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Sunday, Mr. Weyne Sanstead, Superintendent bio | ND Public Tastructio: ‘tice of State Superintendest State Capitol Building Bm Bismarck, ND $8505-0440 Dear Superintenden: Sanste. Tt is my understanding that your agency is planning a Educational Seminar with help from Planned Parentheod. “ First of all I cannez el] you how outraged I am at you and your agency for allowing those “baby killera” into a seminar sponsored ay your agency and paid for with ND tax dollars! I underszaad the keynote s Heaith Project Ci it primary purpose i: eaker is Kurt Conklin, School SIECUS. SIECUS has as one of te “work to creaze a world that ensures sociai justice (what ever the hell that means} and sexual rights. Quite frankly my copy of the US Constitution says ng about sexual “RIGHTS”! But I guess yoo and your ttle band of SOCIALISTS could care less about thar. er T hear or read about folks talking about world wide control, I become suspicious and fearful, especiatly fez our kids and grandkids. Quite frankly, Sir, this seminar aad whatever it teaches will not effect my wite ana Z, but we have 6 small grand chiidren who ere in public school end these are folks T am concerned about as 4 citizen of NB I am asking you to cancel 2 and use that money to teach little Johnny and Susie how to read and understand the Constitution and then they will know what rights we do have and not have including sexsal rights such as THOSE MADE UP BY FOLKS LIKE KURT CONKLIN! Yours trul vernor, ND Lt Governor, ND, Speaker of the House, flajority Leader of the House and ND Majority Leader of Norbeck, Lynette M. From: Sent - To: Sanstead, Wayne G. Subject: ND Common Sense Dear Mr. Wayne Sanstead, Tina 46 year old successful six figure eamer born and raised in the GREAT state of ND. The mother of 4 grown kids and 4 grand babies (c really bothers me that [ must drop what I'm doing, take time out of my VERY busy day to email you concerning the issue of Planned Parenthood in ND schools. Having to post info on my fb page so others will email you also is not something I appreciate either. T don't need another job and I don't want one, I'm eager to go back to the good ol days when all | had to do was take care my family, do my job and not worry about the state of the world and watching every move people put in trusted leadership positions do daily My stress levels would certainly drop substantially if we could go back to those days. Folks from ND who are informed about the history and industry Planned Parenthood is involved in ( DO NOT) ‘want big liberal indoctrinating industries like Planned Parenthood even NEAR our kids. I'm not against sex education in schools, I'm against Planned Parenthood and the industry its involved in, I suggest as a leader in education that you do you're homework on the history of planned parenthood and the baby killing industry it serves. I was onee strongly pro choice, and have done a 180 after getting schooled on the industry. Tm not a religious person,I'm nota perfect person, I have not been ina church for at least 10 years so please do not try to put me in your right wing religious fanatic box, Tina former liberal who's woken up. I'm a human rights advocate, ALL RIGHTS, including the rights of babies living in wombs. Planned Parenthood is a despicable organization and to even think they would come near our children in ND is reprehensible Again [ encourage you to please do your homework, not everything is what it seems. All the best, Norbeck, Lynette M. — — ‘A SayAnytingBlog com Reade AIA Monday, March 26, 2071.5 61 PHP Sanstead, Wayne G.; rob@sayanythingblog com Keep Planned Parenthood Away From Our Schools Message:: [am so totaly Tanned Parenthood having any part in our schools in North Dakota. The organization's primary mission is to perform abonious and they don't care what the age of the person is, if parents gave permission, if state lines were crossed to obtain the service, if sex trafficking is involved, or anything else, unless it's how nmich money they can tehe in, Recent accusations have shown the organization is clearly out for money and not too interested in other services they Say they provide. Seme Planned Parenthood clinics say they promote women's health, yet don’t even have an ultrasound machine or mammogram machine in them. There is no way North Dakota should have ies to any organization such as this. Why would you want to include an organization and take it scriously when its prime mission is to kill off the future students in our state? That's ironic. First Choice Clinic would be a great choice to use for any purpose of'sex education. Their values align with most of North Dakote's. They have a great curriculum called Making A Sound Choice. And no one gets killed in the process. | question your ether speaker who is tied with SIECUS. The intent of that group is to promote exclusive rights for homosexuals. In ouy sehool district, there are anti-bullying measure in place that protect everyone, There isn't anything needed for special classes as all students are equal. I'm not happy at all to see ND trying to be politically correct and inclusive of things we don’, want in our state. Tam proud that ND doesn’t have Planned Parenthood involved in it. That makes us special. It shows ¥e value our children, as any educator should. Please don't tic our state in with such a despicable group and practice. Karen Lewallen Form Displayed on Page:!s-contracting-with-planned- parenthood-for-sex-education-seminar/?utm_source=Say+Anything+Email+List&utm_campaign=d62a50c26d- Pensions_Alet2_3_20! |geutm_medium=email Sender IP:

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