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24x7 A period or window of service availability Activation A logical event corresponding to

that covers 24 hours day, seven days a week. the enabling of one high level business function
at one site for one business unit. Each
3GL see THIRD-GENERATION PROGRAMMING activation represents a discrete unit of work
LANGUAGE. that we can predict and measure.

4GL see FOURTH-GENERATION PROGRAMMING Actuals Information gathered during a project

LANGUAGE. concerning the actual amount of time, finances
or resources expended on a task.
A Administration Server The machine from
ABT see APPLIED BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY. which a user, typically an administrator, runs
programs that maintain and update an Oracle
Acceptance The approval, typically by a client Applications database. For example,
or user, of a project deliverable. AutoInstall and AutoPatch are both run on this
machine to install, upgrade, or update the
Access Control The ability to manage which database, which may reside on another machine
users or groups of users may have the privilege (the database server).
to retrieve, create, update, or delete data held in
a repository, such as a relational database. Advocate An individual who supports the
project within the client environment, without
being involved in the project’s implementation.
An advocate may be a formal or informal leader
within the organization.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 1

Agent A generic term for a party which is Application Servers Machines that reside in a
responsible for the execution and completion of middle tier, between desktop clients and a high-
a process step. An agent may be an end, or back-end, tier. Desktop clients send
organizational unit, a functional unit, a business their requests to application servers, which
system, an employee role, an external system, process the request by sending it to another
or an external party such as a customer or server, such as the database server. In this
supplier. manner, the desktop clients never connect
directly to the database server. The forms
Agent Channel A horizontal division on a server and web server are types of application
process flow diagram that indicates which servers; see also TIER.
agent performs which particular functions
within the process being modeled. Application Environment (Oracle) A complete
application installation along with other utilities
AIM see APPLICATION IMPLEMENTATION used for business mapping, design, build,
METHOD. testing, or training. Usually, an application
environment includes setups and test data to
Adragogy The field of adult-centered learning. support business modeling, and procedures
exist to recover to controlled starting points
Applet A Java program that is downloaded to after sessions are complete.
a desktop client from a web server, and run
within a Java-enabled web browser or Application Fit A recorded match between
appletviewer. some aspect of a business requirement and the
capability or features of the application system
Appletviewer A program that runs a Java that satisfies the requirement.
applet or application.
Application Functional Configuration (Oracle)
Application A collection of program modules The definition of key architectural setup
that work together to support a set of related parameters in an application instance or
business functions; see also MODULE. product group to reflect the financial and
operating environment of the business
Application Extension A collective term
organizations that transact within that
referring to any of several custom program
application instance or product group.
approaches to a business requirement that is not
satisfied by Oracle Applications, including Application Gap A recorded variance between
modification of base Oracle Application code, some aspect of a business requirement and the
custom extensions or configurable extensions; capability or features of the application system
see also CUSTOMIZATION. that are necessary to satisfy the requirement.

Application Implementation Method (AIM) A

method that comprises a flexible approach for
implementing Oracle Applications.

G - 2 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Application Instance A unique set of Applied Business Technology (ABT) A
application tables and processes. Note that two company that manufactures tools to profile,
instances of the same version of an application estimate, and plan projects. Oracle Services has
may share one set of program modules but they a global licensing agreement with ABT. Oracle
will not share the same set of application tables. Method makes use of Project Workbench,
Methods Architect, and Project Bridge Modeler
Application Interface A mechanism used to as its worldwide methods and project
transfer data between applications. A data flow management software standard; see also
between applications is always implemented as PROJECT BRIDGE MODELER and PROJECT
a set of one or more application interfaces; see WORKBENCH.
INTERFACE. Approach A variation or subset of a method,
packaged in order to efficiently support the
Application Process An indication of the delivery of a service; see also TECHNIQUE.
sequential execution of a series of system
functions, possibly including manual functions Arm’s Length Transaction An inter-company
as well; see also MANUAL FUNCTION, SYSTEM transaction that is treated as a third party
FUNCTION, and SYSTEM PROCESS. transaction.

Application System An automated collection Assessment The process of determining the

of business functions, entities, modules, value, extent, or significance of pre-determined
technology platforms, and documentation that topics for investigation. Methods may include
performs a specified set of business functions; surveys (questionnaires, interviews),
see also BUSINESS SYSTEM, MODULE, PLANNED observation, testing, and content analysis.
Attribute 1. Any detail that serves to qualify,
Applications Distributed Interface (Oracle) identify, classify, quantify, or express the state
An interface between similar or dissimilar of an entity; any description of a thing of
Oracle Applications products that have data significance. 2. A database object that links or
stored in multiple separate databases. The relates the values of two dimensions. For
databases may or may not be resident at example, you might define an attribute that
multiple sites (data centers). The corollary of relates the Sales District dimension to the
this is that applications distributed interfaces Region dimension so that you can select data
may exist at a single site. for sales districts according to region.

Applications Interface (Oracle) An interface Audience A group of information recipients

between similar or dissimilar Oracle who possess similar communication and
Application products that have data stored in organizational attributes, e.g. content needs,
the same database. The interface may or may communication styles, work emphases, etc. In a
not be supported within the standard package communication intervention, the audience is not
products. passive, in that it shares the work of the project
through tow-way communication and direct
involvement in the design and implementation
of the project process.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 3

AutoText Entry Microsoft Word allows you to Bid and Proposal Management (BPM)
store frequently used text, graphics, and other Specifies the process, tasks, responsibilities, and
items and quickly insert them into documents. deliverables regarding how business
These stored items are referred to as AutoText opportunities are qualified and responded to,
entries. If you store text and graphics as eventually leading to the issue of an authorized
AutoText entries, you can retrieve them by bid to a client.
clicking a button, typing a few keystrokes, or
choosing a command. Components of the Billable Project Expenses The project expenses
Deliverable Templates are stored as AutoText that are billable to a client; see also PROJECT
entries in global templates used to store EXPENSES.
boilerplate text; see also BOILERPLATE TEXT.
Billable Utilization The utilization that is
billable to a client; see also UTILIZATION.
Black Box Test A test of all or part of an
Background Process A non-interactive process application system based upon fulfilling
that runs in an operating system environment business requirements or meeting functional
and performs a task. specifications. A black box test does not require
an understanding of the actual code under test.
Backup and Recovery Strategy A storage and
A system test is usually a black box test.
recovery strategy that protects against business
information loss resulting from hardware, Boilerplate Text Prewritten collection of
software, or network faults. words, sentences, headings, and formatting in a
template that you can modify to suit a specific
Bandwidth The amount of data that can be
need; see also AUTOTEXT ENTRY.
sent through a network connection, measured
in bits per second (BPS). The speed and capacity Bottom-Up Estimate A task-level estimate
of a network depend on both bandwidth and derived by calculating the estimating factors
latency; see also LATENCY. critical to completion of each task; see also
Base Language The language used for seed
data of products that do not support multiple BPM see BID AND PROPOSAL MANAGEMENT.
languages. (Multiple language products

Baseline 1. A starting point or condition BRS see BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS SCENARIO.

against which future changes are measured.
2. A named set of object versions which fixes a Browser see WEB BROWSER.
configuration at a particular point in time. A
baseline normally represents a milestone or key Budget A plan for determining in advance the
deliverable of a project; see also CURRENT expenditure of time, money, etc.
Business An enterprise, commercial entity, or
firm in either the private or public sector,
concerned with providing products or services
to satisfy customer requirements.

G - 4 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Business Aim A statement of business intent Business Model A model or collection of
measured subjectively; for example, to move up models representing the definition of key
market, or to develop a sustainable level of components of a business. Components may
growth; usually strategic or tactical with a 3-5 include models of processes, objectives,
year horizon. functions, and information; see also BUSINESS
Business Area The set of business processes and FUNCTION HIERARCHY.
within the scope of a project.
Business Object A physical or logical object of
Business Constraint Any external, significance to a business; for example, a sales
management, or other factor that restricts a order, department, assembly, item, balance, or
business or system development in terms of invoice. A business object is analogous to a
resource availability, dependencies, timescales, class in object-oriented terminology.
or some other factor.
Business Objective Business conditions which,
Business Data Mapping Verification that the if met, will solve the business problem
underlying table structures and attributes will statement. Well-defined objectives are
support business processes. measurable and often relate directly to business
processes and deliverables; see also PROBLEM
Business Function Something an enterprise STATEMENT.
does, or needs to do, in order to achieve its
objectives; see also APPLICATION SYSTEM, Business Organization Any part of a business
BUSINESS PROCESS, MANUAL FUNCTION, and treated for any purpose as a separate unit
SYSTEM FUNCTION. within the parent business organization; for
example, a department, division, or subsidiary;
Business Function Model A representation of see also BUSINESS UNIT.
all the business functions within a defined
scope. A wide range of techniques is available
for modeling business functions; see also

Business Goal A statement of business intent.

Business Location A uniquely identifiable

geographic location, site, or place from which
one or more business units may wholly or
partly operate.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 5

Business Organization Type A classification of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) The
a business organization into one of several activity by which an enterprise reexamines its
functional categories. Each business goals and how it achieves them, followed by a
organization type has a distinct set of business disciplined approach of business process
requirements. All the business organizations of redesign. A method that supports this activity.
a certain type will typically require similar
applications and system capabilities. A given Business Requirement A formal statement
site may house one or more business that describes application features necessary to
organization types. Since business support a business process step.
organizations may be related in a hierarchy, a
high level business organization may be Business Requirements Mapping An activity
composed of several business organizations of that describes the business requirements for a
different types. For the purposes of application business process in business language,
architecture analysis and design, it is generally optionally compares the current solution for a
useful to decompose the hierarchy of business business requirement to a proposed solution
organizations until it is composed of atomic and specifies details for the type and nature of
organization types; see also CUSTOMER SERVICE, the solution in a descriptive format. The
DISTRIBUTION, FINANCE, HUMAN RESOURCES, deliverable can also be used as a record of key
INFORMATION SYSTEMS, MANUFACTURING, decisions, or as a placeholder in anticipation of
MARKETING, PLANNING, RESEARCH AND additional detailed design documentation.
Business Requirements Scenario (BRS) A
Business Priority A statement of the level or formal statement of the detailed business
urgency of important business needs. requirements for a business process, the source
of these requirements, how these requirements
Business Process The complete response that a will be satisfied (either by the application,
business makes to an event. A business process manual process steps, workarounds or other
entails the execution of a sequence of one or application solutions), and what prototyping
more process steps. It has a clearly defined steps must be taken to prove the designs.
deliverable or outcome. A Business Process is
defined by the business event that triggers the Business Rule A rule under which an
process, the inputs and outputs, all the organization operates. A policy or decision that
operational steps required to produce the influences the process step.
output, the sequential relationship between the
process steps, the business decisions that are Business Solution Testing A technique by
part of the event response, and the flow of which management agrees that business
material and/or information between process requirements will be satisfied if the application
steps; see also BUSINESS FUNCTION, BUSINESS and other tools perform as specified by process

Business Process Model The collection of Business System A combination of people and
process flow diagrams that comprise the automated applications organized to meet a
complete set of business processes within the particular set of business objectives; see also

G - 6 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Business Unit Part of an organization treated CASE see COMPUTER-AIDED SYSTEMS
for any purpose as a separate entity within the ENGINEERING.
parent organization. Examples include a
department or distribution center; see also Case Method the presentation of real or
BUSINESS ORGANIZATION. fictional situations or problems to learners to
analyze, to discuss, and to recommend actions
Business View 1. A frequently used subset of to be taken. Used to develop critical thinking
information, readily intelligible to users and skills and to gain new perceptions of concepts
defined in business terms, derived from and issues.
definitions held in an entity model. It is based
on one entity and can encompass renamed CASE Tools A set of integrated Computer-
attributes from the base entity or any other Aided Systems Engineering (CASE) and
entity. 2. A custom-tailored presentation of the application development tools that assist in
data in one or more tables. A business view can software development, for example, analyzing
be thought of as a "stored query." business requirements, designing applications,
generating application code, etc.
C Certificate File A certificate file contains the
identity of a "trusted source" that the desktop
Cartridge A software component that, when
client uses to guarantee the authenticity of a
linked with other cartridges, forms a complete
JAR file. Information contained within the
software solution. Cartridges are "wrappers"
certificate file allows the desktop client to
around a program. The program may be
decrypt the digital signature of a JAR file. If the
written in any programming language, such as
identity can be confirmed, the desktop client
C, C++, or Java. The wrapper enables the
assumes the JAR file is safe to download and
program to interface with other cartridges on
execute; see also DIGITAL SIGNATURE.
the same machine or across a network.
Cartridges may be used in many places: the CDM see CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT METHOD.
Oracle ConText Cartridge is an example of a
data cartridge (residing on the database tier), Change A deviation from a currently
while the Oracle Forms Load Balancing established baseline.
Cartridge is an example of an application
cartridge (residing on the application tier). Change Effort Any activity consciously
undertaken by an enterprise, business unit, or
Cascade Method Model of communication that individual, that will result in critical change in
begins at the top by having managers inform one or more areas of the organization, for
their direct reports, who then inform their example, new technology implementation; see
direct reports, etc. so that information cascades also ORGANIZATIONAL EFFORT.
down the organizational hierarchy until all
stakeholders have received the necessary
information. Effective in building commitment
and cooperation among stakeholders, as most
individuals prefer to receive information from
their supervisors.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 7

