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Transcription of a TV Interview with

Lobsang Rampa from TuesdayLobsangRampa Website

This interview was aired on the program 'Citizens of the World' Tele-Metropole C.F.T.M
Montreal in the early 70s. The interviewer and filmer was Alain Stanke, Rampa's friend,
neighbour and French publisher.

The interview was originally in English, translated into French in Stanke's book "Lobsang
Rampa, Imposteur Ou Initie?" and retranslated back into English by Nicholas D.
"I am Lobsang Rampa. Maybe you've heard of me before. But my very good friend Alain
Stanke asked me to say a few words on tape. I wouldn't have done it for anyone else. But
Alain Stanke is a young man with many capabilities so I reply to his invitation to say these few

I hope that you've read or that you'll read my books because I think that if a greater number of
us followed this golden rule 'Do unto others' then the world would be a better place to live in.

Look at the problems in Ireland where Christians are killing other Christians. I wonder why? It's
a mystery. They still speak the same language, they have the same religion, but there is this
bloody war. But here in Quebec there are also difficulties because of the difficulties with
language. Personally I've suffered a lot from discrimination because I don't speak French. It's
absolutely true, I assure you. The best thing would be for people to give up the French and
English languages (except as a cultural asset) then they could practice telepathy! That's how it
was before the tower of Babel when everyone spoke his own dialect after having lost
telepathic power. Think how fine it would be to be able to communicate with anyone by

Did you know that in Montreal there are some very good people? I've mentioned my very good
friend Alain Stanke, a great companion. But there are others, Mr H. Mendelson of Simon's
Cameras, the most honest man you could find. Such a nice man I'm proud to call a friend.

In Habitat where I live like a hermit, I don't see anyone. I don't want to see anyone! The man
who makes it possible is Mr Bernard Gobeil, the administrator of Habitat. He's managed to
rent all of Habitat while before it was almost empty. So I greet Mr Gobeil who put his energies
and made a great job as an administrator. Another friend is Mr Jean Louis Bigras from
Rimouski. He likes Montreal so much that he's decided to come and live here. So now I am
surrounded by people with whom I can speak, but not in French. Maybe I should use telepathy
with them!

There is a critic who said he could not read more than a chapter of 'Feeding the Flame'. But
how can he be able to criticize a book he hasn't read? I have the impression that critics of
books are people who haven't the skills or knowledge required to write a book, so they only
have one way to live in the world of literature, which is to live at the expense of others. By the
way, I can't understand those women's libbers as they've got more liberties than men.

I receive 40 to 50 letters a day, most of them without postage. Some of them are written with
red or green ink or with handwriting which is so tiny that it is hard for me to read them. I had to
buy a huge magnifying glass. When I've answered the letters I immediately destroy them in a
shredder; otherwise nosy people search my trash. Don't laugh, they are legion! Several were
caught going through the garbage of Habitat.

I'll reveal a secret. I've already worked in France and I've learned French. It is a pleasure for
me to listen sometimes to people who I see in the corridors or elevators of Habitat. They speak
to me in French and I hear so many things about me!

I've got two other friends, Miss Cleopatra Rampa and Miss Tadalinka Rampa two Siamese
cats. They are true friends. Taddy likes to eat. But Cleo is the most intelligent cat living. She
receives all my thoughts by telepathy. They have a special litter tray and never damage our
furniture. They are models of perfection, these cats!

People ask me why I came to Canada. The British press made us leave England. We've been
wrongly accused. All kinds of lies have been made up about me. Let me ask you this, would
you like to be ill, lying on your back, and seeing a mirror appear at the end of a stick? Would
you like to be spied on like this? I had to undergo this little game in Ireland, and the British
press invaded Ireland in the same way the British soldiers are currently invading Ireland.

We came to Canada because we thought that this country would bring us peace. We were not
wrong. It's been bearable...

Well now Mr Stanke, you want to know more things about me. Let me tell you, the author of a
book doesn't matter, what he writes is important, if it's worth reading.

