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Complete com with little or few:

a) There is ____________ space in many car.

b) There were ____________ animals on that form.
c) ____________ people come to our party:
d) We can do with ____________ work.
e) There were ____________ mustakes in his homework.
f) The can to ____________ exercise during two weeks said the doctor.
g) I have never sun ____________ people in their house.
h) We have ____________ hours be here your the posture

Escreva o subject pronoun que substitiu as palavras sublinnhadas.

Tom Cruise star many good picture.____________
Anne Boleyn was married to Henry VII. ____________
Hamlet is a play writtien by Shakespeare. ____________
The weather is rainy. ____________
The streets of my city are long. ____________
Big ships crass the oceans. ____________
My Father and may mother are tall. ____________
Brazil has many states and the states have a capital. ____________
All the people were anxious. ____________

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