Change Management 1. The complete set of Character Set A set of encoded binary values
processes employed on a project to make sure that represents the letters, numerals, and
that changes are implemented in a visible, punctuation marks of a language, or of a group
controlled and orderly fashion. 2. The activity, of languages that use similar written symbols.
or set of activities, undertaken to govern For example, the WE8ISO8859P1 character set
systematically the effects of organizational can be used by English and many other
change. 3. A Focus Area Group within languages that use a Latin-based alphabet and
Program Management that incorporates all Arabic numerals. Terminals and printers
necessary Oracle Method processes to develop handle text data by converting these encoded
an integrated approach to change as part of a values to characters. A character set may also
Program’s Baseline Solution. 4. The be called a codeset.
management and control of organizational
change, and its effects on staff, during a project. Class 1. A class refers to the delivery training
It includes key issues such as the impact of to students on a certain topic(s). Usually,
change on staff tasks, staff capabilities, training is provided regarding Oracle
retraining, cultural change and communication applications such as bill of materials, work in
between the project team and staff in the process, etc. Training may also be provided
organization. regarding job policy and procedures, help desk
operations, etc. 2. A description of a set of
Change Management Repository A system for objects that share the same attributes,
maintaining configuration items. It provides operations, methods, relationships, and
other services such as version control, access semantics. A class may use a set of interfaces to
control and information storage and retrieval specify collections of operations it provides to
which support the configuration management its environment. (UML 1.1 Semantics)
Class Session A class session consists of
Change Readiness A measure of an delivering a class to a specific set of students at
organization’s state of readiness to realize a particular place and time.
change successfully; involves a consideration of
an organization’s high-impact leverage points Client A general term for the computer in a
for change, as well as any change impediments. client/server configuration that requests
services, data, or processing. The computer
Change Request 1. A request for a change to supplying the services, data, or processing is
the required behavior of a system, usually from the server.
a user as a result of reviewing current behavior.
2. The mechanism by which a change is Client/Server A type of technical architecture
requested, investigated, resolved and that links many personal computers or
approved; see also IMPACT ANALYSIS. workstations (clients) to one or more large
processors (servers). Clients generally manage
the user interface, possibly with some local
data. Servers usually manage multiple-access
databases, including ensuring data integrity and
other invariants.

G - 8 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Client/Server Configuration A configuration Company Baseline The Company Baseline is
in which one or several servers perform the supported configuration of hardware,
database processing or other functions for software, bug patches, modifications, operating
applications that are run on clients. systems, etc. that is part of a common set of
business systems for the entire enterprise.
Coaching A technique of apprenticeship There may be lower level of Company Baselines
whereby the coach demonstrates and observes such as a Latin America Baseline that is a subset
learners as they try to complete tasks and of the Company Baseline.
provides hints, help, and feedback as needed.
Compensable Factors Aspects of a job that
Codeset see CHARACTER SET. contribute to its level of compensation.

Column A means of implementing an item of Competency Underlying and enduring

data within a table. It can be in character, date, characteristic of an individual that causes or
or number format, and be optional or predicts effective or superior performance in a
mandatory. job or activity.

Common Business Function A business Competency Model A set of underlying and

function that appears in more than one place in enduring characteristics (such as skills and
a hierarchy. knowledge) of an individual that are required
to perform a job effectively.
Communication Agent An individual who
implements a communication activity, such as Completion Criteria Standards or rules which
a communication event, who acts as a determine completion of a task to an acceptable
communication resource, information resource level of quality.
or channel.
Computer-Aided Systems Engineering (CASE)
Communication Campaign A series of The combination of graphical, dictionary,
activities undertaken to achieve the generator, project management, and other
communication objectives for a particular software tools to assist computer development
audience. staff engineer and maintain high-quality
systems, within the framework of a structured
Communication Event Those activities within method.
the deployment of a communication campaign
that are discrete and time-bound, such as a
presentation, launch of a kiosk, or video

Company A commercial business; see also


Company Base Hardware Configuration The

actual hardware configuration that supports the
company base configuration; see also COMPANY

Oracle Method Glossary G - 9

Computer-Based Training Instructional Concurrent Queue A list of concurrent
technology with computer and software requests awaiting completion. Each concurrent
programs for individualized learning. The manager has its own queue of pending
programs are designed to interface with the requests.
user in such a way as to simulate an encounter
between a learning agent and a learner, for Concurrent Request A request issued to the
computer-assisted or -based learning; for concurrent processing server when you submit
example, the programs are configured to a non-interactive task, such as running a report.
deliver instruction and evaluate learner
progress; may include mechanisms that adapt Conference Room Pilot (CRP) A system test in
the program to learner characteristics as the an environment set up to simulate the future
program progresses production environment.

Computer Network An interconnected group Configuration A named set of configuration

of computers. items. Configurations are used to hierarchically
organize configuration items in order to
Conceptual Architecture A high level model of facilitate their management; see also
an enterprise’s business application that CONFIGURATION ITEM.
identifies the organizational and geographical
deployment of the most critical application Configuration Change The implementation of
systems and the technology components one or more change requests which leaves the
required to support them. This model provides configuration in an internally consistent state;
the direction for the detailed enterprise see also IMPACT ANALYSIS.
technical architecture analysis. It should reflect
the vision of the client senior executive Configuration Item A deliverable or
management for the future direction of the deliverable component which is placed under
information systems in the enterprise. configuration management.

Concurrent Manager A process manager that Configuration Management The process of

coordinates the processes generated by users' managing hardware, software, data, and any
requests to run various data-intensive other documentation needed during the
programs. An Oracle Applications product development, testing, and implementation of
group can have several concurrent managers. information systems.

Concurrent Process A task run by a concurrent Congruence Model Organization model, based
manager. A concurrent process runs on open systems theory, that stresses the
simultaneously with interactive functions and interdependence between systems and the
other concurrent processes. ripple effect of inputs across systems. Views
strategy as driven by organization context
Concurrent Processing Server An Oracle (inputs) -- company history, resources, the
Applications server that runs time-consuming, firm’s environment, that require organizational
non-interactive tasks in the background. This transformation to maintain correspondence or
server resides at the database tier of the internet balance between the interrelated systems.
computing architecture.

G - 10 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Constraint see BUSINESS CONSTRAINT and Core Business Process A major, driver process
BUSINESS RULE. that affects or influences business objectives.
The set of business processes identified in
Consulting Grade Level A grade level association with the objectives represent the
assigned to Oracle Services consulting “core processes” of the business area.
resources used to calculate the cost of a
resource’s labor; 1-Administrative Assistant to Corporate Repository Location of a collection
10-Regional Vice President. of documentation, customizations,
modifications, or enhancements designed to
Context Diagram A high-level diagram, alleviate the recreation of successfully
indicating the major functional components and completed work.
major internal and external interdependencies
of a system. Corporation A group of businesses acting as
part of a single legal entity.
Contingency Work effort allotted in a
workplan for all unforeseen but possible Cost The amount allotted or spent to acquire,
occurrences of additional work. deliver or produce anything, for example, the
cost of labor to deliver consulting services, the
Contribution Margin see MARGIN AMOUNT and amount spent on incidental costs to deliver
MARGIN PERCENTAGE. consulting services, the amount spent on
hardware, software, etc.
Controlled Document A document which
constitutes or represents a project deliverable CPM see CRITICAL PATH METHOD NETWORK.
for approval internally or by the client, and is
subject to change control. CPU Support Identification (CSI) A number
assigned to each Oracle customer. The number
Controls Environmental information that is required in order to use the Support hotline
affects what is possible; constraints or limits. or RTSS. Associated with the CSI number is the
client’s name, RDBMS version, supported
Conversion Execution An example of a products, operating system, telephone, area
Conversion Execution would be where open code, and Technical contracts.
orders are converted from a legacy system to
Oracle Order Entry in one region on a given Critical Path Method (CPM) Network A
date. Other regions may go live with Order network diagram that shows tasks, their
Entry on a different date requiring other order dependency links, and their critical path.
entry Conversion Executions.
Critical Success Factor (CSF) A business event,
Conversion Fit Analysis A formal statement of dependency, product, or other factor that, if not
subsystems and entities converted into the new attained, would seriously impair the likelihood
applications database. of achieving a business objective.

Core Tasks. The minimum set of tasks CRP see CONFERENCE ROOM PILOT.
necessary to complete an Oracle Applications
implementation or migration project. CSF see CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTOR.


Oracle Method Glossary G - 11

CT see CUSTOM TRAINING. Customer Service The business organization
that 1. manages returns and repairs of products
Current Business Baseline The set of business that may or may not have been purchased from
process and function models representing the the enterprise originally; 2. responds to
current application system that supports the customer complaints about service or products;
Customization A change made to the standard
Custom Code Coding added to a packaged Oracle software which implements a solution to
application or module generated by a CASE a gap.
tool to implement functionality that the
application or generator has not provided; see Cut-Over Transition to a new application
also CUSTOM EXTENSIONS. system in a live, production mode of operation.

Custom Development Method (CDM) A

structured method for full life-cycle custom
development projects; see also LINE OF BUSINESS. Data Cleansing The transformation of data in
Custom Extensions Custom modules that its current state to a pre-defined, standardized
format using packaged software or program
extend the functionality of packaged
applications without modifying the base
functionality; see also CUSTOM CODE. Data Conversion The movement of data from a
Custom Support System A custom-built legacy system or application to a replacement
information system conceived, developed, and application or subsystem.
managed at the enterprise level. It provides a Data Definition The specification of a data
service to one or more sites or business units.
element to be maintained. The specification
Such systems are designed to be generic,
includes datatype, size, and rules about
flexible, and independent of the particular
processing: for example, derivation, and
service sites. Examples of custom support
validation; see also BUSINESS RULE.
systems are: enterprise data warehouses, data
registry propagation systems, and distributed Data Definition Language (DDL) A subset of
application data transport systems. SQL used to create, alter, drop, and otherwise
change definitions of tables, views, and other
Custom Training (CT) An organizational
database objects.
change management area providing
organizations with training programs designed Data Dictionary 1. A part of a database that
to meet specific training needs identified holds definitions of data elements, such as
through a preliminary training needs tables, columns, and views. 2. A set of
assessment. Custom training seeks to re-skill a database tables and views that contains
work force to optimize performance with new administrative information about users, data
technology. storage, and privileges. It is created and
maintained automatically.

G - 12 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Data Integration The movement of data Data Replication The copying of data to and
between two co-existing systems. The from sites to improve local service response
interfacing of this data may occur once every times and availability; frequently employed as
hour, once a day, etc. part of a backup and recovery strategy.

Data Integrity Testing Verification that Data Transfer The physical movement of data
converted data is accurate and functions between applications, perhaps across sites.
correctly within a single subsystem or
application. Data Transformation The process of redefining
data based on some predefined rules. The
Data Migration The movement of data from values are redefined based on a specific formula
one database to another database – but not or technique.
necessarily to a working application or
subsystem tables. Data Translation The process of redefining
data in a manner differing between its original
Data Model A representation of the specific representation and its final representation.
information requirements of a business area; see
also ENTITY RELATIONSHIP MODEL. Database A collection of data, usually in the
form of tables or files, under the control of a
Data Partitioning A technique to improve database management system. The term can
application performance or security by splitting also refer to the software used to create, store,
tables across multiple locations. and manage this data-for example, the
Oracle9.5i Server.
Data Profile A description of the business
conditions that are needed to test the Database Architecture The collective
application system. application and database instances that
comprise the complete system.
Data Registry The master copy of the data
associated with a business object. Several Database Function A callable routine executed
databases may share access to a common data within a database server environment.
registry to provide consistency and eliminate
redundant entries across multiple applications Database Index A mechanism to locate and
and databases. An example of a data registry access data within a database. An index may
would be a shared customer master. All quote one or more columns and be a means of
updates and changes would be made to the enforcing uniqueness on their values.
customer master data registry and are then
propagated to subscribing sites. All systems Database Instance One set of database
requiring customer information would interface management processes and an allocated area in
with the customer data registry. memory for managing those processes.
Typically, a database instance is associated with
Data Registry Interface An interface that one database. Note that a database instance
transfers data registry data between similar or may process data for one or more applications.
dissimilar applications. There is always a one-to-one correspondence
between an ORACLE instance and a system
global area (SGA).

