generation, you can override this default. For repair
purposes, this is normally set to ‘EA’.
Lead Days
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned this Lead Days
setting for MRP planning purposes. At time of custom item generation, you
can override this default. For repair purposes this is normally left blank.
Job Days
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned this Job Days
setting for MRP planning purposes. At time of custom item generation, you
can override this default.

Custom Item Generation

(Sales – Quotes or Sales Orders)
Custom items for repair jobs are generated during quote entry (if originated
during an RMA) or sales order entry.

Operating Guide 409

6A-3. Repairing a Product

When you enter a new line, select the ‘Custom’ option from the drop-down list in
the Line Type field. You are then presented with the Custom Item Generator
screen, which presents the following fields:
Custom Item ID
This identification number is automatically generated by the program and will
be used as the Reference ID in the sales order line. It cannot be modified.
Enter the Description of the repair job. This is a required field.
The default UM from the Job Defaults screen is automatically inserted into
this field, but can be overridden.
Customer Part No
This is an optional field. If you are making the custom item on behalf of a
customer who identifies the item with a part number, enter the Customer Part
No in this field. This number will be stored against the custom item and can
print on the customer invoice as a cross-reference.
Lead Days
The default Lead Days setting from the Job Defaults screen is automatically
inserted into this field, but can be overridden.
Job Days
The default Job Days setting from the Job Defaults screen is automatically
inserted into this field, but can be overridden. Enter the estimated number of
days you think will be required to complete the repair work. You can enter a
decimal quantity.
Est Delivery
This is an estimated delivery date, calculated forward from today’s date by
adding the Lead Days to the Job Days, while skipping over any non-valid
workdays within the Job Days time frame.
Use as Req Date
When this checkbox is selected, the Est Delivery date will be used as the
sales order line’s Required Date.
Once you close the Custom Item Generator screen, the Custom Item ID is
displayed in the line item Reference ID field, and following it you will see your
custom Description and UM.
Take note that the Line Type setting changes from ‘Custom’ to ‘Stock’. This is
because the custom item has now been given a record in the Stock Items table
so that the item is treated by jobs as if it were a stock item. This way the repair
job costs can follow the item into stock and then back to the sales order in as the
cost of goods sold when the custom item gets picked.

410 Operating Guide

6A-3. Repairing a Product

Generating the Repair Job

The repair job is created by MRP when you select the Generate Jobs from SO
Lines option.
NOTE: Be sure and change the Job Type setting to your repair Job Type.

RMA Sequence of Events

In this scenario the customer sends a product to you for repair. The repair might
be done under warranty or for a fee. Follow this sequence of events.
• Create an RMA in the Quotes screen.
• Enter a new line. Select a Line Type of ‘Custom’. In the Custom Item
Generator screen, enter a brief Description of the repair work to be
performed. Enter the Lead Days that elapse before the job can be started as
well as the Job Days setting, which is the estimated days it will take to do the
repair work. Click OK. The custom item that gets created will be used as the
output on the repair job.
• The product is received and inspected to assess what repair might be
• Enter line Notes as required to describe the repair work to be performed.
• If you need to give your customer an estimated price, enter the Price and click
the Quote button to print or Email the form, which is a customized version of
the quote assigned to the RMA SO Type.
• Convert the RMA quote to a sales order.
• Use the MRP screen to generate a job for the custom item.
• Perform the job by entering labor and material as required. When the job is
completed, enter a receipt in the Job Issues & Receipts screen. The job cost
is the custom item’s Inventory Cost.
• Go to the RMA and enter a final price. If the repair was done under warranty
free of charge, enter a price of zero which will result in a zero value invoice.
• Pick the RMA in the normal fashion. The Inventory Cost for the custom item
will eventually become its Cost of Goods Sold.
• Create a shipment and print a packing list.
• Generate the invoice.

Operating Guide 411

6A-4. Remanufacturing a Product

6A-4. Remanufacturing a Product

RMAs are used to track and process the return of used “core” items from
customers that are used to create remanufactured versions of products.
What is a remanufactured product?
A remanufactured product is a used version that has been refurbished for resale
as a remanufactured item. Rebuilt engines, for example, are remanufactured
products. A remanufactured bill of material consists of the used version (“core”)
as well as the parts needed for refurbishment. The routing is confined to the
steps needed in the refurbishment process. The remanufactured version has its
own unique cost and selling price.
A remanufactured version should have its own Item ID
A remanufactured version of a product is distinctly different than the standard
version or used version and should have its own Item ID. This way it can have
its own bill of material, routing, cost, and selling price.

Remanufactured Item Setup

Stock Items Screen
Item ID
We suggest you add a prefix or suffix to the standard Item ID to differentiate
the remanufactured version from the standard version.
You should add reference to “remanufactured” within the item’s standard
Same as standard version.
Mfg / Purch
Select ‘M’ for “Manufactured.”
Item Category
You may to assign the remanufactured version to its own Item Category. This
way you can go to the Account Assignments screen and on the Sales tab,
Exceptions sub-tab, give this Item Category its own Sales and COGS

Bills of Material Screen

The remanufactured Item ID is the parent item
The BOM is created using the remanufactured Item ID as the parent item.

412 Operating Guide

6A-4. Remanufacturing a Product

The “used” version is the core component

The key difference between the standard BOM and remanufactured BOM is that
the latter’s main component is the “used” version of the product, commonly
referred to as the “core” component.
Therefore, a remanufactured product involves three Item ID’s – one for the
“standard” version, one for the “used” version and one for the “remanufactured”
In the remanufactured BOM, the Components should consist of the used version
core component, as well as all the parts that are needed for refurbishment.
Used parts can be defined as outputs
If during the refurbishment process you replace some used parts with new parts
and the used parts have use elsewhere, the used parts can be entered on the
Outputs tab. This way the used parts will be received to stock when you report
your job receipts. Be sure to select “used” Item ID’s for these type of outputs.
Use the Cost Ratio to give each output its share of total job cost. If you consider
these used parts to be “free”, leave the Cost Ratio at ‘0%’.
Remanufactured Routing
The remanufactured Routing should be confined to just the labor steps required
in the refurbishment process.

Availability of used cores is the limiting factor
The planning process tends to be more manual in nature with remanufactured
products compared to standard products. The decision to create a job is based
as much or more on the availability of used “cores” as it is on actual demand
from customers. Without a supply of cores, there is nothing to remanufacture.
The MRP process is the same
Using MRP is essentially the same with remanufactured products as it is with
standard products. MRP will suggest jobs in response to net demand within the
remanufactured item’s planning period. MRP also gives you the option of
generating jobs directly from sales order lines.

Remanufacturing jobs are less standardized
Technically, the process for making a remanufactured item is exactly the same
as making a regular manufactured item. The difference is more in the style of
manufacturing rather than in the way the job is created and processed.

Operating Guide 413

6A-4. Remanufacturing a Product

The job itself tends to be less standardized. You can start out the job with a pre-
determined bill of material and routing, but during the course of the job you may
have to use different components or perform different labor steps, all depending
on what is required by the condition of the used products you are refurbishing.
Job processing steps are exactly the same
Apart from the differences in the style of manufacturing, the actual job processing
steps – creating the job, modifying job details, issuing components from stock,
reporting labor, entering job receipts – is exactly the same with remanufactured
items as it is with regular manufactured items.

414 Operating Guide

6A-5. Disassembling a Product

6A-5. Disassembling a Product

RMAs are used to track and process returned items from customers that are
disassembled so that used components can be stocked for resale or use in
What is disassembly?
“Disassembly” is the opposite of “assembly.” This requires a reverse bill of
material. A conventional BOM’s components are “inputs” that are consumed
during the course of the job. With a disassembly BOM, the components are
“outputs” that are received to stock during the course of the job.

Bill of Material Setup

A disassembly BOM, like any BOM, requires a parent item, which is considered
the “primary” output. All other outputs are considered “secondary” outputs.
The most significant output should be the BOM parent
Te output item you consider to be the most significant should be designated as
the primary output and is used as the BOM parent item. Therefore, the primary
output item must be set up as an ‘M’ (manufactured) item.
The routing is confined to disassembly labor
The routing should be confined to the steps that are involved in the disassembly
The “used” version is the core component
The main and often only BOM component (input) in a disassembly BOM is the
“used” version of the product, commonly referred to as the “core” component,
which originated through an RMA.
Disassembled parts are “outputs”, not “components”
The used parts that are disassembled from the core component are set up on the
Outputs tab. Each output is given a percentage of the total job cost in the Cost
Ratio field. The total job cost is a combination of the disassembly labor involved
as well as the cost of the core component.

Disassembly jobs are planned manually
Unlike standard manufacturing jobs, which are generated by MRP in response to
net demand or sales order lines, disassembly jobs are created manually, which
can be done by selecting the New Job option on the MRP screen to create a
suggested job. Once you’ve created the suggested job, you can convert it to an
actual job in the normal fashion.

Operating Guide 415

6A-5. Disassembling a Product

Disassembly jobs are less standardized
Technically, a disassembly job is the same as a standard manufacturing job in
the sense that you will apply labor to the job and you will issue the core
component (the product being disassembled) to the job from stock.
The job itself tends to be less standardized. You can start out the job with a set
of pre-determined outputs and a routing, but during the course of the job you may
find that some of the outputs are unusable, or unexpected outputs are
discovered, or unanticipated labor steps are required.
Job processing steps are the same
The actual job processing steps – creating the job, modifying job details, issuing
the core component from stock, reporting labor – is the same with disassembly
jobs as it is with regular manufacturing jobs.
Job receipts involve multiple outputs
The key difference between a disassembly job and a regular manufacturing job is
that the disassembly job involves multiple outputs instead of a single output.
When you process job receipts in the Job Issues & Receipts screen, you are
presented with numerous output lines. As you process each line, its cost is
determined by its Cost Ratio, which is its percentage share of the overall job

416 Operating Guide

7. MRP

7. MRP
On the MRP menu you will find all screens and reports related to the creation
and scheduling of jobs and POs.

MRP Setup
• MRP Defaults
• Shop Calendar
Main Menu
• MRP Settings
• Work Center Scheduling
• Job Scheduling
• PO Scheduling
• Delivery Date Estimator
• Master Job Schedule
• Job Outputs Schedule
• Work Center Schedule
• Machine Schedule
• Subcontract WC Schedule

Operating Guide 417

7. MRP

Push and Pull Planning
Push and pull planning styles are both accommodated.
For “push” style planning where orders are fulfilled from stock, MRP will generate
jobs and POs to replenish stock against desired reorder levels.
For “pull” style planning where you only manufacture or purchase in response to
actual demand, MRP generates jobs and POs only when orders are received.
You can freely mix the two styles and use push planning for some items and pull
planning for others.
Unique “Single Bucket” MRP
MRP generates suggested jobs and POs using a unique “single bucket”
architecture that is fast, easy to follow, and ideal for make-to-order, make-to-
stock, and mixed-mode environments.
A single time bucket (planning period) automatically varies in length with each
item, based on the item’s lead time. Items that can be replenished in just a few
days are given short planning periods and items that take several weeks to
manufacture or procure are given longer planning periods.
MRP only reacts to the net demand within each item’s planning period. When
net demand exceeds the item’s reorder level, which can be set to zero for make-
to-order items, MRP generates one job or PO per item. All demand outside of
the planning period is ignored because it can be dealt with later when that
demand eventually falls into the planning period.
By ignoring all the detail outside of each item’s planning period, MRP runs
quickly and is easy to follow.
Dynamic Job Scheduling
The multi-level MRP generation of planned jobs pauses at each level so that jobs
can be dynamically scheduled backward from required dates, when possible.
This combines MRP and scheduling into one process and produces accurate job
schedules down through all levels of your product structures.
Transparency of Information
Within each item’s Drill-Down and Job Days Calculator screens, all the numbers
that were used to generate the planned job and PO details are fully transparent
and traceable.
Job & PO Rescheduling
Actual jobs and POs can be rescheduled to reflect changing shop conditions.
You can see on screen when jobs or POs are early or late relative to required

418 Operating Guide

7. MRP

Work Center Scheduling

Daily work center dispatch lists are created and sent to the shop floor for work
assignments. Jobs are prioritized using an On Time Ratio, which assures that
jobs running behind schedule are given priority over jobs that are running ahead
of schedule.
Machine Scheduling
With a work center that has interchangeable machines, you can designate jobs
for specific machines and print a daily dispatch list of machine assignments.
Delivery Date Estimating
If you are a make-to-order manufacturer, quoting your customer realistic delivery
dates helps the planning system meet its targets. The Delivery Date Estimator
can be used to quote delivery dates based on a combination of preparation time,
the quantity to be made, and current shop conditions.

Operating Guide 419

7. MRP

MRP Setup
Your planning settings are the key to success with the MRP module. If you
establish accurate reorder levels and lead times, you can significantly reduce
inventory and shortages and improve delivery performance and factory
Before you use the MRP module, settings are to be made within the following
MRP Defaults
On this screen you can activate or deactivate selected fields to tailor MRP and
scheduling to suit your company’s preferences.
Shop Calendar
The shop calendar is used to define weekends and holidays when the factory is
not available for production. Non-working days are skipped over when job start
and finish dates and PO due dates are scheduled.
Work Center Scheduling
Work center capacity settings are made on this screen, including hours per day
as well as buffer days to add “slack” to the schedule.
MRP Settings
These settings on this screen apply to your items and are used by MRP to
generate planned jobs and POs. Settings include reorder level, minimum order
quantity, lead days, job days, order multiple, and run size.

420 Operating Guide

7-1A. MRP Defaults

7-1. MRP Setup

7-1A. MRP Defaults

(MRP – MRP Setup – MRP Defaults)

On this screen you can activate or deactivate selected fields to tailor MRP and
scheduling to your company’s preferences. Field explanations are as follows:

Whole No Rounding
This is an MRP setting that enables you to establish whether MRP suggested
order quantities are to allow decimalized amounts or only whole number amounts
(integers). You setting can be made at the stock item level.
Two options are available:
• If all your items are subject to whole number rounding, choose the Auto-
Select radio button. Whenever you create a new stock item, its Whole No
Rounding checkbox will automatically be selected.
• If some of your items are subject to whole number rounding and some are to
be decimalized, choose the Do Not Select radio button.
Finally, if all your items are to be treated with the same setting, you can select
the Hide Field checkbox, which makes the following fields invisible:
• Stock Items - Whole No Rounding field
• MRP Settings - Whole No field

Operating Guide 421

7-1A. MRP Defaults

Use Order Multiple

The Order Multiple setting is used if you have some items that are always
ordered or made in a multiple of a particular quantity. MRP will round suggested
order quantities up to the nearest amount divisible by the Order Multiple.
If the Order Multiple has no role to play in your planning process, clear this
checkbox. Doing so makes the following fields invisible:
• Stock Items – Order Multiple field
• MRP Settings – Multiple field
• MRP – Drill-Down Inquiry – Projected tab – Order Multiple field
Use Overlap
This setting enables you to schedule subassembly jobs to run partially in parallel
with higher level jobs. When a job is scheduled for an item, the Overlap Days
represent the number of days after the job’s start date when its subassemblies
will be required.
If Overlap Days has no role to play in your planning process, which would be the
case if all your products have single-level BOMs, then clear this checkbox.
Doing so makes the following fields invisible:
• Stock Items – Overlap Days field
• MRP Settings – Overlap field
• MRP – Planned Jobs screen – Overlap field
• Make Jobs – Scheduling tab – Overlap field
• Job Scheduling – Jobs tab – Overlap field
• Job Scheduling – Linked Jobs tab – Overlap field
Use Buffer Days
This work center setting enables you to add a safety buffer to the job schedule to
account for the unforeseen delays common to manufacturing environments –
such as machinery repairs, worker or material unavailability, unexpected rework,
Buffer Days are commonly used to add “slack” to the schedule. If the Buffer
Days setting has no role to play in your planning process, clear this checkbox.
Doing so makes the following fields invisible:
• Work Centers – Buffer Days field
• Job Days Calculator – Buffer Days field
• Work Center Scheduling – Buffer Days field
• Remaining Days Calculator – Buffer Days field
Use Queue Days
Leave this setting blank. It has no function at this time.

422 Operating Guide

7-1A. MRP Defaults

MRP Interval
Enter the normal number of days that elapse between MRP runs. This sets a
default for the MRP Interval Days setting that is specified when MRP generates
jobs and POs.

Operating Guide 423

7-1B. Shop Calendar

7-1B. Shop Calendar

(Planning – Planning Setup – Shop Calendar)

The Shop Calendar is used to establish the days of the week the factory is in
operation and which days of the year it is closed due to holidays. When jobs and
POs are scheduled, the program skips over all non-operating days defined on the
Calendar Date Range
• Each time any user logs into DBA that has security access to the Shop
Calendar, if the Thru Date is less than one year from today, the user is
prompted to extend the calendar to the end of the second calendar year from
• Each time MRP is generated, if the Thru Date is less than two years from
today, the user is prompted to extend the calendar to the end of the third
calendar year from today.
You can extend the calendar well beyond the minimums described above. When
you do so, leave the From Date as is. You can extend the Thru Date as far into
the future as you wish. After changing the Thru Date, click the Update button to
generate the additional days in the calendar table.

424 Operating Guide

7-1B. Shop Calendar

Weekly Pattern
In the Weekly Pattern panel, select the checkbox under each day of the week
that is available for production.
If the factory is to be closed for one or a range of holiday or vacation days, enter
the date range in the Holidays grid, along with a Description.
Printing or Previewing the Calendar
Click the printer icon in the lower left to get a printout of the Shop Calendar.
Click the icon to preview the printout on the screen.

Operating Guide 425

7-2. MRP Settings

7-2. MRP Settings

(MRP – MRP Settings)

Use this screen to maintain various MRP settings stored against each of your
stock items. These settings determine reorder levels, minimum order quantities,
lead-times, and other variables used by MRP to generate planned jobs and POs.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segments: MTO Settings, Job Days, MRP Settings
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
Segments: MRP Settings

Screen Details
Upper Panel
Manufactured Items or Purchase Items
These checkboxes determine which stock items will display in the grid list.
You can confine the list to just manufactured items, just purchased items, or
Display Description
Because the Description column takes up so much space on the grid, you
have the option of clearing this checkbox to make the Description and UM
fields invisible so that more of the entry fields will be visible.
Item Category
With this setting you can further limit the list to one or selected Item

426 Operating Guide

7-2. MRP Settings

Grid Fields
Item ID, Description, UM
These are read-only reference fields that help you identify each stock item.
M or P
This is a read-only field that tells you if the item is normally manufactured (M)
or purchased (P).
Reorder Level
MRP will suggest jobs or POs whenever current and projected supply and
demand cause on-hand stock to fall below this level within the item’s planning
Reorder Level
MRP will suggest jobs or POs whenever current and projected supply and
demand cause on-hand stock to fall below this level within the item’s planning
How to Calculate
At a minimum, your reorder level should cover the item’s daily usage
multiplied by its total Lead Days plus Job Days. For example, if you sell
and use 120 units a month, or four per day on average, and the item has a
total of 20 Lead Days plus Job Days, four units per day multiplied by 20
days suggests a reorder level of 80. To play it safe, you could bump the
quantity from 80 to 90 or 100. If the item’s demand is relatively steady,
less of a safety factor is needed. On the other hand, if demand for the
item is highly volatile, add a safety factor high enough to cover expected
variations in demand.
If you don’t stock the item and make it only when sales orders call for it,
set the reorder level to zero. MRP will suggest a job quantity that covers
just the amounts needed to fulfill customer orders. If the item is
designated as a ‘CTO’ item (see below), set the reorder level to zero.
Min Order
Whenever MRP suggests a job or purchase order for this item, this is the
minimum quantity that will be suggested.
This field is only visible when the Manufactured Items checkbox is selected
and is an abbreviation for ‘custom to order’. MRP generates jobs directly
from sales order lines for CTO items only. A manufactured item should only
be designated as ‘CTO’ if it meets these criteria:
• The item is a finished item sold directly to the customer. Subassemblies
should not be designated as CTO items.
• The item is always made to order such that the job quantity is always
exactly equal to the quantity ordered by the customer.

Operating Guide 427

7-2. MRP Settings

• The item is customized in some manner such that it is unique for a

particular customer order and can’t be shipped to other customers.
• The item is never stocked, which means that excess quantities cannot be
made and shipped at a later date.
Lead Days
This field is used differently, depending on whether the item is purchased or
NOTE: The Lead Days includes all calendar days and does not
exclude non-workdays defined on the shop calendar. Therefore, if you
want to the Lead Days to represent one week, enter 7-days.
Purchased Items
For planning purposes, this is the number of days allocated to account for
the time it takes receive this item after sending a PO to the supplier.
Manufactured Items
For planning purposes, this is the number of days allocated to account for
the preparation time required before you can begin a job for this item.
It is rare that a job can be started the day you receive an order for the
item. You may need some time to order material or to complete
subassemblies that are required, and there may be a typical waiting period
at the job’s first work center. MRP uses the Lead Days plus the item’s Job
Days plus the interval between MRP runs to determine the planning period
for each manufactured item.
Job Days
This field is only relevant to manufactured items and is invisible when the
Manufactured Items checkbox is cleared. It represents the number of actual
production days it takes to make this item, based on making the Run Size.
When creating new jobs, this value is used to backward schedule the job from
its finish date or to forward schedule the job from its start date. Two methods
of entry are available:
Manual Entry – No Routing
If this item does not have a routing, the Job Days amount must be entered
manually. Do not include weekends or other off-days in this amount.
Job Days Calculator
If this item is defined with a routing, you can click the button in this field to
display the Job Days Calculator. This screen calculates and assigns each
routing sequence a Job Days amount, based on current work center and
routing settings. These Job Days amounts are totaled to arrive at the
Calculated Job Days for the item. You can accept the calculated amount
or manually override it if you wish.

428 Operating Guide

7-2. MRP Settings

Job Days Calculator

This field is optional and is only visible when the Use Overlap checkbox is
selected in the MRP Defaults screen. It is only relevant to manufactured
items and is invisible when the Manufactured Items checkbox is cleared.
When a job is scheduled for this item, the Overlap Days represent the number
of days after the job’s start date when its subassemblies will be required.
This setting is used by MRP for scheduling Make-to-Order subassembly jobs
linked to higher level jobs.
Whole No
This field is not visible when the Whole No Rounding – Hide Field checkbox is
selected in the MRP Defaults screen. This field name is an abbreviation for
Whole No Rounding. If you select this checkbox, MRP will suggest job or PO
quantities rounded up to the nearest whole number. Select this checkbox for
any items that are not purchased or manufactured in fractional decimal
This is an abbreviation of the Order Multiple setting. If you always order or
make this item in a multiple of a particular quantity, you can enter that
quantity in this field and MRP will round suggested order quantities up to the
nearest amount divisible by the Order Multiple. For example, if you always
order this item in multiples of 500, MRP will round up suggested order
quantities to amounts such as ‘500’, ‘1000’, ‘1500’, ‘2000’, etc.
Run Size
This field is only relevant to manufactured items and is invisible when the
Manufactured Items checkbox is cleared. It represents the most typical job
quantity for this item. This value is used by the Cost Rollup to amortize the
item’s setup cost to a per-unit cost. (Each routing sequence Setup cost is
divided by the Run Size). It is also used by the Job Days Calculator to
calculate the typical Job Days required to manufacture this item.

Operating Guide 429

7-2. MRP Settings

Usage History Inquiry

The Usage sub-tab is visible on M and P items and presents an inquiry screen
that shows you the past 12-months usage of the item, broken out by month and
averaged by quarter. “Usage” refers to total sales and job issues.
This primary purpose of this inquiry is to help establish the item’s Reorder Level.

Production History Inquiry

The Production sub-tab is visible on M items only. It displays job history
beginning with your most recent finished job. Only jobs with an Actual Finish
date are included in this list.

This inquiry is used to help establish each item’s Lead Days and Job Days
A Lead Days value is calculated for each job in the list, which is the number of
calendar days between the job’s Creation Date and its Released Date.
A Job Days value is calculated for each job in the list, which is the number of
valid workdays (as defined in the shop calendar) between its Released Date and
its Actual Finish date.

Delivery History Inquiry

The Delivery sub-tab is visible on P items only. It displays purchase receipts
history beginning with your most recent receipt.

430 Operating Guide

7-2. MRP Settings

The primary purpose of this inquiry is to help establish each item’s Lead Days. A
Delivery Days amount is calculated for each receipt, which is the number of
calendar days between the PO Creation Date and the actual Receipt Date for the

Operating Guide 431

7-3. MRP

7-3. MRP

Running MRP is a 3-step process

Each time you run MRP, you will go through the following three steps.

Step 1 – Generate Planned Jobs for CTO Items

You always start by generating jobs directly from sales order lines for ‘CTO’
(custom to order) items.
Step 2 – Generate Planned Jobs for Net Demand
The next step is to generate jobs for your non-CTO manufactured items and
subassemblies by replenishing stock according to projected supply and
demand and desired stocking levels.
Step 3 – Generate Planned POs
After all your jobs are generated, the final step is to generate POs for the
purchased items needed by the new jobs and to replenish stock in accordance
with desired stocking levels.

How often should MRP be run?

The answer to this question depends on your volume of orders, but MRP is
typically run on a daily basis or in some cases, every 2-3 days.
Planning is a continuous process that never stops. The more frequently you run
MRP, the more quickly you will be able to respond to new orders and associated

432 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

Step 1 – Generate Jobs for CTO Items

The first step in the MRP process is to generate, schedule, and convert planned
jobs for your ‘CTO’ (custom to order) manufactured items.

CTO Items
If you have items that are always customized in some manner and made to each
customer’s order, select the item’s CTO checkbox setting in the MRP Settings

Generating Planned Jobs for CTO Items

(MRP – MRP – Generate Button)
To generate planned jobs from sales order lines for CTO items, click the
Generate button on the MRP screen, which displays the MRP Generation
Options window. Select the Generate Planned Jobs for CTO Items option and
click OK.
You will now see the Generate Planned Jobs for CTO Items selection screen

On this screen, you can limit the generation to one, a range, or all sales orders.
You can also limit the generation to one or a range of stock items.
Generate Button
Once your selections are completed, click the Generate button. You will receive
a message informing you when the generation is completed. After you click the
Close button, you will see your planned jobs listed on the Planned Jobs sub-tab
of the MRP screen.

Operating Guide 433

7-3. MRP

Planned Jobs Screen

Scheduling and converting planned jobs

After your planned jobs are generated, they must be scheduled and converted to
actual jobs before you move on to step 3 in the MRP process. See Scheduling &
Converting Planned Jobs, later in this chapter for complete details.
Multi-level generation of CTO subassemblies
After you convert planned jobs into actual jobs, MRP will check the newly created
jobs for any subassemblies that are designated as CTO items. If any are found,
MRP will automatically generate another round of planned jobs for the
subassemblies, with dates offset from the first round of jobs.
This second round of jobs can then be scheduled and converted to planned jobs.
If after doing so, MRP detects CTO subassemblies within this second round of
jobs, it will again generate another round of planned jobs with dates offset from
the previous round. This cycle is repeated down through all levels of the product

434 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

Step 2 – Generate Jobs for Net Demand

The second step in the MRP process is to generate, schedule, and convert
planned jobs for your manufactured items that are not designated as CTO items.
This second round of planned job generation responds to overall net demand for
each item rather than to individual customer orders, and does so relative to stock
on hand, planned stocking levels, and minimum order quantities.

Generating Planned Jobs for Net Demand

(MRP – MRP – Generate Button)
To generate planned jobs for items that are not CTO items, click the Generate
button on the MRP screen, which displays the MRP Generation Options window.
Select the Generate Planned Jobs for Net Demand option and click OK.
You will now see the Generate Planned Jobs for Net Demand selection screen
displayed, which contains the following selection options.

Planning Period
The MRP generation assesses total current and projected demand and supply
within a “planning period.” This planning period varies for each item and consists
of the item’s Lead Days plus Job Days plus the amount you specify in the MRP
Interval Days field.
NOTE: The program expands the Job Days amount by a percentage
equal to a ratio of the number of workdays vs. non-workdays defined on
the shop calendar to ensure that weekends are accounted for in the
planning period calculation.
The purpose of the planning period is to limit the MRP generation so that it only
focuses on items that need attention now. Any demand for an item that falls
outside of its planning period can safely be ignored and dealt with later.

Operating Guide 435

7-3. MRP

Items that can be manufactured or replenished quickly are automatically

assigned short planning periods and don’t get included in the MRP generation
until close to their required dates. This keeps inventory to a minimum and
reduces the number of MRP items to be analyzed.
On the other hand, items with longer lead-times, such as those with lengthy
production cycles or that have to be imported from overseas, are automatically
assigned longer planning periods.
MRP Interval Days
This field value defaults to the MRP Interval Days setting in the MRP Defaults
screen, but can be overridden, if you wish. This amount should be equal to or
greater than the interval days between MRP runs. For example, if you run
MRP once every three days, the MRP Interval Days entry should be ‘3’ or
greater so that this interval is included in the planning period.
If you are a conservative planner and wish to have a safety factor, you could
add a few more days to the planning period. So, in our example above,
rather than set the MRP Interval Days to ‘3’ to cover the interval between
MRP runs, you could set it to ‘5 days to cover the interval and add a little
extra safety margin.
Item ID
You can limit the generation one or a range of stock items, if you wish.
Item Category
You can limit the generation to selected item categories, if you wish.
Generate Button
Once your selections are completed, click the Generate button. After you are
informed that the generation was successfully completed, click the Close button
and you will see your planned jobs listed on the Planned Jobs sub-tab of the
MRP screen.

436 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

How the MRP generation works

Each manufactured item within the selection range is processed one at a time
and goes through the following four steps.

1. Establish the item’s planning period

First, the program establishes the planning period for the item, which is the
sum of the item’s Lead Days and Job Days settings (from the MRP Settings
screen) plus the amount specified in the MRP Interval Days field on the
Generate Planned Jobs selection screen.
2. Calculate net demand within the planning period
The total supply within the item’s planning period is comprised of:
• Stock on Hand
• Job Outputs
• Planned Jobs
The total demand within the item’s planning period is comprised of:
• Sales Orders
• Job Inputs
The difference between total supply and total demand is the Net Demand for
the item.
3. Generate a planned job, if required
• If Net Demand is zero or less, a planned job will not be generated.
• If Net Demand is greater than zero, it is then compared with the item’s
Reorder Level (from the MRP Settings screen).
• If Net Demand is equal to or greater than the Reorder Level, a planned job
will be generated with a Plan Qty equal to the Net Demand. If that amount
is less than the item’s Min Order amount (from the MRP Settings screen),
the Min Order amount will be used as the Plan Qty.
• If Net Demand is less than the Reorder Level, a planned job will be
generated with a Plan Qty equal to the Net Demand plus the difference
between Net Demand and the Reorder Level. If that amount is less than
the item’s Min Order amount, the Min Order amount will be used as the
Plan Qty.
4. Establish the Required Date and Pegged To settings
• The planned job’s Required date will be set equal to the earliest demand
date within the item’s planning period when projected stock goes negative.
• The planned job’s Pegged To field will be populated with the job or sales
order number associated with the Required date.

Operating Guide 437

7-3. MRP

Scheduling and converting planned jobs

After your planned jobs are generated, they must be scheduled and converted to
actual jobs before you move on to step 3 in the MRP process.
See Scheduling & Converting Planned Jobs later in this chapter for complete
Multi-Level Generation
After you convert planned jobs into actual jobs, MRP will check the newly created
jobs for any subassemblies. If any subassembly items are found that need
ordering, MRP will automatically generate another round of planned jobs for
those items, with dates offset from the first round of jobs.
This second round of jobs can then be scheduled and converted to planned jobs.
If after doing so, MRP detects subassemblies within this second round of jobs, it
will again generate another round of planned jobs, when needed, with dates
offset from the previous round (when possible). This cycle is repeated down
through all levels of the product structures.

438 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

Step 3 – Generate Planned POs

After all your jobs are generated, the final step is to generate POs for the
purchased items needed by the new jobs and to replenish stock in accordance
with desired stocking levels.
The MRP planned PO generation responds to overall net demand for each item
relative to jobs and sales orders, stock on hand, planned stocking levels, and
minimum order quantities.

Generating planned POs

(MRP – MRP – Generate Button)
To generate planned POs for items that are not Make-to-Order items, click the
Generate button on the MRP screen, which displays the MRP Generation
Options window. Select the Generate Planned POs radio button and click OK.
You will now see the Generate Planned POs selection screen displayed, which
contains the following selection options.

Planning Period
The MRP generation assesses total current and projected demand and supply
within a planning period. This planning period varies for each item and consists
of the item’s Lead Days plus the amount specified in the MRP Interval Days field.
The purpose of the planning period is to limit the MRP generation so that it only
focuses on items that need attention now. Any demand for an item that falls
outside of its planning period can safely be ignored and dealt with later.
Items that can be manufactured or replenished quickly are automatically
assigned short planning periods and don’t get included in the MRP generation
until close to their required dates. This keeps inventory to a minimum and
reduces the number of MRP items to be analyzed.

Operating Guide 439

7-3. MRP

On the other hand, items with longer lead-times, such as those that have to be
imported from overseas, are automatically assigned longer planning periods.
MRP Interval Days
This field value defaults to the MRP Interval Days setting in the MRP Defaults
screen, but can be overridden, if you wish. This amount should be equal to or
greater than the interval days between MRP runs. For example, if you run
MRP once every three days, the MRP Interval Days should be ‘3’ or greater
so that this interval is included in the planning period.
If you are a conservative planner and wish to have a safety factor, you could
add a few more days to the planning period. So, in our example above,
rather than set the MRP Interval Days to ‘3’ to cover the interval between
MRP runs, you could set it to ‘6’ days to cover the interval and add a little
extra safety margin.
Item ID
You can limit the generation one or a range of stock items, if you wish.
Item Category
You can limit the generation to selected item categories, if you wish.
Generate Button
Once your selections are completed, click the Generate button. After you are
informed that the generation was successfully completed, click the Close button
and you will see your planned POs listed on the Planned POs sub-tab of the
MRP screen.

How the MRP generation works

Each manufactured item within the selection range is processed one at a time
and goes through the following four steps.

1. Establish the item’s planning period

First, the program establishes the planning period for the item, which is the
sum of the item’s Lead Days setting (from the MRP Settings screen) plus the
amount specified in the MRP Interval Days field on the Generate Planned POs
selection screen.
2. Calculate net demand within the planning period
The total supply within the item’s planning period is comprised of:
• Stock on Hand
• Purchase Orders
• Planned POs
The total demand within the item’s planning period is comprised of:
• Sales Orders
• Job Inputs

440 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

The difference between total supply and total demand is the Net Demand for
the item.
3. Generate the planned PO, if required
• If Net Demand is zero or less, a planned PO will not be generated.
If Net Demand is greater than zero, it is then compared with the item’s
Reorder Level (from the MRP Settings screen).
• If Net Demand is equal to or greater than the Reorder Level, a planned PO
will be generated with a Plan Qty equal to the Net Demand. If that amount
is less than the item’s Min Order amount (from the MRP Settings screen),
the Min Order amount will be used as the Plan Qty.
• If Net Demand is less than the Reorder Level, a planned PO will be
generated with a Plan Qty equal to the Net Demand plus the difference
between Net Demand and the Reorder Level. If that amount is less than
the item’s Min Order amount, the Min Order amount will be used as the
Plan Qty.
4. Establish the Required Date
• The planned POs Required date will be set equal to the earliest demand
date within the item’s planning period.

Planned POs Screen

(MRP – MRP – Planned POs Tab)

Field Explanations
Item ID
This is the Item to be purchased. Only stock items are given planned POs in
the MRP screen. Use the Subcontract Services screen to generate POs from
jobs for non-stock descriptors and freeform lines.

Operating Guide 441

7-3. MRP

This checkbox is selected after you have reviewed the planned PO. It
indicates that the planned PO been accepted, edited (if needed), and is ready
for conversion into an actual PO.
The item’s Description is displayed in this field, for reference purposes. The
Description occupies a good deal of width on the screen that obscures some
of the fields to the right. You can clear the Display Description checkbox in
the upper panel to suppress the Description and make more fields visible.
The item’s unit of measure is displayed in this field, for reference purposes. If
you clear the Display Description checkbox in the upper panel, this field
becomes invisible.
Plan Qty
The Plan Qty is equal to the amount required to satisfy net demand within the
item’s planning period or the item’s Reorder Level, whichever is greater. If
that quantity is less than the item’s Min Order quantity, the Plan Qty will be
made equal to the Min Order quantity. This field is for reference only and
cannot be modified.
This date is equal to the earliest demand date within the items’ planning
period when projected stock goes negative. If projected stock does not go
negative, this date is forward scheduled from today’s date by the number of
Lead Days specified, rounding up to the nearest valid workday on the shop
calendar. Normally, this date is left as is, but can be changed, if you wish.
PO Qty
This is the quantity you wish to purchase for this item. The MRP generation
automatically sets this amount equal to the Plan Qty, but you can change it, if
you wish. You may, for example, wish to purchase an extra amount for stock.
Lead Days
This is the number of days typically required to get this item from the supplier.
This field automatically displays the item’s Lead Days setting maintained in
the MRP – MRP Settings screen. It can be changed, if you wish.
Order Date
The Order date is scheduled backward from the PO Due Date by the number
of Lead Days specified. If this date falls on a non-workday defined on the
shop calendar, the program will count continue scheduling backwards until it
finds the first available workday.
NOTE: If backward scheduling causes this date to be earlier than
today’s date, today’s date is used as the Order Date because it is not
physically possible to place an order earlier than today.

442 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

PO Due Date
When possible, the MRP generation automatically sets the PO Due Date
equal to the Required Date, but it can be changed, if you wish. You may, for
example, wish to receive the items a couple of days earlier than its Required
Date, as a safety factor.
NOTE: If this date causes the Order Date to be earlier than today’s
date, the planned PO will be forward scheduled from today’s date by
the number of Lead Days specified, rounding up to the nearest valid
workday on the shop calendar. This may cause the PO Due Date to
be later than its Required date (see Days Late field).
Days Late
If the Due Date is later than the Required date, the interval number of
calendar days between the two dates is displayed in this field. This alerts you
to the fact that you must move out the Required date of the Pegged to job or
sales order or arrange to expedite this item fro your supplier.
Pegged to
This field, which cannot be modified, displays the job or sales order number
that has the earliest required date within the planning period when projected
stock goes negative. If the planned PO is generated to replenish the item’s
Reorder Level and there are no demand items within the planning period, “To-
Stock’ will display in this field.
The Default Supplier from the Stock Items screen is automatically selected by
the MRP generation, but you can select a different supplier, if you wish.

Drill-Down Tab
To the right of the Planned POs sub-tab is the Drill-Down sub-tab. On the Drill-
Down screen, you can view all the supply and demand detail that resulted in the
planned PO generation.
To view the drill-down detail on any item, highlight its planned PO line and click
the Drill-Down sub-tab. Alternatively, double-click on any planned PO line and it
will launch the Drill-Down screen for the item.

Operating Guide 443

7-3. MRP

Projected Tab
On the Projected sub-tab within the Drill-Down screen, you see item’s Current
Stock on-hand in the upper panel, and in the rid you see all supply and demand
for the item within the planning period, in date order.
If you have not yet made any changes to the generated Plan Qty and/pr Order
Date and PO Due Date settings, you will notice two aspects in the supply and
demand listing.
• Because it is tied to the earliest demand date within the planning period when
projected stock goes negative (when possible – see next), you will see your
planned PO adjacent to the job or sales order associated with that demand
• If the planned PO could not be backward scheduled from that demand date
because it would have to be ordered earlier than today’s date, which is not
possible, the planned PO is forward scheduled from today’s date. When this
happens, you will notice that projected stock goes negative prior to the
planned POs due date.
• The Available Qty column shows you a projected stock on-hand quantity by
date. On the last item in the list, the Available Qty is normally equal to or
greater than the item’s Reorder Level. This is because MRP replenishes
stock within the planning period at least up your desired stocking level. When
this amount is greater than the item’s Reorder Level, it is because the item
has a Min Order setting that pushed replenishment beyond your minimum
stocking level.
Summary Tab
On the Summary sub-tab within the Drill-Down screen, you see the item’s MRP
settings and a summary of the amounts by transaction type that comprise the
Available Qty as of the end of the item’s planning period.

444 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

Adjusting item MRP settings

While you are planning your POs, you may wish to adjust various item MRP
settings such as Reorder Level and Min Order.
You can do so without leaving the screen by clicking the MRP Setting button
while you have a planned job highlighted. This automatically launches the MRP
Settings screen and highlights the current item. Once you close the MRP
Settings screen, you are returned to the Planned POs screen.

Creating new planned POs from scratch

There may be times when you want to create a planned PO from scratch.
To create a new planned PO, while in the Planned POs screen, click the New
Line button. You can then select an Item ID, enter the Order Qty, Lead Days,
and PO Due Date.

Converting planned POs into actual POs

Convert Checkbox
Once you have reviewed and finalized the Order Qty, Order Date, and PO Due
Date settings for each planned PO, select its Convert checkbox. This lets you
know that you have completed your planning for that PO.
Convert Button
After you have completed your planning and all your planned POs have their
Convert checkbox selected, click the Convert button, which launches the Convert
Planned POs screen.

Accept the default PO Type or make another selection.

If you wish to group all items designated for a supplier on a single PO, select the
One PO per Supplier radio button.
If you want each item on its own separate PO, select the One PO for each item
radio button.
After your settings are completed, click OK and the actual POs will be created.

Operating Guide 445

7-3. MRP

Scheduling & Converting Planned Jobs

Job scheduling occurs within steps 2 and 3 of the MRP process.
Because job scheduling is so fundamentally important to the manufacturing
process, we’ve given it its own chapter. In this chapter we cover the following
• Using the Planned Jobs screen
• How job scheduling works
• Manual Job Days entry
• Using the Job Days Calculator
• Using the Drill-Down screen
• Changing item MRP settings
• Converting planned jobs into actual jobs
• Multi-level generation of lower-level subassemblies
• Job scheduling tips

Planned Jobs Screen

(MRP – MRP – Planned Jobs Tab)

The records listed on this screen were generated either in step 2 of the MRP
process (generating planned jobs for Make-to-Order items) or in step 3
(generating planned jobs for manufactured items).

Field Explanations – Main Grid

Item ID
This is the Item to be manufactured. Only stock items with a setting of ‘M’ for
Manufactured receive planned jobs. The item is not required to have a bill of

446 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

material; however, when you convert a planned job for an item that does not a
BOM, you will receive a warning that a BOM does not exist.
This checkbox is selected after you have scheduled the job (see next
section). It indicates that the planned job has been accepted, scheduled, and
is ready for conversion into a live job.
The item’s Description is displayed in this field, for reference purposes. The
Description occupies a good deal of width on the screen that obscures some
of the fields to the right. You can clear the Display Description checkbox in
the upper panel to suppress the Description and make more fields visible.
The item’s unit of measure is displayed in this field, for reference purposes. If
you clear the Display Description checkbox in the upper panel, this field
becomes invisible.
Plan Qty
If the planned job is generated from a sales order line, this quantity is the
sales order line item order Qty. If the item is a Make-to-Order item needed as
a subassembly for another job, the Plan Qty is the amount needed just for
that job.
Otherwise, the Plan Qty is equal to the amount required to satisfy net demand
within the item’s planning period or the item’s Reorder Level, whichever is
greater. If that quantity is less than the item’s Min Order quantity, the Plan
Qty will be made equal to the Min Order quantity. This field is for reference
only and cannot be modified.
This is the planned job’s Required date, which flows through to the job header
when the planned job is converted into a live job. The following are the
possible sources for this date:
• If the planned job is generated from a sales order line, this date is equal to
the Required Date maintained within the sales order line.
• If the planned job is generated for a Make-to-Order item that is a
subassembly in a higher-level job, the higher-level job’s Start Date is used
as its Required date. If the higher-level job has an Overlap setting, this
job’s Required date is equal to the higher-level job’s Start Date plus the
number of Overlap days forward, skipping over non-workdays defined on
the shop calendar.
• If the planned job is generated against net demand, the Required date is
the earliest demand date within the item’s planning period when projected
stock goes negative. If projected stock does not go negative, which can
happen when replenishing stock levels, the planned job is forward

Operating Guide 447

7-3. MRP

scheduled from today’s date and this date is set equal to the planned job’s
Finish Date.
Date Type
Once a planned job is converted to a live job, its Required may or may not be
subject to change, depending on its Date Type. Three settings are used.
If this job is formally linked to a sales order line item or a higher-level
job, its Date Type is set to ‘Linked’. If the sales order or higher-level
job’s required date changes, the Job Scheduling screen will change
this job’s Required Date as well in order to keep dates aligned with one
If this job was created in response to net demand, its Date Type is set
to ‘Floating’. Each time the Job Scheduling screen is accessed, the
program will recalculate this job’s Required Date based on the earliest
date within the output item’s planning period when projected stock
goes negative.
If you want the job’s Required Date to stay fixed, regardless of
changing requirements elsewhere, you can manually set the Date
Type to ‘Fixed’. When you do so, the Job Scheduling screen will not
attempt to reschedule the job’s Required Date.
Job Qty
This is the quantity you wish to manufacture for this item. The MRP
generation automatically sets this amount equal to the Plan Qty, but you can
change it, if you wish. You may, for example, wish to make an extra amount
for stock.
Job Start
The Job Start date is scheduled backward from the Job Finish date by the
number of Job Days (located in the lower panel) plus any non-workdays such
as weekends and holidays (as defined on the shop calendar).
If backward scheduling causes the Job Start date less the items’ Lead Days
to be earlier than today’s date, which is not physically possible, the planned
job will be forward scheduled from today’s date. The Lead Days will be
added to today’s date to establish the Job Start date, rounded up to the
nearest valid workday on the shop calendar. The Job Days specified will be
added to the Job Start date to establish the Job Finish date, rounded up to
the nearest valid workday on the shop calendar.
Job Finish
The MRP generation automatically sets the Job Finish date equal to the
Required date (when possible), but it can be changed, if you wish. You may,

448 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

for example, wish to complete the job a couple of days earlier than its
Required date, as a safety factor.
If setting the Job Finish date equal to the Required date causes the Job Start
date less the items’ Lead Days to be earlier than today’s date, which is not
physically possible, the planned job will be forward scheduled from today’s
date. The Lead Days will be added to today’s date to establish the Job Start
date, rounded up to the nearest valid workday on the shop calendar. The Job
Days specified will be added to the Job Start date to establish the Job Finish
date, rounded up to the nearest valid workday on the shop calendar.
Days Late
If the Job Finish date is later than its Required date, the interval number of
calendar days between the two dates is displayed in this field. This alerts you
to the fact that you must either move the Required date out or expedite the
job schedule (perhaps by working overtime) to meet the Required date.
Pegged to
This field, which cannot be modified, displays the following information:
• If the planned job is generated directly from a sales order line, the
sales order number is displayed in this field.
• If the planned job is generated for a Make-to-Order item that is a
subassembly within a higher-level job, that higher-level job number is
displayed in this field.
• If the planned job is generated from net demand, this is the number of
the job or sales order with the earliest required date within the planning
period when projected stock goes negative.
• If the planned job is generated to replenish the item’s Reorder Level
and there are no demand items within the planning period where
projected stock goes negative, “To-Stock’ will display in this field.
MTO is an abbreviation for Make-to-Order. If the planned job is generated
from a sales order line or is a Make-to-Order item generated as a
subassembly from a higher-level job, this checkbox is selected, for reference
purposes only. It cannot be modified.

Field Explanations – Lower Panel

Job Days
This is the number of production days anticipated to complete the job from
start to finish. It includes setup hours, labor hours, turnaround time for
subcontract services, move time between work centers, waiting time at the
work center, and safety buffers. The Job Days does not include non-working
days such as weekends and holidays (as defined on the shop calendar).

Operating Guide 449

7-3. MRP

This field automatically displays the item’s Job Days setting maintained in the
MRP – MRP Settings screen. It can be manually overridden or you can click
the button in the field to bring up the Job Days Calculator, which will generate
the Job Days for you (if your BOM has a routing). See chapter 5-13,
Scheduling Planned Jobs, for more information.
Lead Days
This setting is maintained in the MRP – MRP Settings screen and is the
number of days it normally takes before you can begin a job for this item.
Overlap Days
This field is only visible if the Use Overlap checkbox is selected in the MRP &
Scheduling Defaults screen. If this is a Make-to-Order job linked to a higher
level job and that job has an Overlap setting, its value is displayed in the field,
which cannot be edited.
This job’s Required Date is equal to the higher level job’s Start Date, plus
Overlap Days forward, skipping over any non-valid workdays defined on the
shop calendar.
The item’s default bill of material Revision is automatically displayed in this
field. If for some reason you wish to use a Revision other than the default
Revision, you can select an alternate Revision from the lookup.

450 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

Scheduling Planned Jobs

(MRP – MRP – Planned Jobs Tab)

How job scheduling works

Planned jobs are dynamically scheduled before they are converted to actual jobs.
In doing so, MRP and job scheduling are blended into a single function.
Job scheduling is based around the Job Days setting, which can be manually
entered or automatically calculated based on current work center settings.
The Job Days is the number of production days anticipated to complete the job
from start to finish. It includes setup hours, labor hours, turnaround time for
subcontract services, move time between work centers, waiting time at the work
center, and safety buffers. The Job Days does not include non-working days
such as weekends and holidays (as defined on the shop calendar).
Planned jobs are normally backward scheduled
The program will then take the Job Finish date, which is normally equal to the
Required Date (the promise date given to the customer or the start date of a
higher-level job – less Overlap) and will count days backwards by the number of
Job Days plus any non-workdays such as weekends and holidays (as defined on
the shop calendar) to establish the Job Start date.
Planned jobs are forward scheduled when necessary
If setting the Job Finish date equal to the Required date causes the Job Start
date less the items’ Lead Days to be earlier than today’s date, which is not
physically possible, the planned job will be forward scheduled from today’s date.
The Lead Days will be added to today’s date to establish the Job Start date,
rounded up to the nearest valid workday on the shop calendar. The Job Days
specified will be added to the Job Start date to establish the Job Finish date,
rounded up to the nearest valid workday on the shop calendar.
When this is the case, the job will not be completed in time to meet its Required
date. You must therefore either move the Required date out or arrange to
expedite the job schedule, perhaps by working overtime.
Once the job is scheduled, select the Convert checkbox
Once the Job Start and Job Finish dates are to your satisfaction, you select the
planned job’s Convert checkbox and move on to schedule the next planned job.
Job scheduling is a process that aligns your required dates with realistic
production schedules. The key factor is achieving realistic production schedules
is the Job Days amount, which can be manually entered or automatically
generated by the Job Days Calculator.

Operating Guide 451

7-3. MRP

Job Days – Manual Entry

If you do not use routings in your bills of material or if your routings do not
contain reasonably accurate setup hours and production rates, you must
manually enter the Job Days amount.
Enter the Job Days field based on your best guess as to how many days the job
will require to get through the factory from start through completion. Do not
include weekends or holidays in the Job Days amount.
If your products have consistently predictable production times, you can assign
each item a default Job Days amount in the MRP – MRP Settings screen, which
will automatically flow into your planned jobs. You can then accept the default
Job Days amount or override it for any exceptions.

Job Days Calculator

If you use routings and they contain reasonably accurate setup hours and labor
rates, you can use the Job Days Calculator to generate the planned job’s Job
Days amount for you.
To activate the Job Days Calculator, click the button in the Job Days field, which
brings up the Job Days Calculator screen.

In the upper panel you will see the Calculated Job Days field, which is the grand
total of the individual Job Days amounts calculated for each routing sequence.
This amount is repeated in the Job Days entry field, which you can accept or
override if you wish to round or change the calculated amount.
When you click the Close button, the Job Days amount is inserted into the
planned job’s Job Days field.

Field Explanations – Main Grid

This field identifies the routing sequence, also referred to as a “stage.”

452 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

Work Center
This is the Work Center within which this Sequence will be performed.
Job Days
This represents the total estimated Job Days that will be required to complete
this Sequence. It is the sum of the following fields: Setup Days, Labor Days,
Days Next, Queue, and Buffer.
Setup Days
This is the estimated setup time for this Sequence, translated from hours into
job days, based on this work center’s daily capacity. The formula used is:
Setup Hours / Job Hours/Day
Labor Days
This is the estimated labor time for this Sequence, translated from hours into
job days, based on this work center’s daily capacity. The formula used is:
(Make Qty x Time/Proc x Items/Proc) / Job Hrs/Day
Days Next
This is the Days to Next setting from the item’s routing. It is the number of
workdays that occurs between the completion of this routing sequence and
the start of the next sequence, apart from and not including the setup and
labor time involved in this routing sequence. For example, a painted part
might require 3-days of drying time or a part might need a day or two to get
from work center to the next.
This can also be a negative number for situations where parts produced on
one routing sequence can be started in the next sequence without having to
wait for the entire run to be completed before doing so. In scheduling terms
this is referred to as “overlap.”
For subcontract services, Days to Next refers to the number of days it takes
to get the parts sent out, completed, and received back from the supplier.
This is the Queue Days setting maintained in this Work Center. It represents
the estimated number of days an item must wait in this work center before
production can begin. Typically, this field is only used with “bottleneck” work
centers where there is a finite capacity associated with a machine or some
other physical constraint that limits production to a set amount each day.
This is the Buffer Days setting maintained in this Work Center. It enables you
to add in a safety buffer to the job schedule to account for the unforeseen
delays common to manufacturing environments – such as machinery repairs,
worker or material unavailability, unexpected rework, etc.

Operating Guide 453

7-3. MRP

Field Explanations – Lower Panel

Job Hrs/Day
This is the Job Hours/Day setting maintained in this Work Center. It
represents the maximum number of hours that can be allocated to any given
job per day. Estimated setup and labor hours are divided by the Job Hours /
Day to translate hours into job days as part of the overall Job Days calculation
for the item.
Setup Hrs
This is the Setup Hours value maintained in the item’s routing. It represents
the total estimated setup time for this Sequence, expressed in decimal hours.
This is the Time / Process value maintained in the item’s routing, translated
into decimal hours. Production is expressed in terms of ‘processes’. A
process can be an assembly operation, a hit from a punch press, a mold
cycle, etc. A process can produce a single part or many parts at a time.
This is the Items/Process value maintained in the item’s routing. It represents
the number of parts produced per process. The Time/Process is multiplied by
the Items/Proc to determine how much time is required to make a single part.
Labor Hours
This is the total estimated labor hours for this Sequence, which is calculated
using this formula:
Make Qty x Time/Proc x Items/Proc

Drill-Down Tab
To the right of the Planned Jobs sub-tab is the Drill-Down sub-tab. On the Drill-
Down screen, you can view all the supply and demand detail that resulted in the
planned job generation.

454 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

To view the drill-down detail on any item, highlight its planned job line and click
the Drill-Down sub-tab. Alternatively, double-click on any planned job line and it
will launch the Drill-Down screen for the item.
Projected Tab
On the Projected sub-tab within the Drill-Down screen, you see item’s Current
Stock on-hand in the upper panel, and in the grid you see all supply and demand
for the item within the planning period, in date order.
If you have not yet made any changes to the generated Plan Qty and/pr Job Start
and Job Finish settings, you will notice two aspects in the supply and demand
• Because it is tied to the earliest demand date within the planning period, you
will see your planned job at or near the top of the list.
• The Available Qty column shows you a projected stock on-hand quantity by
date. On the last item in the list, the Available Qty is normally equal to or
greater than the item’s Reorder Level. This is because MRP replenishes
stock within the planning period at least up to your desired stocking level.
When this amount is greater than the item’s Reorder Level, it is because the
item has a Min Order setting that pushed replenishment beyond your
minimum stocking level.
Summary Tab
On the Summary sub-tab within the Drill-Down screen, you see the item’s MRP
settings and a summary of the amounts by transaction type that comprise the
Available Qty as of the end of the item’s planning period.
Reset Planning Period
At the bottom of the Drill-Down screen is the Reset Planning Period button. If you
wish to see additional supply and demand detail beyond the planning period that
was used in the MRP generation, you can click this button and change the
planning period that governs the contents of the Drill-Down screen.
On a critical item, for example, you may wish to look out a week or two beyond
the MRP planning period to see if there are any unusual requirements on the
NOTE: Changing the Planning Period will display additional detail for
reference purposes, but it has no effect on the planned jobs that have
already been generated.

Adjusting item MRP settings

While you are planning your jobs, you may wish to adjust various item MRP
settings such as Reorder Level and Min Order.
You can do so without leaving the screen by clicking the MRP Setting button
while you have a planned job highlighted. This automatically launches the MRP

Operating Guide 455

7-3. MRP

Settings screen and highlights the current item. Once you close the MRP
Settings screen, you are returned to the Planned Jobs screen.

Creating new planned jobs from scratch

There may be times when you wish to create a planned job from scratch. You
may, for example, wish to split one planned job into two jobs. You could reduce
the quantity on the original planned job, and then create a new planned job for
the remaining quantity.
To create a new planned job, while in the Planned Jobs screen, click the New
Line button. You can then select an Item ID, enter the Job Qty and Required
Date, then schedule the job back from its Job Finish date using the Job Days

456 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

Converting Planned Jobs into Actual Jobs

(MRP – MRP – Planned Jobs Tab)
Convert Checkbox
Once you finalize the Job Qty, Job Start, and Job Finish settings for each
planned job, select its Convert checkbox. This lets you know that you have
completed your planning and scheduling for that job.
Convert Button
After you have completed your planning and all your planned jobs have their
Convert checkbox selected, click the Convert button, which launches the Convert
Planned Jobs screen.
IMPORTANT: Always complete the planning and scheduling process for
all your planned jobs and then convert them in a single batch. If you
convert jobs one at a time, planned jobs for lower-level subassemblies
could end up fragmented rather than consolidate into single jobs.

In the Convert Planned Jobs screen are listed all the planned jobs marked for
conversion. It gives you one last opportunity to review the list. If for any reason
you do not wish to proceed with converting any particular job, you can clear its
Convert checkbox.
Once the list of jobs is to your satisfaction, click the Convert button and the jobs
will be converted into actual Make Jobs.
NOTE: If any item does not have a bill of material, you will receive a
warning and are asked if you wish to create the job anyway. If you
proceed, a job will be created without any details.
When the conversion is completed, you will receive one of two messages.
• If the newly created jobs contain subassemblies for which there is already
sufficient supply within each item’s planning period, you will be notified that
the planned jobs were successfully converted.

Operating Guide 457

7-3. MRP

• If the newly created jobs contain subassemblies that require planned jobs of
their own, you will be notified that the program has automatically created
additional planned jobs for lower-level subassemblies. In this case, you must
schedule and convert another round of planned jobs. See the next section for

Multi-Level Generation
When the program finishes converting planned jobs into actual jobs, it
automatically generates additional planned jobs, when applicable, for
subassemblies within the newly created jobs. The dates for this second round of
planned jobs are scheduled back from the job start dates of the previous set of
Planned job generation for lower-level subassemblies varies depending on the
subassembly item’s Make-to-Order setting.
• If the subassembly is a Make-to-Order item, MRP will generate a planned job
solely for the amount required on the originating job. Existing stock and other
requirements are not taken into account. On the Planned Jobs screen, all
planned jobs generated in this manner have their MTO checkbox selected.
• If the subassembly is not a Make-to-Order item, MRP will generate a planned
job on an as-needed basis, based on net demand within the planning period
in relation to the desired stocking level and minimum order quantity.
When you are converting sales order lines
Planned job generation from sales order lines ignores net demand and always
results on a one-to-one relationship between the required quantity and the job
quantity. Net demand is not considered.
The same applies for planned jobs that get generated for lower-level
subassemblies. Planned jobs will only be generated for Make-to-Order
subassembly items and will only be for the amount required.
If you have multi-level products where the entire product structure is made to
order, set up subassembly items as Make-to-Order items and use the Generate
Planned Jobs for SO Lines function to generate jobs for the entire structure.
On the other hand, if only the top level item is made to order, use the Generate
Planned Jobs for SO Lines function solely for the generation and conversion of
your top level jobs. Afterwards, run the Generate Planned Jobs function for your
subassemblies, which will be planned in response to net demand.
Continue the process through all levels
After you convert the additional set of planned jobs for subassembly items, the
program will repeat the process and generate another round of planned jobs, if
required, for the next level of subassemblies within subassemblies. Each new
set of jobs is scheduled back from the start dates of the previous set of jobs,
when possible.

458 Operating Guide

7-3. MRP

NOTE: If backward scheduling causes the planned job’s start date less
lead days to be earlier than today’s date, which is not physically possible,
the planned job will be forward scheduled from today’s date and will be
late in regards to its required date. Your remedy is to move the higher
level job’s schedule out or you must expedite this job, perhaps by working
overtime, to meet its required date.
This cycle of planned jobs and conversions will continue down through all levels
of the product structure until no further subassemblies are encountered.
MRP and job scheduling are blended into a single process
This level-by-level generation process enables you to dynamically schedule jobs
at each level in coordination with their required dates. Thus, it blends MRP and
job scheduling into a single process.

Operating Guide 459

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

(MRP – Work Center Scheduling)

Use this screen to establish your work center capacity settings and to schedule
your work centers on a daily basis.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segments: Capacity, Work Scheduling
WC scheduling is the key to meeting job schedules
MRP generates and schedules jobs at the overall start and finish date level. The
next phase of job scheduling occurs daily at the work center and machine level.
At this level, scheduling is not about assigning start and finish dates, but about
assigning the sort order in which jobs are run.
When a job arrives at a work center, it must compete with other jobs that are also
be waiting in the work center queue. Deciding which job to run next is they key
factor in determining how successful you will be in meeting your overall job
When work center scheduling is done properly, you will always give priority to
jobs that are on the tightest schedule. Jobs that are running ahead of schedule
have sufficient slack time to wait and be run later.
When all your work centers are scheduled in correct priority sequence, they
function in harmony. When one work center gets out of synch, however, it can
adversely affect the entire factory – especially if it is a bottleneck work center with
limited capacity. The old expression “a chain is only as strong as its weakest
link” applies fittingly to work center scheduling.
The Work Center Scheduling screen is used to prioritize each of your work
centers and to produce a daily Work Center Dispatch List that can be used out
on the factory floor for work assignments.
Timely job tracking is a requirement
In order to use work center scheduling, you must enter items completed and
scrapped at each routing sequence. This must be done daily – ideally out on the
factory floor at the time sequences are completed, or no later than the end of the
day or first thing the next morning.
Entering routing sequence completions is done through the Jobs – Job Tracking
& Labor screen. You do not have to collect and enter labor hours, which is
optional and for job costing purposes. All that is needed for scheduling purposes
is for you to enter the items completed and scrapped at each routing sequence.
This requires minimal data entry and is well worth the effort.

