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Every man has to learn the points of the

compass again as often as he awakes,

whether from sleep or any abstraction.

When we resume our original nature and incessantly

make our effort from this base, we will appreciate the
result of our effort moment after moment, day after
day, year after year.

As long as you have some fixed idea or are caught by

some habitual way of doing things, you cannot
appreciate things in their true sense.
True being comes out of nothingness, moment after
moment. - from true emptiness, the wondrous being
Everything is just a flashing into the vast phenomenal
To understand reality as a direct experience is the
reason we practice zazen, and the reason we study

We should not be concerned about the result of our effort before we know its origin.
If the origin is not clear and pure, our effort will not be pure, and its result will not
satisfy us.
As long as we have some definite idea about or some hope in the future, we cannot
really be serious with the moment that exists right now.

Strictly speaking the I

If you want to study Zen, you should forget all your previous ideas and just practice
zazen and see what kind of experience you have in your practice.

Just Sit
This Posture
This Breath
This Moment

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