Oracle Method Glossary G - 13

Database Management System (DBMS) A DB2 An SQL-based database management
software environment that structures and system.
manipulates data, and provides data security,
recovery, and integrity. DDL see DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE.

Database Object A logical entity created and Decision A point in a process flow where there
stored in a database. Tables, views, synonyms, is a choice of possible paths. The outcome of
indexes, sequences, stored procedures, and the decision determines which path the flow
triggers are all examples of database objects. follows.

Database Package An Oracle database object Decision Point The diagrammatic

comprised of PL/SQL code allowing execution representation, on a process flow diagram, of a
of code at the server based on specific events or decision which results in the subsequent
triggers. execution of one of two or more alternative
sequences of process steps. The decision is
Database Server A software server on which actually made during the execution of the
the database holding Oracle Applications data previous process step. The decision point is
resides. The database server processes SQL shown after that step for diagrammatic
requests from other machines, such as forms convenience.
servers and concurrent processing servers. The
database server executes on a hardware Decision Support System (DSS) An
platform server. application primarily used to consolidate,
summarize, or transform transaction data to
Database Schema see ORACLE ID. support analytical reporting and trend analysis.

Database Space The amount of disk space Deliverable Something a project must produce
used by a set of database objects. in order to meet its objectives. A deliverable
must be tangible and measurable.
Dataflow A named flow of information
between business functions, datastores, and Deliverable Component A part or section of a
external entities represented as an arrow on a deliverable. A deliverable component may be
dataflow diagram; see also BUSINESS FUNCTION, the output of a task step.
Deliverable Guideline A detailed description
Dataflow Diagram A diagram representing the of a deliverable that includes: detailed
use of data by business functions; see also description, usage, audience, and distribution,
DATAFLOW, DATASTORE, EXTERNAL ENTITY, and format guidelines, control, template, and
PROCESS. samples; see also DELIVERABLE.

Dataflow Diagramming A technique for Deliverable Management The process of

expressing the significant dataflows of a managing the creation, review, modification,
business system. and distribution of deliverables provided to a
client. Software may be included as one of the
Datastore A temporary or permanent storage managed deliverables.
concept for logical data items used by specified
business functions and processes.

G - 14 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Deliverable Template A tool designed to aid Detailed Deliverable A deliverable whose
in production of a deliverable; a template that structure originated from a high level
gives the format and structure of a deliverable; deliverable, but that contains significantly more
see also DELIVERABLE. detail; see also DELIVERABLE and HIGH-LEVEL
Delivery Vehicle The mechanism for
producing or implementing something. For Development Life-Cycle A complete process
example, SQL* Forms is a vehicle to produce of developing computer systems.
computer programs.
Digital Signature A means of guaranteeing the
Demonstration Product Group A product authenticity of a program or collection of data,
group that includes predefined transaction data such as a JAR file. It is typically an encrypted
for Oracle Applications products. It is used message that contains the identity of the code's
primarily for system testing and user training. author. See also certificate file.
Distributed Concurrent Processing See
Dependency 1. An indication that one task PARALLEL CONCURRENT PROCESSING.
cannot begin until another task has ended, or
progressed to a certain specified level of Distributed Directory Structure Applications
completion; see also PREDECESSOR and product files installed in more than one file
SUCCESSOR. 2. A relationship between two system (for example, when there is insufficient
modeling elements, in which a change to one disk space in a single file system for all
modeling element (the independent element) Applications product files).
will affect the other modeling element. (UML
1.1 Semantics) Distributed Database A database that is
physically located on more than one computer
Dependent Product An Applications product processor. It is connected via some form of
that is not licensed, but whose files are shared communications network. An essential feature
in part by a fully installed Applications product. of a true distributed database is that users or
A dependent product is also known as a shared programs work as if they had access to the
product. whole database locally.

Deployment The total set of activities Distributed Processing The ability to have
associated with the production implementation several computers working together in a
of a set of applications in specific location(s) at a network, where each processor runs different
particular point in time. activities for a user, as required.

Desktop Client A computer that sends user Distribution A high-level business function
requests to the forms server and handles responsible for configuring the firmware parts
responses such as screen updates, pop-up lists, of inventory, housing finished goods inventory
graphical widgets, and cursor movements. (FGI), and shipping finished goods to customers
or to internal sites; often synonymous with a
business organization; see also BUSINESS

Oracle Method Glossary G - 15

Distribution Management Distribution Element Type Any element held in the
management is the process to manage the repository is classified as a particular type.
release and distribution of software in a Examples of element type are entity, attribute,
controlled manner. This includes the kitting of program module, process, table, diagram, and
software, documentation, patches and other text. Occurrences or instances of these are
components. It involves initial releases and called elements.
subsequent patch tapes, upgrades and new
releases. It also includes providing the Elementary Business Function (EBF) A
organizational challenges of obtaining release business function which if started, must either
approval from the Company Baseline Review complete successfully or, if it cannot complete
Board (CBRB). successfully, must undo any effects that it has
had up to the point of failure. An elementary
DSS see DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM. business function changes a business’s data
from one consistent state to another; see also
End User see USER.
Enterprise A group of departments, divisions,
Effort The amount of work, measured in or companies which make up an entire
person-hours, to perform a task. business.

Electronic Performance Support Systems An Enterprise Support Systems The set of all
integrated electronic environment easily computer-based systems, documents, and
accessible by users and structured to provide procedures used in support of business
immediate, individualized, on-line access to enterprise operations.
information, software, guidance, advice,
Enterprise Technical Architecture (ETA) A
assistance, data, images, tools, assessments, and
series of rules, guidelines, and principles used
monitoring systems to permit users to perform
by an organization to direct the process of
their jobs with a minimum of support and
acquiring, building, modifying, delivering, and
intervention by others.
integrating Information Technology resources
Electronic Performance Support Tool Software throughout the enterprise. These resources can
designed to improve employee productivity by include equipment, software, business
supplying immediate on-the-job access to processors, protocols, standards,
integrated information, learning opportunities, methodologies, IT organizational structures and
and expert consultation with scope and more.
sequence controlled by the user.
Entity A thing of significance, whether real or
Element A thing of significance about which imagined, about which information needs to be
information is recorded; a component at the known or held. It is implemented in a database
most useful, basic level. as one or more tables.

G - 16 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Entity Integrity Rules The rules that specify Estimate A preliminary calculation of the time
valid values or combination of values for and cost of work to be undertaken. The
attributes of an entity. These may include construct option calculates estimates using
unique identifiers, domains, and multi-attribute bottom-up, percent adjustment, or top-down
validation rules; see also BUSINESS RULE and techniques in Project Bridge Modeler; see also
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) A ESTIMATE.
diagram that pictorially represents entities, the
relationships between them and the attributes Estimated Function Point Count 7 Function
used to describe them; see also ATTRIBUTE, Points per System Entity + 5 Function Points
ENTITY, and RELATIONSHIP. per System Function.

Entity Relationship Model A type of data Estimating Factor (EF) A metric that describes
model. Part of the business model that consists an important project characteristic, used to
of many Entity Relationship Diagrams; see also estimate either the amount of effort that project
DATA MODEL. tasks will take, or project risk or complexity.
The best EFs are those that represent counts
Entity Test A detailed test of certain key data (number of users, objects); see also BOTTOM-UP
elements of a business entity that is being ESTIMATE.
converted or interfaced from one system to
another. Estimating Formula A formula that uses
estimating factors to derive an estimate for a
Environment File A command file that sets task.
environment variables. Only servers running
UNIX or Open VMS use these files. Windows Estimating Guideline Text which describes in
NT servers use the Windows registry instead. detail how a task is estimated.

Environment Variable A variable maintained Estimating Model The combination of

by the UNIX shell that can be referenced by any estimating factors and estimating formulas
program running within the shell. Environment necessary to completely estimate a route.
variables hold values used by many Oracle
programs and utilities. On Windows NT, a ETA see ENTERPRISE TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE.
string consisting of environment information,
such as a drive, path, or filename, associated Event 1. An occurrence in a business’s
with a symbolic name. Use the System option environment to which that business must
in the Control Panel or the set command from respond; see also BUSINESS SYSTEM and EVENT
the Windows NT command prompt to define RESPONSE. 2. An occurrence or happening of
environment variables. significance to a task or program, such as the
completion of an asynchronous input/output
ERD see ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM. operation. 3. A transaction or other activity
that affects the records in a file.
Ergonomics The use of good design techniques
that emphasize ease-of-use.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 17

Event Mechanism A permissible way in which Extensibility (CASE Dictionary) It is often
an event is recognized. For instance, a useful to add new elements, properties, and
Customer Order may be entered into the system associations into the Dictionary. This is
if received by fax, phone, mailed-in purchase achieved by a facility known as user
order or internet-facilitated, but not by extensibility.
markings on a scratch pad.
External Business Function A business
Event Response An event and the business function that is outside the scope of the
process which responds to that event; see also application system, that acts as a source or
APPLICATION SYSTEM, BUSINESS SYSTEM, and recipient of dataflows.
External Entity An entity that is outside the
Executive Information System (EIS) A scope of application system, that acts as a
reporting application targeted for use by source or recipient of dataflows. An external
executives. Usually such applications have entity might be a person, a business unit,
extremely user-friendly, graphical interfaces another application system, or any other thing
with a small local datastore derived from that might provide or receive information from
connection to a data warehouse. It is often used a function within the application system; see
synonymously with decision support system. also ENTITY.

Expense The amount of money allotted or External Equity Measure of the fairness of a
spent to cover incidental costs (for example, job’s compensation when compared to the labor
travel and living) or the cost of something market as a whole within the region, profession,
(hardware, software, etc.) to deliver consulting or industry; see also INTERNAL EQUITY.
External Process Step A process step that is
Export Utility An Oracle Database Server performed by an agent outside the business
utility used to write database data to operating area; see also INTERNAL PROCESS STEP and
system files external to the database. These files PROCESS STEP.
can then be used with the Import utility to read
the data back into the same database or into a F
different one.
Fee A charge, compensation, or payment for a
Expense Reimbursement Expenses for
service or product.
reimbursement by the client either allotted or
received. Feedback Response, including corrections,
additions, and approval, elicited from users,
Extension Enhancements to an Oracle
stakeholders, sponsors, and others, to any
Applications system made to fit the needs of a
deliverable or deliverable component.
specific user community.
Feedback Session A meeting organized to
present work in progress in order to gain
feedback; see also FEEDBACK.


G - 18 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Field A means of implementing an item of data Focus Group A small group selected to
within a file. It can be in character, date, provide opinions and responses to topics or
number, or other format and be optional or issues presented in a group setting; an
mandatory. assessment technique.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) The physical Foreign Key One or more columns in a
movement of data files between applications, relational database table that implement a
often across sites. many-to-one relationship that the table in
question has with another table or with itself.
Finance A high-level business function that
handles accounting and financial functions of a Form 1. A program for viewing or entering
company; for example, corporate, division, and information. Normally it refers to a rectangular
subsidiary headquarters; often synonymous area of the screen, which has the appearance of
with a business organization; see also BUSINESS a paper form, through which you can view or
ORGANIZATION TYPE. manipulate information in a database. 2. A
logical collection of fields, regions, and
Financial Organization A business graphical components that appears on a single
organization that performs one or more screen. Oracle Applications forms resemble
financial business functions. The data is paper forms used to run a business. Data is
segregated for organizational management or entered by typing information into the form.
security. When mapped onto Oracle
Applications, a financial organization is Formal Build Construction of an information
required to have a defined set of books. This system by the well established steps of specify,
concept is more general than the set of books. It code, test, and correct.
is replacing the set of books as the key financial
application functional configuration parameter Format The type of data that an attribute or
in releases of Oracle Applications starting with column may represent; for example, character,
10.6. date, number, sound, or image.