460 Operating Guide

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

List Tab

The opening List tab displays all your in-house work centers. Subcontract work
centers are not included in the list.
Last Printed
Each time you print the Work Center Dispatch List, the Last Printed date field will
be updated. This enables you to easily see which work centers have been
scheduled or not, which is usually done on a daily basis.
Highlight the work center you wish to schedule and than click the Schedule tab.

Schedule Tab – Upper Panel

Use the upper panel to select and filter the jobs that will be listed in the
scheduling grid. You can also change work center scheduling settings. Field
explanations are as follows:
Work Center & Description
The current Work Center and its Description are listed at the top of the screen
for reference purposes.
Job Hours / Day
This is the maximum number of hours that can be allocated to any given job
per day. Even though a work center may have three machines each running
16 hours a day, for a total capacity of 48 hours, any given job will usually run
on only one machine, in which case the maximum Job Hours / Day would be
16. The Setup Hrs and Labor Hrs are divided by this amount to translate
them into Job Days for scheduling purposes.
NOTE: Some work centers have, in a sense, almost unlimited capacity,
especially assembly and packaging type work centers where there are
no machines involved. With such work centers, sufficient labor can be
quickly allocated to the work center on an as needed basis. Where

Operating Guide 461

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

this is the case, assign the work center a relatively high Job Hours /
Day amount. For example, if you have the ability, when needed, to put
as many as 10 people on a job for an 8-hour shift, give the work center
a Job Hours / Day setting of ‘80’.
Total Hours / Day
This is the total number of hours available within the work center, including all
machines or all workers. For example, if you have three machines, each
operating 16 hours a day, the Total Hours / Day is 48. The total Queue Hours
are divided by this amount to translate them into Calculated Queue Days.
Buffer Days
This is an optional setting that is visible if the Use Buffer Days checkbox is
selected in the MRP Defaults screen. The Buffer Days setting enables you to
add a safety buffer to the job schedule to account for the unforeseen delays
common to manufacturing environments – such as machinery repairs, worker
or material unavailability, unexpected rework, etc. The Buffer Days specified
here will be added to the calculated Job Days for each routing sequence
assigned to this work center.
Queue Hours
This is the total remaining Setup Hrs and Labor Hrs for all routing Sequences
that have a Status of ‘Next’ or ‘Started’. This represents the approximate time
a job arriving at the work center must wait before production on it can begin.
Calculated Queue Days
This field is only visible when the Use Queue Days checkbox is selected in
the MRP Defaults screen. This field is for reference only. The Queue Hours
are divided by the Total Hours / Day to translate them into Calculated Queue
Days. This represents the approximate number of days a job arriving at the
work center must wait before production on it can begin.
Queue Days
This is an optional setting that is visible if the Use Queue Days checkbox is
selected in the MRP Defaults screen. The Queue Days represents the
approximate number of days a job arriving at the work center must wait
before production on it can begin. When the Job Days Calculator is used in
MRP to schedule new jobs, this number of days is added to each routing
sequence assigned to this work center. You can use the Calculated Queue
Days as a reference to help establish this setting.
NOTE: Only use this setting with “bottleneck” work centers where there
is a finite capacity associated with a machine or some other physical
constraint that limits production to a set amount each day.
This screen is also used to schedule specific Machines within the work
center. If you select ‘All’, all job Sequences are displayed, including those

462 Operating Guide

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

already assigned to machines and those that are still un-assigned. You can
then finish making machine assignments or you can re-assign machines.
If you select ‘None’, only routing Sequences that do not have machine
assignments are displayed.
Next, Started, Open
You can filter the contents of the scheduling grid below by selecting or
clearing these checkboxes, which pertain to the current Status of each routing
Sequence. Normally, ‘Open’ status sequences are excluded from the list
because their jobs have not yet been started in the work center previous to
this one and therefore have no direct scheduling relevance to this work
Display Job Name
If you wish to see the Job Name displayed in the scheduling grid, select this

Scheduling Grid
In the scheduling grid are listed the job routing sequences that you have
selected. Use this grid to assign the sort order of production. Once the sort
order is determined, you print the Work Center Dispatch List, which is sent to the
factory floor and is used for work assignments. Field explanations are as follows.
Sort No
Each time this screen is launched, the jobs in the scheduling grid are sorted
in Critical Ratio order (see next field) and are assigned a sequential Sort No
in this field in ascending increments of 10. If you wish to change the sort
order – such as to put a rush job at the top of the list, do so by changing the
Sort No value. For example, if you give a job a Sort No of ‘1’ and then re-sort
the column by clicking the Sort No column heading, that job will be sorted at
the top of the list.

Operating Guide 463

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

This is an abbreviation for Critical Ratio. This ratio tells you whether a job is
running ahead of or behind schedule, using the following formula.
Available workdays to job finish date / remaining job days
A job with a critical ratio of ‘1’ is running exactly on time. Any job with a
critical ratio less than ‘1’ is running late, and any with a critical ration greater
than ‘1’ is running ahead of schedule.
Therefore, whenever possible, always run jobs in critical ratio
order, from lowest to highest.
If you follow this guideline, you will avoid needlessly working on jobs that
have plenty of time to be done later and you will be focusing on the jobs that
need attention the most. Schedule the entire factory in this manner and more
jobs will get completed on time with fewer bottlenecks and less expediting.
Obviously there are exceptions to any rule – such as the unexpected rush
order from a key customer that has to take priority – but whenever you can,
use the critical ratio so that your work centers work in harmony rather than
against each other.
FORMULA DETAIL: The number of workdays to the job finish date is
calculated by taking the number of days from today’s date to the job’s
scheduled Finish Date and subtracting any non-workdays within that
interval (as defined in the shop calendar). The remaining job days for
each Sequence is calculated as follows: Job Days + Days to Next +
Rem Job Days.
Job No
The job number associated with this routing Sequence.
Job Name
This field is only visible if the Display Job Name checkbox in the upper panel
is selected.
This is the routing Sequence assigned to this work center.
This is the current Status of this Sequence. Values can be ‘Next’, ‘Started’, or
‘Open’. Sequences with a Status of ‘Closed’ are excluded from the list.
Rem Qty
This is the remaining quantity to be made within this Sequence. It is
calculated by this formula:
Start Qty – Completed Qty – Scrapped Qty = Remaining Qty

464 Operating Guide

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

Setup Hrs
This amount represents the remaining Setup Hours required for this
Sequence. If the Status is ‘Started’, this amount is zero. If the status is ‘Next’
or ‘Open’, this amount is calculated using this formula:
Planned Setup Hours – Actual Setup Hrs = remaining Setup Hrs
If the result is negative, this amount will be set to zero.
Labor Hrs
This amount represents the remaining Labor Hours required to complete this
Sequence and is calculated using this formula:
Rem Qty x Time/Proc x Items/Proc = remaining Labor Hrs
All lines that have this checkbox selected will be included on the Work Center
Dispatch List. If you wish to exclude a job from the dispatch list, clear this
This is the Machine currently assigned to this Sequence. If blank, a machine
has not yet been assigned. You can assign a machine or change a machine
assignment by selecting a machine from the lookup.
Queue Hrs
This field is only populated if this Sequence has a Status of ‘Next’ or ‘Started’
and uses this formula.
Setup Hrs + Job Hours = Queue Hrs
Lower Panel
Seq Job Days
This is the estimated number of Job Days required to complete the remaining
setup and labor in this Sequence. It is used as a variable in the Critical Ratio
formula and is calculated as follows:
(Setup Hrs + Labor Hrs) / Job Hours/Day = Job Days
Days to Next
This field display the Days to Next setting in this Sequence. It is used as a
variable in the Critical Ratio formula.
Rem Job Days
This field displays the estimated Job Days required to complete all remaining
Sequences that follow this Sequence. It is used as a variable in the Critical
Ratio formula. This amount is determined using the Job Days Calculator,
limited to remaining Sequences. To view the Job Days Calculator screen,
click the button in this field.

Operating Guide 465

7-4. Work Center Scheduling

Job Finish Date

The job’s current Finish Date, which is used as a variable in the Critical Ratio
Linking to the Job Scheduling screen
While you are in the Work Center Scheduling screen, you will occasionally wish
to reschedule an existing, perhaps because its Critical Ratio is sufficiently below
‘1’ that you know the job cannot physically be finished on time.
When this is the case, you can click the Schedule Job button to launch the Job
Scheduling screen (see next chapter). When you do so, the current job will be
selected. After you reschedule the job and perhaps also the sales order or
higher-level job to which it is linked, you can close the screen and you will be
returned to this screen.
Printing the Work Center Dispatch List
The ultimate purpose for using the Work Center Scheduling screen is to produce
the Work Center Dispatch List, which is sent daily to the shop floor and is used
for work assignments.
When the scheduling grid is sorted to your satisfaction and final Print checkbox
selections are made, click the Dispatch List button to print the dispatch list. Each
time you do so, the Last Printed field in the List tab will be updated with today’s
The report provides a list by Work Center of the jobs to be run and their sort
order. The Machine column displays each job’s machine assignment, if

466 Operating Guide

7-5. Job Scheduling

7-5. Job Scheduling

(MRP – Job Scheduling)

MRP generates and schedules jobs in response to customer orders and net
demand. Once jobs are created, however, their schedules often change, for a
variety of reasons:
• Rush jobs are inserted into the schedule for key customers
• Equipment breaks down
• Key employees are ill and you are short-handed
• A supplier fails to deliver material on time
• Items are made improperly and have to be reworked
• A supplier delivers defective items or material
• The factory suffers a power outage
• Customers reschedule or cancel orders
The list is endless. The point being made is that the manufacturing environment
is one of constant and unpredictable change.
The Job Scheduling screen is designed to help you reschedule jobs in response
to changes such as those listed above.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Job Rescheduling

Screen Details

Upper Panel
The settings in the upper panel are used to filter the list of jobs displayed in the
grid below it.

Operating Guide 467

7-5. Job Scheduling

Job Status - Released, New

Use these checkboxes to filter the list on the Jobs tab to the job’s Status. By
default, the ‘Released’ Status is selected.
Job Filter
Job scheduling differs depending on whether a job is formally linked to sales
order or other jobs or whether a job exists to fulfill net demand. Two
checkbox settings are offered:
Linked Jobs
Linked Jobs are jobs that are formally linked to sales order line items or to
higher-level jobs. This screen reschedules linked job Required Dates so
that all dates within the job “chain” remain synchronized.
Net Demand Jobs
Net Demand Jobs are jobs that were created to fulfill overall demand.
They are not formally linked to specific requirements. This screen
reschedules Required Dates in accordance to changes in net demand.
Display Job Name
The Job Name field occupies display space and may not be relevant to you,
so normally it is not displayed in the grid. If you want the Job Name
displayed, select this checkbox.
Limit to Days Early & Days Late
This screen reschedules job Required Dates, but does not reschedule the
actual job start and finish dates. Changes to job start and finish dates are
always done manually. What the screen does is inform you when jobs are
early or late in relation to their required dates. With that information, you can
decide whether a job is to be moved up or back in the schedule. Using the
Days Late and Days Early filters, you can limit the screen just to jobs that are
‘x’ number of days late or ‘x’ number of days early.

Jobs Tab
After making your filtering selections in the upper panel, the list of jobs available
for rescheduling displays in the main grid. You can click on any of the column
headings to resort the screen in different views.
Job No
This is the job number that identifies this job.
This is the job’s current Status, which can be ‘New’ or ‘Released’. This
column is only visible when both the New and Released checkboxes are
selected in the upper panel.
Job Name
This field is only visible if the Display Job Name checkbox in the upper panel
is selected.

468 Operating Guide

7-5. Job Scheduling

Output ID
This is the job’s primary output item. If the job has multiple outputs, the
primary output is the one with the lowest Line No.
This field is only visible if the Use Overlap checkbox is selected in the MRP
Defaults screen. If a lower-level job is linked to this job, this is the number of
days past this job’s Start Date when the subassembly will be required. When
there is no Overlap, the Start Date of this job is used as the Required Date for
the lower-level job.
Job Start
This is the job’s current Start Date. This date can only be changed if the job
has not yet been started. If you change this date, the Required dates of all
linked jobs in the “chain” are automatically rescheduled.
Job Finish
This is the job’s current Finish Date, which can freely be changed as desired.
This is the job’s Required Date. This date gets rescheduled based on its
Date Type (see next) each time you launch the Job Scheduling screen or
each time you make a change to a linked job or sales order.
Date Type
The job’s Required Date may or may not be subject to change, depending on
its Date Type. Three settings are used, described as follows:
If this job is formally linked to a sales order line item or a higher-level job,
its Date Type is set to ‘Linked’. If the sales order or higher-level job’s
required date changes, the Job Scheduling screen reschedules this job’s
Required Date as well in order to keep dates aligned within the job “chain.”
If this job was created in response to net demand, its Date Type is set to
‘Floating’. The Job Scheduling screen reschedules this job’s Required
Date by pegging it to the earliest date within the output item’s planning
period when projected stock goes negative.
If you want the job’s Required Date to stay fixed, regardless of changing
requirements elsewhere, you can manually set the Date Type to ‘Fixed’.
When you do so, the Job Scheduling screen will not reschedule the job’s
Required Date.
Linked to
If this job is linked to a sales order, the sales order number is displayed in this
field. If this job is a subassembly linked to a higher-level job, the higher level
job number is displayed in this field.

Operating Guide 469

7-5. Job Scheduling

Days Late
If the Job Finish date or today’s date (whichever is greater) is later than the
job’s Required date, this is the difference between the two dates.
Days Early
If the Job Finish date or today’s date (whichever is greater) is earlier than the
job’s Required date, this is the difference between the two dates.
Lower Panel
Output Description
This field displays the output item’s Description, for reference purposes.
This field stores the bill of material Revision that was used to create the job’s
routing and line item details. It is only visible if the Revisions checkbox is
selected in the BOM Defaults screen.
Job Qty
This is the original job quantity for the job’s primary output item.
Actual Qty
This is the actual quantity of the job’s primary item receipted (finished) to

Linked Jobs Tab

This sub-tab is visible when the highlighted job has a value in its Req by field.
This inquiry screen displays the “chain” of linked jobs, including (where
applicable) the sales order that originated the chain (displayed in the upper
panel), the job linked to that sales order, and any Make-to-Order subassembly
jobs that are formally linked to other jobs within the chain.
If a scheduling change is required by any job in the chain, this inquiry shows you
the impact that change has on linked jobs so that you can make appropriate
changes to linked job schedules.

470 Operating Guide

7-6. PO Scheduling

7-6. PO Scheduling
(MRP – PO Scheduling)

This screen is used to reschedule purchase order Due Dates in response to

changing requirements. It can also be used as an inquiry to monitor late POs.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
Segment: Late POs

Screen Details

Upper Panel
The settings in the upper panel are used to filter the list of PO lines displayed in
the grid below.
PO Filter
Two filters are available that determine what type of PO lines are included in
the grid.
Stock Item POs
Select this checkbox to include PO lines for stock item purchases.
Subcon/Misc POs
Select this checkbox to include PO lines for subcontract services or
miscellaneous purchases.
Display Description
The line item Description field occupies significant display space in the grid
and can be hidden by clearing this checkbox.

Operating Guide 471

7-6. PO Scheduling

Limit to Days Early & Days Late

This screen reschedules purchase order Required Dates, but does not
reschedule the actual Due Dates. Changes to purchase order Due Dates are
always made manually. What the screen does is inform you when POs are
early or late in relation to their required dates. With that information, you can
decide whether a PO is to be moved up or back in the schedule. Using the
Days Late and Days Early filters, you can limit the screen just to POs that are
‘x’ number of days late or ‘x’ number of days early.

POs Tab
After making your filtering selections in the upper panel, the list of POs available
for rescheduling displays in the main grid. You can click on any of the column
headings to resort the screen in different views.
Reference ID
This is the PO line item, which can be a stock item, descriptor, or freeform
This is the line item’s Description. If you clear the Display Description
checkbox in the upper panel, this column becomes invisible.
This is the number that identifies this purchase order.
Rem Qty
This is the original order quantity less the quantity received to-date.
This date is automatically rescheduled each time this screen is launched.
This is the earliest date within the item’s planning period when projected stock
goes negative.
Due Date
This is the line item’s current Due Date. The program does not reschedule
this date. Any changes are made manually as required. If you need to reprint
the PO to inform the supplier of date changes, you link to the PO Print/Reprint
screen via the Links button.
Days Late
If the line item’s Due Date or today’s date (whichever is greater) is later than
its Required date, this is the difference between the two dates.
Days Early
If the line item’s Due Date or today’s date (whichever is greater) is earlier than
its Required date, this is the difference between the two dates.

472 Operating Guide

7-7. Delivery Date Estimator

7-7. Delivery Date Estimator

(MRP – Delivery Date Estimator)

An important element in successful job scheduling is to quote realistic delivery

dates at the time customer orders are accepted. If you quote overly optimistic
dates that can’t be met within the confines of available capacity and resources,
all that will be accomplished is to put undue stress on the overall schedule and
failure to deliver jobs on time.
The Delivery Date Estimator screen is designed to help you quote accurate
delivery dates to your customers. You can enter any quantity for any item with a
bill of material and the program will calculate the estimated Job Days based on
current work center settings and the quantity you wish to make. You can also
manipulate the item’s Lead Days setting to determine when the job can be
realistically started.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Sales Order Training Course
Segment: Required Dates

Screen Details

Field explanations are as follows:

Enter the Item ID of the product for which you wish to quote a delivery date. The
product must be defined with a bill of material.
The item’s Description is displayed for reference purposes and cannot be edited.

Operating Guide 473

7-7. Delivery Date Estimator

Make Qty
Enter the quantity to be made. This affects the Job Days calculation – the larger
the quantity, the longer it will take to complete the job.
Lead Days
This comes from the value maintained in the MRP Settings screen, but can be
changed here, if desired. If changed here, it does not affect the value in the MRP
Settings screen. The Job Start Date is determined by the adding the number of
Lead Days to today’s date. If that date falls on a non-valid workday on the shop
calendar, the date will be rounded forward to the first available date.
Job Start Date
The Job Start Date is determined by the adding the number of Lead Days to
today’s date. If that date falls on a non-valid workday on the shop calendar, the
date will be rounded forward to the first available date. You can manually
change this date, if you wish.
Job Days
This is the value maintained in the MRP Settings screen. If you do not create a
value in the Calc Job Days field, this value is used as the one displayed in the
Est Job Days field (see below).
Calc Job Days
If you click the button in this field, the Job Days Calculator screen will display and
calculated the job days required based on the quantity being made and current
work center and routing settings. When you close the screen, the calculated total
displays in the Calc Job Days field. When the Calc Job Days field is given a
value, it becomes the one used in the Est Job Days field (see below).
Est Job Days
If there is a value in the Calc Job Days field, it is used as the Est Job Days value.
If the Calc Job Days field is blank, the Job Days field value is used as the Est Job
Days value. The Est Job Days is used to forward schedule the job from the Job
Start Date. The program counts forward from the Job Start Date to establish the
Est Delivery Date, skipping over any non-valid days on the shop calendar.
Est Delivery Date
This is the estimated delivery date, based on the entries and calculations
described above. Obviously you can use this date as the promise date to your
customer or you can modify it as you see fit.

474 Operating Guide

7-8. MRP Reports

7-8. MRP Reports

7-8A. Master Job Schedule

(MRP – Reports – Master Job Schedule)

This report provides a listing of all your jobs with the point of reference being the
job number and job name. Within each job is listed its scheduled start date,
finish date, required date, and customer. A variety of filtering, selection, and
sorting options are included.

7-8B. Job Outputs Schedule

(MRP – Reports – Job Outputs Schedule)

This report provides a listing of all your jobs with the point of reference being the
primary output item being made on each job. Within each job is listed its
scheduled start date, finish date, required date, and customer. A variety of
filtering, selection, and sorting options are included.

7-8C. Work Center Schedule

(MRP – Reports – Work Center Schedule)

Use this report to get a listing of open routing sequences within each work
center. This report gives you a broad overview of all open jobs that eventually
will pass through each work center.
For a listing of daily job assignments within each work center, we recommend the
Work Center Dispatch List (see below).

Operating Guide 475

7-8. MRP Reports

7-8D. Machine Schedule

(MRP – Reports – Machine Schedule)

Use this report to get a listing of open routing sequences scheduled for each
machine within a work center. This report gives you a broad overview of all open
jobs that eventually will run on the machine.
For a listing of daily job assignments for each machine, we recommend the Work
Center Dispatch List as the better alternative (see next).

7-8E. Subcontract WC Schedule

(MRP – Reports – Subcontract WC Schedule)

This report provides a listing of open jobs scheduled for each subcontract work
center. Subcontract work centers are used to represent outside processing
services such as plating, painting, and heat-treating.

476 Operating Guide

8. Jobs

8. Jobs
The Jobs menu is where you find all job-related tables and applications. Menu
options include:

Jobs Setup
• Job Defaults
• Job Labor Defaults
• Worker Types
• Job Types
Main Menu
• Workers
• Job Control Panel
• Jobs
• Job Travelers
• Subcontract Services
• Job Issues
• Job Tracking & labor
• Job Receipts
• Job Inquiry
• Job Profit
• Job Cost
• Job Cost Summary
• Job Transactions
• Worker Hours
• WIP Value
• Task Follow-up

What are Jobs used for?
Jobs are used for any type of process where labor, material, and subcontract
services are applied towards an “output.” In DBA most jobs are used for
manufacturing where the output is a finished product, but jobs can also be used
for projects, item repair, remanufacturing, and disassembly.
Job Elements
All jobs are comprised of three main elements:

Operating Guide 477

8. Jobs

Each job has a “primary output”, which can be a finished product, a project, or
a repair item. Jobs can also have secondary outputs, which can be co-
products, bi-products, or disassembled parts. Job costs are collected and
applied to the primary output and are allocated to secondary outputs by
percentage ratios.
Process details are entered in the job “routing.” Each routing sequence
specifies the work center and estimated setup and labor time, as well as
subcontract services performed by outside suppliers. Routing details are
used for job scheduling, job tracking, and labor and overhead costing.
“Components” are the subassemblies and materials that are required to
fabricate, assemble, or repair the job’s outputs.
Where do job details come from?
Job details originate from bills of material or are entered within the job,
sometimes against a “custom” output.
Bills of Material
Most typically, job details originate from a bill of material. Once the job is
created, however, you can then freely modify or expand the job details for
special requirements.
Custom Outputs
You can also originate a job using a “custom” output, which represents a
“one-off” job that is not intended to be run again. Custom manufactured
items, projects, and some repair jobs fall into this category. When a job is
originated with a custom output, all the job details are entered or copied in
from phantom assemblies after the job is created.
How are jobs planned and created?
All jobs are created in the MRP screen, which also schedules the jobs and
generates suggested jobs for subassemblies and suggested POs for
components. Jobs are created three ways:
Generated from SO lines
Jobs are generated directly from sales order lines for MTO (Make to Order)
items and custom items.
Generated from net demand
MRP generates suggested jobs for manufactured items based on net demand
(stock + projected supply + projected demand + reorder level) within each
item’s planning period (the overall time it takes to plan and make the item).
Manually created
Within MRP you also have the option of manually creating jobs.

478 Operating Guide

8. Jobs

How are jobs processed?

Job processing has four main elements:
Job Release
Jobs are released to the factory floor using the Job Control Panel screen.
Subcontract Services
POs for subcontract services such as plating, painting, and heat-treating are
generated via the Subcontract Services screen.
Job Issues
Subassemblies and components are issued from stock to the job via the Job
Issues screen.
Job Tracking & Labor
The progress of jobs out on the shop floor can be can be tracked through the
“backflushing” of completed items in each routing sequence or you have the
option of collecting and recording actual labor hours. All of this is done in the
Job Tracking & Labor screen.
Job Receipts
Finished job outputs are reported in the Job Receipts screen.
Job Close
Jobs are closed using the Job Control Panel screen.
How are job costs estimated?
Each job is given an estimated job cost based on the job details. The breakdown
of estimated costs can be viewed in the Job Inquiry screen. Estimated costs
derive from these sources:
For costing purposes, job components are labeled as “material.” Each
component’s Estimated Cost from its item master record at the time
component was added to the job is used as its estimated job cost.
Setup, Labor, and Overhead
Setup and labor time in the job routing is multiplied by the work center rates
for setup, labor, and overhead that were in effect at the time the routing
details were added to the job to arrive at the estimated job cost for labor and
Subcontract Services
Subcontract services are represented by job detail lines. The line’s Est Cost
is used to help calculate the job estimated cost.
How are actual job costs applied?
Actual job costs can be reviewed in the Job Inquiry or Job Cost report and are
costed as follows:

Operating Guide 479

8. Jobs

Subassemblies and components are issued to the job at each item’s current
Inventory Cost.
Setup, Labor, & Overhead
Setup and labor that is “backflushed” based on item completions are costed
based on job routing times multiplied by current work center rates for setup,
labor, and overhead. The entry of setup and labor hours can be costed at
current work center rates (recommended) or can optionally be costed at
worker pay rates.
Subcontract Services
Subcontract services are costed using the PO receipt cost.
Job Receipts
Partial job receipts that are recorded before final job completion are costed at
the estimated job cost. Final job receipts made after all costs are collected
can be made at actual job cost whereby the cost of all job inputs is fully
absorbed into the cost of the job output(s). You also have the option of
costing all outputs at estimated job cost.

480 Operating Guide

8-1A. Job Defaults

8-1. Jobs Setup

8-1A. Job Defaults

(Jobs – Jobs Setup – Job Defaults)

Use this screen to establish default settings associated with job processing.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Receipt Cost Basis

Screen Details

Job Receipts Cost Basis
This setting enables you to select the method of costing that will update the
item’s inventory Cost when receipts of finished job output items are reported
via the Job Receipts screen. Two costing methods are available:
Actual Job Cost
If you select this option, the final receipt quantity is given a unit cost
derived from balancing total job “input” costs with total job “output” costs.
When the job is closed net WIP is zero and there is no variance to be

Operating Guide 481

8-1A. Job Defaults

posted to your Adjustments – WIP account. Any partial receipts made

prior to the final receipt are given a unit cost derived from the total
estimated job cost.
Estimated Job Cost
If you select this option, all job receipts are given a unit cost derived from
the total estimated job cost. When the job is closed, there is usually a
WIP balance that results in a variance being posted to your Adjustments –
WIP account.
Which cost basis is best?
From an accounting standpoint, each method works equally well and
conforms to accepted accounting standards. If you go with the Estimated
Job Cost basis, do not worry about the job closing variance – this is
normal and expected in manufacturing environments.
From a convenience standpoint, the Estimated Job Cost basis is easier to
manage because you can freely make partial and final receipts without
having to worry whether all input costs are accounted for. If you go with
the Actual Job Cost basis, you must be careful on the final receipt that all
input costs are accounted for.
Does not the Actual Job Cost basis provide more accurate costs of goods
sold on invoices? Yes it can, but only if all your job receipts are made as
a single receipt at the end of the job. If you frequently make partial
receipts, your costs of goods sold will be a blend of estimated and actual
costs and will not necessarily be more accurate than always using the
estimated job cost.
If your objective is to analyze actual job costs, do not do so by analyzing
the invoice cost of goods sold, which is an accounting cost, but not always
an actual cost. Instead, use the Job Cost report, which provides a
comparison of estimated versus actual job costs.
Allow Status change in job header screen
If you select this checkbox, users can release and close jobs directly in the
job header screen, as an alternative to doing so in the Job Control Panel
screen. We suggest you allow this for now because you can always clear this
checkbox later if you see the need to restrict this capability.
Custom Items
If you want the ability to generate “custom” items on-the-fly within sales
orders, select this feature. Custom items are one-time items where routing
and line item detail is entered in the job instead of in advance in a formal bill
of material.

482 Operating Guide

8-1A. Job Defaults

Copy Previous Job Details

Select this checkbox if you want the ability to copy job lines from another job
into the current job. In general, this feature is only used when making custom
Custom Item Generator
This penal is only visible when the Custom Items checkbox is selected.
Item ID Prefix
All custom items will be identified by this prefix, followed by a sequential
number. The combination of the prefix and number constitutes the Reference
ID number that is used in sales orders, MRP, and jobs to identify the custom
item. We recommend that you use the letter ‘Z’, which will keep all your
custom items listed at the very end of lookups and reports. This keeps
custom items from being intermingled with your permanent Item ID’s.
Next ID No
This displays the number that will be assigned to the next custom item that
gets generated. We recommend a beginning number of 100000.
NOTE: Do not start with a number such as ‘1’. If you do so, on reports
and screen listings, ‘10’ will sort before ‘1’, ‘20’ before ‘2’, etc.
Item Category
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned to this Item
Category. We suggest you create a special Item Category solely for this
purpose, perhaps also with an ID code beginning with ‘Z’ (such as Z-
CUSTOM) to differentiate your custom items from permanent stock items.
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned this UM. At
time of custom item generation, you can override this default.
Lead Days
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned this Lead Days
setting for MRP planning purposes. At time of custom item generation, you
can override this default.
Job Days
All custom items, when created, will be automatically assigned this Job Days
setting for MRP planning purposes. At time of custom item generation, you
can override this default.

Operating Guide 483

8-1B. Job Labor Defaults

8-1B. Job Labor Defaults

(Jobs – Jobs Setup – Job Labor Defaults)

Use this screen to establish default settings for job labor processing in the Job
Tracking & Labor screen.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segments: Shop Rates, Labor Cost Basis, Labor Method

Screen Details

Transaction Type Option

The Job Tracking & Labor screen offers two transaction type entry modes:
Backflush and Labor Hours Entry. Select the transaction type that suits your
company, or both if you wish to use both entry modes.
In Backflush mode, you only enter items completed or scrapped. The
program “backflushes” setup and labor hours based on the estimated setup
hours and production rates entered in the job Routing tab. Work center rates
are applied to the backflushed hours for calculation of job costs.
Labor Hours Entry
In Labor Hours Entry mode, you enter actual labor and setup hours as well as
items completed and scrapped. The program will cost the job based on the
hours entered at your choice of either work center rates or employee wage

484 Operating Guide

8-1B. Job Labor Defaults

If you want to enter some jobs in Backflush mode and some in Labor Hours
Entry mode, select this option.
Display Options
Display Subcontract Sequences
Subcontract routing sequences are normally not a labor entry function and
their associated completion quantity is updated through the PO Receipts
screen rather than the Job Tracking & Labor screen. If you want the ability to
enter a Scrap Qty against a subcontract sequence or you want subcontract
sequences displayed for reference purposes, select this checkbox.
Display Scrap Qty
If you track scrapped as well as completed job items, select this checkbox
and the Scrap Qty entry field will become visible.
Display Costs when Backflushing
In Backflush entry mode, job costs for labor, setup, and overhead are
calculated based on your job routing settings. If you wish to view these costs
while entering Sequence completion and scrap quantities, select this
Display Pay Rate when Cost Basis = Work Center Rate
In Labor Hours Entry mode, jobs can be costed at work center rates or worker
pay rates. Even when costing jobs at work center rates, you still may wish to
select the worker’s Pay Rate for purposes of reporting overtime hours on the
Worker Job Hours report. If this is the case, select this checkbox and the Pay
Rate field will be visible.
Display Warning when Compl Qty + Scrap Qty > Remaining Qty
If on a routing sequence you report more completions and scrap quantities
than the job calls for, select this checkbox and a warning will be presented
when this happens. We recommend that you start with this option selected
because you can always turn it off later if it is not needed.

Operating Guide 485

8-1C. Worker Types

8-1C. Worker Types

(Misc – Worker Types)

“Worker types” are user-defined fields that enable you to organize your
production workers into categories for sorting and reporting purposes.

Field Explanations
Worker Type
You can enter an up to 15-character worker type ID code.
You can enter an up to 50-character description to accompany the Worker
Type on lookups.

486 Operating Guide

8-1D. Job Types

8-1D. Job Types

(Jobs – Jobs Setup – Job Types)

When you create a job, it is assigned to a “job type.” Job types can be used to
categorize different types of orders and to give each order type its own settings.
Three Job Types
Three job types are supplied with the system. We suggest that you use these
and only create new job types if you have a particular need.
This is the default job type and is used for all manufacturing jobs. When
created, ‘MAKE’ jobs are given a default status of ‘NEW’, which gets changed
later to ‘RELEASED’ when the job is released to the factory floor.
NOTE: If you want to keep things simple, you can use this one job type
for all your jobs, including repair jobs and project jobs. Job types are
for classification purposes only and do not affect the way jobs are
You have the option of using this job type for service, repair, and
maintenance jobs. When created, ‘REPAIR’ jobs are given a default status of
You have the option of using this job type for project jobs. Unlike repair jobs,
which are short in duration, project jobs are longer-term and go through
“phases”, which can be represented by routing sequences. When created,
‘PROJECT’ jobs are given a default status of ‘RELEASED’.

List Tab
Your existing job types and their primary settings are listed on this screen.
New Button
Click this button to create a new job type. Clicking the button takes you to the
Detail tab, which is cleared and ready for new entries.
Set as Default
This button is used to designate the job type that gets selected by default in
the MRP screen and each time a new job is created. Highlight the desired job
type, then click this button. You will see the Default Job Type displayed in the
upper panel.

Operating Guide 487

8-1D. Job Types

Detail Tab

General Info
Job Type ID
Enter an up to 8-character code that identifies this job type on lists and
Enter an up to 50-character Description that accompanies the Job Type ID on
screens and lookups.
Enter an up to 4-character prefix that precedes the numeric portion of the job
number. An alpha prefix makes it easy to recognize the type when looking at
a job number.
Default Status
When a new job is created, it will be given a default status of ‘NEW’ or
NOTE: We recommend that manufacturing jobs be given a default
status of ‘NEW’ and that service and project jobs be given a default
status of ‘RELEASED’.
If you no longer wish to use this job type, select this checkbox. It will no
longer be available for selection when creating new sales orders.

Screen Config Button

This button provides access to the Screen Config window, within which you can
activate and deactivate various fields on sales orders assigned to this job type.
NOTE: You must have administrator level user security to be permitted to
access this screen.

488 Operating Guide

8-1D. Job Types

Job Lines
The following field options are not selected by default, but may be selected if you
Act Cost
This is the average unit cost of the line item quantity issued to-date. This
information is available in more detail on the Job Inquiry screen. For most
companies, this information is not relevant to job entry and we recommend
that you leave this checkbox cleared.
Total Cost
This field displays the total estimated cost, which is the line’s Qty multiplied by
the value in the Est Cost field. For most companies this information is not
relevant to job entry and we recommend that you leave this checkbox
Ref Date
Do not activate this field. This is a legacy feature that will be removed from
the system in a future product build.
Ref Code
Do not activate this field. This is a legacy feature that will be removed from
the system in a future product build.
Do not activate this field. This is a legacy feature that will be removed from
the system in a future product build.

Operating Guide 489

8-2. Workers

8-2. Workers
(Jobs – Workers)

Use this screen to enter production workers against whom you will record setup
and labor hours in the Job Tracking & Labor screen.

List Tab
The opening List tab is displays only workers with a status of ‘Active’. You can
select the Inactive checkbox in the bottom panel if you wish to also include
inactive workers.

Detail Tab
Each worker is identified with a 4-character number.
First Name & M.I.
Enter the worker’s first name and middle initial. This is a 15-character field.
Last Name
Enter the worker’s last name. This is a 20-character field.
Hour Rate 1-4
If the Job Cost Basis for Labor Hours is set to Work Center Rates in the Job
Labor Defaults screen, leave these fields blank. If the Job Cost Basis for
Labor Hours is set to Worker Pay Rates, make entries in these fields.
How are these rates used?
These are the pay rates that can be specified during Job Tracking & Labor
entry. During labor entry, the rate number (1, 2, 3, or 4) is selected, but
the actual hourly amount is not displayed. Hour Rate 1 is the default rate
and is normally the Worker’s base pay rate. Hour Rates 2-4 can be used

490 Operating Guide

8-1D. Job Types

to represent overtime pay or to establish pay rates for different classes of


Operating Guide 491

8-3. Job Control Panel

8-3. Job Control Panel

(Jobs – Job Control Panel)

This screen has three primary functions:

Job Release
Jobs are released to the shop floor via the Job Release screen. Jobs should
only be released to the shop floor when the factory is ready for them. If you
release jobs prematurely, it is counter-productive because it clogs up the
schedule and work areas with excessive material.
Job Processing
The Process Jobs screen informs you which job processes have been
completed or not (sequences, hours, subcontract services, issues) and
provides drill down inquiries as well as links to all the job processing screens.
Job Close
Finished jobs are closed via the Close Jobs screen.

Release Jobs Screen

This screen is accessed by clicking the Release Jobs option in the upper panel.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Job Release

Grid Fields
All jobs with a status of ‘NEW’ are listed in the grid.
Job No
This number identifies the job.

492 Operating Guide

8-3. Job Control Panel

Job Name
This is a brief description of the job.
Req by
If the job is linked to a sales order or job line, the sales order or job number is
displayed in this field.
Start Date
This is the job’s scheduled start date.
Select this checkbox against each job you wish to release to the factory floor.
Magnifying Glass Icon
Click this icon in the far right column to display the Job Stock Status inquiry,
shown below. This inquiry enables you to verify that stock is available to
proceed with starting the job.

Field Explanations
Line No, Item ID, Description
These fields identify the job detail line item.
On Hand
This is the total stock on hand across all locations.
(-) Job Qty
This is the quantity required for this job.
(-) Pending Release
This is the total quantity required for this item among all other jobs
currently selected for release in the Release Jobs screen of the Job
Control Panel.
(-) Released Qty
This is the remaining quantity required for this item among all jobs
currently released and listed on the Process Jobs screen in the Job
Control Panel.
(=) Shortage
If there is a value in this field, it means that there is not enough stock
on hand to satisfy this job and all jobs that are either released or
selected for release to the factory floor. You may need to delay
releasing this job until sufficient stock becomes available for all its job
detail lines. This amount is calculated as follows:

Operating Guide 493

8-3. Job Control Panel

On Hand -Job Qty - Pending Release - Released Qty = Shortage

Pending Supply
If this is an ‘M’ (manufactured) item, this is the total remaining output
quantity associated with jobs currently planned or in production for this
item. In the case of ‘P’ (purchased) item, this is the total remaining
quantity on open POs for this item.
SO Demand
This is the total remaining quantity on open sales orders for this item.
Magnifying Glass Icon (Lower Panel)
If you wish to view the details behind the column totals on any given
item, click this icon to launch the standard Stock Status inquiry.
Lower Panel
Output ID / Description
These fields identify the job’s primary output item and description.
Qty, UM
This is the primary output’s job quantity and unit of measure.
If this job is linked to a sales order line, this is the customer associated with
that sales order.
Select All
Click this button to select the Release checkbox against all jobs listed.
De-Select All
Click this button to clear the Release checkbox against all jobs listed.
Once you’ve finished selecting jobs to be released, click this button, which
does the following:
• Changes the job’s status from ‘NEW’ to ‘RELEASED’.
• The job’s Released Date is updated with today’s date. This is
considered to be the job’s actual start date for analysis purposes.
Click this button to print a job traveler for the selected job.

494 Operating Guide

8-3. Job Control Panel

Process Jobs Screen

This screen is accessed by clicking the Process Jobs option in the upper panel.

Grid Fields
All jobs with a status of ‘RELEASED’ are listed in this grid.
Job No
This number identifies the job.
Req by
If the job is linked to a sales order or job line, the sales order or job number is
displayed in this field.
Job Name
This is a brief description of the job.
Finish Date
This is the job’s scheduled finish date, which is for reference only. If you wish
to change this date, click the Links button and navigate to the Job Scheduling
Seq Status
This field displays the status of this job’s routing sequences.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that none of the
job’s routing sequences have a status of ‘Closed’.
• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some of
the job’s routing sequences have a status of ‘Closed’.
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that all of the
job’s routing sequences have a status of ‘Closed’.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
sequence status details:

Operating Guide 495

8-3. Job Control Panel

Hours Status
This field displays the status of this job’s non-subcontract routing sequence
labor hours.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that no labor
hours have been entered or backflushed against any of this job’s non-
subcontract routing sequences.
• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some
labor hours have been entered or backflushed against some, but not all, of
this job’s non-subcontract routing sequences.
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that some labor
hours have been entered or backflushed against all this job’s non-
subcontract routing sequences.
NOTE: Be aware that even though some labor hours have been
reported against each sequence, it does not guarantee that all labor
hours have been reported.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
non-subcontract sequence status details, including estimated versus actual

Subcon Status
This field displays the status of this job’s subcontract purchase orders.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that none of this
job’s linked subcontract POs have a receipt quantity.

496 Operating Guide

8-3. Job Control Panel

• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some of

this job’s linked subcontract POs have a receipt quantity.
• A value of ‘Review’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that all of
this job’s linked subcontract POs have receipt quantities, but one or more
still has a partial quantity remaining to be received.
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that all this job’s
linked subcontract POs have been fully received.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
details of this job’s linked subcontract POs:

Issues Status
This field displays the status of this job’s issues to job detail lines.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that no job issue
quantities have been made against any non-subcontract job detail lines.
• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some
issue quantities have been made against some non-subcontract job detail
• A value of ‘Review’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that issue
quantities have been made against all of the non-subcontract job detail
lines, but one or more lines still has a partial quantity remaining to be
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that issue
quantities have been made against all of the non-subcontract job detail
lines and there are no partial quantities remaining to be issued.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
job issue details:

Operating Guide 497

8-3. Job Control Panel

Job Status
All jobs on this screen have a job status of ‘RELEASED’. You can change the
job status for these two purposes:
• If no job processing transactions have yet occurred, you can change the job
status from ‘RELEASED’ to ‘NEW’ if you decide to release the job at a later
• If you have decided that the job is finished, even though not all job processing
has been completed, you can change the job status from ‘RELEASED’ to
Lower Panel
Output ID / Description
These fields identify the job’s primary output item and description.
Qty, UM
This is the primary output’s job quantity and unit of measure.
If this job is linked to a sales order line, this is the customer associated with
that sales order.
Links Button
The Job Control Panel provides a single screen from which you can perform all
job processing functions. Click the Links button and from the drop-down list you
can link to any of the following screens and reports:
• Jobs
• Job Issues
• Job Tracking & Labor
• Job Receipts
• Job Scheduling
• Job Inquiry

498 Operating Guide

8-3. Job Control Panel

• Job Cost
• Job Transactions
When you close any of the above screens, you are returned to the Job Control

Operating Guide 499

8-3. Job Control Panel

Close Jobs Screen

All jobs with a status of ‘FINISHED’ are listed on this screen, which is accessed
by clicking the Close Jobs option in the upper panel. ‘FINISHED’ means that all
job processing transactions are fully completed and the job is ready to be
formally closed.
Closing a job signifies that it is fully completed and processed. Once closed, no
further entries to the job are allowed. Some companies formally close jobs only
after a ‘sign off’ procedure is completed where key personnel review the job and
make sure it is fully processed, invoiced, all costs accounted for, etc.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Job Close, Job Reopen

Grid Columns
Job No
This number identifies the job.
All jobs listed on this screen have a status of ‘FINISHED’.
Req by
If the job is linked to a sales order or job line, the sales order or job number is
displayed in this field.
Job Name
This is a brief description of the job.
Actual Finish
This is the date when the final job processing transaction was completed, at
which time the job’s status changed from ‘RELEASED’ to ‘FINISHED’.

500 Operating Guide

8-3. Job Control Panel

Job Status
All jobs on this screen have a job status of ‘FINISHED’. If you wish to perform
additional job processing transactions, you can change the job status from
This is the difference between total job input costs (labor, material, overhead,
subcontract services) and total output costs (job receipts). When total input
costs exceed total output costs, this is a positive amount. When total output
costs exceed total input costs, this is s negative amount.
Job Receipts Cost Basis
When the Job Receipts Cost Basis is set to the Actual Job Cost option in
the Job Defaults screen, you would normally not expect a variance
because the final job receipt transaction uses a calculated cost that
balances total input costs with total output costs.
When the Job Receipts Cost Basis is set to the Estimated Job Cost option
in the Job Defaults screen, a variance is expected and normal.
Select this checkbox for each job you wish to close.
Lower Panel
Output ID / Description
These fields identify the job’s primary output item and description.
Qty, UM
This is the primary output’s job quantity and unit of measure.
If this job is linked to a sales order line, this is the customer associated with
that sales order.
Select All Button
Click this button to select the Close checkbox on all jobs listed.
De-Select All Button
Click this button to clear the Close checkbox on all jobs listed.
Update Button
Click this button to close all jobs that have the Close checkbox selected. The
following processing takes place:
• The job’s status changes from ‘FINISHED’ to ‘CLOSED’.
• If there is a positive Variance amount, a debit is made for that amount to
your Adjustments – WIP account and an offsetting credit is made to your
Work in Process account.

Operating Guide 501

8-3. Job Control Panel

• If there is a negative Variance amount, a debit is made for that amount to

your Work in Process account and an offsetting credit is made to your WIP
Adjustments – WIP account.
Reopening a closed job
A closed job can be reopened so that additional transactions can be made, if
You cannot reopen a closed job through the Job Control Panel. You must go
to the Jobs screen and locate the job by selecting the Closed checkbox in the
lower panel of the opening List screen and clicking the Refresh button
Once you find your closed job, go to the job Header tab and change the
Status setting from ‘CLOSED’ to ‘RELEASED’. You can then make additional
NOTE: When the job is reopened, if a job Variance was posted to the
general ledger when the job was originally closed, the program
generates a reversing entry with a posting date equal to the current
Once you are finished making additional transactions, the job can be closed
once again through the Job Control Panel.

502 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

8-4. Jobs
(Jobs – Jobs)

Jobs are used to make or service “outputs”, such as finished items or

subassemblies, using “inputs”, which are the labor, materials, and subcontract
services used to make or repair the outputs.
Jobs are also used for item repair and projects, where the primary output is a
custom item linked to a sales order line.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos – How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segments; Job Creation, Service Jobs, Repair Jobs, Project Jobs,
Rescheduling, Job Qty Change, Job Modification

Job Workflow
Phase 1 – Job Creation
• Generate job either directly from sales order line or in response to net
demand (MRP)
• Modify or add job details, if applicable, using the Copy Detail button or direct
entry (Jobs)
Phase 2 – Job Release
• Release job when first work center is ready (Job Control Panel)
• Print job traveler (Job Control Panel)
Phase 3 – Job Processing
• Issue material and components from stock and to jobs (Job Issues)
o Option A – Print issue list (Job Issues – Issuing Tab – Print button),
pick stock, then make job issue entries (Job Issues)
o Option B – Make job issue entries (Job Issues), print dispatch list (Job
Issues – Batch History Tab – Print button), then pick stock
• Generate POs for subcontract services, if applicable (Subcontract Services)
• Enter job routing sequence completions and/or labor hours (Job Tracking &
• Receive POs directly to job for subcontract services (PO Receipts)
• Enter job receipts (Job Receipts)
Phase 4 – Job Close
• Close finished jobs (Job Control Panel)

Operating Guide 503

8-4. Jobs

List Tab
Display Grid
Jobs are listed in the grid can be selected for viewing and editing.
Lower Panel
New, Released, Finished, Closed
You can select and clear these checkboxes to filter the grid by job Status.
After you’ve made your selections, click the Refresh button to apply the
filtering to the list.
Save as Defaults Button
Click this button to save your filtering selections as defaults that display each
time the screen is displayed.
NOTE: Default settings are saved at the user-level and do not apply
Search for the following text
You can enter a string of text characters and click the Refresh button to limit
the list to Job Names containing that text string.
Links Button
This button enables you to link to other job-related screens and reports without
having to exit this screen. You are presented with a list of menu options related
to job processing and reporting. When you link to one of these screens, the
current job is inserted into that screen without requiring a selection. When you
close that screen, you are returned to this screen.
New Job Button
Click this button to create a new job. You are presented with the New Job
NOTE: When you are using DBA as recommended, virtually all your jobs
are created through MRP or from sales order lines and not directly from
the Jobs screen.

504 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

New Job Screen

Job Type
Job Type
This displays your default job type, but you can make an alternate
selection, if you wish.
This read-only field displays the default status for this job type.
BOM Parent & Revision
Select a BOM parent item and revision from the lookup. The parent ID
is displayed in this field and the revision is displayed below it.
Enter the quantity you wish to make.
Default Revisions
This checkbox is selected by default and limits the lookup in the BOM
& Revision field to current revisions only. If you clear this checkbox,
the lookup displays all revisions.
Forward from Start Date
This option is selected by default and activates the Start Date field
below. The job will be scheduled forward from the start date.
Backward from Finish Date
This option activates the Finish Date field below. The job will be
backward scheduled by the finish date.
Start Date
When this field is active, it defaults to today’s date, plus the Lead Days
amount. When this field is grayed out, it is automatically calculated by

Operating Guide 505

8-4. Jobs

subtracting the Job Days amount from the Finish Date, skipping over
any non-workdays defined on the shop calendar.
Finish Date
This field defaults to today’s date plus the Lead Days and Job Days
amounts, skipping over any non-workdays defined on the shop
Lead Days
By default, this displays the BOM parent item’s Lead Days setting from
the MRP Settings screen. You can alter this setting, if you wish.
Job Days
By default, this displays the BOM parent item’s Job Days setting from
the MRP Settings screen. You can alter this setting, if you wish, either
manually or by clicking the button and using the Job Days Calculator.
Required Date
When the job is created, the BOM parent will become the job’s primary
output. This is the Required Date that will be assigned to the primary
output’s job detail line.
Same as Finish
This checkbox is selected by default and forces the Required Date to
be equal to the Finish Date. If you wish to make the two dates
different, clear this checkbox and then you can manually change the
Required Date.
OK Button
Click this button to generate the job and close the screen.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected job.
NOTE: You are not permitted to delete a job that has had any actual
transactions. If you don’t intend to finish the job, go to the Header tab and
change the job’s Status to ‘FINISHED’. You can then close the job in the
Job Control Panel screen.

506 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

Header Tab

Header Info
Job No
The job number consists of an alpha prefix, which is the prefix associated with
this job type, and a number, which is incremented from the Next No setting in
the SO/Job Numbering panel on the Main Setup screen.
This is an up to 50-character name that provides a brief description of the job
on lookups, screens, and reports. When jobs are created, the program
creates a name using the BOM parent ID followed by the quantity and the
parent’s description, separated by dashes. You can override this with any
name you wish.
This field displays the job type that was selected when the job was created.
NOTE: This setting cannot be changed. If it must be changed, the only
remedy is to delete the job and create it once again against the desired
job type.
The field has four possible values, each described below. The default value
is determined by the Default Status setting assigned to this job type.
NOTE: If the Status Change in Job Header option is selected in the
Job Defaults screen, you can change the status from ‘NEW’ to
‘RELEASED’ or from ‘FINISHED’ to ‘CLOSED’ directly in this screen
as an alternative to doing so in the Job Control Panel screen.

Operating Guide 507

8-4. Jobs

This status identifies a job that has not yet been released to the factory
floor for processing.
This status identifies a job that has been released to the factory floor and
is in process. Jobs are released via the Job Control Panel screen.
When all job processing is completed (all components have issue
quantities, subcontract PO quantities are fully received or scrapped, all
routing sequences are closed, and all outputs received), the program
changes the job’s status to ‘FINISHED’ and inserts the current date into
the Actual Finish date field.
This status identifies a job that has been formally closed, meaning that no
further transactions are to be made. Jobs are closed through the Job
Control Panel screen. Refer to that screen for details on the job close
Reopening a closed job
A closed job can be reopened so that additional transactions can be
made, if needed.
You cannot reopen a closed job through the Job Control Panel. You
must go to the Jobs screen and locate the job by selecting the Closed
checkbox in the lower panel of the opening List screen and clicking the
Refresh button
Once you find your closed job, go to the job Header tab and change
the Status setting from ‘CLOSED’ to ‘RELEASED’. You can then make
additional transactions.
NOTE: When the job is reopened, if a job Variance was posted
to the general ledger when the job was originally closed, the
program generates a reversing entry with a posting date equal
to the current date.
Once you are finished making additional transactions, the job can be
closed once again through the Job Control Panel.
Outputs Sub-Tab
Each job can have one or more “outputs”, which are finished items, completed
services, or bi-products or co-products.
Item ID, Description
These fields identify the output item.

508 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

This is the output item’s unit of measure.
This is the expected quantity to be completed.
Act Qty
This is the actual quantity received to date.
This field is only visible if it is selected as a Screen Config option in the Job
Types screen for this job type. This is the revision associated with the BOM
parent item that was used to originate this job.
Cost Ratio
When there are multiple outputs, each output is given a percentage share of
total job cost, displayed in this field.
Scheduling Sub-Tab
Start Date
This is the job’s scheduled start date, which was established at the time of job
creation. It can be changed here or in the Job Scheduling screen.
Finish Date
This is the job’s scheduled finish date, which was established at the time of
job creation. It can be changed here or in the Job Scheduling screen.
This is the number of days after the job’s scheduled start date when job
subassembly components are required. This field is only visible when the
Use Overlap option is selected in the MRP Defaults screen.
This is the date that the job’s primary output is needed. It is determined three
possible ways:
• If the job is linked to a sales order line item, this is the line item’s
Required Date.
• If the job’s primary output is needed as a component in another job,
this date is that job’s Start Date plus its Overlap days.
• If this job is not linked to a sales order or another job, this is the
Required Date that was established at the time the job was created.
Req by
When the job is linked to a sales order or job line item, the sales order or job
number is displayed in this field. When the job is for stock replenishment
only, the text ‘Stock’ displays in this field.

Operating Guide 509

8-4. Jobs

Required by Inquiry
You can click the button within the field to view the Required by inquiry,
which displays the “chain” of jobs, including all their respective scheduling
and required dates.
Date Type
There are three possible values for this read-only field:
When the job is linked to a sales order line item or job component, its ate
type is set to ‘Linked’.
If this job was created by MRP in response to net demand, its date type is
set to ‘Floating’.
The date type can be set to ‘Fixed’ in the Job Scheduling screen to
prevent the Required date from being changed.
This is the date the job’s status was changed from ‘NEW’ to ‘RELEASED’.
Actual Finish
This is the date the job’s status was changed from ‘RELEASED’ to
Creation Sub-Tab
Creation Date
The program automatically assigns today’s date as the creation date when
the job is created.
Created by
The program inserts the first name and last name associated with the current
logged on user into this field.
Notes Sub-Tab
On this sub-tab you can enter free-form job notes for reference on the screen
and on the job traveler.
Required by Sub-Tab
This sub-tab is only visible when the job is linked to a sales order line item.
This the sales order number to which this job is linked.
Line No
This is the sales order line number to which this job is linked.

510 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

This is the linked sales order line item’s Required Date.
This is the linked sales order’s Sold to customer.

Additional Side-Tab

Documents Panel
In this panel you can attach documents (such as drawings, specifications, etc.) or
files of any kind that relate to this job.
Retrieve Linked Customer / Item / Descriptor Documents Button
Click this button to add any documents to the upper panel that are currently
linked to this job’s customer or any of its item or descriptor line items.
Link/Edit Document Button
To link to a document, click the Edit Document panel at the bottom of the
Enter the description that will display on the Document List panel.
File Location
If a document is only to be used by you, you can specify a File Location to
your local computer. If the document is to be shared with others, it should
be stored on the central file server.
User-Defined Fields
If you created any user-defined fields in the Utilities – User-Defined Fields
screen, those fields are entered on this panel.

Operating Guide 511

8-4. Jobs

Routing Tab
Setup, labor, and subcontract service specifications are entered on the Routing
tab. When the job originates from a BOM, these specifications are copied in from
the BOM’s routing and can then be modified, if needed. You can also manually
enter or modify sequences as needed.
NOTE: All the details on this screen print on the job traveler.

Click the New button to create a new sequence record. The program
automatically assigns a sequence number, which you can override if you
Sequence Template Copy
You have the option of selecting a “sequence template” from the lookup,
which copies its specifications to this sequence. The sequence template
ID gets appended to the Sequence number. Sequence templates are
commonly used processes that are stored in the BOM – BOM Setup –
Sequence Templates screen. Once the sequence template is copied into
the job routing, it can be edited as needed.
Enter an up to 50-character description for this process, which will print on the
job traveler.
NOTE: On Subcontract Sequences, this description is copied to the
linked job line’s Description (see further below) and ultimately flows
through to the PO that gets generated by the Subcontract Services

512 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

Work Center (Required)

Select a work center from the lookup. It can be an inside work center or an
outside work center for subcontract services such as plating, painting, and
NOTE: As a rule of thumb, no two consecutive sequences should both
be assigned to the same work center. Each sequence should normally
flow from one work center to a different work center. Attempts at
assigning consecutive sequences to the same work center suggest
that you are either breaking down your processes too finely or that
your work centers are too broadly defined. If you need a finer
breakdown of processes within a sequence, consider using Tasks (see
Only assign a machine when this item must be run on a particular machine. If
the work center contains interchangeable machines, leave this field blank.
This field is for reference only and is automatically updated when transactions
are made in the Job Tracking & Labor screen. There are four possible
No completions have been reported to this sequence or to the sequence
preceding it.
Completions have been reported to the sequence preceding this one,
which means this sequence is the next one to be performed.
Completions have been reported to this sequence, but there is still a
quantity remaining to be completed, which means this sequence has been
started, but is not yet closed.
This sequence is fully completed, meaning that the quantity completed
and scrapped equals the sequence’s scheduled start quantity.
Start Qty
For the first sequence, this equals the quantity of the job’s primary output
item. For each subsequent sequence, this is the previous sequence’s start
quantity minus its scrapped quantity.
This is the total number of completions entered to date in the Job Tracking &
Labor screen.

Operating Guide 513

8-4. Jobs

This is the total number of scrapped transactions entered to date in the Job
Tracking & Labor screen.
Center Panel – Cycle Times
If the sequence selected above is assigned to an inside work center, the
following set of fields displays, all related to this sequence’s “cycle times”
(production rates).
Setup Hours
Enter the total setup time for this sequence, expressed in decimal hours. For
example, 30 minutes would be entered as ‘.5’.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Setup value, which can be overridden manually or copied over by a
sequence template.
Time / Process
Cycle time is expressed in terms of “processes.” A process can be an
assembly operation, a hit from a punch press, a mold cycle, etc. A process
can produce a single part or several parts at a time. Enter the time (hours,
minutes, seconds) required for each process.
NOTE1: As an alternative to making a time entry, you can enter the
Processes / Hr (see next), which automatically calculates the Time /
NOTE2: The maximum number of hours you can enter in this field is
24 hours. If you have a cycle time longer than 24 hours, leave this
field blank and use the Processes / Hr field instead. In that field, enter
time based on this formula: 1 / # Hours. A cycle time of 40 hours,
therefore, would be given a Processes / Hr value of ‘.025’. (When you
do this, the Time / Process field receives a nonsensical, value which
you can safely ignore).
NOTE3: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Time / Process value, which can be overridden manually or copied
over by a sequence template.
Processes / Hr
As an alternative to entering Time / Process, you can express the cycle time
in terms of Processes / Hr. The entry of either field automatically updates the
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Processes / Hr value, which can be overridden manually or copied
over by a sequence template.
Items / Process
If each process yields one unit of this item, leave this field at the default
setting of ‘1’. If each process yields a set of items (such as with a multi-cavity

514 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

mold), enter the number of items in this field. The Time / Process is divided
by the Items / Process to determine the time required to make one unit of this
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Items
/ Process value, which can be overridden manually or copied over by a
sequence template.
# Persons
For costing purposes only, enter the number of persons required to perform
this process. The program assigns a default value of ‘1’. This setting handles
these two cost scenarios:
Some processes require a fixed “team” size. An automatic assembly
table, for example, may require a team of three operators, in which case
you would enter a ‘3’ in this field. The work center’s hourly labor cost gets
multiplied by the number of team members.
NOTE: Do not use a fixed “team” with non-machine, assembly type
work centers where you can temporarily assign multiple workers to
a given job. In a packaging department, for example, where jobs
are normally packaged by one person, for an unusually large job
you could assign four workers to do packaging. In this case you
have temporarily expanded the work center’s capacity (Job Hours /
Day setting), but the packaging process itself is still the same and
the # Persons should remain set to ‘1’.
Multiple Jobs
Sometimes one worker runs several jobs simultaneously. A molding
machine operator, for example, may run four presses and four different
jobs at the same time. In this case you would enter ‘.25’ in this field. The
work center’s hourly labor cost gets multiplied by this amount and is
therefore shared among all four jobs.
NOTE: When multiple job sequences are performed by a single
worker, we recommend that the labor Trxn Type (see below) for
each such sequence be set to the ‘Backflush’ option.
Days to Next
This represents the number of workdays between the completion of this
sequence and the start of the next sequence. This setting is used with cycle
times for three purposes:
Move Time
There may be a predictable move time involved in getting these parts from
this work center to the next.

