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===================|||||\\\ How to Crack It ///||||| ===================

1. Download the above file.
2. Use Winrar to extract all 3 files to your Desktop
3. Double click charles_setup_3.51.exe and install Charles into your computer
. (You should probably uninstall the previous version of Charles if you have too
4. Double click run.bat
5. A Charles v3.5 Patcher should appear. (If it didnt, you didnt extract all
the 3 files to your desktop!! read step 2!!)
6. Click 'browse'
7. Navigate to the folder where Charles was installed. (If default, it will b
e at C:\Program Files\Charles\lib)
8. In the 'lib' folder, you should see a charles.jar. Double click that.
9. Charles will now be successfully cracked.
10. Open Charles, click Help, click Register
11. Input anything you want for both the name and the key.
12. You can now use Charles as a fully registered software. Have fun finding c

Thats It! You've Cracked It! =p

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----/ \_)_________) +--oooO----(_)-------------+ (_______(_/ \----
( ()_____) | Uploaded by | (___() )
()___) | | (__()
----\_____()_) |PainHacker | (_()___/----

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