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1) Do you Bunk Classes?

(a)Yes (b) NO

2) Do you bunk class for just fun?

(a)Yes (b) NO

3) You bunk class because of friendliness of teachers?

(a)Yes (b) NO

4) Do your friends encourage you to bunk the class?

(a)Yes (b) NO

5) Is bunking a way to avoid from presentations?

(a)Yes (b) NO

6) Do you think bunking is a part of academic life?

(a)Yes (b) NO

7) Do you feel ashamed of yourself after bunking the class?

(a)Yes (b) NO

8) Some students say that bunking creates independence. Is it true?

(a)Yes (b) NO

9) Do your parents know you bunk the classes?

(a)Yes (b) NO

10) Do you usually go to library after bunking the class?

(a)Yes (b) NO

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