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Chenna i-the rive r C OOVAM

The 1lI3p'h_~1 dBveli!:lpmenl ,00' 'the' '~i~' nits seeen frIl11lJ1nn:ell'atJl:E!' d1I:a~:e511i1 ill5l, f8~ric'. Toe ci.V h~ oeen cete1'il1g k!i Hile vanl!'dl need's IOf llfle lPEiOple I!)ii'-tllifii'ie. '~Jlle I"~l,~rwhr:dhl 1113.$, CIle.H'ied !iesi!;lye

- ""'"Clf ,rl,,,,, 'iH! .. ...., UC ., ..... .,IOI'I.I1o:t-r """"'OUA,LI "11'1;,,,, ';""e- r h~ It-~n ~mI~"'l.,,-]lIi;r'II 1'1" i'lir;"'lf .16"" """~~""' ..... ~i~..II hoi, ~

¥1I'!'!iI! Ii'II~ t1''!II'!!I!IIJ'iJ [J~ y~¥ I!I!!_ ~ I!r!-Y If.!£!:Jb ~I~IIUI UI~ !il!1I! ~.!I!:I _ ~lll!~.J11!.1!.~ Ill! G1§I! .1. lU'I~ '!:!'l~~~ U~!i.I! Wo[f ~


, 'wid'e' ,ami ~~c$t d!iai~n·

was, fo~ ~J'i3!nspOllil:a1kt'I1_ 'Thill! mmt !l)f 11111} Il'iIvelT' used 'rOJ" ftiMtlr'lo!i]s, <:asnes, duhs and 'lima ' 'The {lity'iS, 'i:IB!.!\gj~P'JiIlI!iIFlt woutll 11"I'<!i'llfl hool iI!i p!l1.>e1li ~1IlI i iJ'&ver 'roo I1i I: de'i.!\el D;p;rni e.nt, The fIlidllSt]es, sal, up, beganl to !(Ism: 'th8i [,loo[':aiS a dlllr1!llDing' :stn-'k, aMI iIilie reski"til1ilf8G waste also were dlve.rted ito dlJe ~81i', wMc'I'Il ~rlI;Il up at iIIlI@ sea looaC' bY. 'F1I18i Ifllve~' iIilii!u !!l-OIInEiS; elean 1111.'0, Ihe ' ' [8 caFl'LamTIila'ted b!jl' 1lil!1 mu_nJ~fj)a~

w-as-~' Iha-~ lis t!i~ll1g re!'€l~6l{:1jj dl-

Il'.eC~!f l.nrroug1'l1 open dj';j3jlll's. The .... ~ ~~"_.,..!Ii!I;:III'''''-

If!"I!I~mlveil" S{!()n beoome' a bad '~~ Qf ~

_hi) city. and I~el)l' dilW~opllfl~n~, &~;~ .. ~[:;.1~~ sIDed rooking a\l,!';By k-mlli !he

mlveli'. ihBi rl"Vi3r 'WaS ne:g _e;Qled" lI.he ll'-08dS ,a]W.a(!f,s ,c~&sljlcd lh!l[:! [r-1\iI~ aMI iIilie mer ffOOt bMaflile S-OI!Ii\eUlfilig 'thaI: ha~ ItO be InJdk:l"en fIl'om 'U~~' u~ttan :S~r.l!;lrfo,.

-~~ Tn e' slum ~ Th~ entbo If 'llier' !5l1tfe'k:h Is IjjIcc::upJed !by ithe pc tIIr', diw!;l]lIn!jls ranging I\rOI!lll 'lcmF"'rony ~D .rt~liIrI)I' permanent ones. M !rill{ effofts to e-vm:::uaw., Umrn have.

fe~'Un.ed 1t1ililmc ~ Mid thil pUgM Oi~ IhIH"J">Cir e@iO'Iiam I~ as Ii&s,s hm MoCl-s I Mi U~,uc s l!Jms, II:S Ulie~ oIllil"-.eady IBe.R veiljl' D !ide h:!lt!liloe~ & ..


