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What is Ganoderma ( Lingzhi / Reishi)?

Ganoderma lucidum (also call Lingzhi and Reishi)?

Ganoderma (also call Lingzhi and Reishi) is a large, dark red mushroom with a glossy
exterior which is a member of the Polyproraceac family. It is the ONLY known source
of a group of Triterpenes, which have a molecular structure similar to steroid
hormones. It has the most active Polysaccharides (long "chains" of sugars) among
medicinal plant which can improve your body's immune system.

Ganoderma lucidum is one of the treasures of Chinese medicine. Being named as the
"fairy herb-The best herb". In both the popular ancient Chinese medical publications,
"Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and "Pen-ts'ao Kan-mu" (Compendium of Materia
Medica) written respectively in the Han and Ming Dynasties, there were detailed
descriptions of the effect of Lingzhi. Contemporary studies further proved its
pharmaceutical effects, and confirmed that Lingzhi polysaccharide is the key
ingredient to maintain physiological balance and promote immunity. Today, Lingzhi
has been formally recognized as a medicine listed in the China state pharmacopoeia.
At the same time, Lingzhi has been sanctified by the State as a new food resource.
Lingzhi can be served both as food and medicine.

It was considered a good natural healing herbs in Orient, it was very rare and
expensive to obtain until recent development of high-density cultivation technique.
Ganoderma lucidum, (Lingzhi, Reishi) is rich in organic compounds such as
polysaccharide, amino acid, triterpines, ascorbic acid, sterols, lipids, alkaloids, and
trace minerals. These compounds are being studied for their effect on the immune

Scientific studies find that Lingzhi is rich in effective pharmaceutical nutrition. They
can be divided into 10 categories: Lingzhi polysaccharide, polypeptides, 16 types of
amino acids (7 of which are indispensable to human), protein, steroid, triterpene,
mannitol, coumarin, alkaloids, organic acids (mainly fumarate), and micro-elements,
such as Ge, P, Fe, Ca, Mn, Zn, etc. Lingzhi can help to maintain the balance within
the body.

BENEFIT OF Ganoderma

The main effect of Ganoderma is on promoting general good health and

vitality. It also has a harmonising effect on the body and helps maintain
body balance. By promoting your natural immune system which helps in
balancing the body and in turn treats itself for a wide range of health

1. Enhances the Immune System

2. Promote stamina and endurance.
3. Relief the symptoms of Allergy and Hay Fever.
4. Temporary relief of the pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
5. Relief the symptoms of Influenza/Flu.
6. Help relieve Nervous Tension-Stress and mild Anxiety.
7. Temporary relief of Migraine Headaches.
8. Relief of symptoms of PMS and of Menstrual Symptoms.
9. Relief of Pre-menstrual Symptoms/Syndrome.
10. Relief Sleeplessness.
11. Temporary relief of Coughs.
12. Formula to support Liver.
13. Antioxidant -neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals of normal cellular
respiration and metabolism.
14. In healthy individuals helps support and maintain healthy heart, healthy blood
pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, normal blood sugar levels, and a healthy
respiratory system.
15. Maintains and improves general Well-being.

Wild Lingzhi

Wild Lingzhi is scarce and suffers from adverse environmental conditions such as
insect infestation, lack of proper nutrients, non-optimum temperatures, and lack of
humidity. The timing of the harvest cannot be controlled, and the mature Lingzhi has
already lost most of its digestible active ingredients. The active ingredients in the
dried mushroom may also have lost much of their beneficial biological activity. The 6
different types of Lingzhi (differentiated by colour: red, purple, blue, yellow, black,
white) recorded in Chinese pharmacopoeia are actually one species grown under
different conditions. In 1972, a Japanese researcher who pioneered the growing of
Lingzhi demonstrated that by varying the conditions of growth, Lingzhi of 6 different
colours could be grown from the same species.
What is Nutriceutical?

Nutriceutical is especially used to describe the function of Ganoderma which is a

naturally occurring food supplement thought to have a medicinal effect on human



Since 1970s, numerous studies on Ganoderma have been conducted throughout the
world. Scientific studies find that Ganoderma is rich in effective pharmaceutical
nutrition and can be divided into 10 categories:

1. Polysaccharide- a long chain molecule of sugars is responsible for the

majority of benefit of Ganoderma which enhances body strength and immune
2. Germanium- increases the metabolic processes.
3. Triterpenes- regulate the blood
4. Anti-oxidant, Vitamin B1, B2 and B6, *16 types of amino acids (7 of which are
indispensable to human), *protein, *steroid, *mannitol, *coumarin,
*alkaloids, *organic acids (mainly fumarate), and *micro-elements- such as
Ge, P, Fe, Ca, Mn, Zn, etc.

There has been keen interest in the field of biomedical technology concerning the
therapeutic effects of Germanium. Ganoderma contains the greatest amount of
germanium. The following list shows the germanium content of each herb: (* P.P.M =
parts per million)

*Ganoderma: 900-2200 P.P.M, Garlic: 700 P.P.M, Ginseng: 250-300 P.P.M., Aloe: 75

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