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Friends have you ever thought what is rating of body of a human

being in watts??

Let us see…..

Surveys show that an active human being consumes 2500kcal in a day.

As 1 cal = 4.18J
Therefore daily energy consumption of man is 2500*4.18= 10450kJ
Or if we convert to in kilo watt hours, we have
Energy consumed = 10450/3600 = 3kwh (app.)
In other words an iron that is ON for 3 hours uses 3kwh.

A man uses only 3 units of electricity in a day!!!

That means our monthly electricity consumption is 90 units and each unit
almost costs Rs. 5.

Thus monthly electricity bill of a human body is Rs. 450!!!!

Now we see the rating of human body

In one hour the load of body = 3/24*1000 = 125w

We are just like a 125w bulb.

But bulb only lights but a human not only does lot of things but also its body
performs lot of actions that we don’t see outside like pumping of blood,
digestion of food, neural wave transmission, thinking, transportation, blood
cleansing and detoxifying all chemicals, cellular activities in just 3 units of
energy or 1/3 litters of petrol!!

How perfect and efficient is the Allah Subhanawa Ta’ala’s creation is…

Calculation by
Muhammad Irfan Haider Jilani

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