,S~!ii':iii!§! II wiiS'to to. fb.!iilIIF.II~ ~ UiiqlC!lIid'. M'iDhiria'ls M_SOtei:ilirn b city ,i:jf;'li il'Ii !.Utilal ',. ihil'O'i'm ,or iitq!dMi ilbti'ilt'oi'1ii i~tng 'ibeitll" :~US1.UiIl'bJ1ity·idlfI~ ~apllj:'ll,g~!U'Bq9.

10 roo 'I

The :scrap wooo ~ n. ~I:Y It_, Ih~ fndliiil'lrial ~Mt Upj, ,iiind! mportl: 't'rem !M; ~, wall'l 'ctl!~I" ~~ ~ pjll!lnk~ of !pTIme :wi§! ,Q.lin liilliIllflil US!i!!=i, biBfgiie 'iiI-g' to 11'1101' :Io~,,g~ !lite ~ A1H uw duii'li ~nl b!iil ,pQIijli1i~lillbt JIiIHd'.

The "faurpaline TIle it'ilfii .. II_d:ViirU:!i'lmil:IJ.Pil1liB8 I!j:iuyq M~ qill1i_ufil 011' ~iilim.iI iiirlnli, of' ~ i1~ limlll iQW"Bm~~ [pOLy-, lliiliHl*il. :E!lidOiiO i9l;Y '14r!!a o Ii' pcnliMo fiieydllri9i, 't'hl!f f.fU'II'Itt. IlIndi I'iiII viinoLiiIli parts! ef bY1rd":qi! ~;tlMI! '!itf ilhiiillf ~ f83iMl!DC&.

The censtru cl ion waste : Th., ~~ii DvskI,j.lI'rJal1li: be1riltll ~; u.-!1liI1 g iIJWa;'!fiiI ~fiiifil; dirnoilHOfli ,of ~m~n.ili"li

1"hai Wlit'L'I! ®1i"t11iIiil' gQmi!! aiB d.~11y fiI; iliad\.

Te metropolitan city and its municipal waste 8: w,as,ie' gene'fated in the city i'n and around eoovarn ls rnused_recyc~edl_renewed to estab~ish a ne'w sO~Uition to he stretch es of sl u min 'th e river ba n k, A, h ab~ta bl e stretch repl a cin gl ~he s~u m sus tain fa ble in w,tsel'f.

The lPja~rtic W,Elsre : Thlli' ~'l! 'WiilIi.lIi' F.foQli!rimi, iifiiii'il1 ~1'Ii'D;g1iil .. Bi1t'1fiiil tid ~m~ WIlIir M\I'II rm::NiDIM mwttl 'foi'd\, !a'fiG IPhjl_~tili: ' i;S, biiCiGlmlilil!il1 ,I, :&erii!'rull, iMUiI, ¥'ill, ~mt rn!p.~M~, jiir;8 'tg bi ... U!HI~1<!1 ga' I'*IlIH 1G'jl"UilI' 1P1!U~e ~J'H, ~ d!ll~6iii:!iIJ' h utgrtl' gl: immlildillte diqKIM'l.

ih e. bottle was!e .

'''!TIhI!;l' c:ifY'!i ''!iAS~ !1:'!iM'BIlQ- 1!1i181111.U!1II pmd'!I.IlDB 'Elm~ [!'!:I~I,\!!!!I'i!I!!!" ~tllili~'~!!I,!I ,i!nd e!ln be ce Ui911 d ,00 1'!'11" pE9'~, ThEl,:; an H put t.o ~~ o:lIt~!" itMn ,illl~'I: 1Mti11l11l1 m:_mf:aj!1lBr!!I. '"Jhill(f .I!IIf'!;i' 1!1&o¥E!irJ' plill '1j111Br ~IICiiri.'_ ~ .. :lV6lh~~ ., II ~!I!1i!;i1



