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Many people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or

chance.However, others believe it results from careful planning. As far as I'm

concerned, success in life comes from both taking risks or chance and careful
planning.To put it simple, success results from taking risks or chance based on
careful planning in advance.
In my opinion I think that this statement is true.
First of all in life without a careful planning, you may never come
across the success chance. Most of the time, these chances are not apparent in
the life. You must use your intellect and knowledge to dig it out. Otherwise,
everyone can reach it without effort,it will not turn out to be any chance.
Secondly even you are lucky enough to have a good
chance you have to have the courage to assume the risk of her going on with it.
On the other hand there are people who
consider that, people who have careful planning can't take risks and chances will
have less opportunity to get success.
In conclusion,in my opinion in life if you
want to have success you need to take risks and chances.

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