How do I write my books? When I prepare to write a book, I adopt the policy of complete total
inactivity. I build my book in my mind, page after page and don't use my typewriter or dictate
until my book is complete, very solidly built in my head. When I've got all the material and
when I've checked and corrected everything, then I can type it by seeing it above me in fully
printed pages. Everything I do then is to visualize these pages, and retranscribe them with a
typewriter made in Japan or I directly record them on a tape recorder.

But there's something else which amuses those who live with me. I can stop in the middle of a
sentence and continue one or two days later, from where I had stopped. They believe it's a
matter of memory.

Don't ever try to write before you know exactly what you're going to write and when you know
what you're going to write don't ever let an agent or an editor persuade you that you shouldn't
do it. If you have the courage of your convictions, if you've got something to say which is worth
writing and if you know how to do it, then your book has its entire raison d'etre. It will sell.
Otherwise don't waste your time, knit or do something else!

I can write a book in 2 or 3 weeks but 6 months are necessary to build in my mind!"

I receive many letters. People want to know how to make babies, how to get rid of babies,
particularly those women's libbers. If only people could adopt the golden rule there wouldn't be
so many difficulties caused by the language difficulties like there are in Quebec, Belgium and
several other countries. This old world would be a much better place to live in! If only people
wanted to give, they could also receive. One has to give his goodwill, his trust in others, his
faith in man's goodness. And if each one of us paid his share, the age of Kali would be over!"

Transcript of an interview Rampa gave in 1958

This is part of a transcript of an interview Rampa gave in 1958.

’The Third Eye’ is absolutely true and all that I write in that book is fact. I, a Tibetan Lama now
occupy what was originally the body of a western man, and I occupy it to the permanent and
total exclusion of the former occupant. He gave me his willing consent, being glad to escape
from life on this earth in view of my urgent need. The actual changeover took place on 13 June
1949, but the way had to be prepared some time before that. I know that I have a special task
to do, and I became aware that it would be necessary to come to England for various reasons
connected with it. In the latter part of 1947 I was able by telepathy to send impressions to a
suitable person. In February 1948 he changed his name by legal Deed Poll
and took the name of Kuan Suo as directed by me.

To make the changeover easier, he altered his addresses a number of times

and lost contact with all friends and relatives. On June 13, 1949 he had a slight
accident which resulted in concussion and which ’knocked him out of himself.’
This enabled me to take over.

I tried very hard to obtain employment in England but for various reasons there
was no assistance from the Employment Exchange. For years I visited
Employment Exchanges ...but none of them did anything for me.
For some time we lived on capital which had been saved and upon anything
which I was able to earn from doing free-lance writing or advertising.

I have a special task to do because during my life in Tibet I had been to the
Chang Tang highlands where I had seen a device which enables people to see
the human aura. I am clairvoyant and can see the aura as I have demonstrated
to many people at many times, but I was aware that if doctors and surgeons
could see the human aura then they could determine the illness afflicting a
human body before it was at all serious. It was not possible for me to come to
England in the body which I had then. I tried, but to no avail.

The aura is merely a corona of discharge of the body, of the life force. It is similar to the
corona discharge from high tension cables which can be seen by almost anyone on a misty
night, and if money would be spent on research, medical science would have one of the most
potent tools for the cure of disease. I have to have money in order to carry out my own
research, but I have never taken money for curing people’s illnesses or for taking their troubles
off their shoulders, as has been misrepresented in a certain paper.

And how did ’The Third Eye’ come to be written? I certainly did not want to write it but I was
desperate to get a job so that I could get on with my allotted task. I tried for job after job
without avail, eventually a friend offered to put me in touch with a gentleman would might be
able to use my services. Mr Brooks said I should write a book. I insisted that I did not want to
write a book and so we parted. Mr Brooks wrote to me again and once more suggested that I
should write a book. In the interval between seeing him and receiving his letter I had been for
other interviews and had been rejected.

So, with much reluctance I accepted Mr Brooks’ offer to write a book and here again I repeat
that everything in that book is true. Everything said in my second book ’Medical Lama’ is also
true. One should not place too much credence in ’experts’ or ’Tibetan scholars’ when it is seen
how one ’expert’ contradicts the other when they cannot agree on what is right and what is
wrong, and after all, how many of those ’Tibetan scholars’ have entered a lamasery at the age
of seven and worked all the way through life as a Tibetan, and then taken over the body of a
westerner? I have!"