1 km ,streL'dilill at egm;o;!i\Q '~' pud~ Wll~e1; is b~llken as :til ,ere...-! f,ypical 'fer tllilJe ,en~Tl"e &1 LII m banks of timle rINer ooov,am .. Timte' tiivter [s 35 IiiIl 'Wide a,¥elu~g~' andllbanksi

The Gamag,@ waste ; Thll!;lii/'l, Fi~1 ~I' ,is ~!.ImpH ~i"i~' lMi d'um~, i!!I!"QIlL~~ 'Of 1''''10 'thle' r:I¥~~. Th., i",Q!r.!e~ !j!'(illm.\'t w!'I!~1 hi ,iittig; Ibl Uliifi; ri!,iliilf !lnd, ~ ,ii'tiOi"t' ,.lfldlm mtlNdii lhui jull; ~i'idiF:iiilm" lfMi 1M Ill'idl '15111 ,ean lb., .1'i!Cdij[~ilidi.

The paper wasl\6 : '~,Miill ,~, !I~~O!l'!~ 'WI!~\II !Ad~:s: ~!.dl p«plllr '~llfiIliJ~ ~'Iil:ih Orfl1lmu'ltl iayer,BI<II ,!lmdi '~mlj:'k., 'Cc.11'et:tHm Il!ir

ih~ ~ ~~I~ ~'~w" Ye!Id~ WOIiI!'d '1IIJk!iliP'e :IIi ~lial ~ 11Imi

it! o;.:I:50~!:I ,KClnario l'il!l~ IlIVdillli"i!p en U'.! _ ..._.,~ !'!Ii ti.::i~ l!!Ii'!dll!fili!io~ll!!I" ,

~LI. :&111;!pJ !;!I!I thlil' '1Il1l!ifwf! b.nk G.airbll~re III tine ~!illlln!ilJl allii tv--


'The' design ot the dwe Iii ng - the stretch of solace

1liIe; dMJin 'woUld be ill devef.opmei'lll.IPfCiI.ea'i!, ''Nhldl 'W!t!Urd be iWStafnable 1«!m llJiie a:):rts.lruiZ\'UatiI, It2Jll:, iI"li\e' Ji!I~·Itr~atlnefll: tpl!ami: and idlIe GM.BAGE._ OONCR.ElJ'E p~dlanl'~:De '10 be; '~C1iIiIl!Idned .an.d set

11'1; ........ r ,1.\. .... _ •• 11...",1.[';"". ''tI'II.", " .... ,_~......Ii ,i!!iil'U •. ~, '''11",:", ,--, ,~~ ,,\111" <>'r" ""!V'i., .... , .... li'LI'~,!be. ,I!I<.'" .~iII'.i~~. _""',,:

z,rr.' IJ~_ W lti. 111!lr1f!r ~ 1!EI_liIIlG!.I1l IJ ~I!Iiil ~ I] 'UlIltI~611r."Wl ~IJ IIJI!iiI ,~_..:.I_IIII ·w~ :JI!,~II, DJII .... 1~UJ "!iii_III !I,ll' IIJI.! . J I~Jl~ VJ Il'a:::; ll'~~~~

-ew.'ll;l..tlC!n, 'litiIe: 11'iw~ h:t_s'~ be ·!:IemHl (ifiI; mu!wli agreem9ilc: llhai '[hey !!i!e'iI. ill !new dliwelllnt and! a '~h tJ¥~ Jtnl~ mio1Kumena::at the S81!11'te. tplaae.. Ollai' 'GARiBM~Cat'l.lCRE,TIE IBLOCKS.are mmlJ'1Koourea'lI' [hie: )aU:! p&ving 01' the habl_lat 'WOuddi ."deM. -n; the kIGa'I people if&elf: OoIiJsiruotkin would be dOIi!e inl 1I., .: ~ (hat itl'ley are· ~l'fII:Odared ln '1M. rest.


