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//Average Rainfall

//This takes input from the keyboard, adds it and then divides by three for an average.

import java.util.*;

public class rainTest{

public static void main(String [] args){
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

int april, may, june, average,total;//Declares

System.out.println("Rainfall for April:");

april = sc.nextInt();//accepts value for april

System.out.println("Rainfall for May:");

may = sc.nextInt();//accepts value for may

System.out.println("Rainfall for June:");

june = sc.nextInt();//accepts value for June

total = (april + may + june);//adds the three months of rainfall

average =(total/3);//divides the three months to get average rainfall

System.out.println("Rainfall for April:\t" + april);

System.out.println("Rainfall for May: \t" + may);

System.out.println("Rainfall for June: \t" + june);

System.out.println("Average rainfall: \t" + (double)average);


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