"..As far as I can see, it appears that the announcement regarding the author of ’The Third
Eye’ has done nothing but enhance Lobsang Rampa’s prestige, and resulted in bringing his
best seller more than ever before the public eye. One lady, an authority on eastern methods
and religions, made the remark that if the facts were true, then Lobsang Rampa was an even
greater person than ever. Now she is certain that the facts ARE true.

Many people will wonder about the one who occupied that western body before it was taken
over by a Tibetan, and I , as the wife, would like to tell something of the events leading up to
the change of personality.

At the first indication of something different, I was more than a little startled. We were leading a
quiet life in Surrey, my husband being on the staff of a correspondence college in an advisory
capacity. Out of the blue came his remark toward the end of 1947. "I am going to change my
name." I looked at him aghast for I failed to see any point in doing such a thing. We had
nothing to hide, nothing from which to run away. It took me some time to recover after he
continued, "Yes we will change our name by Deed Poll. We shall call ourselves KuanSuo."

By February 1948 all legal formalities had been completed and we had no further right to our
previous name. My husband’s employer was not pleased, but there was little he could do
about it, especially as about that time one of the firm’s directors had made an alteration to his
own name.

Of course, everyone thought that we had at least taken leave of our senses, but that never
bothered me. I had lived with my husband for eight years and knew that if he had a hunch to
do anything at all, there was a very good reason for it. Soon, however, we noticed that people
were not saying our name when addressing us, and even after seeing it written, they didn’t
seem able to spell it; for that reason we later contracted it to Ku’an. I want to clarify this point to
show that we have no time used an alias as has been mistakenly suggested.

At about this time my husband talked a great deal about the east and on occasions he did in
fact wear eastern dress; he often seemed to be very pre-occupied in his manner, and I have
known him to fall into a ’trance state’ and speak in an unfamiliar tongue, which I now believe to
be a language of the east. In July 1948 he again made a sudden decision... this time to give up
his job. This he did to the consternation of the employer who had always found him to be a
very useful and conscientious member of his staff. The idea behind it was so that we could
leave the district and lose all contact, which we did. Within a year he had completely lost touch
with previous acquaintances and with our former life. We managed to exist on what we had
saved, together with what we could earn from various forms of writing.

The day I happened to look out of the window and see my husband lying at the foot of a tree in
the garden, is something I shall never forget. I hurried out to find he was recovering, but to me
a trained nurse, he seemed to be stunned or something. When eventually he regained
consciousness, he seemed to act differently and in a way I did not understand.

After getting him indoors and upstairs to our flat to rest, the main thought in my mind was to
get a doctor as quickly as possible, but I was reckoning without him... He seemed to sense my
alarm and implored me not to do so, assuring me that he was quite alright. Certainly his
speech seemed different, more halting, as if he was unfamiliar with the language, and his
voice appeared deeper than before.

For sometime I was quite concerned for something seemed to have happened to his
memory... before speaking or moving he appeared to be making calculations; much later I
learned that he was ’tuning’ into my mind’ to see what was expected of him. I do not mind
admitting that in the earliest stages I was very worried, but now it seems quite natural. I have
never ceased to wonder that such an ordinary individual as myself should be so closely
associated with such a remarkable occurrence as the advent of a Tibetan lama to the western


This is an extract from Stanké’s book, where he interviewed Sarah Rampa. It is translated
from French.
"As far as I know there is only one way to evaluate the declarations of my husband. It consists
of reading all his books from the beginning to end. That’s where the truth is. I am a registered
Nurse and as such have a lot of experience concerning the observations of people, their
attitudes, reactions or changes. Therefore I declare that everything Rampa has said is true, as
far as I know. One of the most unpleasant things is the fierce hatred felt by some of the press.
Yet those who react so harshly have declared publicly that they had read none of the books.
Didn’t a critic recently assert he had read one or two pages but did not want to continue
reading it?
Surprisingly, he began a fierce attack against a book he hadn’t read! How, under those
conditions can you ’reveal’ anything to one whose mind is so closed? When a person doesn’t
want to believe, no proof in the world, or beyond this world would convince him. The belief has
to come from the person himself. One thing is clear, several persons have without respite
attempted to get rid of Lobsang Rampa and to prevent him from writing. They haven’t
succeeded and they never will. As far as I know, Lobsang Rampa never was a plumber, and
he is not today either...