Operating Guide 515

8-4. Jobs

Forced wait time

Sometimes an item must wait before it can move on to the next process.
A painted part might require drying time, for example.
This can also be a negative number for situations where items produced
on one routing sequence can be started in the next sequence without
having to wait for the entire run to be completed before doing so. In
scheduling terminology this is referred to as “overlap.”
Trxn Type
This field is only visible when the Routing Trxn Type option is set to ‘Both’ in
the Job Labor Defaults screen. Two options are available from the drop-down
If you intend to track completions only and not actual hours against this
work center, select this option.
NOTE: It is not practical or even possible to collect actual labor
hours against some processes. When one operator runs several
machines and jobs at the same time, for example, it is not practical
to collect and allocate the labor to each job. In such cases, select
the ‘Backflush’ option.
If you intend to collect actual setup and labor hours against this work
center, select this option.
Traveler Notes
You can enter unlimited freeform notes to describe the process to be
performed in this sequence. These notes print on the job traveler and provide
instructions to your shop personnel.
Center Panel – Subcontract Services
If the sequence selected above is assigned to an outside work center designated
as a Subcontract type, the following fields are displayed in the center panel:

516 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

Line No
When this sequence gets assigned to a subcontract work center (when the
job is originated from a BOM or when the sequence is manually entered) the
program automatically generates a linked job detail line. The linked line’s
Line No is displayed in this field. The linked line contains information that is
used to generate a PO within the Subcontract Services screen for the
subcontract service.
This is the supplier that performs the subcontract service.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default
Est Cost
This is the estimated cost that is used to help calculate the total estimated job
cost. It is calculated by the program as follows:
Supp Price * Multiplier = Est Cost
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Cost
This is the unit of measure associated with the job’s primary output.
Supp Price
This is the price charged by the supplier for the subcontract service.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Cost
Supp UM
This is the supplier’s unit of measure, which may differ from the primary
output’s unit of measure. For example, a heat-treater might charge you by

Operating Guide 517

8-4. Jobs

the pound or kilo for pricing purposes, but that price is translated (using the
Multiplier) into the Est Cost, which conforms to the primary output’s unit of
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default UM.
If the Supp Price and Est Cost have different units of measure, the Multiplier
is used to translate the Supp Price into an Est Cost, using this formula:
Supp Price * Multiplier = Est Cost
NOTE: This field is given a value of ‘1’ by default.
Calculating the Multiplier
To calculate the Multiplier value, use this formula:
Supplier Qty / Qty = Multiplier
For example, let’s say the primary output weighs 10 pounds and the
supplier prices the subcontract service by the pound. Using our formula,
the Multiplier would be ‘10’, as follows:
10 lbs / 1 Output = 10
Days to Next
This is the number of days it takes to get the parts sent out, completed, and
received back from the supplier.
NOTE: This field is initially populated by the work center’s default Days
to Next value, which can be overridden manually or copied over by a
sequence template.
Traveler Notes
The notes entered here print on the job traveler. These notes are for shop
personnel and are not passed over to the PO that ultimately gets generated
for this subcontract service.
Linked Line Fields
The linked job detail line contains the following field values. All this
information is passed over to the PO that ultimately gets generated by the
Subcontract Services screen.
The routing sequence number is automatically assigned to this field.
Line No
The program automatically adds this job line to the end of the list and
increments the previous Line No by ‘10’.
Line Type
The program automatically assigns this a Line Type of ‘Freeform’.

518 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

Reference ID
The program assigns a Reference ID that consists of the word ‘Service’
followed by a dash and then the item ID of the job’s primary output. An
example would be:
Service – 1080-000
Cost Class
The program assigns this job detail line a Cost Class of ‘SUBCON’.
The Description from the sequence is copied to this field.
This is made equal to the line item Qty associated with the job’s primary
When the job gets originated from a BOM, this is the UM from the BOM’s
routing sequence. When this sequence is entered manually, this is
populated by the work center’s default UM.
Est Cost
When the job gets originated from a BOM, this is the Est Cost from the
BOM’s routing sequence. When this sequence is entered manually, this is
populated by the work center’s default Cost.
Subcon Supplier
When the job gets originated from a BOM, this is the Supplier from the
BOM’s routing sequence. When this sequence is entered manually, this is
populated by the work center’s default Supplier.
Notes (Side-Tab)
The text in this notes field gets passed into the PO line that gets
generated by the Subcontract Services screen. If this line originates from
a BOM, the PO Notes from the BOM routing sequence get passed into
this notes field.
“Tasks” can be used to break the sequence down into specific steps. All this
information prints on the job traveler.
NOTE: Tasks are for documentation purposes only (such as inspection
procedures) and have no effect on costing or scheduling.
You can enter a task name or you can select a “task template” from the
lookup. Task templates are maintained in the BOM – BOM Setup – Task
Templates screen.

Operating Guide 519

8-4. Jobs

Enter an up to 50-character description of this task.
Follow-up, Status
Do not use these fields. These are legacy features that will be removed from
the system in a future product build.
Notes Sub-Tab
You can enter freeform notes to further describe this task. This text prints on
the job traveler.

520 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

Details Tab
Job detail lines for materials, components, subassemblies, and subcontract
services are maintained in the Details tab.

Upper Panel
Availability Button
This button is visible when a stock item is selected in the grid below. Click
this to display the item’s Stock Status inquiry, which lists all current supply
and demand details.
Inputs, Outputs
• Click the Inputs option to view job “inputs” in the grid, which are line items
that get consumed during the course of the job.
• Click the Outputs option to view job “outputs” in the grid, which are line
items that get produced during the course of the job.
All, Qty’s, Purchase
• Click the All radio button to view all the columns in the grid below.
• Click the Qty’s radio button to limit the columns in the grid below to those
that pertain to quantities (Qty, Act Qty).
• Click the Purchase radio button to limit the columns in the grid below to
those that pertain to subcontract service POs (Subcon Supplier, Subcon
Lines – Inputs
The following fields are displayed when the Inputs option is selected in the upper

Operating Guide 521

8-4. Jobs

This is the job routing sequence within which this line item gets consumed.
The line item will print within this sequence on the job traveler. Sequence
assignment also enables job materials and components to be selectively
issued by work center in the Job Issues screen.
NOTE: Sequence selection is optional. Unassigned lines print in a No
Sequence Allocated section at the end of the job traveler.
Line No
The line number is used to sort components on the job traveler and on
screens and reports. When you create new lines, the program automatically
assigns the line number in increments of ‘10’. You can override this value,
and blanks and duplicates are allowed.
Line Type
From the drop down list, select ‘Stock’ to select a stock item in the Reference
ID field and ‘Descriptor’ to select a descriptor. When you click the New Line
button, ‘Stock’ is selected by default.
NOTE: When the line gets generated from a subcontract service
routing Sequence, the program assigns a line type of ‘Freeform’.
Reference ID
The value in this field varies according to Line Type.
You must select the stock item from the lookup.
Lookup Details

Progressive Matching
You can immediately start typing the Item ID (or Description) and
each character progressively moves the cursor closer to the
desired record.

522 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

Search Description
Click this checkbox and you can enter all or a portion of the item’s
Description. Click the magnifying glass icon and the list will be
limited only to Descriptions that contain that text string.
Mfg or Purch
You can select or clear these checkboxes to limit the list to just
manufactured or purchased items.
Click this checkbox and you are presented with a window
containing these advanced filtering options.
Active or InActive
Select or clear these checkboxes to limit the search to just
items with a Status of ‘Active’ or ‘In-Active’.
Select this checkbox if you wish to limit the search to
Custom items that were previously created by the Custom
Item Generator.
Item ID
You can enter a portion of the Item ID to limit the search to
items containing that text string.
You can enter a portion of the Item ID to limit the search to
items containing that character string.
You can limit the search to items belong to a particular Item
You can limit the search to items that are cross-referenced
to a particular supplier.
Supplier Part #
You can enter all or a portion of the Supplier Part No and
the list will be limited to items with Supplier Part No’s that
contain this character string.
You can limit the search to items that are cross-referenced
to a particular Manufacturer.

Operating Guide 523

8-4. Jobs

Manufacturer Part #
You can enter all or a portion of the Manufacturer Part No
and the list will be limited to items with Manufacturer Part
No’s that contain this character string.
You can limit the search to items that are cross-referenced
to a particular customer.
Search Button
After you’ve made your selections, click this button. The
screen will close and the results of your search will be listed
in the main lookup grid.
You must select the descriptor from the lookup.
When the line item is a “Freeform’ line generated from a subcontract
service routing sequence, the program assigns a reference ID that
consists of the word ‘Service’ followed by a dash and then the item ID of
the job’s primary output. An example would be:
Service – 1080-000
Cost Class
This read-only field is for reference only and is used by the program for GL
posting purposes. Its value depends on the line type as follows:
Stock Items
Stock items are given a cost class of ‘Stock’.
The cost class for descriptors is the Descriptor Type assigned to each
descriptor master record. ‘MISC’ is the most common descriptor type
used in jobs.
Freeform lines are used for subcontract services and are given a cost
class of ‘SUBCON’.
The source of the description depends on the Line Type. In all cases the
default description can be modified.
Stock Item
The Description from the item’s master record is copied into this field.
The Description from the descriptor’s master record is copied into this

524 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

When the line item is generated from a subcontract service routing
sequence, the sequence Description is copied into this field. It can be
modified, if you wish.
This is the quantity required for this line item.
Act Qty
This amount is for reference only.
• In the case of stock items, this is the quantity issued to date via the Job
Issues screen.
• In the case of descriptors with a Subcon Supplier specified, this is the
quantity received to date via the PO Receipts screen. .
• In the case of descriptors without a Subcon Supplier specified, this is
the quantity issued to date via the Job Issues screen.
• In the case of freeform subcontract service lines, this is the quantity
received to date via the PO Receipts screen.
This is the line item’s unit of measure, such as ‘EA’, ‘LB’, etc. Its source
varies according to line type.
This is the UM from the stock item’s master record.
This is the UM from the descriptor’s master record.
When this line gets generated from the subcontract job routing sequence,
the UM value in the routing sequence is passed into this field.
Est Cost
This is the line item’s estimated cost. Its source depends on the line type.
Stock Item
This is the stock item’s Estimated Cost as of the time the job line was
This is the descriptor’s Estimated Cost as of the time the job line was
When this line gets generated from the subcontract job routing sequence,
the Est Cost value in the routing sequence is passed into this field.

Operating Guide 525

8-4. Jobs

Act Cost
This field is only visible if it is selected as a Screen Config option in the Job
Types screen for this job type. It displays an average actual unit cost based
on the Total Cost divided by the Act Qty.
Total Cost
This field is only visible if it is selected as a Screen Config option in the Job
Types screen for this job type. This is the total actual cost issued or received
to date.
Subcon Supplier
When this job detail line gets converted to a PO in the Subcontract Services
screen, this will be the PO supplier. Its source depends on the line type.
This is the Default Supplier from the descriptor master record. Only
descriptors with a descriptor type of ‘MISC’, ‘SHIP’, or ‘SUBCON’ are
permitted to have a value in this field. An alternate supplier can be
selected from the lookup.
This is the Supplier specified in the linked subcontract job routing
sequence from which this job detail line originated. An alternate supplier
can be selected from the lookup.
Subcon PO
When this job detail line gets converted to a PO in the Subcontract Services
screen, the PO number is saved to this field.
If this line item is a phantom assembly parent item, this read-only checkbox is
selected. The phantom assembly parent represents a set of line items further
below and is not a physical item that gets made or issued.
This read-only field pertains to ‘CTO’ (custom to order) items only. When
MRP generates a job directly from this job line, the linked job number is
displayed in this field.
Lines – Outputs
The following fields are displayed when the Outputs option is selected in the
upper panel.
Reference ID
The output’s item ID is displayed in this field.
The Description from the item’s master record is copied into this field. It
can be modified, if you wish.

526 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

This is the expected make quantity for this item.
Act Qty
This amount is for reference only and is the quantity received to date via the
Job Receipts screen.
This value denotes the line item’s unit of measure, such as ‘EA’, ‘LB’, etc. and
is the UM from the item’s master record.
Act Cost
This field is only visible if it is selected as a Screen Config option in the Job
Types screen for this job type. It displays an average actual unit cost based
on the Total Cost divided by the Act Qty.
Total Cost
This field is only visible if it is selected as a Screen Config option in the Job
Types screen for this job type. This is the total actual cost received to date.
Cost Ratio
When outputs are received to stock in the Job Receipts screen, each output
is given a share of total job cost based on the percentage in this field.
NOTE: When you enter or modify a cost ratio on a secondary output, the
primary output’s cost ratio is adjusted so that the sum of all cost ratios
equals ‘100’.
Notes Side-Tab
Line Notes
The source of this notes field text depends on the line type.
Stock, Descriptor
If this job detail line originated from a BOM component with Job Notes text
stored against it, that text is passed into this notes field and can optionally
print on the job traveler.
When the job originates from a BOM, any PO Notes text stored against
the subcontract service routing sequence is passed into this field. These
notes are transferred to the subcontract service PO line when it gets
generated from this job detail line in the Subcontract Services screen.
New Line
Click this button to create a new line item. The program creates a new row in
the grid and increments the previous line number Line No by ‘10’. The Line
Type defaults to ‘Stock’ and the cursor is positioned in the Reference ID field.

Operating Guide 527

8-4. Jobs

Speed Entry
The Speed Entry function helps you enter job lines as rapidly as possible and
is especially useful when entering large numbers of line items. Click the
Speed Entry button to launch the Speed Entry screen.
NOTE: You can use speed entry as often as you wish within a job. You
can enter a few lines, transfer them, enter a few more, transfer them, and
so forth.

Speed Entry Screen

Upper Panel
Stock Items or Descriptors
Choose whether you want to select Stock Items or Descriptors. All
your stock items or descriptors will display in the selection grid.
Item Selection
Item ID or Descriptor ID
Start typing the Item ID or Descriptor ID. As you type each
character, the cursor will progressively move to the item with the
closest match. Once you find the item you are looking for, press
Enter and the cursor will move to the Qty field where you can enter
the order quantity.
Lower Grid
After entering the quantity, press Enter and you will see your
entry displayed in the lower grid. The cursor moves to the left-
hand column where you can immediately make another

528 Operating Guide

8-4. Jobs

Using the mouse is not necessary

You don’t have to use the mouse to make your selections. You
can press Enter to move back and forth from the Item ID or
Descriptor ID field to the Qty field and to make your selections.
You can use your arrow keys to navigate up or down the
columns. You can, of course, also use the mouse, if you wish.
Description Search
Use this field to narrow the contents of the main selection grid only
to items that contain the text you enter. Once you enter your text,
click the lookup icon to the left and the main grid displays the items
with matching text. Once you make a selection, the grid
repopulates itself with all your items. If you make a search and
don’t select an item, click the ‘X’ button and the grid will repopulate
with all items.
Item Category
You can click on this column heading to sort the list by Item
Category. You can also click the down arrow in the column
heading to filter the list to a particular Item Category.
De-Selecting Items
To de-select an item, highlight it in the lower display grid and click the
Delete button.
Transfer Button
Your item selections and quantities are displayed in the lower grid in
the order that they were selected. When your selections are
completed, click the Transfer button and the items and quantities will
be transferred to the Details tab.
Copy Detail
Three options are available for copying sets of job details into the job.
You can copy in a phantom assembly, which is a special BOM that
represents a set of components. After you select the phantom parent, two
other settings are available:
Each phantom component usage quantity will be multiplied by the
amount entered in this field.
If you want the phantom parent and all its components to be assigned
to a routing sequence, make a selection in this field.

Operating Guide 529

8-4. Jobs

Previous Job
This option is only visible when the job is created for a “custom” item and
the job does not yet have any routing sequences or components entered.
You also must have the Copy Previous Job Details option selected in the
Job Defaults screen. After you select the previous job, enter a Multiplier.
The first job routing sequence’s start quantity and each job detail line’s
quantity will be multiplied by the amount entered in this field.

530 Operating Guide

8-5. Job Travelers

8-5. Job Travelers

(Jobs – Job Travelers)

The job traveler is a document that “travels” with the job as it progresses through
the shop. It contains all the routing and component specifications needed to
perform the job.
Job Control Panel Recommended
Even though you can print job travelers from this screen, we recommend that you
print job travelers concurrent with releasing jobs to the factory floor in the Job
Control Panel screen. On the Release Jobs screen in the Job Control Panel,
click the Traveler button to print a job traveler for the job selected in the grid.
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Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Job Traveler

Selection Screen

Job Number
You can print a traveler for one job or some jobs. If you select the some jobs
option, additional options display. You can print a from/thru range of jobs,
one or a range of job start dates, and you can limit jobs to those of one or
selected job types.
Print Job Notes
Select this checkbox if you wish to include job header notes on the traveler.

Operating Guide 531

8-5. Job Travelers

Print Routing Summary Section

If you want a “mini-traveler” you can select this option and clear the remaining
options. This prints a short traveler that lists routing sequences with minimal
Routing Detail Sections
You can selectively include various options in the routing detail section of the
traveler, including tasks, labor, material, notes, and barcodes.
For closed stages print
If you reprint a traveler during the course of the job, you can exclude closed
routing sequences from the printout.
Bill of Materials
You normally print Routing Detail Sections or you select the Print BOM
Grouped by Component Type option, but not both. Otherwise, you get
duplicate listings of components. Only print the latter option when you don’t
use routings.
You can optionally print component references and sort them by component /
reference or by reference / component.
Save as defaults button
Click this button to save the current selections for re-use.

532 Operating Guide

8-6. Subcontract Services

8-6. Subcontract Services

(Jobs – Subcontract Services)

Use this screen to generate POs for subcontract services (such as painting,
plating, and heat-treating) that are performed during the course of jobs.
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Segment: Subcontract Services
How are subcontract services defined in jobs?
Subcontract services are defined in the job Routing tab as a routing sequence,
for scheduling purposes, and in the job Details tab as a job line, for purposes of
PO generation in this screen. The job line gets created automatically when the
routing sequence is created.
Descriptor Purchases
This screen is also used to generate POs for any job lines where the line item is
a descriptor with a descriptor type of ‘MISC’, ‘SHIP’, or ‘SUBCON’ and a Subcon
Supplier is specified in the job detail line. If a Subcon Supplier is not specified,
the descriptor is assumed to be for issuing instead of purchasing and will be
listed on the Job Issues screen for processing rather than this screen.
When are subcontract POs generated?
Unlike POs for purchased items, which are generated in advance of jobs,
subcontract service POs are generated only when they are needed, which is
during the course of the job when a job routing sequence alls for items to be sent
out for outside processing.

Screen Details

Operating Guide 533

8-6. Subcontract Services

Upper Panel
Grid Contents
All Jobs, One Jobs
• Select the All Jobs option to display all subcontract service job detail
lines that have not yet been converted to POs. This option is selected
by default when you launch this screen from the MRP menu.
• Select the One Job option to limit the grid contents to job detail lines
pertaining to the Job Number specified in the field that becomes visible
at right.
NOTE: If you link to this screen directly from the Job Control Panel
screen, the One Job option is automatically selected for the job
selected in the Job Control Panel.
Grid Fields
NOTE: Only job detail lines associated with ‘RELEASED’ status jobs are
listed in the grid.
Select this checkbox if you wish to generate a PO line from this job detail line.
Job No
This identifies the job associated with this job detail line.
This identifies the routing sequence associated with this job detail line.
Seq Status
The sequence Status lets you know when the job detail line is ready for PO
generation. Two values are relevant to this screen:
This status tells you that PO generation is not needed at this time. ‘Open”
status means that no receipts or completions have been reported to the
sequence preceding this sequence.
This status tells you that the item is ready or soon to be ready for PO
generation. ‘Next’ status means that completions have been reported to
the routing sequence preceding this sequence, which means that this
sequence is the next one to be performed.
Job Line No
This identifies the line number associated with this job detail line.
Reference ID
Subcontract service line items created from routing sequences are identified
by the word ‘Service’ followed by a dash and then the primary job output’s

534 Operating Guide

8-6. Subcontract Services

item ID. For example, a subcontract service performed on the red wagon in
the sample company is given this reference ID:
Service - 1080-000
In the case of a descriptor detail line, this is the Descriptor ID.
In the case of subcontract service line items created from routing sequences,
the line item description is identical to the routing sequence description. In
the case of descriptor line items, this is the descriptor’s description.
NOTE: Any change you make to this field value in this screen will also
change this field value in the job detail line.
This is the job detail line quantity.
This is the job detail line’s unit of measure.
Est Cost
This is the estimated cost in the job detail line that is used to help calculate
the total estimated job cost. It is calculated by the program as follows:
Supp Price * Multiplier = Est Cost
NOTE: Any change you make to this field value in this screen will also
change this field value in the job detail line.
Supp Price
This is the price charged by the supplier for the subcontract service. It is
stored in the job routing sequence associated with this job detail line.
NOTE: Any change you make to this field value in this screen will also
change this field value in the job routing sequence associated with this
job detail line.
Supp UM
This is the supplier’s unit of measure, which is stored in the routing sequence
associated with this job detail line. It may differ from the job detail line unit of
measure. For example, a heat-treater might charge you by the pound or kilo
for pricing purposes, but that price is translated (using the Multiplier) into the
job line’s Est Cost and UM.
NOTE: Any change you make to this field value in this screen will also
change this field value in the job routing sequence associated with this
job detail line.
If the Supp Price and Est Cost have different units of measure, the Multiplier
is used to translate the Supp Price into an Est Cost, using this formula:

Operating Guide 535

8-6. Subcontract Services

Supp Price * Multiplier = Est Cost

Calculating the Multiplier
Normally the Multiplier is left as is, but you can change it in this screen if
needed. To calculate the Multiplier value, use this formula:
Supplier Qty / Your UM Qty = Multiplier
For example, let’s say the job’s primary output weighs 10 pounds and the
supplier prices the subcontract service by the pound. Using our formula,
the Multiplier would be ‘10’, as follows:
10 lbs / 1 Each = 10
Days to Next
This field is stored in the job routing sequence associated with this job detail
line. This amount is the number of days it takes to get the job items sent out,
completed, and received back from the supplier.
NOTE: Any change you make to this field value in this screen will also
change this field value in the job routing sequence associated with this
job detail line.
PO Due Date
This is the date that will be used as the PO line’s Due Date when this job
detail line gets converted to a PO line. This defaults to a future date based on
adding the Days to Next to today’s date.
This is the supplier that will be assigned to the PO generated from this job
detail line and any other lines flagged for conversion for this supplier.
NOTE: Any change you make to this field value in this screen will also
change this field value in the job detail line.
PO Notes
The PO Notes stored against the job routing sequence associated with the job
detail line selected above is displayed in this freeform notes field and can be
edited on this screen. These notes get passed into the PO line that gets
generated from this job detail line.
NOTE: Any change you make to the notes here in this screen will also
change the PO Notes in the job routing sequence.
Job Info Panel
This panel provides general information about the job associated with the job
detail line selected above, including the job’s primary output, linked customer,
and job quantity.

536 Operating Guide

8-6. Subcontract Services

Select All
Click this button to select the Convert checkbox on all lines listed in the grid.
Click this button to convert all lines with the Convert checkbox selected to PO
lines. A single PO will be created for each supplier for all the line items
assigned to that supplier. The following screen is presented in succession for
each supplier so that you can specify a PO Type prior to each PO being

PO Detail Line
The following fields in each new PO line pertain to subcontract services:
Due Date
The Due Date specified in the Subcontract Services screen is passed
into the Due Date field in the PO line.
Subcon Job
The job number associated with the job detail line is passed into the
Subcon Job field in the PO line. This links the PO line to its
corresponding job detail line so that when the PO is received, the job
line’s Act Qty and Act Cost values are automatically updated.
The job routing sequence associated with the job detail line is passed
into the Sequence field in the PO line. This links the PO line to its
corresponding job routing sequence so that when the PO is received,
the sequence’s Compl Qty is automatically updated.
The PO Notes specified in the Subcontract Services screen are
passed into the PO line’s Notes.
Job Detail Line
The following field is updated in the job when the PO line is created.
Subcon PO
This field in the job detail line is populated with the new PO number,
which links this line to the PO. The existence of a value ion this field is

Operating Guide 537

8-6. Subcontract Services

how the Subcontract Services screen determines whether or not a PO

line has been generated from the job detail line.
Convert & Print
Click this button if you wish to print out each PO as it gets created. The same
processing described above for the Convert button still occurs, but after each
PO is created, you are presented with the PO print preview screen, from
which you can click the printer icon to print out the PO.

538 Operating Guide

8-7. Job Issues

8-7. Job Issues

(Jobs – Job Issues)

This screen is used to issue stock to jobs.

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Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segments: Job Issues, Stock Returns
Issuing Methods
Two issuing methods are available.
Issue List Method
With this option, you print an “issue list” from this screen and use it as a guide
to physically issue the stock listed and required by the job. The issue list can
optionally list all available stock by location and by tracking characteristics
(such as lot and serial numbers). After stock is issued, you return
immediately to this screen to record your transactions.
Dispatch List Method
With this option, you issue stock on this screen first, including quantities by
location and any tracking characteristics that are required (such as lot and
serial numbers). You then print a “dispatch list” and use it to as a guide to
physically issue the stock. The dispatch list sorts the issued items in location
order to provide an efficient route through the warehouse.
If stock is not found in the location listed on the dispatch list, you can return to
this screen, find the original transaction, and click the Return button to
partially or fully reverse the original transaction. You can then make a new
entry with the correct information.
Which issuing method is best?
For an inventory management system to be efficient, it is essential that inventory
be updated in real time, as transactions actually occur. Real-time inventory
updating gives your users confidence that when they view any item’s inventory
status, it accurately reflects all recent transactions. Real-time updating prevents
transactions from being entered out of sequence, such as shipping an item
before it has been received to stock from a job.
Either issuing method can work well. If you use the “issue list” method, it is
essential that issuing transactions be recorded on this screen immediately after
each job is issued. To facilitate this, we recommend that warehouse personnel
be given access to computer workstations so they can make their own entries.
If you want to guarantee real-time inventory updating, use the “dispatch list”
issuing method because items are “pre-issued” on the screen before they are

Operating Guide 539

8-7. Job Issues

physically issued. If you use this method, be sure to always physically issue
stock immediately after printing the dispatch list.
There is no transaction “back-dating” in DBA
All inventory transactions throughout the DBA system are dated as of their entry
date. There is no ability to “back-date” transactions after the fact. For example,
if you issue stock on Friday, but you don’t get around to entering the transactions
on the Job Issues screen until Tuesday, as far as the system is concerned, that
stock was issued on Tuesday, not Friday.

Screen Details

Upper Panel
Job No
This identifies the job being processed. The lookup is confined to jobs with a
status of ‘RELEASED’.
Job Name, Status
These fields help identify the job currently displayed on the screen.

Issuing Tab
Upper Panel
Limit Work Center To:
Ideally, stock is issued as needed to each work center where it is consumed,
rather than to the job as a whole. You can use this filter to limit the job detail
lines in the grid below to just those assigned to a particular work center. The
lookup is limited to just those work centers that pertain to this job.

540 Operating Guide

8-7. Job Issues

Issue List Button

Click this button to print an “issue list.” The issue list provides a listing of the
stock items to be issued (descriptor line items are not included). After printing
the issue list, you physically issue the job and indicate on the issue list the
locations and characteristics associated with your transactions. You then
return to this screen to record your transactions and update inventory. Before
printing, you are presented with this selection screen:

Report Options
Use the Print checkbox to select or de-select the fields you want included
on the issue list. You can change the order by clicking into the Sort Order
field on those cells in the grid that are not grayed out.
Stock Qtys (Recommended)
We recommend that you select this option, which lists available stock
on hand by location and characteristic sets. This makes it much easier
to find stock and to indicate from which location stock was issued and
what characteristics were used.
You can select the Portrait or Landscape option to achieve a vertical or
horizontal style printing layout.
Select Job Lines
Select this option if you wish to limit the issue list to selected job detail
lines. When you select this checkbox, a panel displays below within which
you can select or de-select the Include checkbox to determine which lines
get printed.
Print Button
After your selections are completed, click this button to print the issue list.
Here is a sample:

Operating Guide 541

8-7. Job Issues

Pre-Fill Button
Click this button to “pre-fill” the Issued Qty column in the grid against job
detail lines where a selection process is not required, which occurs under the
following conditions:
• Stock is only on hand in one location.
• Stock on hand is equal to or greater than the line item’s remaining
• Stock on hand consists of only one set of characteristics (such as a
single lot number).
• The line item is a descriptor.
Pre-filling from the primary location
You have the option of limiting pre-filling to each item’s Primary Location
and ignoring stock on hand in secondary locations. To achieve this, go to
the Inventory Defaults screen and in the When Stock Is in Multiple
Locations panel, select the Pre-Fill from Primary Location option.
Update Button
After your entries are completed, click this button to perform the following
• Each item’s stock on hand is reduced at the designated locations and
for the selected characteristics.
• Transactions are posted to the item history and job batch history
• The Act Qty is increased against each job detail line.
• The total inventory cost associated with each line item transaction is
debited to your Work in Process account and an offsetting credit is
posted to your Inventory account.

542 Operating Guide

8-7. Job Issues

Job Lines
All of this sales order’s line items are displayed in the grid and are sorted Line No
Issued Qty
When this field is not grayed out, you can enter the issued quantity. When the
field is grayed out, direct entry is prohibited and you must make entries in the
Issue Detail sub-tab below.
NOTE1: When the Issued Qty is equal to the Remaining quantity, this
amount is displayed in bold blue text, which gives you a visual cue that
this line item has been picked in full.
NOTE2: Negative stock on hand is not permitted. Therefore, you cannot
enter an Issued Qty greater than the On Hand quantity.
Direct Entry
The Issued Qty field is available for direct entry under these conditions:
• Stock on hand in the primary location is equal or greater than the line
item’s required quantity and the When Stock Is in Multiple Locations
setting in the Inventory Defaults screen is set to the Pre-Fill from
Primary Location option.
• All stock on hand must have the same characteristics set.
• The line item is a descriptor.
Issue Detail Required
The field is grayed out under these conditions and entries must be made in
the Issue Detail sub-tab:
• Stock is on hand in two or more locations and the When Stock Is in
Multiple Locations setting in the Inventory Defaults screen is set to the
Require Location Selection option.
• Stock on hand consists of multiple characteristic sets.
This is the line item’s remaining quantity, which is its quantity issued to date
subtracted from its Job Qty.
On Hand
This is the total stock on hand among all locations.
NOTE1: This amount is displayed in bold red text when it is less than
the Remaining quantity. This gives you a visual cue that this line item
cannot be picked in full.
NOTE2: This field is left blank on descriptor line items.

Operating Guide 543

8-7. Job Issues

This is the job routing sequence to which this job detail line is assigned.
Work Center
This is the work center associated with the job routing sequence in the field at
Line No, Reference ID, Description
These fields identify the line item.
Job Qty, UM
This is the line item’s job quantity and unit of measure.
Unit Cost
This is the unit cost that will get applied to this issuing transaction. In the
case of a stock item, this is the item’s current Inventory Cost. In the case of a
descriptor, this is its current Estimated Cost.
Cost Class
This is the Cost Class value from the job detail line.
Issue Detail Sub-Tab
Upper Panel
Line No, Ref ID
These fields identify the line item highlighted in the Job Lines grid above.
Magnifying Glass Icon
Click this icon to launch the Stock Status inquiry screen for this stock item.
Qty to Issue
This is the quantity to be issued, which is equal to the line item’s
Remaining quantity in the grid above.
Tot Issue Qty
This is the total Issued Qty in the grid below.
This is the Tot Issue Qty subtracted from the Qty to Issue, which is the
balance remaining to be issued in order to issue this line item in full.
Grid Fields
Each line in the grid represents the stock on hand for each location and
unique set of characteristic values.
Issued Qty
Enter the quantity to be issued against this location and set of
characteristic values.

544 Operating Guide

8-7. Job Issues

NOTE1: Negative stock on hand is not permitted. Therefore, you

cannot enter an Issued Qty greater than the Stock Qty.
NOTE2: When the word ‘Transitory’ is displayed in red text, it
indicates that this is a ‘Transitory’ location from which stock cannot
be issued. Transitory locations are used for a temporary process
such as inspection. Using the Stock Transfer screen, stock must
be transferred from the transitory location to a non-transitory
location and then the stock can be issued to jobs.
This is the location associated with this stock quantity.
This read-only checkbox identifies the stock item’s Primary Location (as
designated in the Stock Items screen).
This read-only checkbox is only visible when a “transitory” location is
displayed. A location flagged as Transitory is used for a temporary
process such as inspection or transfer between warehouses. Stock
cannot be picked from a transitory location, but transitory stock is
displayed here for reference purposes so that you are aware of its
Stock Qty
This is the quantity on hand associated with this location and set of
characteristic values.
Characteristic Fields
The remaining columns are only visible when the item is assigned to
tracking characteristics such as lot and serial control.
Transactions Sub-Tab
All previously updated issuing transactions for this line item are displayed on this
Return Button
Click this button to return all or a portion of the transaction quantity to stock or
to reverse an issuing transaction that was made in error. You are presented
with this screen:

Operating Guide 545

8-7. Job Issues

Field Explanations
Received Qty
This is the quantity to be returned to stock. It defaults to the full
transaction quantity, but you can decrease the quantity if you wish to
return a partial quantity to stock.
This is the location to which the stock will be returned. It defaults to
the transaction location, but you can use the lookup to select an
alternate location, if applicable.
This read-only checkbox is selected for reference when this location is
the item’s default Receipt Location, as designated in the Stock Items
This reference field is this item’s storage capacity for this location.
NOTE: If you want to view existing stock in any location, use the
lookup in the Location field and on the location lookup screen,
click the magnifying glass icon in the lower panel to view any
location’s stock on hand.

Batch History Tab

Each time the Update process occurs, all the transactions associated with the
update are assigned to a “batch” number. This job’s batches are listed on this

546 Operating Guide

8-7. Job Issues

Upper Panel
Display Batch History
This checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the screen is occupied
by two grids: a listing of batches in the upper grid and a listing of Batch
Transactions in the lower grid, limited to the batches selected in the upper
grid. If you clear this checkbox, the Batch Transactions grid occupies the
entire screen and lists all transactions for all batches.
Dispatch Button
This button is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left. You have the option of picking stock on the Issuing tab
before you physically issue the stock from the warehouse. After Update
processing is completed, you can immediately access this tab and click this
button to print a “dispatch list” to use as a guide for physically issuing the
NOTE: Click the selection checkbox to the left of each batch you want
included in the dispatch list. You can combine multiple batches into
one dispatch list, if you wish.
After clicking the Dispatch button, you are presented with this screen:

Operating Guide 547

8-7. Job Issues

Dispatch Options
Use the Print checkbox to select or de-select the fields you want included
on the dispatch list. You can change the order by clicking into the Sort
Order field on those cells in the grid that are not grayed out.
You can select the Portrait or Landscape option to achieve a vertical or
horizontal style printing layout.
Print Button
After your selections are completed, click this button to print the dispatch
list. Here is a sample:

Upper Grid
All update batches for this job are displayed in this grid.
NOTE: This grid is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left.

548 Operating Guide

8-7. Job Issues

Selection (Checkbox)
This checkbox is selected by default against all batches that have a blank
value in the Last Printed column. Selecting this checkbox serves two
• This batch will be included in the dispatch list when you print it via the
Dispatch button.
• This batch’s transactions are displayed in the Batch Transactions grid
Batch No
This number identifies the batch and is automatically assigned by the
NOTE: Each Batch No is unique such that no two jobs ever have
batches with the same batch numbers.
Batch Date
This field shows the date and time the batch was created.
Last Printed
When you print a hard copy of the dispatch list, the date and time is captured
in this field.
NOTE1: This field does not get updated when you preview the
dispatch list. It only gets updated when you print a hard copy on your
NOTE2: This field only gets updated the first time you print the
dispatch list. It does not get updated when you reprint the dispatch list.
Batch Transactions Grid
When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is cleared, this grid
occupies the entire screen and provides a listing of all issuing transactions for
this job.
When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is selected, this grid
occupies the lower half of the screen and only lists transactions associated with
batches that are selected (via the checkbox) in the Batch History grid above.
NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch that is currently highlighted in the upper grid.
Click this button to output the contents of the grid to an Excel spreadsheet,
text file, HTML file, or to the printer.

Operating Guide 549

8-7. Job Issues

Transactions Grid
• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is selected,
issuing transactions associated with the batches selected in the upper grid
are listed in this grid.
NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch selected in the upper grid.
• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is cleared,
all issuing transactions associated with all batches are listed in this grid.

550 Operating Guide

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

(Jobs – Job Tracking & Labor)

Use this screen to track item completions in your routing sequences and to
optionally record setup and labor hours.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segments: Labor Cost Basis, Labor Method, Job Labor Tracking

Real-time completions entry is recommended
Jobs are tracked by item completions at each routing sequence, not by labor
If you want real-time job tracking, it can be achieved by simply locating one or
more computers out on the shop floor and having each shop supervisor enter his
or her department’s sequence completions in real-time. Because completions
entry is so quick and easy, there’s no good reason not to do it.
Real-time job tracking is one of the biggest benefits you can achieve with a
manufacturing system and is easily achievable without a costly data collection
Labor hours can be entered by the back office
Labor hours entry is for job costing and cycle time assessment and not for job
tracking. Therefore, unlike completions there is no need to enter labor hours in
real time. Ideally, labor hours would bed entered at the end of each shift.
Each worker’s hours should be recorded on a daily time card, broken out by job
and routing sequence. Completion quantities are not needed if you follow our
recommendation and have them entered by shop supervisors.
Job labor entry is independent from payroll time keeping
Job labor entry in DBA is completely independent from payroll time keeping.
This enables you to use any payroll system or service you wish, as well as any
time and attendance hardware and software system that collects and tracks
payroll hours.
The labor hours that are collected in DBA are for job costing and cycle time
assessment, not for payroll time keeping. We recommend that job labor hours
be costed at work center or shop rates, which are averages, rather than pay
rates. On an overall basis, some variance between job labor cost and payroll
direct labor cost is normal and expected.

Operating Guide 551

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Two Entry Modes

The Job Tracking & Labor screen offers two entry modes: Backflush and Labor
Hours Entry.
In this mode you only enter items completed or scrapped. The program
“backflushes” setup and labor hours based on the estimated setup hours and
cycle times from the job Routing screen. Work center rates are applied to the
backflushed hours for calculation of job costs.
Labor Hours Entry
In this mode you enter actual labor and setup hours as well as items
completed and scrapped. The program costs the job based on the hours
entered at your choice of either work center rates or worker pay rates.

Screen Details
Upper Panel
Job No
You can select a job from the lookup.
NOTE1: If you link to this screen via the Links button in the Jobs
screen, the Job No is automatically selected and displayed.
NOTE2: You are only permitted to make entries when the job Status is
Job Name, Customer, Status
These fields are for reference only.
Links Button
Click this button to link directly to other job-related screens. When you select
an option from the drop-down list, the program inserts this job into the target
screen. When you close the target screen, you are returned to this screen.

Transactions Tab
When the job contains one or more routing sequences with a Trxn Type of
‘Backflush’, the Backflush sub-tab is visible.
Labor Hours Entry
When the job contains one or more routing sequences with a Trxn Type of
‘Labor’, the Labor Hours Entry sub-tab is visible.

552 Operating Guide

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Subcontract Scrap
When the job contains one or more routing sequences assigned to a
Subcontract work center, the Subcontract Scrap sub-tab is visible.

Backflush Sub-Tab
Labor hours entry is not always worth the effort
Collecting and entering labor and setup hours is time-consuming. Some
companies, especially those with many small jobs, have little to gain putting in
the effort required to collect labor and setup time. Job tracking -- knowing what
has been completed and what remains to be done – is far more important.
Enter completions without hours
Routing sequences listed on the Backflush sub-tab only require the entry of
completion and scrap quantities without any labor or setup hours. The program
“backflushes” labor and setup hours based on the estimated setup hours and
cycle times in the job Routing screen.

Upper Panel
Work Date
This is the date the completions were actually made. It defaults to today’s
date, but may be overridden.
Pre-Fill Button
When you are on a job sequence in the grid below, you can click this button
to make the Compl Qty equal to the Remaining quantity.
Pre-Fill All Button
You may prefer to update all the job routing sequences in a single batch entry
at the end of the job. To do so, click the Pre-Fill All button and the Remaining
quantity will be copied into the Comp Qty column for all routing sequences in
the grid.

Operating Guide 553

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Update Button
You can make multiple entries in the grid. When you are finished, click this
button to process your entries, which does the following:
• Updates each routing sequence’s Start Qty, Compl TD, and Scrap TD
• The routing sequence’s actual Setup, Labor, Fixed Overhead, and
Variable Overhead costs are updated by the following formulas:
Sequence Setup Hrs * Work Center Setup rate
(Compl Qty + Scrap Qty) * Work Center Labor rate * # Persons /
(Sequence Items/Process * Sequence Processes/Hr)
Fixed Overhead
(Compl Qty + Scrap Qty) * Work Center Fixed Overhead rate /
(Sequence Items/Process * Sequence Processes/Hr) + Sequence
Setup Hrs * Work Center Fixed Overhead rate
Variable Overhead
(Compl Qty + Scrap Qty) * Work Center Variable Overhead rate /
(Sequence Items/Process * Sequence Processes/Hr) + Sequence
Setup Hrs * Work Center Variable Overhead rate
Grid Columns
This read-only field displays the job routing Sequence. All Sequences with a
Trxn Type of ‘Backflush’ are listed.
Work Center
This read-only field displays the Work Center to which the Sequence is
This read-only field is automatically updated as entries get updated. There
are four possible values:
No completions have been reported to this routing sequence or to the
sequence preceding it.
Completions have been reported to the routing sequence preceding this
one, which means this routing sequence is the next one to be performed.

554 Operating Guide

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Completions have been reported to this routing sequence, but there is still
a quantity remaining to be completed, which means this routing sequence
has been started, but is not yet closed.
This routing sequence is fully completed, meaning that the quantity
completed and scrapped equals the sequence’s scheduled start quantity.

This is a read-only field that displays the quantity remaining to be completed,
based on the following formula:
Start Qty – (Completed TD + Scrapped TD)
Compl Qty
Enter the amount completed in this field. This is not an accumulated total to-
date, but an individual transaction. You can make several such transactions
to the same sequence over the course of the job. When this line gets
updated, the amount entered will be added to the Compl TD amount
displayed to the right.
Scrap Qty
Enter the amount scrapped in this field. This is not an accumulated total to-
date, but an individual transaction. You can make several such transactions
to the same sequence over the course of the job. When this line gets
updated, the amount entered will be added to the Scrap TD amount displayed
to the right.
Compl TD
This read-only field displays the accumulated Compl Qty transactions to-date.
Scrap TD
This read-only field displays the accumulated Scrap Qty transactions to-date.
# Persons
This field is for reference only and displays the # Persons setting for this job
routing sequence. The hourly labor rate is multiplied by this amount when
calculating the Labor Cost at right.
Setup Cost
The field is for reference only. When you enter the first completion or scrap
quantity (any amount) against a sequence, the program assumes that setup
has been completed and backflushes the job routing Setup Hrs using the
work center Setup rate.
Labor Cost
The field is for reference only. When you enter completion or scrap quantities
against a Sequence, the program backflushes the labor hours based on the
job routing Time / Process and Items / Process settings. The work center

Operating Guide 555

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Labor rate is applied to those hours and is multiplied by the # Persons to

determine the Labor Cost.

Labor Hours Entry Sub-Tab

On this sub-tab you enter labor and setup hours as well as items completed and
Making a series of entries for a worker
This screen is optimized for entering a series of entries for one worker across
multiple jobs. After making an entry on one job, when you select the next job, the
Work Date and Worker fields remain unchanged. So if during the course of a
day, the worker performs several jobs, you can make a series of entries to
different jobs without having to re-select the Worker each time.

Upper Panel
Work Date
This is the date the work was actually performed. It defaults to today’s date,
but may be overridden.
Before sequences are displayed, you must first select the Worker number.
The worker’s last name is displayed adjacent to this field for reference
Update Button
You can make multiple entries in the grid. When you are finished, click this
button to process your entries, which does the following:
• Updates each routing sequence’s Start Qty, Compl TD, and Scrap TD
• The routing sequence’s actual Setup, Labor, Fixed Overhead, and
Variable Overhead costs are updated by the following formulas:

556 Operating Guide

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

If Cost Basis = Work Center Rate:
Setup Hours * Work Center Setup rate
If Cost Basis = Worker Pay Rate:
Setup Hours * Worker Hour Rate X
If Cost Basis = Work Center Rate:
Labor Hours * Work Center Labor rate
If Cost Basis = Worker Pay Rate:
Labor Hours * Worker Hour Rate
Fixed Overhead
(Setup Hours + Labor Hours) * Work Center Fixed Overhead rate
Variable Overhead
(Setup Hours + Labor Hours) * Work Center Variable Overhead rate
Grid Columns
This read-only field displays the job routing Sequence. All Sequences with a
Trxn Type of ‘Backflush’ are listed.
Work Center
This read-only field displays the Work Center to which the Sequence is
This read-only field is automatically updated as entries get updated. There
are four possible values:
No completions have been reported to this routing sequence or to the
sequence preceding it.
Completions have been reported to the routing sequence preceding this
one, which means this routing sequence is the next one to be performed.
Completions have been reported to this routing sequence, but there is still
a quantity remaining to be completed, which means this routing sequence
has been started, but is not yet closed.

Operating Guide 557

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

This routing sequence is fully completed, meaning that the quantity
completed and scrapped equals the sequence’s scheduled start quantity.

Pay Rate
This field is only visible when the Cost Basis option is set to Worker Pay Rate
in the Job Labor Defaults screen. Four rates are available: ‘Hour Rate 1’,
‘Hour Rate 2’, ‘Hour Rate 3’, and ‘Hour Rate 4’.
Setup Hrs
Enter the actual Setup time (in decimal hours) for each transaction, when
Decimal Hours Calculator
If you click the button within the Setup Hrs or Labor Hrs field, a screen is
presented that calculates decimal hours based on the entry of a Start
Time and End Time.

You can also enter a Break Start and Break End time if you wish to deduct
time for lunch or some other break during the work period. After entering
the start and end times, click Calculate and you will see the Decimal
Hours displayed. Click OK and the screen will close and the result
inserted into the Setup Hours or Labor Hrs fields.
Labor Hrs
Enter the actual Labor time (in decimal hours) for each transaction, when
NOTE: The Decimal Hours Calculator (see pervious field) can be
accessed by clicking the button in this field and is used to convert start
and end times into decimal hours.
This is a read-only field that displays the quantity remaining to be completed,
based on the following formula:
Start Qty – (Completed TD + Scrapped TD)
Compl Qty
Enter the amount completed in this field. This is not an accumulated total to-
date, but an individual transaction. You can make several such transactions
to the same sequence over the course of the job. When this line gets

558 Operating Guide

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

updated, the amount entered will be added to the Compl TD amount

displayed to the right.
Scrap Qty
Enter the amount scrapped in this field. This is not an accumulated total to-
date, but an individual transaction. You can make several such transactions
to the same sequence over the course of the job. When this line gets
updated, the amount entered will be added to the Scrap TD amount displayed
to the right.
Compl TD
This read-only field displays the accumulated Compl Qty transactions to-date.
Scrap TD
This read-only field displays the accumulated Scrap Qty transactions to-date.

Subcontract Scrap Sub-Tab

Subcontract processing is done via PO Receipts
Subcontract routing sequences are updated during PO Receipts entry and are
not processed within the Job Tracking & Labor screen, unless a scrap quantity is
to be entered.
If your supplier scraps any items:
If the subcontract service PO is under-received because the supplier scrapped
some items, you can use the Subcontract Scrap sub-tab to enter the Scrap Qty.

Upper Panel
Work Date
This is the date the items were scrapped. It defaults to today’s date, but may
be overridden.

Operating Guide 559

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Update Button
When your entries are completed in the grid below, click this button. It
updates the Scrap TD amount for each job sequence affected.
NOTE: There is no cost associated with a scrap transaction.
Grid Columns
This read-only field displays the job routing Sequence. All Sequences with a
Trxn Type of ‘Backflush’ are listed.
Work Center
This read-only field displays the Work Center to which the Sequence is
This read-only field is automatically updated as entries get updated. There
are four possible values:
No PO receipts have occurred for this routing sequence or any
completions to the sequence preceding it.
Completions have been reported to the routing sequence preceding this
one, which means this routing sequence is the next one to occur.
PO receipts have been made to this routing sequence, but there is still a
quantity remaining to be received, which means this routing sequence has
been started, but is not yet closed.
This routing sequence is fully received, meaning that the quantity
completed and scrapped equals the sequence’s scheduled start quantity.

This is a read-only field that displays the quantity remaining to be completed,
based on the following formula:
Start Qty – (Completed TD + Scrapped TD)
Scrap Qty
Enter the amount scrapped in this field. This is not an accumulated total to-
date, but an individual transaction. You can make several such transactions
to the same sequence over the course of the job. When this line gets
updated, the amount entered will be added to the Scrap TD amount displayed
to the right.

560 Operating Guide

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Compl TD
This read-only field displays the accumulated Compl Qty transactions to-date.
Scrap TD
This read-only field displays the accumulated Scrap Qty transactions to-date.

Status Tab
The Status tab is for inquiry purposes only At a glance you can see the progress
of the job. Within each routing sequence is displayed the start quantity, items
completed, items scrapped, completion percentage, and the sequence status.

Job History Tab

All backflush and labor hours transactions entered against the job are listed in
this screen for reference purposes, providing a complete audit trail. You also can
use this screen to reverse any entries made in error.

Backflush View
When you click the Backflush radio button you see all transactions that were
made on the Backflush sub-tab.

Operating Guide 561

8-8. Job Tracking & Labor

Labor Hours Entry View

When you click the Labor Hours Entry radio button you see all transactions that
were made on the Labor Hours Entry sub-tab.
Reversing a Transaction
If any transaction contains errors, you can reverse it by highlighting the
transaction and clicking the Reverse button.
You are presented with this screen. For audit trail purposes, the original
transaction remains and the program creates a separate reversal transaction.

Normally the date of the reversal transaction would be today’s date, which is the
default value displayed in the Reversal Date field. You can, however, select an
earlier date, as long as it is not prior to the system-wide Financial Cutoff Date.
Once date selection is completed, click the Reverse Transaction button. You will
now see your transaction listed on the History tab, highlighted in red to identify it
as a reversal transaction.

Worker History Tab

If you are making a series of entries for a single worker, you can click the Worker
History tab to view all labor transactions for the worker across all jobs, not just
the current job displayed in the upper panel.

562 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

8-9. Job Receipts

(Jobs – Job Receipts)

Use this screen to receive job “outputs” to stock. Once in stock, finished items
are available for shipment to customers or issuing to other jobs.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segments: Receipt Cost Basis, Job Receipts
Job Receipts Cost Basis
An important setting that affects the cost calculations used by this screen is the
Job Receipts Cost Basis in the Job Defaults screen. Two options are available:
Actual Job Cost
If you select this option, the final receipt quantity is given a unit cost derived
from balancing total job “input” costs with total job “output” costs. When the
job is closed net WIP is zero and there is no variance to be posted to your
Adjustments – WIP account. Any partial receipts made prior to the final
receipt are given a unit cost derived from the total estimated job cost.
Estimated Job Cost
If you select this option, all job receipts are given a unit cost derived from the
total estimated job cost. When the job is closed, there is usually a WIP
balance that results in a variance being posted to your Adjustments – WIP
Which cost basis is best?
From an accounting standpoint, each method works equally well and conforms to
accepted accounting standards. If you go with the Estimated Job Cost basis, do
not worry about the job closing variance – this is normal and expected in
manufacturing environments.
From a convenience standpoint, the Estimated Job Cost basis is easier to
manage because you can freely make partial and final receipts without having to
worry whether all input costs are accounted for. If you go with the Actual Job
Cost basis, you must be careful on the final receipt that all input costs are
accounted for.
Does not the Actual Job Cost basis provide more accurate costs of goods sold
on invoices? Yes it can, but only if all your job receipts are made as a single
receipt at the end of the job. If you frequently make partial receipts, your costs of
goods sold will be a blend of estimated and actual costs and will not necessarily
be more accurate than always using the estimated job cost.
If your objective is to analyze actual job costs, do not do so by analyzing the
invoice cost of goods sold, which is an accounting cost, but not always an actual

Operating Guide 563

8-9. Job Receipts

cost. Instead, use the Job Cost report, which provides a comparison of
estimated versus actual job costs.

Upper Panel

Job No
This identifies the job being processed. The lookup is confined to jobs with a
status of ‘RELEASED’.
Name, Status
These fields help identify the job currently displayed on the screen.
Status Indicators
These four “status indicators” enable you to quickly determine if job input
processing is completed. This is especially helpful when the Actual Job Cost
basis is selected in Job Labor Defaults where accurate input costs are needed to
calculate the unit cost on the final receipt transaction.
Seq Status
This field displays the status of this job’s routing sequences.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that none of the
job’s routing sequences have a status of ‘Closed’.
• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some of
the job’s routing sequences have a status of ‘Closed’.
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that all of the
job’s routing sequences have a status of ‘Closed’.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
sequence status details:

564 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

Hours Status
This field displays the status of this job’s non-subcontract routing sequence
labor hours.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that no labor
hours have been entered or backflushed against any of this job’s non-
subcontract routing sequences.
• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some
labor hours have been entered or backflushed against some, but not all, of
this job’s non-subcontract routing sequences.
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that some labor
hours have been entered or backflushed against all this job’s non-
subcontract routing sequences.
NOTE: Be aware that even though some labor hours have been
reported against each sequence, it does not guarantee that all labor
hours have been reported.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
non-subcontract sequence status details, including estimated versus actual

Subcon Status
This field displays the status of this job’s subcontract purchase orders.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that none of this
job’s linked subcontract POs have a receipt quantity.

Operating Guide 565

8-9. Job Receipts

• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some of

this job’s linked subcontract POs have a receipt quantity.
• A value of ‘Review’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that all of
this job’s linked subcontract POs have receipt quantities, but one or more
still has a partial quantity remaining to be received.
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that all this job’s
linked subcontract POs have been fully received.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
details of this job’s linked subcontract POs:

Issues Status
This field displays the status of this job’s issues to job detail lines.
• A value of ‘None’, which is displayed in a red cell, means that no job issue
quantities have been made against any non-subcontract job detail lines.
• A value of ‘Some’, which is displayed in a yellow cell, means that some
issue quantities have been made against some non-subcontract job detail
• A value of ‘Review’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that issue
quantities have been made against all of the non-subcontract job detail
lines, but one or more lines still has a partial quantity remaining to be
• A value of ‘All’, which is displayed in a green cell, means that issue
quantities have been made against all of the non-subcontract job detail
lines and there are no partial quantities remaining to be issued.
You can click on the lookup icon to launch this screen, which shows you the
job issue details:

566 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

Receipts Tab
Upper Grid
All job outputs are listed in the upper grid. The grid includes one row per output
and expands in size as needed.
Item ID, Description, UM
These fields identify the output item.
This is the original job quantity, less any receipt quantities to date, less any
accumulated scrap reported to job routing sequences.
Orig Qty
This is the original job quantity.
Cost Ratio
Each output’s cost ration is its percentage share of the total estimated and
actual job cost.
Middle Panel
Pre-Fill Button
Click this button to make the selected output’s Receipt Qty in the middle
panel equal to its Remaining Qty.
NOTE: This button is grayed out if the item has one or more
characteristics, in which case pre-filling is not permitted.
Update Button
Click this button to update the transaction. The following processing is
• Stock on hand for this item is increased by the receipt quantity.
• The item’s Inventory Cost is updated by adding the total receipt cost to
the current inventory value and then dividing that amount by the total
units on hand.
• The total receipt cost is debited to your Inventory account and an
offsetting amount is credited to your Work in Process account.
• If this is the final receipt quantity, meaning that there is no remaining
quantity, and all four status indicators are green in color, the job’s
status changes from ‘RELEASED’ to ‘FINISHED’.
Item ID, Description, UM
These fields identify the output selected in the grid above.
Job Qty
This is the job quantity associated with this output’s job detail line.

Operating Guide 567

8-9. Job Receipts

Scrapped Qty
This is the total accumulated scrap quantity reported to this job’s routing
sequence’s in the Job Tracking & Labor screen.
NOTE: This quantity only pertains to scrap associated with the job’s
primary output.
Received Qty
This is the quantity received to date through this screen for this output item.
Remaining Qty
This is the quantity remaining to be received, which is calculated as follows:
Job Qty - Scrapped Qty - Received Qty = Remaining Qty
Cost Ratio
This is this outputs item’s percentage share of the total estimated and actual
job cost.
Est Job Cost
This is the unit estimated job cost for this output item, which is calculated
using this formula:
Total Est Job Cost * Cost Ratio / Remaining Qty = Est Job Cost
Suggested Cost
This is the suggested unit cost to be inserted into the Receipt Unit Cost field
below to be applied to this receipt transaction.
NOTE: This field is not given a value until you enter a Receipt Qty
• If the Job Receipts Cost Basis in the Job Defaults screen is set to the
Estimated Job Cost basis, this is always equal to the Est Job Cost
calculated in the field above. The text ‘(Est Job Cost)’ is displayed at right
for reference.
• If the Job Receipts Cost Basis in the Job Defaults screen is set to the
Actual Job Cost basis and you are entering a Receipt Qty that is less than
the Remaining Qty, the Est Job Cost calculated in the field above is used.
The text ‘(Est Job Cost)’ is displayed at right for reference.
• If the Job Receipts Cost Basis in the Job Defaults screen is set to the
Actual Job Cost basis and you are entering a Receipt Qty that is equal to
or greater than the Remaining Qty (which is considered by the program to
be the final receipt transaction) and all four status indicators above are
green in color, an actual unit job cost is calculated using this formula,
which balances this item’s total input costs with its total receipt costs:
Total Job Cost * Cost Ratio – Receipt Costs TD / Receipt Qty = Actual
Unit Cost
The text ‘(Actual Job Cost)’ is displayed at right for reference.

568 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

NOTE: Only one transaction is considered to be the final receipt

transaction. Any additional transactions, including reversales, are
given the Est Job Cost.
Receipt Entry
Receipt Qty
This is the quantity that will be received to stock.
NOTE: If the output item is assigned to one or more characteristics,
this field is grayed out and you must specify quantities and
characteristic values in the Receipt Details sub-tab below.
Receipt Unit Cost
This is the unit cost that will be applied to this receipt transaction. The
Suggested Cost is inserted into this field by default, but can be overridden, if
you wish.
Total Receipt Cost
This field becomes visible when a Receipt Qty is entered. This is the total
cost that will be applied to this receipt transaction, which is calculated using
this formula:
Receipt Qty * Receipt Unit Cost = Total Receipt Cost
WIP Variance
This field is only visible when the Receipt Qty is equal to the Remaining Qty,
which is considered by the program to be the final receipt quantity. This is the
difference between total input costs and total receipt costs for this item, which
will be posted to your Adjustments – WIP account. You can click on the
magnifying glass icon in this field to see the calculations.
NOTE: If the Job Receipts Cost Basis in the Job Defaults screen is set
to the Estimated Job Cost basis, a WIP variance is normal and
Receipt Details Sub-Tab

+ –
By default, one line is presented in the grid below. Click the plus sign button
to add additional lines if you are receiving stock to multiple locations or to
specify multiple characteristic values. Click the minus sign button to delete
Magnifying Glass Icon
Click this icon to launch the Stock Status inquiry for this item.
Receipt Qty (Serialized Items)
This field is only visible when the item requires serial number control. Enter
the receipt quantity in this field or click the button in this field and you are
presented with this screen:

Operating Guide 569

8-9. Job Receipts

Screen Details
Receipt Qty
Enter the receipt quantity for the location specified at right.
All the serialized receipts that will be generated by this screen will be
received into this location.
Serial No
Enter the starting serial number. If this item is designed for automatic
serial number generation in the Item Characteristics screen, the next
available serial number is automatically inserted into this field.
OK Button
When you click this button, the screen closes and serial numbers are
automatically generated for the specified quantity. Each serial number
gets its own line in the Receipt Details grid.
Enter a line in this grid for each quantity associated with each location and set
of characteristic values.
Received Qty
Enter the receipt quantity associated with the location and characteristic
values in the fields at right.
NOTE: If you enter a quantity that causes the total quantity in this
location to exceed this item/location Capacity setting, you are given
a warning.
This field value defaults to the item’s default Receipt Location. You can
make an alternative selection from this lookup screen.

570 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

Only allowable locations for this item are listed. If you wish to use a
non-allowed location, clear the Allowed Only checkbox in the lower
panel and the list will be expanded to all locations.
The Receipt and Primary checkboxes identify the item’s default
Receipt Location and Primary Location. The Capacity field shows you
how many units of the item can be stored in the location.
You can view the stock on hand within a location by clicking the
magnifying glass icon in the lower panel, which presents this screen

This inquiry screen enables you to find an open location that is not
currently occupied.
This checkbox is selected when the location at left is the item’s default
Receipt Location. This is for reference purposes only.
Characteristic Fields
If the item is assigned to one or more tracking characteristics (such as lot
or serial control), each characteristic is represented by its own field, which
is identified by the characteristic’s Description. You are required to enter a
value against each characteristic, which, depending on the characteristic,
can be a date, a number, a lookup on a table of allowable values, or
freeform text.

Operating Guide 571

8-9. Job Receipts

Transactions Sub-Tab
All previously updated receipt transactions for this item are displayed on this sub-
Reverse Button
Click this button to reverse a receipt transaction that was made in error. You
are presented with this screen:

Screen Details
All stock on hand for this item across all locations and characteristic sets
is displayed in the grid.
Issued Qty
This is the quantity of this item to be issued (returned) from stock back
to the PO. It defaults either to the original transaction quantity or the
current on hand quantity in the transaction location, whichever is
lowest. You can accept the default quantity or enter a lower quantity, if
you wish.
NOTE: The Issued Qty cannot exceed the current on hand
quantity for this location. Once stock in this location has been
picked for shipment or issued to jobs, it is not available for
This is the location from which the stock will be issued back to the job.
This read-only checkbox is selected for reference when this location is
the item’s default Primary Location, as designated in the Stock Items
Stock Qty
This is the current stock on hand quantity for this location.

572 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

Projected Qty
This is the projected stock on hand for this location after this reversal
transaction is processed.
Reverse Button
Click this button to process this reversal transaction. The original
transaction and the reversal transaction are both displayed in red text.