,9: m: ! s

t- .~

. I I-






N Toile'ls,

connnunHy cper:m .Sp.!il'08S

'TI"Mi: de.5!lgr1! fs !8 5 mpl~ IfilWJMi::ilw'lkin o~ mod!Jl~r he. ~,~ ~r :dYiilly, houses ~J;e.- req,i\Jll'1ed fer ,4 p~p.1e. e.: p~pf!:' and mo-re Uum 'ltI!iI!t A, ~ mpfe· ,lilrnLl'1S1i;:m!i:llt Qf ilh=e ~!I!' l:i d'cnti:' by com!'fi'li!:in !5hiiU9 tpe~nent ..... ~IEs ~nd tempefiOtY W1l11:t.·ln Ih~ ~ron_" -Lmd blldt, 'Trn:.l'lep"b tty or 'the d~n en':lI,[J!i:cS ~ndon in t'amll~. ~C:I .19.0 h)l~nl: ..

'Ti'1e 'YIe5li1:m $101" iiil! k! be ~'!'Olded an1:l atx!; the ~Iu:m dwelrem ::lI'l>;:i!Adl ~, pratJlblled to ,~ftcroad'1 iI1e J(!!Qdi, So corn= IMl' liXQ of lin Urt~ ~.RT WAll, whid1 r~ 1.5 m bove ·the ~ncI.rJIli!:ll :3 m Ihr$jn from inen,

Th~ hau~ are or :5 ,; 4 :l!;m, 5 ~ CI ~r and I 's'i'HIpeci 1101.iS'e:;!. of 6 )l: 8 ~m, TM~ Iplan is mln:.lm I wlIll .fli,ll ,II· :~Mln, l, Wi!11 'rM .n~. kll~l'ten and I";:fiI~1f!I1i~n to lhe '!:ti'l

Cemrnol'l! ~tI~ :aR cliJbbed wilt, toilet r'W1U~. wh:lth would Ix! i.h!: ec!l'I!Imunl~ lbre~1tJgn.

TNi_J.S h~ ,tD M d~ 'IlfjljMr bii!iigas, ~ UlIi!i riwlt: ThIs woUld Ji!!jj\gJJN/I' ~ ilkHl'iI Q~ :suibp 'hfllii filJjDj:,eng w:a1'e.r.. ~iUO-' lal' cli!af'il1ifP 'Wi3 b1:DIiI a'i:s.e'miGfiiS .. SII)WiM! . t:dJN' ma_m_ma'l ttlIii'IM' ~i"J!!'

·Titaln'lf,\fjj ~M!iiWili1} 'Imi.l:Ie:--, v«IGp .and macl!i in_iIIN Irqcl.lng mi~~, WGYf(I M :B;.i!I1: up.; ~ ID~ Ni~~ mJTlo pauli'fllfll mHt$" ~~. wc.mdl H 't-atilgtit ~n u'IF ;j!l~~_I(t,i:'if ,r:iI:iiJ cai'll H DlmdlJt:i.edi .a;nd ail gH' mmfi'rlatif@· Ci:iii'i'MLIi'!II_i}!' can H'~aMcI d~_d!ii'i'l o~ e_n 1IIiIi!I, wa.· of '[he dly.

lllarncaUllUtEil sHEets u lila l~f'di:!iA ~IJ bQ WCiIi '~

Piilllll!MINII;D:!I!: ~'


__ u.v~ . _

,"~_ pliO Ip'lpes, lIMId u., IAnItbn ~:Th.a ~I '~ Il}M cl iIfi riilli!rfiilii IIi ~1t'l1tii .~ :ficMw9'm 'tIKi'GlJI:i II~ng ~ (M ~~.g,to'~ ~ ~ _~ ~~:~