When ’The Third Eye’ was published I made a declaration to the press. It was completely
distorted. The press twisted my words and succeeded in making me claim that Rampa was an
impostor. It is false, I have never thought nor claimed that he was an impostor. On the
contrary, I assert, as I’ve always said that his books are true...

I am my husband’s wife, and when a woman is married to a man, she understands him, his
moods, his peculiarities. If, suddenly, everything changes in him, if it becomes evident to the
woman that she lives with another man, a really different man, we have to accept the reality of
the way it is. It can’t be proved. I was in this situation. I saw a change occurring, I observed
how the transmigration happened. However, I continued to live with him. But everything is
different. We live rather like brother and sister, both making the best of the difficult situation we
are in. But as I’ve witnessed all theses things, as I’ve experienced it, there remains no doubt it
is the truth...

Lobsang Rampa knows the truth. He knows what he believes in and he is the person he
claims to be. When the changeover occurred we had a very beautiful tabby cat with a silver
coat and his attitude was surprising. Our tabby cat had extraordinary reactions towards the
one I could call the New One.

He showed an unusual respect towards him and anyone who saw him would have been most
impressed by the wisdom of one of these ’dumb animals’.

Twenty Five Years With

T. Lobsang Rampa
by Sheelagh Rouse

Sheelagh Rouse was Lobsang Rampa's devoted secretary, companion and friend for the
entire span of his writing career. Referring to her by the nickname 'Buttercup', Rampa
considered Sheelagh to be his adopted daughter.

Sheelagh made enormous sacrifices to assist Rampa with his writing and research; leaving
her family, reputation and privileged lifestyle to live a simple life with him and his wife.

After fifty years of discreet silence, she has now written a book about her years with the man
she esteemed above all others. 'Twenty Five Years with T. Lobsang Rampa' is an honest, witty
and immensely readable tribute to the famous author.
Lobsang Rampa In Habitat, Early 70's.

Excerpt from her book:

"I opened the garage door, and as I mounted the stairs to Mrs. Wood's flat I seemed to hear
voices. She must have a visitor, I thought, but I needed to find Chester, so I knocked on the
door and waited. The voices inside ceased, and the door was opened. Mrs. Wood appeared,
but as I looked past her to the figure of a man seated beside the window she faded into
insignificance. I knew nothing about vibrations, auras and the like, but such power radiated
from this person that I had the distinct feeling of a fire burning brightly.

I was awed. My eyes were drawn to and met his, which were somehow long and narrow,
piercing without being large, calm and still with a hint of amusement in them. Although he
remained seated, my impression was of a short, stocky man with a shaven head and wearing
a greying beard. His expression was unreadable. He wore a black suit with a pink shirt and
black bow tie. All this I took in in a matter of seconds. He was unusual. I had never
encountered anyone with such a presence.

What happened next was at the time completely inexplicable to me, but since then I have read
of similar cases; only a few weeks ago I read an account by Sybille Bedford of a person's first
meeting with a psychic in which she mentions the feeling of receiving an electric shock. As this
man looked at me, I experienced something utterly strange. I felt his eyes boring into my very
soul, into the being, the self I did not expose, almost did not know or recognize so used was I
to covering up, to pretending, to denying.

It was as though I was standing there with my soul stark naked, no pretense, no protection. I
had never experienced anything like it before, and never have since. Then I became aware of
an awesome tingling all over my body, as though I indeed was receiving an enormous electric
shock, and I seemed to be looking at myself from a distance, from above, and I was aware, did
not actually hear, but was aware of the knowledge that this was momentous for me, this was a
unique chance, take it or leave it. The whole sensation could not have lasted more than a
minute perhaps, but a minute can represent a lifetime.

Then the man spoke..."

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