Batch History Tab

Each time the Update process occurs, all the transactions associated with the
update are assigned to a “batch” number. This job’s receipt batches are listed on
this tab.

Upper Panel
Display Batch History
This checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the screen is occupied
by two grids: a listing of batches in the upper grid and a listing of Batch
Transactions in the lower grid, limited to the batches selected in the upper
grid. If you clear this checkbox, the Batch Transactions grid occupies the
entire screen and lists all transactions for all batches.
Dispatch Button
This button is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left. You have the option of receiving stock on the Receipts tab
before you physically transfer it to its destination location. After Update
processing is completed, you can immediately access this tab and click this
button to print a “dispatch list” to use as a guide for physically moving the
stock to its final destination.

Operating Guide 573

8-9. Job Receipts

NOTE: Click the selection checkbox to the left of each batch you want
included in the dispatch list. You can combine multiple batches into
one dispatch list, if you wish.
After clicking the Dispatch button, you are presented with this screen:

Dispatch Options
Use the Print checkbox to select or de-select the fields you want included
on the dispatch list. You can change the order by clicking into the Sort
Order field on those cells in the grid that are not grayed out.
You can select the Portrait or Landscape option to achieve a vertical or
horizontal style printing layout.
Print Button
After your selections are completed, click this button to print the dispatch
list. Here is a sample:

Upper Grid
All update batches for this job are displayed in this grid.

574 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

NOTE: This grid is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left.
Selection (Checkbox)
This checkbox is selected by default against all batches that have a blank
value in the Last Printed column. Selecting this checkbox serves two
• This batch will be included in the dispatch list when you print it via the
Dispatch button.
• This batch’s transactions are displayed in the Batch Transactions grid
Batch No
This number identifies the batch and is automatically assigned by the
NOTE: Each Batch No is unique such that no two jobs ever have
batches with the same batch numbers.
Batch Date
This field shows the date and time the batch was created.
Last Printed
When you print a hard copy of the dispatch list, the date and time is captured
in this field.
NOTE1: This field does not get updated when you preview the
dispatch list. It only gets updated when you print a hard copy on your
NOTE2: This field only gets updated the first time you print the
dispatch list. It does not get updated when you reprint the dispatch list.
Batch Transactions Grid
When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is cleared, this grid
occupies the entire screen and provides a listing of all issuing transactions for
this job.
When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is selected, this grid
occupies the lower half of the screen and only lists transactions associated with
batches that are selected (via the checkbox) in the Batch History grid above.
NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch that is currently highlighted in the upper grid.
Click this button to print item labels for the selected transaction. You are
first presented with this selection screen.

Operating Guide 575

8-9. Job Receipts

Screen Details
Upper Panel
Report Form
Use the lookup in this field to select a label format. The default
label format designated in the Forms Edit – Job Receipt Label
screen is selected by default.
Select Characteristics to Print
The tracking characteristics associated with this receipt transaction
are listed in this panel and are selected by default for printing. If
you don’t want a characteristic to be printed, clear its checkbox.
Additional Information
If this label format requires any ‘Additional Info’ text fields, they are
listed in this panel.
If this checkbox is selected, the user is required to enter a
This is the user-defined field label that identifies the Value at
Enter freeform text in this field.
Print Button
Click this button to begin printing. You are first presented with this
print preview screen:

576 Operating Guide

8-9. Job Receipts

Click the printer icon in the upper left corner to begin printing. You
are presented with the standard Windows Print screen, as follows:

The printer Name defaults to the printer designated in the page

setup against this label format. Select an alternate printer, if
applicable. For multiple copies, enter a value in the Number of
copies field.
Click this button to output the contents of the grid to an Excel spreadsheet,
text file, HTML file, or to the printer.
Transactions Grid
• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is selected,
issuing transactions associated with the batches selected in the upper grid
are listed in this grid.

Operating Guide 577

8-9. Job Receipts

NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch selected in the upper grid.
• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is cleared,
all issuing transactions associated with all batches are listed in this grid.

578 Operating Guide

8-10. Job Inquiry

8-10. Job Inquiry

(Jobs – Job Inquiry)

Use this screen to view the details of current or past jobs, including current job
status and job costs.
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Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Job Costing

Upper Panel
The upper panel displays job header information.
Status Tab
Click this tab to view the status of current jobs.
• On the Routing, Job Lines, and Outputs sub-tabs, you can see the status of
each routing sequence or job line. In the lower grid you see the transaction
detail associated with the sequence or job line in the upper grid.
Job Costs Tab
Click this tab to get a breakdown of job costs.
• The Summary sub-tab gives you are a total job cost for each of the system’s
standard cost elements: Material, Labor, Setup, Subcontract, Fixed
Overhead, Variable Overhead, and Misc.
• The Routing sub-tab displays total costs by sequence in the upper grid and
displays the underlying transactions behind each sequence in the lower grid.
• The Job Lines sub-tab displays total costs by job line in the upper grid and
displays the underlying transactions behind each job line in the lower grid.

Operating Guide 579

8-10. Job Inquiry

• The Outputs sub-tab displays total costs for each job output in the upper grid
and displays the underlying transactions behind each output in the lower grid.

580 Operating Guide

8-11. Job Data Views

8-11. Job Data Views

(Jobs – Data Views)

The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to
filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and
reports. It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins”
and other complicated programming procedures.
Job Data Views
Five data views are provided on the Jobs menu:
Total Job Hours
Use this data view to list job hours and work center completion quantities.
Standard layouts include:
• Hours by Work Center and Primary Output
• Hours by Primary Output and Job
• Worker Job Hours
• Worker Job Hours by Day
Closed Job Cost Summary
Use this data view to get a listing of summarized job costs, including a
comparison of estimated versus actual cost. Standard layouts include:
• Unit Cost by Primary Output
Closed Job Performance
Use this data view to get a listing of estimated versus actual job hours.
Standard layouts include:
• Estimated vs Actual Hours
• Estimated vs Actual Hours and Setup
Work Center Performance
Use this data view to get a listing of estimated versus actual job hours within
each work center. Standard layouts include:
• Est vs Actual by WC and Primary Output
Worker Performance
Use this data view to get a listing of estimated versus actual job hours by
worker. Standard layouts include:
• Est vs Actual by Worker
• Est vs Actual (all columns)
• Est vs Actual by Primary Output, Worker
• Est vs Actual: Primary Output, WC, Worker

Operating Guide 581

8-11. Job Data Views

Selection Screen

When you click on a data view menu option, you are first presented with a
selection screen that is similar to the selection screen used with reports. Use this
screen to filter and limit your data view.
View Button
Once your selections are completed, click the View button to advance to the
Select Layout screen.

Select Layout Screen

582 Operating Guide

8-11. Job Data Views

Next, you are presented with the Select Layout screen. Each layout is a
configuration of selected fields that are grouped and sorted to present a
particular data view. In a sense, each layout is a custom report.
Layout Type
Layouts with a Type of ‘System’ are standard layouts supplied with the system.
‘System’ layouts cannot be changed, but they can be modified and saved to
another layout name. Any layouts saved to a new name are identified as ‘User’
Default Layout
One layout is designated as the ‘Default’ layout, which is your most commonly
used data view. Assigning the default layout is done on the Layout List screen
(see further below). The default layout is always selected at the top of the list
when the Select Layout screen is presented.
Load Button
Click the Load button to generate the data view. Be aware that some data views
may take several minutes to generate, depending on the size of the data set and
the number of data fields involved. This is because each column in the data view
is individually indexed to enable column sorting.
Quick Load Button
If you click the Quick Load option, the columns are not indexed, which
significantly reduces data view generation time. So if you are generating a large
data set and you don’t need column sorting, use the Quick Load option.

Data View Screen

The data set and layout you selected is displayed in the Data View screen, which
is a grid that displays all the available fields and associated records.

Operating Guide 583

8-11. Job Data Views

Column Sorting
You can re-sort the data view by clicking on any of the column headings, which
will then sort the entire list by that column. Click the heading a second time and
the sort order will change from ascending to descending order or vice-versa.
You can create list groupings by dragging a column heading into the header
panel above the column headings. For example, if you drag a Work Center
column heading into the header panel, the lines are then grouped by work center.
You can even have a group within a group. For example, you could drag a Job
No column heading into the header panel, which would form a sub-group within
each work center.
+ - Buttons
These two buttons become visible at the top of the screen when you use the
grouping feature. Initially the groups are displayed in “collapsed” mode
without data rows being visible. Click the ‘+’ button to “expand” the view so
that the data rows become visible. Click the ‘-‘ button to collapse the view.
Column Footer Total
You can create a total amount at the footer of any column by right clicking on the
lower panel directly below the column. The following options are available:
This option is available on numeric columns only. It provides a grand total
of all the column values.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the lowest value
within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the highest value
within the column.
This gives you a count of the number of records within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. This gives you a mean
average of the values within the column.

584 Operating Guide

8-11. Job Data Views

Customize Button

The data view can be limited to just the columns you want by dragging unwanted
column headings off the screen. This is done using the Customize button, which
presents a box in the lower right corner of the screen. To remove a column, drag
its column heading and drop it into the box. Continue removing fields one by one
until you are left with the columns you want.
NOTE: Most data view layouts are supplied with optional column headings
already dragged into the Customize box. If you wish to use any of these
columns, drag the column heading out of the box and drop it onto the
column heading row in the desired position.
Output Button
Once the data on the screen are to your satisfaction, click the Output button to
transfer the data view into one of the following formats.
• Output to Excel
• Output to HTML
• Output to Text
• Output to Printer
Output to Excel, HTML, Text
When you select any of these options, you are prompted to save the file to a
name and location.
Output to Printer
When you select this option, a print preview screen is displayed. You can
click File – Page Setup to select various options that will change the report
appearance. When the format is to your satisfaction, click the Print button.

Operating Guide 585

8-11. Job Data Views

Layout List Button

Click this button to display the Layout List screen, which provides a listing of
available layouts.
Load Button
Click this button to generate a new data view for the selected layout.
Set as Default Button
Click this button to designate the selected layout as the ‘Default’ layout. The
default layout is always selected at the top of the list whenever the layout list
is presented.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected layout from the list.
NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘System’ type layout.
Save Layout Button

After customizing your data view, you can click this button to update an existing
layout or to save your changes to a new layout. Two options are presented:
Update Existing Layout
Select this option and click the Save button to save your customization
changes to the existing layout.

586 Operating Guide

8-11. Job Data Views

NOTE: This option is not available for ‘System’ layout types. To

customize a ‘System’ layout, you must save your changes to a new
layout name.
Create New Layout
Select this option to save your customization changes to a new layout name.
Enter the name in the Layout Name field and click the Save button.

Operating Guide 587

8-12. Job Reports

8-12. Job Reports

8-12A. Job Profit

(Jobs – Reports – Job Profit)

This report provides a comparison of estimated versus actual costs and profits,
both at the summary level and optionally at the routing sequence and line item
level. You also have the option of listing total costs or unit costs, which are total
costs divided by the number of finished job outputs.
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Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Job Costing

8-12B. Job Cost

(Jobs – Reports – Job Cost)

This report is the same as the Job Profit report except that it does not include any
profit comparisons – only cost comparisons.
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Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: Job Costing

8-12C. Job Transactions

(Jobs – Reports – Job Transactions)

This report lists all job transactions, either for a single job or range of jobs.
Transactions are grouped and subtotaled by routing transactions, line item
transactions, subcontract transactions, and receipt transactions.

588 Operating Guide

8-12. Job Reports

8-12D. WIP Value

(Jobs – Reports – WIP Value)

This report calculates the value of work in process as of the current date and
time the report is run, broken out by job. The WIP value on any given job is its
total input costs minus job receipt costs.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Manufacturing Training Course
Segment: WIP Value

Operating Guide 589

8-12. Job Reports

590 Operating Guide

8A. Using Custom Items

8A. Using Custom Items

Where are custom items used?
“Custom” items can be used in the following applications:
• Making “one-off” items
• In-house repair jobs
• Projects
What is a “custom” item?
A “custom” item is a special type of item ID (part number) that is generated
during quote or sales order entry to represent a “one-off” item, repair, or project.
Instead of expending effort to create permanent Item ID’s for one-time purposes
that clutter up your item list, custom items get generated automatically and can
be filtered out of lookups and lists.
How is a custom item generated?
During quote or sales order line item entry, you select the ‘Custom’ option from
the drop-down list in the Line Type field, which launches the Custom Item
Generator screen, shown below.

The Custom Item ID is generated automatically. You simply enter a Description,

a Customer Part No (if applicable). The Item Category, Lead Days, and Job
Days display default values, but can be changed if needed. Click OK and the
custom item is created and inserted into the quote or sales order line.
Where are custom item defaults entered?
Custom item defaults are set up in the Jobs – Jobs Setup – Job Defaults screen,
shown below.

Operating Guide 591

8A. Using Custom Items

In the Options panel, select the Custom Items checkbox, which exposes the
Custom Item Generator panel. You can designate an Item ID Prefix and a Next
ID No, which together constitute the Custom Item ID that gets generated during
quote and sales order entry. Select a default Item Category, UM, Lead Days,
and Job Days.
What is a special in-house repair job?
Not all jobs are for the purpose of manufacturing a product. For example, you
may need to perform rework on returned products. You may want to overhaul or
refurbish used products. Any unusual job of this nature can fall into the “repair
job” category.
What about field service?
If you go out in the field to service customer products and you bill for parts and
labor, you would not use the Jobs module. Instead, you would use sales orders.
You can create a special SO Type (if you wish) for field service billing where you
can apply charges for parts and labor directly in the sales order. In-house
service jobs, on the other hand, are done in the factory where the job architecture
is useful for scheduling and collecting costs.
What is a project job?
Unlike manufactured products, which are made in multiple quantities, a project is
where you build a single entity. Construction type jobs, for example, are project

592 Operating Guide

8A. Using Custom Items

jobs by nature. Project jobs linked to sales order lines enable you to apply work
in process type accounting to a customer’s project.
Projects are often completed in phases or stages. The job routing is ideal for this
because each routing sequence can represent a phase of the project.
Why is a custom item needed?
The custom item is required for these purposes:
• In a quote or sales order, the custom item is used for pricing and billing
purposes, as well as the cost of goods sold.
• A bill of material can be entered against the custom item for manufacturing
• The custom item provides an “output” for jobs, against which costs can be
collected and passed through to the linked sales order.
How is a custom item used for quoting?
Once you create a custom item within a quote, you can then go to the Bills of
Material screen and enter routing and component specifications. In the MRP
Settings screen you can select a Run Size equal to the quantity you are quoting
and then you can use the Cost Rollup to calculate an estimated cost. Apply an
appropriate markup or margin to the cost to establish the quote price.
If the customer accepts the quote, it is converted into a sales order, at which
point a job can be generated.
NOTE: If you expect to make this item on a repetitive basis, you can
create a permanent Item ID in the Stock Items screen and then use the
Copy button in the Bills of Material screen to copy the custom item bill of
material to the permanent item.
How does a job get generated for the custom item?
When the custom item gets created, it is flagged as an MTO (make to order)
item. The Generate Jobs from SO lines option in MRP is used to generate jobs
directly from sales order MTO line items. When the job is generated, the sales
order line item’s Linked Job field is populated with the job number.
Where do job details come from?
If you created a bill of material against the custom item, it’s routing and
component details will be automatically copied into the new job. If there is not bill
of material, the new job starts out empty of any detail except for the custom item
“output.” You can use the Copy Detail button to copy details from a previous job
or to copy in one or more phantom assemblies, which are sets of parts that can
be used to represent “building block” options. You also can enter routing and job
detail lines from scratch.

Operating Guide 593

8A. Using Custom Items

How are job receipts used?

At the end of the job you will enter the job receipt quantity, which is the number of
finished items completed. The program suggests a unit cost that represents the
actual cost of the job.
You can enter partial receipts during the course of the job. In the case of a
project job, you may wish to bill your customer for a percentage of the job as
various phases or stages are completed. Because the project job “output” has a
quantity of ‘1’, you would enter a decimal amount as the job receipt to represent
a percentage of the job. For example, to complete 25% of the job, you would
enter a job receipt quantity of ‘.25’.
Where does the job receipt go?
Technically, the job receipt goes into inventory, even though custom items are
not for stock. The custom item is only received into inventory on paper. As soon
as the receipt is in stock, you use the Order Picking screen to pick it item(s) for
shipment and invoicing.
The custom item, therefore, is used to temporarily store the cost of the job. As
soon as you pick the order and invoice the customer, the cost immediately flows
out of inventory and becomes the cost of goods sold. This is how your job cost
ultimately gets passed to the invoice.
How are Sales and COGS posted to the General Ledger?
The Sales and COGS (cost of goods sold) account posting for custom items is
determined by the Item Category to which the custom item gets assigned at time
of creation. Therefore, you would normally want to assign custom manufactured
items to their own Item Category, service items to their Item Category, and
projects to their own Item Category.
Item Categories are mapped to specific Sales and COGS accounts in the Sales –
Exceptions tab of the Account Assignments screen.

594 Operating Guide

9. Purch (Purchasing)

9. Purch (Purchasing)
The Purch menu is where you find all purchasing-related tables and applications,
including suppliers, purchase prices, and purchase orders. Menu options include:

Purchasing Setup
• Purchasing Defaults
• Suppliers List Tab
• Supplier Types
• Supplier Terms
• Contact Types
• Supplier Regions
• Supplier Codes
• PO Types
Main Menu
• Suppliers
• Manufacturers
• Purchase Orders
• PO Receipts
• PO Invoices
• Purchase Prices – Items
• Purchase Prices – Descriptors
• PO Print / Reprint
• PO Listing
• PO Receipts
• Received Not Invoiced
• Purchases by Item
• Purchases by Supplier

Operating Guide 595

9. Purch (Purchasing)

Purchase orders are an integral element in the planning system and ensure that
material is on hand when needed by jobs and sales orders. POs are also used
for purchasing subcontract services and miscellaneous purchases that are not
related to inventory and jobs.
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
How are POs created?
• POs for stock items related to jobs and inventory are generated by the MRP
• POs for subcontract services such as plating, painting, and heat-treating are
generated by the Subcontract Services screen.
• POs for miscellaneous purchases such as shop and office supplies, printing,
equipment, furniture, etc. are entered manually in the Purchase Orders
Where do PO prices come from?
You have the option of storing supplier prices in the Purchase Prices – Stock
Items and Purchase Prices – Descriptors screens. When a price is not found, in
the case of stock items the program uses the item’s Last Cost, and in the case of
descriptors the program uses the descriptor’s Estimated Cost.
What about supplier part numbers and units of measure?
In the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen you can store the supplier’s part
number, unit of measure, and unit of measure conversion multiplier for cross-
reference purposes. These cross-references are visible in the Purchase Orders
screen and are printed on the PO for the benefit of the supplier.
What about manufacturer part numbers?
In the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen you also have the option of defining
manufacturers and manufacturer part numbers and you can add them to the line
cards of suppliers who carry them. These cross-references are visible in the
Purchase Orders screen and are printed on the PO for the benefit of the supplier.
How are subcontract services purchased?
The Subcontract Services screen generates POs for subcontract services such
as plating, painting, and heat-treating. These POs are generated directly from
job lines and are linked to them. When subcontract service POs are received,
job costs and routing sequence status settings are automatically updated.

596 Operating Guide

9. Purch (Purchasing)

Can POs be used for miscellaneous purchases?

You can manually enter POs for non-inventory, not job purchases such as shop
and office supplies or for the purchase of equipment, furniture, and other assets.
Descriptors can be set up to represent GL accounts, categories, or specific items
and are optionally assigned to specific GL accounts in the Account Assignments
NOTE: If you are using the Financial Transfer in conjunction with an
outside accounting system, we recommend that miscellaneous purchases
by done in your outside purchasing module and that purchasing in DBA be
confined to POs for inventory and jobs.
How are POs received?
All POs are received in the PO Receipts screen. In that screen you can process
items with tracking characteristics such as lot and serial number. Multiple
receipts can be made against the PO.
Can POs be received directly to jobs?
POs for subcontract services are received directly to jobs in terms of job costing
and updating the routing sequence status. Stock items are received to stock first
and are then issued to jobs when needed via the Job Issues screen.
How are POs invoiced?
Supplier invoices are entered and matched against POs in the PO Invoices
screen. Multiple receipts and invoices can be processed against a PO. Once
the PO is fully received and invoiced, it is automatically closed by the program.
Are POs required for all supplier bills?
POs are only required for inventory and job-related purchases. For other
expenses, you have the option of entering bills directly in the Supplier Invoices
screen without a PO. Most bills such as rent, utilities, shipping, etc. are entered
in this manner without POs.
NOTE: If you are using the Financial Transfer utility in conjunction with an
outside accounting system, all your non-PO supplier bills are to be entered
in the accounts payable module in your outside system.

Operating Guide 597

9-1A. Purchasing Defaults

9-1. Purchasing Setup

9-1A. Purchasing Defaults

(Purch – Purchasing Setup – Purchasing Defaults)

PO Prefix
A PO number consists of an alphabetical prefix followed by a sequentially
assigned number. Enter the PO Prefix that will be assigned to all your PO
numbers. You might for example, want all PO numbers to begin with “PO” or “P”
so that POs are readily distinguishable from sales orders and jobs.
Next PO No
A sequentially assigned number follows the PO Prefix and constitutes the second
portion of the PO number. The numeric value in this field establishes the number
that will be assigned to the next PO created. Because of the way numbers get
sorted, do not enter a number such as 1 or else the result will be that PO 10 or
PO 100 sorts before PO 2, 3, etc. on lists and reports. We recommend a starting
number such as 10000 or 100000, which will create sequential numbers such as
10001, 10002, 10003, etc.
Next PO Receipt No
Each PO receipt gets assigned a PO Receipt No. The numeric value in this field
establishes the number that will be assigned to the next receipt created.
Because of the way numbers are sorted, do not enter a number such as 1 or else
the result will be that receipt 10 or receipt 100 sorts before receipt 2, 3, etc. on
lists and reports. We recommend a starting number such as 10000 or 100000,
which will create sequential numbers such as 10001, 10002, 10003, etc.

598 Operating Guide

9-1B. Suppliers List

9-1B. Suppliers – List Tab

(Purch – Purchasing Setup – Suppliers – List Tab)

Use this screen to configure the opening List tab of the Suppliers screen. You
can designate which fields you want displayed and you can change column
heading names.

All available fields are displayed in the left hand Field Name column. In the
middle Display Label column you can change the name that displays on the
screen column heading. The right hand Visible column can be set to ‘Yes’ on
any fields you wish to display and ‘No’ on any you want suppressed.
Advanced Tab
When the supplier list reaches a certain size, the time it takes to load, sort, and
display the information in the List tab can slow down noticeably. If so, you can
optimize the list by limiting the number of records that get loaded at one time.
You will find this setting on the Advanced tab.
If you limit the number of records, this does not restrict your access to any data; it
merely loads a certain number of records at-a-time into the screen.
NOTE: When you limit the records is, you lose the ability to click on the
grid column headings for sorting and filtering purposes.
After you change the maximum number of records setting, click the Save & Close

Operating Guide 599

9-1C. Supplier Types

9-1C. Supplier Types

(Purch – Purchasing Setup – Supplier Types)

Supplier Types are user-defined codes that categorize your suppliers into groups
for reporting and sorting purposes.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Supplier Setup
Segment: Supplier Types

Field Explanations
Supplier Type & Description
Enter an 8-character Supplier Type code and accompanying 50-character
Setting the Default Supplier Type
You can establish a default Supplier Type by highlighting the desired line item
and clicking the Set as Default button. You will see the Default Supplier Type
displayed at the top of the screen. When you create a new supplier, the Default
Supplier Type is automatically assigned to the supplier, which can then be
overridden, if desired.

600 Operating Guide

9-1D. Supplier Terms

9-1D. Supplier Terms

(Purch – Purchasing Setup - Supplier Terms)

Use this screen to set up your Supplier Terms table, which are the payment
terms offered by your suppliers.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Supplier Setup
Segment: Supplier Terms

Grid Fields
This identifies the payment term and is the text that will print on invoices.
Credit Card?
This field is only visible when the ‘DBA Financial Modules’ option is selected
in the Accounting Configuration screen. Select this checkbox if the supplier
payment associated with this term is to be made by credit card. At time of
supplier invoice posting, you will be prompted to post the payment from the
credit card Banking Account specified in the lower panel of this screen.
NOTE: When this checkbox is selected, the fields to the right are
grayed out and given zero and blank values and the Banking Account
and Default Payment Type fields become visible in the lower panel.
Days Due
This is the number of days within which the payment is due.
From End of Month
If the number of days due is calculated from the end of the month, a common
practice in some countries, select the From End of Month checkbox. If the
number of days due is calculated from the invoice date, leave this checkbox
Discount %
If a discount is due for prompt payment, enter a Discount %. A two and a half
percent discount would be entered as ‘2.5.’

Operating Guide 601

9-1D. Supplier Terms

Discount Days
This is the number of days within which the discount can be taken.
Lower Panel
Banking Account
This field is only visible when the Credit Card? checkbox is selected above.
Select the bank account from which this credit card payment is to be posted.
The lookup is limited to ‘Credit Card’ type bank accounts.
Default Payment Type
Select the payment type associated with credit card payments. The lookup is
limited to payment types against which the payment method in the AP
Payment Types screen is set to ‘CCARD’.
Set as Default
You can designate one of your terms as the default by highlighting it and
clicking the Set as Default button. After doing so, you will see the Default
Terms displayed in the upper panel. When you create a new supplier record,
the Default Terms is assigned by default.

602 Operating Guide

9-1E. Contact Types

9-1E. Contact Types

(Purch – Purchasing Setup – Contact Types)

Contact Types are user-defined codes used to categorize supplier and customer
Contacts into categories such as ‘Sales’, ‘Accounts Payable’, etc.
NOTE: This same table is used with the Customers and Suppliers
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Supplier Setup
Segment: Contact Types

Field Explanations
Enter an up to 20-character contact Type code.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the contact Type in

Operating Guide 603

9-1F. Supplier Regions

9-1F. Supplier Regions

(Purch – Purchasing Setup – Supplier Regions)

Supplier Regions are user-defined codes that organize your suppliers into
regions or territories for analysis purposes.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Supplier Setup
Segment: Supplier Regions

Field Explanations
Sales Region
Enter an up to 20-character Supplier Region code.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Supplier Region in

604 Operating Guide

9-1G. Supplier Codes

9-1G. Supplier Codes

(Purch – Purchasing Setup – Supplier Codes)

Supplier Codes give you another user-defined code that can be used for
categorizing suppliers for reporting and analysis purposes.

Field Explanations
Supplier Code
Enter an up to 20-character Supplier Code.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to accompany the Supplier Code in

Operating Guide 605

9-1H. PO Types

9-1H. PO Types
(Purch – Purchasing Setup – PO Types)

When you create a PO, it is assigned to a PO Type. PO Types can be used to

categorize different types of POs and to give each PO Type its own form layout
and other settings.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
Segment: PO Types

Screen Details
PO Type
Enter an up to 8-character code to identify the PO Type.
Enter an up to 50-character Description to further identify the PO type.
Enter an up to 4-character Prefix that will precede the PO number. This
distinguishes one PO Type from another.
Auto Numbering
If you want the system to automatically assign the next available PO number,
select this checkbox. Some companies prefer to manually assign PO
numbers, in which case you would clear this checkbox.
PO Layout
If you wish to use a customized PO form layout for this PO Type, you can
create one by editing the standard PO format and saving it to a different
name. The new format name is entered here (you can use the browse button
to locate and select the *.rtm file). When entering the name it is not
necessary to type the ‘*.rtm’ extension.

606 Operating Guide

9-1G. Supplier Codes

Set as Default Button

This button is used to designate the PO Type that gets selected by default
each time a new PO is created. Highlight the desired PO Type, then click this
button. You will see the Default PO Type displayed in the upper panel.

Operating Guide 607

9-2. Suppliers

9-2. Suppliers
(Purch – Suppliers … or Supp Icon)

Use this screen to set up and maintain your suppliers.

Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Supplier Setup
Segment: New Supplier Entry

List Tab
Your existing suppliers are listed on this screen.
Customizing the list
Use the Purch – Purchasing Setup – Suppliers List Tab screen to customize the
list. You can designate which fields you want displayed and you can change
column heading names.
New Button
Click this button to create a new supplier record.
Email Button
If you wish to send an Email to this supplier, click this button to launch the
system’s Email client form. The supplier’s Email address is inserted into the To:
Notes Button
Clicking this button launches the Activity Notes screen where you can view past
activity notes against this supplier and create new activity notes.
History Button
Clicking this button displays supplier history in the following tabs:
This tab provides a listing of this supplier’s past invoices.
This tab lists all the past Emails sent to this supplier.
This tab lists all past activity notes for this supplier.

608 Operating Guide

9-2. Suppliers

Detail Tab – Main Side-Tab

Supplier Name (Required)

This unique ID is a 50-character field that identifies the supplier record and is
what displays on screens, lookups, and reports. We suggest you enter the
supplier’s full name.
NOTE: Each supplier name must be unique. So if you have two or
more suppliers with the same name, make each name unique, such as
by appending the city or some other identifier in parenthesis following
the name.
Trading Name (Required)
When you click into this field, it is automatically given the same value as the
Supplier Name, when can then be changed, if needed. The Trading Name is
the name that prints on purchase orders. Unlike the Supplier Name, duplicate
values are allowed. Normally, the Supplier Name and the Trading Name are
the same except in cases where the Supplier Name has been appended to
avoid duplicate values.
Address Details
This is the Supplier’s primary mailing address. Physical addresses are
entered on the Physical Addresses side-tab.
Phone, Mobile, Fax, Email, Web
These are the contact settings for this supplier’s main office and do not
pertain to a specific contact. Contacts are entered on the Additional tab.
Each contact record has its own Phone, Mobile, Fax, and Email settings.
X-Ref Code
If you are using DBA with an outside accounting system, it may be that the
supplier is identified in the outside system with a short code instead of the full
supplier name as in DBA. For financial transfer purposes, you can store the

Operating Guide 609

9-2. Suppliers

short code in this field, which is one of the fields available for transfer in the
PO Invoice Transfer screen. When you import the PO invoice transfer file into
your outside system, this field is mapped to the supplier code in your outside
Creation Date
This is the date this supplier record was created. You can change this date, if
you wish.
When you create a new record, its status is set to ‘Active’. You can change
the status to ‘Non-Active’. At the present time this setting is for reference
Payment Terms
This is a standard payment terms record from the Supplier Terms table. These
are the default Payment Terms that get applied during supplier invoice entry.
From End of Month
This read-only checkbox is selected if the number of days due is calculated
from the end of the month, a common practice in some countries.
This read-only field displays the number of days from the invoice date or end
of month that establishes the invoice due date.
Printing Options
Email Documents
If this checkbox is selected, when printing POs you are given the option of
Emailing the document.
Tax Code Source
These settings determine the source of the purchase order header Tax Code for
this supplier’s POs.
When you select this option, the default Purchase Tax Code specified in the
Tax Defaults screen is used as the purchase order header Tax Code.
Select this option if this supplier’s purchase order header Tax Code is to be
different than the system default tax code. A Tax Code field becomes visible
to the right so that you can select a tax code from its lookup.
Non-Taxable Supplier
If the supplier is non-taxable, which is common with USA taxation when
you purchase for resale, make sure that the tax code source is a non-
taxable Tax Code.

610 Operating Guide

9-2. Suppliers

• If your system default tax code is non-taxable, select Default as the tax
code source.
• If your system default tax code is taxable, then assign the supplier to a
non-taxable tax code Exception.
Tax Group
This checkbox is only visible when the Tax Group Matrix option is selected in
the Tax Defaults screen. Tax groups enable you to designate exception tax
codes at the line item level hat only apply to particular sources and items.
When you select this checkbox, a Tax Group field becomes visible to the
right. Select a Tax Group from the lookup. When an item or descriptor
assigned to a Tax Group encounters a supplier that is also assigned to a Tax
Group, the two Tax Groups are matched in the Tax Group Matrix to determine
the Tax Code that gets used in the PO line.
Supplier Type (Required)
You must assign the supplier to a Supplier Type. When you create a new
supplier record, the default supplier type is automatically selected and can
then be changed, if applicable.
Supplier Region
You can optionally assign this supplier to a supplier region.
Supplier Code
You can optionally assign this supplier to a user-defined supplier code.
Notes Sub-Tab
You can enter unlimited notes against this supplier. These notes are for
reference on this screen only.
Shipping Sub-Tab
Ship Method
You can select a Ship Method from the lookup, which is used as the default
Ship Method for this supplier’s purchase orders.
Tax / Financial Sub-Tab
Tax ID Number, Bank Name, Bank Account Number
These three fields are for reference only and are not used outside of this
Print 1099
This option is for USA tax reporting. Year end 1099 forms will be printed for
all suppliers with this option selected.

Operating Guide 611

9-2. Suppliers

Forms Sub-Tab
Use the fields on this sub-tab to specify customized forms layouts (RTM files) for
this supplier. When you leave any of these fields blank, the standard form layout
is used. See chapter 3 for details on how to customize forms. You can specify
custom layouts on this sub-tab for the following forms:
• PO Quote
• PO
GL Account Sub-Tab
Default GL Account
Select the GL account that will be applied to invoices created in the Supplier
Invoices screen.
NOTE: This setting has no purpose when you are using the Financial
Transfer utility in conjunction with an outside accounting system and
can therefore be left blank.

Detail Tab – Physical Addresses Side-Tab

Physical Addresses
In this grid you can enter multiple physical addresses for this supplier.
Physical Name
This is the name that identifies the address on this screen and in lookups.
This name does not transfer to the PO.
Address Fields
Enter the physical delivery address in the Address Line 1, Address Line 2,
City, State, Postal Code, and Country fields.
Contact, Phone, Fax, Email
You can specify a contact person and contact details at this address for
reference on this screen only.

612 Operating Guide

9-2. Suppliers

Additional Tab – Main Side-Tab

Main Contact Name
You can select one of the contacts from the grid below to be designated as
the main contact at this company.
Select a contact type, which are user-defined contact categories.
This is the contact’s full name.
Use this field to describe the contact’s position or function.
Phone, Fax, Email, Mobile
These fields are for reference in this screen and do not transfer to the PO.
User-Defined Fields
If you created any user-defined fields in the Admin – User-Defined Fields screen,
those fields are entered on this panel.

Additional Tab – Documents Side-Tab

On this screen you can attach documents (such as drawings, specifications, etc.)
or files of any kind that relate to this item.

Operating Guide 613

9-2. Suppliers

Edit Documents
To link to a document, click the Edit Document panel at the bottom of the screen.
Enter the description that will display on the Document List panel.
File Location
If a document is only to be used by you, you can specify a File Location to
your local computer. If the document is to be shared with others, it should be
stored on the central file server.

614 Operating Guide

9-3. Manufacturers

9-3. Manufacturers
(Purch - Manufacturers)

In some industries, certain purchased items can only be sourced from approved
manufacturers. In DBA you can set up Manufacturers in this screen and assign
them to specific stock items on the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen. An
item’s Manufacturers and Mfgr Part No can be specified on purchase orders.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
Segment: Manufacturers

Manufacturers Tab

Field Explanations
Enter an up to 50-character Manufacturer name that will display on screens
and print on POs.
Web, Phone, Fax, Email, Note
These optional fields are for reference only and are not used anywhere
outside of this screen.

Operating Guide 615

9-3. Manufacturers

Items Tab
When a Manufacturer is highlighted in the Manufacturers tab, you can click the
Items tab to get a listing of the stock items supplied by this Manufacturer.
NOTE: This screen is for reference only. Mfgr Part No creation and
Manufacturer assignments to items is done via the Sources tab of the
Stock Items screen.

Upper Grid
In the upper grid are listed all the stock items cross-referenced to this
Item ID
This is the stock item’s Item ID.
This is the stock item’s Description from the Stock Items screen.
Mfgr Part No
This is the manufacturer’s part number for the item.
Suppliers Grid
When an item is highlighted in the upper grid, the lower grid displays the
suppliers that carry this Manufacturer Part No on their Line Card in the Sources
tab of the Stock Items screen.
This is the Supplier ID.
Supplier Part No
When the Supplier has its own Supplier Part No for the item, it is displayed in
this field.

616 Operating Guide

9-4. Purchase Orders

9-4. Purchase Orders

(Purch – Purchase Orders)

Use this screen to modify POs created by the MRP and Subcontract Services
screens or to manually enter POs for miscellaneous purchases.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
Segments: Stock Item POs, Subcontract POs, Miscellaneous POs
How are POs created?
POs are created three ways:
MRP Screen (Stock Items)
All your stock item purchases for inventory and jobs should be generated via
the MRP screen.
Subcontract Services (Subcontract Services)
All your subcontract service POs as well as job-related descriptor POs should
be generated from job lines in the Subcontract Services screen.
Purchase Orders Screen (Miscellaneous Purchases)
All your non-inventory, non-job purchases for things such as supplies and
equipment are entered manually via the Purchase Orders screen using
NOTE: If you are using the Financial Transfer utility in conjunction with
an outside accounting system, we recommend that you confine
purchasing in DBA to inventory and job requirements and that you use
your outside system for miscellaneous purchases.

PO Workflow
Phase 1 – PO Creation
• Generate POs for stock items (MRP)
• Generate POs from job lines for subcontract services (Subcontract Services)
• Enter POs for miscellaneous purchases (Purchase Orders)
• Print/Email POs (Purchase Orders – Print PO button)
Phase 2 – PO Receiving
• Receive POs (PO Receipts)
Phase 3 – PO Matching
• Match supplier invoices with PO lines (PO Invoices)

Operating Guide 617

9-4. Purchase Orders

List Tab
All or selected POs are listed on this screen, depending on the Status filters
selected in the lower panel. You can highlight a PO and then click any of the
tabs to the right to enter order details.

Lower Panel
Quote, Opened, Printed, Closed
Select or clear the checkboxes in this panel to filter the list above by PO
Save as Defaults Button
Each user can preserve his or her Status checkbox settings by clicking this
button. Each time the screen launches, these settings will be selected by
Refresh Button
Click this button after selecting or clearing any Status checkboxes or entering
any search text to re-display the list above.
Search for the following text
You can enter text in this field and then click the Refresh button to limit the list
to Description column values containing that text string.
Links Button
You can click this button to link to the following screens. After closing the linked
screen, you are returned to this screen.
• PO Receipts
• PO Invoices
• Suppliers

618 Operating Guide

9-4. Purchase Orders

New PO Button
Click this button to create a new PO. You are presented with the PO Type
Selection screen, which displays your default PO Type. You can select an
alternate PO Type, if you wish. Click OK and the new PO is generated and you
are taken to the Header screen.
NOTE: If the Auto PO Number option is cleared in the PO Types screen
for this PO Type, you are also presented with a PO Number field for
manual entry of the number.
Copy PO Button
Use this button to copy the selected POs details to a new PO.
• You are first presented with a supplier selection screen. By default, the
supplier on the original PO is selected, but you can make an alternate
selection if you wish to purchase from a different supplier.
• After selecting the supplier, you are presented with the PO Type Selection
screen, which displays your default PO type. You can select an alternate PO
type, if you wish. Click OK and the new PO is generated and you are taken to
the Header tab.
NOTE: When you copy a previous PO, prices and costs are updated with
current values and pricing rules.
Print PO Button
Click this button to print or Email the printed PO for the highlighted PO.
Yes for Email, No for Preview
If the Email Documents checkbox is selected in the Contact Details sub-
tab of the Header tab, you are presented with this prompt. If the
checkbox is not selected, the PO is previewed on the screen and can be
printed by clicking the printer icon.
• If you click Yes, you are presented with the standard Email client form,
pre-filled with the Message Body Default Text for this user from the
Main Setup screen.
• If you click No, the PO is previewed on the screen and can be printed
by clicking the printer icon.

Operating Guide 619

9-4. Purchase Orders

Header Tab
Supplier selection and associated details are entered on this screen.

Purchase Order
The program automatically assigns the PO number, using the Type Prefix
from the PO Types screen for this PO type and the Next PO No setting from
the Purchasing Defaults screen. If the Auto PO Number option is cleared
against this PO type, the numeric portion of the PO number is entered
manually when you click the New PO button.
You can optionally enter an up to 50-character description of the PO that is
used as a reference on screens and reports.
Creation Date
This is the date the PO was created. It defaults to the system date, but can
be overridden, if desired.
Normally this field is automatically updated by the program unless you wish to
use the PO as a quote or manually close or reopen a closed PO.
Automatic Status – Opened, Printed, Closed
When a PO is created, its status is automatically set to ‘Opened’. When
you print the PO, its status changes to ‘Printed’. As each received line
gets matched in the PO Invoices screen, its Line Status value changes
from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’. Once all lines are ‘Closed’, the PO status
changes to ‘Closed’.

620 Operating Guide

9-4. Purchase Orders

Quote Status
You can manually change the status to ‘Quote’ if you wish to use the PO
to request a quote from a supplier. ‘Quote’ status POs are ignored by the
MRP screen when calculating net demand for items.
Manual Close
If the PO has under-received lines that aren’t to be received in full, you
have the option of manually closing the PO by changing the status to
‘Closed’. When you do so, you receive a message that the status of all
line items will be changed to ‘Closed’ as well.
Reopening a Closed PO
You can reopen a closed PO in the event you wish to add new line items
or increase the quantity on an existing line item. To do so, change the
status from ‘Closed’ to ‘Opened’.
You can enter unlimited text in the Notes panel, which print on the printed PO.
PO Type
The PO type that was selected during PO generation or creation displays in
this read-only field.
Due Date
This field sets a default Due Date for each line item entered, which can be
overridden at the line item level.
Tax Code
This is the Tax Code that will be applied by default to all line items unless a
tax code exception has been defined against the line’s stock item or
descriptor. The source of this tax code is reference in the Tax Code Source
field at right.
NOTE: If you change the Tax Code after line items already exist, that
tax code will replace the Tax Code at line item level for all lines with a
Tax Code Source of ‘Header’.
Tax Code Source
This field identifies the source of the Tax Code at left. There are three
possible sources:
Purchase Tax Default
The Tax Code at left is the system level default Purchase Tax Code
designated in the Tax Defaults screen.
The Tax Code at left is the tax code Exception designated against this
supplier in the Suppliers screen.

Operating Guide 621

9-4. Purchase Orders

The Tax Code at left has been manually changed though selection of a tax
code from the lookup.
Supplier Detail
If you are entering a new PO, select the supplier from the lookup.
Creating a new Supplier
To create a new supplier, type the supplier ID in this field. When you exit
the field, you receive a message that the supplier doe not exist and that
you can click Yes to make another selection or No to create a new
supplier record. When you click No you are taken to the Suppliers screen
where you can set up the new supplier. When you close that screen you
are returned to this screen.
Trade Name
This read-only field displays the supplier’s Trading Name maintained in the
Suppliers screen for this supplier, which is the name that will print on the
printed PO.
Address, City, State, Code, Country
This is the PO mailing address, which defaults to the values maintained in the
Suppliers screen for this supplier. You can override the default values, if you
This defaults to the Main Contact maintained in the Suppliers screen for this
supplier. You can make an alternate selection from the lookup or you can
make a manual entry.
Ship Method
This defaults to the Ship Method maintained in the Suppliers screen for this
supplier. You can make an alternate selection from the lookup, if you wish.
Delivery Address
This address defaults to your company’s address from the Main Setup screen.
You are free to change the address when needed.
Order Value
Order Value
This is the sum of all the PO line item Total Cost amounts.
This is the sum of all the PO line item Tax amounts.
Total Value
This is the sum of the Order Value and Tax amounts.

622 Operating Guide

9-4. Purchase Orders

Contact Details Sub-Tab

Phone, Fax, Mobile Email, Supplier Code
These fields are for reference purposes and default to the contact settings
stored on the Details tab of the Suppliers screen for this supplier. They can
be overridden, if desired.
Email Documents
This checkbox defaults to the setting maintained in the Suppliers screen for
this supplier. When selected you will be given the option of sending POs via
Email at time of printing.
Supplier Code
This defaults to value maintained in the Suppliers screen for this supplier.
You can make an alternate selection from the lookup, if you wish.

Additional Side-Tab
Additional Fields
If you created any user-defined fields in the Admin – User-Defined Fields screen,
those field values are entered on this panel.

Details Tab
PO lines are modified or entered from scratch on this screen.

Upper Grid
Line No
As each line is created, it gets assigned a sequential line number in
increments of ‘10’. This identifies the line and controls the sort order on the
printed PO.

Operating Guide 623

9-4. Purchase Orders

Line Type
From the drop-down list you can select ‘Stock’ to enter a stock item and
‘Descriptor’ to enter a descriptor. When the PO line was generated for a
subcontract service in the Subcontract Services screen, ‘SUBCON’ displays
in this field.
Reference ID
This is the stock Item ID or Descriptor ID. In the case of subcontract services,
this is the text “Service – ” followed by the Item ID of the item being serviced.
The Description from the stock item or descriptor master record is displayed.
IN the case of subcontract services, the Description from the originating job
line is displayed.
NOTE: You can modify the description, if you wish. This capability is
most commonly used with descriptors where the descriptor represents
a general category of purchases. On each particular purchase you
type in the description for the specific item you are buying.
Order Qty
This is the quantity being ordered, expressed in the item’s stocking unit of
measure or the descriptor’s unit of measure.
Qty Received
This read-only field displays the quantity received to-date.
This is the item’s stocking unit of measure or the descriptor’s unit of measure.
Unit Cost
This is the unit cost of this line item that, when received, is used to update the
item’s Inventory Cost (in the case of stock items) or the job line’s Act Cost (in
the case of descriptors or subcontract service lines with Subcon Job values).
The unit cost derives from four possible sources:
• If a supplier price is maintained in the Purchase Prices – Items or
Purchase Prices – Descriptors screen for this line item/supplier
combination, that price is used as the Supplier Price (see below), which is
then translated by the Multiplier and Exchange Rate (if applicable) to
establish the Unit Cost.
• If a supplier price is not found and the line item is a stock item, the item’s
Last Cost is used as the Unit Cost.
• If a supplier price is not found and the item is a descriptor, the descriptor’s
Estimated Cost is used as the Unit Cost.
• In the case of subcontract services, the Supp Price in the job subcontract
routing sequence gets passed into the Supplier Price field (see below),

624 Operating Guide

9-4. Purchase Orders

which is then translated by the Multiplier and Exchange Rate (if

applicable) to establish the Unit Cost.
Ext Cost
This read-only field is the result of the Order Qty multiplied by the Unit Cost.
Total Tax
This field displays the purchase tax total for this line item. It is calculated by
applying the Tax Rate percentage associated with the Tax Code at right to
the total price. You can manually override this amount, if you wish.
Non-Taxable Lines
If an item or descriptor is always non-taxable, regardless of supplier, a
non-taxable tax code Exception should be assigned against the stock item
or descriptor. A non-taxable Tax Code has a zero percentage tax rate.
Tax Source
This field value indicates the source of the Tax Code at right. There are five
possible values:
The Tax Code at right is the Tax Code from the purchase order Header
The Tax Code at right is a tax code Exception designated in the stock item
master record.
The Tax Code at right is a tax code Exception designated in the descriptor
master record.
Tax Matrix
The Tax Code at right derives from the Tax Group Matrix and is
determined by the Tax Group associated with the supplier master record
combined with the Tax Group associated with the item or descriptor
master record.
The Tax Code at right was selected manually from the lookup.
Tax Code
Each line item is assigned to a Tax Code, which gets its default value from
the Tax Source indicated at left. You can manually select a tax code
exception from the lookup.
NOTE: A Tax Code can be taxable or non-taxable. A non-taxable Tax
Code has a zero percentage tax rate.

Operating Guide 625

9-4. Purchase Orders

Due Date
When entering a new line, this automatically defaults to the Due Date from
the header tab, but can be overridden.
NOTE: If you wish to schedule multiple deliveries for an item, enter a
separate line for each delivery, each with its own Due Date.
Subcon Job
If this PO line was generated from the Subcontract Services screen, this
identifies the job to which it is linked.
If this PO line was generated from the Subcontract Services screen, this
identifies the job routing sequence to which it is linked.
Line Status
Once a line is fully received and matched in the PO Invoices screen, the line
status automatically changes to ‘Closed’. All lines must be “Closed’ before the
PO can be closed at the header level. If for some reason you will not be
matching the original line quantity, usually because you accepted an under-
shipment from the supplier, you can manually set the line status to ‘Closed’ so
that the PO can be closed.
X-Refs Sub-Tab
Supplier Part No
This is the Reference ID that prints on the PO. When the item has a Supplier
Part No maintained on the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen for this
supplier, it displays in this field. If not, the line’s Reference ID in the upper
grid is copied into this field. You can manually override this field, if you wish.
Supplier Qty
It is not uncommon for a supplier to sell an item in a different unit of measure
than the item’s stocking unit of measure. The Supplier Qty is multiplied by the
Multiplier value to establish the Order Qty. Conversely, the Order Qty is
divided by the Multiplier to establish the Supplier Qty. So if you change the
quantity in this field, it changes the Order Qty, and vice-versa.
NOTE: The Supplier Qty is the Qty that prints on the PO. The actual
Order Qty also prints in a cross-reference section underneath the
Reference ID.
Supplier UM
This is the UM that prints on the PO. If the item has a UM maintained in its
Sources tab of the Stock Items screen for this supplier, it will display in this
field. If not, this line item’s UM from the grid above copies into this field. You
can manually override this entry, if you wish.

626 Operating Guide

9-4. Purchase Orders

The Supplier Qty is multiplied by this factor to establish the Order Qty in the
grid above. If the item has a Multiplier maintained in the Sources tab of the
Stock Items screen for this supplier, it displays in this field. If not, this field is
automatically assigned a value of ‘1’. You can manually override this amount,
if you wish.
Supplier Price
If a record exists in the Purchase Prices – Items screen for this item, that
price is pulled into this field. The Supplier Price is then translated into the
Unit Cost value, using this formula:
Supplier Price * Multiplier = Unit Cost
If this PO is being submitted to the supplier in a foreign currency, the formula
is this:
Price * Multiplier / Exchange Rate = Unit Cost
Mfgr Part No
This read-only field is only visible on stock items and prints on the PO. It
displays the Mfgr Part No assigned to this Manufacturer for this item.
When a new line is created, the item’s Default Manufacturer is inserted into
this field. You can select an alternate Manufacturer from the lookup, if you
Notes Sub-Tab
PO line notes print on the PO and originate from these sources:
• When a PO line is generated by MRP or created manually, the SO/PO
Notes stored against the item or descriptor master record are transferred
into this notes field.
• When a PO line is generated from the Subcontract Services screen, the
Line Notes from the originating job detail line are transferred into this
notes field.
New Line Button
Click this button to open a new line in the upper grid. The Line No increments by
a value of ‘10’ over the highest existing Line No and the Line Type defaults to the
setting specified in the Admin – System Defaults screen.
Speed Entry Button
The Speed Entry function helps you enter order detail lines as rapidly as possible
and is especially useful when entering large numbers of line items. Click the
Speed Entry button to launch the Speed Entry screen.

Operating Guide 627

9-4. Purchase Orders

NOTE: You can use speed entry as often as you wish within a PO. You
can enter a few lines, transfer them, enter a few more, transfer them, and
so forth.

Speed Entry Screen

Upper Panel
Stock Items or Descriptors
Choose whether you want to select Stock Items or Descriptors. All
your stock items or descriptors will display in the selection grid.
Item Selection
Item ID or Descriptor ID
Start typing the Item ID or Descriptor ID. As you type each character,
the cursor will progressively move to the item with the closest match.
Once you find the item you are looking for, press Enter and the cursor
will move to the Qty field where you can enter the order quantity.
Lower Grid
After entering the quantity, press Enter and you will see your entry
displayed in the lower grid. The cursor moves to the left-hand
column where you can immediately make another selection.
Using the mouse is not necessary
You don’t have to use the mouse to make your selections. You can
press Enter to move back and forth from the Item ID or Descriptor
ID field to the Qty field and to make your selections. You can use
your arrow keys to navigate up or down the columns. You can, of
course, also use the mouse, if you wish.
Description Search
Use this field to narrow the contents of the main selection grid only to
items that contain the text you enter. Once you enter your text, click

628 Operating Guide

9-4. Purchase Orders

the lookup icon to the left and the main grid displays the items with
matching text. Once you make a selection, the grid repopulates itself
with all your items. If you make a search and don’t select an item, click
the ‘X’ button and the grid will repopulate with all items.
Item Category
You can click on this column heading to sort the list by Item Category.
You can also click the down arrow in the column heading to filter the
list to a particular Item Category.
De-Selecting Items
To de-select an item, highlight it in the lower display grid and click the
Delete button.
Transfer Button
Your item selections and quantities are displayed in the lower grid in the
order that they were selected. When your selections are completed, click
the Transfer button and the items and quantities will be transferred to the
Details tab.

Operating Guide 629

9-5. PO Receipts

9-5. PO Receipts
4(Purch – PO Receipts)

Use this screen to receive PO line items.

Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
Segments: PO Receipts, Returns

Opening Lookup
When you select the PO Receipts menu option, you are presented with this
lookup screen, from which you select the PO you wish to receive against.

Lower Panel
If you are looking for a specific PO number, you can begin typing the
number in this field and the grid is progressively matched to each
character entered.
If you are looking for a specific supplier, you can begin typing the supplier
name in this field and the grid is progressively matched to each character
Opened, Printed
You can select or clear these checkboxes to limit the list to POs with a
status of ‘Opened’ or ‘Closed’.

630 Operating Guide

9-5. PO Receipts

Upper Panel

This identifies the PO being received.
This is the supplier associated with this PO.
Document No
You can enter the supplier’s packing list number or any other document
reference on this field.
Trading Name
The Trading Name is the supplier name used on the printed PO.
Receipt Notes
You can enter freeform notes against each receipt. These notes are stored
with the receipt record and print on the Receipt List.

Receipts Tab
Upper Panel
Show Supplier Info
Select this checkbox to display supplier cross-reference information. A
second line opens beneath each PO line and displays the Supplier Part No,
Supplier Qty, Supplier UM, Supplier Price, Supplier Currency, Manufacturer
Part No, and Manufacturer.
Pre-Fill Button
Click this button to make the Receipt Qty equal to the Remaining Qty for all
lines in the grid that do not require entry of characteristic values. Stock will be
received to each item’s Primary Location.

Operating Guide 631

9-5. PO Receipts

Update Button
Once your entries are completed, click this button to process the transaction.
The Receipt Qty column will be cleared and the Remaining column will reflect
the transactions that just took place. The following processing is performed:
• The on hand quantity of each stock item is increased by its receipt
• Each stock item’s Inventory Cost is updated by adding the total receipt
cost to the current inventory value and then dividing that amount by the
total units on hand.
• Each stock item’s Last Cost is updated with the unit receipt cost.
• For each subcontract service or descriptor linked to a job, the job detail
line’s Act Qty and Act Cost are updated, as well as the associated job
routing sequence Compl Qty.
• In the case of each stock item, a debit amount equal to the total receipt
cost is made to your Inventory account and a offsetting credit is made
to Received Not Invoiced.
• In the case of subcontract service and descriptors linked to jobs, two
posting transactions are made for an amount equal to the receipt cost.
The first is a debit to Absorbed Subcontract Cost and a credit to
Received Not Invoiced. The second is a debit to Work in Process and
a credit to Absorbed Subcontract Cost.
• In the case of descriptors not linked to jobs, a debit amount equal to
the receipt cost is made to either a Misc Purchase Exception account
or to your default Misc Purchases account and an offsetting credit is
made to Received Not Invoiced.
PO Lines Grid
Receipt Qty
• If this is a stock item, enter the amount received to the item’s Receipt
Location in this field or click the Pre-Fill button to copy the Remaining
quantity into this field.
NOTE: If you wish to receive stock to a location other than the
item’s Primary Location, or if the item requires characteristic values,
you must make your entries in the Receipt Details sub-tab below
rather than in this field.
• If this is a subcontract service or descriptor, enter the amount received in
this field or click the Pre-Fill button to copy the Remaining quantity into this
This is the original order quantity less all receipts to date for this line item.

632 Operating Guide

9-5. PO Receipts

Line No
This is the PO line number associated with this line item.
Reference ID, Description
These fields identify the stock item, descriptor, or subcontract service being
Order Qty
This is the original order quantity for this line item.
This is the unit of measure associated with the Order Qty.
Unit Cost
This is the Unit Cost value from this PO line that will be the unit cost that gets
applied to the receipt transaction. You can change this cost, if you wish.
NOTE: Any change you make to the cost here does not change the
Unit Cost in the PO line. If the reason for the cost change was an
incorrect cost and you expect to make future receipts, you should
change the Unit Cost in the PO line.
Subcon Job
If this is s subcontract service or descriptor linked to a job, that job number is
displayed in this field.
If this is a subcontract service or descriptor linked to a job, this is the job
routing sequence associated with that job detail line.
Due Date
This is the Due Date stored against this PO line, which is displayed for
reference purposes.
Shortage OK
If this line still has a remaining quantity, but you do not expect any further
receipts, select this checkbox. This enables the PO line to be automatically
closed after it is fully matched in the PO Invoices screen, even though the
original order quantity has not been received.
Receipt Details Sub-Tab
This tab is only visible when a stock item is selected above. This sub-tab is used
to specify destination locations and characteristic values.

+ –
By default, one line is presented in the grid below. Click the plus sign button
to add additional lines if you are receiving stock to multiple locations or to
specify multiple characteristic values. Click the minus sign button to delete

Operating Guide 633

9-5. PO Receipts

Magnifying Glass Icon

Click this icon to launch the Stock Status inquiry for this item.
Receipt Qty (Serialized Items)
This field is only visible when the item requires serial number control. Enter
the receipt quantity in this field or click the button in this field and you are
presented with this screen:

Screen Details
Receipt Qty
Enter the receipt quantity for the location specified at right.
All the serialized receipts that will be generated by this screen will be
received into this location.
Serial No
Enter the starting serial number. If this item is designed for automatic
serial number generation in the Item Characteristics screen, the next
available serial number is automatically inserted into this field.
OK Button
When you click this button, the screen closes and serial numbers are
automatically generated for the specified quantity. Each serial number
gets its own line in the Receipt Details grid.
Enter a line in this grid for each quantity associated with each location and set
of characteristic values.
Received Qty
Enter the receipt quantity associated with the location and characteristic
values in the fields at right.

634 Operating Guide

9-5. PO Receipts

NOTE: If you enter a quantity that causes the total quantity in this
location to exceed this item/location Capacity setting, you are given
a warning.
This field value defaults to the item’s default Receipt Location. You can
make an alternative selection from this lookup screen.

Only allowable locations for this item are listed. If you wish to use a
non-allowed location, clear the Allowed Only checkbox in the lower
panel and the list will be expanded to all locations.
The Receipt and Primary checkboxes identify the item’s default
Receipt Location and Primary Location. The Capacity field shows you
how many units of the item can be stored in the location.
You can view the stock on hand within a location by clicking the
magnifying glass icon in the lower panel, which presents this screen

This inquiry screen enables you to find an open location that is not
currently occupied.
This checkbox is selected when the location at left is the item’s default
Receipt Location. This is for reference purposes only.
Characteristic Fields
If the item is assigned to one or more tracking characteristics (such as lot
or serial control), each characteristic is represented by its own field, which

Operating Guide 635

9-5. PO Receipts

is identified by the characteristic’s Description. You are required to enter a

value against each characteristic, which, depending on the characteristic,
can be a date, a number, a lookup on a table of allowable values, or
freeform text.
Transactions Sub-Tab
All previously updated receipt transactions for this item are displayed on this sub-
Reverse Button
Click this button to reverse a receipt transaction that was made in error. You
are presented with this screen:

Screen Details
All stock on hand for this item across all locations and characteristic sets
is displayed in the grid.
Issued Qty
This is the quantity of this item to be issued (returned) from stock back
to the PO. It defaults either to the original transaction quantity or the
current on hand quantity in the transaction location, whichever is
lowest. You can accept the default quantity or enter a lower quantity, if
you wish.
NOTE: The Issued Qty cannot exceed the current on hand
quantity for this location. Once stock in this location has been
picked for shipment or issued to jobs, it is not available for
This is the location from which the stock will be issued back to the job.
This read-only checkbox is selected for reference when this location is
the item’s default Primary Location, as designated in the Stock Items

636 Operating Guide

9-5. PO Receipts

Stock Qty
This is the current stock on hand quantity for this location.
Projected Qty
This is the projected stock on hand for this location after this reversal
transaction is processed.
Reverse Button
Click this button to process this reversal transaction. The original
transaction and the reversal transaction are both displayed in red text.

Batch History Tab

Each time the Update process occurs, all the transactions associated with the
update are assigned to a “batch” number. This POs receipt batches are listed on
this tab.

Upper Panel
Display Batch History
This checkbox is selected by default. When selected, the screen is occupied
by two grids: a listing of batches in the upper grid and a listing of Batch
Transactions in the lower grid, limited to the batches selected in the upper
grid. If you clear this checkbox, the Batch Transactions grid occupies the
entire screen and lists all transactions for all batches.
Dispatch Button
This button is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left. You have the option of receiving stock on the Receipts tab
before you physically transfer it to its destination location. After Update
processing is completed, you can immediately access this tab and click this
button to print a “dispatch list” to use as a guide for physically moving the
stock to its final destination.

Operating Guide 637

9-5. PO Receipts

NOTE: Click the selection checkbox to the left of each batch you want
included in the dispatch list. You can combine multiple batches into
one dispatch list, if you wish.
After clicking the Dispatch button, you are presented with this screen:

Dispatch Options
Use the Print checkbox to select or de-select the fields you want included
on the dispatch list. You can change the order by clicking into the Sort
Order field on those cells in the grid that are not grayed out.
You can select the Portrait or Landscape option to achieve a vertical or
horizontal style printing layout.
Print Button
After your selections are completed, click this button to print the dispatch
list. Here is a sample:

Receipt List Button

Click this button to view or print a Receipt List for the selected batch, shown
below, which lists all the details associated with the batch.

