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“If you like this status, I’ll post something true about you on your wall.

” I saw that
numerous times on my Facebook the other day. It struck me that the internet is now one
of the most honest forms of dialogue we have. The internet is one of the greatest tools
we possess. Walt Whitman wrote that everything is connected. This statement has
never been truer than it is now. We no longer have to stretch our minds to imagine the
life of someone else. We can now log onto to the internet, watch videos of hurricane
victims, and send them money. Technology as a whole is a big advantage to reshaping
the future.
However, technology can never replace interpersonal skills. Society needs to
rediscover the importance of open and honest face-to-face dialogue. There are so many
different cultures, perspectives, and paradigms. We should also be able to use this. It is
important for people to share their stories and experiences. Consequently, my
generation needs to learn how to listen. We need to be able to draw on common
experiences. Honest communication will lead to inventive solutions. Additionally we
should realize the importance of diversity. The more types of people that work together
to solve global issues, the more likely the solutions will benefit everyone.
Humans are able to think and collaborate. These are some of the few skills that
save humanity from destruction. Humans are able to solve problems and improve the
quality of life. There are many problems, which will take all six billion of us to fix. Thus, I
think one of the most important things my generation has to learn is how to work

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