Flexfield A user-definable field in an Oracle Forms Client A Java applet that runs on a
Application that is made up of segments. Each desktop client and provides the user interface
segment has a name you assign and a set of and interaction with a forms server.
valid values.
Forms Metrics Server A machine that manages
Focus Area (Project) 1. A group of associated and distributes requests from forms clients
Oracle Method processes that produce program among multiple forms servers; see also LOAD
level deliverables during the Baseline Solution BALANCING and METRICS SERVER.
Development stage. 2. A scoped area of the
client organization with common Forms Server A type of application server that
responsibilities and information requirements. hosts the Oracle Forms Server engine. It
The focus area provides the scope for mediates between the desktop client and the
incremental development efforts and may be database, providing input screens to the
referred to as the INCREMENT. The focus area desktop client and creating or changing
can overlap business functions or may reside in database records based on user actions.
a specific business function.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 19

Fourth-Generation Programming Language Function Name A short, succinct sentence,
(4GL) A language that manipulates high-level starting with a verb, describing a business
objects, such as screen items and database function; see also FUNCTION LABEL.
tables, by declaring what is to be done to them
rather than procedurally describing how it is to Function Point Analysis (FPA) A technique
be done, as in 3GLs. used to estimate system size. Using Function
Point Analysis, you can calculate system size
FPE see FUNCTION POINT ESTIMATE. based on the number of functional element
types in the system you are building, as
FTP see FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL. adjusted by its general system characteristics
and your technology productivity factor.
BUSINESS FUNCTION, and SYSTEM FUNCTION. Function Point Estimate (FPE) An estimate of
work effort produced using Function Point
Function Decomposition A technique for Analysis or an equivalent method.
modeling business functions by decomposing a
single business function into a number of lower Functional Currency The principle currency
level business functions, and then progressively used to record most business transactions and
decomposing these until the appropriate level maintain accounting data while working within
of detail is reached. Function decomposition a particular Oracle Application set of books.
gives rise to functions arranged in groups or
hierarchies known as a business function G
hierarchy; see also ELEMENTARY BUSINESS
FUNCTION, FUNCTION HIERARCHY AND COMPOSITE Gantt Chart A scheduling tool used to display
the status of a project’s tasks. A Gantt chart
Function Dependency The dependency of one shows each task’s duration as a horizontal line.
The ends of the lines correspond to the task’s
function’s commencement upon the completion
start and end dates.
of another function.
Gap A gap is a relationship between a
Function Dependency Diagram A visual
requirement and an application function where
means of recording dependencies between
the standard application function will not meet
business functions.
the requirement.
Function Hierarchy A grouping of elementary
Gap Analysis 1. The process of determining,
business functions into one or more hierarchical
documenting, and approving the variance
levels. Typically the highest level corresponds
between business requirements and system
to the company organization, and the middle
capabilities in terms of packaged application
level corresponds to a grouping of available
features and technical architecture. 2. The
application functions; see also BUSINESS
process of determining and evaluating the
variance or distance between two items
Function Label A unique ID, within an properties being compared. 3. The process of
application system, used for a business determining and documenting the variance
function. between a business vision and the existing
processes and organization.

G - 20 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

General Education Course A course that
educates the project team or users in
fundamental business concepts. It exposes Hardware Node A computer on a network; for
attendees to new business approaches practiced
example, clients and servers.
in industry and provides them with a common
understanding of relevant business issues. Hardware Platform The actual physical
hardware that supports one or more software
Generator A mechanism for transforming the
server processes.
specification of a module into executable
program code, also known as a code generator. Help Desk A support system designed to
assist end users with technical and functional
Generator Template A skeleton or outline
questions and problems.
program from which a generator can reuse
common elements; for example, boilerplate Helptext see METHOD HELPTEXT.
information, window sizes, OK and Quit
buttons. High-Level Deliverable A deliverable that
specifies a framework into which further details
Gigabyte (GB) A unit of memory or disk space can be added; see also DELIVERABLE, DETAILED
equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes. One Gigabyte is DELIVERABLE, and INITIAL DELIVERABLE.
equal to 1,024 Megabytes. Often rounded to
1,000,000,000 bytes. HRIS see HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION
Grade Level Relative ranking of jobs based on
their difficulty or sphere of responsibility, HTTP See HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL.
rather than their job content; see also JOB
CLASSIFICATION. HTTP Listener A program on a web server
that accepts and processes incoming HTTP
Graphical User Interface (GUI) An interface requests from web browsers.
used with personal computers and workstations
that allows the user to access fields and regions Human Performance Support Any process,
of the screen with a pointing device, typically a tool and system that reinforces or encourages
mouse. The acronym is pronounced "goo-ee". the execution of a particular behavior or set of
behaviors to meet performance goals.
Group Interview Any session where users,
stakeholders, or sponsors collectively discuss Human Performance Support Systems an
the requirements, priorities, design, or integrated collection of all performance support
implementation of a business solution system; components (infrastructure, processes,
see also FEEDBACK and WORKSHOP. protocols, procedures, tools and practices) for a
given group or organization, designed to
Guideline Text that provides instructions and reinforce or encourage the execution of
advice for performing a task and suggests prescribed behaviors within the group.
possible approaches.


Oracle Method Glossary G - 21

Human Performance Technology The field of Import Utility An Oracle Database Server
expertise within organizational utility used to read operating system files
development/behavior to set up performance written by the Export utility. You use it to
management systems in support of meeting restore data into a database.
performance expectations.
Human Resources The high-level business
function involving the management of human Information Access Model A model that
resources and payroll functions of a company; depicts access to key process and organization
often synonymous with a business organization; information for reporting or security purposes.
Information Flow Model A model that
Human Resource Allocation Determining the visually depicts information flows in the
number and type of job functions and staffing business between business functions, business
levels appropriate to organizational goals. organizations and applications.

Human Resource Planning Forecasting the Information Model A model of the

labor force needs (hiring, termination) for the information needed to support a business or
organization. other activity. Requirements are typically
defined as lists of detailed items as well as
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) A summarized data from business transactions,
simple language used to format documents, such as orders and purchases, and master
predominantly for viewing with a web browser. records, such as customers and vendors. How
Portions of text or images, called hypertext, can frequently this information must be made
be associated with other documents. available is also part of the requirement.
Information requirements (the what and when)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) The are turned into functional specifications (the
TCP/IP-based network protocol used to how) of an information system by systems
transmit requests and documents between a analysts. The information is defined as a
web server and a web browser. collection of data elements that are obtained by
running query and report programs against a
I particular database or group of databases. The
data and information that is stored in the
Impact Analysis The process of understanding databases in the first place is also derived from
the complete effect of a particular change; see the information requirements; see also DATA

Implementation Questionnaire A tool you use Information Systems (IS) A system for
to collect business and system information managing and processing information, usually
during a business baseline interview. It consists computer-based. Also, a functional group
of a pre-built set of questions organized by within a business that manages the
business function that are to be supplemented development and operations of the business’
by the analyst with relevant company terms and information systems.
other characteristics before use in driving the

G - 22 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Information Services Strategy Planning Integration Test A sequence of steps or set of
Method (ISSPM) A method that aligns procedures to verify the inter-operability of
information technology priorities with business various system components; see also SYSTEMS
strategies and defines the approach to take to INTEGRATION TEST.
achieve those goals.
Inter-Company Transaction A transaction
Information Warehouse see DATA WAREHOUSE. between two legal entities that share common
ownership, for example, under the same
Initial Deliverable A deliverable is initial if it is holding company. The two companies usually
intended to be updated later. An initial have an account relationship (for example, an
deliverable is usually preliminary and its inter-company suspense or clearing account)
content changeable by a later task when more that facilitates inter-company accounting.
information is known.
Internal Equity Measure of the fairness of a
Initialization Parameters Parameters defined job’s compensation when compared to similar
in an initialization file that configure an Oracle jobs within the same organization.
Database Server. The parameters affect how
the database performs. Internal Concurrent Manager A concurrent
manager process that monitors, controls, and
Input Process-Output (IPO) A technique is a dispenses requests to all other concurrent
generic modeling tool that was designed for manager processes.
framing complete process specifications by
identifying: inputs, rules, process step Interface 1. A linkage between systems which
descriptions, tools, and outputs. can be either automated (via software
programs) or procedural (manual). 2. A
Installation The loading of an instance of an declaration of a collection of operations that
application system that is complete, tested, may be used for defining a service offered by an
operational, and ready. An installation includes instance. (UML 1.1 Semantics).
all necessary software, hardware (including
terminals, networks, etc.) and documentation, Interface Programs A set of programs that
and includes all required data; see also systematically link two or more systems to each

Instance 1. An entity to which a set of Internal Process Step A process step that is
operations can be applied and which has a state performed within the business area; see also
that stores the effects of the operations (UML EXTERNAL PROCESS STEP and PROCESS STEP.
1.1 Semantics); see also DATABASE INSTANCE.
Internet Computing Architecture An Internet-
Integration Fit Analysis A statement of fit and based framework that provides communication
gaps for integration points between unique in a multi-tier architecture. Also known as the
applications and installations of the same Internet Computing Model.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 23

Intranet A network of computers that are Iteration Indicates the number of times or
internal to a company. A company's intranet is degree to which a task or task group should be
basically a local extension to the globally- repeated, in order to either increase the quality
distributed Internet, which is a global inter- of the task/group deliverables to a desired
connected network of computers and smaller level, to add sufficient level of detail, or to
computer networks. refine and expand them on the basis of user
feedback. A task or group may be “singly
Inventory Organization A fundamental Oracle iterated” (the expectation is that it will be
manufacturing and distribution application performed without repetition in the project), or
functional configuration parameter. The “multiply iterated” (it will be performed
inventory organizations are derived by successively, multiple times), resulting in a
mapping inventory or manufacturing business single deliverable for each task (note this is not
organizations onto Oracle Applications. true for multiply instantiated tasks). For
Typically they will be manufacturing plants, multiple iterations, it is important for planning
warehouses, divisions, or departments. purposes to give notes on the number of times
or the degree to which a task or group should
IPO see INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT. be iterated, based on experience; see also
Iterative Build Iterative construction of an
ISSPM see INFORMATION SERVICES STRATEGY information system by means of a cycle of code
PLANNING METHOD. (or generate), test, review, starting from a
prioritized (MoSCoW) list of requirements and
Issue A situation or concern which requires a
guided by user feedback; see also MOSCOW
resolution. Some issues, if not addressed, could
adversely impact the success of a project.
Iterative Development The application of a
repeating cycle of the same or similar activities
Item Master The master list of all items performed on the same piece of functionality
available for transaction within a product group that improves or grows into completion
containing Oracle manufacturing applications. through the iterations.
It is also a key application functional
configuration parameter. J
Iterated Task (IT) A task that is repeated once JAR (Java Archive) File A collection of Java
for each iteration in order to increase the quality classes compressed into a single file for faster
of the deliverable to a desired level or to add download to a desktop client.
more detail to the deliverable. Iterated tasks
are shown as discrete in the workplan; see also

G - 24 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Java A computing language used, among other Job Classification Process of using job
things, to produce programs that can be descriptions to organize jobs within a given
downloaded and run on a desktop client using organization into classes on the basis of duties
a web browser. It is also used to produce and responsibilities. Persons within the same
platform-independent programs that run on a job classification are thought to be equally
server, either interactively or when invoked qualified for all other positions within that
through a request from a web browser; see also class; see also GRADE LEVEL.
Job Content Duties and responsibilities of a
Java Class Components of a Java program that particular position; see also JOB STRUCTURE.
define objects and operations performed on
objects. In the Architecture and Installation Job Description Written description of a job;
manuals, Java class also identifies an operating typically includes job title, summary of major
system file that contains a program or part of a responsibilities, authority and accountability
program written in Java. (including reporting relationships), traits or
attributes important to the job, and description
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) A Java of tasks.
programming interface that enables Java
programs to execute SQL statements and access Job Design/Redesign Creating or adjusting job
databases, such as the Oracle Database Server. content to meet new requirements (dictated by
new organizational objectives and/or
Java Virtual Machine An interpreter that technology-induced change effort); some jobs
translates a compiled Java program, called may be absorbed by other departments or
bytecode, to machine code. JVM makes Java disappear.
portable, because each operating system's JVM
translates bytecode to instructions that the Job Enlargement Adding additional but
microprocessor can execute. An appletviewer similar duties to a job; also called Horizontal
or Java-enabled web browser has an internal Loading.
JVM that allows it to execute applets or
applications written in Java. Job Enrichment Adding more responsibility or
authority to a job; also called Vertical Loading.
Job Evaluation Analyzing the content of a job
Jintitator A browser plug-in that runs a Java to determine level or grade and commensurate
applet or application. compensation.

Job Analysis Process of obtaining information Job Incumbent Person currently performing
about jobs; may involve content analysis, the job.
interviews, observation, questionnaires, diaries.
Job Inventory List of tasks presented to job
incumbents to verify whether they perform
these tasks and to answer qualifying questions
about them.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 25

Job Performance Demonstration of skills or KPI see KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR.
competence in a job; sometimes measured by
productivity. KSAO Knowledge, skills, aptitudes, and
orientation (attitudes, values, etc.).
Job Structure Duties and responsibilities of a
particular position; see also JOB CONTENT. L
Job-Person Matching Analyzing skills profiles
Labor Cost see COST.
and worker specifications to determine the best
fit between workers and jobs. Labor Cost Rate The rate (internal cost) for
each consulting grade level for delivering
services to a client.

K Labor Fee see FEE.

Key A way of accessing something. Any set of Labor Fee Rate The rate (price) for each
columns used for retrieval of rows from a table; consulting grade level charged for delivering
see also COLUMN and UNIQUE IDENTIFIER. services to a client.