638 Operating Guide

9-5. PO Receipts

NOTE: Each receipt batch is identified with a sequentially assigned PO

Receipt No.

Upper Grid
All update batches for this PO are displayed in this grid.
NOTE: This grid is only visible when the Display Batch History checkbox is
selected at left.
Selection (Checkbox)
This checkbox is selected by default against all batches that have a blank
value in the Last Printed column. Selecting this checkbox serves two
• This batch will be included in the dispatch list when you print it via the
Dispatch button.
• This batch’s transactions are displayed in the Batch Transactions grid
Batch No
This number identifies the batch and is automatically assigned by the
NOTE: Each Batch No is unique such that no two POs ever have
batches with the same batch numbers.
Batch Date
This field shows the date and time the batch was created.
Last Printed
When you print a hard copy of the dispatch list, the date and time is captured
in this field.
NOTE1: This field does not get updated when you preview the
dispatch list. It only gets updated when you print a hard copy on your
NOTE2: This field only gets updated the first time you print the
dispatch list. It does not get updated when you reprint the dispatch list.

Operating Guide 639

9-5. PO Receipts

Batch Transactions Grid

When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is cleared, this grid
occupies the entire screen and provides a listing of all issuing transactions for
this job.
When the Display Batch History checkbox in the upper panel is selected, this grid
occupies the lower half of the screen and only lists transactions associated with
batches that are selected (via the checkbox) in the Batch History grid above.
NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch that is currently highlighted in the upper grid.
Click this button to print item labels for the selected transaction. You are
first presented with this selection screen.

Screen Details
Upper Panel
Report Form
Use the lookup in this field to select a label format. The default
label format designated in the Forms Edit – PO Receipt Label
screen is selected by default.
Select Characteristics to Print
The tracking characteristics associated with this receipt transaction
are listed in this panel and are selected by default for printing. If
you don’t want a characteristic to be printed, clear its checkbox.
Additional Information
If this label format requires any ‘Additional Info’ text fields, they are
listed in this panel.
If this checkbox is selected, the user is required to enter a

640 Operating Guide

9-5. PO Receipts

This is the user-defined field label that identifies the Value at
Enter freeform text in this field.
Print Button
Click this button to begin printing. You are first presented with this
print preview screen:

Click the printer icon in the upper left corner to begin printing. You
are presented with the standard Windows Print screen, as follows:

The printer Name defaults to the printer designated in the page

setup against this label format. Select an alternate printer, if
applicable. For multiple copies, enter a value in the Number of
copies field.
Click this button to output the contents of the grid to an Excel spreadsheet,
text file, HTML file, or to the printer.

Operating Guide 641

9-5. PO Receipts

Transactions Grid
• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is selected,
issuing transactions associated with the batches selected in the upper grid
are listed in this grid.
NOTE: Transactions displayed in bold blue text are associated with the
batch selected in the upper grid.
• If the Display Batch History checkbox at the top of the screen is cleared,
all issuing transactions associated with all batches are listed in this grid.

642 Operating Guide

9-6. PO Invoices

9-6. PO Invoices
(Purch – PO Invoices)

Supplier invoices related to purchase orders are entered and matched with POs
in this screen.
NOTE: Supplier invoices for bills and expenses that are not tied to
purchase orders are entered in the AP – Supplier Invoices screen.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Purchasing Training Course
Segments: PO Invoices, PO Invoice Reversal, PO Closing, Returns
Why are invoices matched with POs?
The invoice/PO matching process serves two purposes.
• First, it provides a formal means of comparing the supplier invoice with your
PO to make sure that you were billed correctly.
• Secondly, whenever a line is closed (meaning that it is fully matched), and
discrepancy between PO line receipt costs and invoice costs is posted to your
RNI Adjustments account, which keeps your Received Not Invoiced account

List Tab
Previously created PO Invoices are listed on this screen in descending invoice
date order. You can view the detail behind any invoice by highlighting it and
clicking the Detail tab.
Upper Panel
Non-Paid Invoices
This checkbox is selected by default, which limits the list to PO invoices that
have not yet been paid through the AP – Payment Processing screen.
NOTE: Non-paid PO invoices can be reversed. Once an invoice has
been partially or fully paid, it cannot be reversed.
Partially Paid Invoices
Select this checkbox if you wish to expand the list to include PO invoices that
have been partially paid.
Fully Paid Invoices
Select this checkbox if you wish to expand the list to include PO invoices that
have been fully paid.

Operating Guide 643

9-6. PO Invoices

New Button
Click this button to create a new PO invoice. You are taken to the Detail tab,
which is cleared for new record entry.
Reverse Button
Click this button to reverse the highlighted PO invoice. This deletes the PO
invoice record and generates reversing entries in the General Ledger.
NOTE: You cannot reverse a PO invoice once it has been partially or fully

Detail Tab
You can enter a new PO invoice on this screen (by clicking New while on the List
tab) or you can view the details of an existing PO invoice record.

Upper Panel
Select the Supplier from the lookup. Once the Supplier is selected, all PO
lines that have been received but not yet invoiced are displayed in the lower
Invoice No
Enter the supplier invoice number.
Invoice Date
Enter the supplier invoice date, which is the date used for aging and payment
processing purposes.
PO Filter
You can select a PO from the lookup to limit the lines in the lower grid to
those belonging to that PO. The lookup lists all POs that have receipts that
have no yet been invoiced.

644 Operating Guide

9-6. PO Invoices

GL Post Date
The Invoice Date is used for aging and payment processing purposes,
whereas the GL Post Date, which defaults to today’s date, is the date used to
record the invoice liability in the General Ledger. Only the GL Post Date is
subject to the Financial Cutoff Date, so you are permitted to enter an Invoice
Date that falls within a closed period.
Net Amt
Enter the net invoice amount less tax and shipping.
NOTE: If you transact with this supplier in a foreign currency, enter this
amount in the foreign currency.
Net Amt – Matched
As each PO line gets matched in the lower grid, the Supp Price is added to
the total in this read-only field.
Enter the total tax amount in this field.
NOTE: If you transact with this supplier in a foreign currency, enter this
amount in the foreign currency.
Tax – Matched
As each PO line gets matched in the lower grid, the Tax Total is added to the
total in this read-only field.
Enter the total shipping charges in this field.
NOTE: If you transact with this supplier in a foreign currency, enter this
amount in the foreign currency.
Shipping – Matched
As each Shipping Charges line gets created (and automatically matched) in
the lower grid, the line’s Supp Price is added to the total in this read-only field.
Add Button
Click this button to simultaneously create and match a Shipping Charges
line in the grid below. You are presented with a screen with these entry
PO Number
When the invoice pertains to more than one PO, select the PO to
which this Shipping Charges line will be added.
Tax Code
You can accept the default or select the Tax Code that applies to this

Operating Guide 645

9-6. PO Invoices

Shipping Charges
This defaults to the amount in the Shipping field at left. You can lower
this amount, save this record, and add another shipping charges line to
a different PO, if you wish.
Shipping Tax
If the Tax Shipping option is selected against this Tax Code, tax is
calculated and displayed in this field.
Click this button to create and match the Shipping Charges line in the
grid below.
Invoice Total
This read-only field is the sum of the Net Amt, Tax, and Shipping values.
Pay Reference
The Invoice No is automatically inserted into this field and ultimately flows
through to the printed check stub when this invoice is paid. You can override
this with any text you wish.
Payment Terms
The default Supplier Terms code assigned to this supplier is selected by default.
You can make an alternate selection, if you wish.
Days, From Month End, Disc Days, Discount %
These read-only fields display the details associated with the selected
Supplier Terms code.
Due Date
The Due Date for invoice payment is automatically calculated according to the
Days and From Month End values associated with the Supplier Terms code.
You can manually override this date, if you wish.
This section is only visible if this supplier is assigned to a foreign currency. The
Currency code is displayed, for reference purposes. All amounts entered or
matched in this screen are to be done so in the foreign currency.
Lower Grid
The lower grid is used to match invoice prices and tax amounts to PO lines.
PO Receipts Section
PO receipt information is displayed in the left portion of the grid.
NOTE: Quantities and prices are displayed in the supplier’s unit of
measure and currency so that it corresponds with the information
presented on the supplier invoice.

646 Operating Guide

9-6. PO Invoices

This identifies the PO to which this line is associated.
Supplier Part No
For matching purposes, the supplier’s part number is displayed. If one
does not exist, the line’s Reference ID is displayed.
Supp Qty, UM
This is the quantity received but not yet invoiced for this PO line,
expressed in the supplier’s unit of measure.
Supp Price
This is the PO line’s unit Supplier Price.
Supplier Invoice Section
Supplier invoice related columns are displayed in the right portion of the grid
and correspond to the columns in the PO Receipts section to the left.
By default the Supp Qty and Supp Price fields have identical values in the
PO Receipts and Supplier Invoice sections. If the actual supplier invoice
has different values, change the quantity or price in the Supplier Invoice
section. If the Tax Total is not correct, change it. Once all the values in
the Supplier Invoice section agree with the actual invoice, select this
Matched Totals
When the Match checkbox is selected, the Net Amt – Matched field in
the upper panel is incremented by the Supp Qty multiplied by the Supp
Price. The Tax – Matched field is incremented by the line’s Tax Total.
Supp Qty
Change this amount if the quantity on the actual invoice differs from the
default value.
What if the invoice quantity is not correct?
If the supplier is billing you for a different quantity than you actually
received, you have two options:
• Your first option is to cancel invoice entry, contact the supplier, and
request a corrected invoice.
• Your second option is to enter the invoice as is and then request
the supplier to issue you a credit memo or additional billing to
correct for the quantity error.

Operating Guide 647

9-6. PO Invoices

Manually Closing a Line

When the receipt quantity on a PO line is fully matched with the invoice
quantity, the program automatically changes the line’s Line Status from
‘Open’ to ‘Closed’ when Update is clicked.
If the invoice quantity is less than the quantity received (perhaps
because the supplier sent you an overage amount at no charge), you
can close the line by going to the Purchase Orders screen and
manually changing the line’s Line Status to ‘Closed’.
Supp Price
Change this amount if the price on the actual invoice differs from the
default value.
NOTE: When you change the Supp Price, you are asked if you
wish to change the item’s Last Cost. We recommend that you do
so for accuracy purposes because the Last Cost is used as the
next PO Unit Cost when no record exists in the Purchase Prices
What if the invoice price is not correct?
If the supplier is billing you for an incorrect price, you have two options:
• Your first option is to cancel invoice entry, contact the supplier, and
request a corrected invoice.
• Your second option is to enter the invoice as is and then request
the supplier to issue you a credit memo or additional billing to
correct for the pricing error.
Updating purchase prices
If you maintain prices in the Purchase Prices – Items and Purchase
Prices – Descriptors screens and you change the Supp Price in this
screen, you can click the Links button to link to either of those screens
to change the supplier / line item price record.
Inventory and job cost adjustments
Be aware that when you change the Supp Price, the program does not
retroactively change inventory and job costs. Whatever the supplier
price was at the time of PO receipt is the cost that was used to update
inventory or job costs.
If a supplier price discrepancy is severe enough to warrant adjusting
costs, your potential remedies are as follows:
• In the case of inventory, you can click the Links button and link to
the Change Inventory Cost screen to change the item’s unit
Inventory Cost. Be aware, however, that there is no guarantee that
stock has not already been issued to jobs or shipped to customers

648 Operating Guide

9-6. PO Invoices

at the erroneous cost. If there is still stock on hand, its cost can be
• In the case of jobs, you can correct the cost of a job line item as
follows. Go to the Job Issues & Receipts screen and perform a
reverse issue by entering a negative issue quantity against the
item. Now that the item has been returned to stock, use the
Change Inventory Cost screen to change its unit Inventory Cost.
Now go back to the Job Issues & Receipts screen and issue the
item to the job once again at the new cost.
Links Button
Click this button to present a drop-down list, from which you can link to any of the
following screens. After closing the linked screen, you are returned to this screen
where you can resume invoice entry.
• Stock Items
• Descriptors
• Change Inventory Cost
• Purchase Prices – Items
• Purchase Prices – Descriptors
• Suppliers
Update Button
Click this button to create the PO invoice record. It only becomes an active
button when all three Matched fields have equal values their corresponding fields
at left (Net Amt, Tax, Shipping). Clicking this button does the following:
• A supplier invoice record is created. The invoice is listed in the Supplier
Invoices and Payment Processing screens.
• In regards to GL posting, matched invoice amounts are debited to Received
Not Invoiced, tax totals are debited to Purchase Tax, and shipping amounts
are debited to PO Shipping Cost. The offsetting credit entry is to Accounts
• If a PO line’s total invoiced quantity matches its order quantity, its Line Status
is changed from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’.
• When a PO line gets closed, the program compares total receipt costs with
total invoice costs and posts any difference to your RNI Adjustments account,
which keeps your Received Not Invoiced account balance accurate.
Credit Card Payment Prompt
If this invoice’s Payment Terms is specified as a ‘Credit Card’ type in the
Supplier Terms screen, you are prompted to record your payment.
If you click Yes to the prompt, the Payment Processing screen is presented.
The Payment Type, Bank Account, and Pay Amt fields are pre-filled. Click
the Pay button and your credit card payment will be processed.

Operating Guide 649

9-7. Purchase Prices – Items

9-7. Purchase Prices – Items

(Purch – Purchase Prices – Items)

Purchase prices can be established by supplier for specific stock items.

PO Pricing Hierarchy
When POs are automatically generated or manually entered, the Supplier Price
is determined by the following hierarchy:
• First, the program looks for a supplier price in the Purchase Prices – Items
screen. If a current supplier price is found, it is used as the Supplier Price
in the PO line.
• If a supplier price is not found, the item’s Last Cost is inserted into the PO
line’s Unit Cost field, which automatically updates the PO line’s Supplier
Price value.

Field Explanations

Select the supplier to which this price applies.
Item ID
Select the stock item to which this price applies.
Purchase Price
Enter the supplier’s price.
NOTE: During PO entry this price is multiplied by the Multiplier stored
against this item/supplier in the Sources tab of the Stock Items screen
to update the PO line’s Unit Cost. This accommodates situations
where the supplier sells in a different unit of measure than your
stocking unit of measure.
From Date
This is a mandatory entry field that defines the date when the supplier price
becomes effective. It is pre-filled with the system date but can be overridden
if desired.

650 Operating Guide

9-7. Purchase Prices – Items

Thru Date
This date establishes an expiration date for the supplier price. If an expiration
date is not applicable, leave this field blank.
You can enter freeform text for reference purposes on this screen.

Operating Guide 651

9-8. Purchase Prices – Descriptors

9-8. Purchase Prices – Descriptors

(Purch – Purchase Prices – Descriptors)

Purchase prices can be established by supplier for specific descriptors.

PO Pricing Hierarchy
When POs are automatically generated or manually entered, the Supplier Price
is determined by the following hierarchy:
• First, the program looks for a supplier price in the Purchase Prices –
Descriptors screen. If a current supplier price is found, it is used as the
Supplier Price in the PO line.
• If a supplier price is not found, the descriptor’s Estimated Cost is inserted
into the PO line’s Unit Cost field, which automatically updates the PO
line’s Supplier Price value.

Field Explanations

Select the supplier to which this price applies.
Select the descriptor to which this price applies.
Purchase Price
Enter the supplier’s price.
From Date
This is a mandatory entry field that defines the date when the supplier price
becomes effective. It is pre-filled with the system date but can be overridden
if desired.
Thru Date
This date establishes an expiration date for the supplier price. If an expiration
date is not applicable, leave this field blank.

652 Operating Guide

7-9. Purchasing Reports

9-9. Purchasing Reports

9-9A. PO Print / Reprint

(Purch – Reports – PO Print / Reprint)

Use this option to print a PO as an alternative to using the Print PO button on the
Purchase Orders screen.

9-9B. PO Listing
(Purch – Reports – PO Listing)

This report provides a listing of open or closed purchase orders in summary or

detail mode.

9-9C. PO Receipts
(Purch – Reports – PO Receipts)

This report provides a listing of purchase order receipts, broken out by purchase

9-9D. Received Not Invoiced

(Purch – Reports – Received Not Invoiced)

This report provides a listing of PO lines that have been received but not yet
matched with supplier invoices in the PO Invoices screen.
NOTE: The total value on this report should agree with the value of your
Received Not Invoiced account.

Operating Guide 653

7-9. Purchasing Reports

9-9E. Purchases by Item / Descriptor

(Purch – Reports – Purchases by Item / Descriptor)

This report provides a history of purchases within selected stock items and

9-9F. Purchases by Supplier

(Purch – Reports – Purchases by Supplier)

This report provides a history of purchases by selected suppliers.

654 Operating Guide

10. Notes (Notes & Documents)

10. Notes (Notes & Documents)

On the Notes menu you will find all screens and reports related to Activity Notes,
and the Documents Directory. Menu options are as follows:

Notes & Documents Setup
• Activity Note Types
• Activity Analysis Codes
• Document Groups
• Documents Directory Setup
Main Menu
• My Action List
• Activity Notes
• Action Report
• Documents Directory

Operating Guide 655

10-1. Activity Notes

10-1. Activity Notes

‘Activity notes’ provide a contact management capability whereby you can record
contact events and schedule follow-up events. Unlike contact managers, which
are usually confined to customers and prospects, you can also use activity notes
in relation to suppliers, jobs, items, and descriptors.

Activity Notes Setup

Activity Note Types
(Notes – Notes & Documents Setup – Activity Note Types)

Use this screen to create ‘activity note types’, which allow you to organize your
activity notes into meaningful categories for sorting and analysis purposes. For
example, SALES could be used for sales calls, OVERDUE could be used for
follow-up on overdue accounts, and PROJECT could be used for notes related to
internal projects.

Activity Analysis Codes

(Notes – Notes & Documents Setup – Activity Analysis Codes)

656 Operating Guide

10-1. Activity Notes

Use this screen to create ‘activity analysis codes’, which provide a further level of
categorization within activity note types. These codes can be used for analytical

Entering a new activity note

(Notes – Activity Notes Screen)

To enter a new activity note, go to the Activity Notes Screen and click the New
button, which starts a new line in the grid where you can enter the following
This field is used as a filter on the Activity Notes Action Report and lets you know
to which of the following the note is related:
• Job
• General (nothing specific)
• Customer
• Supplier
• Item
• Descriptor
Depending on the Source selection, this field is used for selection of the
particular customer, supplier, item, etc. If the Source is ‘General’, no lookup is
provided and you can enter any reference you wish.
Note Type
Note Types are user-defined in the Notes – Activity Notes Setup – Activity Note
Types screen. These enable you to organize your activity notes into meaningful
categories for sorting and analysis purposes. For example, SALES could be
used for sales calls, OVERDUE could be used for follow-up on overdue
accounts, and PROJECT could be used for notes related to internal projects.

Operating Guide 657

10-1. Activity Notes

Action Date
This is the date that follow-up action is to take place. This may be the date you
plan on making a sales or collection call, to check with a supplier on a delivery, to
see the status of an engineering change, etc.
This is a short description of the activity note that is a reference on screens and
This is the worker number of the person who is responsible for resolving
whatever tasks are associated with the activity note.
Creation Date
The date the activity note was first created. This lets you know how old the
activity note is.
You can click on the icon in this field to display a notepad within which you can
enter text to document the activity note.
An activity note can have a Status of ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’ or you can enter freeform
text to create your own status. The bottom panel of the screen contains
checkboxes that enable you to filter the screen list by ‘Open’, ‘Closed’, and
‘Other’ status. Freeform text status falls under the ‘Other’ category.
Analysis Code
This is a user-defined code created in the Notes – Activity Notes Setup – Activity
Analysis Codes screen, which provides a further level of categorization within
activity note types. These codes can be used for analytical purposes.
This field has no current use.

658 Operating Guide

10-1. Activity Notes

Accessing and creating notes from other screens

In each of the following screens, you can click the Notes button to see any open
activity notes for that particular source.
While in that screen, you can click the New button to create a new activity note.
The program will automatically populate the Source field with the associated
item, job, customer, supplier, etc.
• Customers
• Suppliers
• Jobs
• Sales Orders
• Stock Items
• Descriptors

Activity Notes Action Report

(Notes – Action Report)
Use this report to get a listing of activity notes, usually for follow-up purposes, but
it can also be used for historical reporting on closed activity notes.
You can limit the report to a range of action dates, to all status notes or just open
or closed notes, and you can selectively include notes from any or all note

Operating Guide 659

10-1. Activity Notes

My Action List
(Notes – My Action List)

In the Admin – User Setup screen, each user can be assigned to a Linked
Worker, which links that user to a worker record in the Jobs - Workers screen.
Each activity note is assigned to a worker number in the Responsible field.
When a user clicks on the My Action List, all open activity notes assigned to his
or her linked worker number are displayed on the screen. This provides a
convenient means for each user to quickly view his or her task list.

660 Operating Guide

10-2. Documents Directory

10-2. Documents Directory

The ‘Documents Directory’ provides a document management capability that lets
you organize and store company documents (policy manuals, technical guides,
drawings, contracts, etc.) on the file server with password-protected access
permissions for your personnel. The Documents Directory consists of the
following elements.
Document Groups
Each document will be assigned to a ‘document group’ set up in the Document
Group Setup screen, which enables you to organize documents into logical
categories for retrieval and security purposes.
Documents Directory
On the Documents Directory Entry screen, each document is assigned to a
document group and is given a path to its location on the central file server.
User Setup
On the Document Groups tab of the User Setup screen, each user is assigned to
appropriate document groups. This determines which groups will be visible to
the user on the Documents Directory screen.
Documents Directory Screen
The Documents Directory screen is where actual viewing of the documents takes
place. The user selects a document group, highlights a document, then clicks
the View button to view the document on the screen and print it out, if desired.

Document Group Setup

(Notes – Notes & Documents Setup – Document Group Setup)

Each Documents Directory document will be assigned to a ‘document group’ set

up in the Document Group Setup screen, which enables you to organize
documents into logical categories for retrieval and security purposes.

Operating Guide 661

10-2. Documents Directory

Each group of documents is given an up to 30-character Group ID and

accompanying Group Name.

Documents Directory Entry

(Admin – Documents Directory)

Each Documents Directory document will be assigned to a document group and

given a path to its location on this screen.
Select a Document Group to which this document will be assigned. Enter the
Description of the document that will be displayed within the Documents
Directory screen.
In the Doc Path field, enter the full path to the document’s location on the file
server. You can click the Browse button and navigate to the location.

662 Operating Guide

10-2. Documents Directory

Documents Directory Screen

(Notes – Documents Directory)

The ‘Documents Directory’ provides a document management capability that lets

you organize and store company documents (policy manuals, technical guides,
drawings, contracts, etc.) on the file server with password-protected access
permissions for your personnel.
Actual viewing of documents takes place on this screen. The user will see only
those documents groups to which he or she is assigned on the Document
Groups tab of the User Setup Screen.
To view a document, double click on a document group (identified with a ‘book’
icon), then highlight the document you wish to view and click the View button.
NOTE: The opening process uses the registered File Types identified in
‘Folder Options’ on the Control Panel of your PC to determine which program
to run to display the document. For example, a *.doc file runs Microsoft Word,
a *.pdf runs Acrobat Reader, etc.

Operating Guide 663

10-2. Documents Directory

664 Operating Guide

11. AR (Accounts Receivable)

11. AR (Accounts Receivable)

On the AR menu you will find all screens and reports related to Accounts
Receivable. Menu options include:

Accounts Receivable Setup
• Payment Types
Main Menu
• Customer Payments
• Customer Deposits
• Customer Statements
Data Views
• Customer Aging
• Payment Report
• Customer Transactions
• Customer Detail Aging
• Customer Summary Aging
• Customer Past Due Aging

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Receivable Training Course

Operating Guide 665

11-1. Accounts Receivable Setup

11-1. Accounts Receivable Setup

11-1A. AR Payment Types

(AR – Accounts Receivable Setup – AR Payment Types)

User-defined payment types are used to classify and control the processing of
customer payments. Whenever you receive a customer payment, you must
specify the payment type.

Field Explanations

Payment Type
Enter an up to 10-character code to identify the payment type on lookups and
You can enter an up to 50-character description to accompany the Payment
Type on lookups.
Four options are available:
Select this option for customer payments made by check.
Select this option for customer payments made by credit card.
Select this option for customer payments made by electronic file transfer.
Select this option for customer payments made by cash.

666 Operating Guide

11-2. Customer Payments

11-2. Customer Payments

(AR – Customer Payments)

This screen is used to enter customer payments against open invoices.

Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Receivable Training Course
Segments: Customer Payment, Over Payment, Payment Reversal
How are credit memos created?
Credit memos are sometimes needed to make adjustments to a customer’s
account. Credit memos are created in the Sales Orders screen by entering a
descriptor for a negative Price. You should set up a descriptor for each type of
credit memo transaction you need. When you generate the invoice from the
sales order, the negative amount converts it into a credit memo.
GL posting is handled through each descriptor’s Item Category, which can be
mapped to a specific GL account via the Sales – Exceptions tab in the Account
Assignments screen.
How are customer refunds processed?
In order to send a customer a cash refund, the customer must be set up as a
supplier and paid through Accounts Payable. See chapter 6A, RMA Processing,
for details on the steps involved in this process.

List Tab
Previous payments are listed on this screen, most recent Pay Date first. To view
the details of any payment, highlight the payment and click the Details tab.
New Button
Click this button to enter a new customer payment. You are taken to the
Details tab, which is cleared for new payment entry.
Reverse Button
Click this button to reverse a customer payment. After you confirm that you
wish to reverse the payment, you are asked “Is this an NSF check?” If you
are reversing the payment because the bank returned the check due to
insufficient funds, click Yes. If you are reversing the payment because you
made an error, click No.
NOTE: You cannot reverse a non-NSF payment if it is already
assigned to a deposit record in the Bank Deposits screen. You must
first go to that screen and reverse the bank deposit, then you can
return to this screen and reverse the customer payment.

Operating Guide 667

11-2. Customer Payments

• The original payment record is given a Status of ‘Reversed-NSF’ or
• A reversal payment record is created that is identical to the original
record except it has a negative amount. The reversal record is
assigned today’s date and is given a Status of ‘Reversal-NSF’ or
‘Reversal’. Reversing entries are posted to the general ledger.
• If this is an NSF reversal, the reversal payment record flows through to
the Account Reconciliation screen for matching to the bank statement.

Details Tab

Upper Panel
Select the Customer from the lookup. Once selection is made, the
customer’s open invoices display in the lower grid.
Payment Date
This defaults to today’s date, but you can make an alternate selection if you
Payment or Deposit
This radio button choice is only visible when unapplied deposits (created in
the Customer Deposits screen) exist against this customer. If you select
Deposit, the unapplied deposits for the customer display in a panel below the
Customer field. Highlight a deposit and enter the amount to be applied in the
field to the right. Click the Apply Deposit button and that amount is inserted
into the Payment Amount field. You can then apply that amount to specific
invoices in the lower grid.

668 Operating Guide

11-2. Customer Payments

Payment Type
Select the appropriate Payment Type from the lookup. This defaults to the
Customer Payment Type setting from the Admin – System Defaults screen.
Banking Account
Select the banking account to which the payment will be deposited. This
defaults to the Customer Payment Bank Account setting from the Admin –
System Defaults screen.
Pay Ref (Check No)
You must enter a reference to help identify this payment. If the customer is
paying by check, enter the check number in this field.
Balance Information
Payment Amount
Enter the total amount of the payment in this field.
This read-only amount gets updated each time entries are made in the
Amount to Pay, Discount, and Rounding fields in the lower grid.
Balance to be Matched
This read-only field displays the balance of the Payment Amount at left that
has not yet been matched with entries in the Amount to Pay column.
NOTE: Discounts and Rounding do not affect this amount.
Grid Columns
Invoice No, Invoice Date, Due Date
These read-only fields help you identify the invoices to which the payment is
to be applied.
Invoice Amount
This read-only field displays the original invoice amount.
Balance to Pay
This is the original invoice total less all previous payments that have been
made against this invoice.
Select this checkbox if you want to copy the Balance to Pay amount into the
Amount to Pay field.
Amount to Pay
Enter the portion of the actual Payment Amount that is to be applied towards
this invoice.
If the customer has taken a discount for early payment, enter the discount
amount in this field.

Operating Guide 669

11-2. Customer Payments

Writing off an invoice

If you wish to write off an invoice for non-payment, you have two options.
The easiest option is to enter the full amount of the invoice in the Discount
field. This will write off the invoice to your AR Discounts Taken account.
If you wish to write off the invoice to your Bad Debt Expense account, you
must create a credit memo by entering a sales order for a “bad debt”
descriptor with a negative Price equal to the value of the invoice. Once
you have created the credit memo, return to this screen. Enter a zero
Payment Amount and enter the full Amount to Pay against the invoice and
the credit memo, which applies one against the other.
Mapping the “bad debt” descriptor
The “bad debt” descriptor must post to your Bad Debt Expense
account, which is done through its Item Category. Create an Item
Category specifically for bad debt expense. The Item Category can
then be mapped to your Bad Debt Expense account via the Sales –
Exceptions sub-tab in the Account Assignments screen.
It is common for some payments to be a few cents off from the actual amount
owing, especially when discounts are calculated by different accounting
systems. In the Main Setup screen there is a Tolerance Value setting for
payment rounding. If the Balance to Pay less the Amount to Pay and
Discount values is within your tolerance value, the Rounding amount is
calculated and applied in order to close out this invoice.
Update Button
When you are finished distributing the Payment Amount and the Balance to be
Matched is zero, click this button to process the payment.

670 Operating Guide

11-3. Customer Deposits

11-3. Customer Deposits

(AR – Customer Deposits)

It is common in manufacturing environments for customers to make advance

payments, especially for custom or made to order products. You can enter a
customer deposit, link it to a sales order, reference it on the invoice, and
automatically apply the deposit to the invoice.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Receivable Training Course
Segments: Customer Deposit, Applying a Deposit, Reversing a Deposit,
Deposit Refund
Deposits are linked to sales orders
Each deposit is linked to a sales order so that is can be referenced and applied
to the invoice(s) that ultimately get generated from that sales order.
Applying deposits to invoices
There are two ways to apply the deposit to the invoice: automatically at time of
invoicing, or manually after invoice printing.
Applying deposits automatically
During invoice creation, the program checks to see if there are any
outstanding deposits entered against the sales order. If so, you are
presented with this message:
There is an existing deposit held against this Customer. Do you wish
to apply the deposit now?
If yes, the deposit will automatically be applied against the invoice, saving you
from having to do so manually. When you print the invoice, the Deposit
Amount and the Net Amt Due are both printed to the left of the invoice total.
Applying deposits manually
Deposits can be manually applied to invoices in the Customer Payments
screen. Refer to the previous chapter for details.

List Tab
Customer deposits that have not been fully applied to invoices are listed on this
screen by default. If you wish to view past deposits that have been fully applied,
select the Show All checkbox in the lower panel.
New Button
Click this button to create a new customer deposit transaction. You are taken
to the Detail tab, which is cleared for new entries.

Operating Guide 671

11-3. Customer Deposits

Reverse Button
Click this button to reverse a deposit. After you confirm that you wish to
reverse the deposit, you are asked “Is this an NSF check?” If you are
reversing the deposit because the bank returned the check due to insufficient
funds, click Yes. If you are reversing the deposit because you made an error,
click No.
NOTE: You cannot reverse a non-NSF deposit if it is already assigned
to a deposit record in the Bank Deposits screen. You must first go to
that screen and reverse the bank deposit, then you can return to this
screen and reverse the customer deposit.
• The original deposit record is flagged as ‘Reversed’ and a reversal
entry is posted to the general ledger.
• If this is an NSF reversal, the reversed deposit record flows through to
the Account Reconciliation screen for matching to the bank statement.
Refund Button
Click this button when you wish to refund all or a portion of the deposit in the
form of an AP payment. You are prompted to enter the amount to be
returned, followed by a prompt for the transaction date. You are then
presented with a screen that provides the following instructions:
Additional Steps
You must perform these additional steps in order to generate the refund
1. Set the customer up as a supplier in the Suppliers screen.
2. Create an invoice in the Supplier Invoices screen for the amount of
the refund.
NOTE: Make sure you charge this invoice to your AR Discounts
Taken account.
3. Select the supplier invoice for payment through the Payment
Processing screen in the normal fashion.
Report Button
You can print out the highlighted deposit by clicking this button. This report
could be given to the customer as a receipt record.

672 Operating Guide

11-3. Customer Deposits

Detail Tab

Deposit Detail
Deposit No
This is a sequential number assigned by the system that identifies the deposit
Deposit Date
This defaults to today’s date.
Select the customer from the lookup that submitted the deposit.
Payment Type
Select a Payment Type from the lookup.
Banking Account
Select a banking account to which the payment will be deposited.
Pay Ref (Check No)
You must enter a reference to help identify this payment. If the customer is
paying by check, enter the check number in this field.
Sales Order No
Select the sales order to which this deposit is linked. This is an optional field.
Original Deposit Amount
Enter the total amount of the deposit in this field.
Applied Amount
This read-only field displays the total amount of this deposit that has been
applied to invoices.
Returned Amount
This read-only field displays the total amount of this deposit that has been
returned to the customer via the Refund button.

Operating Guide 673

11-3. Customer Deposits

Deposit Notes
You can enter freeform notes for internal reference purposes.

674 Operating Guide

11-4. Customer Statements

11-4. Customer Statements

(AR – Customer Statements)

You can periodically send reminder statements to customers that list their open
invoices and remaining amounts due.
In the Customers screen you can select the Receives Statement checkbox to
control which customers are to receive statements or not.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Receivable Training Course
Segment: Customer Statement
Printing Statements
You can select a from/thru range of Customers if you wish to limit the statements
to one or a range of customers.

You can enter an Up to Date, which displays the customer’s account status on
the statement as of the date entered.
You can then select whether you want the invoices on the statement to be sorted
in Invoice No or Invoice Date order.
Before and after you print statements, you are asked:
Do you wish to mark fully paid invoices so they will not appear again?
If yes, all fully paid invoices will not display on future statements.

Operating Guide 675

11-5. AR Data Views

11-5. AR Data Views

(AR – Data Views)

The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to
filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and
reports. It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins”
and other complicated programming procedures.
AR Data Views
One data view is provided on the AR menu:
Customer Aging
Use this data view to list open invoices grouped by customer. Standard
layouts include:
• Customer Detail Aged by Invoice Date

Selection Screen

When you click on a data view menu option, you are first presented with a
selection screen that is similar to the selection screen used with reports. Use this
screen to filter and limit your data view.
View Button
Once your selections are completed, click the View button to advance to the
Select Layout screen.

676 Operating Guide

11-5. AR Data Views

Select Layout Screen

Next, you are presented with the Select Layout screen. Each layout is a
configuration of selected fields that are grouped and sorted to present a
particular data view. In a sense, each layout is a custom report.
Layout Type
Layouts with a Type of ‘System’ are standard layouts supplied with the system.
‘System’ layouts cannot be changed, but they can be modified and saved to
another layout name. Any layouts saved to a new name are identified as ‘User’
Default Layout
One layout is designated as the ‘Default’ layout, which is your most commonly
used data view. Assigning the default layout is done on the Layout List screen
(see further below). The default layout is always selected at the top of the list
when the Select Layout screen is presented.
Load Button
Click the Load button to generate the data view. Be aware that some data views
may take several minutes to generate, depending on the size of the data set and
the number of data fields involved. This is because each column in the data view
is individually indexed to enable column sorting.
Quick Load Button
If you click the Quick Load option, the columns are not indexed, which
significantly reduces data view generation time. So if you are generating a large
data set and you don’t need column sorting, use the Quick Load option.

Operating Guide 677

11-5. AR Data Views

Data View Screen

The data set and layout you selected is displayed in the Data View screen, which
is a grid that displays all the available fields and associated records.
Column Sorting
You can re-sort the data view by clicking on any of the column headings, which
will then sort the entire list by that column. Click the heading a second time and
the sort order will change from ascending to descending order or vice-versa.
You can create list groupings by dragging a column heading into the header
panel above the column headings. For example, if you drag a Customer Name
column heading into the header panel, the lines are then grouped by customer.
You can even have a group within a group. For example, you could drag a PO
No column heading into the header panel, which would form a PO number sub-
group within each customer.
+ - Buttons
These two buttons become visible at the top of the screen when you use the
grouping feature. Initially the groups are displayed in “collapsed” mode
without data rows being visible. Click the ‘+’ button to “expand” the view so
that the data rows become visible. Click the ‘-‘ button to collapse the view.
Column Footer Total
You can create a total amount at the footer of any column by right clicking on the
lower panel directly below the column. The following options are available:
This option is available on numeric columns only. It provides a grand total
of all the column values.

678 Operating Guide

11-5. AR Data Views

This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the lowest value
within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the highest value
within the column.
This gives you a count of the number of records within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. This gives you a mean
average of the values within the column.
Customize Button

The data view can be limited to just the columns you want by dragging unwanted
column headings off the screen. This is done using the Customize button, which
presents a box in the lower right corner of the screen. To remove a column, drag
its column heading and drop it into the box. Continue removing fields one by one
until you are left with the columns you want.
NOTE: Most data view layouts are supplied with optional column headings
already dragged into the Customize box. If you wish to use any of these
columns, drag the column heading out of the box and drop it onto the
column heading row in the desired position.
Output Button
Once the data on the screen are to your satisfaction, click the Output button to
transfer the data view into one of the following formats.
• Output to Excel
• Output to HTML
• Output to Text
• Output to Printer
Output to Excel, HTML, Text
When you select any of these options, you are prompted to save the file to a
name and location.

Operating Guide 679

11-5. AR Data Views

Output to Printer
When you select this option, a print preview screen is displayed. You can
click File – Page Setup to select various options that will change the report
appearance. When the format is to your satisfaction, click the Print button.
Layout List Button

Click this button to display the Layout List screen, which provides a listing of
available layouts.
Load Button
Click this button to generate a new data view for the selected layout.
Set as Default Button
Click this button to designate the selected layout as the ‘Default’ layout. The
default layout is always selected at the top of the list whenever the layout list
is presented.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected layout from the list.
NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘System’ type layout.
Save Layout Button

After customizing your data view, you can click this button to update an existing
layout or to save your changes to a new layout. Two options are presented:

680 Operating Guide

11-5. AR Data Views

Update Existing Layout

Select this option and click the Save button to save your customization
changes to the existing layout.
NOTE: This option is not available for ‘System’ layout types. To
customize a ‘System’ layout, you must save your changes to a new
layout name.
Create New Layout
Select this option to save your customization changes to a new layout name.
Enter the name in the Layout Name field and click the Save button.

Operating Guide 681

11-6. AR Reports

11-6. AR Reports

11-6A. Payment Report

(AR – Reports – Payment Report)

This report provides a listing of payment transactions grouped by Payment Type.

11-6B. Customer Transactions

(AR – Reports – Customer Transactions)

This report provides you with a listing of customer invoices and payments within
any date range.

11-6C. Customer Detail Aging

(AR – Reports – Customer Detail Aging)

This report provides a detailed listing of open invoices by customer and can be
run for any ‘as of’ date.

11-6D. Customer Summary Aging

(AR – Reports – Customer Summary Aging)

This report gives you a summarized total of receivables for each customer.

11-6E. Customer Past Due Aging

(AR – Reports – Customer Past Due Aging)

This report gives you a listing by customer of open invoice amounts that are past
due in relation to the payment terms due date.

682 Operating Guide

12. AP (Accounts Payable)

12. AP (Accounts Payable)

The AP menu is where you find all screens and reports related to Accounts
Payable. Menu options include:

Accounts Payable Setup
• Payment Types
Main Menu
• Supplier Invoices
• Recurring Invoices
• Payment Processing
• Payments Register
• Misc Credit Card Charges
• Credit Card Payment
Data Views
• Supplier Aging
• Payments Due
• Supplier Detail Aging
• Supplier Summary Aging
• Supplier Past Due Aging
• 1099 Tax Form

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Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Payable Training Course

Operating Guide 683

12-1. Accounts Payable Setup

12-1. Accounts Payable Setup

12-1A. AP Payment Types

(AP – Accounts Payable Setup – AP Payment Types)

User-defined payment types are used to classify and control the processing of
supplier payments. Whenever you make a supplier payment, you must specify
the payment type.

Field Explanations

Payment Type
Enter an up to 10-character code to identify the payment type on lookups and
You can enter an up to 50-character description to accompany the Payment
Type on lookups.
Three options are available:
Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by
printed check.
Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by
manual check.
Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by
electronic file transfer.
Select this option if this payment type’s transactions are to be paid by
credit card.

684 Operating Guide

12-2. Supplier Invoices

12-2. Supplier Invoices

(AP – Supplier Invoices)

This screen is used to enter supplier invoices that are not related to purchase
orders. Invoice amounts can be distributed across an unlimited number of GL
accounts. Invoices can be immediately paid from the screen (such as by manual
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Payable Training Course
Segments: Supplier Invoices, PO Invoices, Supplier Invoice Reversal,
Supplier Credit Memo

List Tab
Previously created supplier invoices are listed on this screen in descending
invoice date order. You can view the detail behind any invoice by highlighting it
and clicking the Detail tab.
PO invoices are included
Supplier invoices created in the PO Invoices screen are also included in the
list so that you get a complete listing of all invoices in one screen.
When you view the Detail tab on an invoice created in the PO Invoices
screen, you will notice that in the lower distribution grid there is no GL
Account column because PO-related invoices are matched to line items, not
to accounts.
Lower Panel
Non-Paid Invoices
This checkbox is selected by default, which limits the list to supplier invoices
that have not yet been paid through the AP – Payment Processing screen.
NOTE: Non-paid supplier invoices can be reversed. Once an invoice
has been partially or fully paid, it cannot be reversed.
Partially Paid Invoices
Select this checkbox if you wish to expand the list to include supplier invoices
that have been partially paid.
Fully Paid Invoices
Select this checkbox if you wish to expand the list to include supplier invoices
that have been fully paid.
New Button
Click this button to create a new supplier invoice. You are taken to the Detail tab,
which is cleared for new record entry.

Operating Guide 685

12-2. Supplier Invoices

NOTE: Make sure that the supplier invoice is not related to a PO. If it is,
enter it in the PO Invoices screen instead.
Edit Button
Click this button to change the due date on an existing supplier invoice. You are
taken to the Detail tab where you can change the Due Date, Payment Terms,
and Supplier Invoice Notes. Your changes are saved when you exit the tab.
NOTE: You cannot edit a supplier invoice once it has been partially or fully
Reverse Button
Click this button to reverse the highlighted supplier invoice. This deletes the
invoice record and generates reversing entries in the General Ledger.
NOTE: You cannot reverse a supplier invoice once it has been partially or
fully paid.
Pay Button
Click this button if you wish to pay the highlighted supplier invoice. You are
linked to the Payment Processing screen, where you will find this invoice
selected for payment.

Detail Tab
You can enter a new supplier invoice on this screen (by clicking New while on the
List tab) or you can view the details of an existing supplier invoice record.

General Information
Select the Supplier from the lookup.
Invoice No
Enter the supplier invoice number.

686 Operating Guide

12-2. Supplier Invoices

Invoice Date
Enter the supplier invoice date, which is the date used for aging and payment
processing purposes.
GL Post Date
The Invoice Date is used for aging and payment processing purposes,
whereas the GL Post Date, which defaults to today’s date, is the date used to
record the invoice liability in the General Ledger. Only the GL Post Date is
subject to the Financial Cutoff Date, so you are permitted to enter an Invoice
Date that falls within a closed period.
Pay Ref
If you leave this field blank, the invoice number will print on the check stub
when this invoice gets paid. If you enter text in this field, that text will print
instead of the invoice number.
Net Amt
Enter the net invoice amount less tax.
Tax Amt
The Tax Amt is automatically calculated based on the percentage rate
associated with the Tax Code, but you can override the amount, if needed.
Invoice Total
This read-only field is the sum of the Net Amt and Tax Amt.
Tax Code
This defaults to the Tax Code stored against this supplier. When there is no
Tax Code against the supplier, the system default Tax Code – Purchases is
Payment & Selection Amts
This section of the screen shows you the totals of your payments and entries in
the distribution grid.
Paid Amt, Discounts Taken
If you’ve made any payments against this supplier invoice, they are reflected
in these two fields.
Pay Hold Amt, Distribution Amt
These two fields reflect the totals of your entries in the distribution grid.
This field displays the difference between the Invoice Total in the header
panel and the Distributed Amt. You are not permitted to save the invoice until
this amount reaches zero.

Operating Guide 687

12-2. Supplier Invoices

Payment Terms
Payment Terms
The default Supplier Terms code assigned to this supplier is selected by
default. You can make an alternate selection, if you wish.
Due Date
The Due Date for invoice payment is automatically calculated according to the
Days and From Month End values associated with the Supplier Terms code.
You can manually override this date, if you wish.
Days, From End of Month, Discount %, Discount Days
These read-only fields display the details associated with the selected
Supplier Terms code.
Distribution Grid
The invoice amount is allocated to one or more GL accounts in the distribution
grid in the bottom portion of the screen. To make an entry, click the New button
to the right of the grid.
GL Account
If this supplier has a Default GL Account in its master record, that default
account will automatically display in this field. You can make an alternate
selection from the lookup, if you wish.
Bank & Credit Card Accounts
You are not allowed to select an account that is assigned as the Asset
account to a bank account or the Liability account to a credit card account.
If you wish to transfer funds from one bank account to another, use the
Bank Account Transfer screen. If you wish to make a payment against a
credit card, use the Credit Card Payment screen.
Net Amt
The program assumes that a single account distribution is being made and
automatically inserts the Net Amt from the upper panel into this field. You can
reduce this amount if you wish to distribute to multiple accounts.
Tax Amt
The program assumes that a single account distribution is being made and
automatically inserts the Tax Amt from the upper panel into this field. If you
change the Net Amt at left, this amount automatically changes based on the
percentage rate associated with the Tax Code in the upper panel.
Total Amt
This read-only field is the sum of the Net Amt and Tax Amt.
Pay Hold
If you do not wish for all or a portion of this invoice to be paid at this time
(perhaps because of a dispute with the supplier), you can select this

688 Operating Guide

12-2. Supplier Invoices

checkbox, which prevents this line’s amount from being selected and paid in
the Payment Processing screen.
You can enter a short note against this line for reference purposes on this
screen only.
Supplier Invoice Notes
You can enter freeform notes in this panel for reference on this screen only.
Click this button to save the supplier invoice and post the distribution amounts
to the general ledger.
Credit Card Payment Prompt
If this invoice’s Payment Terms is specified as a ‘Credit Card’ type in the
Supplier Terms screen, you are prompted to record your payment.
If you click Yes to the prompt, the Payment Processing screen is
presented. The Payment Type, Banking Account, and Pay Amt fields are
pre-filled. Click the Pay button and your credit card payment will be

Payments Tab
On the Payments tab are listed all payments made against the supplier invoice
currently highlighted on the List tab.

Operating Guide 689

12-3. Recurring Invoices

12-3. Recurring Invoices

(AP – Recurring Invoices)

Use this screen to enter and generate supplier invoices that have fixed, recurring
amounts, such as rent, loan payments, etc.
Periodically you will review your recurring invoices for transfer, which converts
them into actual supplier invoices. Most typically this will be done once a month.
Training Videos
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Segments: Recurring Invoice Transfer, Recurring Invoice Creation

Screen Details
The screen is divided into two panels. The upper panel displays all your
recurring invoices and is used to select and transfer them to actual supplier
invoices. The lower panel displays the details associated with each recurring

Upper Grid
All your recurring invoices are listed in the upper grid where they can be selected
for transfer, which converts them into actual invoices.
Invoice ID
This read-only field identifies the recurring invoice.
Next Pay Date
The Next Pay Date from the lower panel is displayed here for reference. This
is the next scheduled pay date for this recurring invoice.
Invoice No
Each time you transfer this invoice to an actual invoice, you must type in an
invoice number. If there is no invoice number provide by the supplier, type in
one of your own, perhaps using today’s date as the number.

690 Operating Guide

12-3. Recurring Invoices

Trans Amount
This is the Default Amount from the lower panel and is the amount that will be
transferred to the actual invoice. You can change this amount on any
particular transfer, if you wish.
Invoice Date
This is the invoice date that will be assigned to the supplier invoice that gets
created. By default, this is made equal to the Next Pay Date, but you can
change it, if you wish.
Select this checkbox against any recurring invoice you wish to transfer to an
actual supplier invoice.
This is the recurring invoice supplier.
Lower Panel
The recurring invoice details are entered and maintained in the lower panel.
Invoice ID
Enter a code that identifies the recurring invoice in the upper grid.
Enter an up to 50-character description to further identify the recurring
GL Account
Select an account from the lookup to which this recurring invoice is to be
Select the supplier associated with this recurring invoice.
Tax Code
This defaults to the Tax Code stored against this supplier. If one is not stored
against the supplier, the system default Purchase Tax Code is used.
From the drop-down list, select the interval at which this invoice is to be
generated. You have a choice of ‘Weekly’, ‘Monthly’, ‘Quarterly’, ‘Yearly’, and
NOTE: If you select ‘Other’, you must manually set the Next Pay Date
each time you transfer the invoice.
Default Amount
Enter the total amount of the invoice, including tax.

Operating Guide 691

12-3. Recurring Invoices

Last Transaction
Each time this invoice is transferred to an actual invoice, this date is
incremented by the Frequency interval. You can adjust this date if needed.
Next Pay Date
Each time this invoice is transferred to an actual invoice, this date is
incremented by adding the Frequency interval to the Last Transaction date.
NOTE: If you had selected a Frequency of ‘Other’, you must manually
set this date each time you transfer the invoice.
Recurring Invoice Notes
You can enter freeform notes for reference purposes on this screen only.
New Button
Click this button to create a new recurring invoice. The fields in the lower panel
are cleared for new entries.
Transfer Button
Click this button to transfer all recurring invoices in the upper grid that have the
Transfer checkbox selected. This converts them to actual supplier invoices
(which can be viewed in the Supplier Invoices screen) and increments the Last
Transaction and Next Pay Date fields in the lower panel.

692 Operating Guide

12-4. Payment Processing

12-4. Payment Processing

(AP – Payment Processing)

Use this screen to select supplier invoices or payment and to make payment
them by check or electronic transfer.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Payable Training Course
Segments: Payment Selection, Applying a Credit Memo, Check Printing, EFT
Payment, Manual Check
Upper Panel

Payment Date
This defaults to today’s date, but you can select another date if you wish.
Pay All with Due Dates thru
If you want to automatically select all invoices through a specific due date,
select a date in this field. The Pay field in the selection grid will be selected
for all invoices that fall within this date range. You can individually de-select
the Pay column for any exceptions.
Pay All within Discount Period
If you want to pay all invoices that are currently eligible for a discount
(meaning the discount due date has not yet expired), select this checkbox.
The Pay field in the selection grid will be selected for invoices that qualify for
Payment Type
You must a select a Payment Type to determine whether this batch of
payments is to be paid by check, credit card, etc.

Operating Guide 693

12-4. Payment Processing

Bank Account
Select the Bank Account from which this payment batch is to be paid.
Net Pay Total
This read-only field displays the total value all invoices selected for payment
in the selection grid.
Selection Grid
All open invoices with remaining unpaid amounts are displayed in the selection
Due Date
This is the date the invoice is due for payment.
Remaining Amt
This is the unpaid amount remaining against this invoice.
Select this checkbox to select an invoice for payment. The Remaining Amt is
transferred to the Pay Amt field and if the invoice is eligible for a discount, an
entry is made to the Discount Amt field.
Pay Amt
This is the total amount, including any discount amount that you intend to pay.
Reduce this amount if you wish to pay a portion of the Remaining Amt.
Discount Amt
This is the portion of the Pay Amt that will be taken for paying within the
Discount Days associated with this supplier’s payment terms. If you wish to
see the payment terms detail, click the Drill Down button to view the supplier
invoice record.
Net Pay Amt
This is the actual payment amount to be made, which is the Discount Amt
subtracted from the Pay Amt.
Supplier, Invoice No, Invoice Date
These read-only fields help you identify the invoice.
NOTE: If you wish to sort the screen by supplier, click the Supplier
column heading.
Pay Reference
You can enter a 25-character note internal reference purposes.
Pay Button
Click this button to pay the selected invoices. You are presented with the
Payment Preview screen.
Payment Preview Screen

694 Operating Guide

12-4. Payment Processing

This screen displays all the invoices selected and their payment amounts and
gives you a chance to review them before continuing with payment

Payment Type Method

This field displays the method of payment associated with this Payment
• ‘PRINT’ means that you are paying by check.
• ‘MANUAL’ means that you will write a manual check.
• ‘FILE’ means that you are paying by electronic file transfer.
If you wish to exclude a selected invoice from the payment group, select
its Reverse checkbox.
Register Button
Click this to print a Check Register List, which is a listing of the invoices
selected for payment.
Print Checks Button
This button is visible when the Payment Type Method is ‘PRINT’. You are
presented with the Pay Date & Starting Check No screen.
Pay Date & Starting Check No Screen

Operating Guide 695

12-4. Payment Processing

Check Print Date

This defaults to the Payment Date that was selected on the main
screen. You can change it here, if you wish. This will be the GL
posting date of the payment transactions.
Starting Check No
You can change the Starting Check No if needed, which defaults to
the next check number stored against the Bank Account.
Click this button to continue. You are next presented with the Print
Checks screen.
Print Checks Screen
This screen provides a preview of the check run. It displays each
Check No, the Supplier, and the Payment Amt.

Print Checks Button

Click this button to print the checks. After checks are printed, you
are presented with the Check Posting screen.
Check Printing Formats
Several check printing formats are available and can be
modified to fit your forms. The check format is stored against
the Bank Account in the Bank – Banking Setup – Bank
Accounts screen.
Check Posting Screen
When the checks are finished printing, you are presented with the
Check Posting Screen.

696 Operating Guide

12-4. Payment Processing

If any of the checks did not print properly, you can clear its Post?
checkbox and the check will be excluded from posting and can be
selected and printed once again.
Post Checks Button
The final step is to click this button, which posts the transactions to
the General Ledger. A debit is made to Accounts Payable and a
credit made to the bank account’s Asset account.
Pay Button
This button is visible when the Payment Type Method is ‘MANUAL’ or
‘FILE’. You are presented with the Process Payments screen.
Process Payments Screen
This screen displays a final view of the payment details.

Operating Guide 697

12-4. Payment Processing

Pay Button
Click this item and the supplier invoices will be paid. A debit will be
made to Accounts Payable and a credit made to the bank account’s
Asset account.

698 Operating Guide

12-5. Payments Register

12-5. Payments Register

(AP – Payments Register)

All past supplier payments are listed in the Payments Register screen, which
includes a void payment capability.
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Segments: Payment Register, Void Payment

Screen Details

List Options
Pay Dates
You can limit the list to payments made within a specified date range.

Bank Account
By default, payments made from all bank accounts are listed. You can limit
the list by selecting a Bank Account from the lookup.

Refresh List Button

If you made selections in the Pay Dates or Bank Account fields, click this
button to apply those selections to the list below.
Upper Panel – Right Portion
Transaction date for voided items
If you will be voiding any payments, this is the posting date of the void
transaction. This defaults to today’s date, but you can make an alternate
selection if you wish.

Operating Guide 699

12-5. Payments Register

Grid Columns
You can change the sort order of the screen by clicking on any of the column
headings. This enables you to sort payment records by Pay Date, Check No,
Supplier, or Bank Account.
Select this checkbox if you wish to void a payment.
NOTE: You cannot void a payment that has been reconciled through
the Bank Reconciliation screen. If the payment has not yet been
reconciled, ‘No’ is displayed in the Reconciled column.
The text ‘Void’ is displayed against any payment that has been voided.
If the payment has not yet been reconciled, ‘No’ is displayed in this field.
Post Voids Button
Click this button to void all payments that have the Void checkbox selected. This
will create a GL reversal posting transaction, deletes the payment record, and
restores all or a portion of the supplier invoice record to unpaid status.

700 Operating Guide

12-6. Misc Credit Card Charges

12-6. Misc Credit Card Charges

(AP – Misc Credit Card Charges)

Use this screen to enter miscellaneous credit card charges such as meals,
entertainment, and travel expenses. These expenses are posted to the general
ledger and flow through to the Account Reconciliation screen for matching with
your credit card statement.
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Segments: Credit Card Charges

List Tab
Grid Contents
Each batch of credit card entries are listed on this tab, with the most recent batch
listed first.
Click this button to enter a new batch of credit card entries. You are swapped
to the Detail tab, which is cleared for data entry.
Click this button to reverse a batch. This creates reversal GL transactions
using today’s date as the posting date.

Operating Guide 701

12-6. Misc Credit Card Charges

Detail Tab

Upper Panel
Credit Card Account
Select the credit card account to which the charges were made. The lookup
is limited to ‘Credit Card’ bank account types.
This identifies the credit card batch on the List tab.
This read-only field is automatically update by the program and has the
following values:
This value is displayed while entering a new credit card batch.
This value is displayed once the credit card batch has been updated.
This value is displayed after the credit card batch has been reversed.
Total Charges
This read-only field is a running total of the credit amounts entered in the grid
Post Date
This is the general ledger posting date for this credit card charge. It should
be the actual date the credit card charge was made.
GL Account
Select the general ledger account associated with this credit card charge.

702 Operating Guide

12-6. Misc Credit Card Charges

The general ledger account description displays in this field for reference
Enter the name of the business associated with this credit card charge. This
flows through to the Account Reconciliation screen for matching with your
credit card statement.
Enter the amount of the credit card charge in this field.
Click this button to save the batch. Each charge amount is posted to the
general ledger as a debit to the specified account and a credit to your credit
card account.

Operating Guide 703

12-7. Credit Card Payment

12-7. Credit Card Payment

(AP – Credit Card Payment)

Use this screen to make a payment against any of your credit card accounts.
You have the option of making the actual payment now or creating a payable to
be paid later through the Payment Processing screen.
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Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Payable Training Course
Segments: Credit Card Payment

Screen Details

Field Explanations
Select the general ledger posting date, which defaults to today’s date.
Payment Amt
Enter the amount you wish to pay in this field.
From Bank Account
Select the bank account from which you wish to make this payment. The
lookup is limited to ‘Bank Account’ banking account types.
To Credit Card Account
Select the credit card account against which you wish to make a payment.
The lookup is limited to ‘Credit Card’ banking account types.

704 Operating Guide

12-7. Credit Card Payment

Pay Ref
This is a short reference that prints on the check stub and flows through to the
Account Reconciliation screen.
Click this button to process the payment. You are asked if you wish to make
payment now or later through the Payment Processing screen.
Immediate Payment
If you choose to pay immediately, the program creates a supplier invoice
against the supplier associated with this credit card account. You are then
presented with the Payment Processing screen, with this invoice selected for
payment from the bank account designated in this screen. Click the Pay
button to process the payment.
Pay Later
If you choose to pay later, the program creates a supplier invoice against the
supplier associated with this credit card account. The screen closes
automatically. You can then pay the invoice at a later time using the Payment
Processing screen.
NOTE: When you choose to pay later, the supplier invoice flows
through to the Account Reconciliation screen against your credit card
account as if it were an actual payment, even though it will be paid at a
later date. So be aware that the payment date on the reconciliation
screen will differ from the actual payment date on the credit card

Operating Guide 705

12-8. AP Data Views

12-8. AP Data Views

(AP – Data Views)

The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to
filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and
reports. It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins”
and other complicated programming procedures.
AP Data Views
One data view is provided on the AP menu:
Supplier Aging
Use this data view to list open invoices grouped by supplier. Standard
layouts include:
• Supplier Detail Aged by Invoice Date

Selection Screen

When you click on a data view menu option, you are first presented with a
selection screen that is similar to the selection screen used with reports. Use this
screen to filter and limit your data view.
View Button
Once your selections are completed, click the View button to advance to the
Select Layout screen.

706 Operating Guide

12-6. AP Data Views

Select Layout Screen

Next, you are presented with the Select Layout screen. Each layout is a
configuration of selected fields that are grouped and sorted to present a
particular data view. In a sense, each layout is a custom report.
Layout Type
Layouts with a Type of ‘System’ are standard layouts supplied with the system.
‘System’ layouts cannot be changed, but they can be modified and saved to
another layout name. Any layouts saved to a new name are identified as ‘User’
Default Layout
One layout is designated as the ‘Default’ layout, which is your most commonly
used data view. Assigning the default layout is done on the Layout List screen
(see further below). The default layout is always selected at the top of the list
when the Select Layout screen is presented.
Load Button
Click the Load button to generate the data view. Be aware that some data views
may take several minutes to generate, depending on the size of the data set and
the number of data fields involved. This is because each column in the data view
is individually indexed to enable column sorting.
Quick Load Button
If you click the Quick Load option, the columns are not indexed, which
significantly reduces data view generation time. So if you are generating a large
data set and you don’t need column sorting, use the Quick Load option.

Operating Guide 707

12-8. AP Data Views

Data View Screen

The data set and layout you selected is displayed in the Data View screen, which
is a grid that displays all the available fields and associated records.
Column Sorting
You can re-sort the data view by clicking on any of the column headings, which
will then sort the entire list by that column. Click the heading a second time and
the sort order will change from ascending to descending order or vice-versa.
You can create list groupings by dragging a column heading into the header
panel above the column headings. For example, if you drag a Supplier Name
column heading into the header panel, the lines are then grouped by supplier.
+ - Buttons
These two buttons become visible at the top of the screen when you use the
grouping feature. Initially the groups are displayed in “collapsed” mode
without data rows being visible. Click the ‘+’ button to “expand” the view so
that the data rows become visible. Click the ‘-‘ button to collapse the view.
Column Footer Total
You can create a total amount at the footer of any column by right clicking on the
lower panel directly below the column. The following options are available:
This option is available on numeric columns only. It provides a grand total
of all the column values.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the lowest value
within the column.

