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Title: The Labours of Hercules

Author: Alice Bailey
Genre: action, adventure

Is publicate in: 16 February 2004

Page: 96

The story of the dramatic evidence of this grand old Son of
God, Hercules orHerakles, gives a concise overview of the journey of the
soul from ignorance to wisdom, from material desires to spiritual
fulfillment ... This topic may seem verycurrent to all those who struggle in their
daily lives, trials, tests, mistakes and victoriesof the hero who strove to reach
the goal is also ours, may be applied to our lives.

It traces the story of Hercules and demonstrate how it is through his twelve

laborsplayed the role of the aspirant on the Path of Discipleship, by
undertaking some work on the symbolic nature, living in certain episodes and
events always show the natureof learning and distinctive achievements of the
man who is close to their release.

Hercules is the Son of God incarnate, yet imperfect, taking his
hands firmly on the lower nature by subjecting it to a discipline
that will ultimately produce the appearanceof divinity. Of a human
being wandering, but conscious, with sincerity and understanding of
the work done is created a world savior.

Conclusion:Is a good book, I recommend it to everyone.

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