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Worm Composting

Why compost with worms?

Easy! Worms do all the work.

Fast! Compost is made faster with worms than any other method. 70 DAYS!!

Indoor! Perfect for New Englanders who hate the idea of trudging outside to the compost

Amazing results! Worm castings are a remarkable fertilizer. Better results with worm
castings than with synthetic fertilizers.

Fun! Kids love worms, and love to help.

What kind of worms are used?

Red wiggler worms. NOT earthworms.

How much do they eat?

One pound of adult worms will eat a ½ pound of food per day.

Is there anything worms cannot eat?

No meat, no dairy. Very limited amounts of citrus and onions.

What DO they EAT?

Any non-meat food scraps, coffee grounds and the filter, tea bags, cotton, newspaper,
paper towels, pizza boxes, even lint from your dryer.

How do I keep them?

In a covered bin with holes drilled in the side. Add peat moss to the bin and worms. Make
sure you add enough carbons (newspaper, etc) to the mix to keep the pH balanced. If
they’re unhappy, they’ll let you know! (They’ll climb up the sides!)

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