~OOI. -

Explodlsd 'Vi!BW' of i nd iv'id ualu n it

I~,' -~1oi"rrin 1Ii"I,1' tw- ',~ z b~~~i:! l""'"'ni"!Fe" lIiIi:

II ~La I!o!' .. ' __ V 1l!.!lVI!!i!O!l !!;A,I_ I!.L. !.Q


U\e roof ifIn~ da~nJi!nes !!he ,1l'I1 r title ~~~!,!~~il!! ~~of:~, tBq~.m'\. Wlttoo ii!l iBkfiWt!,f ~ Ill'fin >4):§':Mj,.ii'! fIMtI' RIle ifilbEir ~m ~~

-----1 iii 1I'Ij:~HYi'liiili:

~m:l i~tdSIl!l08 Id by the, roof

~~ b~ 'wl'!ll ~ !I!~,I!;!!~ 1Ii!. t! ,,~,~ ,d:u~ 1I1i&I"Mi'lhJ: ~'1It9 ~lIt&i' -

i:tM!:'~I~~ ~ .. tHiI .. Ii:arda>' iihe 'I!hll ~l~ I~J" bream '[lJ. 'Ibi!' ilri"lg, '_I!~'

ConcrslB' blocb,

~~dJi!I~'fI'!;I:'.ge~1 ~!1iIl!l!\'iQ'~'~~'~I~ If'IKMKII!I!~ ~

I -1,"' '.,. -- - - Iii. - ..... ...,. - - iII~, ... ""'"' pJI511.1G uu:mpiSi ee .. nrt;E!lIl 'I~JI~ '''Wy


- .

. - •• ,., t '1'1 .....

ill .. iii ~


. ~. l

.!.~ --------~----~~

piipIK rob· ilil'4ll iiBdIl.iIiJB'iflar M ilIIiJ,iliji'~~ 'II be~ ~ i!i ~ Wliti ~~: ba'ldllIY ~l'IIut'I~,

II!! I.I!!! tm1Ir! ~I f!: m~*,1 i(j11M I~ Wiil.1iftf:!i i'USI! ll9.iId tm IHI!! 'lhal ~ i83:8II(nW'I1O

'fhEl leffort, is oo't '!o make, a: habitat IbuL a self sustalFHabie dan not jW51 da:lrmi~ , ~ ero lniendiy. bum who imlLblbe' 1m:: bciSte ~rl1nCi~\es @f r€I]e"W" reW5f!' and1 rec,~Gte' in Ulu~Jr' daD,~ ~ve:s.

The side: walls of lh&. d~lin@s: (tilt sha'redl ;and th ey ars mot1e Ipe~TtIUu'E!n't, tmtO ,ttte: aiil;(l r,~r' walls. ihis, p~vents ufldu'[[lled IJIldlll\CIIIIMng oondlUons; pue!JlalIS. 'ne roofs 'lh-o~1iI '~en'lporany e~e po!.enU€lI!( ,slr(lfilg.

f S'



in~majl :sb"@eros 'f~e~1 due to. tn~ ulibarn art 'INa I II

oradle to cradle· OOI10~'IPtt I! ~ [lnjIB(l ~j),~ 1.h!I, ma~ei's lOOt j:o,lDlllll'1imrm,· m1,.'I1-3,,~ rlllD1f!,~~ I!y ~ !II~~B,M 11M Iil.!, oOO\'JW. 'The mal _ Oil iDle

ri¥Br ~:(iLaIitgjil ~ ~.II~ UIi,l ;Yi:!I', ~~ ~ !!!IJl~I!~ 1.h!I, 1,1IrihiXIIiI Df 1UMti!M (if


.. . .

to iWhiar1t1i' '~[ and mill'" ~ ClieatillY' ,amcmgsl tllti! imh:abililnm !lDl a1Ha~nHS U1a~ e!JllelJt~llll.~ 'Ihal iiH10'und lIlS, ~'3n a

[purpose bByondl what they actuanl,)f SeMI"

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