Key Deliverable A key deliverable represents LAN See LOCAL AREA NETWORK.
the culmination, end result, or major milestone
of activities performed during a Phase. A major Latency In networking, the amount of time it
deliverable that is usually reviewed with the takes a packet of data to travel from a source to
client, signed off, and placed under change its destination. Latency is imposed on the
control. Key deliverables should not be network by devices that delay the forwarding of
confused with deliverables produced by core network packets. The speed and capacity of a
tasks. Core tasks produce the minimum set of network depend on both bandwidth and
deliverables needed for every project; key latency; see also BANDWIDTH.
deliverables represent the end result and define
the end of each phase. However, not every key Leaf Function An function that is not
deliverable is created for every project. For decomposed at the bottom of a function
example, an integration-tested system will only hierarchy. It may be a leaf function because
exist on projects where interfaces are definition is incomplete; see also ATOMIC
constructed; see also DELIVERABLE. FUNCTION.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) A significant Learner Any individual engaged in acquiring
measure used on its own, or in combination new skills, attitudes, or knowledge, whether
with other key performance indicators, to with a specified sequence of instruction
monitor how well a business is achieving its (intentional) or a random assortment of stimuli
quantifiable objectives. (incidental).

Key Resource A person with a wide range of Learning Styles psychological traits that
skills or experiences who can be effective in determine how individual learners and cultural
many types of tasks, or is critical to the groups of learners may perceive, interact with,
completion of a specific task. and respond to learning environments.

G - 26 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Learningware Instructional material created to Load Balancing Distributing tasks to the server
facilitate learning, including paper-based, that is least busy when several servers are
technology-based and instructor-led media; in handling the same workload. For example, the
OCM, instructional material generated from a Oracle Forms Load Balancing Cartridge has a
custom training curriculum plan, designed to single coordinator (the Metrics Server) that
re-skill individuals within the IS department, monitors load information from other forms
end-user, and management communities during servers and determines which server currently
a new technology implementation. has the lightest load. Upon receiving a request
from a forms client, the Forms Metrics Server
Legacy Application Interface A heterogeneous can balance the processing load by instructing
interface between Oracle Applications and a the forms client to connect to the forms server
pre-existing and preserved legacy system. that has the lightest load. This server is called
the least loaded host.
Legacy System An existing system repository
of information and processes. LOB see LINE OF BUSINESS.

Legal Entity A high level business organization LOCAL Under Windows NT, an environment
that operates within the bounds of a specific set setting that identifies the network alias of an
of legal requirements (including currency), ORACLE instance running on the local machine
typically pertaining to tax regulations and or on another networked machine. This variable
reporting requirements overrides any setting for ORACLE_SID and
causes the Net8 software to manage the
Line of Business (LOB) Each service within connection request; see also ORACLE_SID and
Oracle Services is a line of business. For TWO_TASK.
example, Custom Development, Application
Implementation, and Business Process Local Area Network A limited-distance, high-
Reengineering are all lines of business. speed, data communications network that
allows various data processing resources to be
Link Test A test to identify errors in linked connected and shared. A LAN is a network
modules of an application system. Link testing contained within a single physical site (one or
is an extension of module testing carried out on more buildings), as opposed to a WAN; see also
a number of levels of detail. Examples include, WIDE AREA NETWORK.
linked modules of a program, linked programs
of a functional area or subsystem, and linked Local Currency The denomination of currency
subsystems of the complete application system. used for transactions in a particular local
The link test is usually a white box test; see also finance business location.

Live Implementation process has ended and

the solution is put into production.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 27

Localization 1. An enhancement or
modification necessary to support specific site
requirements not addressed by the base Management The process of planning,
configuration hardware and software. It is
controlling, and completing the execution of an
developed by and purchased from Oracle.
These site specific requirements generally
satisfy a government or regulatory agency Manual Function A business function that is
requirement, although localizations are not not system-assisted; see also BUSINESS
limited to this purpose. 2. Modules that extend FUNCTION.
Oracle Applications to meet the unique business
requirements of one or more geographic Manufacturing A high-level business function
regions. responsible for manufacturing or assembling
products; often synonymous with a business
Localization Approval The agreement to organization; see also BUSINESS ORGANIZATION
modify the company standard software and TYPE.
hardware configuration relative to the site
requirements. Mapping A technique for establishing
application fit to business requirements,
Localization Tape A tape containing identifying gaps and proposing initial solutions.
localization programs to be installed to the Also a technique to define the relationship
applications software. between objects; see also APPLICATION FIT and
Mapping Scenario A plan for and record of
Logical Application Architecture A complete
business solution testing including: business
map of the application instances required to
processes involved in the test, the business
support the applications architecture.
conditions that are needed to test the
Logical System Design The task of designing a application system, definition of test script
system to support business needs without execution, support tools required during
making final decisions regarding the physical execution of the test, and a record of test
implementation. The same logical design actions; see also BUSINESS SOLUTION TESTING.
should be appropriate for many physical Mapping Team A group of people responsible
implementations using; for instance, different
for the modeling, design or mapping for a
versions of a database management system.
particular business process.
Look and Feel The appearance and behavior of
Margin Amount The difference between the
a system facility as perceived by the end user.
costs (labor, expenses, and overhead) and
This includes the data, layout, and user
revenue plus expense reimbursements
interaction through menus, buttons, text
expressed as a currency amount.
editing, and other devices.
Margin Percentage The ratio between the
margin amount and costs, expressed as a

G - 28 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Marketing A high-level business function MI see MULTIPLY INSTANTIATED TASK.
responsible for marketing functions within a
company; often synonymous with a business MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second) a
organization; see also BUSINESS ORGANIZATION measure of computer processing capacity.
Matrix Diagram A spreadsheet diagram where
the axes represent two associated types of MO see MULTIPLY OCCURRING TASK.
elements of interest to information systems
developers. A matrix diagram used to express Module A logical program unit. Examples
a mapping. include: forms, reports, user exits, C programs,
PL/SQL procedures, and database triggers; see

Mechanism 1. A particular technique or Module Integration Test A test of related

technology for delivering a function. Examples modules in an application system using
might be a telephone, a computer, or an scenario test specifications.
electronic mail service. 2. Resources that
enable or facilitate the step/sequence in a test Module Network A technical diagram of
scenario. modules in an application system that expresses
the possible execution paths of business
Megabyte (MB) A unit of memory or disk transactions.
space equal to 1,048,576 bytes (1024 x 1024).
Often rounded to one million bytes. Module Process Test Model A detailed testing
model for the development and execution of
Method 1. A system of doing things and testing. It is identical to the System Process Test
handling ideas. A method establishes a Model, with the addition of module references.
network of common tasks, a vocabulary, a set of
common processes, estimates, and guidelines Module Test A procedure or sequence of steps
for delivering services. 2. The implementation that determines whether a module functions
of an operation. It specifies the algorithm or properly in isolation from other system
procedure that effects the results of an components, and conforms to project standards.
operation (UML 1.1 Semantics).
MoSCoW List Must have, Should have, Could
Method HelpText The automated form of have, Won’t have — a way of classifying and
Oracle Method’s handbooks included with prioritizing requirements or facilities for
every route. This may be accessed directly inclusion in an information system. This
mechanism is used in timeboxed development
from the Windows desktop or from within
where the scope may need to be redefined
Project Bridge Modeler or Project Workbench;
according to the rate of progress. The Must
also called online help.
have is vital and hence must be developed or
Metrics Server A software server that manages included; the Should have is important, but not
and distributes requests from forms clients vital; the Could have is nice to have, but not
among multiple forms servers; see also LOAD really important; and finally the Won’t have is
BALANCING. not developed or included; see also TIMEBOX.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 29

MRC see MULTIPLE REPORTING CURRENCY. Multiply Instantiated Task (MI) A task that
may be performed at various times during a
MSOB see MULTIPLE SETS OF BOOKS project, such as status reports or healthchecks,
ARCHITECTURE. or a task that is partitioned on a project plan,
for example, by multiple teams or functional
MTEWA Machines, tools, equipment, and areas.
work aids used to perform a task.
Multiply Occurring Task (MO) A task that is
Multiple Language Support (MLS) Oracle repeated at specific, known times during a
Applications MLS allows the use of multipule project. A multiply occurring task is similar to
simultaneous character sets, and provides a multiply instantiated task, except the specific
translated messages, help files, and seed data occurrences of the task can be planned at the
for languages other than American English. method level. Each occurrence has specific task
dependencies which determine when it occurs.
Multiple Organization Architecture (Multi-
Org) A single installation of any Oracle Multi-Tier Architecture A computing model in
Applications product to support any number of which various functions are distributed among
organizations or different sets of books. The multiple levels, or tiers, of machines. Typically
data contained in product schemas is for all there are at least three such tiers: desktop
organizations and is partitioned by the ORG_ID clients issuing user requests, back-end servers
column in tables. used for database processing and other
intensive tasks, and a middle tier that mediates
Multiple Reporting Currency (MRC) An connections between the two; see also INTERNET
Oracle Applications feature that allows you to COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE.
create, maintain, and report on accounting
records at the transaction level in more than one
functional currency. N
Multiple Sets Of Books Architecture (MSOB) National Language Support (NLS) Oracle
An older Oracle Applications mechanism for Applications NLS allows the use of various
implementing an organization or group of character sets and provides translated
organizations that shares a common Accounting messages, help files, and seed data for
Flexfield structure, calendar, and functional languages other than American English.
currency. With MSOB architecture, you must
define at least one set of books for each business Near Real-Time Interface An application
location. This architecture is no longer interface that supports asynchronous transfer of
supported by Oracle Corporation. MSOB data between applications. It transfers data
architecture is superseded by the newer with a sufficiently small time delay so as to
Multiple Organization Architecture; see also leave the interfaced applications in states that
MULTIPLE ORGANIZATION ARCHITECTURE. are very close to synchronized.

G - 30 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Net8 The Oracle product that enables network
connectivity between a client machine and the
Oracle8 Database Server. Net8 manages O see ONGOING TASK.
communication sessions between these
machines by opening and closing sessions and Object Orientation (OO) The perspective that
by packaging and sending SQL statements and systems should be constructed from objects,
data responses. Prior to the Oracle8 Database which themselves may be aggregations of
Server release, Net8 was called SQL*Net. smaller objects.
NLS see NATIONAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT. Object Technology (OT) The technology,
programming languages, development tools,
Node A single computer, group of computers,
databases, and so on, introduced to support
or mechanism for handling some
object-oriented systems development.
communication traffic through a particular
point on a computer network. Objective A statement of business intent that
may be measured quantifiably.
Non-Billable Project Expenses The project
expenses that are not billable to a client; see also OC see ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS.
Non-Billable Utilization The utilization that is MANAGEMENT.
not billable to a client; see also UTILIZATION.
Non-Revenue Entity A legal entity that
performs services on behalf of another entity. OLAP see ON-LINE ANALYTICAL PROCESSING.
Such services are usually performed in
exchange for an inter-company service fee. OM see ORACLE METHOD.

Normalization A step-by-step process of Ongoing Task (O) A task that occurs

analyzing the data to be represented in order to continuously throughout a project, rather than
eliminate data redundancy. It produces either at a specific known time. Ongoing task are
entity or table definitions that have: shown as continuous on the workplan; see also
• no multi-value attributes or columns
• the same kind of values assigned to On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) On-
all occurrences of any given attribute line retrieval and analysis of data to reveal
or column business trends and statistics not directly visible
in the data directly retrieved from a data
• a unique name warehouse. Also know as multi-dimensional
• uniquely identifiable rows

Null The state of a data item indicating no OO see OBJECT ORIENTATION.

value. Null is not equivalent to zero.
Open Systems Organizational systems that are
influenced by and interact with their

Oracle Method Glossary G - 31

Operating System The computer software that ORACLE_SID An environment setting that
performs basic tasks such as allocating memory identifies an ORACLE instance running on the
and allowing computer components to current machine. See also TWO_TASK and
communicate. LOCAL.

Operational Datastore (ODS) A data Oracle Survey Tool A customizable database

warehouse that is a repository for near real-time of questions used by Organizational Change
operational data rather than long term trend Management to generate surveys, data
data. analyses, and graphical reports for assessments.

Optional Tasks Additional tasks that may ORACLE User ID A username and password
need to be completed during an implementation used to access an ORACLE instance.
or migration due to specific project
circumstances. Organization see BUSINESS ORGANIZATION.

ORACLE_HOME An environment setting that Organization Type see BUSINESS ORGANIZATION

specifies the top directory for Oracle Database TYPE.
Server program files.
Organization Unit An element that represents
Oracle ID An account on a database, part of the structure of a business. An
comprised of a database username and organizational unit can represent an entire
password. business, a group or department within the
business, a person within a group or
Oracle Method (OM) Oracle Services' department or a role; see also AGENT, BUSINESS
integrated service methodology which consists UNIT, and AGENT CHANNEL.
of workplans, handbooks, and templates used
to provide enterprise business system solutions. Organizational Change Management (OCM)
An Oracle Services line of business providing
ORACLE Schema see SCHEMA. change management expertise to organizations
seeking to manage the human and
Oracle Server The database management organizational factors involved with
system used by Oracle Applications. The term implementing new technology. Organizational
refers in general to the product files or the change management includes five service areas:
ORACLE instances created using these files. organizational effectiveness assessments,
organizational communications, human
Oracle Server Manager An Oracle Database performance and development, leadership
Server utility that allows DBAs to start, stop, development, and custom training; see also
Oracle Services An Oracle Corporation CUSTOM TRAINING.
business organization that provides
professional services.