708 Operating Guide

12-6. AP Data Views

This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the highest value
within the column.
This gives you a count of the number of records within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. This gives you a mean
average of the values within the column.
Customize Button

The data view can be limited to just the columns you want by dragging unwanted
column headings off the screen. This is done using the Customize button, which
presents a box in the lower right corner of the screen. To remove a column, drag
its column heading and drop it into the box. Continue removing fields one by one
until you are left with the columns you want.
NOTE: Most data view layouts are supplied with optional column headings
already dragged into the Customize box. If you wish to use any of these
columns, drag the column heading out of the box and drop it onto the
column heading row in the desired position.
Output Button
Once the data on the screen are to your satisfaction, click the Output button to
transfer the data view into one of the following formats.
• Output to Excel
• Output to HTML
• Output to Text
• Output to Printer
Output to Excel, HTML, Text
When you select any of these options, you are prompted to save the file to a
name and location.

Operating Guide 709

12-8. AP Data Views

Output to Printer
When you select this option, a print preview screen is displayed. You can
click File – Page Setup to select various options that will change the report
appearance. When the format is to your satisfaction, click the Print button.
Layout List Button

Click this button to display the Layout List screen, which provides a listing of
available layouts.
Load Button
Click this button to generate a new data view for the selected layout.
Set as Default Button
Click this button to designate the selected layout as the ‘Default’ layout. The
default layout is always selected at the top of the list whenever the layout list
is presented.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected layout from the list.
NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘System’ type layout.
Save Layout Button

After customizing your data view, you can click this button to update an existing
layout or to save your changes to a new layout. Two options are presented:

710 Operating Guide

12-6. AP Data Views

Update Existing Layout

Select this option and click the Save button to save your customization
changes to the existing layout.
NOTE: This option is not available for ‘System’ layout types. To
customize a ‘System’ layout, you must save your changes to a new
layout name.
Create New Layout
Select this option to save your customization changes to a new layout name.
Enter the name in the Layout Name field and click the Save button.

Operating Guide 711

12-9. AP Reports

12-9. AP Reports

12-9A. Payments Due

(AP – Reports – Payments Due)

This report provides a listing of payments due by a specified Due Date.

12-9B. Supplier Detail Aging

(AP – Reports – Supplier Detail Aging)

This report provides a detailed listing of open invoices by supplier and can be run
for any ‘as of’ date.

12-9C. Supplier Summary Aging

(AP – Reports – Supplier Summary Aging)

This report gives you a summarized total of receivables for each supplier.

12-9D. Supplier Past Due Aging

(AP – Reports – Supplier Past Due Aging)

This report gives you a listing by supplier of open invoice amounts that are past
due in relation to the payment terms due date.

12-9E. 1099 Tax Form

(AP – Reports – 1099 Tax Form)

The 1099 Tax Form is for USA tax reporting and primarily applies to suppliers
who are independent contractors. You can print this form for any supplier that
has the Print 1099 checkbox selected on the Tax / Financial sub-tab on the Detail
tab of the Suppliers screen.
On the selection screen, the Fed ID# field value defaults to your Tax ID Number
setting from the Tax Defaults screen.

712 Operating Guide

13. GL (General Ledger)

13. GL (General Ledger)

The GL menu is where you find all screens and reports related to the General
Ledger. Menu options include:

General Ledger Setup
• Accounting Periods
• Account Classes & Groups
• Chart of Accounts
• Account Assignments
• Budget Names
• Currency Table
• COA Conversion
• Clear Account Balances
Main Menu
• Journal Entry
• Payroll Import
• Financial Cutoff Date
• Batch Posting
• Batch History
• GL Spreadsheet Generator
• Journal Report
• Transaction Listing
• Absorbed Mfg Costs
• Trial Balance
• Income Statement
• Balance Sheet

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course

Operating Guide 713

13-1A. Accounting Periods

13-1. General Ledger Setup

13-1A. Accounting Periods
(GL – General Ledger Setup – Accounting Periods)

Use this screen to define your accounting periods.

Most companies use 12 monthly periods. You can, however, define as many as
99 periods within a fiscal year, which allows for 13 periods, 4-4-5 week periods,
or other such schemes.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–Setup – General Ledger Setup
Segment: Accounting Periods
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Accounting Periods

Screen Details

No. of periods per year

This number sets a limit to the number of periods that can be created within
one fiscal year through clicks of the New button. The default setting is ‘12’.
Period No
This number starts at ‘01’ within each fiscal year and is automatically
incremented by ‘1’ each time you click the New button. Once this number
equals the No. of periods per year value, it starts back at ‘01’ again.
NOTE: Start this at ‘01’ even if you are mid-way through the current
fiscal year. In other words, define the entire year and not just a portion
of it.

714 Operating Guide

13-1A. Accounting Periods

Fiscal Year
When creating the first record, select your current Fiscal Year from the
lookup. Each time you click the New button the Fiscal Year value will be
repeated until the Period No changes back to ‘01’, at which point it will
automatically advance to your next fiscal year.
Start Date
On the first record, select the Start Date of the first period in your current
fiscal year. Each time you click the New button, this date will advance to the
first day of the next calendar month, which you can override if your periods
are not based on months.
End Date
On the first record, select the End Date of the first period in your current fiscal
year. Each time you click the New button, this date will advance to the last
day of the next calendar month, which you can override if your periods are not
based on months.
This is an optional setting. When you select this checkbox, the Batch Posting
screen will not post any further transactions to this period. In order to post
those transactions, you must return to this screen and clear this checkbox.
Post the transactions, reprint financial statements for the closed period, then
return to this screen and select this checkbox once again.
NOTE: We recommend that you leave this checkbox cleared and use
the Financial Cutoff Date screen to prevent posting to a closed period.
Period ID
This read-only field is assigned by the program and is a combination of the
Fiscal Year and Period No. This identifies the period in lookups, screens, and
New Button
Click this button to create the next sequential period. Each time you click this
button, the program automatically increments the Period No, Fiscal Year,
Start Date, and End Date. If your periods are based on months, you can click
this button multiple times in succession to quickly generate period records.
Create periods for several years in advance
We recommend that you create periods for the current fiscal year and at
least four additional fiscal years into the future.

Operating Guide 715

13-1B. Account Classes & Groups

13-1B. Account Classes & Groups

(GL – General Ledger Setup – Account Classes & Groups)

This screen is used to define Account Classes and Account Groups that are used
to classify and group accounts on financial statements.
Account Types
Account Types are not user-defined. These are the six classic account types
used by all accounting systems; Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, Cost of
Sales, and Expenses.
Account Classes
Within each Account Type you can define one or more Account Classes.
Account Classes are broad classifications of Account Groups (see next) such as
‘Current Assets’ and ‘Long-Term Assets’.
Account Groups
Within each Account Class you can define one or more Account Groups. Each
Account Group is a set of related GL accounts. ‘Cash’, ‘Receivables’, and
‘Inventory’ are examples of Account Groups.
If you use the standard chart of accounts:
We recommend that you use the standard chart of accounts that is supplied with
the system and adapt your existing accounts accordingly. If you use the
standard chart of accounts, you should also use the Account Classes & Groups
that are supplied with the system.

Account Types Tab

This field determines the printing sort order on financial statements.

716 Operating Guide

13-1B. Account Classes & Groups

Account Type
This read-only field displays the six classic account types used by all
accounting systems; Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, Cost of Sales, and
Title on Statements
Enter the title for each Account Type that is to print on financial statements.

Account Classes & Groups Tab

Account Type
The Account Type that was selected on the Account Types tab is presented in
the upper panel for your reference.
Account Classes
In this grid you can create multiple Account Classes within the Account Type
specified in the upper panel.
This field determines the printing sort order on financial statements within this
Account Type.
Account Class
This field identifies the Account Class and is the title that prints on financial
Groups for Class:
In this grid you can create multiple Account Groups within the Account Class
highlighted in the grid to the left.
This field determines the printing sort order on financial statements within this
Account Class.
Account Group
This field identifies the Account Group and is the title that prints on financial

Operating Guide 717

13-1B. Account Classes & Groups

New Button
Click this button to create a new Account Class or Account Group. You are
presented with a drop-down list from which you select ‘New Class’ or ‘New
Delete Button
Click this button to delete an Account Class or Account Group. You are
presented with a drop-down list from which you select ‘Delete Class’ or ‘Delete

718 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

(GL – General Ledger Setup – Chart of Accounts)

DBA is supplied with a standard chart of accounts that is optimized for a

manufacturing company and for the DBA system.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–Setup – General Ledger Setup
Segments: Standard Chart of Accounts, Chart of Accounts Merge
Merge your accounts into DBA’s
If you are coming from a general accounting software package, it is extremely
unlikely that your current chart of accounts is suitable for use with DBA. Instead
of trying to modify your chart of accounts, we recommend that you start with the
DBA chart of accounts and merge your accounts into it.
Merging into the DBA chart of accounts will not only save you hours and hours of
trial and error, but it will insure that your General Ledger is set up correctly from
day one. See Merging Your Accounts later in this chapter for details.

Operating Guide 719

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

List Tab

When this checkbox is selected, it means that this account is designated as a
default posting account in the Account Assignments screen.
Click this button to create a new account, which swaps you to the Detail tab
and clears the screen for data entry.
Click this button to change an existing account code to a new code. You are
presented with this screen:

In the Account field, enter the new code, then click OK. All account balances,
past transactions, and Account Assignments settings will be changed to the

720 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

new code and the old code will be deleted from the chart of accounts. The
Account Type, Account Class, and Account Group will remain unchanged.
CAUTION: Be aware that changing account codes will alter the
appearance of past financial statements, which will now list different
account codes that are possibly in a different sort order than those on
the original versions. Before you change account codes, we advise
you to consult with your CPA to verify that changing account codes is
not in conflict with acceptable accounting practices.
Click this button to merge an existing account into another account. Merging
is used for simplification purposes when you wish to combine multiple
accounts into fewer accounts. You are presented with this screen:

In the Account field, use the lookup to select the target account to which this
account is to be merged, then click OK. All account balances, past
transactions, and Account Assignments settings will be changed to the target
account and the old account will be deleted from the chart of accounts.
CAUTION: Be aware that merging accounts will alter past financial
statements, which will now be less detailed than the original versions.
Also be aware that if you merge an account into an account of a
different Account Type, you may be altering past financial results.
Before you merge accounts, we advise you to consult with your CPA to
verify that merging accounts is not in conflict with acceptable
accounting practices.
Click this button to delete an account.
NOTE: You are only allowed to delete an account if it has no past
transactions and it is not currently used as a default in the Account
Assignments screen (as indicated when the AA checkbox is selected).

Operating Guide 721

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Mfg X-Refs
This button is only visible when you are using the Financial Transfer utility in
conjunction with an outside accounting system. You are presented with this

In your outside system’s chart of accounts, create an Absorbed Mfg Costs

account. Designate it as an Expense account and locate it among your
operating expenses.
Here in this screen, enter your outside system’s Absorbed Mfg Costs account
in the Set X-Ref Account for the above GL Accounts to: field in the lower
panel. This populates the X-Ref Account field against all the following
12200 Picked Not Invoiced
20200 Received Not Invoiced
51100 Accrued Service Labor
52200 Accrued Misc Sales Cost
52500 PO Shipping Cost
53100 Adjustments – Inventory
53300 Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced
53400 Adjustments – WIP
54000 Absorbed Labor
55000 Absorbed Subcontract Cost
56000 Absorbed Misc Job Cost
57000 Absorbed Factory Overhead
61360 Misc Purchases
61480 Purchase Tax

722 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

How it Works
The Absorbed Mfg Costs account is a “catch all” account that consolidates
all the DBA accounts listed above into one account in your outside
system. At period end this account will have a credit balance that roughly
offsets your actual direct labor and factory overhead costs. This serves to
absorb those costs into your inventory.
Absorbed Mfg Costs Report
To get a breakout of your Absorbed Mfg Costs account by the DBA
accounts that comprise it, run the Absorbed Mfg Costs report, which is
located on the General Ledger – Reports menu.
Lower Panel
Account Type Filters
By default, the ‘ALL’ option is selected, in which case the list displays all
account types. Select any of the other options to limit the list to a particular
account type (Asset, Liability, Equity, Income, Cost of Sales, Expense).
Search for the following text:
You can limit the list by typing in a text string and clicking the Refresh button.
The list is limited to account descriptions that contain that text string.

Operating Guide 723

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Detail Tab
GL accounts are created or edited on this tab.

GL Account
This is the number that is the primary identifier for the account.
Enter an up to 50-character description that accompanies the GL Account on
lookups, screens, and financial statements.
X-Ref Account
This field has two purposes, depending on your accounting configuration.
DBA Financial Modules
If you are using the DBA financial modules, when you merge your old
chart of accounts into the DBA standard chart of accounts, (see Merging
Your Accounts further below), this field is used to store the account code,
for reference purposes only.
Financial Transfer
When you use the Financial Transfer utility in conjunction with an outside
accounting system, this field is used to identify this account’s
corresponding account in your outside system’s chart of accounts. It is
included in the transfer output file for importing into your outside system.
Account Type
The lookup in this field is used to select an Account Type – Account Class –
Account Group combination. Account Type values are: Assets, Liabilities,
Equity, Income, Cost of Sales, and Expenses.
Account Class
The Account Class is a sub-classification within the Account Type and is
created in the Account Classes & Groups screen.
Account Group
The Account Group is a sub-classification within the Account Class and is
created in the Account Classes & Groups screen.

724 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

This field is used to enter freeform notes against this account, for reference
on this screen only.

Budget Tab
One or more budgets for this account can be entered on this tab. Budget
amounts can be compared actual amounts using the GL Spreadsheet Generator.

Screen Details
Budget Name
Select a budget name from the lookup. You can enter budget amounts
against multiple budgets in this screen. Budget names are created in the
GL – General Ledger Setup – Budget Names screen.
Period ID
Select the accounting period from the lookup to which this budget amount
Enter this period’s budget amount in this field.
New Button
Click this button to create a new budget record. To facilitate entering a
budget for an entire year’s accounting periods, the program automatically
repeats the previous record’s Budget Name and Amount and increments
the Period ID by one period.

Operating Guide 725

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Transactions Tab
GL transactions are listed on this tab in descending transaction date order.

726 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Merging Your Accounts

If you are using the Financial Transfer utility in conjunction with an outside
accounting system, you can skip this section.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – General Ledger Setup
Segment: Chart of Accounts Merge
Review the Chart of Accounts Specifications first
Before you begin merging any accounts, study the Chart of Accounts
Specifications later in this chapter to gain a familiarity with the standard chart of
accounts and understanding as to why it is constructed the way it is.
Perform the following steps with each account in your old system’s chart of
1. Look for a matching account in DBA
Look through the DBA chart of accounts and see if you can find a matching
account that corresponds to your old account code.
2. If a matching account is found, enter the X-Ref Account
If you find a matching account in DBA, enter your old system’s account code in
the X-Ref Account field in the Chart of Accounts screen. The X-Ref Account is
used as a reference to help you transition to the new chart of accounts and it
is available in lookups to help find an account.
When applicable, modify the account Description to make it more meaningful
to your company.
3. If a matching account is not found, create a new account
If you cannot find a matching account, create a new account in the Chart of
Accounts screen. When you create a new account, follow these guidelines:
New Account Creation
Find the appropriate Account Group
Look through the chart of accounts and locate the appropriate Account
Group within which the new account should be located.
Determine an account number
Once you’ve located the Account Group, select an open account number
within the group’s range of available numbers.
Create the account
Once you’ve determined an open account number, click the New button
and create the account. From the Type field’s lookup, select the

Operating Guide 727

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

appropriate Type – Account Class – Account Group combination that

classifies this account.
4. Continue until all accounts are matched
Continue this process until all the accounts in your old system are matched to
a corresponding account in DBA, adding new accounts where required.

Chart of Accounts Specifications

Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – General Ledger Setup
Segment: Standard Chart of Accounts


Current Assets
All Account Groups associated with cash or assets that can be converted to cash
within one calendar year are assigned to the ‘Current Assets’ Account Class.
All accounts associated with cash on hand are assigned to the ‘Cash’
Account Group.
• Accounts 10100 – 10400 are sample bank accounts. Add, delete, or
modify these accounts to match the accounts you set up in the Bank
Accounts screen.
• Account 10500, Merchant Account – Credit Cards, represents the
merchant account to which credit card payments from customers are
NOTE: Credit cards that you use for purchases are set up as bank
accounts, but do not assign them to Asset accounts. Instead,
assign them to Liability accounts.
• Account 10700, Undeposited Funds, represents money received but not
yet deposited in a bank account. You may not have any need for this
All accounts associated with amounts due from customers for open account
invoices are assigned to the ‘Receivables’ Account Group.
• Account 11100, AR – Tax Portion, is only needed if you are in a country
where the tax portion of receivables needs to be separately tracked. If
you are in the USA, you can delete this account.

728 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

• Account 11500, Deposits – Purchases, refers to deposits that you have

made in advance of purchasing some item or service. Do not confuse this
with account 23100, Customer Deposits, which are deposits given to you
by customers as pre-payments for jobs.
All accounts associated with the value of inventory and jobs in process are
assigned to the ‘Inventory’ Account Group.
• The value of all stock on hand is represented by the 12000, Inventory
account. Breakdowns by item category or location are achieved outside
the GL through the Inventory Value report.
Why one Inventory account?
In our experience, multiple inventory accounts (by location, item
category, purchase or manufactured, finished or semi-finished, raw
material or components, etc.) vastly complicate item setup and
inventory account reconciliation and would be in conflict with our
“alternative to over-complicated ERP systems” philosophy.
A single Inventory account is sufficient for balance sheet purposes.
Detailed inventory value analysis is better achieved outside the GL via
the Inventory Value report, which serves as a “sub-ledger” to your
Inventory account. Instead of being limited to one valuation criteria,
the Inventory Value report enables you to value current and past
inventory value by item, location, item category, manufactured or
purchased, and changes in values between two dates.
Because of the simplicity of the single Inventory account, a new stock
item can be set up in DBA with only five required fields and without any
accounting decisions to be made.
• The value of all work in process is represented by the 12300, Work in
Process account. Breakdowns by job type are achieved outside the GL
through the WIP Value report.
Why one Work in Process account?
In our experience, multiple work in process accounts (by location, item
category, job type, etc.) vastly complicate item setup and work in
process account reconciliation and would be in conflict with our
“alternative to over-complicated ERP systems” philosophy.
A single Work in Process account is sufficient for balance sheet
purposes. We believe that detailed work in process value analysis is
better achieved outside the GL via the WIP Value report.

Long-Term Assets
All Account Groups associated with plant, equipment, real estate and other
capital assets, plus financial assets such as stocks or bonds that you plan on

Operating Guide 729

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

holding for more than one calendar year are assigned to the ‘Long-Term Assets’
Account Class.
Fixed Assets
All accounts associated with capital assets such as equipment, vehicles, and
buildings are assigned to the ‘Fixed Assets’ Account Group.
• Accounts 14000 – 14300 represent typical classes of fixed assets. You
may wish to modify these accounts to fit your fixed asset holdings.
• Accounts 15000 – 15300 represent the accumulated depreciation that
offsets the corresponding accounts in the 14000 – 14300 group.
Other Assets
Any long-term financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and notes receivable
are assigned to the ‘Other Assets’ Account Group.
• Only one account -- 16700, Notes Receivable - Long Term -- is offered
as an example. Add or modify accounts as needed to reflect your other


Current Liabilities
All Account Groups associated with supplier credit, debts, loans, or other
obligations due for payment within one calendar year are assigned to the
‘Current Liabilities’ Account Class.
Supplier Payables
All accounts associated with open account purchases from suppliers are
assigned to the ‘Supplier Payables’ Account Group.
• Account 20100, AP – Tax Portion, is only needed if you are in a country
where the tax portion of payables needs to be separately tracked. If you
are in the USA, you can delete this account.
Credit Card Accounts
All credit card accounts that you use for purchases are assigned to the ‘Credit
Card Accounts’ Account Group. Credit card accounts are reconciled in the
same manner as bank accounts using the Bank Reconciliation screen.
• Accounts 20500, Credit Card Account A, and 20600, Credit Card Account
B, are examples and should be modified to reflect your actual credit card
accounts used for purchases.
Taxes Payable
All accounts associated with taxes owed are assigned to the ‘Taxes Payable’
Account Group.

730 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Payroll Liabilities
All accounts associated with payroll obligations are assigned to the ‘Payroll
Liabilities’ Account Group.
Other Liabilities
Miscellaneous current liability accounts are assigned to the ‘Other Liabilities’
Account Group.
• Account 23000, Accrued Expenses, is an example of an accrual account
that is posted to by journal entries to anticipate future expenses. If you
don’t do this type of accounting, delete this account.
• Account 23100, Customer Deposits, is posted to by the Customer
Deposits screen and reflects the value of customer pre-payments for
custom jobs. Technically, a deposit is a liability because you are holding
someone else’s money that would have to be returned should the job be

Long-Term Liabilities
All Account Groups associated with debts, loans, or other obligations that are not
due for payment for a t least one calendar year in the future are assigned to the
‘Long-Term Liabilities’ Account Class.
Long-Term Liabs
All long-term liabilities are assigned to the ‘Long-Term Liabs’ Account Group.
• Account 24000, Loans Payable – Long-Term, is an example of a long-
term liability account. Delete this account or modify it to reflect your actual


All Account Groups associated with paid-in capital, earnings, and dividends are
assigned to the ‘Equity’ Account Class.
All accounts associated with paid-in capital are assigned to the ‘Capital’
Account Group.
All accounts associated with current (this fiscal year) and retained earnings
(past fiscal years) are assigned to the ‘Earnings’ Account Group.

Operating Guide 731

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Earnings are calculated on-the-fly

Account 30200, Current Earnings, and 30300, Retained Earnings, do not
contain stored values like all other accounts. The value of these two
accounts is calculated on-the-fly each time you print a Balance Sheet.
All accounts associated with the distribution of dividends to the owners of the
business are assigned to the ‘Distributions’ Account Group.


Sales Income
All Account Groups associated with product and service sales are assigned to
the ‘Sales Income’ Account Class.
Sales – Products
All accounts associated with product sales are assigned to the ‘Sales –
Products’ Account Group.
• Account 40000, Sales – Products, is designated on the Sales tab of the
Account Assignments screen as a default account for all sales. In the
Exceptions sub-tab you can optionally assign sales accounts by Item
Category or Customer Type.
Sales – Services
All accounts associated with service revenue are assigned to the ‘Sales –
Services’ Account Group.
• Account 41000, Sales – Services, is a placeholder account to show
you can locate your own service revenue accounts. In the Sales tab –
Exceptions sub-tab of the Account Assignments screen you can assign
sales accounts by Item Category to distinguish service accounts from
product sales accounts. It may be that you don’t have a service side to
your business, in which case you would delete this account.

Other Income
Account Groups associated with non-sales, non-service revenue, such as
interest income and late charges, are assigned to the ‘Other Income’ Account
Shipping Income
Accounts associated with customer shipping charges and costs are assigned
to the ‘Shipping Income’ Account Group.

732 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

• Accounts 42000, Shipping Income, and 42100, Shipping Cost, offset each
other. Invoiced shipping charges are credited to the Shipping Income
account and freight bills are debited to the Shipping Cost account.
Misc Income
Accounts associated with interest income, late charges and customer
payment discounts are assigned to the ‘Misc Income’ Account Group.
• Account 42300, AR Discounts Taken, is a “contra” account that offsets
income by the amount of discount you offer customers for prompt
payment. Although it could be considered a Cost of Sales account type, it
arguably represents a price reduction rather than a cost and is therefore
categorized as an Income account type.
• Account 43400, Returns & Allowances, is a contra-account. Product
returns are debited to this account.

Cost of Sales

Direct Costs
All Account Groups associated with direct cost of goods sold and services sold
are assigned to the ‘Direct Costs’ Account Class.
Costs – Products
All accounts associated with the cost of goods sold are assigned to the ‘Costs
– Products’ Account Group.
• Account 50000, Cost of Goods Sold, is designated on the Sales tab of the
Account Assignments screen as a default account for all cost of goods
sold. In the Exceptions sub-tab you can optionally assign cost of goods
sold accounts by Item Category or Customer Type. Each of your sales
accounts would normally be given a corresponding cost of goods sold
Costs – Services
All accounts associated with the cost of services sold are assigned to the
‘Costs – Services’ Account Group.
• Account 51000, Cost of Services Sold, and account 51100, Accrued
Service Labor, receive offsetting amounts when you post service labor
invoice amounts and have a net transaction value of zero. Even though
the transaction has no net value, it does establish a value in the Cost of
Services Sold account, which is used as a comparison with actual service
costs (see next).
• Accounts 51200 – 51500 are your actual costs for billable service
personnel. These costs should be roughly equivalent to account 51000,
Cost of Services Sold, but will always have some variance.

Operating Guide 733

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

• The accounting for service labor is handled differently than manufacturing

labor. Service labor payroll costs are direct expenses as they occur.
Manufacturing direct labor costs, on the other hand, are offset by an
absorbed labor account, which absorbs the labor cost into your inventory.
Only when you sell your manufactured products is the labor cost realized
as part of the cost of goods sold.

Misc Costs
All cost of sales Account Groups that do not pertain directly or indirectly to the
cost of products or services are assigned to the ‘Other Costs’ Account Class.
All accounts associated with payment processing fees are assigned to the
‘Fees’ Account Group.
Misc Sales Costs
All accounts associated with miscellaneous sales costs are assigned to this
Account Group, which are costs associated with descriptors that have a
descriptor type of ‘MISC’ or ‘SUBCON’
• Account 50000, Cost of Goods Sold, (or a COGS exception account) and
account 52200, Accrued Misc Sales Cost, receive offsetting amounts
when you post miscellaneous charge invoice amounts and have a net
transaction value of zero. Even though the transaction has no net value, it
does establish a value in the Accrued Misc Sales Cost account, which can
be used as a comparison with the 52300, Actual Misc Sales Cost account.
PO Processing
All accounts associated with the PO-related supplier invoices and payments
are assigned to the ‘PO Processing’ Account Group.
• Account 52400, Absorbed Shipping Cost, is not currently in use but is
intended for future use when a landed cost percentage will be available on
stock items to add a shipping factor to inventory cost. The Absorbed
Shipping Cost will be an offset account to account 52500, PO Shipping
Cost, which gets posted to when you enter shipping charges on PO-
related supplier invoices.
NOTE: Even though some PO shipping costs are incurred for general
and administrative purchases that are not cost of sales expenses, the
PO Shipping Cost account is classified as a Cost of Sales type under
the assumption that most purchases are associated with inventory and
work in process and ultimately are reflected in the cost of goods sold.
• Account 52600, AP Discounts Taken, is a “contra” account that offsets
purchase costs by the amount of discount you receive from your supplier
for prompt payment. Although it could be considered an Income account

734 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

type, it arguably represents a price reduction rather than revenue and is

therefore categorized as a Cost of Sales account type.

Indirect Costs
All Account Groups associated with inventory and WIP adjustments are assigned
to the ‘Indirect Costs’ Account Class.
All accounts associated with inventory and WIP adjustments are assigned to
the ‘Adjustments’ Account Group.

Absorbed Costs
All Account Groups associated with costs that are absorbed into WIP are
assigned to the ‘Absorbed Costs’ Account Class.
Direct Labor
All accounts associated with direct manufacturing labor are assigned to the
‘Direct Labor’ Account Group.
• Account 54000, Absorbed Labor, which is an accrual account that gets
updated when labor hours are entered or backflushed against jobs, should
roughly equal the total value of accounts 54100 – 54500, which represent
your actual direct labor costs, for a net value of zero. A variance between
accrued and actual costs is common and expected. The net value within
this Account Group is roughly zero because actual costs were absorbed
into the costs of your products during job processing. Labor cost therefore
becomes a portion of each product’s inventory value and is only realized
as a sales cost at time of invoice posting as a portion of cost of goods
Subcontract Services
All accounts associated with job subcontract services performed by outside
suppliers are assigned to the ‘Subcontract Services’ Account Group.
• Account 55000, Absorbed Subcontract Cost, which is an accrual account
that gets updated when subcontract service POs are received to jobs,
should roughly equal the value of account 55100, Subcontract Service
Cost, which represents your actual supplier invoice costs, for a net value
of zero. A variance between accrued and actual costs is not uncommon.
The net value of this Account Group is roughly zero because the costs
were absorbed into the costs of your products during job processing.
Subcontract service cost therefore becomes a portion of each product’s
inventory value and is only realized as a sales cost at time of invoice
posting as a portion of cost of goods sold.

Operating Guide 735

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Misc Job Cost

All accounts associated with miscellaneous job costs are assigned to the
‘Misc Job Cost’ Account Group.
• Account 56000, Absorbed Misc Job Cost, which is an accrual account that
gets applied jobs when miscellaneous cost POs are received, should
roughly equal the value of account 56100, Misc Job Cost, which is your
actual supplier invoice cost, for a net value of zero. A variance between
accrued and actual costs is not uncommon. The net value of this Account
Group is roughly zero because the costs were absorbed into the costs of
your products during job processing. Miscellaneous job cost therefore
becomes a portion of each product’s inventory value and is only realized
as a sales cost at time of invoice posting as a portion of cost of goods
Factory Overhead
All accounts associated with running the factory are assigned to the ‘Factory
Overhead’ Account Group.
• Account 57000, Absorbed Factory Overhead, which is an accrual account
that gets updated when labor hours are entered or backflushed against
jobs, should roughly equal the total value of accounts 58000 – 59500,
which represent your actual factory overhead costs, for a net value of
zero. A variance between accrued and actual costs is common and
expected. The net value within this Account Group is roughly zero
because the actual costs were absorbed into the cost of your products
during job processing. Factory overhead cost therefore becomes a
portion of each product’s inventory value and is only realized as a sales
cost at time of invoice posting as a portion of cost of goods sold.
• Some monthly expenses associated with various accounts in the 58000 –
58900 range (such as utilities, rent, insurance, etc.) are single amount bills
that must be divided between the factory and the office in order to isolate
the cost of factory overhead.
• Accounts 59000 – 59300 cover payroll expense, taxes, and fringe benefits
for all indirect labor factory personnel, including supervisors, managers,
and maintenance people.


Operating Expenses
All Account Groups associated with operating the business (apart from operating
the factory) are assigned to the ‘Operating Expenses; Account Class.

736 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Sales & Marketing

All accounts associated with sales and marketing activities and personnel are
assigned to the ‘Sales & Marketing’ Account Group.
General Expenses
All accounts associated with general administrative expenses (apart from
payroll) are assigned to the ‘General Expenses’ Account Group.
• Account 61360, Miscellaneous Purchases, is a “catch-all” account that is
updated by default by any POs that are not related to inventory or jobs. If
you use POs for a variety of miscellaneous purchases and wish to break
them out into multiple accounts, you can create descriptors to represent
each expense category and assign those descriptors to accounts in the
Exceptions sub-tab of the Purchasing tab in the Account Assignments
What about departmental accounting?
You may be coming from an accounting system that offered the ability
to designate departments in sales orders, POs, and supplier bills in
order to assess “profit centers” within the company. Typically, the
department is identified with a segment on the end of a core account.
This departmental structure is common to “GL-centric” systems that
were designed originally as financial accounting systems and were
expanded over time with operational applications. In such systems,
the operational applications must conform to the needs of the general
ledger, which remains the prime repository of analytical information.
DBA, on the other hand, is an “operational-centric” system where the
operational applications of sales, jobs, inventory, and purchasing
function without any direct interaction with financial accounting. The
General Ledger is designed to fit the needs of the operational
applications, not the other way around.
Departmental accounting is not suited for manufacturing
Departmental accounting is not suitable for manufacturing accounting.
Most of your manufacturing costs are comprised of labor and factory
overhead, which are absorbed into the cost of your products during job
processing. Labor hours and overhead allocation are automatically
tracked by work center without having to specify a department at the
PO or job level.
A manufacturing company is not a collection of separate departments,
each with its own revenues and expenses. The factory is a single
entity with inter-dependent work centers. The General Ledger is not
designed for manufacturing analysis other than giving you the total
value of inventory and WIP and the total cost of direct labor and factory
overhead. More advanced analysis such as product costing, work

Operating Guide 737

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

center utilization, overhead allocation, labor productivity, and other

measures are achieved outside the General Ledger via manufacturing
reports and inquiries.
Non-Manufacturing Purchasing
In the non-manufacturing side of your business, you may want to
assign purchases to individual departments such as sales,
engineering, order entry, etc. To do this we suggest that you create
separate sets of descriptors for each department and assign each
descriptor to its appropriate expense or asset account. Each
department would then create POs using its own descriptors.
NOTE: If your purchasing people think in terms of GL accounts
when buying miscellaneous items, consider using the GL account
code as the Descriptor ID itself. Another approach is to incorporate
the account code into the descriptor’s Description, which can be
typed over during PO entry to describe the particular item being
All accounts associated with research and development expenses and payroll
are assigned to the ‘R & D’ Account Group. Research and development can
be substantial in some manufacturing companies and is arguable a form of
investment that should not be mixed in with general expense accounts.
Admin Payroll
All accounts associated with administrative payroll and fringe benefits are
assigned to the ‘Admin Payroll’ Account Group.
Other Income/Expense
All Account Groups associated with non-operating expenses are assigned to the
‘Other Income/Expense’ Account Class.
All accounts associated with gains or losses due to currency fluctuations are
assigned to the ‘Currency’ Account Group.
• Account 63000, Gain/Loss on Foreign Exchange, does not have any
current use but will be used in the future when multi-currency processing
is completed.
Asset Sales
All accounts associated with the sale of property, equipment, or other assets
are assigned to the ‘Asset Sales’ Account Group.

738 Operating Guide

13-1C. Chart of Accounts

Income Taxes
All accounts associated with business income taxes are assigned to the
‘Income Taxes’ Account Group.

Operating Guide 739

13-1D. Account Assignments

13-1D. Account Assignments

(GL – General Ledger Setup – Account Assignments)

General ledger posting throughout the system is controlled by the settings made
in this screen.
Outside of this screen there is no exposure to GL accounts anywhere in the
system except for the Supplier Invoices and Journal Entry screens. This gives
the accounting department complete control over the general ledger and shields
non-accounting personnel from any accounting setup or decisions.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–Setup – General Ledger Setup
Segments: Sales and COGS Setup, Bank Account Assignments
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Financial Transfer Training Course
Segments: Inventory and WIP Accounts, Sales and COGS Accounts, Tax and
Shipping Accounts, Transfer Accounts, Absorbed Mfg Costs Accounts
If you use the standard chart of accounts:
We recommend that you use the standard chart of accounts that is supplied with
the system and adapt your existing accounts accordingly. If you do so, the only
settings in this screen that may need modification are these:
Sales Tab – Exceptions Sub-Tab
You may want to break your default Sales and COGS account combination
into multiple Sales and COGS account combinations that correspond to Item
Category or Customer Type.
Purchasing Tab – Exceptions Sub-Tab
You may want to break your default Misc Purchases account into multiple
expense or asset accounts represented by individual descriptors.
Bank Accounts Tab
Each bank account is given its own asset, interest income, and bank charges

740 Operating Guide

13-1D. Account Assignments

Inventory Tab

Inventory (Asset)
In DBA all inventory (except for work in process) is represented by a single
Inventory account.
Why one Inventory account?
In our experience, multiple inventory accounts (by location, item category,
purchase or manufactured, finished or semi-finished, raw material or
components, etc.) vastly complicate item setup and inventory account
reconciliation and would be in conflict with our “alternative to over-
complicated ERP systems” philosophy.
A single Inventory account is sufficient for balance sheet purposes.
Detailed inventory value analysis is better achieved outside the GL via the
Inventory Value report, which serves as a “sub-ledger” to your Inventory
account. Instead of being limited to one valuation criteria, the Inventory
Value report enables you to value current and past inventory value by
item, location, item category, manufactured or purchased, and changes in
values between two dates.
Because of the simplicity of the single Inventory account, a new stock item
can be set up in DBA with only five required fields and without any
accounting decisions to be made.
Inventory Adjustments (Cost of Sales)
Transactions made in the Inventory Adjustments, Batch Inventory
Adjustments, Change Inventory Cost, and Reconcile Book Value screens
interact with this account.

Operating Guide 741

13-1D. Account Assignments

Sales Tab

Defaults Sub-Tab
Sales (Income)
A default Sales account is required. In the Sales – Exceptions sub-tab you
have the option of further breaking sales out by Item Categories or Customer
Cost of Goods Sold (Cost of Sales)
A default Cost of Goods Sold account is required. In the Sales – Exceptions
sub-tab you have the option of further breaking cost of goods sold out by Item
Categories or Customer Types.
Sales Tax Payable (Liability)
The tax amounts on customer invoices are credited to this Liability account.
Shipping Income (Income)
Customer invoice shipping charges are credited to this Income account.
Shipping Cost (Income)
Freight bills pertaining to customer shipments are debited to this account.
Even though it is a cost, it is usually classified as an Income account because
it offsets the Shipping Income account and is usually located directly adjacent
to it.
Picked Not Invoiced (Asset)
The Picked Not Invoiced account temporarily stores the cost of stock items
that have been picked for shipment, but have not yet been invoiced. At time
of invoicing, this account gets credited and Cost of Goods Sold gets debited.
This is an Asset account, located in the chart of accounts following your
Inventory account.

742 Operating Guide

13-1D. Account Assignments

Accrued Service Labor (Cost of Sales)

When sales order lines are picked for descriptors with a descriptor type of
‘LABOR’ or ‘SETUP’, this account is debited for the sales order line’s total
estimated cost. When the invoice gets posted, this account gets debited for
the same amount. This is a Cost of Sales account, usually located in the
chart of accounts following your Cost of Goods Sold account(s).
Misc Sales Cost (Cost of Sales)
When invoice costs are posted for any descriptors with a Descriptor Type of
‘MISC’ or ‘SUBCON’, this account is credited and the offsetting debit entry is
made to Cost of Goods Sold or a COGS exception account. This is a Cost of
Sales account, usually located in the chart of accounts following your Cost of
Goods Sold account(s).
Exceptions Sub-Tab

Entries on this screen are optional. If you don’t make any entries, all sales will be
posted to your default Sales and Cost of Good Sold accounts on the Sales –
Defaults tab.
Set Exceptions by
Select Item Category if you wish to break your sales out by item categories.
Select Customer Type if you prefer to break out sales by type of customer.
Exceptions to Sales & COGS Defaults (Grid)
• If Item Category is selected, all your Item Categories are listed in the grid.
You can optionally assign each category to a Sales Account and/or a
COGS Account.
• If Customer Type is selected, all your Customer Types are listed in the
grid. You can optionally assign each type to a Sales Account and/or a
COGS Account.

Operating Guide 743

13-1D. Account Assignments

Jobs Tab

Work in Process (Asset)

This account represents the accumulated input costs (labor, setup, material,
overhead, subcontract services, miscellaneous expenses) in your make jobs,
less the output cost of finished item receipts. This is an Asset account and is
located in the chart of accounts immediately following your Inventory
WIP Adjustments (Cost of Sales)
This account is used to bring the net Work in Process amount for each
finished job to zero. When the job’s Status is changed to ‘CLOSED’, the
program compares total incoming job costs with the total outgoing cost of job
receipts. If a difference is found, the Work in Process account is adjusted up
or down and the offset amount posted to this account. This is a Cost of Sales
account, usually located in the chart of accounts following your Inventory
Adjustments account.
Absorbed Labor (Cost of Sales or Expense)
This account represents the labor reported or issued to jobs. Locate this
account adjacent to your Direct Labor payroll account and give it the same
account type (Cost of Sales or Expense). The two accounts offset each other
and are a “wash” on your books (although some variance is normal and
Absorbed Subcontract Cost (COS or Expense)
This is a clearing account for the subcontract services that are purchased and
issued to jobs. Locate this account following your Absorbed Labor and Direct
Labor accounts and give it the same account type (Expense or Cost of

744 Operating Guide

13-1D. Account Assignments

Absorbed Misc Cost (COS or Expense)

This is a clearing account for miscellaneous costs (fees, special packaging,
etc.) that are purchased and issued to jobs. Locate this account following
your Absorbed Subcontract Cost account and give it the same account type
(Expense or Cost of Sales).
Absorbed Factory Overhead (COS or Expense)
This account represents the factory overhead burden applied to jobs. Locate
this account following your Absorbed Misc Cost account and give it the same
account type (Expense or Cost of Sales). `
Absorbed Variable Overhead (Cost of Sales)
This is an additional overhead account for old-style cost accounting and is not
recommended unless you understand variable overhead and have a need for
two overhead accounts. If you don’t want to use this account, select the
same account used for Absorbed Factory Overhead (see previous).

Operating Guide 745

13-1D. Account Assignments

Purchasing Tab

Defaults Sub-Tab
Misc Purchases (Expense)
DBA requires a default Misc Purchases account that is a “catch all” account
for all non-inventory, non-job related purchases. You can optionally break out
your miscellaneous purchases by descriptor on the Purchasing – Exceptions
Received Not Invoiced (Liability)
This account temporarily stores the credit offset entry that is made when PO
lines are received. When the supplier invoice for the PO receipt is entered,
this account gets debited and Accounts Payable is credited. This is a Liability
account, located following your Accounts Payable account.
RNI Adjustments (Cost of Sales)
When a PO line is closed, any difference between total receipt costs and total
invoice costs is posted to this account. Most likely your outside system does
not have such an account. This is a Cost of Sales account, located following
your WIP Adjustments account.
PO Shipping Cost (Cost of Sales)
Shipping charges entered in the PO Invoices screen are debited to this
account. This is a Cost of Sales account and is located following your Misc
Sales Cost account.
Purchase Tax (Expense or Liability)
Any tax entered in the PO Invoices screen is charged to this account. If you
are subject to US-style taxation, this is normally an Expense account and
applies primarily to not-for-resale purchases. If you are subject to GST-VAT
style taxation, this is normally a Liability account.

746 Operating Guide

13-1D. Account Assignments

Exceptions Sub-Tab

Misc Purchases Exceptions (Expense)

You can assign specific descriptors to specific Expense (or Asset) accounts in
this screen to handle the posting of non-inventory, non-job purchases.
Whatever assignments you make in this screen override your default Misc
Purchases account.
Non-Manufacturing Purchasing
In the non-manufacturing side of your business, you may want to
assign purchases to individual departments such as sales,
engineering, order entry, etc. To do this we suggest that you create
separate sets of descriptors for each department and assign each
descriptor to its appropriate expense or asset account. Each
department would then create POs using its own descriptors.
NOTE: If your purchasing people think in terms of GL accounts
when buying miscellaneous items, consider using the GL account
code as the Descriptor ID itself. Another approach is to incorporate
the account code into the descriptor’s Description, which can be
typed over during PO entry to describe the particular item being

Operating Guide 747

13-1D. Account Assignments

Transfer Tab

This tab is only visible when the Financial Transfer option is selected in the
Accounting Configuration screen.
AR Invoice Transfer (Asset)
The AR Invoice Transfer account is a clearing account that temporarily stores
the value of customer invoices that have been created in DBA but have not
yet been transferred to your outside system. When an invoice gets created,
this account is debited. When you use the AR Invoice Transfer screen to
enter or import customer invoices in your outside system, this account is
credited, which zeroes it out, and your outside system’s Accounts Receivable
account gets debited.
PO Invoice Transfer (Liability)
The PO Invoice Transfer account is a clearing account that temporarily stores
the value of PO invoices that have been created and matched in DBA but
have not yet been transferred to your outside system. When a PO invoice
gets created, this account is credited. When you use the PO Invoice Transfer
utility to import supplier invoices into your outside system, this account is
debited, which zeroes it out, and your outside system’s Accounts Payable
account gets credited.

748 Operating Guide

13-1D. Account Assignments

AR Tab
This tab is only visible when the DBA Financials option is selected in the
Accounting Configuration screen.

Accounts Receivable (Asset)

This account represents the unpaid portion of customer invoices, exclusive of
those written off to bad debt. Invoiced sales and shipping amounts are debits
to this account and customer payments are credit entries.
AR – Tax Portion (Asset)
If in your country it is necessary to separately track the sales tax portion of
total accounts receivable, you can designate a separate GL account in this
field. If you do not need this, enter your Accounts Receivable account (see
previous) in this field. Locate this account following your Accounts
Receivable account.
AR Discounts Taken (Income)
If the customer takes a discount for early payment, the amount of the discount
is debited to this Income account.
Customer Deposits (Liability)
Advance payments from customers for jobs are credited to this Liability

Operating Guide 749

13-1D. Account Assignments

AP Tab
This tab is only visible when the DBA Financials option is selected in the
Accounting Configuration screen.

Accounts Payable (Liability)

This account represents the unpaid portion of supplier invoices. Supplier
invoice amounts are debits to this account and supplier payments are credit
AP – Tax Portion (Liability)
If in your country it is necessary to separately track the purchase tax portion
of total accounts payable, you can designate a separate GL account in this
field. If you do not need this, select your Accounts Payable account (see
previous) in this field. Locate this account following your Accounts Payable
AP Discounts Taken (Cost of Sales)
If you take a discount for early payment of a supplier invoice, the amount of
the discount is credited to this Cost of Sales account.

750 Operating Guide

13-1D. Account Assignments

Banking Tab
This tab is only visible when the ‘DBA Financials’ option is selected in the
Accounting Configuration screen.

Bank Accounts
‘Bank Account’ type banking accounts are listed in this grid.
Banking Account
All your ‘Bank Account’ type banking accounts are listed in this column.
Asset Account
This is the Asset account associated with this bank account.
Interest Income
In the Account Reconciliation screen, interest income from bank statements is
posted to this Income account.
Bank Charges
In the Account Reconciliation screen, bank charges from bank statements are
posted to this Expense account.
Merchant Fees (optional)
In the Account Reconciliation screen, bank statement charges associated
with merchant account fees (for customer credit card payments) is posted to
this Cost of Sales account.
Merchant Accounts
‘Merchant’ type banking accounts are listed in this grid.
Banking Account
All your ‘Merchant’ type banking accounts are listed in this column.
Asset Account
This is the Asset account associated with this merchant account.

Operating Guide 751

13-1D. Account Assignments

Credit Card Accounts

‘Credit Card’ type banking accounts are listed in this grid.
Liability Account
This is the Liability account associated with this credit card account.
Credit Card Fees
In the Account Reconciliation screen, credit card fees and interest charges
are posted to this Expense account.

Earnings Tab

Current Earnings (Equity)

Whenever you run a balance sheet, this account’s value is calculated (not
stored) for the year to date.
Retained Earnings (Equity)
Whenever you run a balance sheet, this account’s value is calculated (not
stored) and represents accumulated earnings outside of the current fiscal

752 Operating Guide

13-1E. Budget Names

13-1E. Budget Names

(GL – General Ledger Setup – Budget Names)

You can create multiple budgets for each GL account via the Budget tab on the
Chart of Accounts screen. Budget amounts can be compared with actual
amounts using the GL Spreadsheet Generator. Use this screen to give each
budget a unique Budget Name.
NOTE: The Budget Name must not contain any blank spaces.

Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Budgets

Operating Guide 753

13-1F. Currency Table

13-1F. Currency Table

(GL – General Ledger Setup – Currency Table)

A system-wide multi-currency capability is under development, but is not

currently available. Ultimately, this screen will be used to store current and
historical exchange rates.

754 Operating Guide

13-1G. COA Conversion

13-1G. COA Conversion

(GL – General Ledger Setup – COA Conversion)

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – COA Conversion

This screen is used on a one-time basis to convert your existing Chart of
Accounts to DBA’s standard Chart of Accounts, which is optimized for a
manufacturing company and for the DBA system.
Why the standard Chart of Accounts?
Prior to May 2008, when we began supplying the Main Company with our
standard Chart of Accounts, companies created their own chart of accounts from
scratch. Many companies simply recreated their old accounting system’s chart of
accounts in DBA and added a few new accounts for some of the DBA-specific
Unfortunately, using a non-manufacturing chart of accounts doesn’t work with
DBA, for a variety of reasons:
• In DBA you have only two inventory accounts: Inventory and Work-in-
Process. No further breakdown of inventory is provided and any such sub-
accounts can no longer be used. Instead, detail inventory analysis is done
outside the General Ledger using the Inventory Value report.
• In a manufacturing chart of accounts, factory operating expenses need to be
clearly separated from general operating expenses and must be grouped as
Cost of Sales accounts adjacent to an Absorbed Factory Overhead offset
account. Non-manufacturing charts of accounts are not organized this way.
• Departmental expense accounting is common in non-manufacturing
environments, but is not used in a WIP-based accounting system where work
center costs are absorbed into inventory and are not directly expensed.
Therefore, work center related departmental expense accounts no longer
have any purpose.
• In DBA virtually all purchasing is automatically posted to your Inventory or
Work-in-Process accounts, which are Asset accounts, not expenses. Most
purchasing expense accounts are no longer needed except those used for
miscellaneous expenses.
• In a manufacturing chart of accounts, payroll expense accounts need to be
clearly separated for direct labor, indirect labor and supervision, and general
clerical and administration. Direct labor expenses must be Cost of Sales
accounts located adjacent to an Absorbed Labor offset account. Indirect
labor and supervision must be Cost of Sales accounts located with other

Operating Guide 755

13-1G. COA Conversion

factory overhead accounts adjacent to an Absorbed Factory Overhead offset

The DBA standard Chart of Accounts is organized for manufacturing analytics.
Its structure makes it relatively easy to determine shop rates for direct labor and
factory overhead for accurate product costing. Operating costs are grouped by
the following logical cost centers that apply to virtually any manufacturing
• Direct Labor
• Factory Overhead
• Sales & Marketing
• Research & Development
• General & Administrative
It is extremely difficult to adapt a non-manufacturing chart of accounts to meet all
these manufacturing requirements. It is much easier to use the DBA standard
Chart of Accounts as a template that you can then customize for the various
accounts that are unique to your company.
How the COA Conversion Works
The COA Conversion screen is split into an upper grid and lower grid. Your
existing Chart of Accounts is displayed in the upper grid and the standard Chart
of Accounts in the lower grid.
Each account in the upper grid must be assigned to an account in the lower grid,
which is done via drag-and-drop. You can also add and assign new accounts on
the fly to the standard Chart of Accounts.
When all of your existing accounts are assigned to the standard Chart of
Accounts, you click Update and all your existing General Ledger data, including
the Chart of Accounts, Account Assignments, Supplier default accounts, and GL
transactions, will be converted to standard accounts.
NOTE: Be aware that if you reprint any past financial statements, they will
be structured with different accounts (as well as Account Classes and
Account Groups) and may be quite different in appearance, even if the
underlying numbers are still the same.
Check with your CPA first
Be aware that the COA Conversion will alter the appearance of past financial
statements and possibly their financial results, especially if you change any
Account Types. Before you convert your Chart of Accounts, we advise that you
consult with your CPA to verify that the conversion is not in conflict with
acceptable accounting practices.
If you have an empty Chart of Accounts
If up to now you have not created a Chart of Accounts at all, you can use the
COA Conversion screen to instantly create the standard Chart of Accounts.

756 Operating Guide

13-1G. COA Conversion

Simply launch the screen and click the Update button. Because there are no
existing accounts, no matching is required.

Phase 1 – Conversion Planning

Before you make assignments in the COA Conversion screen, it is best to plan
your conversion on paper first to save time and achieve a smooth conversion
with no surprises.
Print the standard Chart of Accounts
Click the Output button at the bottom of the lower grid of the COA Conversion
screen and select the ‘Output Standard COA’ option to get a printout of the
standard Chart of Accounts. Your printout will look like this:

Cross-reference standard accounts to existing accounts

Next, go to the Chart of Accounts screen. Take each account on the printout and
find its equivalent in your Chart of Accounts. Whenever a matching account is
found, enter the standard account number in its X-Ref Account field. If a
matching account cannot be found, indicate so on your printout and move on to
the next account on the list.
NOTE: A standard account can be cross-referenced to more than one
existing account, where applicable. There may be areas where you have
more account breakdown than is necessary, in which case you can
consolidate multiple existing accounts by assigning them to a single
standard account.
Plan any new accounts that are needed
When you are finished cross-referencing all the accounts on your printout,
observe the X-Ref Account column on the List tab. Any accounts with blank
values are special accounts that only pertain to your company. In these cases
you will be creating new standard accounts during the COA Conversion.

Operating Guide 757

13-1G. COA Conversion

In each case, decide on a new standard account number (based on its location
among related accounts listed on the printout) and enter the new number in the
X-Ref Account field against the existing account, followed by the word ‘New’ to
let you know during the COA Conversion that a new account must be created.
Delete non-used accounts
If you have any existing accounts that will never be used and have never had any
transactions or assignment settings, remove them from your Chart of Accounts
so they don’t clutter up the conversion process. To do so, select the account and
click the Delete button.
Continue until all accounts have an X-Ref Account value
Continue this process until all existing accounts have a value in the X-Ref
Account field. Once this is done, you are ready to perform the actual conversion.

Phase 2 – COA Conversion

You will now use the COA Conversion screen to formally assign existing
accounts to standard accounts and to create new standard accounts where

Begin with the first account listed in the upper grid. The X-Ref Account column
displays the standard account that you cross-referenced during the Advance
Planning phase.
Assigning to a Standard Account
Select the account in the upper grid and drag and drop it onto the account in the
lower grid that matches its X-Ref Account number. You do this by holding your
left mouse button down and dragging the account onto its matching account,
then releasing your mouse button.

758 Operating Guide

13-1G. COA Conversion

After doing so, the Status value in the upper grid changes to ‘Assigned’. In the
lower grid the existing account is displayed in the Old Account and Old
Description columns.
NOTE: If you assign multiple existing accounts to a single standard
account in the lower grid, additional lines are added by the program under
the standard account so that each existing account is given a value in the
Old Account and Old Description columns. The number of accounts
assigned to the standard account is displayed in the #Old column.
Adding a New Standard Account
When an account in the upper grid has an X-Ref Account number followed by the
word ‘New’, it means that a new standard account must be created. To do this,
click the Add button or right click on the account and select the Add Standard
Account option. You are presented with this screen:

Enter your new standard Account and Description. From the Type field lookup,
select an account Type-Class-Group combination to which this new account will
be assigned. Click OK and the new standard account will be created and
assigned to your existing account.
Undoing an Assigned Account
If you assigned an account in error and wish to undo it, select your account in the
upper grid and click the Undo button. You can also right click on the account and
select the Undo “Assigned” Status option.
Deleting an Existing Account
When ‘Yes’ is displayed in the Can Delete column in the upper grid, it means that
this account has never had any transactions posted to it or is used in any
account assignment screens. This may indicate an account that is not needed.

Operating Guide 759

13-1G. COA Conversion

If you wish to delete the account instead of matching it to a standard account,

click the Delete button or right click on the account and select the Delete option.
Deleting a Standard Account
You can only delete a standard account that was newly added within this screen.
If you wish to delete a standard account that was not added, you must finish the
conversion process first and then you can delete the account in the Chart of
Accounts screen using the normal account deletion process.
When ‘Yes’ is displayed in the Added? column in the lower grid, it indicates that
the account was newly added within this screen. To delete this account, select it
and click the Delete button in the lower grid or right click and select the Delete
Standard Account option. The Status value in the upper grid will be cleared for
any existing accounts that were assigned to this standard account.
Saving Your Assignments
You can freely leave this screen and return later to complete the assignment
process. When you click the Close button, you are prompted to save your
Starting Over
If midway through the process you are dissatisfied with your assignments, you
can start over by simply clicking the Close button and indicating at the prompt
that you do not wish to save your assignments. The next time you launch the
screen, it will be cleared of any assignments.
Click Update when all existing accounts have a Status value
All accounts in the upper grid must have a Status value before you will be
permitted to click Update, which performs the actual conversion.
All other users must exit the system
You are not permitted to run the conversion if any other users are on the
Make a backup before converting!
Once you run the COA Conversion, there is not way to restore the old Chart
of Accounts. As a safety precaution, we highly recommend that you make a
backup before you run the conversion.
When you click Update and confirm that you wish to run the conversion, the
program does the following:
• Deletes the existing Chart of Accounts and creates a new Chart of
Accounts using the standard accounts listed in the lower grid. The X-Ref
Account field in each new account is populated with the old account for
reference purposes.

760 Operating Guide

13-1G. COA Conversion

• Replaces the existing account with its assigned standard account in all GL
transaction records.
• Populates all default settings in the Account Assignments screen with
standard accounts and replaces existing accounts with their assigned
standard accounts in the Sales – Exceptions, Purchasing – Exceptions,
and Banking tabs.
• Replaces the existing account with its assigned standard account in the
GL Account sub-tab in the Suppliers screen.

Phase 3 – Payroll Accounts Conversion

After you have completed the COA Conversion, you must change the account
structure in your payroll system to conform to the new Chart of Accounts.
Refer to chapter 13D, Payroll Accounting, for complete setup details.

Operating Guide 761

13-1H. Clear Account Balances

13-1H. Clear Account Balances

(GL – General Ledger Setup – Clear Account Balances)

This screen is used on system startup day (or accounting startover day) to bring
all your account balances down to zero. This clears the general ledger of any
account balances just before new beginning balances are entered.
Account balance clearing is accomplished through a batch journal entry for each
fiscal year involved that is automatically created and posted by this screen. Each
account with a debit balance is given an offsetting credit for the same amount
and each account with a credit balance is given an offsetting debit for the same
If you run this by mistake:
If you run Clear Account Balances by mistake, go to the Journal Entry screen
and reverse each fiscal year’s journal batch, which is done as follows:
• Select the Posted checkbox in the lower panel of the List tab.
• Highlight the Journal No.
• Click the Reverse button.

Screen Details
NOTE: If any un-posted transactions exist, you are denied access to this
screen and are advised to run the Batch Posting screen.

Journal Date
Select a date that is the last day of the period prior to system startup day.
Update Button
Click this button to create and post a batch journal entry for each fiscal year
Preview Button
Click this button to preview the posting transactions on the screen prior to
update processing.

762 Operating Guide

13-2. Journal Entry

13-2. Journal Entry

(GL – Journal Entry)

Use this screen to make direct debit and credit transactions to the General
NOTE: Transactions made via this screen are posted directly to the
General Ledger and bypass the Batch Posting process.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segments: Journal Entry Purposes, Journal Entry, Recurring Journal, Journal
Reversal, Payroll Journal Entry

List Tab

Grid Columns:
Journal No
This number is automatically assigned by the program when the Journal Entry
is first created.
Each Journal Entry is given a user-defined Description when it is first created.
Journal Type
‘GJ’ is a contraction for ‘General Journal’ and ‘PR’ is a contraction for ‘Payroll
This is the intended or actual posting date for all transactions associated with
this Journal Entry.

Operating Guide 763

13-2. Journal Entry

Four possible values are:
The Journal Entry has been started, but is not in balance.
The Journal Entry is in balance, but has not yet been printed or posted.
The Journal Entry is in balance and has been printed, but has not yet
been posted.
The Journal Entry has been posted to the General Ledger.
Right Panel:
New Button
Click this button to start a new Journal Entry. You are presented with these
two choices in a drop-down list:
General Journal Entry
Select this option for all Journal Entries that are not related to payroll.
Payroll Journal Entry
Select this option to manually enter payroll account summaries or detail
transactions generated by your outside payroll system. Two additional
entry fields are presented on the next screen: Chk No and Payee.
Payroll Import Option
As an alternative to manual entry, payroll account summaries or
transaction detail can be imported into the Journal Entry screen via the
Payroll Import screen. See the next chapter for details.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete a Journal Entry.
NOTE: You cannot delete a Journal Entry when it has a Status of
Print Button
Click this button to get a printout of the transaction detail associated with the
selected Journal Entry.
NOTE: You cannot print the report when the Journal Entry has a
Status of ‘Open’.
Post Button
Click this button to post the selected Journal Entry to the General Ledger.

764 Operating Guide

13-2. Journal Entry

NOTE: You cannot post the Journal Entry when it has a Status of
Reverse Button
Click this button to reverse the selected Journal Entry. This creates a
reversal Journal Entry with a Status of ‘Balanced’ that consists of debit and
credit transactions that are exactly the opposite of the original Journal Entry.
The reversal Journal Entry should be reviewed and then posted the same as
any other Journal Entry.
Lower Panel:
Open, Balanced, Printed, Posted
Select these checkboxes to filter the contents of the grid by the Status value.
The Open, Balanced, and Printed checkboxes are selected by default so that
the list is initially limited to Journal Entries that are in process.

Details Tab

Journal Information:
Journal Date
This is the posting date that will ultimately be applied to all transactions
associated with this Journal Entry. It defaults to today’s date, which can be
overridden with a selection from the lookup.
Journal Type
This read-only field displays the Journal Type (‘General’ or ‘Payroll’) that was
selected when the New button was clicked on the List tab.
Journal Status
This read-only field displays the current Status of this Journal Entry, which
can be ‘Open’, ‘Balanced’, ‘Printed’, or ‘Posted’.

Operating Guide 765

13-2. Journal Entry

Journal Description (Required)

Enter a Description that identifies this Journal Entry on screens and reports.
Line Totals:
This field displays the sum of the Debit entries in the entry grid.
This field displays the sum of the Credit entries in the entry grid.
This field displays the difference between total Debits and total Credits.
Notes Side-Tab
Use this field to enter freeform header-level Notes against this Journal Entry.
These Notes print on the General Journal Entries report that is generated by
clicking the Print button.
Entry Grid:
Enter a valid GL Account or select one from the lookup.
The Account’s Description is displayed in this read-only field.
Debit, Credit
You can enter an amount either in the Debit field or Credit field, but not in
both. An amount is inserted by default based on the Difference value above,
but can be overridden.
Click the down arrow in this field to display a notepad for entry of freeform
Notes against this transaction.
Chk No
This field is only visible when the Journal Type is ‘Payroll’. If you are entering
payroll detail for a particular payment transaction against your payroll bank
account, you have the option of entering the check number in this field for
reference during Bank Reconciliation. If you are entering summarized
account information, leave this field blank.
This field is only visible when the Journal Type is ‘Payroll’. If you are entering
a payroll detail transaction associated with an employee or employer
payment, you have the option of entering the payee’s name in this field for
reference during Bank Reconciliation. If you are entering summarized
account information, leave this field blank.

