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Model is simplified representation of relevant entities of some specific reality and their

In general model can be classified as follows:

 Iconic models
 Analogue models
 Symbolic models

1. Iconic Model

Iconic Model is representation of some specific entity.

Iconic Models can be represented in:
- Two Dimensions

Example: drawings, photos etc.

- Three Dimensions:

Example: scale model

2. Analogue Model

Analogue Model uses a set of properties to represent the properties of real life system.


Through diagrams

An Analogue Model can be built through:
- Two Dimensional Visualization:

Charts, Graphs, Diagrams

- Three Dimensional Visualization:

Analogue Devices
3. Symbolic Model

Symbolic Model is representation of entities of a system through symbols.

Symbols can be:
- mathematical
- logical
- computer programs

Deterministic Model

Model which provides a close-form solution to a problem and it does not contain element of
probability. Deterministic models involve optimization.


Linear programming, non linear programming, network optimization, dynamic programming

Stochastic Model

This model contains the element of probability.


Queuing theory, stochastic processes, reliability theory, and stimulation techniques.

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