G - 32 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Organizational Communications (OC) A Overhead The operating expenses associated
Organizational Change Management area that with delivering services, such as rent, light,
assists organizations in developing and heat, taxes and non-billable utilization.
implementing communication and feedback
programs that seek to optimize information and Overhead Factor A rate multiplier associated
buy-in while minimizing resistance to change with a category of overhead, e.g., Corporate,
and promoting a unified vision and open Division, or Practice; see also OVERHEAD.
communication among levels of the
organization. P
Organizational Culture The shared constructs Parallel Concurrent Processing In a UNIX
(concepts, modes of thinking, views of itself and environment, distribution of concurrent
others) of an organization. processes among multiple concurrent
processing servers. Also called DISTRIBUTED
Organizational Effectiveness The qualitative
state at which the organization is functioning to
meet its goals. Includes quality of Parameter A value passed to a command. A
organizational communication, relevance of the parameter can be a file specification, a symbol,
performance support system, ability of or word understood by the program.
executives to manage to objectives, core
competencies and skills, etc. Partition A discrete part of the total
functionality that is developed in a project. A
Organizational Effort Any activity or set of partition may be a single module, but more
activities implemented systematically by an often it will be an entire sub-system. A
organization to achieve a particular goal. partition may be related to a business area.
Partitioning a system also implies a partitioning
Organizational Readiness The state of an
of the project that develops the system. A
organization’s potential to manage change
separate team develops each partition; see also
successfully. Involves a consideration of an
organization’s high-impact leverage points for
change, as well as any change impediments. Password An identification word associated
with a username that the user must supply to
Organizational Structure The arrangement of
access an ORACLE instance or an Oracle
jobs into groups, departments, or business units
Applications system.
within a given organization.
Payment Milestone A significant project event
Outsourcing The practice of appointing an
at which time a payment is due. Payment
external organization to provide any or all of
milestones can be progress points, dates, the
the services of the IS department or any other
completion of a task or the production of a
internal service department.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 33

Payment Terms The terms and conditions Performance Technology The field of expertise
upon which payments will be received from a within organizational development/behavior to
client. set up performance management systems in
support of meeting performance expectations.
Phase A chronological grouping of tasks in an
PDF see PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT. approach. Services are delivered by phase in
order to reduce project risk. Each phase allows
Percentage Adjustment Estimate Total a checkpoint against project goals, and
estimate adjusted for organizational factors. measurement against quality criteria to be
Performance Assurance Test (PAT) A project
concerned with simulating an implemented Phase Completion The project management
business system for the purposes of predicting tasks which conclude and secure client sign-off
its likely performance. of a phase.
Performance Management Establishing and Phase Control The project management tasks
monitoring performance criteria/standards that which execute concurrently with phase
contribute to organizational objectives; typically execution, and perform project monitoring,
involves goal-setting, measurement, feedback, directing, and reporting functions during a
rating/appraisal, rewards and recognition, and phase.
career development.
Phase Execution The method execution tasks
Performance Support Practice An established performed during a project phase.
or customary set of actions that reinforces or
encourages the execution of a particular Phase Management The project management
behavior or set of behaviors, for example, tasks required to plan, control and complete the
performance review, to meet performance execution of a project phase.
Phase Planning The project management tasks
Performance Support System An integrated which update project plans and procedures for
collection of all performance support a phase and secure additional resources
components (infrastructure, processes, necessary to execute that phase.
protocols, procedures, tools and practices) for a
given group or organization, designed to Physical Application Architecture A complete
reinforce or encourage the execution of map of the database instances, their sites, and
prescribed behaviors within the group. the application instances and Oracle Ids that
they support. This will incorporate aspects of
Performance Support Tool An instrument, the logical architecture, and the high level
such as a performance review form or formula designs for security and interfaces.
for the calculation of bonuses, that is designed
to meet the objectives of a given performance Pilot An initial project which will serve as a
support practice or system. model or template for future projects.

G - 34 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

PJM see PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHOD. Portable Document Format (PDF) A file format
developed by Adobe Systems. PDF files are
Plan A scheme, method or design for the snapshots of formatted document files and may
attainment of some objective or to achieve contain formatted text, graphics, color, and
something. images that are viewable, navigable, and
printable on multiple platforms. Use the free
Planned Response System The entire set of program Adobe Acrobat Reader to view a PDF
business processes in a business area that file.
respond in a predetermined way to a known set
of events; see also APPLICATION SYSTEM and Position Ranking Method of comparing whole
EVENT. jobs to one another to rank them in a hierarchy.

Planning (M&D) A high-level business Practice Management (PCM) Specifies the

function responsible for manufacturing and process, tasks, and responsibilities regarding
distribution planning for one or more the management of a consulting practice.
manufacturing and distribution business units; Specifically, this includes client management,
often synonymous with a business organization; project portfolio management, and staff
see also BUSINESS ORGANIZATION TYPE. training, recruitment, and growth.

Platform Specific computer hardware, as in the Pre-Sales Cycle The series of activities that
phrase “platform-independent.” It may also occur before the application was selected.
refer to a specific combination of hardware and
operating system and any additional software Predecessor A task that precedes another task
required by the platform to execute applications and is related to it by a task dependency; see
code, connect to other platforms across a also SUCCESSOR.
network, and provide services to other
platforms (for example, printing, processing, Prerequisite Something needed by a task,
data storing, etc.). It is also used to refer to which is produced by a previous task or an
support software for a particular activity. Sun external source; see also DELIVERABLE.
SPARC Solaris and DEC Alpha Windows NT
are examples of platforms. Some Oracle Primary Functional Currency The currency
Applications functionality is platform-specific, you use to record transactions and maintain
meaning its behavior may differ on other your accounting data within Oracle
platforms. Applications.

PL/SQL A procedural extension of SQL that Primary Set of Books A financial reporting
provides programming constructs such as entity in which you conduct business.
blocks, conditionals, and functions.
Problem A perceived variance between the
Policy A guiding principle, typically expected and observed ability of an item to
established by senior management, which is fulfill its defined purpose.
adopted by an organization or project to
influence and determine decisions. Problem Report The mechanism by which a
problem is recorded, investigated, resolved,
and verified.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 35

Problem Statement A concise phrase, motto, or Process Flow Diagram A diagram which
goal-oriented explanation of the motivation shows the triggering event(s), sequential flow of
behind buying a new application system. process steps, decision points, and deliverable
or outcome of a single process.
Pro*C An Oracle precompiler product that
allows developers of C programs to embed Process Label A unique reference, within an
standard database calls to an ORACLE application system, for a process.
database in C programs.
Process Modeling A structured approach used
Procedure A written set of steps that specifies to identify, define, and document the activity
how to carry out a business function. If the performed by a business to produce business
business function is system-assisted, its deliverables.
corresponding procedure will indicate how the
application system carries out that business Process Narrative A reduction of a new
function; see also APPLICATION SYSTEM and business process design down to a job-level
BUSINESS FUNCTION. description, thereby defining how the work gets
done and laying a foundation for development
Process 1. The sequential execution of of a user guide, role-based user training and
functions triggered by one or more events. 2. user certification or other types of readiness
A discipline or sub-project that defines a set of testing. One process narrative should be
tasks related by subject matter, required skills written for each business process; see also ROLE-
and common dependencies. A process usually BASED TRAINING.
spans several phases in an approach. Examples
are: Data Conversion, Testing, Documentation; Process Owner The agent with overall
see also BUSINESS PROCESS and SYSTEM PROCESS. responsibility for a complete business process;
could be the customer of the process, or the
Process Analysis A component of a business supplier (person or organization charged with
requirements scenario that facilitates fulfilling the request).
quantitative analysis and measurement of each
process step and compares the current to the Process Research A technique used in testing
proposed process in order to sell change to the feasibility of a process model and gathering
management and to key business people and facts. The approach involves answering
systems users. implementation questionnaires, reviewing
current process documentation, gathering
Process Characteristics Attributes that describe statistics regarding volumes or frequencies,
a process and how it works including understanding policy statements and measures
descriptive narrative for its steps, tools of performance, interviewing key users to
required, skill levels required, controls, and ascertain critical factors for success.
performance measures.

Process Flow The passing of execution of a

process from one process step to the next. It
may include the passing of information or
materials from the first step to the second.

G - 36 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Process Step An instance of the execution of a Program 1. A set of coded instructions that a
function as a step in performing a process. In a computer executes or interprets to perform an
fully-analyzed business process model, all automated task. 2. A interrelated group of
process steps are instances of elementary projects that are either being run concurrently
business functions. A business process step is or sequentially and that share a system goal.
normally composed of a series of procedure Individual projects may have different goals,
steps, where tools such as application screens, however the combined set of projects will have
reports and inquiries are used. Once a process a program goal.
steps begins, all of its procedure steps must be
completed in order to achieve an accurate and Program Library The physical location,
quality output. Business requirements are typically a networked server, used as a shared
defined at the process steps level, while job repository for all program information
definitions are at the procedure level. produced during the life of a program.
Contents include issue logs, meeting minutes,
Product Group Each separate application status reports, deliverable documents, working
instance of Oracle Application Object Library in papers, project plans, standards, tools, and
an Oracle database. A product group may configured software deliverables. The library is
contain any number of Oracle Applications designed to facilitate access to all archived
products in addition to the single instance of program and project deliverables by all
Oracle Application Object Library. members of a program.

Production Environment The database, Program Management Method (PGM) Part of

equipment, documentation, and procedures Oracle Method designed to provide value-
used in support of live business operations. added management, infrastructure, and control
to successfully manage complex enterprise-
Productivity Measured comparison of the wide implementations of Oracle technology.
quantity and/or quality of outputs and the PGM emphasizes commonality and reusability
quantity of resources required to produce them. for management and control processes,
execution processes, and hard and soft
Productivity Metrics Measure by which deliverables.
acceptable performance will be evaluated; may
include a time limit, accuracy tolerance, Program Office A project executed under the
proportion of correct responses required, sponsorship of program management that
and/or qualitative standards. establishes commonality and reuse across
multiple projects within a program.
Profile Option An Oracle Applications control
switch that a user can set to govern some aspect Project A set of work processes, tasks with
of system processing or user interface. associated deliverables and resources executed
over a specific period of time with
predetermined budget and business objectives.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 37

Project Bridge Modeler (PBM) Applied Project Life-Cycle The organization of a project
Business Technology tool used to build the according to its three major parts: planning,
project planning and estimating system. PBM execution, and completion.
allows project managers to select, edit, combine,
and create project workplans or routes, that Project Management Method (PJM) A method
best fit the needs of the client. which defines how a project is managed when
executed according to the requirements of
Project Completion The third and final part of Oracle Method.
the PJM project life-cycle. The satisfactory
conclusion of the project and settlement of all Project Milestone A significant project event.
outstanding issues prior to hand over of the
project deliverables to the client. Project Objectives The set of criteria for
measuring a project’s success.
Project Earned Value A measure of the value
of completed tasks in a project. There are Project Office The management of the project
various ways of measuring the value of a task. library for a specific project.
These include percentage on commencement,
percentage on completion, and amount at Project Partition Part of a project usually
milestone. representing a coherent set of facilities to be
developed by a single developer, commonly
Project Execution The second part of the PJM organized and managed as a sub-project.
project life-cycle. The carrying out of project
plans determined during planning for a method Project Planning The first part of the PJM
approach. Project execution also encompasses project life-cycle. The definition of a project
elements of control which analyze project with respect to scope, quality, time and cost.
performance and take corrective action as Project planning also determines the
needed. appropriate organization of resources and
responsibilities to execute a project.
Project Expenses Funds allocated or spent to
cover incidental or non-labor costs of a project. Project Schedule A list of tasks to be carried
out presented against a timetable for their
Project Infrastructure The framework for completion.
storing, maintaining, and referencing all
implementation deliverables and supporting Project Timeline A specification of work to be
materials including office space, software tools, carried out together with the number of
and standards. resources needed to achieve a target duration;
Project Library 1. A system for storing,
organizing and controlling all documentation Project Workbench (PMW) Applied Business
produced or used by the project. 2. The Technology tool used to schedule, track, and
physical location of all deliverables for a single analyze your project. PMW provides work
project, plus administrative and support breakdown structures based on the routes
materials. An administrative office to which all selected in Project Bridge Modeler and provides
members of a team have access. the capability to manage these plans.