766 Operating Guide

13-2. Journal Entry

Right Panel:
Close Button
Click this button to close the Details tab and return to the List tab. Your
entries are automatically saved.
New Line Button
Click this button to initiate a new line in the entry grid.
Cancel Button
Click this button to either cancel the Journal Entry itself (if no grid entries have
yet been entered) or to cancel an incomplete entry in the grid.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete a line from the entry grid.
Save Journal Button
Click this button to save your grid entries so that they can be recalled for use
in future Journal Entries without having to be reentered each time. You are
presented with this screen where you enter a Recurring Journal Description
that identifies this set of entries in the Recall Journal screen.

Recall Journal Button

Click this button to populate the entry grid with a saved Journal Entry. You
are presented with this selection screen:

Operating Guide 767

13-2. Journal Entry

Click this button to populate the entry grid with this saved Journal
Click this button to populate the entry grid with a reversed version of
this saved Journal Entry where the Debit and Credit amounts are
Click this button to close the selection screen without any action being
Click this button to permanently delete a saved Journal Entry from the
selection list.

768 Operating Guide

13-3. Payroll Import

13-3. Payroll Import

(GL – Payroll Import)

This screen is used to import payroll transaction detail or account summaries into
the Journal Entry screen. Once the information is in the Journal Entry screen, it
can be reviewed and posted to the General Ledger.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segments: Payroll Setup, Payroll Journal Entry, Payroll Import, CheckMark
Payroll Import
Payroll Setup
Refer to chapter 13C, Payroll Accounting, for details on setting up your payroll
system to conform to the DBA standard Chart of Accounts.
Detail or Summary Import?
You have the option of importing the complete detail associated with each payroll
payment or you can import a summary debit or credit total for each GL account.
• Whenever possible, especially if you are using an outside payroll service, we
recommend importing summary information as the more efficient alternative.
Importing all the payroll detail into DBA simply duplicates the detail that is
stored in your payroll system and needlessly clutters up the general ledger.
• The detail options are available for companies that feel a need to reconcile
their payroll bank account through the Account Reconciliation screen.
• The CheckMark options are for users of CheckMark Payroll®, which is a
stand-alone payroll software package. With CheckMark you are required to
import payroll detail.
File Types
You can import records from a CSV file (Excel spreadsheet) or you can import a
comma delimited Text file.

Operating Guide 769

13-3. Payroll Import

Screen Details

Click the 3-dot button to navigate to your import file location. You can select
a file type of ‘*.txt’ or ‘*.csv’.
Start the import at line 2 of the import file
If the first row or line of your import file is used for column headings, select
this checkbox.
NOTE: This option is grayed out if you select any of the CheckMark
Payroll options.
Journal Date
Select the posting date that will be applied to your Journal Entry. Make sure
this date is equal to the actual payment date of the payroll transactions.
Journal Description
Enter the Journal Description that will be applied to your Journal Entry.
File Format
Six file format options are available:
NOTE: If you select a Detail or Summary option below, your
spreadsheet columns or text file field positions must be in the exact
order listed in parentheses.
CheckMark Payroll, Employee Payments
Select this option if your using CheckMark Payroll year 2009 version or
later. Complete transaction detail for each employee payment gets

770 Operating Guide

13-3. Payroll Import

CheckMark Payroll, Employer Payments

Select this option if your using CheckMark Payroll year 2009 version or
later. Complete transaction detail for each employer payment made to
payroll vendors gets imported.
Detail (Account, Amount, Check, Name)
We recommend either of the two Detail options when you process payroll
in house using a stand-alone payroll software package. Complete
transaction detail for each employee or payroll vendor payment gets
imported. Select this Detail option if each import record contains a single
amount with a minus sign in front of credit values.
Detail (Account, Debit, Credit, Check, Name)
Select this Detail option if each import record contains separate debit and
credit amounts instead of a single amount.
Summary (Account, Amount)
We recommend either of the two Summary options when you outsource
payroll to a payroll service provider. Only a single debit or credit amount
per GL account gets imported. Select this Summary option if each import
record contains a single amount with a minus sign in front of credit
Summary (Account, Debit, Credit)
Select this Summary option if each import record contains separate debit
and credit amounts instead of a single amount.
Import Button
Click this button to import your file. After the import is completed, you are
swapped to the Journal Entry screen.
Journal Entry Screen
The program creates a batch Journal Entry. Your import records are listed
in the lower grid with Debit or Credit amounts. If you imported check
numbers and employee or payroll vendor names, that information is
displayed in the Chk No and Payee columns.
The next step is to review the Journal Entry and then post it, the same
way you would post any other Journal Entry. If your batch is not in
balance, you must find the source of the imbalance and make appropriate
Errors Tab
Your file will not be imported if any errors are encountered, which are listed
on the Errors tab. Each import record within your file must have a valid GL
account and an amount greater than zero. If any errors are listed, you must
edit your file and make appropriate corrections, then you can attempt the
import once again.

Operating Guide 771

6-3. Period-End Procedures

13-4. Financial Cutoff Date

(GL – Financial Cutoff Date)

Use this screen to prevent transactions from being entered with a posting date
prior to a specified Financial Cutoff Date.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Financial Cutoff Date
DBA does not have a formal “close”
Be aware that DBA does not have any type of formal “closing” procedure that
must be run to advance to the next accounting period or fiscal year. In DBA
accounting periods exist solely for reporting purposes and are used to group GL
transactions into date ranges.
A period is closed when you consider it closed
Without a formal close, a period is “closed” whenever you want it to be. The
Financial Cutoff Date is your form of control that prevents users from posting
transactions to periods that you consider to be closed.

Screen Details

Financial Cutoff Date

Select a date equal to the last day of the accounting period you consider to be
“closed.” Transaction date fields throughout the system do not permit date
selection prior to or equal to this date.

772 Operating Guide

13-5. Batch Posting

13-5. Batch Posting

(GL – Batch Posting)

With the exception of journal entries, all financial transactions generated

throughout the system are posted to the General Ledger through the Batch
Posting screen.
Batch Posting looks at the Account Assignments screen to determine which GL
accounts are associated with each transaction. All transactions that have
occurred since your last posting batch or were excluded from your last batch are
available for posting.
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Segment: Batch Posting
Post once a day
Ideally, you should post once a day. The smaller your batch size, the easier it is
to scrutinize to make sure all entries are posting to the correct accounts.
Not only should you batch post once a day, but you also should do it at a quiet
time when other users are not heavily active, such as at the end of the day or at
lunchtime. When you post a large batch, the file server will be doing intense
processing that will temporarily slow the system down for other users.
Pre-Process Ledger Transactions Button
To post a batch, the first thing you do is click the Pre-Process Ledger
Transactions button. This initiates a procedure where the program matches up
all the un-posted transactions with the settings in the Account Assignments

Message Screens
After pre-processing is completed, the program will display messages, if

Operating Guide 773

13-5. Batch Posting

First, if you have transactions that cannot be posted because their dates fall
within closed periods, you receive another message screen, which includes a list
of remedies.
Secondly, if you have any transactions that lack GL account assignments,
another message screen is displayed that contains a list of remedies.
After you close the last message screen, you will see the Finish Pre-Processing
message on top of the progress bar.
Posting the batch
You can now post the batch, which is done by clicking the Post button. When
posting is completed, you receive a message at the top of the progress bar that
informs you how many transactions were posted and how many are left un-
posted, usually because they have no account assignment or they are dated to a
closed period.
Show Un-Posted Transactions Button
To view your un-posted transactions, click the Show Un-Posted Transactions
In the Comment field you will see the reason why the transaction could not post.
It is usually ‘NoPeriod’, which means the transaction is dated for a closed period,
or ‘NoMapping’, meaning that an account assignment setting is missing.
Reversing a Batch
After posting your batch, you can review your GL postings by highlighting your
batch on the GL – Batch History screen and clicking the Report button.
If you find errors that need account re-assignment, you can reverse the batch by
clicking the Reverse button. You can then re-assign GL accounts in the GL –
General Ledger Setup – Account Assignments screen and then run the Batch
Posting procedure again.

774 Operating Guide

13-5. Batch Posting

13-6. Batch History

(GL – Batch History)

This screen enables you to view a listing of all the GL posting batches generated
via the Batch Posting screen. You can drill-down and see the detail transactions
within each batch, and you can reverse a batch if you wish to make corrections
and post transactions once again.
Batch Listing Display
Each batch is identified with a system-generated Batch ID and a Posting Date.
The Status field will show a value of ‘Posted’ or ‘Reversed’. Other information
includes the No of Transactions and the Post Method.
Drill-Down Button
To view the actual transactions within a batch, highlight the desired batch and
click the Drill-Down button.
Batch Posting Report
To get a listing of your batch detail transactions, highlight the desired batch and
click the Report button. You can post daily or as little as once per period.
Reversing a Batch
If after reviewing the batch posting report or the drill-down screen you discover
account assignment errors that you wish to correct, you can reverse the batch by
highlighting it and clicking the Reverse button. This un-posts all the transactions
and changes the batch Status to ‘Reversed’.
You can now re-assign GL accounts as needed in the GL – General Ledger
Setup – Account Assignments screen. The next time you run the Batch Posting
procedure, those reversed transactions will get posted again, this time with the
corrected GL assignment settings.

Operating Guide 775

13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator

13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator

(GL – GL Spreadsheet Generator)

Spreadsheets such as Excel are ideal for analyzing financial data. If you wish to
compare financial periods from one year to the next, or compare budget
projections with actual performance, the spreadsheet accommodates an
unlimited number of columns, whereas a standard report can only display three
or four columns at most.
Once your data is in Excel, you can organize subtotals, calculate percentages,
apply formulas, create graphs, link spreadsheets, and create almost any type of
printed output.
The GL Spreadsheet Generator is a utility that enables you to extract general
ledger data out of DBA and into Excel in a variety of user-defined formats that
you can re-use over and over again.
Essentially, the GL Spreadsheet Generator gathers the data for you and then
Excel is used to manipulate and present the data. Using DBA with Excel is a
combination that provides you with almost unlimited financial analysis.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: GL Spreadsheet Generator
What types of data sets can be created?
The following are the types of data sets that could be generated using the GL
Spreadsheet Generator:
• Comparative balance sheet by period
• Changes in financial position
• Best or worse case budget scenario
• Budget vs. actual year-to-date
• Year-to-date income statement
• Comparative income for last three years
• Income by period – trailing 12 months
• Absorbed vs. actual overhead
• Projected vs. actual sales
• Gross profit by period
• Absorbed vs. actual costs

776 Operating Guide

13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator

Creating a new spreadsheet

To create a new spreadsheet, click the New button. You are taken to the
Columns screen where you can enter the Name and Description that will be used
to identify this spreadsheet on the opening List screen.

Columns Tab
In the Columns tab screen you define the columns that are to be included in your
data set and spreadsheet. Enter and define as many spreadsheet columns as
you wish. Within your columns you can mix and match any combination of
budget, actual performance, years, and date ranges.

Upper Panel
Enter an up to 20-character Name to identify your spreadsheet on the List
You can enter an up 50-character Description to accompany the Name on the
List tab.
Grid Columns
Column Name
You must give each column a Column Name.
NOTE: This must be a single word with no spaces.
This refers to the type of data to be displayed in the column. You can select
‘Actual’ or any of your budgets.
Select ‘C’ for the current year, ‘P’ for the previous year, ‘N’ for next year, or
you can specify a particular fiscal year.

Operating Guide 777

13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator

From Period - To Period

Within this year, you can specify a from and to period. For example, if you
want the first column to be the month of January, you would select period ‘01’
through period ‘01’. If you want the first column to be the first quarter of the
year, you would select period ‘01’ through ‘03’. Or, if you want your first
column to be the entire year, you would select period ‘01’ through ‘12’.

Selections Tab
The Selections tab is where you select ranges of GL accounts that will populate
the columns you created in the Columns tab screen.

Upper Panel
Name, Description
These are read-only fields that identify your spreadsheet.
Grid Columns
Your range of accounts can be determined buy any of the following:
• Account Type
• Account Class
• Account Group
Select one of these options:
• =
• <>
Select the equal sign when you want to include a range in your selection.
Select ‘<>’ if you want your range to be excluded from selection. You could,
for example, enter a wide range of items, such as all your expense accounts,
in one line using the equal sign, and then in a second line you could exclude
a small range of expenses within that first range, using the ‘<>’ condition.

778 Operating Guide

13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator

From – To
The lookups in these fields are determined by your selection in the
Classification field.
This field cannot be blank. Your choices are:
• And
• Or
• GroupOr
How to use the Connector
When all you are entering is one line, this field has no meaning and can
be left as is. Also, if this is the last line, this field has no meaning, and can
be left as is.
Now let’s say you want a group of accounts from one section of your chart
of accounts, and for some reason you want another group located
somewhere else. You might be comparing absorbed WIP overhead
versus actual overhead, for example. Select your first range on one line,
and in the Connector field, select ‘Or’ and then enter your second range in
line 2.
Whenever you want to include separate groups of accounts like this,
always use the ‘Or’ connector. You are telling the program to select this
range, or this range, or this range. So think of ‘Or’ as meaning “Or also.”
The ‘And’ connector is used to filter or limit a range to just some accounts
within the range. Typically, this is used with multi-segment GL account
code structures where a second or third segment might represent a sub-
account or department.
You could say I want all my office expenses ‘And’ I want only segments
ranging from this value to this value. So think of ‘And’ as meaning “and
And let’s say you want to define another group of ranges that also
contains an ‘And’ connector. End your last group line with a ‘GroupOr’
connector, which tells the program that you are defining a separate group
on the next line. So ‘GroupOr’, in effect, acts like a bracket in a
mathematical expression and separates one group of lines from another
group of lines. So think of ‘GroupOr’ as meaning “Or also another Group.”
The ‘And’ and ‘GroupOr’ connectors are typically used to isolate data to
specific departments or sub-accounts. If you have single-segment GL
codes, you will almost exclusively use ranges of accounts.
Show Selection Query Result Button
In the background, the selection columns generate an SQL query on the GL
transactions table. If you want to see the actual query that gets generated, click
this button.

Operating Guide 779

13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator

Lower Panel
Use these settings to determine the sort order of your spreadsheet rows. If you
wish to sort the rows in GL account code order, for example, you would select
‘FullAccount’ in the Sort 1 field and leave the Sort 2 and Sort 3 fields blank.

Generating your spreadsheet

Now that your spreadsheet has been set up, it can be generated whenever you
wish. To do so, go to the List tab and highlight the spreadsheet you wish to run.

List Tab
Year/Period for ‘Current’ columns
Select the accounting period that you consider to be the “Current” period.
Any Year or From Period or To Period columns with a ‘C’ setting will gather its
data from this period or year. Any columns with a ‘P’ setting (Previous) will
gather its data from the prior year and any columns with an ‘N’ setting (Next)
will gather its data from the next year (in the case of budget amounts).
Generate Button
Click this button to generate your spreadsheet. The data set you have
selected is displayed in the Analysis screen, which is a spreadsheet type grid
that displays all the available fields, along with all the records that comprise
them. At this point, all the available fields within each GL account are
Normally, you would not want to view all these columns. So the next step
is to create your own queries, which are limited to the fields you want to
Customize Button
The query is reduced to just the fields you want by dragging unwanted fields
off the screen. This is done via the Customize button, which presents a box
in the lower right corner of the screen. To remove a field, drag its column

780 Operating Guide

13-7. GL Spreadsheet Generator

heading and drop it into the box. Continue removing fields one by one until
you are left with the fields you want.
Save Layout Button
When done, click the Save Layout button, and give your query a name. This
adds your query to the Layout List. Now whenever you want to run this query
again, you select it from the Layout List, click the Restore button, and your
custom layout is displayed once again.

Column filtering & grouping

Before you generate your final spreadsheet, you can perform additional filtering
and grouping on your data set.
Column Filtering
You can click the down arrow on any column heading and from the drop-down
list, select a particular value.
If the column is a date field, you can click the column heading down arrow, select
the ‘Customize’ option, and then enter ranges of dates.
Column Sorting
You can sort your list by clicking on any of the column headings, which will then
sort the entire list by that column. Click the heading a second time and the sort
order will change from ascending to descending, or vice-versa.

Output Options
At this point, the Analysis screen is functioning as an inquiry screen. You can go
a step further, however, and click the Output button to output this information into
the following formats.
• Output to the printer
• Output to HTML
• Output to Text
• Output to Excel
Output to the Printer
When you select this option, a print preview screen is displayed. You can click
File – Page Setup to select various options that will change the report
appearance. When the format is to your satisfaction, click the Print button.
Output to HTML, Text, Excel
When you select these options, you are prompted to save the file to a name and

Operating Guide 781

13-8. GL Reports

13-8. GL Reports

13-8A. Journal Report

(GL – Reports – Journal Report)

This report provides a listing of the debit and credit details of any transaction,
which are grouped within the following journal types:
• Cash Receipts
• Cash Disbursements
• Sales
• Purchases
• Jobs
• Inventory
• General Journal
You can limit the report to all or selected journal types, as well as any range of
accounting periods, transaction dates, or entry dates.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Journal Report

13-8B. Transaction Listing

(GL – Reports – Transaction Listing)

This report provides a listing of the transactions within each GL account.

You can run the report by period range or date range and for any range of GL
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Transaction Listing

782 Operating Guide

13-8. GL Reports

13-8C. Absorbed Mfg Costs

(GL – Reports – Absorbed Mfg Costs)

This report is only visible when the Accounting Configuration is set to the
Financial Transfer option, which enables DBA to be used with an outside
accounting system.
The Absorbed Mfg Costs account is a “catch all” expense account in your outside
system that represents a blend of the following DBA accounts.
12200 Picked Not Invoiced
20200 Received Not Invoiced
51100 Accrued Service Labor
52200 Accrued Misc Sales Cost
52500 PO Shipping Cost
53100 Adjustments – Inventory
53300 Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced
53400 Adjustments – WIP
54000 Absorbed Labor
55000 Absorbed Subcontract Cost
56000 Absorbed Misc Job Cost
57000 Absorbed Factory Overhead
61360 Misc Purchases
61480 Purchase Tax
At period end this account will have a credit balance that roughly offsets your
actual direct labor and factory overhead costs. This serves to absorb those costs
into your inventory.
This report provides a breakout of the Absorbed Mfg Costs account total by the
14 DBA accounts that comprise it. You can run the report for any range of
accounting periods.

Operating Guide 783

13-8. GL Reports

13-8D. Trial Balance

(GL – Reports – Trial Balance)

This report displays the total debit, credit, and net change amount for each GL
account, for any period or range of periods. The same columns are also listed on
the report based on year-to-date amounts.
On the selection screen, you must specify a range of periods and a range of GL
accounts. If you leave these fields blank, nothing will be selected.
GL accounts with no activity are normally excluded from the report, but you can
select the Include zero-value accounts checkbox if you want them included.
This is a summary report. For a listing of the transactions for any given GL
account, use the Transaction Listing report.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Trial Balance

13-8E. Balance Sheet

(GL – Reports – Balance Sheet)

The Balance Sheet is always run as of the date you specify on the selection
GL accounts are grouped and subtotaled by Account Type, by Account Class
within Account Type, and Account Group within Account Class.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Balance Sheet

784 Operating Guide

13-8. GL Reports

13-8F. Income Statement

(GL – Reports – Income Statement)

The Income Statement can be run for any range of accounting periods and any
range of GL accounts.
GL accounts are grouped and subtotaled by Account Type, by Account Class
within Account Type, and Account Group within Account Class.
If you wish to compare income across multiple periods, you must set up a
spreadsheet in the GL – GL Spreadsheet Generator screen, which enables you
to compare as many columns of information as you need, including income vs.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Income Statement

Operating Guide 785

13-8. GL Reports

786 Operating Guide

13A. Period/Year End Procedures

13A. Period End & Year End

Period End Procedures
With DBA, you do not formally “close” your periods in terms of being required to
run any type of procedure to move from one period to the next. In this section we
recommend five period end procedures that are good accounting practices.

Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segments: Period End Procedures, Inventory and WIP Accounts, Adjustment
Accounts, Absorption Accounts

Step 1 – Make period end journal entries

(GL – Journal Entry)

Make period end journal entries for any accrual accounts that you maintain, such
as allowance for bad debt, depreciation, etc.
Do not make journal entries to self-adjusting accounts
Do not make journal entries to the following accounts except on a one-time
basis to get them in balance with underlying transactions. Once these
accounts are in balance, they are self-adjusting.
• Bank Accounts (10100 – 10400)
• Accounts Receivable (11000)
• Inventory (12000)
• Work in Process (12300)
• Accounts Payable (20000)
• Received Not Invoiced (20200)

Step 2 – Reconcile inventory book values

(Inventory – Reconcile Book Values)
Run this procedure to adjust for any discrepancies between item “book value”
and actual inventory value.

Step 3 – Key Accounts Review

In this step you will review key GL accounts to insure their integrity and make
appropriate adjustments and procedural changes.

Operating Guide 787

13A. Period/Year End Procedures

Bank Accounts (10100 – 10400)

Each Bank Account balance should agree with the current balance displayed in
the Bank Balances Inquiry screen. If it does not, make the following one-time
adjusting journal entry and bank reconciliation transaction.
One-Time Adjustment
On the Bank Balances Inquiry screen, compare each bank account’s Bank
Balance to its GL Balance, both of which are displayed on the screen. If the
Bank Balance is greater than the GL Balance, make this one-time journal
entry for the difference in value:
Debit Bank Account
Credit Bank Charges
NEXT STEP: This journal entry will cause the bank account to be out of
balance with the next bank statement by the amount of the journal entry.
To correct this, go into the Bank Reconciliation screen and make a special
one-time reconciliation transaction where you enter the journal entry
amount in the (+) Adjustments header field as a negative amount.
If the Bank Balance is less than the GL Balance, make this one-time journal
entry for the difference in value:
Debit Bank Charges
Credit Bank Account
NEXT STEP: This journal entry will cause the bank account to be out of
balance with the next bank statement by the amount of the journal entry.
To correct this, go into the Bank Reconciliation screen and make a special
one-time reconciliation transaction where you enter the journal entry
amount in the (+) Adjustments header field as a positive amount.
Accounts Receivable (11000)
The Accounts Receivable account should equal the current value listed on the
Customer Detail Aging report. If it does not, make a one-time adjusting journal
entry as described further below.
Do not make ongoing journal entries
The Accounts Receivable account is automatically adjusted and kept in
balance as invoices and customer payments are processed. Ongoing journal
entries may be harmful and should be avoided because they sever the direct
relationship between Accounts Receivable value and the underlying
One-Time Adjustment
Compare the grand total on the Customer Summary Aging report with your
Accounts Receivable account balance on the Balance Sheet. If the amount
on the report is greater than your GL balance, make this one-time journal

788 Operating Guide

13A. Period/Year End Procedures

entry for the difference in value, with the transaction date being the last day of
the period:
Debit Accounts Receivable (11000)
Credit Cost of Goods Sold (50000)
If the amount on the report is less than your GL balance, make this one-time
journal entry for the difference in value, with the transaction date being the
last day of the period:
Debit Cost of Goods Sold (50000)
Credit Accounts Receivable (11000)
Inventory (12000)
Your Inventory account balance should equal the current total listed on the
Inventory Value report. If it does not, adjust it on a one-time basis as described
Do not make ongoing journal entries
The Inventory account is automatically adjusted and kept in balance with
each inventory transaction. Ongoing journal entries may be harmful and
should be avoided because they sever the direct relationship between
Inventory value and the underlying transactions.
Do not split the account into multiple accounts
If you wish to evaluate Inventory value by M or P items, Item Category, or
Location, do so using the Inventory Value report instead of adjusting the
Inventory. Do not use journal entries to split your Inventory account into
multiple accounts because it will sever the direct relationship between
Inventory value and the underlying transactions.
One-time Adjustment
Compare the current grand total on the Inventory Value report with your
Inventory account balance on the Balance Sheet. If the amount on the report
is greater than your GL balance, make this one-time journal entry for the
difference in value, with the transaction date being the last day of the period:
Debit Inventory (12000)
Credit Adjustments – Inventory (53100)
If the amount on the report is less than your GL balance, make this one-time
journal entry for the difference in value, with the transaction date being the
last day of the period:
Debit Adjustments – Inventory (53100)
Credit Inventory (12000)

Operating Guide 789

13A. Period/Year End Procedures

Work in Process (12300)

Your Work in Process account balance should equal the current total listed on
the WIP Value report. If it does not, adjust it on a one-time basis as follows.
Do not make ongoing journal entries
The Work in Process account is automatically adjusted with each job
transaction and is kept in balance when Jobs are closed. Ongoing journal
entries may be harmful and should be avoided because they sever the direct
relationship between Work in Process value and the underlying transactions
and Job closing.
If the balance is constantly growing:
If your Work in Process account balance is constantly growing, it is because
users are not closing jobs, which automatically balances the account. Make
sure your users close all finished jobs using the Job Control Panel.
One-time Adjustment
Only perform this one-time adjustment after all finished jobs have been
formally closed using the Job Control Panel.
Compare the current grand total on the WIP Value report with your Work in
Process account balance on the Balance Sheet. If the amount on the report
is greater than your GL balance, make this one-time journal entry for the
difference in value, with the transaction date being the last day of the period:
Debit Work in Process (12300)
Credit Adjustments – WIP (53400)
If the amount on the report is less than your GL balance, make this one-time
journal entry for the difference in value, with the transaction date being the
last day of the period:
Debit Adjustments – WIP (53400)
Credit Work in Process (12300)
Accounts Payable (20000)
The Accounts Payable account should equal the current value listed on the
Supplier Summary Aging report. If it does not, make a one-time adjusting journal
entry as described further below.
Do not make ongoing journal entries
The Accounts Payable account is automatically adjusted and kept in balance
as supplier invoices and payments are processed. Ongoing journal entries
may be harmful and should be avoided because they sever the direct
relationship between Accounts Payable value and the underlying

790 Operating Guide

13A. Period/Year End Procedures

One-Time Adjustment
Compare the grand total on the Supplier Summary Aging report with your
Accounts Payable account balance on the Balance Sheet. If the amount on
the report is greater than your GL balance, make this one-time journal entry
for the difference in value, with the transaction date being the last day of the
Debit Misc Purchases (61360)
Credit Accounts Payable (20000)
If the amount on the report is less than your GL balance, make this one-time
journal entry for the difference in value, with the transaction date being the
last day of the period:
Debit Accounts Payable (20000)
Credit Misc Purchases (61360)
Received Not Invoiced (20200)
The Received Not Invoiced account should equal the current value listed on the
Received Not Invoiced report.
Do not make ongoing journal entries
The Received Not Invoiced account is automatically adjusted with each PO
receipt and is kept in balance as PO Invoices are processed and POs are
closed. Ongoing journal entries may be harmful and should be avoided
because they sever the direct relationship between Received Not Invoiced
value and the underlying transactions and PO closing.
If the balance is constantly growing:
If your Received Not Invoiced account balance is constantly growing, it is
because users are not using the PO Invoices screen to match POs with
supplier invoices, which closes PO lines and balances the Received Not
Invoiced account. Make sure that all PO-related supplier invoices are created
in the PO Invoices screen rather than in the Supplier Invoices screen.
One-Time Adjustment
Compare the grand total on the Received Not Invoiced report with your
Received Not Invoiced account balance on the Balance Sheet. If the amount
on the report is greater than your GL balance, make this one-time journal
entry for the difference in value, with today’s date as the transaction date:
Debit Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced (53300)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (20200)
If the amount on the report is less than your GL balance, make this one-time
journal entry for the difference in value, with today’s date as the transaction

Operating Guide 791

13A. Period/Year End Procedures

Debit Received Not Invoiced

Credit Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced (53300)
Adjustments – Inventory (53100)
This account balance reflects stock count discrepancies and should receive a
relatively modest total each period. If a great many transactions are being
posted to this account, resulting in a relatively large period end total, users are
using Stock Adjustments to bypass a standard process, such as PO receipts, job
receipts, or job material returns to stock. Make sure users only perform any such
processes within their respective screens and never through Stock Adjustment.
NOTE: The best way to stop the abuse of stock adjustments is to deny
users access to the Stock Adjustments screen through password security.
Any true stock count adjustments should instead be made through the
Stock Counts screen, which is designed for that purpose.
Adjustments – WIP (53400)
This account balance reflects any variance between the total cost of job inputs
(material, labor, overhead, subcontract service) versus the total cost of job
outputs. If this account consistently accumulates a relatively large debit balance,
it can be caused by these reasons:
• Users are entering finished job receipts using Stock Adjustments instead
of the Job Issues & Receipts screen, which creates an imbalance between
input and output costs. We recommend that you use password security to
deny users access to the Stock Adjustments screen.
• Users are entering job receipts in the Job Issues & Receipts screen before
all job costs have been reported, even though the screen provides a
warning when input costs remain unreported. One remedy is to
implement processes whereby material and labor costs are entered in as
close to real time as possible. If this cannot be done, we recommend that
you change the Job Receipt Cost Basis in Job Defaults from ‘Actual Job
Cost’ to ‘Estimated Job Cost’, which will provide a safeguard against zero-
cost receipt transactions.

Step 4 – Reset the financial cutoff date

(GL – Financial Cutoff Date)

After period end journal entries have been made, we recommend that you
advance the Financial Cutoff Date. Select a date equal to the last day of the
accounting period you consider to be “closed.” Financial posting dates cannot be
entered prior to or equal to this date.

Step 5 – Print financial statements

(GL – Reports – Balance Sheet)

792 Operating Guide

13A. Period/Year End Procedures

(GL – Reports – Income Statement)

The final step is to print your financial statements and submit them to

Fiscal Year End

Unlike many accounting systems, DBA does not require any special procedures
to be run at fiscal year end. At fiscal year end you simply continue operating as
you would at any period end.
At any date during the new fiscal year you are free to make adjusting journal
entries in the prior year to finalize your fiscal year end accounting.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – General Ledger Training Course
Segment: Year End

Operating Guide 793

13B. Posting Specifications

13B. Posting Specifications

This chapter provides posting specifications associated with each type of
financial transaction made by the system. Specifications include the cost basis
of the transaction, the cost classes involved (where applicable), the accounts that
are debited and credited, and any additional information where relevant.

Stock Adjustment
Basis Inventory Cost
Stock Qty Increase
Debit Inventory (Asset - 12000)
Credit Adjustments – Inventory (Cost of Sales - 53100)
Stock Qty Decrease
Debit Adjustments - Inventory (Cost of Sales - 53100)
Credit Inventory (12000 - Asset)

Order Picking
Stock Item
Basis Inventory Cost
Debit Picked Not Invoiced (Asset - 12200)
Credit Inventory (Asset - 12000)
Basis SO Line Est Cost
Debit Picked Not Invoiced (Asset - 12200)
Credit Accrued Service Labor (Cost of Sales - 51100)
Posting At time of invoicing only.

Customer Invoice – Cost of Sales

Stock Item
Basis Picked/Issued Cost
Debit Cost of Goods Sold (Cost of Sales – 50000 or Exception)

794 Operating Guide

13B. Posting Specifications

Credit Picked Not Invoiced (Asset - 12200)

Basis SO Line Est Cost
Debit Cost of Goods Sold (Cost of Sales – 50000 or Exception)
Credit Accrued Service Labor (Cost of Sales - 51100)
Basis SO Line Est Cost
Debit Cost of Goods Sold (Cost of Sales – 50000 or Exception)
Credit Accrued Misc Sales Cost (Cost of Sales - 52200)
Basis SO line Est Cost
Debit Cost of Goods Sold (Cost of Sales – 50000 or Exception)
Credit Absorbed Shipping Cost (Cost of Sales - 52400)

Customer Invoice – Revenue

Line Item Sale
Debit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)
Credit Sales – Products (Income – 40000 or Exception)
Line Item Tax
Debit Accounts Receivable (Asset – 11000)
or, AR – Tax Portion (Asset - 11100)
Credit Sales Tax Payable (Liability - 21100)
Shipping Descriptor / Freeform
Debit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)
Credit Shipping Income (Income - 42000)
Payment – Customer Deposit
Debit Customer Deposits (Liability - 23100)
Credit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)

Operating Guide 795

13B. Posting Specifications

or, AR – Tax Portion (Asset - 11100)

Payment – Credit Card Terms – Non Tax Portion
Debit Merchant Account – Credit Cards (Asset – 10500 or User-Defined)
Credit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)
Payment – Credit Card Terms – Tax Portion
Debit Merchant Account – Credit Cards (Asset – 10500 or User-Defined)
Credit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)
or, AR – Tax Portion (Asset - 11100)

Job Issue
Stock Item
Basis Inventory Cost
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Inventory (Asset - 12000)
Descriptor – Labor/Setup
Basis Estimated Cost
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Labor (Cost of Sales - 54000)
Descriptor – Miscellaneous
Basis Estimated Cost
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Misc Job Cost (Cost of Sales - 56000)
Descriptor – Overhead
Basis Estimated Cost
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Factory Overhead (Cost of Sales – 57000)
Descriptor - Subcontract
Basis Estimated Cost

796 Operating Guide

13B. Posting Specifications

Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)

Credit Absorbed Subcontract Cost (Cost of Sales - 55000)

Job Labor Entry

Labor & Setup
Basis Work Center Labor/Setup Rate or Worker Rate
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Labor (Cost of Sales - 54000)
Fixed Overhead
Basis Work Center Fixed Overhead Rate
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Factory Overhead (Cost of Sales - 57000)
Variable Overhead
Basis Work Center Variable Overhead Rate
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Factory Overhead (Cost of Sales - 57000)

Job Receipt
Basis Job Actual Cost or Job Estimated Cost
Debit Inventory (Asset - 12000)
Credit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)

Job Close
Basis Job Actual Costs
Output Costs > Input Costs
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Adjustments – WIP (Cost of Sales - 53400)
Output Costs < Input Costs
Debit Adjustments – WIP (Cost of Sales - 53400)
Credit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)

Job Reopen
GL Transaction
Basis Reversal of Previous Job Close Postings

Operating Guide 797

13B. Posting Specifications

Output Costs > Input Costs

Debit Adjustments – WIP (Cost of Sales - 53400)
Credit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Output Costs < Input Costs
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Adjustments – WIP (Cost of Sales - 53400)

PO Receipt
Stock Item
Basis PO Receipt Cost
Debit Inventory (Asset - 12000)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
Descriptor – Non-Shipping without Subcon Job Value
Basis PO Receipt Cost
Debit Misc Purchases (Expense – 61360 or Exception)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
Descriptor – Non-Subcontract with Subcon Job Value
Basis PO Receipt Cost
Debit Absorbed Misc Job Cost (Cost of Sales - 56000)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
A Job Issue transaction occurs immediately following the PO receipt, posted as
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Misc Job Cost (Cost of Sales - 56000)
Descriptor – Shipping without Subcon Job Value
Basis PO Receipt Cost
Debit PO Shipping Cost (Cost of Sales - 52500)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)

798 Operating Guide

13B. Posting Specifications

Freeform or Descriptor – Subcontract with Subcon Job Value

Basis PO Receipt Cost
Debit Absorbed Subcontract Cost (Cost of Sales - 55000)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
A Job Issue transaction occurs immediately following the PO receipt, posted as
Debit Work in Process (Asset - 12300)
Credit Absorbed Subcontract Cost (Cost of Sales - 55000)

PO Invoice
Matched Line Item
Basis PO Receipt Cost
Debit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Line Item Tax
Basis Matched PO Line Tax
Debit Purchase Tax (Expense - 61480 or Liability)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
or, AP – Tax Portion (Liability - 20100)
Line Item Price Variance – Supplier Price > PO Cost
Basis Difference between Supplier Invoice Price and PO Receipt Cost
Debit Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced (Cost of Sales - 53300)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
Line Item Price Variance – Supplier Price < PO Cost
Debit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
Credit Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced (Cost of Sales - 53300)
SHIP Line Item
Basis PO Invoice Unit Price
Debit PO Shipping Cost (Cost of Sales - 52500)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Credit Card Payment – Non Tax Portion

Operating Guide 799

13B. Posting Specifications

Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)

Credit Credit Card Account (20500 or User-Defined)
Credit Card Payment – Tax Portion
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
or, AP – Tax Portion (Liability - 20100)
Credit Credit Card Account (20500 or User-Defined)

PO Line Reopen
Basis Reversal of PO Invoice Price / PO Receipt Cost Variance
Supplier Price > PO Cost
Debit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)
Credit Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced (Cost of Sales - 53300)
Supplier Price < PO Cost
Debit Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced (Cost of Sales - 53300)
Credit Received Not Invoiced (Liability - 20200)

Customer Payment
Customer Invoice – Non-Tax Portion
Debit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
or, Merchant Account (Asset - 10500 or User-Defined)
Credit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)
Customer Invoice – Tax Portion
Debit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
or, Merchant Account (Asset - 10500 or User-Defined)
Credit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)
or, AR – Tax Portion (Asset - 11100)
Customer Invoice – Discount Amount
Debit AR Discounts Taken (Income - 43200)
Credit Accounts Receivable (Asset - 11000)

Customer Deposit
Debit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
or, Merchant Account (Asset - 10500 or User-Defined)
Credit Customer Deposits (Liability - 23100)

800 Operating Guide

13B. Posting Specifications

Supplier Invoice
Non-Tax Portion
Debit Expense Account (Expense - Selected)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Tax Portion
Debit Purchase Tax (Expense - 61480 or Liability)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
or, AP – Tax Portion (Liability - 20100)
Payment – Non Credit Card – Non-Tax Portion
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Credit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
Payment – Non Credit Card – Tax Portion
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
or, AP – Tax Portion (Liability - 20100)
Credit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
Payment – Credit Card Terms – Non-Tax Portion
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Credit Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)
Payment – Credit Card Terms – Tax Portion
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
or, AP – Tax Portion (Liability - 20100)
Credit Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)

Supplier Payment
Non-Tax Portion
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Credit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
or, Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)
Tax Portion
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
or, AP – Tax Portion (Liability - 20100)
Credit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)

Operating Guide 801

13B. Posting Specifications

or, Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)

Discount Amount
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Credit AP Discounts Taken (Cost of Sales - 52600)

Void Payment
Non-Tax Portion
Debit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
or, Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Tax Portion
Debit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
or, Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
or, AP – Tax Portion (Liability - 20100)
Discount Amount
Debit AP Discounts Taken (Cost of Sales - 52600)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)

Misc Credit Card Charge

Debit Expense Account (Expense - Selected)
Credit Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)

Credit Card Payment

Invoice Creation
Debit Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Credit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)

Bank Account Transfer

Journal Entry
Debit To Bank Account (Asset - Selected)

802 Operating Guide

13B. Posting Specifications

Credit From Bank Account (Asset - Selected)

Check Payment – Invoice Creation
Debit To Bank Account (Asset – Selected)
Credit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Check Payment – Payment
Debit Accounts Payable (Liability - 20000)
Credit From Bank Account (Asset - Selected)

Merchant Account Transfer

Debit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
Credit Merchant Account (Asset - 10500 or User-Defined)

Account Reconciliation
Interest Income
Debit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
Credit Interest Income (Income - 43000
Bank Charges
Debit Bank Charges (Expense - 61040)
Credit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
Merchant Fees
Debit Merchant Account Fees (Cost of Sales -52100)
Credit Bank Account (Asset - 10100 or User-Defined)
Credit Card Fees
Debit Credit Card Fees (Expense - 61100)
Credit Credit Card Account (Liability - 20500 or User-Defined)

Operating Guide 803

13C. Payroll Accounting

13C. Payroll Accounting

Payroll is an independent function
Payroll is an independent function that is processed outside of the DBA system.
Payroll has no connection with job costing or any other DBA functions. Because
it is an independent function, there is no need to change payroll systems in order
to use the DBA system.
If you are using outside financials:
If you are using the Financial Transfer utility in conjunction with outside
financials, you will continue using your outside system’s payroll module or payroll
service as is.
If you are using DBA financials:
If you are using the DBA financial modules, we advise you to continue using your
existing payroll solution. The only change you will make is that concurrent with
system startup day, you will change your payroll ledger accounts to be
compatible with the payroll accounts in the DBA standard chart of accounts.
After each payroll run you will update the DBA general ledger through the Payroll
Import screen or by means of a batch Journal Entry.
Payroll outsourcing is another option
If you prefer to outsource your payroll, you have the option of using a payroll
service provider such as Paychex® or ADP®.
If you are using CheckMark Payroll
CheckMark Payroll® is a stand-alone software package used by some DBA
customers. For setup guidance, see the CheckMark Payroll Setup white paper in
the Documents – White Papers area of the online support center.
Is payroll required for job costing?
It is a common misconception that payroll is required for job costing. Payroll has
no connection with job costing in DBA. In DBA, jobs are costed at your work
center labor rate, which approximates your overall hourly cost for direct labor.
Must job hours agree with payroll hours?
Not at all. Job hours and payroll hours are not the same thing and have different
purposes. Collecting job labor hours is optional, whereas the reporting of payroll
hours is mandatory. Production workers are not always working on jobs and
have downtime for meetings, training, and other purposes. You should collect
payroll hours separately from job hours using a time and attendance system of
your choice.

804 Operating Guide

13C. Payroll Accounting

Payroll Setup
In order to import payroll into the DBA general ledger, you must restructure your
payroll system’s departments and account assignments per the following

Most payroll systems enable you to define departments. Within each department
you can then establish your GL accounts for liabilities and expenses or cost of
sales. You should set up the following departments to accommodate the six
payroll cost categories in DBA.
Direct Labor
Indirect Labor

Asset Account
If you are processing payroll with an in-house software package, you typically
make payments out of a payroll bank account.
10200 Bank Account – Payroll
If you are using a payroll service, you do not make the actual payments out of
your own bank account. Instead, these payments are made on your behalf by
your payroll service provider. The accounting is done as follows:
Payroll Service Invoicing
When you outsource payroll, typically you receive an invoice prior to each
payroll from your payroll service provider. Enter this invoice in the Supplier
Invoices screen and distribute it to these two accounts:
22200 Wages Payable
61410 Payroll Service Fees
The actual payroll cost gets distributed to the Wages Payable account, which
is a temporary clearing account that gets washed out when payroll is actually
processed a few days later. If a service fee is charged for payroll processing,
it gets distributed to the Payroll Service Fess expense account.

Liability Accounts
All departments can share these liability accounts:
22000 Deductions Payable
22100 Taxes Payable

Operating Guide 805

13C. Payroll Accounting

22200 Wages Payable

Expense & Cost of Sales Accounts

Below are listed the expense and cost of sales accounts associated with each
62100 Admin Payroll – Benefits
62200 Admin Payroll – Taxes
62300 Admin Payroll – Wages
Direct Labor
54100 Labor Payroll – Benefits
54200 Labor Payroll – Taxes
54300 Labor Payroll – Wages
Indirect Labor
59000 Indirect Payroll – Benefits
59100 Indirect Payroll – Taxes
59200 Indirect Payroll – Wages
61800 R & D Payroll – Benefits
61820 R & D Payroll – Taxes
61840 R & D Payroll – Wages
60200 Sales Payroll – Benefits
60220 Sales Payroll – Commissions
60240 Sales Payroll – Wages
60260 Sales Payroll – Taxes
51200 Service Payroll – Benefits
51300 Service Payroll – Taxes
51400 Service Payroll – Wages

Employee Department Assignments

Each employee is assigned to a department. In some cases an employee may
be assigned to two or more departments with a percentage allocation to each.
The following are definitions of each department that will help you make your
employee assignments.
General administrative managers, supervisors, and clerical workers are
assigned to this department.

806 Operating Guide

13C. Payroll Accounting

Direct Labor
Production and setup workers are assigned to this department.
Indirect Labor
Factory managers, supervisors, as well as maintenance, warehouse,
inspection, planning, purchasing, and shipping personnel are assigned to
this department.
Employees associated with product research and development are
assigned to this department.
Sales and marketing employees are assigned to this department.
Billable service workers and their supervisors are assigned to this
department. “Billable service” refers to repair services performed on
behalf of customers and is not to be confused with factory maintenance.

Operating Guide 807

13C. Payroll Accounting

Payroll Transfer to DBA

You have three options when it comes to transferring payroll information to DBA:
Account Summary Import
After each set of employee or payroll vendor payments are processed, a
single debit or credit amount for each account is transferred into the general
ledger using the Payroll Import screen. If you outsource payroll to a payroll
service provider, we recommend that you import account summaries rather
than transaction detail. Ample transaction detail reporting is available within
the payroll system itself.
Account Summary Journal Entry
This option must be used when you are unable to export information from
your payroll system. After each set of employee or payroll vendor payments
are processed, you must create a batch Journal Entry where you enter a
single debit or credit amount for each account. This information can be found
on your payroll summary register.
Transaction Detail Import
After each set of employee or payroll vendor payments are processed, all
account transactions associated with each payment are transferred into the
general ledger using the Payroll Import screen.
NOTE: This method creates a great many ledger transactions that offer
no reporting benefits beyond what is already available from reports
within your payroll system. Unless you have a reason for all this
transaction detail, we recommend that you import or enter account
summary totals instead.

Payroll Import
(GL – Payroll Import)

See chapter 13 for detailed instructions on using the Payroll Import screen.

808 Operating Guide

14. Bank (Banking)

14. Bank (Banking)

On the Bank menu you will find all screens and reports related to your banking
accounts. Menu options include:

Banking Setup
• Banking Accounts
Main Menu
• Bank Deposits
• Bank Account Transfer
• Merchant Account Transfer
• Account Reconciliation
• Account Balances Inquiry

Training Course
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Banking Training Course

Operating Guide 809

14-1A. Banking Accounts

14-1. Banking Setup

14-1A. Banking Accounts

(Bank – Banking Setup – Banking Accounts)

Use this screen to set up each of your banking-related accounts, including bank
accounts, merchant accounts, and credit card accounts.

Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Banking Training Course
Segment: Banking Accounts

List Tab

Display Grid
All your banking accounts are listed on this tab.
Lower Panel
You can filter the grid contents by clearing or selecting the Bank Accounts, Credit
Cards, or Merchant Accounts checkboxes.
Click this button to create a new account. You are swapped to the Detail tab,
which is cleared for new record entry.
Click this button to delete an account.

810 Operating Guide

14-1A. Banking Accounts

NOTE: You will not be permitted to delete an account if it has any

transaction history. If you wish to no longer use a formerly active
account, click the Detail tab and clear the Active checkbox.

Detail Tab

Field Explanations
Banking Account
Enter an up to 30-character name used to identify the banking account on
screens, lookups, and reports.
Enter an up to 50-character description that further identifies the banking
Select one of these three types from the drop down list:
Bank Account
Select this option if this is a cash type bank account, such as a checking
or savings account.
Credit Card
Select this option if this account is used for your company’s credit card
purchases and expenses.
Merchant Account
Select this option if this account is used for receipt of customer credit card
payments. Funds are temporarily stored in this account until transferred to
a designated bank account in the Merchant Account Transfer screen.
Clear this checkbox if this account is no longer in active use. This removes
this account from lookups in the Customer Payments, Customer Deposits,
and Payment Processing screens.

Operating Guide 811

14-1A. Banking Accounts

This checkbox is only visible on ‘Merchant’ Types. Normally, it is not
necessary to reconcile merchant accounts because they have no interest
income or bank charges, plus you can get a listing of non-transferred
customer payments at any time from the Merchant Account Transfer screen.
If you wish to reconcile this account through the Account Reconciliation
screen, select this checkbox.
Supplier (Optional)
This field is visible on ‘Bank Account’ and ‘Credit Card’ Types. It is used as
Bank Account
If you use the Account Transfer screen to transfer money from this bank
account into another bank account by means of a deposited check
(instead of an electronic file transfer), select the supplier against which a
supplier invoice will be created for check payment purposes.
Credit Card
Select the supplier to which payments are made against this credit card
account in the Credit Card Payments screen.
Transfer To Bank Account
This field is only visible on ‘Merchant’ Types. Select the bank account to
which transfers are deposited from this merchant account.
GL Accounts
The fields in this panel are only active when you first create a banking
account record. Once the account is created, these fields remain visible for
information purposes, but are grayed out. Any subsequent changes that are
needed must be made in the Account Assignments screen.
Asset Account
This field is only visible on ‘Bank Account’ and ‘Merchant’ Types. This is
the Asset account associated with this banking account.
Interest Income
This field is only visible on ‘Bank Account’ Types. In the Account
Reconciliation screen, interest income from bank statements is posted to
this Income account.
Bank Charges
This field is only visible on ‘Bank Account’ Types. In the Account
Reconciliation screen, bank charges from bank statements are posted to
this Expense account.
Merchant Fees (optional)
This field is only visible on ‘Bank Account’ Types. In the Account
Reconciliation screen, bank statement charges associated with merchant

812 Operating Guide

14-1A. Banking Accounts

account fees (for customer credit card payments) is posted to this Cost of
Sales account.
Liability Account
This field is only visible on ‘Credit Card’ Types. This is the Liability
account associated with this credit card account.
Credit Card Fees
This field is only visible on ‘Credit Card’ Types. In the Account
Reconciliation screen, credit card fees and interest charges are posted to
this Expense account.
Starting Check No
This field is only visible on a ‘Bank Account’ Type. This is the next check
number that will be used when printing checks in the Payment Processing or
Account Transfer screen. This number is automatically updated after each
check run.
Lines per Page
This field is only visible on a ‘Bank Account’ Type. This setting controls how
many remittance lines on the check stub will print before remittance printing
skips over to another check stub (the second check is voided). The default
setting is 9 lines per page. You may have to adjust this setting, depending on
your check print format.
Check Style File Name
This field is only visible on a ‘Bank Account’ Type. In this field you can select
a check printing format from among the following RTM file formats, which
have self-explanatory descriptions:
The best way to experiment and find the check format that fits your needs is
to try the different formats (using sample data) within the sample company
supplied with the system. Within each format you can adjust fonts, spacing,
etc. using the Utilities - Forms Edit – Check screen.
Currency Text
This field is only visible on a ‘Bank Account’ Type. When a check is printed,
the check amount is printed both numerically and spelled out in text format.
Enter the text you wish printed on the check to describe this bank account’s
currency, such as “Dollars”, “Euros”, etc.
Currency Symbol
This field is only visible on a ‘Bank Account’ Type. This is the currency
symbol that prints on checks associated with this bank account. No lookup is

Operating Guide 813

14-1A. Banking Accounts

provided. If your keyboard does have the currency character you need, you
can cut and paste the currency character from a document or outside
Click this button to save your entries.

814 Operating Guide

14-2. Bank Deposits

14-2. Bank Deposits

(Bank – Bank Deposits)

Bank deposits serve two purposes:

• For bank statement reconciliation purposes, each bank deposit is a single
amount that gets matched against the corresponding deposit amount on the
bank statement. If you don’t create bank deposit slips, each customer
payment will be itemized on the Account Reconciliation screen, which makes
it difficult to match payments with bank statement deposit amounts.
• The bank deposit printout saves you the time associated with preparing bank
deposits slips by hand.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Accounts Receivable Training Course
Segment: Bank Deposits
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Banking
Segment: Bank Deposits

List Tab

Display Grid
Previous bank deposits are listed in the grid, with the most recent deposit listed
first. You can highlight any past deposit and click the Detail tab to review the
deposit details.
Click this button to create a new deposit. You are swapped to the Detail tab,
which is cleared for new deposit entry.

Operating Guide 815

14-2. Bank Deposits

If you made an error and need to re-do a deposit, highlight and click this
button, which deletes the deposit record.
NOTE: You cannot delete a deposit record once it has been reconciled
in the Account Reconciliation screen.
Click this button to print a deposit slip.
NOTE: You can use the Utilities – Forms Edit – Bank Deposit Slip
screen to modify the deposit slip format.

Detail Tab

Upper Panel
Bank Account
Select the bank account to which the deposit is to be made. The lookup is
limited to ‘Bank Account’ banking account types.
Deposit Reference
This identifies the deposit on the List tab. The program automatically inserts
a reference that consists of the bank account followed by today’s date, which
you can override, if you wish.
You can enter an optional description to further identify the deposit.
This is the actual date of the deposit that will display in the Account
Reconciliation screen.
Total Selected
This read-only field displays the total amount of the payments selected in the
grid below.

816 Operating Guide

14-2. Bank Deposits

Selection Grid
All un-deposited payments to date with payment type methods of ‘CHECK’ or
‘CASH’ are listed in the grid.
Select this checkbox against each payment that is to be included in the
Click this button to save your entries.
NOTE: A bank deposit does not affect the general ledger and has no
financial impact.

Operating Guide 817

14-3. Bank Account Transfer

14-3. Bank Account Transfer

(Bank – Bank Account Transfer)

Use this screen to transfer funds from one bank account to another. You can
transfer funds via a journal entry or a supplier payment.

Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Banking
Segment: Bank Acct Transfer
Field Explanations
Transfer Date
Select the actual date when the transfer occurred.
Enter the amount of the transfer in this field.
From Account
Select the bank account from which the funds will be transferred. The lookup
is limited to ‘Bank Account’ banking account types.
To Account
Select the bank account to which the funds will be transferred. The lookup is
limited to ‘Bank Account’ banking account types.
Transaction Type
Select one of these two options:

818 Operating Guide

14-3. Bank Account Transfer

Journal Entry
Select this option when you are making an electronic file transfer between
Select this option when you wish to transfer funds by printing a check from
the From Account and depositing it into the To Account.
Transfer/Payment Reference
If this is a ‘Journal Entry’ transaction type, this is the reference that will display
in the Account Reconciliation screen. If this is a ‘Payment’ transaction type,
this is the reference that prints on the check stub.
Click this button to process the transaction. Processing varies by transaction
type as follows:
Journal Entry
A journal entry is created and the transaction displays in the Account
Reconciliation screen.
In the background, a supplier invoice is created for the amount of the
transfer against the Supplier assigned to the From Account in the Banking
Accounts screen. The Payment Processing screen is then presented, pre-
filled for payment to the To Account with the newly created supplier
invoice selected for payment. Click the Pay button to print the check and
process the payment.
NOTE: The payment is listed in the Bank Deposits screen so that it
can be included with customer payments in your next bank deposit.

Operating Guide 819

14-4. Merchant Account Transfer

14-4. Merchant Account Transfer

(Bank – Merchant Account Transfer)

Use this screen to transfer customer credit card payments from a merchant
account to its designated bank account.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Banking
Segment: Merchant Acct Transfer
How a Merchant Account Works
When customers pay invoices by credit card, the payments do not immediately
get posted to your bank account. Instead, they are posted to a ‘Merchant’
account, which is a temporary holding account. After a brief interval, the credit
card processing company advises you, typically by Email, that a specified
amount has been transferred to your bank account, covering one of more
specified customer payments.
What this Screen Does
This screen performs two functions:
• It consolidates the customer payments that comprise each transfer into a
single deposit amount in the Account Reconciliation screen to match the
single amount on the bank statement.
• For each customer payment amount that gets transferred, the general ledger
is updated with a debit to the bank account and a credit to the merchant

List Tab
Display Grid
Previous transfer deposits are listed in the grid, with the most recent deposit
listed first. You can highlight any past deposit and click the Detail tab to review
the deposit details.
Click this button to create a new transfer deposit. You are swapped to the
Detail tab, which is cleared for new transfer deposit entry.
Click this button to reverse a transfer deposit, which does the following:
• Reversing entries are made for all GL transactions associated with the
original transfer deposit, using today’s date as the posting date.

820 Operating Guide

14-4. Merchant Account Transfer

• The customer payments associated with the original transfer deposit are
de-selected and are displayed for selection against a new transfer deposit.
NOTE: You cannot reverse a transfer deposit record once it has been
reconciled in the Account Reconciliation screen.

Detail Tab

Upper Panel
Transfer Date
This is the actual date the transfer deposit was made by the credit card
processing company.
From Merchant Account
Select the merchant account from which the transfer was made. The lookup
is limited to ‘Merchant’ banking account types.
To Bank Account
This is the bank account that received the transfer deposit. The Transfer To
Bank Account assigned to this merchant account in the Banking Accounts
screen is automatically selected.
Deposit Reference
This identifies the deposit on the List tab and in the Account Reconciliation
screen. The program automatically inserts a reference that consists of the
merchant account followed by today’s date, which you can override, if you
This field is automatically update by the program and has the following
This value is displayed while entering a new transfer deposit record.

Operating Guide 821

14-4. Merchant Account Transfer

This value is displayed once the transfer deposit record has been
This value is displayed after the transfer deposit record has been
Total Transfer Amount
This read-only field displays the total amount of the payments selected in the
grid below.
Selection Grid
The grid is limited to non-transferred customer payments that have payment
terms associated with this merchant account.
Select this checkbox against each payment that is to be included in the
transfer deposit.
Click this button to save your selections and post the transfer deposit record.

822 Operating Guide

14-5. Account Reconciliation

14-5. Account Reconciliation

(Bank – Account Reconciliation)

Use this screen to reconcile banking accounts with monthly statements and to
enter interest income and banking charges.

Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Banking Training Course
Segments: Recon – Getting Started, Recon – Interest Income, Recon – Bank
Charges, Recon – Merchant Fees, Recon – Ccard Fees, Recon – Matching,
Recon - Reversing

Opening Screen

All your bank and credit card accounts are listed on the opening screen. To
reconcile an account to its monthly statement, highlight the account and click the
Reconcile button.
Merchant Accounts
Merchant accounts are not listed unless the Reconcile checkbox is selected
against the account in the Banking Accounts screen. Normally, it is not
necessary to reconcile merchant accounts because they have no interest
income or bank charges, plus you can get a listing of non-transferred
customer payments at any time from the Merchant Account Transfer screen.

Operating Guide 823

14-5. Account Reconciliation

Reconciliation Screen

Statement Information
Using information from your bank statement, enter the following fields in the
upper portion of the screen: New Statement Balance, New Statement
Description, New Page No, and New Date.
If this is your very first DBA reconciliation
If this is the first bank statement reconciliation performed in DBA, the program
allows you to make an entry in the Previous Statement Balance field, which is
normally for reference only. Enter your previous balance, which is listed on your
new statement.
As you switch from reconciling statements in your old system to doing so in DBA,
during a transition period some transactions that originated in your old system
will not be displayed in the DBA side and cannot be matched. Enter these un-
matched amounts in the Adjustments field so that they get reflected in your
Matched Amt.
You may have to make entries in the Adjustments account for one or two more
months until all transactions that originated in your old system have cleared the
Entering Interest Income
The Interest Income button is visible when reconciling a bank account. If any
interest income is listed on the bank statement, click this button to make a cash
receipt journal entry to your bank account.
• Enter the Interest Amt.
• Select a Transaction Date equal to the transaction date on the bank
• Enter a Journal Description for reference on journal reports and screens.

824 Operating Guide

14-5. Account Reconciliation

• Once your entries are completed, click Update to post the transaction. When
you return to the Reconciliation screen, the interest income transaction is now
listed and can be matched.
Entering Bank Charges
The Bank Charges button is visible when reconciling a bank account. If any bank
charges are listed on the bank statement, click this button to make a cash
disbursement journal entry to your bank account.
• Enter the Bank Charge Amt.
• Select a Transaction Date equal to the transaction date on the bank
• Enter a Journal Description for reference on journal reports and screens.
• Once your entries are completed, click Update to post the transaction. When
you return to the Reconciliation screen, the bank charges transaction is now
listed and can be matched.
Entering Merchant Fees
The Merchant Fees button is visible when reconciling a bank account that has
been assigned a Merchant Fees account in the Account Assignments screen. If
any merchant fee charges are listed on the bank statement, click this button to
make a cash disbursement journal entry to your bank account.
• Enter the Merchant Fee Amt.
• Select a Transaction Date equal to the transaction date on the bank
• Enter a Journal Description for reference on journal reports and screens.
• Once your entries are completed, click Update to post the transaction. When
you return to the Reconciliation screen, the merchant fee transaction is now
listed and can be matched.
Entering Credit Card Fees
The Ccard Fees button is visible when reconciling a credit card account. If any
credit card fees (such as interest charges or late fees) are listed on the credit
card statement, click this button to make a journal entry to your credit card
• Enter the Credit Card Fee Amt.
• Select a Transaction Date equal to the transaction date on the credit card
• Enter a Journal Description for reference on journal reports and screens.
• Once your entries are completed, click Update to post the transaction. When
you return to the Reconciliation screen, the credit card fee transaction is now
listed and can be matched.

Operating Guide 825

14-5. Account Reconciliation

Matching transactions
All your un-matched account transactions are listed in the lower panel. As you
match each transaction with the one in your statement, select its Match
Mass Selection
If you wish to mass-select transactions for matching, click the Match All button. If
you wish to un-match all your selections, click the Un-Match All button.
Matching & Un-Matched Panels
In the case of bank accounts, as you match each transaction, in the Matched
Amts panel you will see the Deposits, Payments, and Matched Amt totals
incremented up or down.
In the case of credit card accounts, as you match each transaction, in the
Matched Amts panel you will see the Payments, Charges, and Matched Amt
totals incremented up or down.
In either case, you will not be able to click the Update button until the Difference
Needed to Match is zero (green in color), which means that all transactions are
fully matched.
Account reconciliation is purely a matching function and has no effect on the
general ledger. If for some reason you are unable to match transactions to fully
equal your New Statement Balance, you can make an entry in the Adjustments
field to bypass matching.
Normally the only time you ever use the Adjustments field is during the transition
from your old system, when transactions that originated in your old system do not
get listed in DBA and cannot be matched. In that case, you use adjustments to
reflect those un-matched entries.
Reconciliation Report
For a printout that lists all the information on the Reconciliation screen, perhaps
to use as a worksheet, click the Report button.
Completing the reconciliation
Until the Difference Needed to Match value is zero, you cannot complete the
reconciliation. You can freely leave the screen and come back at any time to
make additional matches and entries.
When the Difference Needed to Match value finally reaches zero, the Update
button becomes visible. Click the Update button and the matched transactions
will be marked as reconciled and will not display on future reconciliations. The
reconciliation record gets saved and is used to carry forward the Previous
Statement Balance to your next reconciliation.

