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Romeo and Juliet Vocab List #3

1. exposition: the intro of a play in which characters, time, place and

situation are presented.

2. exciting force: initiates the action

3. rising action: series of events leading to the high point of action

4. climax: height of action; turning point; things start to go against the

main character

5. falling action: series of events following the climax

6. catastrophe: outcome of a tragedy; resulting in the complete downfall

of the protagonist.

7. stage right: right side of the stage from the actor’s point of view.

8. upstage: the area of the stage away from the footlights (back wall)

9. aside: Words spoken by an actor directly to the audience, which are not
"heard" by the other characters on stage during a play.

10. stage left: the left side of the stage from the actor’s point of view.

11. downstage: area of the stage closest to the audience.

12. tragedy: a play with a sad ending; which the protagonist meets with
defeat or death.

13. comedy: an amusing play that ends happily.

14. foreshadowing: Hints of what is to come in the action of a play or a


15. protagonist: good guy; hero or main character in the play

16. foil: A character who contrasts and parallels the main character in a
play or story.

17. theme: author’s main idea or lesson to be learned; author’s message

18. plot: main events in a play.

19. motivation: the reasons behind a character’s action

20. soliloquy: window into a character’s thoughts; represents the

character thinking aloud and is meant to be heard by the audience but not
by other characters on the stage.

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