G - 38 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Project Workplan A specification of the work Quality Review A review used to assess the
to be performed for a project, expressed as a set quality of a deliverable in terms of fitness for
of interdependent tasks with project resources purpose and adherence to defined standards
allocated over time. and conventions.

Property Any detail that serves to qualify, Questionnaire A written or electronic survey
identify, classify, quantify, or express the state instrument comprised of a series of questions,
of an element in a repository. designed to measure a specific item or set of
Prototype A facsimile of an end product used
to demonstrate a concept rapidly, check
feasibility, or gain acceptance.
Prototyping The construction of a partial
system to demonstrate some aspect or aspects RDBMS see RELATIONAL DATABASE
of the intended system behavior in order to gain
user acceptance or to establish technical
feasibility. Real-Time Interface An application interface
that supports synchronous transfer of data
Publish and Subscribe A data communication
between applications.
paradigm for implementing the data flow
between two or more applications. An event in Real-Time Support System (RTSS) An
a source application causes the application to electronic information system accessible by
‘publish’ a data object or message to the Oracle and the client.
potentially interested applications who
individually opt to ‘subscribe’ to the data object Real-Time System A system in which events
or message. The subscription of the interested control actual mechanisms. Real-time systems
applications to the data object or message often control machinery (for example, a control
causes a state change in the applications. system for an aircraft) and are often time- or
Contrast Request-Reply. safety-critical; see also EVENT.
PMW see PROJECT WORKBENCH. Record In a non-relational database system, a
record is an entry in a file, consisting of
Q individual elements of information, which
together provide full details about an aspect of
Quality Audit An audit used to assess the the information needed by the system.
adherence of the project team to plans, Individual elements are held in fields and all
procedures, and standards. records are held in files. An example of a
record might be an employee. Every detail of
Quality Management The means of the employee for example, date of birth,
implementing quality policy. On a particular department code, or full names will be found in
project this is achieved through quality a number of fields. In a relational system
planning; quality assurance; quality control; record is an alternate word for row; see also
and quality improvement. ROW.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 39

Record Type A predetermined set of fields Relational Database Management System
within a file. (RDBMS) A database management system in
which data can be viewed and manipulated in
Readiness State of a person's, group's or tabular form. Data can be sorted in any order
organization's potential to manage change and tables of information are easily related or
successfully. Involves a consideration of high- joined to each other.
impact leverage points for change, as well as
any change impediments. Relationship 1. What one entity has to do with
another. 2. Any significant way in which two
Reference Materials Documents that describe things of the same or different type may be
key aspects or samples for the current business. associated.
These are normally compiled before the project
starts and may have been used during the pre- Release A baseline issued from the CM
sales cycle. Repository for delivery to an a destination. The
destination may be internal to the project
Registry An embedded database that holds environment, such as for testing, or external,
configuration information for the Windows NT such as to the client.
operating system. During installation, Oracle
Applications writes data to the registry. You Remote Procedure Call (RPC) A protocol that
can also edit the registry directly with the allows a client to execute a program on a server.
Registry Editor (regedt32.exe). The client sends a message to the server with
appropriate arguments, and the server returns a
Registry Key A folder that appears in the left message containing the program's results.
pane of the Registry Editor window. A key can
contain subkeys and value entries. For Report An organized display of Oracle
example: Environment is a key of Applications information. A report can be
HKEY_CURRENT_USER; see also REGISTRY viewed online or printed. The content of a
SUBKEY. report can range from a summary to a complete
listing of values.
Registry Subkey A key within a key. Subkeys
are analogous to subdirectories in the registry Reporting Database A database used by
hierarchy. Keys and subkeys are similar to the reporting applications. Reporting databases are
section heading in .ini files. However, subkeys often duplicates of transaction databases used
can carry out functions. Oracle Applications to off-load report processing from transaction
stores important information about a product databases.
group in a registry subkey; see also REGISTRY
KEY and REGISTRY. Reporting Functional Currency A currency,
other than your primary functional currency,
Regression Test Specific assurance testing on for which you need to generate reports.
an application system release, after defects have
been corrected or enhancements have been Report Review Agent A tool used by Oracle
completed. Regression testing is required to re- Applications to view concurrent processing files
validate an application system, confirming that online.
prior validations have not regressed.

G - 40 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Reporting Set of Books A financial reporting Requirements Workshop A workshop, usually
entity that is associated with a primary set of attended by project sponsor, stakeholders, and
books. It has the same chart of accounts and developers, to provide a sufficiently detailed
accounting calendar, but usually a different definition for a developer to commence build.
functional currency. The definition will be further defined and
refined during development, particularly by
Repository A mechanism for storing any user reviews; see also USER REVIEW and
information about the definition of a system at WORKSHOP.
any point in its life-cycle. Repository services
would typically be provided for extensibility, Research and Development These business
recovery, integrity, naming standards, and a organizations are responsible for the research
wide variety of other management functions. and product development functions within a
Representative Sample A scientifically
selected group of individuals, who provide Resource Any persons, equipment, or material
information that allows mathematical inferences needed to perform a task(s).
to be made about the larger constituency they
are chosen to represent. Resource Category see CONSULTING GRADE
Request for Proposal The formal mechanism
by which a company conveys its business Resource Database A record of the resources
requirements during the search for a new available, primarily human resources, including
application system. Known as the RFP, this information about the skills and experiences of
document drives the pre-sales cycle and the resources.
provides valuable information into the business
requirements definition process of the Respondent In OCM, any individual who
implementation; see also PRE-SALES CYCLE. provides information in response to a survey,
such as a questionnaire or interview.
Requirement A requirement is a specific,
detailed business need which is to be compared Responsibility 1. A contract or obligation of a
with application functionality to determine if type or class. (UML 1.1 Semantics) 2. A
the need can be met with the standard Oracle collection of functions within an Oracle
software. Application. Each Applications user is assigned
one or more responsibilities to allow them
Requirements Scenario A requirements access to Applications forms.
scenario is a formal statement of detailed
business requirements for a process, the source Revenue Income from services labor fees,
of the requirements, how these requirements training fees, licensed product sales and
will be satisfied (either the application, manual support fees.
procedure, workarounds, or other application
solutions) and what prototyping steps must be Revision The authorized modification to a
taken to prove the design. configuration item.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 41

Rewards and Recognition Means by which Row An entry in a table that typically
individuals are reinforced or compensated for corresponds to an instance of some real thing,
certain behaviors; may be tangible/symbolic, consisting of a set of values for all mandatory
verbal/social, cash/non-cash, immediate or columns and relevant optional columns. A row
long-term. EX: bonuses, team celebrations, is often an implementation of an instance of an
profit-sharing, outstanding contributor awards. entity; see also COLUMN and TABLE.

Risk 1. The potential of an adverse condition RPC see REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL.
occurring on a project which will cause the
project to not meet expectations. A risk RTSS see REAL-TIME SUPPORT SYSTEM.
requires management assessment and a strategy
for its mitigation. 2. The logical product of the Rule of 3-2-1 A rule of thumb used during
impact of the risk and the likelihood of it process research that stresses the importance of
occurring. “walking the floor” and other practical
investigation over conference room interviews.
Role A classification of staff member used on a It means that roughly 3 hours of research are
project. Examples are: analyst, application normally required for every 2 hours of process
developer, system architect; see also RESOURCE. design and 1 hour of formal deliverable creation
(like creating a BRS using a template or other
Role-Based Training (RBT) A user training tool); see also PROCESS RESEARCH and BUSINESS
approach that focuses on developing REQUIREMENTS SCENARIO.
curriculum based on Oracle Application
responsibilities (i.e., roles) that have been S
defined and assigned to users. Application
responsibilities tie a user to a menu of functions Sales Business organizations that handle
that can be performed. An RBT curriculum typical sales functions, including generating
trains a group of users on these specific quotes and sales orders; see also BUSINESS
functions, using client data and highlighting ORGANIZATION TYPE.
client procedures.
Sample A statistically-significant subset
Rollback Segment A set of entries used to selected and analyzed to estimate the
undo changes in the database in the event of characteristics of a larger group or population; a
transaction rollback, crash, or media recovery. set of individuals within an organization
assessed to provide information on the
Rollback Tablespace A tablespace created for
preferences, opinions, attitudes, and practices of
rollback segments.
the group they represent.
Route A variation of a method containing all
Schema 1. An information model
tasks required in order to deliver a service; a
implemented in a database. A schema may be a
dependency network.
logical schema, which will define, for example,
tables, columns, and constraints, but which may
not include any optimization. It may be a
physical schema that includes optimization, for
example, table clustering. 2. An ORACLE
account or ORACLE ID.

G - 42 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Scenario A discrete instance of a system Server A program or machine that provides
process; see also MAPPING SCENARIO. resources, such as files, processing, or other
information, to other programs or machines,
Scenario Test Specification A component of a which are called clients. For example, the
test script which defines the test execution – it is Oracle Forms Server process runs on a forms
comprised of scenario information, system server (machine), and the Oracle Database
process information, a series of test steps, and Server (database process) runs on a database
their associated data profiles. server. Server processes may communicate
with other programs, such as desktop client
Scope The boundaries of a project expressed in processes or other servers. Do not use the term
some combination of geography, organization, server in an unqualified sense. Use Hardware
applications or business functions. Server, Applications Server.
Scope Change A change to project scope. A Service 1. Work performed (or offered) by a
scope change requires an adjustment to the server. This may mean simply serving simple
project workplan, and nearly always impacts requests for data to be sent or stored (as with
project cost, schedule or quality. file servers, gopher or http servers, e-mail
servers, finger servers, SQL servers, etc.) or a
Scope Creep The common phenomenon where
more complex work, such as that of irc servers,
additional requirements are added after a print servers, X Windows servers, or process
project has started without reconsidering the servers. 2. A Windows NT internal software
resourcing or timescale of the project. Scope routine that provides support for other
creep arises from the misapprehension that applications. The Oracle Database Server, Net8,
such small additions will not affect the project and Oracle Applications concurrent managers
schedule. all make use of services.
Scoping Workshop A workshop, usually Servlet A Java program executed on a web
attended by the project sponsor and developers, server rather than downloaded to a desktop
with the objective of defining the boundaries of client; see also APPLET.
the scope for an intended project prioritizing
requirements within the scope; see also Set of Books A company or group of
WORKSHOP. companies within Oracle Applications that
share a common chart of accounts, accounting
Script 1. A sequence of coded instructions
calendar, and functional currency. This concept
executed or interpreted by computer programs. is being superseded by the concept of a financial
2. A prescribed set of steps to follow when organization in releases of Oracle Applications
testing. starting with 10.6.
Security Profile A list of role-based security SGA see SYSTEM GLOBAL AREA.
Shared Localization A customization to an
Sequence A database object created such as a
application product required by more than one
table used to generate unique keys (sequence country.
Shared Product see DEPENDENT PRODUCT.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 43

Short Name An abbreviation for an Oracle Skills Profile Description of the skills held by a
Applications product (such as GL for Oracle particular job incumbent or group of
General Ledger). incumbents at a given point in time.

Shut Down The process of stopping an active Skills Set Collection of physical or mental
process, such as an ORACLE instance or a capabilities inherent in and available to a given
concurrent manager, to make it unavailable. individual.

SI see SINGLY INSTANTIATED TASK. SmartClient An implementation used with

Release 10 to provide client/server access to
Signoff Agreement with a client of the Oracle Applications. Use of SmartClient is no
successful completion of a project, project longer recommended by Oracle Corporation for
phase, or deliverable. new implementations.

Singly Instantiated Task (SI) A task which Software Management (SWM) A program
occurs once, at a specific time, during a project. management focus area project that defines and
establishes a common software infrastructure
Site A uniquely identifiable geographic for a multi-site implementation. Included items
location or place from which one or more are development environment; software
business organizations may be wholly or partly distribution; version control; and software
operating. configuration management methodology.
Site Based Configuration Specific Solution A solution is the resolution of the
modifications or enhancements made to the discrepancy between one or more gaps and one
company base configuration to support site or more standard application functions. A
requirements. The site base configuration must solution make take the form of a procedure,
remain integrated with the company base policy or customization.
configuration to maintain integrity of the
company base configuration; see also COMPANY Source Module A physical program unit. An
BASE HARDWARE CONFIGURATION. application system’s repository of source code
is controlled at the source module level.
Site Configuration The definition and
management of the site base configuration. SQL see STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE.

Skills Analysis The collection of data from SQL*Loader An Oracle Database Server tool
groups and individuals targeted in a specific used to load unstructured data from operating
training situation, to determine the existence system files into Oracle Database Server
and nature of any performance gap(s); used in a database tables.
skills assessment to determine training needs
and develop training goals and objectives to be SQL*Plus An Oracle program you can use to
translated into learningware recommendations. enter and run SQL commands and PL/SQL
blocks that store data in and retrieve data from
Skills Database see RESOURCE DATABASE. an ORACLE database.

