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Sex :
1. Male
2. Female
Civil Status
1. Single
2. Married
3. Widow/widower
4. Separated/Divorce
3. Age bracket where you belong :
1. 18-24 years old
2. 25-31 years old
3. 32-28 years old
2. 39-45 years old
5. More than 45 years old
4. Highest educational attainment:
1. College graduate
2. Diploma/Certificate
3. With Master’s Units
4. Master’s Degree
5. With Ph.D. Units/Degree
5. Year of last attendance in school :
1. Before 1985
2. 1986-1990
3. 1991-1995
4. 1996-2000
5. After 2000
6. What honours did you receive when you graduated from college?
1. Summa Cum laude
2. Magna Cum laude
3. Cum laude
4. Other academic award
5. None/not applicable
7. Present employment:
1. Government
2. Private
3. Self-employed
8. Type of present job:
1. Professional/Technical/Scientific
2. General Clerical
3. Trades and crafts (jobs requiring manual dexterity of application of
manual/mechanical/artistic skills)
4. Others
5. Not applicable
The 20 times that follow are information about you. Please supply the information as


The data that will be obtained from these items shall be held strictly confidential.

Each item is followed by several possible answer. On your sheet, shade completely the box
that corresponds to the number of the answer that specifically pertains to you.

9. Length of experience in present job:

1. Less than one year
2. One to two years
3. Three to four years
4. More than four years
5. Unemployed
10. Do you have any of the following first level eligibilities:
Second Grade, Municipal/Provincial Clerk, General Clerical, Career Service Sub-
Professional(Local Government), Career Service Sub-professional
1. Yes
2. No
11. For what reason are you taking this examination?
1. Entrance to government service
2. Change of appointment status
3. Promotion
4. Others
12. How many times have you taken the Career Service Professional? Examination excluding
this one?
1. Once
2. Twice
3. Thrice
4. More than thrice 5. Never
13. Which of the following activities did you undertake in preparing for this examination?
1. Enrolled in review centers
2. Studied career service examination reviewers sold at bookstore
3. Engage in other activities
4. Used a combination of 1 and 2.
5. No preparation done at all
14. Category of government office where employed:
1. National government
2. Local government (province/city/municipal)
3. Government-owned or controlled corporation
4. Constitutional office
5. State college or university
15. Status of present appointment in government service:
1. Permanent
2. Temporary
3. Casual/Emergency
4. Contractual
5. Substitute
16. Years of experience in government service:
1. Less than 5 years
2. 5-9 years
3. 10-14 years
4. 15-19 years
5. More than 19 years
Items 14 to 16 (For Government Employees Only):

Items 17 to 20
In which of the following types of work do you consider yourself best qualified? Choose only two from
among the options listed in items 17-20. Shade the boxes that corresponds to your choices. For example,
if you think you are best qualified in budget management, and project planning/management, shade box
no. 2 of item 17 and box no. 3 of item . Leave items 18 and 20 blank. If you think you are best qualified in
research/report including statistical analysis, shade boxex no. and no. 2 of item 20 on your Answer sheet,
and leave items and 19 blank.
1. Accounting
2. Budget Management
3. Buying/Purchasing
4. Co-ordination
6. Computer Operations
1. EDP Computer Programming
2. EDP System Analysis and Design
3. Human Resource Development
5. Management and Audit Analysis
1. News/Feature Writing
2. Personal Recruitment/Selection
3. Project Planning/Management
4. Public Relation Work
6. Records Management
1. Research / Report Writing
2. Statistical Analysis
3. Stenography
4. Supplies Management
6. None of the Above
DIRECTIONS: Choose from among the suggested answers the word that means most nearly the
same as the word in capital letters. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that
corresponds to your answer.

21. Ang PAGAL na guro ay sandaling tumigil bago muling nagpatuloy sa pagsasalita.
2. galit
3. pihikan
4. mabagal
5. mahinahon

22. A special group in the police force is believe to be engage in FURTIVE activities.
1. illegal
2. suspicious
3. unusual
4. worthy
5.s ecret

23. The Defense presented its case to the jury in a TRENCHANT manner.
1. Legalistic
2. dignified
3. vague
4. emphatic

24. Ang mga magbubukid ay NABIHASA sa paggamit ng kalabaw bilang katulong nila
sa pagsasaka.
1. nagsawa
2. nagtiwala
3.nas anay

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