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Ya Samad Ya Sama du

Description for Reading:

Who repeat this name (Ya Sama du )many times (100 times daily - not fixed it
is up to you) God will provide his needs and fulfill al his or her desire and
dreams (Genuine- real), and as a result he will not need others help, but they will
need his or her help

Meaning and Explanation

The Eternal, The Everlasting, The Satisfier of Every Need

1. The One who is eternal and above whom there is none. The One who is
unaffected, unchanged, and without any needs.

2. The One who is besought by all, and who is above all. The One who can
satisfy every need and without whom no affair could be accomplished.

3. The One who satisfies every need as it should be satisfied, and not necessarily
as mankind might imagine. In Arabic In English How to Pronunciate (say)

03 Ya Quddus Ya Qud du su

"Pure spirit,

Description for Reading:

Who repeat this name (Ya Qud du su) 100 times each day will be free from
anxiety and tension (and kind from work or from family problems)

Meaning and Explanation

"Pure spirit, Quddus, it gives you a sense of the quintessence."

Quddus, a power that descends like lightening. One has the impression
it descends on one through the top of one's head. It shatters you totally. They
call it the quickening of the Holy Spirit. Quddus. Kaddosh. Sanctus. A feeling of
holiness, other worldliness In Arabic In English How to Pronunciate (say)

03 Ya Qadiru Ya Q A D I R U

"The Able,

Description for Reading:

He who repeat this name sever times, all his desires will be fulfilled

Meaning and Explanation

"He who is able to do any thing in the way he wills."

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