G - 44 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

SQL Script A file containing SQL statements Sub-Process A process performed entirely
that you run, with a tool such as SQL*Plus, to within another process.
query or update ORACLE data.
Successor A task that follows another task and
Stakeholder A person, group, or business unit is related to it by a dependency link; see also
that has a share or an interest in a particular PREDECESSOR.
activity or set of activities.
Support Profile A section of a test scenario that
Standard A set of rules for measuring quality. identifies support tools required during
Usually, standards are defined for products execution of the test.
deliverables or deliverable components and
processes. Supporting Module A module that is not itself
an entry point in an application system.
Standard Request Submission A standard Supporting modules are generally shared
interface in Oracle Applications that lets you modules that provide functionality used by
run and monitor concurrent requests. multiple primary modules. They are usually
not referenced independently in user-oriented
State A recognizable or definable condition documentation. All PL/SQL packages,
that a system or an object can be in at some procedures, and database triggers are examples
point in its life-cycle. of supporting modules; see also MODULE.

State Transition A valid change of a system or Swim Lane see AGENT CHANNEL.
an object from one state to another, modeled on
a state transition diagram; see also STATE. Synonym 1. A name assigned to a table or
view that may then be used more conveniently
Store A collection of information or materials for reference. 2. An alternate name for an
used in a process. entity.

Storyboard A technique, borrowed from the Syntax The orderly system by which
film industry, for describing screen dialogues. commands, qualifiers, and parameters are
A storyboard consists of an ordered series of arranged together to form valid command
pictures illustrating stages of the dialogue. The strings.
pictures are annotated with notes about logic
and user input. SYS Username A database user which is
automatically created in Oracle Database
Structured Query Language (SQL) The ANSI Servers upon installation and initialization. This
internationally accepted standard for relational user owns the tables and database objects that
database systems, covering not only query but make up the Oracle data dictionary.
also data definition, manipulation, security, and
some aspects of referential and entity integrity. System A named, defined, and interacting
collection of procedures and processes, along
Subdirectory A directory that is contained with the organized deployment of people,
within another directory. machines, various mechanisms, and other
resources that carry out those procedures and
Sub-Function A business function that has a processes; see also APPLICATION SYSTEM.
parent function.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 45

System Architecture A representation of the System Process Test Model The overall basis
structure of an application system usually for testing the functional requirements of a
confined to essentials. system. The system process test model contains
scenarios, data profiles, and test specifications,
System Facility A part of an information but no module references.
system that supports an identifiable set of
business functions. A facility may be a single SYSTEM Tablespace Holds data dictionary
module or it may be a whole sub-system. tables owned by the SYS account. It is created
when you install the database.
System Function Something a computer
system does in order to support one or more System Test A project activity that tests an
business functions; see also APPLICATION SYSTEM application system over its complete life-cycle,
and BUSINESS FUNCTION. using scripts and associating scenario test
specifications into chronological sequences.
System Global Area (SGA). A reserved section
of main memory that provides communication System Test Flow A set of steps or a
between all database users and the ORACLE transaction sequence used in system or business
background processes. process testing.

System Interface The mechanism used to SYSTEM Username One of two standard
create connectivity between two systems. usernames automatically created with each
database (the other is SYS). This user owns the
System Operations Function A system views created on the data dictionary tables.
function that serves to support the continuing The SYSTEM username is the preferred
operations of the application system. Examples username to use when performing database
are backup, recovery, audit; see also maintenance. See also SYS USERNAME.
SYSTEM OPERATIONS PROCEDURE. Systems Integration Test A project activity
that consists of testing related application
System Operations Procedure A step-by-step systems using sequences or scripts from two or
indication of the way in which an application more systems which interface.
system executes a system operations function.
The system operations guide is a CDM
deliverable that is a compilation of all relevant
system operations procedures; see also Table The basic unit of storage in a relational
database management system, defined by one
System Process The response which an or more columns of data and a primary key. A
application system makes to an event. It table represents entities and relationships.
comprises the sequential execution of both Table Constraint A set of rules constraining
manually executed process steps which are
values in a combination of one or more columns
instances of manual functions and process steps
of a database table.
automatically executed by a computer system
which are instances of system functions.

G - 46 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Tablespace A logical portion of an ORACLE Technical Architecture The physical hardware,
database used to allocate storage for data and to network configuration, and software tools that
group related logical structures. For example, support the system architecture.
one tablespace may contain all of one Oracle
Applications product's database tables and Technical Assistance Request (TAR) Oracle’s
indexes. name for recorded problems. A TAR number is
a unique number assigned by WWSUP to track

Target Application The primary set of new Technical Platform Architecture Setup rules,
application modules that are within project guidelines, and principles that define the
scope. structure, functions, and relationships among
the hardware, systems software,
Task A unit of work that done in delivering a communications, and network facilities that act
service. A task is the smallest trackable item on as the technical foundation for the business
a project plan, and forms the basis for a work process, information, and application
breakdown structure. The minimum elapsed architectures. The technical platform
time for a task iteration or instantiation should architecture specifies the common or shared
be one day. The maximum should be two facilities and function of the facilities needed to
weeks; see also WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE. support the applications and data to meet the
needs of the business. It supports such
Task Dependency The relationship between established principles as data, devices, and
two tasks where the start or end date of the location independence and formal interfaces.
successor task is constrained by the start or end
date of the predecessor task. Technique A specific approach to performing
a task. A methodical means of handling and
Task Dependency Network A network of communicating complex details.
tasks and task dependencies where each node is
a task and each link is a task dependency; see Temporary Tablespace A tablespace used
also CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) NETWORK. when a SQL statement requires the creation of
temporary segments (for example, the creation
Task Group A set of tasks that should be of an index).
treated similarly. For example, they should be
performed at the same time, should be iterated Test Data Profile Specific test data values for
as a group, should be multiply instantiated as a performing a test.
group. A task group is represented on a
process flow diagram by enclosing the tasks in a Test Environment A combination of software
rectangle. and possibly hardware that provides a stable
environment in which to test newly developed
Task Step A discreet step to be done in software without elaborate preparation. A test
executing a task. environment might provide test data; data
structures; test scripts; automatic test execution;
TCP/IP See TRANSMISSION CONTROL test results recording; and test results analysis.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 47

Test Scenario An instance of an event. A Tier A set of hardware platforms that perform
point-in-time sample of the business conditions similar tasks. For example, client/server is a
and processing environment to be tested. Each two-tier architecture, with hardware platforms
scenario may include users working in multiple on the client tier connecting to machines on the
applications, performing online or batch server tier. A multi-tier architecture consists of
processing being performed. three or more tiers. In Release 11, hardware
platforms on the desktop client tier
Test Script A document consisting of a test communicate with hardware platforms on the
specification, a test data profile and instructions application tier, which in turn, communicate
for performing a test. with each other and with the hardware
platforms on the database tier.
Test Specification A set of steps or a
transaction sequence used in module; module Timebox A project management technique that
integration; system; systems integration; or fixes the duration and resources of a task, or a
entity testing. set of tasks, and forces the scope of the project
to be adjusted based on the time available to
Thin Client 1. A client is considered thin if the complete the task(s). The contingency for
personal database and Express Server are under-estimation of the work is provided by a
installed on the server and all processing occurs prioritized list of features left out if necessary.
on the server. 2. A low-maintenance desktop The contingency for over-estimation is provided
client, usually without a hard drive, intended by a prioritized list of features that should be
for optimal use in a multi-tier architecture added in if time allows.
environment. In a multi-tier environment,
server hardware platforms perform data Tool Software applications, deliverable
processing actions instead of the thin client. 3. templates, or any other utility suggested to
The client software that is running on the server facilitate the completion of a particular task.
hardware platform. See also TIER.
Top-Down Estimate A high-level work effort
Third-Generation Programming Language estimate. This type of estimate is derived by
(3GL) A programming language that uses taking a total project estimate and dividing it
procedural definitions to carry out tasks, and among the project’s phases, activities, and tasks.
typically uses record-by-record processing of
data. Procedural 3GL language structures Topical Essay A high-level illustration of how
include if....then....else, do....while statements and to satisfy a business need. A section of a design
others. document that specifies business needs, major
features, terms, and processing overview.
Third-Party Application Interface A
heterogeneous interface between Oracle Traceability The ability to trace an application
Applications and the application product of system component to its business requirement.
another vendor or an application developed ‘in-
house’. Train-the-Trainer An approach toward
training whereby inside resources take
ownership of delivering training to their peers
and associates.

G - 48 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Transaction Database A database used User A person who uses a system to perform a
primarily by transaction oriented applications. business function.

Transaction Interface An interface that User Preferences In many circumstances in

transfers transaction data between similar or computer systems there may be alternate ways
dissimilar applications. a user can influence the behavior of a utility,
user interface, or other system process.
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Typically set by adjusting values in a set of user
Protocol (TCP/IP) A popular industry-standard preferences; for example, in a program
networking protocol used for communication generator, preferences may be set for style,
between computers. performance, user interface behavior, and code
Trigger 1. A database object that executes
PL/SQL code based on a change to a database User Review A meeting at which some of the
table. 2. An Oracle Forms function that is facilities of a system are demonstrated to and
executed based on an event in the forms reviewed by user. The objective of a user
environment. review is to elicit feedback on which to base
future development and improvement of the
TWO_TASK With a UNIX operating system, facilities being reviewed.
an environment setting that identifies the
network alias of an ORACLE instance running Utility 1. A program or system function that
on the local machine or on another networked performs a job for the users, but does not
machine. This variable overrides any setting for provide or require user interaction (for
ORACLE_SID and causes the Net8 software to example, the calculation of interest); see also
manage the connection request. See also GENERATOR and TRANSFORMER. 2. A program
ORACLE_SID and LOCAL. that performs a job for developers or for
administrators (for example, Headstart
U utilities).

Uncontrolled Document A document which is Utilization The amount of time a staff member
produced once for information only, and is not books to a project accounting system; see also
subject to formal approval or change control. BILLABLE UTILIZATION and NON-BILLABLE
Unique Identifier Any combination of
attributes or relationships that serves, in all V
cases, to uniquely identify an occurrence of an
entity. Vanilla 1. Standard or plain. 2. An ice cream
Unit Test see MODULE TEST.
Variance The difference between a planned
Usability That quality of a system that makes it and an actual value; for example, budgeted
easy to learn, easy to use and encourages the hours vs. actual hours.
user to regard the system as a positive help in
getting the job done.

Oracle Method Glossary G - 49

Version The rendering of a configuration item White Box Test A test of all or part of an
which incorporates all of its revisions starting application system that requires knowledge of
from a given point. the actual code being tested. Module tests are
usually white box tests; see also BLACK BOX
Version Control A mechanism to manage TEST.
multiple revisions of files, documents,
programs, applications, or other items that Wide Area Network (WAN) A
undergo change. communications network that connects
geographically separated areas; see also LOCAL
View 1. A means of accessing a subset of data AREA NETWORK.
in a database. 2. A custom-tailored
presentation of the data in one or more tables. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) An
A view can be thought of as a stored query. organization of project tasks into a hierarchy for
scheduling and reporting progress.
W Work Effort see EFFORT.
Walkthrough Review of work in progress, Work Estimate see ESTIMATE.
usually taking the form of a presentation by a
developer to an audience of stakeholders or Workflow 1. The flow of work, step-by-step,
fellow developers who are encouraged to through a process, including inputs required,
comment and ask questions. The objective is to outputs produced, activities undertaken and
make sure that work is proceeding in the right decisions made. 2. The movement of
direction. documents around an organization for
purposes including sign-off, evaluation,
performing activities in a process and co-
writing. 3. The flow of inputs and outputs
linking one job or one task to the next in a work
Web Browser A program running on a desktop process.
client used for viewing documents formatted in
Work Schedule see PROJECT SCHEDULE.
HTML and running Java applets. A web
browser sends requests to a web server using a Workshop 1. A meeting attended by users and
special protocol (HTTP) to retrieve documents developers to create a plan, specification or
and Java applets. other documentation that can guide the
developers in their development tasks. 2. A
Web Client see THIN CLIENT and TIER.
meeting designed to facilitate interaction and
Web Server A type of application server that the exchange of information between
runs an HTTP listener. The term is also used by individuals or groups; see also REQUIREMENTS
some in an informal manner to describe the WORKSHOP, SCOPING WORKSHOP, and USER
software running the HTTP listener, as in "the REVIEW.
Apache web server".
Workstep A step within a task that may
produce a deliverable component.

G - 50 Glossary AIM Method Handbook

Worldwide Support (WWSUP) Oracle’s
support organization.

World Wide Web (WWW) A hypertext-based

system for browsing multimedia documents
that uses the Internet as its transport
mechanism. In a hypertext system, you
navigate among documents by following
hyperlinks, which take you to other documents.
Often simply referred to as the Web. See also



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