826 Operating Guide

14-5. Account Reconciliation

History Screen

You can view all past reconciliations on the History screen. To access this
screen, highlight an account on the opening screen and click the History button.
All past reconciliations are listed on the List tab. You can click the Details tab to
see the transaction detail within any reconciliation.
Reversing a Reconciliation
If for some reason you wish to re-do a previous reconciliation, highlight it on the
List screen and click the Reverse button.

Operating Guide 827

14-6. Account Balances Inquiry

14-6. Account Balances Inquiry

(Bank – Account Balances Inquiry)

This inquiry screen has two purposes:

• It provides you with accurate account balances, based on transactions
reconciled to date with monthly statements as well as any transactions that
have not yet been reconciled.
• It provides you with a sum total of all bank account and merchant account
balances, showing you your total cash on hand.
• It provides you with the sum total of all your credit card account balances.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Banking Training Course
Segment: Account Balances Inquiry

828 Operating Guide

15. Tax (Taxation)

15. Tax (Taxation)

On the Tax menu you will find all screens and reports related to sales and
purchase taxation.

• Tax Defaults
• Tax Authorities
• Tax Codes
• Tax Groups
• Tax Group Matrix
Data Views
• Sales Tax Detail
• Sales Tax Summary
• Tax Authority by Invoice
• Tax Authority Summary
• Tax Code Activity
• Tax Summary

Tax calculation and tracking is provided in sales orders and purchase orders so
that you can collect and pay taxes in accordance with your government
Training Course
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Tax Codes and Tax Authorities
Each percentage tax rate within a tax jurisdiction is represented by its own Tax
Code. Each Tax Code is comprised of one or more Tax Authorities, each of
which gets its share of the overall tax percentage. Within a particular Tax Code,
for example, the tax can be shared by city, county, state, and even national Tax
The line item Tax Code determines the tax amount
In sales orders and purchase orders, each line item has its own Tax Code
designation. The Tax Code determines the percentage rate that gets charged
and provides tracking for tax reporting.

Operating Guide 829

15. Tax (Taxation)

What determines the line item Tax Code?

If a tax code Exception is designated against the stock item or descriptor, it is
used as the line item Tax Code. If a tax code exception does not exist, the Tax
Code designated in the header screen is used. The vast majority of line item Tax
Codes derives from the header screen.
What determines the header Tax Code?
If a tax code Exception is designated against the customer or supplier, it gets
used as the header Tax Code. If such a tax code exception does not exist, the
system default Sales Tax Code or default Purchase Tax Code is used.
Tax Code setup is simple for international requirements
In most international environments, a single Tax Code is designated as the
default Sales Tax Code and default Purchase Tax Code. No further setup is
required because all taxation is based on a single VAT or GST tax that applies to
all sales and purchases.
USA tax setup is more complicated
In the United States, instead of using a single Tax Code, tax jurisdictions exist at
the city, county, and state levels and can require many Tax Codes. You also
have taxable and non-taxable Tax Codes, depending on whether items are for
resale or whether services are involved, which are usually non-taxable.
Typically, you must set up a taxable and non-taxable Tax Code for each tax
jurisdiction you sell into within each state within which you operate a physical
Canadian Taxation
Canadian taxation is a blend of international and USA type taxation because
GST and provincial taxes are both levied.

830 Operating Guide

15-1. Tax Defaults

15-1. Tax Defaults

(Tax – Tax Defaults)

Use this screen to establish your system-wide defaults for sales and purchase
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Segment: Tax Defaults

Screen Details

Sales Tax Code
This is the default tax code that is assigned to sales orders unless a tax code
Exception is specified against the customer record.
United States
Select a default sales tax code that applies to the majority of your
customers. For example, if most of your customers are in your local tax
jurisdiction and are taxable, you would use your local tax code as the
default. On the other hand, if most of your customers are out of state and
are non-taxable, you would create a non-taxable, out of state tax code and
use it as the default.
Typically, the default sales tax code is your VAT or GST tax that applies to
most, if not all, your sales.

Operating Guide 831

15-1. Tax Defaults

Sales Tax Basis

Against each customer record, you can optionally select a tax code Exception
that gets assigned to the sales order header instead of the default sales tax
code. You have two options for designating tax code exception(s) against the
customer record:
Select this option if you want the ability to designate a tax code exception
against customer delivery addresses in addition to assigning a tax code
exception against the main address. This enables the shipment
destination to determine the tax code that gets applied to the sales order,
which is how taxation authority is determined in the United States.
Select this option if you only want the ability to assign a tax code
exception against the main address and not against delivery addresses.
Purchase Tax Code
This is the tax code that is assigned to purchase orders and supplier invoices
unless a tax code Exception is specified against the supplier record.
United States
Select a default purchase tax code that applies to the majority of your
purchases and supplier invoices. For most manufacturers, this will be a
non-taxable tax code because most purchases for resale are exempt from
Typically, the default purchase tax code is your VAT or GST tax that
applies to most, if not all, your purchases.
Non-Tax Code
This default tax code is assigned to freeform sales order lines that get created
when non-taxable shipping charges are entered during shipment generation.
NOTE: You must select a non-taxable tax code.
Forms Printing
Your Tax Name
Enter the name you want printed in the footer area of quotes,
acknowledgments, invoices, and purchase orders as a description against the
tax amount. Typical names would be ‘Sales Tax’, ‘GST’, ‘VAT’, etc.

832 Operating Guide

15-1. Tax Defaults

Tax ID Number
This is your tax ID number. It currently has no formal use, but is available in
the data pipeline on certain forms if you need it to print on the form.
Tax Group Matrix
Select this checkbox if you want the option of assigning a Tax Group to
customers, suppliers, items, and descriptors. In the Tax Group Matrix screen,
you can assign tax codes against combinations of a customer/supplier tax
group with an item/descriptor tax group.
How It Works
When entering sales orders and purchase orders, if a tax group is
designated against the customer or supplier and it is matched against a
tax group assigned to the item or descriptor, the tax code defined against
that combination of tax groups in the Tax Group Matrix screen gets
assigned to the line item as an exception to the header tax code.
Tax group combinations are used to designate tax code exceptions that
are based on origin or destination and/or type of product or service. For
example, a particular item might be subject to an excise tax or local tax
that only applies to certain jurisdictions or country destinations. Using
different combinations of tax groups, you can apply the special tax to
some customers and not to others.

Operating Guide 833

15-2. Tax Authorities

15-2. Tax Authorities

(Tax – Tax Authorities)

Tax Authorities are the government entities (federal government, province, state
government, county, municipality, etc.) on whose behalf tax is levied, reported,
collected, and paid.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Segment: Tax Authorities

Field Explanations
Tax Authority
This is the name used to identify the tax authority on screens and reports.
Print Detail
Select this checkbox if you want the tax amount for this tax authority
separately itemized on customer invoices in the Tax Detail section to the left
of the Subtotals section. In Canada, for example, GST and provincial sales
tax must be separately itemized on the invoice, in which case you would
select this checkbox for each tax authority.
Supplier (Optional)
In this field you can optionally select the supplier to which you pay your tax
liability. This is for reference only and has no functional purpose.

834 Operating Guide

15-3. Tax Codes

15-3. Tax Codes

(Tax – Tax Codes)

Tax Codes are designated within sales order and purchase order line items to
determine the tax rate that gets applied. Each tax code can be comprised of
multiple Tax Authorities, each of which contributes its own share of the overall
tax rate.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Segment: Tax Codes

List Tab

Tax Code
The tax code can be up to 10-characters in length.
Enter an up to 50-character description that helps identify the tax code on
screens, lookups, and reports.
Tax Rate
This is the total tax rate that will be charged to line items assigned to this tax
code. This field is for reference only and is the sum of the Net % amounts of
the tax authorities that comprise this tax code.
Select this checkbox to designate this as a “non-taxable” tax code, which
forces the tax rate to zero. Sales associated with this tax code are flagged as
non-taxable and can be filtered from taxable sales on data views and reports.
Tax Shipping
Select this checkbox if tax is to be applied to shipping charges. If selected,
the Tax field becomes visible next to the shipping charges entry field in the

Operating Guide 835

15-3. Tax Codes

sales order Shipping screen and tax will automatically be applied to the
shipping charges entered.
Select as Default Buttons
You can select one default tax code for purchases and one for sales by
selecting a tax code and clicking the Purchase or Sales button. When you do
so, you will see the result reflected in the Default Purchase Tax Code and
Default Sales Tax Code fields in the upper panel of the screen.
These default tax codes are applied to purchase orders and sales orders
whenever a customer or supplier has not been assigned to a tax code

Authorities Tab
Tax Authority
Select each of the tax authorities that comprise this tax code from the lookup
in this field.
Tax Rate
Enter the actual tax rate charged by the tax authority in this field.
Tax on Tax
In some situations, a tax authority charges tax not only on the line item net
amount, but also on other tax applied to the line item. If you select the Tax on
Tax checkbox, its tax rate will be applied to the tax rates of all the tax
authorities that precede it on the screen, the result of which is reflected in its
Net % amount.
Net %
This is the actual net tax rate that will be charged by this tax authority,
adjusted upwards from the nominal tax rate if the Tax on Tax checkbox is

836 Operating Guide

15-4. Tax Groups

15-4. Tax Groups

(Tax – Tax Groups)

This screen is only visible when the Tax Group Matrix tax system is selected in
the Tax Defaults screen.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Segment: Tax Group Matrix
How Tax Groups work
Customers, suppliers, items, and descriptors can optionally be assigned to a Tax
When entering a sales order or purchase order, if there is a tax group assigned
to the customer or supplier and a line item is entered that also is assigned to a
tax group, the two tax groups are matched in the Tax Group Matrix to determine
the Tax Code that gets applied to the line item.
This capability enables you to apply tax code exceptions to line items based on
the item’s destination or origin.

Screen Details

Tax Group
You can enter an up to 10-character Tax Group code.
This is a 50-character description that helps identify the Tax Group on
lookups, screens, and reports.

Operating Guide 837

15-5. Tax Group Matrix

15-5. Tax Group Matrix

(Tax – Tax Group Matrix)

This screen is only visible when the Tax Group Matrix option is selected in the
Tax Defaults screen.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Segment: Tax Group Matrix
How the Tax Group Matrix works
See the pervious chapter on Tax Groups for information on how Tax Groups
work. The Tax Group Matrix screen is where you set up your combinations of
customer/supplier tax groups and item/descriptor tax groups to designate the
actual Tax Code that will apply to the sales order or purchase order line item.

Make sure you set up all the possible combinations between customers/suppliers
and items/descriptors that could occur.

838 Operating Guide

15-6. Taxation Data Views

15-6. Taxation Data Views

(Tax – Data Views)

The Data View utility is a reporting tool used throughout DBA that enables you to
filter, sort, and group your data to create your own inquiries, spreadsheets, and
reports. It organizes related data from multiple tables without requiring “joins”
and other complicated programming procedures.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Segment: Tax Reporting
Taxation Data Views
Four data views are provided on the Tax menu. These four data views are
confined to sales tax data and are used primarily for USA sales tax reporting
where in many states and localities sales have to be broken out by local tax
codes or tax authorities and by taxable and non-taxable status.
Sales Tax Detail
This data view shows invoice line item detail within a specified date range.
This data view would be used to audit individual invoices by tax code. To get
a sub-grouping by tax code, drag the Tax Code column heading into the
upper blue panel. Standard layouts include:
• Details by Tax Code
• Details by Invoice Number
Sales Tax Summary
This data view shows summarized invoice totals within a specified date
range. This data view would be used for preparing sales tax reports by tax
code. To get a sub-grouping by tax code, drag the Tax Code column heading
into the upper blue panel. Standard layouts include:
• Summary by Tax Code
Sales Tax Authority by Invoice
This data view shows invoice line item detail within a specified date range.
This data view would be used to audit individual invoices by tax authority. To
get a sub-grouping by tax authority, drag the Tax Authority column heading
into the upper blue panel. Standard layouts include:
• Tax Authority by Tax Code
• Tax Authority by Tax Code Type
CAUTION: Do not use this data view for sales grand totals because
each line item tax code can be comprised of multiple tax authorities,
which causes sales grand totals to be inflated. Only use this data view
for sales totals within tax authority.

Operating Guide 839

15-6. Taxation Data Views

Sales Tax Authority Summary

This data view shows summarized invoice totals within a specified date
range. This data view would be used for preparing sales tax reports by tax
authority. To get a sub-grouping by tax authority, drag the Tax Authority
column heading into the upper blue panel. Standard layouts include:
• All Fields
• Tax Authority by Tax Code
• Tax Authority by Tax Code Type
CAUTION: Do not use this data view for sales grand totals because
each line item tax code can be comprised of multiple tax authorities,
which causes sales grand totals to be inflated. Only use this data view
for sales totals within tax authority.

Selection Screen

When you click on a data view menu option, you are first presented with a
selection screen that is similar to the selection screen used with reports. Use this
screen to filter and limit your data view.
View Button
Once your selections are completed, click the View button to advance to the
Select Layout screen.

840 Operating Guide

15-6. Taxation Data Views

Select Layout Screen

Next, you are presented with the Select Layout screen. Each layout is a
configuration of selected fields that are grouped and sorted to present a
particular data view. In a sense, each layout is a custom report.
Layout Type
Layouts with a Type of ‘System’ are standard layouts supplied with the system.
‘System’ layouts cannot be changed, but they can be modified and saved to
another layout name. Any layouts saved to a new name are identified as ‘User’
Default Layout
One layout is designated as the ‘Default’ layout, which is your most commonly
used data view. Assigning the default layout is done on the Layout List screen
(see further below). The default layout is always selected at the top of the list
when the Select Layout screen is presented.
Load Button
Click the Load button to generate the data view. Be aware that some data views
may take several minutes to generate, depending on the size of the data set and
the number of data fields involved. This is because each column in the data view
is individually indexed to enable column sorting.
Quick Load Button
If you click the Quick Load option, the columns are not indexed, which
significantly reduces data view generation time. So if you are generating a large
data set and you don’t need column sorting, use the Quick Load option.

Operating Guide 841

15-6. Taxation Data Views

Data View Screen

The data set and layout you selected is displayed in the Data View screen, which
is a grid that displays all the available fields and associated records.
Column Sorting
You can re-sort the data view by clicking on any of the column headings, which
will then sort the entire list by that column. Click the heading a second time and
the sort order will change from ascending to descending order or vice-versa.
You can create list groupings by dragging a column heading into the header
panel above the column headings. For example, if you drag an Invoice Number
column heading into the header panel, the lines are then grouped by invoice
number. You can even have a group within a group. For example, you could
drag a Customer Name column heading into the header panel, which would form
a sub-group within invoice numbers.
+ - Buttons
These two buttons become visible at the top of the screen when you use the
grouping feature. Initially the groups are displayed in “collapsed” mode
without data rows being visible. Click the ‘+’ button to “expand” the view so
that the data rows become visible. Click the ‘-‘ button to collapse the view.
Column Footer Total
You can create a total amount at the footer of any column by right clicking on the
lower panel directly below the column. The following options are available:
This option is available on numeric columns only. It provides a grand total
of all the column values.

842 Operating Guide

15-6. Taxation Data Views

This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the lowest value
within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. It lists the highest value
within the column.
This gives you a count of the number of records within the column.
This option is available on numeric columns only. This gives you a mean
average of the values within the column.
Customize Button

The data view can be limited to just the columns you want by dragging unwanted
column headings off the screen. This is done using the Customize button, which
presents a box in the lower right corner of the screen. To remove a column, drag
its column heading and drop it into the box. Continue removing fields one by one
until you are left with the columns you want.
NOTE: Most data view layouts are supplied with optional column headings
already dragged into the Customize box. If you wish to use any of these
columns, drag the column heading out of the box and drop it onto the
column heading row in the desired position.
Output Button
Once the data on the screen are to your satisfaction, click the Output button to
transfer the data view into one of the following formats.
• Output to Excel
• Output to HTML
• Output to Text
• Output to Printer
Output to Excel, HTML, Text
When you select any of these options, you are prompted to save the file to a
name and location.

Operating Guide 843

15-6. Taxation Data Views

Output to Printer
When you select this option, a print preview screen is displayed. You can
click File – Page Setup to select various options that will change the report
appearance. When the format is to your satisfaction, click the Print button.
Layout List Button

Click this button to display the Layout List screen, which provides a listing of
available layouts.
Load Button
Click this button to generate a new data view for the selected layout.
Set as Default Button
Click this button to designate the selected layout as the ‘Default’ layout. The
default layout is always selected at the top of the list whenever the layout list
is presented.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the selected layout from the list.
NOTE: You cannot delete a ‘System’ type layout.
Save Layout Button

844 Operating Guide

15-6. Taxation Data Views

After customizing your data view, you can click this button to update an existing
layout or to save your changes to a new layout. Two options are presented:
Update Existing Layout
Select this option and click the Save button to save your customization
changes to the existing layout.
NOTE: This option is not available for ‘System’ layout types. To
customize a ‘System’ layout, you must save your changes to a new
layout name.
Create New Layout
Select this option to save your customization changes to a new layout name.
Enter the name in the Layout Name field and click the Save button.

Operating Guide 845

15-7. Tax Reports

15-7. Tax Reports

These two reports are commonly used for VAT/GST taxation reporting where
purchase taxes are claimed against sales taxes. Both reports can present tax
information on an invoice basis or payment basis.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos–Setup – Tax Setup
Segment: Tax Reporting

15-7A. Tax Code Activity

(Tax – Reports – Tax Code Activity)

This report provides a detailed breakdown of Tax Code transactions within a

specified date range. Purchase taxes are listed first, followed by sales taxes.

15-7B. Tax Summary

(Tax – Reports – Tax Summary)

This report is a summary of tax activity with a side-by-side listing of sales taxes
and purchase taxes.

846 Operating Guide

16. Transfer (Financial Transfer)

16. Transfer (Financial Transfer)

The Transfer menu is only visible if you selected the Financial Transfer option in
the Accounting Configuration screen. The Transfer menu includes the following
financial transfer utilities:

Financial Transfer Setup
• Financial Transfer Defaults
Main Menu
• AR Invoice Transfer
• PO Invoice Transfer
• GL Transfer

Operating Guide 847

16-1. Financial Transfer Defaults

16-1. Financial Transfer Defaults

(Transfer – Financial Transfer Setup – Financial Transfer Defaults)

Use this screen to set various defaults for the financial transfer utilities.
Training Video
Support Center – Videos – How Do I? – Financial Transfer Training Course
Segment: Transfer Defaults

Screen Details

All Transfers
Output File Location
Use this setting to designate a destination folder for your transfer files. If you
leave this blank, your transfer files will be saved by default to your
ProgramFiles\DBAManufacturing folder.
NOTE: If you will be transferring financial data into QuickBooks®, we
recommend the following default folder on the computer where the
Transaction Pro Import Wizard utility is installed:
C:\My Documents\01 Transaction Pro Importer 3.0
AR Invoice Transfer
AR Invoice Line Item ID
In your outside accounting system, create a non-stock item number. Give it a
description of AR Invoice Transfer. For this item’s Sales account, assign it
your AR Invoice Transfer account, which is established during GL Transfer

848 Operating Guide

16-1. Financial Transfer Defaults

setup. If you are required to designate a Cost of Sales account, use the
same AR Invoice Transfer account. Enter the new part number in this field so
that it gets listed as a field in the AR Transfer screen.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to designate this part number as non-taxable in
your outside system.

Operating Guide 849

16-2. AR Invoice Transfer

16-2. AR Invoice Transfer

(Transfer – AR Invoice Transfer)

Customer invoices and credit memos are created in DBA during the sales order
cycle. This screen is used to create a transfer file (Excel spreadsheet or text file)
or report (for manual transfer) that contains a summarized version of each
invoice or credit memo created since the last transfer.
You can then import or enter this information into your outside Accounts
Receivable module for collection and payment processing purposes. All invoice
and credit memo detail (line items, prices, costs, and taxes) remains in the DBA
invoice records for audit trail purposes.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Financial Transfer Training Course
Segments: Sales and COGS Accounts, Tax & Shipping Accounts, Transfer
Accounts, Terms Codes, AR Invoice Mapping, AR Credit Mapping, Importing
Invoices, Manual Transfer
Transfer AR invoices on a daily basis
AR invoices and credit memos should be transferred on a daily basis so that they
are available in your outside system for any immediate customer payments that
are received. Daily updating insures that your open AR aging detail and
Accounts Receivable account balance are always up to date and reflect your
actual financial condition.
Only summarized information is transferred
The only header information that gets transferred is the invoice or credit memo
number, invoice or credit memo date, terms code, and customer ID. Only one
line item is transferred, which is the default AR Invoice Line Item ID designated in
the Financial Transfer Defaults screen. It is given a quantity of ‘1’ and the invoice
total amount, including taxes and shipping, is used as its price.
Customer Address and Contact Info
Many accounting system import utilities allow you to include customer address
information when importing invoices and credit memos. This is useful for
creating new customer records and for keeping address information
synchronized between the two systems. In the AR Invoice Transfer screen you
have the option of including the customer address, phone, fax, and Email fields in
your transfer file.

850 Operating Guide

16-2. AR Invoice Transfer

Advance Setup
Step 1 – Create AR Invoice Transfer Account
Create an AR Invoice Transfer account in our outside system’s chart of accounts.
Locate it immediately following your Accounts Receivable account. Designate it
as a Current Asset.
How it works
This account functions as a clearing account that holds a temporary value
between the time an invoice or credit memo is created in DBA and the time it
gets transferred to your outside system. When the invoice or credit memo
gets created, this account is debited or credited for the total value of the
invoice or credit memo. When the invoice or credit memo gets transferred,
this account is credited or debited for the same value, which brings its net
balance to zero. The offsetting entry is a debit or credit to the Accounts
Receivable account in your outside system.
Step 2 – DBA Account Cross-Reference
After the transfer account is created in your outside system, go the Chart of
Accounts screen in DBA. Against account 11150, AR Invoice Transfer, enter the
AR Invoice Transfer account number from your outside system in the X-Ref
Account field.
Step 3 – Terms Codes
Make sure that the Customer Terms codes in DBA are identical to the terms
codes in your outside system.

Operating Guide 851

16-2. AR Invoice Transfer

Screen Details

Upper Panel
Ready to Transfer
Select this option to display all invoices and credit memos that have been
created in DBA since the last transfer.
Transferred AR Invoices
Select this option to display previously transferred invoices and credit memos.
To the right of this field you will see From Date and Thru Date fields become
visible, which are set by default to display the past 365 days. You can
expand or contract this date range, if you wish.
Credit memos in DBA are invoices with negative total amounts. If your
outside system’s import utility can import negative and positive invoice
amounts, select the ‘All’ option. If your import utility has separate imports for
invoices and credit memos (which is the case with QuickBooks®), select
either the ‘Invoices’ or ‘Credit Memos’ option, which limits the contents in the
grid below to invoices only or to credit memos only.
NOTE: When you select the ‘Credit Memos’ option, the Total Amt
column values are displayed as positive amounts, which is how they
would normally be imported in most outside systems, even though
technically these are negative amounts in DBA.
Include Addresses
Select this checkbox if you want customer address and contact fields
(address, phone, fax, Email) included in your transfer file or report. Many
import utilities can pass this information into the customer record, which is
used to create new customer records in the outside system and to keep this
information synchronized between the two systems.

852 Operating Guide

16-2. AR Invoice Transfer

NOTE: The address fields are extracted from the invoice header table
and the phone, fax, and Email from the customer master table.
Grid – Ready to Transfer
When the Ready to Transfer option is selected in the upper panel, all invoices
and/or credit memos that have not yet been transferred are listed in this grid. If
you will be importing these invoices, the columns in this grid correspond to the
fields in the output file (Excel spreadsheet or text file).
Invoice No
This is the invoice number.
Invoice Date
This is the invoice date.
This is the customer ID.
X-Ref Code
This field is used to identify the customer in outside systems where a short
code is used instead of the full customer name as in DBA. This is the X-Ref
Code from the Customers screen.
This is the customer’s PO No from the invoice header.
Total Amt
This is the total amount of the invoice, including tax and shipping.
Due Date
This is the date the invoice is due for payment, based on the customer’s
payment terms.
GL Account
This is the AR Invoice Transfer account from the DBA chart of accounts.
X-Ref Account
This is the X-Ref Account associated with the DBA AR Invoice Transfer
account and is its equivalent account in your outside chart of accounts.
This is the terms code from the Customer Terms table. If you import this field,
make sure that the code is identical to the terms code in your outside
accounting system.
Line Item ID
This is the default AR Invoice Line Item ID from the Financial Transfer
Defaults screen.
Always transfer a quantity ‘1’.

Operating Guide 853

16-2. AR Invoice Transfer

Address 1-3, Country, State, Postal Code

These columns are only visible when the Include Addresses option is
selected. This is the customer billing address information from the invoice
Phone, Fax, Email
These columns are only visible when the Include Addresses option is
selected. This contact information is from the customer master table.
Grid – Transferred Invoices
When the Transferred AR Invoices option is selected in the upper grid, all
previously transferred invoices and/or credit memos within the date range
specified in the upper panel are displayed in the grid.
Output Button
Click this button to generate an Excel spreadsheet or text file containing the grid
contents for import into the customer invoice and credit memo tables in your
outside accounting system. You can select either the Output to excel or Output
to text option from the drop-down list.
You are then presented with the standard Windows ‘Save as’ screen. Your
transfer file is given the name ‘ARInvoices_ReadyToTransfer’ or
‘ARCreditMemos_ReadyToTransfer’ and is saved to the default Output File
Location specified in the Financial Transfer Defaults screen.
After your output file has been created, you are asked:
Do you wish to flag these AR Invoices as Transferred?
If you click Yes, the invoices will be flagged as ‘transferred’ in the database and
will not be listed for transfer again.
Import Immediately
Once your transfer file is created, immediately import it into your outside system.
If you delay the import, there is always a chance that it can be overlooked and
your transfer file gets overwritten by mistake. So always make transfer file
generation and importing a single process.

854 Operating Guide

16-2. AR Invoice Transfer

Data Transfer
File Import
With most import utilities you will map the fields in your transfer file to the
corresponding fields in your outside system on a one-time basis. Once the file is
mapped, the mapping layout is used for all subsequent imports.
Typically you will select an “import invoices” option and navigate to and select
your transfer file. Most utilities will perform a validity check before the import is
performed. If the file passes the validation check, the import process gets
Credit Memo Import
Credit memos in DBA are invoices with a negative total value. In some
accounting systems, credit memos are separate entities from invoices. Where
this is the case, you will map your credit memo transfer file separately from your
invoice transfer file and you will perform separate imports for invoices and credit

Manual Transfer
As an alternative to data import, you can click the Output button and select the
Output to printer option to print a report that can be used as a worksheet for
manual data transfer.
Create a customer invoice in your outside system (or credit memo when the total
amount is negative) for each line on the report. In the header, enter the DBA
invoice number and invoice date. Select the terms code, which usually comes in
by default. For the line item, select your AR Invoice Transfer item and give it a
quantity of 1. For the price, enter the total invoice amount.

Credit Memo Entry

From time to time, customer credit memos need to be created. If the credit
memo pertains to a DBA sales order transaction, always enter the credit memo in
DBA in order to preserve the integrity of the audit trail. If the credit memo is
purely financial, such as an adjustment to a customer’s account balance or write-
off to bad debt, enter the credit memo in your outside system.

Operating Guide 855

16-3. PO Invoice Transfer

16-3. PO Invoice Transfer

(Transfer – PO Invoice Transfer)

Supplier invoices and credit memos are created in DBA during the PO matching
process. This screen is used to create a transfer file (Excel spreadsheet or text
file) or report (for manual transfer) that contains a summarized version of each
supplier invoice or credit memo created since the last transfer.
You can then import or enter this information into your outside Accounts Payable
module for payment scheduling and processing. All invoice and credit memo
detail (accounts, amounts, and taxes) remains in the DBA invoice records for
audit trail purposes.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Financial Transfer Training Course
Segments: Transfer Accounts, Terms Codes, PO Invoice Mapping, PO Credit
Mapping, Importing Invoices, Manual Transfer
Transfer PO invoices on a daily basis
PO invoices and credit memos should be transferred on a daily basis so that they
are available in your outside system for any immediate payments that must be
made. Daily updating insures that your open AP aging detail and Accounts
Payable account balance are always up to date and reflect your actual financial
Only summarized information is transferred
The only header information that gets transferred is the invoice or credit memo
number, invoice or credit memo date, terms code, and supplier ID. Only one
account is involved, which is your PO Invoice Transfer account, and the amount
is for the invoice or credit memo total amount, including taxes and shipping.
Supplier Address and Contact Info
Many accounting system import utilities allow you to include supplier address
information when importing invoices and credit memos. This is useful for
creating new supplier records and for keeping address information synchronized
between the two systems. In the PO Invoice Transfer screen you have the
option of including the supplier address, phone, fax, and Email fields in your
transfer file.

856 Operating Guide

16-3. PO Invoice Transfer

Advance Setup
Step 1 – Create PO Invoice Transfer Account
Create a PO Invoice Transfer account in our outside system’s chart of accounts.
Locate it immediately following your Accounts Payable account. Designate it as
a Current Liability.
How it works
This account functions as a clearing account that holds a temporary value
between the time an invoice or credit memo is created in DBA and the time it
gets transferred to your outside system. When the invoice or credit memo
gets created, this account is credited or debited for the total value of the
invoice or credit memo. When the invoice or credit memo gets transferred,
this account is debited or credited for the same value, which brings its net
balance to zero. The offsetting entry is a credit or debit to the Accounts
Payable account in your outside system.
Step 2 – DBA Account Cross-Reference
After the transfer account is created in your outside system, go the Chart of
Accounts screen in DBA. Against account 20300, PO Invoice Transfer, enter the
PO Invoice Transfer account number from your outside system in the X-Ref
Account field.
Step 3 – Terms Codes
Make sure that the Supplier Terms codes in DBA are identical to the terms codes
in your outside system.

Operating Guide 857

16-3. PO Invoice Transfer

Screen Details

Upper Panel
Ready to Transfer
Select this option to display all PO invoices or credit memos that have been
created in DBA since the last transfer.
Transferred PO Invoices
Select this option to display previously transferred PO invoices or credit
memos. To the right of this field you will see From Date and Thru Date fields
become visible, which are set by default to display the past 365 days. You
can expand or contract this date range, if you wish.
Credit memos in DBA are invoices with negative total amounts. If your
outside system’s import utility can import negative and positive invoice
amounts, select the ‘All’ option. If your import utility has separate imports for
invoices and credit memos (which is the case with QuickBooks®), select
either the ‘Invoices’ or ‘Credit Memos’ option, which limits your transfer file or
report to invoices only or to credit memos only.
NOTE: When you select the ‘Credit Memos’ option, the Total Amt
column values are displayed as positive amounts, which is how they
would normally be imported in most outside systems, even though
technically these are negative amounts in DBA.
Include Addresses
Select this checkbox if you want supplier address and contact fields (address,
phone, fax, Email) included in your transfer file. Many import utilities can
pass this information into the customer record, which is used to create new
supplier records in the outside system and to keep this information
synchronized between the two systems.

858 Operating Guide

16-3. PO Invoice Transfer

Grid – Ready to Transfer

When the Ready to Transfer option is selected in the upper panel, all invoices
and/or credit memos that have not yet been transferred are listed in this grid. If
you will be importing these invoices and/or credit memos, the columns in this grid
correspond to the fields in the transfer file (Excel spreadsheet or text file).
Invoice Date
This is the invoice date.
Invoice No
This is the invoice number.
This is the supplier ID.
X-Ref Code
This field is used to identify the supplier in outside systems where a short
code is used instead of the full supplier name as in DBA. This is the X-Ref
Code from the Suppliers screen.
Total Amt
This is the total amount of the invoice, including tax and shipping.
Due Date
This is the date the invoice is due for payment, based on the supplier’s
payment terms.
GL Account
This is the PO Invoice Transfer account from the DBA chart of accounts.
X-Ref Account
This is the X-Ref Account associated with the DBA PO Invoice Transfer
account and is its matching account in your outside chart of accounts.
This is the terms code from the Supplier Terms table. If you import this field,
make sure that the code is identical to the terms code in your outside
accounting system.
Address 1-3, Country, State, Postal Code
These columns are only visible when the Include Addresses option is
selected. This information comes from the supplier master table.
Phone, Fax, Email
These columns are only visible when the Include Addresses option is
selected. This contact information comes from the customer master table.

Operating Guide 859

16-3. PO Invoice Transfer

Grid – Transferred Invoices

When the Transferred PO Invoices option is selected in the upper grid, all
previously transferred invoices within the date range specified in the upper panel
are displayed in the grid.
Output Button
Click this button to generate an Excel spreadsheet or text file containing the grid
contents for import into the customer invoice tables in your outside accounting
system. You can select either the Output to excel or Output to text option from
the drop-down list.
You are then presented with the standard Windows ‘Save as’ screen. Your
transfer file is given the name ‘POInvoices_ReadyToTransfer’ or
‘POCreditMemos_ReadyToTransfer’ and is saved to the default Output File
Location specified in the Financial Transfer Defaults screen.
After your transfer file has been created, you are asked:
Do you wish to flag these PO Invoices as Transferred?
If you click Yes, the invoices will be flagged as ‘transferred’ in the database and
will not be listed for transfer again.
Import Immediately
Once your transfer file is created, immediately import it into your outside system.
If you delay the import, there is always a chance that it can be overlooked and
your transfer file gets overwritten by mistake. So always make transfer file
generation and importing a single process.

860 Operating Guide

16-3. PO Invoice Transfer

Data Transfer
File Import
With most import utilities you will map the fields in your import file to the
corresponding fields in your outside system on a one-time basis. Once the file is
mapped, the mapping layout is used for all subsequent imports.
Typically you will select an “import bills” option and navigate to and select your
transfer file. Most utilities will perform a validity check before the import is
performed. If the file passes the validation check, the import process gets
Credit Memo Import
Credit memos in DBA are supplier invoices with a negative total value. In some
accounting systems, credit memos are separate entities from invoices. Where
this is the case, you will map your credit memo transfer file separately from your
PO invoice transfer file and you will perform separate imports for PO invoices
and credit memos.

Manual Transfer
As an alternative to data import, you can click the Output button and select the
Output to printer option to print a report that can be used as a worksheet for
manual data transfer.
Create a supplier bill (or credit memo when the total amount is negative) in your
outside system for each line on the report. In the header, enter the DBA invoice
number and invoice date. Select the terms code, which usually comes in by
default. For the account, select your PO Invoice Transfer account and enter the
total invoice value, including tax and shipping, as the amount.

Credit Memo Entry

From time to time, supplier credit memos need to be created. If the credit memo
pertains to a DBA purchase order transaction, always enter the credit memo in
DBA in order to preserve the integrity of the audit trail. If the credit memo is
purely financial, such as an adjustment to your account balance, enter the credit
memo in your outside system.

Operating Guide 861

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

16-4. GL Transfer
(Transfer – GL Transfer)

This screen is used to transfer GL account totals at period end from DBA to your
outside accounting system.
Why transfer at period end?
Unlike the AR invoice and PO invoice transfers, which should be done on a daily
basis, you only need to transfer the GL account totals once per period.
The daily invoice transfers keep your Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable accounts fully up to date in your outside general ledger at all times,
which is important for short term financial planning. The other accounts affected
by DBA involve inventory, work in process, and sales and are not needed by
most companies until period end when financial statements are prepared.
Training Videos
Support Center – Videos–How Do I? – Financial Transfer Training Course
Segments: Inventory and WIP Accounts, Sales and COGS Accounts, Tax and
Shipping Accounts, Absorbed Mfg Costs Accounts, Accounting Periods,
Exporting GL Totals, GL Import, GL Journal Entry

Advance Setup
Step 1 – Inventory & WIP Accounts
• Verify that your outside system has one main Inventory account. DBA only
posts to one Inventory account.
• Create a Work in Process account in your outside chart of accounts. Locate it
immediately following your Inventory account. Designated it as a Current
• Go to the DBA Chart of Accounts screen. Against account 12000, Inventory,
enter your outside system’s Inventory account number in the X-Ref Account
field. Against account 12300, Work in Process, enter your outside system’s
Work in Process account number in the X-Ref Account field.
Step 2 – Sales & COGS Accounts
• In your outside chart of accounts, create a default Sales account and a
default Cost of Goods Sold account. These are “catch-all” accounts for any
sales that are not assigned to specific item categories or customer types.
• You can optionally create pairs of Sales and Cost of Goods Sold accounts
that correspond to various item categories or customer types. These
accounts may already exist, but should be reviewed.

862 Operating Guide

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

• Go to the DBA Chart of Accounts screen. Against account 40000, Sales –

Products, enter your outside system’s default Sales account in the X-Ref
Account field. Against account 5000, Cost of Goods Sold, enter your outside
system’s default Cost of Goods sold account in the X-Ref Account field.
• Add Sales and Cost of Goods Sold accounts in the DBA chart of accounts
that correspond to each pair of non-default Sales and Cost of Goods Sold
accounts that exist in your outside system. Assign account numbers that fit
into the DBA account numbering scheme. Against each of these new
accounts, enter your outside system’s account number in the X-Ref Account
• Go to the Account Assignments screen. Navigate to the Exceptions sub-tab
on the Sales tab. All your item categories or customer types are listed on this
screen. Assign Sales and Cost of Goods Sold accounts against each
applicable Item Category or Customer Type. Any categories or types left
blank will have their sales and costs posted to the system default Sales and
Cost of Goods Sold accounts.
Step 3 – Tax & Shipping Accounts
• Verify that your outside chart of accounts has a Sales Tax Payable account.
If not, create one as a Current Liability account.
• Verify that your outside chart of accounts has a Shipping Income account. If
not, create one as an Income account.
• Go to the DBA Chart of Accounts screen. Against account 21100, Sales Tax
Payable, enter your outside system’s Sales Tax Payable account number in
the X-Ref Account field. Against account 42000, Shipping Income, enter your
outside system’s Shipping Income account number in the X-Ref Account field.
Step 4 – Absorbed Mfg Costs Account
• In your outside chart of accounts, create an Absorbed Mfg Costs account.
Designate it as an Expense account and locate it among your operating
• Go to the DBA Chart of Accounts screen. Click the Mfg X-Refs button. Enter
your outside system’s Absorbed Mfg Costs account in the Set X-Ref Account
for the above GL Accounts to: field in the lower panel. This populates the X-
Ref Account field against all the following accounts:
12200 Picked Not Invoiced
20200 Received Not Invoiced
51100 Accrued Service Labor
52200 Accrued Misc Sales Cost
52500 PO Shipping Cost
53100 Adjustments – Inventory
53300 Adjustments – Recd Not Invoiced
53400 Adjustments – WIP

Operating Guide 863

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

54000 Absorbed Labor

55000 Absorbed Subcontract Cost
56000 Absorbed Misc Job Cost
57000 Absorbed Factory Overhead
61360 Misc Purchases
61480 Purchase Tax
How it Works
The Absorbed Mfg Costs account is a “catch all” account that consolidates
all the DBA accounts listed above into one account in your outside
system. At period end this account will have a credit balance that roughly
offsets your actual direct labor and factory overhead costs. This serves to
absorb those costs into your inventory.
Absorbed Mfg Costs Report
To get a breakout of your Absorbed Mfg Costs account by the DBA
accounts that comprise it, run the Absorbed Mfg Costs report, which is
located on the General Ledger – Reports menu.

Status Tab
The Status tab displays the number of GL transactions that have not yet been

Upper Panel
List by
By default, the data in the grid are summarized by accounting period. For
transfer purposes, leave this set to ‘Period’. You also have the option of
viewing data by monthly, weekly, or daily increments.
From Period
This determines the starting point of the data view in the grid below.

864 Operating Guide

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

Going Back ___ Periods

This number determines how many periods back from today’s date are
displayed in the grid. It defaults to 12 periods, but can be changed on the fly
for different views of your transaction status.
Grid Fields
Period, From Date, Thru Date
The period name and starting and ending dates are displayed in the first three
# Trxns
This column displays the total number of transactions within the date range at
left, including non-transferred and transferred transactions. You can click on
this field to display the transaction detail.
This column displays the number of transactions within the date range at left
that have already been transferred. You can click on this field to display the
transaction detail.
This column displays the number of transactions within the date range at left
that have not yet been transferred. You can click on this field to display the
transaction detail.
Last Column
When non-transferred transactions exist, the icon in this last column is visible.
You can click on this icon to open the Transfer tab and display the account
summaries to be transferred.
Transfer Button
Click this button to initiate a transfer for the selected period in the grid.

Operating Guide 865

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

Transfer Tab
NOTE: Before performing a GL transfer, always run GL – Batch Posting first to
ensure that all transactions have been posted to the General Ledger.

Upper Panel
From Date, Thru Date
These two fields display the date range associated with this accounting
period. You can manually change these dates, if you wish, which alters the
contents of the grid below.
Posting Date
This defaults to the Thru Date above or today’s date, whichever is earliest.
This is the posting date that gets applied to all the transactions within this
Journal ID
If you are importing this transfer into your outside system, your system may
require a Journal ID to identify the batch journal entry. This defaults to a
value of ‘DBA’, but you can override it, if you wish. If you do so, click the
Apply button to apply your entry to all the rows in the grid below.
This is a reference note that can be included in your transfer file to help
describe the journal entry in your outside system. It defaults to the period
number, but you can override it, if you wish. If you do so, click the Apply
button to apply your entry to all the rows in the grid below.
Transfer Date
This read-only field records the actual date that the transfer took place.

866 Operating Guide

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

Transfer Preview
Net Debit or Net Credit Amounts
This option is selected by default. A single net debit total or a single net
credit total is calculated and displayed for each account.
NOTE: Select this option when importing into QuickBooks®.
Total Debit & Total Credit Amounts
When this option is selected, separate debit and credit totals are
calculated and displayed for each account.
Consolidate X-Ref Accounts
This checkbox setting is selected by default. Each X-Ref Account in your
outside system can represent multiple accounts in DBA, especially your
Absorbed Mfg Costs account, which is associated with 14 DBA accounts.
Selecting this checkbox consolidates the grid contents into one row per X-
Ref Account, which significantly reduces the number of rows in your
transfer file.
Total Debits, Total Credits, Net
These read-only fields provide a grand total for all debit amounts and a
grand total for all credit amounts that comprise this transfer. Total Debits
should equal Total Credits and the Net amount should always be zero.
Grid Columns
GL account totals to be transferred are displayed in the grid.
GL Account
Each DBA account within the date range specified above with totals to be
transferred is listed.
NOTE: This column is not visible when the Consolidate X-Ref
Accounts option is selected in the upper panel.
X-Ref Account
This is your outside system’s account number.
This is the debit amount to be transferred to your general ledger for the X-Ref
This is the credit amount to be transferred to your general ledger for the X-Ref
Net Amt
This is the net difference between the Debit and Credit totals. If the total is a
credit amount, a minus sign precedes the amount.

Operating Guide 867

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

Transfer Date
This column displays the Transfer Date from the upper panel.
NOTE: Do not use this date as the posting date. Use the Posting Date
This column displays the Note from the upper panel.
Posting Date
This column displays the Posting Date from the upper panel.
Journal ID
This column displays the Journal ID from the upper panel.
This column displays the Description associated with the DBA account.
NOTE: This column is not visible when the Consolidate X-Ref
Accounts option is selected in the upper panel.
Output Button
Click this button to generate an Excel spreadsheet, text file, or report containing
the grid contents for import or journal entry into your outside general ledger. You
can select either the Output to excel, Output to text, or Output to printer option
from the drop-down list.
You are then presented with the standard Windows ‘Save as’ screen. Your
transfer file is given the name ‘GLTransfer’ and is saved to the default Output File
Location specified in the Financial Transfer Defaults screen.
After your transfer file has been created, you are asked:
Do you wish to flag the transactions behind these totals as Transferred?
If you click Yes, the ledger transactions will be flagged as ‘transferred’ in the
database and will not be listed for transfer again.
Transfer Immediately
If you are importing GL account totals, once your transfer file is created, import it
immediately into your outside system. If you delay the import, there is always a
chance that it can be overlooked and your transfer file gets overwritten by
mistake. So always make transfer file generation and importing a single process.
Manual journal entry is a practical alternative
Because you only need to make a single transfer at period end and the so few
accounts impacted in your outside system, transferring GL account totals through
a manual journal entry is a practical alternative to data import.

868 Operating Guide

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

History Tab

All previously transferred batches can be viewed on this screen.

Include Reversed Transfers
Select this checkbox if you wish to include reversed transfers in the upper
Transfer History Grid
All previous transfers are listed in the upper grid.
Lower Grid
The account summary detail listed in the lower grid corresponds with the transfer
highlighted in the upper grid.
Reverse Button
If for any reason you wish to reverse a transfer, highlight that transfer in the
upper grid and click this button.
NOTE: Be aware that reversing a transfer in DBA has no effect on any
corresponding batch journal entered in your general ledger. So if you
reverse a transfer in DBA, make sure you also reverse the corresponding
batch journal entry in your general ledger.

Operating Guide 869

16-5. QuickBooks Transfer

870 Operating Guide

17. Help

17. Help
On the Help menu you will find all screens, links, and documents related to
product documentation and support. Menu options include:

Main Menu
• DBA Help
• Online Support Center
• User Guides
• DBA Website
• DBA Web Store
• Web Links
• Web Links Setup
• DBA Help Setup
• About DBA Manufacturing

Operating Guide 871

17-1. DBA Help

17-1. DBA Help

(Help – DBA Help…..or F1 Key)

Use this screen to access online Help documentation for any menu option in the

Contents are identical to Operating Guide

The Help file is an online version of the Operating Guide. Each Help topic
corresponds to a chapter in the Operating Guide and has identical content.
Press F1 from any screen for Help
While in any screen, press the F1 key and you will be linked directly to that
screen’s Help topic.
Contents Tab
As an alternative to pressing F1 from any screen, you can access Help from the
DBA Help option on the Help menu.
A table of contents is displayed in the left panel. Each “book” icon listed
corresponds to a main menu of the system. You can click on any book icon to
get a listing of the Help topics within that menu, each of which corresponds to a
menu option.
Index Tab
Click the Index tab for a listing of Help topics in the left panel. In the upper field
type in key words or text and the program will progressively match your text to
the topics below. Highlight the topic you wish to view, then click the Display
button to display the selected topic in the right panel.

872 Operating Guide

17-1. DBA Help

Search Tab
Click the Search tab to search for keywords within topics. Type in the text you
wish to search for in the upper field, then click the List Topics button. All topics
containing that text are displayed below. Highlight the topic you wish to view,
then click the Display button to display the selected topic in the right panel.
Back Icon
Click this icon to return to the opening Help topic.
Print Icon
Click this icon to print the current topic.

Operating Guide 873

17-2. Online Support Center

17-2. Online Support Center

(Help – Online Support Center)

Click this link to access the online support center.

Support Center Subscription

A support center subscription is essential during implementation because your
users will need access to our training videos, support tickets, and other
resources. On an ongoing basis, a manufacturing system by its nature should
not be operated without support. To encourage continued participation, we’ve
made the subscription price affordable for any size company.

How to Order
You can purchase a subscription online from our web store at or you can order by phone by calling 1-800-995-
1959 or 805-461-3501.

What is included?
A support center subscription gives all your users access to the following support
Support Tickets
• Online ticketing system manages all support incidents
• Issue resolution by ticket response, phone, data review, or remote access
- whichever we determine to be most effective
• Tickets can be submitted by any user, not just primary contact
• Ticket queue actively managed for quick response to emergencies
• Ticket tracking by issue, status, category, person, and date

874 Operating Guide

17-2. Online Support Center

• Track support history by individual employee or entire company

• Tickets stay open until resolved and can be reopened if additional help is
Remote Access Troubleshooting
• Remote connection to your computer through the Internet
• Enables us to diagnose problems while on the phone
• Same effect as being on site
• Enables direct support no matter where you are located
Training Company
• Copies your data into a temporary "training" company
• Installs on your network server and is available to all users
• Enables you to preview new versions before going live
• Provides a safe training environment for new users
• Enables "what if" scenarios without affecting live data
Other Support Center Resources
• Training Videos
• Knowledge Base
• What's New

Accessing the online support center

A support center subscription provides all users in your company with access to
the online support center.
Access to the online support center is provided within the software itself. Go to
the Help menu and click the Online Support Center option. You can also access
the support center through the Support page on our website
Each of your users can self-register
Each user within your company can register and set up a personal account by
clicking the Request for a New Account button and completing and submitting the
registration form.
Tip – keep yourself signed in!
When you sign-in to the support center, we suggest you select the checkbox
labeled Keep me signed in to this site unless I sign out. If you do so, each time
you access the support center, you bypass the Sign-in page and are taken
directly to the support center Home page and main menu. Also, when you click
on links to training videos within the system’s online Help, you are taken directly
to the video without having to sign in and navigate through a menu. You stay
signed indefinitely until you select the Sign Out option. Use the Exit option
instead (or close your browser window) and you’ll stay perpetually signed in.

Operating Guide 875

17-6. Update Guide

17-3. User Guides

(Help – User Guides)

This menu option provides a link to our User Guides web page, where you will
find links to the following user guides, which are furnished in a PDF file format:
• Installation Guide
• Product Update Guide
• Implementation Planner
• Operating Guide
• Manufacturing Efficiency Guide
Each guide is described as follows:
Installation Guide
Use this guide to help you with initial product installation.
Product Update Guide
Use this guide to help you install product updates. Product updates are released
periodically and should be promptly installed so that you are always on the
current version of the product.
NOTE: See “Product Updates” below for information on our update
policies and procedures.
Implementation Planner
This guide provides a proven “self implementation” methodology with a step-by-
step process that can be used to get DBA up and running without requiring
outside help. The key to success is to perform all the implementation tasks in the
recommended order.
Operating Guide
This guide provides complete documentation for all the system screens and
reports, as well as module overviews and process workflow guidelines.
Manufacturing Efficiency Guide
Reference this guide on a periodic basis to continually improve your
manufacturing efficiency. We recommend that you review the 16 fundamental
issues in this guide on a quarterly basis and give your company a score on each.
This quarterly process will identify your weak spots and enable you to gauge your
progress over time.

Product Updates
With DBA you do not purchase a particular version of the software. Instead, you
invest in a license and ongoing maintenance agreement for software that is
subject to continual change. Applying product updates is therefore a common
occurrence for DBA users and is covered in depth in the Product Update Guide.

876 Operating Guide

17-6. Update Guide

Why you should always update

Many well known software products such as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office,
and QuickBooks are sold in versions. Service packs for older versions remain
available for several years and there is no obligation to upgrade to the current
version. Many people commonly perceive that all software is maintained this
This is not the case with DBA. DBA is a highly specialized
application with only one version, which is always the current
build. Service packs are only available for the current build.
Our support and software maintenance model is based on the premise that all
customers are on the current build. When you stay on an older build, you not
only don’t benefit from new product features, but you also remain vulnerable to
any problems that were fixed in later builds.
It’s also easier for your users to adapt to each build incrementally than it is to skip
several builds and then have to “catch up” with a large set of changes.
In conclusion -- always update. It protects your system from
problems, helps us provide better support, and makes it easier
for your users to keep up with changes.
Product updates are covered by annual maintenance
With DBA you pay an annual maintenance fee (based on 15% of the software
price paid) which entitles you to have access to all product updates at no extra
Product updates are free for evaluation systems
If you have installed the free single-user evaluation system, you are given access
to all product updates and are welcome to apply them to the evaluation system at
no charge.
Product Updates vs. Service Packs
We periodically release “product updates” and “service packs”, which are
explained as follows:
Product Updates
A product update is a “build” made available for downloading to all DBA
users, including multi-user customers as well as prospects who have installed
our free single-user evaluation system. A “build” is a number that identifies
each compilation of the program.
How are product updates distributed?
• Typically, each product update is announced in an e-newsletter.

Operating Guide 877

17-6. Update Guide

• I you have administrator rights, when an update becomes available

you receive a prompt when you launch DBA from which you can
directly download the update file and release notes.
• You can also go to Start - All Programs - DBA Manufacturing - Utilities
- Check for Updates and download any update that may be available.
Service Packs
Any program fixes made between product updates are incorporated into
“service packs”, which are interim builds.
How are service packs distributed?
• Service packs are downloaded from the “What’s New” area of the online
support center.
• We suggest you check for service packs on e regular basis, such as once
a week.
Release Notes
From wherever you download a product update or service pack, whether it be
from within the software or from the online support center, the download file is
always accompanied by a release notes document in PDF format.
NOTE: Always review the release notes prior to updating because they
may include system administrator instructions.
Preview updates using the “training company”
Before going “live” with a new update, all your users can safely preview and
experiment with the update on your own company data by installing our “training
company” option.
A new training company is made available with each update and is installed side-
by-side on the same server with your live company. Once you are finished with
the preview and training process, you can then apply the product update to your
live company.
How is the training company distributed?
• The training company can be downloaded from the “What’s New” area of
the online support center, along with installation instructions.
NOTE: A support center subscription is required to access the
training company download file.
Protect your investment with a support subscription
It is risky to run your entire business on any software package without backup
support. This is especially true with manufacturing software because of its
breadth of applications and SQL database. Support protects your investment
should troubleshooting be needed and exposes all your users to training videos,
support tickets, and other resources.

878 Operating Guide

17-6. Update Guide

We’ve made our low-cost support center subscription affordable for any size
company to remove the cost factor as a barrier to participation. Widespread
participation keeps the cost down for all customers.
We strongly advise that any company actively using DBA get a
support center subscription and keep it renewed over the life
of the product.

Operating Guide 879

17-7. Web Links

17-4. Web Links

(Help – Web Links)

The Web Links option provides a menu of website links that are of common
interest and usefulness to your users.
You can add links to this menu via the Web Links Setup screen on the Help

880 Operating Guide

17-8. Web Links Setup

17-5. Web Links Setup

(File – Web Links Setup)

On the Help menu is a Web Links option that provides your users with a directory
of web site links that are of common and useful interest to all users. This screen
is used to add selections to that menu.
Enter a Description that will identify the web link on the Web Links sub-menu.
Next, enter the Web Address (such as
After closing the screen you can go to Help – Web Links where you will see your
link displayed.

Operating Guide 881

17-9. DBA Help Setup

17-6. DBA Help Setup

(Help – DBA Help Setup)

This screen is used to view or change the location of the DBA Help file
(DBAHelp6.chm), which is installed locally on each workstation.

The screen displays the current location of this workstation’s DBA Help file. You
can change the location by clicking the 3-dot button to navigate to another folder.
You can also type in a new folder name and it will be created for you.
NOTE: The DBA Help file will be moved to the new location the next time
you launch DBA from this workstation.

882 Operating Guide

17-10. About DBA Manufacturing

17-7. About DBA Manufacturing

(Help – About DBA Manufacturing)

Use this screen to identify your program version and view your current license

Program Version
Each version of the product is identified with a “Build” number, which gets
assigned each time a new version of the program gets compiled.
NOTE: When you submit support tickets, you identify your product version
by the build number.
License Status
This screen displays the Licensed to name associated with your license key, your
current licensed User Count, and your license Exp Date.
NOTE: You license is renewed annually via payment of the annual
maintenance fee. If you let your license expire, your user count changes
to “1” (so that you still have access to your data) and you are no longer
legally entitled to use the product.

Operating Guide 883

17-10. About DBA Manufacturing

884 Operating Guide

17. Backup Manager

17. Backup Manager

It is essential that you establish a daily backup procedure to
safeguard the data that you will begin accumulating during the
implementation process.
Use Windows Backup Manager for now
We have developed a new Backup Manager utility that is currently
being tested. Until the new utility is released, for the time being we
recommend that you use the Windows Backup Manager for your daily
What files should be backed up?
Back up your entire DBA Manufacturing folder, which is normally
located at:
C:\Program Files\DBA Manufacturing

Operating Guide 885

17. Backup Manager

886 Operating Guide

Appendix A – Converting to DBA Financials

Appendix A – Converting to DBA Financials

This chapter is for companies currently using an outside system for financials
that wish to convert to using the DBA financial modules (Accounts Receivable,
Accounts Payable, Banking, and General Ledger).

Do you need an accounting startover?
This chapter assumes that you have been successfully using the Financial
Transfer utility to transfer summarized accounting data to your outside system. If
you have not been doing so and wish to get a fresh start, disregard this chapter
and follow the steps in Appendix A – Accounting Startover, instead.
The standard chart of accounts is recommended
As of May, 2008, we began supplying a standard chart of accounts with new
systems that is optimized for manufacturing companies and for the DBA system.
Now a COA Conversion screen is available that enables you to convert your
existing chart of accounts to the standard chart of accounts and standard
account assignment settings.
We recommend that all DBA customers convert to the standard chart of accounts
to get the most out of the DBA accounting system.

Operating Guide 887

Appendix A – Converting to DBA Financials

Conversion to DBA Financials

1. Upgrade to the latest build
If you are not on the latest product build, it is essential that you update your
system to the latest version in order to have access to the COA Conversion
screen and other accounting system enhancements that are needed for this
conversion process.
2. Establish a conversion target date
Establish a conversion target date, which is the date you will activate the DBA
accounting system. The best date is the first day of an accounting period.
Give yourself ample time prior to conversion day to convert your chart of
accounts and restructure your payroll accounts. On the day prior to startover
day you will enter beginning account balances.
3. Convert to the standard chart of accounts
We recommend that all companies convert to DBA’s standard chart of
accounts. In doing so, you will be assured that your chart of accounts and
account assignments are 100% correct and optimized for the DBA system.
If you already have a chart of accounts created, use the GL – General Ledger
Setup – COA Conversion screen to convert your existing accounts to
standard accounts.
4. Review exception accounts
In the GL – General Ledger Setup – Account Assignments screen, you should
review your exception settings.
• On the Exceptions sub-tab within the Sales tab, you can optionally break
out your sales and cost of goods sold by item category or customer type.
• On the Exceptions sub-tab within the Purchasing tab, you can optionally
break out your miscellaneous (non-inventory, non-job) purchases by
Refer to chapter 13 for details.
5. Review supplier default accounts
Review the default GL Account setting against your AP suppliers that do not
receive formal purchase orders. This setting is found on the GL Account sub-
tab within the Detail tab of the Suppliers screen.
NOTE: During this step you may also want to create any non-PO type
suppliers that were used in your outside payables module, but have
not yet been set up in DBA.

888 Operating Guide

Appendix A – Converting to DBA Financials

6. Change payroll accounts

Make sure your payroll departments and GL accounts conform to the DBA
standard chart of accounts. Refer to chapter 13C, Payroll Accounting, for
setup details.
7. Change accounting configuration
On the day prior to conversion day, go to the Admin – Accounting
Configuration screen and change to the DBA Financial Modules setting. Click
Next and you are taken through a series of steps that flag your historic AR
and PO Invoices as having been processed in your outside system. Refer to
chapter 2-7 for details.
8. Assign bank accounts
In the Account Assignments screen you must assign GL accounts against
each of your bank accounts on the Bank Accounts tab.
9. Enter open customer invoices, if needed
This task must be performed on the day prior to conversion day. You must
enter all open customer invoices that originated in your other system in the
File – Startup Day – AR Beginning Balances screen.
When you are done, the AR – Reports – Customer Detail Aging report should
agree with the AR aging report in your old system.
10. Enter open supplier invoices, if needed
This task must be performed on the day prior to conversion day.
If up to now you have been processing payables in an outside system, as of
conversion day you will be entering all supplier invoices in DBA. You must
enter all open supplier invoices that originated in your other system in the File
– Startup Day – AP Beginning Balances screen.
When you are done, the AP – Reports – Supplier Detail Aging report should
agree with the AP aging report in your old system.
11. Post GL transactions
This step must be performed on the day prior to conversion day. Post any
accumulated ledger transactions via the Batch Posting screen. If any
transactions are unable to post, you either have not completed all your
account assignments setup or you have not created all your accounting
12. Clear account balances, if needed
The next step is to run the GL – General Ledger Setup – Clear Account
Balances procedure. This procedure creates a batch journal entry that
zeroes out each of your GL account balances, which effectively clears the
ledger so that you can enter new beginning balances.

Operating Guide 889

Appendix A – Converting to DBA Financials

13. Enter beginning account balances

This step must be performed on the day prior to conversion day. You must
now transfer your current account balances from your outside system to DBA.
This is done manually by making a single batch entry in the Journal Entry
• In your outside system, print a current balance sheet and a year-to-date
income statement.
• In the Journal Entry screen, click new to create a new journal entry. Give
it a Journal Date as of the last day of the prior accounting period.
• Enter a single debit or credit amount against each of your balance sheet
NOTE: Do not make an entry to your Current Earnings account, which
is automatically calculated and never directly entered.
• Enter a single year-to-date debit or credit amount against each of your
income statement accounts.
When your entries are completed, your journal batch should be in balance.
Return to the List tab and post your journal.
14. Reconcile Inventory account
In this step you will reconcile your Inventory account balance with the
Inventory Value report to ensure its accuracy.
Run the Inventory – Reports – Inventory Value report as of today’s date for all
your stock items to establish the total value of your inventory. Compare this
with the Inventory account in the general ledger.
• If the inventory value on the report is higher than the current GL balance,
make this journal entry for the difference in value:
Debit: 12000, Inventory
Credit: 53100, Adjustments – Inventory
• If the inventory value on the report is lower than the current GL balance,
make this journal entry for the difference:
Debit: 53100, Adjustments – Inventory
Credit: 12000, Inventory
15. Reconcile WIP account
In this step you will reconcile your Work in Process account balance with the
WIP Value report to ensure its accuracy.
Run the Jobs – Reports – WIP Value report to establish the total value of your
work in process. Compare this with the Work in Process account in the
General Ledger.

890 Operating Guide

Appendix A – Converting to DBA Financials

• If the total value on the report is higher than the current GL balance, make
this journal entry for the difference in value:
Debit: 12300, Work in Process
Credit: 53400, Adjustments – WIP
• If the total value on the report is lower than the current GL balance, make
this journal entry for the difference:
Debit: 53400, Adjustments – WIP
Credit: 12300, Work in Process
16. Reconcile bank accounts
When you receive your first bank statement after conversion day, you must
transition from reconciling transactions in your old system to doing so in DBA.
This transition process is documented in chapter 14.

Operating Guide 891

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